I came to The Gilded Age late but I love that stupid show now. Season 2 will premiere October 29th! We got a new image of Bertha and George Russell too! [GFY]
Lainey doesn’t know what’s going on with Scooter Braun either. [LaineyGossip]
One writer describes how the Friends sausage was made. [Pajiba]
God, remember when everyone was obsessed with Pink Sauce? [Starcasm]
Gemma Chan wore a prim Louis Vuitton. [Tom & Lorenzo]
There’s a Covid surge in New York. [JustJared]
Republicans have turned on Oliver Anthony, yay. [Jezebel]
Doutzen Kroes looks amazing here, but I’m still not over her anti-vaxx views. [Egotastic]
Khloe Kardashian loves her new face. [Seriously OMG]
Which big-ticket purchases are worth every penny? [Buzzfeed]
I know two people who recently traveled to NYC and came back with COVID. It’s still knocking people out.
Every single person I know who has traveled to Florida in the past 2 years has come back with Covid. Doesn’t matter if they travel by car, plane, or train or where they go in Florida.
My husband and I avoided for 3 years. Flew through Miami in June, came back with Covid.
People in the Bay Area are getting it too all of a sudden. My partner and I have still never had it, but I’ve stopped putting any effort into not getting it (other than now annual vaccinations). How are people getting it at this point? Just bad luck? NYC and Bay Area have extremely high rates of vaccination, so that’s not the issue.
There’s a new variant that’s more infectious. The current vaccines aren’t effective for it, but there’s an updated vaccine coming out the middle of next month.
I just saw a news story yesterday where they said this new variant is extremely contagious. They said you are more likely to catch it if you’ve already had Covid or if you’re vaccinated. I don’t understand the logic of that though.
@ME – I just looked it up, and they’re saying it could be worse if you’ve already had it. Nothing about a higher risk if you’re vaccinated, but it’s possible the logic is that because the old vaccine wasn’t designed for the new variant, people being more careless because they’re vaccinated are making poor choices. That means me since I’ve completely stopped masking and very much returned to activities. Guess I should rethink that.
A friend in Chicago just got Covid for the third time. I had it for the first time in May and had moderate symptoms for 2 full weeks, congestion for 2 straight weeks; the first week I was barely mobile. I hung out with two friends from the US (Buffalo area) whom I am convinced gave it to me. I was in Toronto at the time, now in Ottawa. Still having severe dry eyes from covid and I am on $40 prescription eye drops (just started the second bottle). I have been vaccinated 4 times. Planning on getting next vaccine in November.
There is a surge in most of the US, the south in particular (no doubt because of low vax rates). Being hospitalized specifically for Covid is going way up. I’ve been lucky so far (haven’t caught it kunahura ((thank goodness in Yiddish) as my mother would say!) I will be getting my next booster along with my flu shot at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct., as experts are saying the later you get it this year, the better you’ll be protected for the fall/winter. Until then, I’m masking up indoors again. I’ve been seeing a LOT more people masking up in dept. stores and markets now! It’s good to see!
As for The Gilded Age returning: YAY! It’s a lovely early birthday present for me (my bday is the next day
). Can’t wait; love that show!
Give me all the bustles, treachery and Carrie Coon you have, HBO!!
Yes! Can’t wait.
Isn’t she phenomenal!? I’m really looking forward to this season
For anyone who didn’t listen the first time around, HBO put out The Official Gilded Age Podcast in conjunction with each of the nine first season episodes of the show, and I highly recommend it. One of the co-hosts is Tom Meyers, who also cohosts the long running Bowery Boys NYC history podcasts. The first half of each podcast reviews that episode of the show, adding in actual historical background, while the second half is an interview with one of the main cast members, plus one of the production people. Really well done and informative.
Newport is about 20 minutes from home and the Preservation Society has been doing a fun series of lectures about the behind the scenes of filming, how they get the angles and do the lighting without causing harm to anything, the set decorating and how they source clothes and other materials, etc. The fees HBO pays have also been wonderful to help the organization recoup some of what they lost financially during COVID.
My neighbor has been an extra and said it’s a blast!
Sounds like so much fun, especially for your neighbor! Used to live in Boston; Newport was an amazing place to visit…
The official Gilded Age podcast is very good…and I love The Bowery Boys, too! Want to also recommend “The Gilded Gentleman” podcast by Carl Raymond, which is I think produced by The Bowery Boys.
Went on a tour of The Elms last summer – I knew that it was used for The Gilded Age location shoots, but didn’t know until I got down into the basement and end of the tour that IT’S BERTHA’S KITCHEN. I was giddy as all H*ll.
Gemma Chan is beyond stunning. She would show up on Tom and Lorenzo looking fine while wearing a potato sack.
I think there’s a Covid surge here around LA as well as NYC. And a lot of first timers getting it. I got it a few weeks ago, for me mostly felt like a bad cold and exhausted for 2 days. Still Getting my booster this fall. Might be even a bigger surge during fall/winter.
Khloe is in her 30’s right? And she’s already had so much cosmetic surgery. Leaving nothing for her 50/60 years when most society women get face-lifts. She will be in Joan Rivers/Madame territory by then and unable to move her face.