After appearing at the sports summit in Tokyo and before they flew to Singapore, Prince Harry and his brother Nacho Figueras decided to go shopping. Nacho posted the above Instagram pic with this message: “Shopping for our wives. A big thank you to Tokyo for your generous hospitality and kindness towards us. And of course, for your continued support of @sentebale!” LOL – you mean that Harry’s trip doesn’t mean that there’s a Sussex split? You mean that Harry picked up something for Meghan at the duty-free shop?? Page Six had more gossip:
An insider gave further insight into the shopping spree, exclusively telling Page Six that Harry, 38, had “so much fun” and made no attempt to avoid being recognized.
“He didn’t even wear his hat out, we had the best time and everyone was so nice,” the source enthused. Figueras and Harry even took photos with “anyone who asked and waved at anyone who noticed them from afar,” the source told us.
Wow, Meghan’s hostage is getting so bold! Imagine, Harry and Nacho being warm and polite to fans during a shopping trip before their flight to Singapore. Too bad the All White Royals can’t go anywhere without being threatened with the guillotine, I guess.
Meanwhile, the Mail has a hilariously obsessive story about the history of Harry and Nacho’s friendship. All of the quotes and stories are old news, except that the Mail claims Nacho is called the “David Beckham of Polo” and I don’t think anyone calls him that except the British media. The Mail also wrote this line with a straight face: “His closeness to the couple is despite his public openness about his friendship with Harry and Meghan, who has previously insisted her family has a ‘basic right to privacy’, as well as even launching a royal-inspired scent.” Yes… how dare Harry and Meghan have friends when they also say they have a basic right to privacy???
Photos courtesy of Instagram, Cover Images, Backgrid, Instar.
- USA Rights Only – Singapore, Singapore – 6/5/17 The Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup at the Singapore Polo Club. -PICTURED: Prince Harry, Nacho Figueras -PHOTO by: Steve Parsons/PA Images/ -31573581.jpg Editorial Rights Managed Image – Please contact for licensing fee and rights: North America Inquiries: email or call 212.414.0207 – UK Inquiries: email or call + 7715 698 715 – Australia Inquiries: email Êor call +02 9660 0500 Ð for any other Country, please email ÊImage or video may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene / Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have – reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image or video. If you are in violation of our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image or video, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damage.
- Santa Barbara, CA – Prince Harry plays his last polo game in Santa Barbara before heading to London with his family to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Harry’s side Los Padres won the Lisle Nixon Memorial Final event in “sudden death” extra time 15-14 against Mokarow Farms on Sunday (May 29). Harry’s Argentinian friend and teammate Nacho Figueras scored the winning point. There was no sign at the game of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Harry was named as “H. Wales” on the scoreboard. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 29 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Santa Barbara, CA – Prince Harry plays his last polo game in Santa Barbara before heading to London with his family to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Harry’s side Los Padres won the Lisle Nixon Memorial Final event in “sudden death” extra time 15-14 against Mokarow Farms on Sunday (May 29). Harry’s Argentinian friend and teammate Nacho Figueras scored the winning point. There was no sign at the game of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Harry was named as “H. Wales” on the scoreboard. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 29 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Santa Barbara, CA – Prince Harry plays his last polo game in Santa Barbara before heading to London with his family to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Harry’s side Los Padres won the Lisle Nixon Memorial Final event in “sudden death” extra time 15-14 against Mokarow Farms on Sunday (May 29). Harry’s Argentinian friend and teammate Nacho Figueras scored the winning point. There was no sign at the game of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Harry was named as “H. Wales” on the scoreboard. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 29 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Santa Barbara, CA – Prince Harry plays his last polo game in Santa Barbara before heading to London with his family to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Harry’s side Los Padres won the Lisle Nixon Memorial Final event in “sudden death” extra time 15-14 against Mokarow Farms on Sunday (May 29). Harry’s Argentinian friend and teammate Nacho Figueras scored the winning point. There was no sign at the game of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Harry was named as “H. Wales” on the scoreboard. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 29 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Santa Barbara, CA – Prince Harry plays his last polo game in Santa Barbara before heading to London with his family to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Harry’s side Los Padres won the Lisle Nixon Memorial Final event in “sudden death” extra time 15-14 against Mokarow Farms on Sunday (May 29). Harry’s Argentinian friend and teammate Nacho Figueras scored the winning point. There was no sign at the game of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Harry was named as “H. Wales” on the scoreboard. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 29 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- The Duke of Sussex at a polo match during the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup at the Aspen Valley Polo Club in Carbondale, Colorado in the United States. Featuring: Grant Ganzi, Nacho Figueras, Prince Harry, Steve Cox Where: Carbondale, Colorado, United States When: 25 Aug 2022 Credit: Kirsty O’Connor/PA Images/INSTAR/Cover Images **North America Rights Only**
- The Duke of Sussex at a polo match during the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup at the Aspen Valley Polo Club in Carbondale, Colorado in the United States. Featuring: Prince Harry, Nacho Figueras Where: Carbondale, Colorado, United States When: 25 Aug 2022 Credit: Kirsty O’Connor/PA Images/INSTAR/Cover Images **North America Rights Only**
😍💞 I had to get past the hotness to be able to read the article.
😡🥚is probably seething with envy. Harry has found his one true brother.
There was an article?
@Commentingbunny,🤭 😂 🤣
lol @CommentingBunny!
And they know what’s up with those expressions. They’re like, enjoy the hotness. But I’m sorry are they at Muji? Are they buying their wives some well made but affordable house wares? 🤣
If Meghan is anything like me she’d like some soap, pens, and maybe a burlap shopping bag (THE BEST).
I love Muji, and I think it would be a super cute souvenir from one of the original Muji stores. Obviously their wives aren’t hurting for high end house wares, but that’s kinda the point. It’s about doing something sweet and memorable, not buying something expensive, which isn’t an issue for any of them.
Tom Brady needs to learn from Nacho, the master of the thirst IG post. *fans myself* 🥵 I bet this post brightened Meghan’s day and probably made her laugh.
Why do I feel like these two goofs were trying on different pairs of sunglasses and when they matched, asked for a photo? 😂🤣😂
That is 12000% pass time at the airport with your buddy behavior. And it’s adorable.
Just to be clear. I think Harry is very intelligent and articulate and insightful.
I also am clocking this as two friends seeing pillars of sunglasses and trying to get each other to try on the most ridiculous ones.
I love it. The casualness of it all and the fun.
I am laughing because even Harry and Nacho’s photos show so much more fellowship than William and Kate’s. These photos scream “WE ARE COMPADRES!” and every single photo of William and Kate scream “WE NO LONGER LIVE IN THE SAME TOWN!” Ayyyyyyy
Hot. Too much.
@thatsnotok, agree, and David who? 😂😂😂
@ ThatsNotOkay, this entire trip is in hotness overload!!!! I actually think it has started a fire amongst many, many women, and men, to needing a cold shower!!! We have an 18 alarm FIRE here folks!!!
They are absolutely amazing together and I find the relationship adorable and lovely!!! Nacho IS Harry’s brother from another mother!! And I am so happy that the entire trip was a success too!!!
What exactly is an “royal inspired scent’?
Eau de Wiglet?
In Camilla’s case, I assume it’s eau d’horse.
It’s too early to laugh like I did when I read your comment. That’s a drink spitting comment. Thanks for the laugh.
Eau de Gin.
hahahaha im here laughing outloud in the car on lunch break
Hahahaaa! You beat me to it!
“I thought I smelled gin and regret”
The fragrance is called Windsor but is clearly named after the town and not the Royal family. Other fragrances in the line include Palm Beach, Dubai, Jaipur, Buenos Aires, and Aspen. AKA place names.
I guess the British rags’ reach doesn’t stretch as far as Tokyo. The Japanese seem to love Harry!
We get all the gossip here in minute detail, just nobody cares if it’s not the Japanese royal family.
@ Brassy Rebel, yes they do!!!! Let’s face it, the Britshidmedia and the BRF don’t even come close to the warmth and admiration that is bestowed upon Harry. I can’t think of any country in which he was booed or snubbed!!!
I am thoroughly enjoying every single morsel of this trip!!! They are having fun and enjoying each other as they always do!!! I love, love, love the bromance on display!!
Next up a picture of Peg shopping sunglasses with Zara’s disgusting husband ( i keep forgetting his name). It will be shot by adoring fans, of course.
Those two are hot AF and all around adorable.
Stay pressed, British media and Salty Isle trolls. You lost the best royal and he’s never ever ever getting back together. Haha.
Love it! I also love his and his brother from another mother’s fun vibe together. Ooh I bet they are mad mad back on ye old Salt Isle.
They seem so fun… I need Meghan and Delfina to show us a picture in the sunglasses
Honestly I was so distracted by the two of them I had to scroll back up to realise the shades are the mentioned gift for their wives (presumably/potentially). Honestly they can pull those styles off.
Delfina doing a post about who wore it best would be awesome and funny. Also, challenging.
They both look amazing. I’m glad they are having a good time
Now they are just trolling the British tabloids. “Shopping for our wives”.😂😂😂. They both look great.
I actually think that was sort of the purpose of the post. Obviously Nacho has seen those rumors being reported on and even commented that it was bullsh*t. So i think this was a very subtle pushback. And the derangers are not pleased at all. They are going off in Nacho’s comment section on instagram.
And I bet Nacho is laughing his @ss off at the derangers. Cue the pictures of Baldemort with Mike Tindall! Or wait, maybe they’ll order David Beckham to fly over and go shopping with William.
@chloe.yes I know that was the purpose of the post hence my trolling comment.
Oh! (Throwing) Shade. I missed that. Was too busy looking at the forearms.
Nacho and Harry said (to the tabloids): SHUT YOUR FACE!!!
@layla, exactly, but how long before we see Khate decked out in a Beckham dress and Billy in Beckham sun glasses
+1000 @Layla.
One of the many things I love about Nacho is that he DNGAF and has Harry’s back. He’ll use interviews and social media to support his brother openly.
Oh my ,the real brother and what an improvement on the other .
Loved that post ,it was such an up yours to all the rumourmongers .
So good to see the wonderful bond these gorgeous men have .
Brothers indeed. I was thinking the same thing and how it must burn William that he no longer has control of Harry.
Huh, it’s almost like the Sussexes have carefully chosen friends who respect their boundaries as to which aspects of their lives they’d like to remain strictly private. Real friends tend to do that, rather than shooting off their mouths as an anonymous “source close to the couple”.
I so wish Nacho could have been best man and Harry would have had had a loving brother from another mother by his side.
I feel like Nacho’s attitude in posting that picture was very “come at me.” He’s clearly over the trolls lol. There were a lot of nasty comments in his IG but it was fun to see how quickly they were shot down by other IG accounts.
Harry and Nacho are having a great time and it is fun to see.
also, eye roll at the idea of Nacho’s friendship being questionable because he is so “public” about them. It’s clear everything he says about them he has their permission to say, since he was in their docuseries. And as it is….he barely says anything about them. Maybe the press is just salty he shut down the divorce rumors with two letters, LOL.
@becks1 @kaiser how long do you reckon before we get snaps shoved in our faces of W kissing Mike Tindall again? Or will he rope someone else this time
His one “on call” black friend, probably
They look they’re having a good time
If the best revenge is living your best life then I think Harry is ahead of the game. Love that Nacho is suddenly a ‘bad guy’ because he doesn’t take any crap from the tabs about H&M. Harry’s brother from another mother, much better than the other brother.
Awwww, they’re adorable. Perfect summer fun! and Harry is doing his “You Coulda Had A Bad Bitch” to William and I’m loving it!
From the descriptions there definitely seems to be a lightness to him on this trip. Not that he’s overly serious the rest of the time (far from it) but we’re getting a glimpse into him on a trip with one of his close friends and they’re just having fun. Having read Spare I couldn’t be happier for him.
Harry and his real brother Nacho. They had a successful trip to Japan now back home.
Nope. Singapore it is!
Harry and Nachos have the brotherhood that the BM so desperately wanted William and Harry to have.
There was a post on twitter yesterday of one of the rag reporters ADMITTING that they created this ‘story’ of willy and H being really close/brothers in arms, that in fact this was not true, they were never close. In fact there was intense rivalry between them even as kids. So, so much for willy claiming he had always held his brother close/had his arms around him or whatever nonsense words he used.
Ooh, can you post the link?
My mouth dropped when I saw that picture and comment. They are ridiculously attractive and that comment was cute AF.
same. the pose, the facial expressions, the caption…awesome.
Yum! Is that sexist? Sorry, not sorry.
I’d answer your question but I’m too busy looking at the polo uniforms.
Those two are hilarious! I ran to IG to follow Nacho.
Where are they getting the Daily Fail staff writers? That sentence makes no sense. Sounds like drunk texting.
That was my thought, sentence makes no sense but didnt bother rereading ’cause, well, ‘my eyes, my eyes’ (I avoid expending energy on fail content).
Right @MsIam. The Fail writer, is basically saying that because Nacho has a close relationship with Harry (and Meghan), he is breaking their privacy by publicly supporting their relationship?
Even though the BM (and the Fail) have written articles about Harry & Nacho’s relationship prior to Meghan it’s now a thing? Hate sharing this one, not the first time around. But, this is not new news.Don’t click on the link if you don’t want to give them clicks. Nacho has defended them many times before. Great friend. The British Media is effin nuts.
It’s getting hot in here.
OMG!! Can u say yummy sandwich?!?
I’m bummed cos H visit is in the middle of my monthly deadline. Was hoping to hang around, get his autograph and a selfie? 😀
I do believe I will be giving his cologne to all my nephews and sons as a holiday gift this December🛍️🎁
I actually have heard Nacho called the ‘David Beckham of polo’ before but now that you mentioned it was probably in the British press. I think they call him that because like Becks he’s modeled and had a fragrance(part of the proceeds of which was donated to Sentabale that he’s supported for over a decade)…and he’s pretty lol.
Also: H&M have many friends like Elton and his husband, Misan, Serena & Alexis, Abigail, etc who have talked about them publicly. They just dont leak crap that H&M don’t want out in the public about them and their kids – and especially not to people who they know will spin it to attack the Sussexes- which is why the UK press tries to pretend that the Sussexes have no friends and are isolated(well that and to distract from the fact that it’s actually Kate who seems to have no real friends and is isolated).
Lol, what are they shopping for in that store? Keychains and bottle openers?
Best wishes for a successful event. It’s a great cause.
yes. Japan is full of crazy stores that sell…Japanese stuff. soup to nuts. shopping there is a fun experience. I needed an extra suitcase to bring back all the little things I never knew I needed.
I thought some of it looked like outdoors/camping equipment?? Maybe he is buying Meghan a backpack and a carabiner.
Well, I’m sure they picked up other things as well, but they are wearing women’s sunglasses, hence the caption “Shopping for our wives.”
It’s great to see Harry relaxed, thriving and enjoying some time with his close friend who continues to support him. 🙌
I’m sure we’ll see William and Mike Tindall out for a pub lunch soon.
So, is THAT William’s “friend”? Someone who relies on his good graces for money and position (in terms of seating)? That seems sincere.
Or, you know, them shopping for their girlfriends/mistresses whilst at a dwarf throwing bad dad dancing event.
Nothing like a good wingman when people come at you with nonsense.
I love the idea the hordes of British media are going to descend on an airport, try to price out the entirety of the duty free shops, and then listen to rumors about what the boys bought their wives. All because they have zero actual access!
Sussex joy brings me joy. Watching Harry with the brother God gave him is wonderful.
Great pic, they look fit and handsome. They know what they’re doing and I love it! Trolling the trolls with a wink and a smile.
Shopping for sunglasses is so cute. Is that Harry doing a “super model” pose? Adorable, and gave me a good laugh. Love the sense of humour here in the idea and the pose.
If I were Meghan, I wouldn’t mind a pair of those Japanese sandals (geta?) behind them.
Of course, it took me about 20 minutes before I realized there were actually products behind Harry and Nacho because, wow … it’s hard to come up with words that do those brothers justice.
I didn’t realize there was a background. Had to go back and look.
LOL, Lady D.
That photo says a thousand words, a few of which are an obvious FU to the Windsors, the Wails and the pond-scum British press.
“Brothers in arms” 😍 Wow!
Look for The Other Brother to *try* showing off his forearms in 3…2…1….
From the look of things in that pic, it is a serious undertaking…..
I think it’s wrong that the british media is turning this into a royal trip. It’s suppose to be for his charity. Harry should sue them each time they write an article and don’t include the full picture. Or atleadt included the charity name or website.
It makes sense that nacho is there. It isn’t a vacation although it looks fun.
Hubba Hubba! *fans myself before swooning*
Royal scent??? Is there a new fragrance in the works? Will the bottle be in the shape of BP or KP??
I realize I’m old enough to be Nacho’s aunt but he really knows how to wear a pair of pants perfectly
So nobody else read “Shopping for wives”??
At first I thought that was tom cruise when I saw the first picture for Nacho.
WELL, HOT DAMN. Those two look like double snacks!
Karma Kitty, Really? In my view, he’s old enough to start dating you (except for the wife situation, naturally).
William and Kate and the royal rota are frothing in the mouth due to Harry’s undeniably successful trip to Japan and Singapore. He and Nacho had a favorable media coverage for the Sentebale charity. The rota clowns are in tears; they cannot make money out of Harry anymore. So they’re out as usual to destroy Harry nonstop. Pfffttt…