Martha Stewart grabbed a ‘small iceberg’ for her cocktail during a cruise

I adore Martha Stewart as much as the next person, but even I have to admit that Martha comes across like a cartoon villain a lot of the time. Martha truly wants her friends to die so she can date their husbands. She also wants people to go back to the office and never work from home, even though she has literally worked from home during her entire career. Well, there more cartoon villainy from Martha: she’s taking a cruise around Greenland and Iceland, and the cruise people let her grab some ice from the melting icebergs. She put the ice in her cocktail.

Martha Stewart’s followers got a little heated about how she chilled her drink. While on a Swan Hellenic cruise traveling from Iceland to Greenland, Stewart revealed that “we actually captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight,” she wrote on Instagram.

In a collection of several photos, Stewart shared images of an expedition guests took to check out glaciers. Some shots show the icebergs in their natural state and others show chunks of ice on a bar cart, ready to be made into cocktails. Stewart also posed for a picture enjoying her beverage.

“End of the first zodiac cruise from @swanhelleniccruises into a very beautiful fjord on the east coast of greenland,” Stewart wrote in the caption. “We actually captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight.”

Soon after posting, fans were quick to comment on the unusual ingredient. One follower said “drinking their iceberg cocktails while the planet is in flames is a bit tone deaf.” Another said, “Martha the ice caps are melting don’t put them in your drink.”

A representative for Swan Hellenic did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. The company notes on their website that they adhere to “sustainability policies” required by local authorities where they travel.

[From People]

It’s not illegal (as far as I know) to grab some ice from a melting iceberg and put it in your drink. But it is a cartoonish example of the out-of-touch elite. The world is truly on fire, July was the hottest year (globally) since they started recording temperatures, 2023 is on track to be the hottest year of all time, and Martha is cruising along amid the wreckage of our planet and getting drunk on iceberg cocktails. There’s a Titanic joke in this situation.

PS… Is she drinking a White Russian?

Photos courtesy of Martha’s Instagram.

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27 Responses to “Martha Stewart grabbed a ‘small iceberg’ for her cocktail during a cruise”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    She’s ridiculous and so out of touch.

  2. Martha learn to read a room.

  3. SIde Eye says:

    Looks like a White Russian or maybe some Baileys. I agree Kaiser this is incredibly out of touch. Don’t get me started on how cruise ships are the biggest ocean polluters though I will give her a small pass cause Antarctica/Greenland etc. it’s not like a flight there is your best option.

    I live in upstate NH and we did not even have a White Christmas last year. There were 2 major blizzards and winter did not even start until December. Like I was out in t-shirt some days sweatshirt in November. Boston and NYC barely got any snow. It’s really alarming. It probably snowed here about 5 times last winter. Again this is the mountains in an area that usually gets a ton of snow.

    I think in about 5-10 years’ time the south is going to be inhabitable. When we lived down there for a miserable time (it got so much hotter from the time I first moved there and a hell of a lot more crowded) I used to tell my son don’t ride your bike today, don’t go outside. It was hell trying to entertain a small child in a landlocked area and you literally cannot go outside, and I’d walk my dog before 7 A.M. because the pavement was scorching. Add to it, they keep tearing down all the trees that provide shade to build more 2 bedroom condos that they charge 1.5 million for cause they have granite countertops and access to some shitty pool/gym. Greed plays such a hand in all of this. Stop building and tearing the trees down! They are not building schools or hospitals etc. only more and more condos which adds to every public place is overcrowded now down there.

    Visiting friends at the lake was just as hellish. Cooking all day at a lake? Hard pass. But everyone won’t stop bragging about their lake house (that’s a southern thing where Karens brag on all the properties they have to flex on us peasants in the middle of a housing crisis, but that’s for another day) One year we started school on July 31st (insert all the angry emojis) and it was too hot to have recess. Not only did they start school in the middle of frigging summer they couldn’t go outside. All of this is so so scary. And now you have kids dropping dead in the middle of football practice from heat stroke.

    • Sass says:

      I grew up in a coastal southern town and have dreamed of returning there to retire but anytime we visit I see more overcrowding and more heat, less space, more flooding (which was already bad when I was a kid in the 90s). I agree in 10 years there may not even be beaches in that area because the ocean will swallow them up. We live just at the base of the Rocky Mountains and it’s already too hot here, I’m telling my husband once a month that we need to move to a more northern spot/higher altitude just to find moderate temps. I have always run cold and am not menopausal yet so I know it’s not an internal thing!

      For people unable to grasp why this is a problem, it’s because the ice caps are and have been melting. This is the equivalent of taking a rock or wildflower etc. while out camping/hiking. You’re not supposed to do it bc it messes up the ecosystem. Some countries will actually detain you if they find beach items like bottles of sand or bags of shells in your luggage and can carry prison fines (see Italian beach towns). Sure you only took a little, but you’re not the only person taking just a little. And all those little bits add up. That’s how math works.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Excellent post Sass! I agree with everything you just said! I hope you can get to a cooler area, higher altitude situation soon. I noticed when I lived down there how short tempered I was – sitting in traffic for hours, the heat, unpleasant people (who are probably irritable from the damn heat and overcrowding), seeing Confederate flags everywhere etc. I was always on edge. I can’t tell you how much I love living in New England now. Nice cool summers. This summer my kid was outside all day tubing, biking, roller blading, playing golf with friends. A month ago I turned off the AC and just opened up the window – it’s a lovely breeze coming through and it keeps the bills low. I will probably be able to do this until late October then I will cut the heat on. The AC is on for July only. I cut off the heat in late March.

    • BSD says:

      I live in one of these big southern cities, and the last few months have been unbearable, even for me with a high heat tolerance. However, I lived on the east coast for a decade plus and do not miss the winter, depression, black ice, big coats, all of it. I also don’t miss the snobbiness that was rampant (which you can find anywhere, but I found pronounced) towards people in other parts of the country.

      Many of us love where we live, don’t like what we are seeing from a climate and politics perspective, but have roots here and are trying to find a way to make it work.

    • Kitten says:

      No snow last winter and nonstop torrential rains this summer. I know I always say this but the climate catastrophe is not in 10 years, not in 20 years– it is NOW, people.

    • hangonamin says:

      idk if i can give her any small pass on this bc I can imagine a luxury cruise like hers that uses massive resources to transport a handful of ppl around creates way more emissions than a commercial plane ride to greenland/iceland (def lots of flights there…especially to iceland). everything about this just screams TONE DEAF. basically our future is going to be rich ppl being able to afford a hospitable environment while the “peasants” live with increasingly inhospitable places bc of cost.

  4. JM says:

    Jesus. This is so out of touch, it literally sounds like a cartoon villain plot line

  5. Twin Falls says:

    Martha Stewart is Goop’s ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

  6. MoBiMo says:

    Agree that this is bad practice in these times, but Martha didn’t invent this. These are sometimes called bergie bits, and it’s a bit of a tradition…. a tradition that should be retired for all the reasons mentioned.

    • Dara says:

      Some of the Alaskan cruises do this too.

      Everyone always waves in outrage at jet travel, especially private jet travel, yet there is very little kerfuffle about cruise ships or private yachts. They are at least as bad, if not worse, than jets.

    • Sumodo1 says:

      That’s the last straw (bad pun). I can live without Martha in my life but not Planet Earth.

      • Kitten says:

        Planet earth will be fine–it’s the people that will be gone due to one generation’s obsession with wealth and power, persistent disregard for the damage they have caused, and an outright refusal to take the dramatic measures necessary to correct it.

  7. Isa says:

    Aren’t they always talking about viruses trapped in those things anyway?

  8. Tantilion says:

    How is she out of touch? She doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. She worked for her money and her vacation. She owes you all nothing.

  9. Peanut Butter says:

    I do not adore Martha at all. I’ve admired her smarts and abliities at times, but, overall, I think she sucks as a human being.

  10. Kingston says:

    Yeah, no.

    So when the group returns to their various homes and then start developing symptoms of an unknown ailment, which doctors cannot diagnose, nevermind find a remedy for, hopefully theyll remember this cruise and the ancient iceberg which they swallowed, with all its trapped flora and fauna that used to thrive from before the last ice age.

  11. AMPS says:

    I just came back from a week in Iceland. Nearly 20% of the land is covered by glaciers and ice caps. Pieces of icebergs and ice float around if you go to glacier lagoons and people take photos with the ice. My daughter did that as well. I don’t know about putting it in the drink. My point is these ices are floating around.

  12. AnneL says:

    I went on a cruise a few years ago for the first time. My father-in-law wanted all of his kids and grandkids on a vacation together, and a cruise worked for that. I was really freaked out about being on that ship for some reason. I have no fear of water, it was the whole “floating city” idea that gave me the willies. I ended up having fun but I’m not sure I’d do it again unless it was something small like what Martha appears to be doing here.

    Anyway, I like Martha but she’s a lot. Talk about someone who has way more real estate than she needs. I get that home design and Domestic Goddess are her thing/brand, but still. I think she owns five houses and no one is in them most of the time.

  13. Jayne says:

    Luxury cruise employee here. Not illegal. Just dumb.

  14. JillyBean says:

    I live on an island not far from there… when there are icebergs near shore – this is a common thing that we as locals do in warm months.. its not illegal – its just unsafe because those bergs can move fast,
    Why is this out of touch if it is a common tradition in the North Atlantic – just because people who live elsewhere say it is?

  15. olliesmom says:

    Isn’t there a concern of ancient viruses frozen in the layers of melting icecaps/glaciers?

    Of is that just in all the dystopian fiction that I read?