Four indictments. Four arrests. Four bookings. The first mug shot! Last night, Donald Trump drove straight from his private plane to the jail in Atlanta, where he was booked and photographed for his mug shot. His had secured a bond from a local bail bondsman before his booking, so he was released immediately. The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office released the mug shot just as Trump was leaving the state of Georgia. I can’t say I’m impressed by the quality of Fulton County’s photographer? All of the mug shots are so low-res, it kind of defeats the purpose of taking someone’s mug shot in the first place. Behold, Inmate number P01135809, glowering at the camera.
Unfortunately for all of us, Trump was not hosed down, deloused or weighed. He was able to self-report his hair color, height and weight, which… again, defeats the purpose of all of this. This man has been on a crime spree for the past two decades, treat him as such. He claims his hair is strawberry blonde (yikes), his height is six-foot-three (possibly) and his weight is 215 pounds. A liar who lies.
The night before Trump was booked, he did an interview with Tucker Carlson where he spoke openly about his desire for violence from his supporters. At the end of the day, nothing happened – there were only a handful of supporters anywhere near the jail, and Trump didn’t linger too long in Georgia. He did make a lil’ Nazi speech at the airport after his arrest and booking but since I was watching MSNBC and they didn’t air it, I remain blissfully unaware of what he said. I did see this, however – he made some exclusive comments to Fox News:
“They insisted on a mugshot and I agreed to do that,” he said. “This is the only time I’ve ever taken a mugshot.” He added: “It is not a comfortable feeling—especially when you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“This is all about election interference,” Trump said. “It all comes through Washington and the DOJ and Crooked Joe Biden—nothing like this has ever happened in our country before.”
Trump said the United States is “doing horribly, but now, it is doing worse because we have become a Third World country.”
“They insisted on a mugshot and I agreed to do that” – they would have done it even if Trump hadn’t “agreed.” “Nothing like this has ever happened in our country before.” I agree, never in our nation’s history has some diapered lunatic incited a coup against the republic and tried to ratf–k his way into a dictatorship because his widdle baby feelings couldn’t handle losing an election. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
Update: You’ll never guess who posted his mug shot with the message “Never Surrender” just hours after he surrendered for the fourth time.
Proclaiming "never surrender" along with photographic proof of your literal surrender is the perfect encapsulation of their entire movement.
— Travon (@Travon) August 25, 2023
Mug shot courtesy of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office, additional photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Sterling, VA – Former US President Donald Trump and son Eric were seen golfing at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 25 MAY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Sterling, VA – Former US President Donald Trump and son Eric were seen golfing at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 25 MAY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Sterling, VA – Former US President Donald Trump and son Eric were seen golfing at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 25 MAY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Miami, FL – View of protestors and supporters seen outside U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Florida in Miami, Florida. Pictured: Donald Trump Arraignment BACKGRID USA 13 JUNE 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
How much time has he spent practicing that look in the mirror in recent weeks?
As for ‘agreeing’ to do it we all know he lives in a world of delusion and lies, who expects it to stop now?
I thought the same thing about the picture.
It’s giving blue steel, pathetic.
And yeah there is no way this orange blob is 6’3” 215. Nobody with eyes believes that. If you’re going to lie then at least make it a little more believable.
Or as Questlove said, “Blew Steal.”
Orange Steel. I can’t unsee it! I’ve been chuckling all morning.
I come from a family of giants (the shortest is just 6 feet tall and considered the runt). There’s NO WAY Trump is only 215, my family members aren’t bean poles, but none are as big as he is!
Well there’s the defiant little pout a la angry 4-year-old, but then also, my god, how many hours and how many hundreds of dollars were spent dying his hair (extensions?) the perfect shade of blond and then coiffing it exactly so that he could do his little downward turning defiance pout and not show a speck of scalp through the hair? The duration of the blowout must have left his ears ringing.
The make-up looks like it’s been applied with a spray gun too except what’s the weird orange line between the brows and the bangs? Is that really just the lighting? But then all of the makeup and then they didn’t give him visine either.
But this looks like it took hours to glamour prep for. Also maybe someone finally made him ditch his rumpled very I’ll fitting suit collection?
God he looks evil and pathetic at the same time. I can’t stand looking at it
He certainly looks displeased. I hope it’s a further reminder to him of how things have changed from the days when he was so pampered.
And how much time has he spent plotting to post this pic on social (which he did last night) just so he could shill for dollars, since this really is all about him? He gets such a perverted thrill from being the center of attention that he’s blind to everything else. I cannot fathom how his yayhoo followers just don’t see him for what he is. But I guess he’s up to his eyes in legal debt, so gotta raise the dough somehow.
Yesterday morning, I got news a good friend lost her battle with brain cancer. 4 days before her birthday. This mugshot helped ease the pain. If only my friend had lived to enjoy it.
I am so sorry about your friend.
Rapunzel I am so sorry you lost your friend.
Rapunzel, I am incredibly sorry to hear of your dear friend passing’s. Sending you unlimited virtual hugs 🤗 and empathy for you and all of her loved ones and family.
So very sorry for your loss.
The “diapered lunatic” is not 6’3″ either. The only thing that wasn’t a lie was, “Nothing like this has has ever happened in our country before.” Now we just gotta make sure it never happens again.
No way he is 6’3” and 215 pounds. I wish the sheriff insisted on doing an actual height and weight on that bloviated mass.
They will if he’s convicted!
This man’s ego is so brittle and fragile he has to lie about everything. He is 260 at least and probably bigger than that. Not sure how he can make people think he weighs less than Christopher Reeves when he played Superman (6.4 -220) or NFL Player Larry Fitzgerald who is actually 6.3 and 215 pounds.
Now Drumpf could be, if we used the Medieval “rack” on him and starved him for 3 months, otherwise he’s more likely 4” shorter and at least 50+lbs heavier. 😳
Ah, the good ol’ days when traitors were delivered the punishment that they deserved………
I’ll say it again, whatever happened to those height charts posted behind the felons and here’s to weighing them as well. But it would have been funny to see the actual height juxtaposed with the self-declared figure.
He’s right! We never before had a president so openly commit crimes & recruit his various henchmen to help him commit those crimes, especially this one, the most egregious of all–the overthrow of our country. And ‘strawberry blonde’? He really used this description for his hair?? That cracks me up more than the ridiculously low number for his weight.
The lies continue with this orange blob. He needs to be put away in a locked cell no social media no telephone no way to communicate. And the news outlets need to stop giving him airtime. We are seeing way to much of a twice impeached and 4 times indicted criminal.
@ Susan Collins, IF we had ignored Drumpf at the very beginning, he NEVER would have been elected and he never would have attempted a coup in the US!!! The damage that this vile, hateful and criminal egomaniac has caused such damage and chaos that it will take decades to erase the damage he has caused, along with the Repugnant’s that stand WITH him!!!
He looks like the kindergarten bully who’s sulking because he’s been scolded and told he’s not allowed to go outside for recess.
Hahaha yes. So petulant, so angry. Bigly mad.
He agreed to a mugshot! Lol. He says it like he did something nice for the fans.
I’m reminded of the famous Karsh portrait of Winston Churchill, where the PM is glowering defiantly at the camera. Apparently, Karsh set up the photo, then, just before pressing the shutter, plucked Churchill’s cigar out of his mouth. The resulting expression reads as British bulldog, but is really a petulant kid deprived of his binky.
He’s making that face and posing to hide his neck wattles. He tells on himself all the time and he’s recently complained about news channels showing pictures highlighting his fat neck.
6’3”… and 215 lbs?!
Trump really does live in a reality of his own creation.
The mugshot is all well and good, but what I’m looking forward to is the inevitable revoking. No way in hell can this dipshit keep his stupid puckered anus mouth shut.
215 pounds? On what planet???
If he’s 215, then I’m a size 2😂😂😂
They shaved off a hundo. Dude looks like complete dogshit and I love that for him.
Science geek that I am, I tried to find this out. Answer is none of them are close. I’d estimate him at 350 and none of the planets in our solar system (or biggest moons of those planets) have a surface gravity difference that converts 350 down to 215. Closest are Venus and yes – Uranus.
No I didn’t calculate this myself. The Exploratorium has a site that does that for you!
LOL, Thelma.
Please thank the nerd in you for deciphering his potential body details and he certainly does belong on the planet Uranus…….
Hey, we could start a GoFundMe for a one way ticket!!!
I would believe 315. I also believe that he spent hours practicing his glower.
My thoughts too. I’m sure he practiced forever and it’s not giving off what he thinks. I won’t be looking again. Bring on the cuffed going to jail photo!
I doubt he can actually see or read the numbers on the scale.
If he’s secured a bond from a local bail bondsman, he’s only putting a small amount of his own money in to bail. Likely some bail bondsman is going to be out $180k in a few months.
Hilarious! The “billionaire” didn’t even have 200k to pony up for bail?
He simply knows there are idiots out there who will pay it for him. He doesn’t spend any of his own money on these massive legal issues.
I read about him whining about having to get a mug shot, and nonsense about his innocence and the injustice in the justice system and I think of what he did and said about The Central Park 5.
Absolutely horrible human being, not a fragment of humanity left in his shriveled corrupt criminal soul after decades of him raining garbage and cruelty everywhere he goes. How many lives did he ruin? How much suffering did he cause? How many deaths?*. All with no remorse.
His criminal actions are caught on video and audio recordings, for all of us to see. Innocent my a**
* if he had behaved differently when COVID first exploded across the globe, how many millions of people could have been spared infection, suffering, death? How many people alive today can claim their actions led to the death of millions? What a disgusting legacy!
Exonerated Five
He brings to mind a present day Emperor Nero.
Not only the Central Park 5… the Supreme Court (of which he appointed three justices to swing the court far right) spent this last term gutting rights for incarcerated persons and limiting their access to appeals. If just having a mugshot taken is uncomfortable, imagine spending years (or a lifetime) in prison when you’re innocent…
Well said! I read his comment about “agreeing” to a mug shot and how hurt his feelings are at being arrested and immediately thought of the Central Park 5 too. He didn’t care if they were innocent, he wanted them executed.
In a fair and just world, he would be tried for treason. The penalty for someone guilty of treason against the USA is death.
He caught Covid and was hospitalized; yet learned nothing about pandemics.
He has been arrested, even his lawyers have been arrested; yet he has learned nothing about obeying the law.
He has bankrupted many companies and has learned nothing about running a successful business.
He gets called out on his lies constantly and never learns. This problem is so bad that he cannot testify in his own defense.
At this point, his legal team should just reflect on Trump’s life and argue that this man has such a severe learning disability that he is not mentally fit to stand trial.
All this, plus the agents/operatives whose safety was compromised by his handing over highly classified information to Puppetmaster Putin. I can’t believe in karma anymore, because there simply:isn’t a big enough repercussion for the unspeakable pain this loathsome excuse for a human has caused.
Seriously. May justice prevail.
Can we talk about the diapers?
I have heard that he wears them during the day, but what is the evidence?
Insiders who worked on The Apprentice TV show.
Noel Casler – worked in talent logistics on the set of Celebrity Apprentice with Trump and also worked on his Miss Teen Universe pageants.
Casler discusses Trump’s recreational drug use and says he acted inappropriately toward teenage beauty pageant contestants.
The stories he recalls about Trump’s behavior on the Miss Teen Universe pageants are disgusting and vile, just as you would expect from that POS.
Here is a segment from YouTube where Casler discusses the diapers 🤣
Thanks so much for the #DiaperDon link-spreading it far and wide. I love this for him-and I’ve been sure he was abusing adderall and coke for years, serves him right he’s incontinent. And I have a lot of compassion for people who need diapers, etc., just not this criminal!
You are quite welcome!
You can tell he still does Adderall – notice how he is always sniffing in his interviews or speeches. LMAO
He’s trying so hard to look so tough!!! 🤣🤣🤣
215 lbs… in his 3rd chin, maybe.
I honestly don’t have the words to express my feelings about this mugshot, so I’m going to let this clip do it for me:
Awesome video. Such joy in the cheers. I was cheering with them.
That clip is *chef’s kiss!
Thank you. Most satisfying moment ever.
Awwww!!! This video warns my heart!! Such a glorious round of cheering filled with joy and excitement!!!
The Lincoln Project dolling our justice on Drumpf as they always have!!
Many thanks @ Mrs. Smith!! You have given us a lovely gift!!
I keep going back to that video. It makes me happy.
Mrs. Smith,
Bless this video and bless u for sharing. 👏🏻
There is a photo of Mohamed Ali at 6.3 and 215 pounds on Twitter. He doesn’t look anything like the orange blob.
Kaiser, they may be deliberately low-res. Last time Drumpf and his minions made a fake mugshot, put it on tshirts, and make bank on it. That group WANTS a high-res mugshot which is easier for them to use on all their MAGAT merch.
Oh, I didn’t know that!! Any tangible access to mass produce a product to scam his massive idiot followers to sell and he’s on it like white on rice.
Even though the novelty of his mugshot got old pretty quick, it was appropriately symbolic on a few fronts and brilliant – straight out of central booking.
Merch is already selling from his website using his mugshot. He came back to Twitter to post a link to his website for donations/merch.
Codefendent Chesebro filed to get a speedy trial under GA law, asking for November and Fani Willis replied/judge approved October 23rd! She’s ready.🍿
October!!! For realz??
I thought it was approved but for November 4. Either way, woo!
He thought he looked like Winston Churchill. Probably posed in front of the mirror with the Churchill portrait for days. Churchill FOUGHT the Nazis. Trump IS a Nazi. The appropriate images to copy would have been Hitler, Mussolini or Hirohito, all Axis powers. Churchill was a U.S. ally. Trump is not.
As great as it is to see a mug shot of this horrible criminal, this is a scary picture. He looks like a serial killer. And yet, this is the face of the Republican party? I loved when during the Republican debate (I did not watch!) all but two (?) of the candidates raised their hand when asked if they would support Trump if he were convicted and the nominee. Don’t these people have any shame?
There is actually a clip where they were all asked this question and DeSatin looked around at the other candidates before he stuck his hand up…….
Such a pathetic loser.
Tik tok content was so good last night.
I still have PO1135809 sung to the tune of 8675309/Jenny in my head.
215?!?! Surely this man is at least 300lbs.
I saw him once getting out of an elevator that I was waiting for and he was pretty tall and I would have believed 6’3″ then, but that was at least 15 years ago, so I’m sure he shrunk since then and his posture is HORRIBLE.
The guy is the king of pieces of shit but we don’t need to know his weight. The fact that he has to experience the humiliation of his mugshot spreading around the public like wildfire is enough! It’s extremely fatphobic and normalises this kind of talk at every fat person, even if this one is fucking evil. There are so many things to make fun of this prick for, it would be great if people would knock t off with the laziest option.
I appreciate your take but I’m not jeering at his weight, I’m jeering at his complete inability to tell the truth about EVERY SINGLE EFFING THING and then try to gaslight us into disbelieving our own eyes. He’s the one who wants his slavering cultists to believe he has the physique of Superman, lol.
He’s the one who’s fatphobic, and I’m gonna keep laughing at him. He’s pathetic.
It’s not his weight that he is being chastised for – it’s his constant, obvious lies about EVERYTHING!! I could care less what that loser weighs, or how tall he is, but his pathetic attempts to lie about it are laughable; especially when you juxtapose that with his insults thrown at Chris Christie for his weight. All of this boils down to Trump’s incessant pathological lying and his fragile male ego.
Trump is garbage and deserves every bit of criticism tossed his way.
He’s confused. His skin could be the colour of a blend of strawberry (red) plus blonde (yellow-white) because it’s light orange. His hair is just blonde
Now there is no need for an unveiling of his official portrait. THIS is forever his portrait. Go ahead, hang it in the National Portrait Gallery!.
Who wore it best?????
So many athletes have photos posted at 6’3” & 215 lbs. Chris Hemsworth as Thor, same. All fit, muscular, and fine.
hahahah I’m so glad he got a mugshot. Definitely the look of a child when asked to clean up the mess they made. And strawberry blonde? loll.
That’s the same look my four year old granddaughter gave me when I told her she had to clean the playroom. She insisted someone needed to help her. I asked who helped her make the mess and she said, nobody, so I told her that’s who was going to help her. But she did clean it up, and Trump never cleans up any of his messes.
I think we’re not talking enough about the fact that Trump needed a bail bondsman.
It cost him $20 grand. The court would have taken the full amount and hold it in escrow, or a deed to property instead of cash. That suggests he doesn’t have enough liquidity to cover what should be small potatoes for an alleged billionaire.
Plus, Javanka are worth close to $1 Billion between them. Why didn’t they cover it? And note that Trump has showed up ALONE for every one of his court appearances, arrests, arraignments. Not one of his children or his inner circle other than his lawyer. speaks volumes.
He didn’t have the money because he put Mar-A-Lago in one of Jr’s shell companies.
Narcissism runs in the family which could explain the absence of Satan’s spawn.
News broke on Twitter last night that he “sold” Mir A Lago to Don Jr on august 4. It’s listed on Zillow of all places as going through for $422 million. That money is somewhere, doing something. Clapping my hands waiting for the asset seizure portion of RICO, or for the state of New York to get involved. He’s apparently not supposed to sell off assets while they’re suing him for manipulating insurance and taxes in real estate valuations.
Anyone else notice the similarity between his mugshot and the 1933 picture of Goebbels taken by Eisenstaedt? Frightening
Does he know any other way to describe people than with the word ‘crooked?’
As a fellow New Yorker, it is a common saying.
Cali-Aires, No, because he sees the world through his own lens–HE is crooked, so everyone else must be too (though of course he is the bigliest, crookedest of them all).
I am not American, just getting that out there as it has context later on.
I took immense joy in this last night. I finished at the gym, opened my phone and my hubby had texted it to me. I scrolled through all of the shots so far and it’s a hoot.
I am very concerned at how many people are commenting that this is he current government taking down a political opponent they think will beat them (on other sites, not here). Do none of them understand anything about how the judicial system in their own country works?? I am Canadian and understand that state and Federal prosecutions are very separate things. I fear that your country has been forever altered by this and the lack of decent education for many will only perpetuate the growing problems.
There are many of your Northern Neighbours who are cheering for Georgia and are looking forward to the upcoming sh*tshow.
You are not wrong Eden. Let us not forget, Hitler went to prison after the Beer Hall Putsch, and wrote Mein Kampf while incarcerated. And we all know what happened after he was released. This is not even a setback for Dump. It’s part of his plan to convince his followers that everyone that is against him needs to be squashed violently. We’ve seen this play out and I’m not celebrating because I’m terrified of where this leads. Yes, I want him to be locked up. But let’s not kid ourselves. He’s not going to just go away if he’s in prison. He will be emboldened. We need to remain vigilant. Democracy is still on life support.
Eden75, there are fewer who believe that it is some political persecution than you think. The bigger issue is that there are those particular people who will continue to vote for him AND others who don’t believe it is political persecution who will also vote for him. At least so says the polls. I’ve gotten to where I don’t believe the polls anymore. I think there are more people on the right who will not vote for him. Time will tell.
Trump had a direct impact on Canada over lumber IIRC. Indeed, I remember reading an article that Trump had torqued off so many countries (and named them) and ended the article with naming Canada and then saying that Canada likes everyone. I know that you are having similar issues with people on the right as we have. I hope you all are able to hold the line much better than we were.
Good to know how large the crowd is that’s cheering! I have a feeling there’s many worldwide who are doing the same.
He looks like and is a psychopath.
That’s the same look my four year old granddaughter gave me when I told her she had to clean the playroom. She insisted someone needed to help her. I asked who helped her make the mess and she said, nobody, so I told her that’s who was going to help her. But she did clean it up, and Trump never cleans up any of his messes.
Sorry, duplicate comment and I don’t know how it ended up here. Been having phone issues today…
Modest money-saving proposal: instead of shelling out for someone to paint Trump’s presidential portrait for the White House, use this shot instead.
The first time I saw this picture I really looked at it and decided this is the face of a child who is ANGRY and is trying not to let you see that they want to cry.
Does anyone wonder why Article 3 of the 14th Amendment has not been invoked? It prohibits anyone who has taken an oath of office from holding public office if they have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States of America.
Because he has not been charged with insurrection or rebellion, much less been convicted of those crimes. The Supreme Court, which he has in his pocket, would throw that out. Many lower courts, which he also owns, would throw it out too.
I detest him with every atom of my being. May he rot.
They insisted on a mugshot and I agreed to do that,” he said. “
As opposed to what? Running in circles and making them give chase like a dog that doesn’t want a bath?
Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau is 6’2″, and Trump stands about an inch shorter than him.
Thank you for the accurate information and comparison. I knew he was shorter than Trudeau who looked disgusted meeting him. lol
I looked up some information and he was 6’1″ in 2016, 6’3″ in 2019 and 6’1 again after that. Interesting that something as simple as height is so unpredictable. I hope they put the correct information in the computer at the jail where he was booked.