Food waste is a huge problem in Western society. You know what else is a huge problem? Food insecurity, hunger, poverty and food deserts. You would think that a major figure – someone like the king of England – would be able to figure out a solution which would combine these issues – food waste becoming the answer to food insecurity. Alas, it does not sound like King Charles cares too much about the food insecurity of his people. He cares more about all of the wasted food. To be fair to Charles – ugh – this problem is almost too big to handle.
The King is preparing to launch his first major personal project as monarch – an initiative that aims to bridge the gap between food waste and food need. The initiative, which will be unveiled in the autumn, will build on the Coronation Food Project, a national scheme created to tackle food insecurity and waste.
It is a subject about which the King is passionate. He has previously voiced support for “use up” days, which can reduce food waste by up to a third, while his personal efforts to save resources include feeding kitchen food scraps to his chickens and converting his Aston Martin sports car to run on surplus wine and whey from the cheese process.
Such is his dedication to the cause that the King is no stranger to unveiling fridge freezers, as well as plaques. Earlier this year, he unveiled a freezer at the Felix Project, a food redistribution charity in east London, and made a personal donation to a £1 million fund providing fridges and freezers to other food banks and community groups, allowing them to store more food.
An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted every year around the globe – around a third of all food produced – and more than half of it is thrown away at home. The King has insisted that “informed choices” can help cut the “colossal” amount of waste. He also believes that tackling the issue could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10 per cent as farmers would be under less pressure.
Here’s the thing: there’s nothing wrong with tackling food waste, and he’s right that food waste contributes to pressure on farming, the environment and agriculture. But!! It comes across as out of touch to tackle “food waste” during a time of such economic insecurity in Britain, right? When people have been trying to figure out if they can pay for their groceries AND their electricity bill, they probably don’t want to be lectured about food waste. During a time when there’s also an increased pressure on and need for food banks, figure out a way to actually meet the needs of your “subjects.” It’s also crazy that during a time of such economic insecurity, Charles demanded and got such a crazy-expensive coronation, an event which was such a snooze that barely anyone spoke about it 24 hours later, and it didn’t stimulate the economy whatsoever.
Maybe this is also all about the eggs. Charles was getting eggs thrown at him a lot during his first year as king. Such food waste!
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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- Britain’s King Charles meets staff and suppliers at Morrisons Supermarkets headquarters during a two-day tour of Yokshire in Bradford, Britain November 8, 2022.,Image: 736041196, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles looks at eggs as he meets staff and suppliers at Morrisons Supermarkets headquarters during a two-day tour of Yorkshire in Bradford, Britain November 8, 2022.,Image: 736041511, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles III reacts as he speaks with volunteers and members of staff as he has a cup of tea during a visit of London’s Community Kitchen facilities, in Harrow, Greater London, on December 15, 2022. – London’s Community Kitchen was founded back in 2014 and has become an important part of the community in and across suburban London, with its model now acting as the “HQ” hub for 21 boroughs. Working with the most vulnerable communities across London, it is supported by a network of volunteers. It distributes up to 60 tonnes of surplus food to local communities serving over 10,000 people every week from its hub in Harrow.,Image: 744816906, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ISABEL INFANTES / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles visits the Milton Keynes food bank in Milton Keynes, Britain February 16, 2023.,Image: 756564984, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles meets with volunteers during his visit to the Milton Keynes food bank in Milton Keynes, Britain February 16, 2023.,Image: 756565003, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles visits the Milton Keynes food bank in Milton Keynes, Britain February 16, 2023.,Image: 756565021, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s King Charles visits the Milton Keynes food bank in Milton Keynes, Britain February 16, 2023.,Image: 756565033, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla are seen during a visit to Malton, North Yorkshire, where they met food and drink producers with shops in Talbot Yard to hear about locally produced goods and visited a variety of local charitable organisations. 05/04/2023,Image: 767436489, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Picture: James Glossop/ The Times & Sunday Times POOL PHOTOGRAPH King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla are seen during a visit to Malton, North Yorkshire, where they met food and drink producers with shops in Talbot Yard to hear about locally produced goods and visited a variety of local charitable organisations. Pictured during visit to Florian Poirot, master patissier 05/04/2023,Image: 767445646, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: James Glossop / Avalon
- Picture: James Glossop/ The Times & Sunday Times POOL PHOTOGRAPH King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla are seen during a visit to Malton, North Yorkshire, where they met food and drink producers with shops in Talbot Yard to hear about locally produced goods and visited a variety of local charitable organisations. Pictured during visit to Bluebird Bakery 05/04/2023,Image: 767445663, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: James Glossop / Avalon
- Picture: James Glossop/ The Times & Sunday Times POOL PHOTOGRAPH King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla are seen during a visit to Malton, North Yorkshire, where they met food and drink producers with shops in Talbot Yard to hear about locally produced goods and visited a variety of local charitable organisations. Pictured during visit to Bluebird Bakery 05/04/2023,Image: 767445668, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: James Glossop / Avalon
He converted his Aston Martin.
These are not serious people. I wish they were actually judged on what they do, & not just what they say.
Lip service is a way of life with them.
My Aston Martin runs on wine! How very Bond villain of him, but from one of the more ridiculous Bond movies.
“How very Bond villain of him.” 😆🤣😂
Ahem. Excuse me. He also unveiled a freezer, TYVM.
(I know freezers are important for food banks, but the wording makes it sound like there is no end to what Charles will do for this issue! He’ll even unveil a freezer!!!!)
Mark my words, he’s going to make tossing food at the king a high crime that requires jail time.
Just switch to something available and “free”. Trash or stones come to mind as does horse manure. All are plentiful wherever Chuckles travels.
They do so little that I can’t snark on this. KC3 and Camzilla will do at least half a dozen @sshole moves this week to make up for the one modest good.
He’s loudly establishing that the peasants are simultaneously talking about food insecurity while wasting a third of their food stupidly.
I do not think this move is a modest good deed.
Why should we give them assistance when they have half again as much as they need and just throw it in the trash?
This is a jerk move through and through.
Save the eggs.
Speaking of eggs, food waste, and King Charles, there were articles about how he has several eggs cooked for breakfast, but only eats one. What a hypocrite!
Yes, came here to say just this. They apparently waste dozens of eggs at any one time preparing for him, and he may or may not show up. Apparently likes his eggs just so. Wait. Is that why they throw eggs at him? I never made that connection!
Oh wow, forgot about that story. Yeah, he might need to start with his own home a little more.
This is very typical of Charles. Do as I say, not as I do. Sure, Charles.
He has absolutely no self awareness.
I’m happy to trash Charles all day long, but this looks like he’s doing a good thing. The Coronation project (which Charles started) “rescues” food and distributes it – and if he’s adding food waste to that project, then it seems like he’s trying to bridge the gap. We’ll see what happens when he actually “unveils” the plan.
I hope you’re right.
My first instinct was that this is an attempt to shift blame to the common folk, for being so wasteful!!, instead of focusing on cost of living. Because if Brits focus on cost of living, they start to wonder why these parasites live in luxury.
But to be fair, I feel like Charles, more than some other Royals (W&K), seems to actually care about this subject and his projects in the space. The bar is low, though.
I don’t understand Kaiser’s complaint? It sounds from the article like he’s doing exactly what Kaiser suggests. And I say that as a commonwealth citizen who would like to bin the whole works of them.
Yeah, if food waste is being tied to food insecurity (i.e. the former is trying to help alleviate the latter) then I think this is a good thing.
Honestly I think in general encouraging people to waste less food is a good idea. I know in my house we waste a lot of food bc I end up not knowing what to do with it and the veggies go bad etc. I have a friend who cuts off the green parts of her carrots and makes pesto with them, thats how committed she is to reducing food waste.
I…….do not do that and it would be better if I did, ha.
But, like all things, its not just the individuals who have to step up here. Restaurants, grocery stores, cough royal palaces cough all waste so much food, and thats where the emphasis should be IMO.
I work in food banking and food waste is definitely a huge issue and very much related to food insecurity. It sounds to me like this is the angle he is going with. We don’t lack food to feed people. We lack food being available when, where, and how people need to receive it, including being able to afford it. Food access is a big issue. I’ll roast Chuck all day long, but not on this one. If he can bring awareness to food waste (and on a large scale – not just me buying strawberries and forgetting I already had some and throwing a few away because I didn’t eat them before they went bad), but big, industrial food waste – perfectly good food plowed under or rejected because something is too big or too small. We’re getting fresh chicken legs that would have been in a landfill because people want thighs and breasts and wings, but not as many want legs. Perfectly good and healthy food that would be wasted, but is now being recovered.
@eurydice I hope you’re right that KC3 food waste plan is tied to helping people. I think most members of the BRF could not last in the real world for even a day. There are exceptions but most of the British royals seem frightful.
Well, I’m only going by what’s described on the Coronation Project website. The intent to help is there and if this new initiative is tied to it, then the intent should be the same. I don’t know anything about how effective this project has been.
At least Charles donates money and comes up with constructive projects, unlike Bulliam and Keen.
It’s not his money, he received 3 million£s in shopping bags from the Arabs.
You don’t think the Prince’s Trust was ran on his money? I would love for someone to do an Audit of the BRF fundraising funds, and they would find out how much they are skimming off the top.
I studied food waste a lot (agricultural engineer) and I am of the firm opinion that in industrialized countries, at home food waste is due to over work. People trying to plan 21 meals out at once because they don’t have time to shop and prepare food during the week. If we all worked say four 6’s, there would be a lot less waste. Perhaps they should redistribute some of the increases in GDP / productivity and cut our hours.
This is definitely true for us. I only meal plan for the week, but by Thursday I’m over what I wanted to eat on Sunday and we either order out or make something completely different and the food I bought for that Thursday meal ends up getting tossed in a week.
Amen to sophiejara and her overwork hypothesis.
So he unveiled a few freezers, but they were EMPTY, just like his bloody head. Tell you what Charlie, go visit a few food banks! I’m sure the people there need to know about food wastage! Or how about making Billy boy turn over some of the crops wasted ed on his duchy farms. Or does this mean you will no longer have 5 eggs cooked every morning so you can choose the two that are boiled to your liking. Your a hypocrite
Most of the food that food banks received is food that the supermarkets take off the shelf because the items are either close to or past the expired date. People know that the best by specific date is arbitrary. So what will be different about Charles’ project and Kaiser’s right this doesn’t make up for wasting millions of pounds on his coronation.
I volunteer at a food bank, and yes, a lot of the food is teetering on the edge of spoilage. We sort through as best we can, and hand out all that we can (incl. special bags for the un-homed). It’s heartbreaking to see so many lined up before we even open. Most days, our little food bank averages close to 100 people (7 days a week).
It’s very heartening to see how many people want to volunteer to help, and how many places donate all sorts of food (canned and fresh, incl produce/fruits), socks, diapers, infant formula, feminine packets, even dog and cat food/treats and so much more, and how many places give to us daily to help others). ❤️
Since World 2, English children are an inch shorter than their European neighbors.
With so much sewage being pumped into the lakes and sea in England, they will be more problems for the children.
And all you hear on the radio and TV, is Meghan and Harry being snubbed, the Sussexes quit in 2020, and you would not know it from the Tabloids and BRF.
My sincere wish for the King is to be the Head of State as a symbol, by attending the duties and responsibilities mapped out the King George Patent Papers.
He is not the Head of state for gatekeepers, the real power brokers of a Neo-con state…..
As the problems that Kaiser has outlined should have a democratic solution, not because the power brokers have what they want in a dysfunctional system, it should remain as is……..
Even if King Charles 3, share those ideas, he should not impose it on the entire population…
The gate keepers get all the benefits of democracy without investing and paying their full share of the expenses…
Tackling food waste is a good idea but it’s putting the second step before the first, food insecurity, like Kaiser said.
BTW, Brexit has made maintaining a secure supply chain of food a lot more difficult, with its added layers of bureaucracy and import duties. Anyone remembers how the British grocery stores reported a bad harvest in countries like Morocco and Spain back in Spring, when they ran out of tomatoes? Twitter was full of photos for a few days of lots of different kinds of tomatoes in continental European stores.
Brexit has also made the whole harvesting process more difficult, because seasonal workers from Eastern EU countries are no longer welcome – resulting in produce rotting on fields = food waste.
Oh, and as to redistributing surplus catered food? Meghan went there first, when she suggested, while filming ‘Suits’, that craft services donate leftover food that had previously been going to waste. Seems like the RF not only copykeens her fashion, but also appropriates her charitable endeavours. If only they acquired as strong a work ethic!