‘Sources’ explain why Sophie Turner left the kids with Joe this summer

The general timeline for Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner’s split is that the problems started soon after she gave birth to their second child last year. Around the new year, the problems kept growing, and I totally believe that one of their biggest “fights” was over Sophie returning to work. They seemingly did a “trial separation” over the summer, as Sophie worked on the ITV miniseries Joan. Reportedly, that production recently wrapped and that’s why there were photos and videos of Sophie at a Birmingham barshe was “partying” at the wrap party and she was reportedly in high spirits. That would have been just days before Joe Jonas filed for divorce and launched this campaign against her, trying to make it sound like she’s an unfit mother. Well, People Mag also got an explanation for why Joe has been parenting his children this summer:

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are co-parenting their two daughters while both working. Jonas and Turner’s girls have been with Jonas as Turner has been filming, a source close to the pair tells PEOPLE. The former couple’s kids have “more support” living with the singer amid their divorce, adds the insider.

“She has been shooting which is why the kids have been with Joe. It’s just been easier because she’s been working for the kids to be with him because there’s some more support at home and on the road with his family. It’s something they both agreed was best.”

On Tuesday, the Jonas Brothers singer filed for a dissolution of marriage from the actress, 27, after four years of marriage, documents obtained by PEOPLE confirm. The filing claims “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken.” Jonas and Turner have a prenup in place, the divorce papers confirmed.

“A parenting plan should be established, which addressed all parenting issues and contains a timesharing schedule providing for frequent and continuing contact with both parties,” the filing continued. “The children have been residing with their father in Miami and other locations throughout the United States.”

[From People]

My question: do you think Joe set her up? By that I mean, do you think he demanded that the kids stay with him in the US while she worked in England, all because he knew he would leak that HE was taking care of their children while Sophie “partied” (worked)? Did he think that far ahead? Or was it more like, hey, it would be easier for the kids to stay with their family/nanny support system and then, after a few months of that, Joe couldn’t handle it and he’s throwing a tantrum because Sophie won’t run back to him and be a tradwife?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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27 Responses to “‘Sources’ explain why Sophie Turner left the kids with Joe this summer”

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  1. He could have set her up judging by the crap he is flinging to tmz to make himself look like the responsible parent so to speak. I don’t believe I have ever seen pictures of him with just the children alone before. I suppose I could have missed seeing those. It does seem like he has an agenda to make her look bad.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      I kinda suspect that this is a set-up because the way that he went hard and immediate with the smear campaign. This whole thing just feels very calculated from his side, including a public photo-up with their children that she has been adamant about keeping out of the media.

      • NotTheOne says:

        The way this is written it sounds like he harangued her until she gave in and left the kids with him. I seriously doubt he was actually doing the majority of childcare and rearing.

    • bettyrose says:

      I went from having no thoughts about this person five days ago (other than my general sense that he had recovered from his virginal youth and was very much in love with Sophie) to really despising him. There’s zero reason for all these media leaks. If the marriage is really and truly over, it could have been a semi-private, dignified process with the best interest of the children in mind (who will be reading all of this soon enough). Now, I’m down to believe he’s been scheming for a while to control Sophie or failing that screw her in the custody case.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I think it is about more than punishing Sophie for reasserting her individuality. It is about control of the children – not just about physical custody but over their minds as they grow up. Like I said I’m getting Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman vibes from this – and she effectively lost her oldest children. Sophie’s children are very young but if he (and his extended family) are successful in limiting her access and influence on the girls, then they can better mold their minds.

      • bettyrose says:

        It is disturbing how many parallels are appearing to the Cruise/Kidman split. But Cruise’s kids were also brainwashed by a very powerful cult. Not that whatever church the Jonas Bros are aligned with isn’t powerful, but Co$ is especially good at isolating people. I really have no idea what’s going to happen with the kids, but it does seem like Sophie could find herself shackled to the U.S. with Britain as their home on school holidays.

  2. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    It’s kind of hilarious to see JJ try all these different angles to find one that the public is on his side about.

  3. sevenblue says:

    Seeing how many times she said in interviews that she wants her children to grow up in UK, I certainly believe that Joe set the whole plan before she left the country. This whole PR campaign isn’t a last minute thing. Maybe, he figured out somehow that she was planning to end the marriage, so he wanted to set the narrative first when she is out of the country. Certainly, there is gonna be a custody battle with Sophie wanting to live in UK. With all this mess, he made it clear that the children will be living in USA.

  4. Becks1 says:

    Maybe he did set her up? But it also seems like it just made sense for the kids to stay with him? Were the Jonas Bros touring all summer or did it just start? But even touring – the kids would be in bed by the time he performs and then assuming there’s a nanny or two*, the kids would at least be with him or someone stable during the day (stable meaning same person each day.) If Sophie was filming, she might have been working really long days and the kids never would have seen her anyway for those 6 weeks or two months. So on its face, the kids staying with him this summer seems to make sense.

    But, it might have been planned on his part the whole time. I dont know, I keep saying this, but something about this is just so off putting to me. Like…..he had this smear campaign ready to go, this wasn’t something that started off amicably and then dissolved. He came out swinging here.

    *omg do we think he’s having an affair with the nanny?

    • Snaggletooth says:

      This. This all stinks to high heaven. Modern divorces ALL start with the conscious uncoupling bs. There is something very wrong with him to have come out swinging like this at the mother of his young kids.

    • Dutch says:

      I too am getting real slept the the nanny vibes.

    • ML says:

      Becks1, He’s definitely giving off “a good defense is a good offense “ attack-mode vibes like he has something to hide. Could definitely be an affair and could be a nanny. That makes total sense.

  5. Somebody Nobody says:

    Set up. US courts wouldn’t have jurisdiction over the children if they had spent the last several months in the UK. Without his consent Sophie is in for a world of hurt if she hopes to take the girls back across the pond. Also he waited until she had wrapped to file. To maximize the amount of time he had been primary custodian.

    • MipMip says:

      Ooo. 😑 that’s a really good point. He did wait until after she wrapped filming. That must have been intentional, and not in a nice way.

    • ML says:

      I agree that this was set up. First he dropped that they’ve been having problems via a source for about 6 months. The DF source says since Christmas (ie, longer). I’m not sure if he actively plotted to have the kids and use that against her as of May, but I would be willing to bet that when their “summer in Warwickshire” didn’t help their marriage, either his maggoty brain came up with this there or when he returned to the States.

      Sophie posted a photo of her wearing Taylor Swift friendship bracelets, one of which had “Mr Perfectly Fine,” a TS song about JJ. It’s not a flattering portrait of him. This was about halfway through August, so at the latest, this is when he came up with his plan of attack.

  6. Ponsby says:

    I think it’s a bit of both: the kids staying with extended family/support/nannys etc. for a few brief months while his acclaimed actress wife shoots a film abroad is the obvious decision – it’s so obvious that that’s part of why people have so swiftly seen through this BS. But clearly, he had a story lined up to try to sell people on this absurd narrative and he’s definitely not afraid to sink his kids best interests to to sell it. Did you see that he went with a pap stroll this week with his kids for the first time in their lives? What a ****ing coincidence. The entire time they’ve been together they kept the kids so private that the younger girls name wasn’t even known, and the first week he tries to sell this dogsh*t line about his wife being unfit for being a working actress the kids are rolled out on their very first pap stroll with *gasp* a father being a father for ten mintues.

  7. Libra says:

    Love her red maternity dress.

  8. K_law says:

    This is so gross to me. And so unnecessary. The kids do not need to grow up and read all the disgusting statements from their dads camp.

    It’s saddening that he would stoop so low to attack the mom of his very young children. I had no opinion on him before this but now I certainly do.

  9. Kirsten says:

    It for sure seems like he set her up. Also, to include, “frequent and continuing contact with both parties” is intended to chain her to him as much as possible, even after divorce.

    • Becca says:

      I am sorry but they have kids with each other. They are going to be chained together with frequent and constant communication.

      • KrystinaJ says:

        Actually, they don’t have to be in frequent and constant communication. There are ways to co parent without having to be in direct communication. There are literally apps for parents to be able to do so.

  10. BB says:

    It is very sad to see how she threw her youth away for this ginormous mf who doesn’t even respect her as a mother nor as a person. That smear campaign is unacceptable unless she endangered the kids, which we would know by now.
    What would have been said about a woman that threw that kind of tantrum ? That’s enraging. F Joe Jonas, for real.

  11. Quesadilla says:

    I know this site hates Taylor Swift but it would be so iconic if Sophie and Taylor joined forces against “Mr. Perfectly Fine”

    • ML says:

      That’s what Queen Meghan’s Hand posted this morning under the article about Joe getting a divorce:
      “How do we get the Swifties on this because this man needs to be destroyed.”

  12. Teddy says:

    Whatever the true story, he exudes douche fumes. I’m sorry she has to deal with this now, and is tied to him via the children in the future, but whew, she is well rid of him as a life partner.

  13. Miranda says:

    So they’re claiming that the children will have “more support” living with their father. Could that be because he damaged or destroyed Sophie’s own support system in an effort to isolate her? Everything we’re learning about Joe and his approach to this divorce DOES make him sound like a controlling prick.

  14. Thea says:

    What a load of crock, they’re basically saying the Jonas clan provides better stability and consistency for these kids while ignoring that Sophie has her own family and friends across the pond who could provide similar support. I doubt it was Sophie’s choice to leave the kids with Joe for the summer while she filmed in the UK. For many families where one parent left their home country to marry, these parents usually do their best to ensure the kids get to spend some time in the other country to get to know the other side of their family. With the pandemic and having two kids in the past 3-4 years, chances are Sophie hasn’t had much opportunity to allow her kids to spend time with her side of the family. Her filming in the UK would have been the perfect opportunity for the kids to get to know their maternal relatives better and see their mother when she’s done work while Joe flies over during tour breaks or whatever. Kids that age aren’t in school yet and are pretty adaptable, so it wouldn’t have been that disruptive to spend the summer with Sophie, and it’s in their interest to know their UK roots.