Over the weekend, there was a new Daily Mail exclusive full of scorn and obsession about the Sussexes. The Mail’s Alison Boshoff exhaustively detailed all the times we’ve seen Prince Harry and Meghan do separate things this year (while conveniently ignoring all of the times we’ve seen together), and then suggests that Harry and Meghan are headed for personal and professional separation. The British media has been trying to convince themselves of a Sussex split all year, ever since Meghan… didn’t promote Harry’s memoir. Like, that was the start of this wishful thinking. The thing is, and I hate to admit this, but I do think H&M are going to do more individual projects professionally from here on out. And that’s fine. From this delusional Mail piece:
So what does all this recent separation signify? It is more about brand separation as opposed to personal separation. Some claim the couple’s five-year marriage is heading for the divorce courts, fuelled by Meghan’s habit of removing her engagement and eternity rings, as she did on Monday at the concert.
One LA source, with a senior media position in Hollywood, tells me: ‘It’s 100 per cent over. That’s what I hear, and I’ve been hearing it for months.’ Another says Netflix aren’t likely to renew their deal in two years, for the simple reason they don’t expect them to be a couple by that point.
Others disagree that there is anything awry with their personal relationship. The findings of an investigation by the Mail into what the future holds for the Sussexes indicates something rather different, and gives a fascinating insight into their long-term intentions. Speaking to friends of Meghan, and by examining the couple’s financial dealings, we can reveal the new buzz phrase for the Montecito two is ‘brand separation’.
And to help the couple monetise this new ethos there is, we have discovered, a hitherto unreported Mr Fixit moneyman, who is proving key to stabilising the Sussexes’ financial future: Adam Lilling, a venture capitalist, with a history of lucrative right-on investments, who is an adviser to TV host Ellen DeGeneres, a long-time friend of Meghan. Indeed, Lilling was with Harry — again without his wife — at a football match in LA over the weekend, where the men seemed at ease in each other’s company.
Nick Ede, a brand and culture expert, and friend of the duchess dating from the period before she met Harry, casts light on what Lilling’s presence reveals — and unpicks what ‘brand separation’ means in practice.
‘I’ve spoken to mutual friends and it’s not true they are divorcing,’ says Ede. ‘What is actually happening is they are trying now to undo the damage they did with the Harry & Meghan documentary and Spare, which made them into a toxic couple. The first way to do that is to allow Meghan to get away from the victim narrative and away from Harry so people can see who she is. Meghan needs to forget about being a duchess and forget about good works. She has been isolated in Montecito and hiding away. But she is fun and funny, which is why we became friends. There wasn’t anything fun in [the documentary] or in the [Spotify] podcasts. She will use Instagram to connect directly with fans around the world and to step out into who she is, which is not at all a victim. She is 100 per cent a celebrity and will concentrate on that while Harry does whatever moves him.’
‘If they are wise, they will copy the Beckhams, where each half of the couple has their own “thing” and they do only a small amount together. She could easily earn a million dollars. There is a lot of money which she will make very easily — as long as she does it away from him.’
Again, I think going forward, there will be some delineation between Harry and Meghan’s professional projects. But the rest of this is absolute horses-t. The only people who think the Sussex brand is “toxic” are the people in the British media who keep rocking back and forth in their padded cells, trying to convince everyone that they alone can write H&M’s narrative. The Netflix docuseries was a huge hit, Spare was a bestseller, Meghan’s podcast was successful and the Sussexes are under the protection of the Beygency, Black Hollywood, WME and Ari Emmanuel. As for “a hitherto unreported Mr Fixit moneyman” – the tabloids have been bizarrely focused on Adam Lilling for more than a year, Jesus Christ.
Here are some photos of Harry at Invictus today (black shirt) and yesterday (white shirt).
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Duke of Sussex (centre) kisses Davey Martinez of Team US on the head as he presents medals during the wheelchair rugby finals at the Merkur Spiel-Arena during the Invictus Games. Featuring: Prince Harry, Davey Martinez Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 11 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex during day 2 of Invictus Games 2023 at the Merkur Spiel-Arena Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 11 Sep 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex during day 2 of Invictus Games 2023 at the Merkur Spiel-Arena Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 11 Sep 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- The Duke of Sussex during a walkabout at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany, prior to attending the wheelchair basketball competition during the Invictus Games. Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Duke of Sussex during a walkabout at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany, prior to attending the wheelchair basketball competition during the Invictus Games. Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Duke of Sussex during a walkabout at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany, prior to attending the wheelchair basketball competition during the Invictus Games. Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Duke of Sussex during a walkabout at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany, prior to attending the wheelchair basketball competition during the Invictus Games. Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
They did no damage with spare and Netflix. They set the record straight. If they had it to do over I think they’d do exactly the same.
They did damage to the Unroyal family. The Unroyals are the ones who are toxic and definitely need someone to “fix it”.
The unroyals deserve it. Harry and Meghan were setting the record straight because they were not allowed to do so when they were full time royals.
Brand separation has been made up when the divorce predictions proved to be lies. There was only so many projects that they planned to do as a couple, moving to more individual projects was always the plan.
I would add that this is likely just projecting W&K issues onto H&M – just as whenever the GOP harps on about Dems something something, and it always meant Trump was actually doing whatever the complaint was (children grifting from their dad being president; stealing elections; etc.). It seems whatever the BM have on W&K, they throw at H&M instead.
So instead of pointing out all the ways W&K do separate things, and hinting at the known separation rumors running around them, they project it onto H&M instead.
H&M can do all kinds of separate work things, and still have a solid marriage, just as most couples don’t work hand-in-hand with their spouse.
@DK exactly, what I’m getting from this is that Will and Kate are headed towards brand separation, how interesting.
@Lizzie: Exactly. Besides, when a couple divorces, they separate or divide their financial assets anyway. There doesn’t need to be any kind of “brand separation” because the divorce process resolves all of that. So, the fact that the BM is now parsing fantasies from a pending divorce to working on separate projects and wrapping it up in the name of “brand separation” is just them moving the Sussex goalposts once again.
Now, pardon me while I go laugh at the thought of the Daily Fail “conducting an investigation into what the future holds” for the California Sussexes from England. (Don’t they call that fortune telling?). Anyway, I’m so in awe of their invisible “sources” in Sussex World.
The current reporting on Meghan’s attendance at Invictus has been interesting. Lots of compliments on her looks and clothing. The editorial board has clearly sent out a directive to be kind to Meghan. I wonder why? 🧐
I think something may be afoot and the Palace has a new agenda which they are following for now.
Whereas articles on Kate have been less than flattering.
Is this quoted woman really a friend? She seems to have no better insight than the tabloids. Meg has been in hiding? And yet she’s been spotted at least 3 times at concerts. Perhaps Meghan is just not really a soccer fan, but PH is? And how was there nothing fun in the documentary? I thought it had a good balance.
That first “LA source” is definitely Angela Levin, lol.
Lol Lying Angela ?
They’re obviously not a reliable source because all they did was parade the usual talking points–calling them toxic, claiming that Spare & the documentary were damaging. Please. Damaging to the royals maybe, but not H&M. I call total bullshit.
Meghan’s friends are not talking to the DM🙄 and this person is def not a friend. They are really just trying to create an alternate reality. The doc was cute and interesting. The couple is only toxic and unsuccessful according to the BM, especially the papers Harry and Meghan have sued and are suing.
I often think the term friends is used often rather loosely in the BM. If you’ve had a friendly working relationship with someone, does that mean you are friends with them? Meghan worked with Nick Ede on a charity gala pre Harry. He did have all sorts of nice things to say about her in this interview (I believe this was the day before Pippa’s wedding). He certainly didn’t have a problem with Meghan’s philanthropy back then either. Wonder if this guy turned salty when he didn’t receive an invite to H&M’s wedding.
I’m guessing the LA “source” is Kinsey Schofield. They’re always quoting her dumb@ss opinions. Remember when she said all sorts of publicists told her no one wanted to work with H&M and then along comes WME/Ari.
That part about Meghan is so bad it’s definitely not a friend who said that.
No friend of Meghan’s is saying anything like this or to that man (NE) or to anyone affiliated with the BM NE is not a ‘culture and brand expert’. At all. lol His advice is they do less things together (btw, I absolutely respect they have their own things), uhhmmm anyone with a clue recognizes the power/popularity they have when together. The Global Vax Live show was not a fluke. That was a huge positive reception of them together.
Nick Ede knows Meghan is more than a celebrity. But, he’s not being paid to say the truth.
The toxicity here is all provided by the British media. Only they could make a married couple in which each partner pursues their own career path sound weirdly off beat and suspicious.
So Meghan was wearing her wedding ring but not her engagement and eternity rings, which means they are headed for divorce? And this so-called ‘friend’ doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Meghan has always been about doing ‘good works.’ I believe that while they will continue to pursue their philanthropy work through Archewell, they will also have separate interests, just like a certain other couple. William has Earthshot, while Kate has the Early Years.
Yeah the “forget about good works” is a dead give away this person is a distant acquaintance at best. No friend of Meghan would ever talk to the Fail and the woman has been doing “good works” since elementary school.
Meghan can’t win with these morons. She’s doing good works, they bash her and demand she needs to get away from good works. If she walks away and starts the Kardashian thing of “padding my pockets with lots of money justifies whichever means, they still will bash her and call her a gold digger!! I have no time for these fools.🙄🙄🙄🙄
Maybe they think she should be like Kate and make sure everyone gets to see the ring on display. What do they make of the fact that Will has never worn a wedding ring?
William has never even gotten a ring, whereas all his other male family members have worn a wedding ring, most of them with their signet ring.
I bet wearing a wedding ring is being reserved for wife #2.
@Christine: my dad did that! Miserable SOB. I said what I said.
They’re so use to Kate who is always flashing that cured engagement ring of hers that they act as if it’s unnatural for a woman to take her engagement ring off sometimes.
Assuming he was quoted correctly, this Ede guy sounds like an incredibly shitty “friend”.
“Meghan needs to forget about being a duchess and forget about good works.”
Translation: the Sussexes’ good works are making the rest of the BRF look extra lazy, useless, and self-absorbed.
What they want is content. They want entertainment because the rest of the royals are boring. They want them to be “celebrities” in the thirsty, chasing 15 minutes way. They want her to do the tig and Instagram promos like an influencer. They want them to be the characters they assigned them. They want Meghan to be “Kardashian” like. They want her to run for President. It’s crazy.
I know, right!?
They might as well say stop being a better Duchess and philanthropist than the Princess of Wales, you’re making her look bad. We would MUCH rather you be a Kardashian style influencer so we can mock you and draw contrasts and be able to say that Kate is “real” royalty while you are Hollywood trash.
Exactly this. They WANT Meghan to be “just” a celebrity. They seem okay with Harry being a philanthropist on some level, I think bc they can always tie that back to him being a royal, but with Meghan its just who she is and she’s better at it than Kate and they can’t have that.
Miranda – your translation of his comments is exactly right.
Having separate brands is smart, lol. The people will forever be salty that have no access. The press are just mad because all their narratives failed. Hollywood hasn’t shunned them, they’re in love and and living their lives and are their own individuals. The buyers remorse is real.
Ede calls himself a friend but with a quote like that – calling them a “toxic couple” and saying she “needs” to separate from being a “victim” – I hope she has left him behind.
I think this is the first friend from before days to talk like this? (Excluding the high school friend)
That also stuck out to me.
Also, Meg has always been big on philanthropy, long before she got with Harry. I don’t know who this Ede guy is, but I doubt they’re particularly close if he thinks Meg will dial back on it knowing she’s got the platform to make a bigger impact than she did pre-marriage. She’s also said numerous times how acting and being famous was secondary to her goal in raising her profile in order to do good. Sounds like the opposite of what this guy is claiming so *Oprah voice* what is the truth.
I’m still holding out on the hope that Meg returns to her UN work.
So, I was curious who this guy was, a couple really striking things I learned from a quick Google search:
1. He met Meghan when he invited her to co-host the Global Gift Giving Gala in *2013*. Soooo, he is extremely aware of Meghan’s philanthropy background pre-dating Harry and, irony alert, that’s actually how he met her.
2. He seems to be (can’t get total confirmation) British or at least has UK ties. The 2013 Gala was in London….
3. He is an old man. Giving off very strong Piers Morgan vibes, frankly
4. Articles older than his most recent popping up here refer to him as a *former* friend and that he fell out of touch with Meghan around when she met Harry
My conclusion: This guy was never Meghan’s “friend”. He is an old man who she may have been friendly with in public social settings, but that is quite different from being friends. He had most likely a professional “friendship” with her built around them both being in the entertainment industry and involved in charity activities. A dime a dozen these kind of relationships. Again, Meghan may have considered him someone she knew and was friendly with, but there’s zero indication that this was a personal friendship with sharing of private lives, none at all. Last thing: Mr Ede’s comments demonstrate more than anything that he is not a friend of Meghan’s. He’s the same as before, sees a way to use her name to advance himself, but instead of it being attaching her to a charity event that he can get kudos for, he smears her. Says a lot about his character!
I doubt he was an actual friend. Probably someone she met once at an industry party or something.
Meghan seems to have great judgement when it comes to choosing her friends. As you mentioned, other than that sleazy HS friend, none of her real friends (or even exes!) have ever talked poorly about her or sold her out. Instead they are all fiercely protective and supportive of her. Same with the people she’s worked with. That’s why I don’t believe this person really knows her or is an actual friend.
The projection continues. We know Peg and Can’t aren’t living together so just stop. Why do Harry and Meg have to do all their work together? They are individuals who can work at different things my god they are insane on salt isle with this. Harry and Meg have Archewell together but they also have other things that they want to do. Salt isle start spilling the tea on the leftovers you have and I can almost guarantee you will have lots of clicks for those articles and you will sell many papers.
Yes they keep ignoring the obvious brand separation going on at Adelaide cottage and were about unknown.
The best bits of the doc was the fun stuff – seeing the them falling in love, seeing them with the kids, seeing them laughing together.
Speaking of royals and brand separation and doing their own thing and such… Can Ms Ede explain why the slimmed-down monarchy is taking on far less work per family member on average than a few decades ago AND why Crex and Camzilla as well as WanK often show up together for events? Asking for a friend.
Since the rumors about the wails marriage and the videos of William shrugging Kate away when she tried to hold his hand. The media tried to scapegoat harry and Meghan by saying they were getting divorced. The wails are trying damage control through the interview by mike t. This spin is not working
If you read this article and picture William and Kate.. this article will make sense. There is a lot of projection going on . The Cambridges are the couple they are referring to
Haz looks like his late grandfather in these full-on photos. About time with the brand separation. So where’s the problem?
He does look so much like The Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Phillip). I’ve thought this for awhile. The DOE was a hot number in his younger years.
Spare did absolutely no damage to Harry or Meghan. Though, I don’t really think it did anything positive or negative to Meghan. What it did do was garner Harry a tremendous amount of respect from communities who thought he was just a “prince”. The number of veterans and their family members, mental health professionals, people who lost parents at a young age I personally know who could care less about the Royal Family, no nothing of the goings on since Meghan started dating Harry, and have zero awareness of the disgraceful British tabloids, who read Spare and LOVED it is quite large. Harry has a ton of new fans from Spare and it has really nothing to do with his “royal blood” (such a gross phrase!!), but the deep connection people felt to what he wrote. The idea that Spare made H&M toxic is fantasy, no basis in reality at all
I was one of the people who wasn’t too big a fan of Harry (didn’t hate him or dislike him, just indifferent) until I read Spare. Having lost my brother as a young adult (me, at 24 and him 25) — it felt weirdly vindicating and less lonely to hear about how he also believed she was alive for awhile. Reading others echoing that sentiment was both comforting and heartbreaking, and I’ve never had a book bring up grief in that way.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother, Anna, and I am really glad that Spare was comforting to you. Many hugs to you. I really think that giving voice and creating a dialogue about grief and healing is why Harry wrote Spare.
For me, my elderly parents have not read Spare, but they recently watched the Heart of Invictus documentary and my mom cried and talked for the first time in quite a long time about her older brother who was seriously wounded in Vietnam at 19 and struggled in so many ways for the rest of his life back in the States. I am incredibly grateful to Harry for creating an event that has allowed my family to speak more honestly about a really painful and sad family history. To hear my mom say that she wished that there was something like Invictus for her brother and how much she thought it could have helped him was both very sad, but also healing in a way for her to better understand him and what he went through.
Bah, now I am crying writing this!! I just hope Harry appreciates how much of an impact he’s made for people who as you say were otherwise indifferent to him as a royal.
Anna and Lady E, hugs to you both.
The reason the media guy has been hearing about a divorce for over a year is because the tabloids have been pushing the story for over a year. All of this, including the Sussex Brand, is a narrative invented by the BM. But, now that we’re seeing H&M’s post “clearing the air” plans, they aren’t fitting the invented narrative and the BM is scrambling to put them back in the box.
Saw a clip on Twitter last week with iirc Hugo Vickers? I think on loose women. Anyways, he ominously said that Charles will always leave a door open for harry because he will one day need it. He then said inevitably Meghan will divorce Harry once she’s used him to get all her fame. Like this was did with all seriousness. And not questioned. It’s wild. Videos of Harry and Meghan kissing and dancing and yet they’re still saying this? The delusion. And the desire to have Harry back.
This is just my opinion, but I think the RF and experts genuinely feel that Harry would come back if Meghan was out of the picture. After all, he was miserable before Meghan and still stayed, so why wouldn’t he go back and be miserable again after Meghan, just so he can be close to family? And I imagine they’d expect Meghan to keep the children, which would make things very convenient for ignoring mixed-race grandkids.
But I don’t think they truly understand the level of anger and resentment that Harry’s built up against them over the years. They still don’t understand the shunning and tormenting of Diana. There’s so much about the past that they have to admit first before they can understand what happened with Harry.
Harry knows his power now, these people are delusional if they believe he will ever move back to the U.K. full time, Meghan or no.
Whenever the British tabloids try to define the Sussexes by dictating a speculative opinion of what they expect the Sussexes will do and why, I always pause and pivot to the fact that the Harry has taken the tabloids to court for their years unlawful information gathering and that the Sussexes are no longer “working royals” because they refused to tolerate the British tabloid lies about them.
The Sussexes are pursuing financial independence so that the toxic royal mafia family/institution and their British media propaganda arm do not control them or their narrative. The tabloids will continue to speculate for clicks which garner them income. That’s a great percentage of what tabloids do so I don’t expect them to be different where speculations of the Sussexes are concerned but their relentless abuse of the Sussexes is disgusting which for me is highly unacceptable. 😠
I pray Harry wins his cases in court. 😇
What happened
Harry *attends game*
Daily Fail: “Quick, how can we spin this?”
Daily Fail: “Who’s in his vicinity?”
Daily Fail: “What are their jobs?”
Daily Fail: *JACKPOT!*
Daily Fail: “Yes someone in finance!”
Football – Let’s say Harry & Meghan will be like the Beckhams!!
I know of no one in America who ever talks about the Beckhams success – it is not part of a narrative here. That’s how you know this is horse poop!
Eating Popcorn, in fact, I didn’t know who the Beckhams were until I started following H&M. I still don’t know much about them, and I simply don’t care what they do.
When you are left in the dark, blanked out like the gutter media and their go to cohorts, you create the narrative you wish for this couple. Commonsense, this couple will do separate projects with each others blessing, like most humans they have differing interest, with one goal. As for trying to insinuate there is trouble in this couples paradise they have create for themselves, good luck with that. Most anyone looking at this couple when they are together, can sense their sexual tension and how into each other they both are.
The only toxicity I see with regards to this couple is the Windsor’s and their cohorts inserting themselves in this couple’s lives with their own twisted narrative which the Windsor’s do not have the guts to own, Instead, the Windsor’s use the gutter press to spread their nonsense. If telling the truth regarding your own life and experiences is toxic, then there are an awful lot of toxic people in existence
Absolutely obsessive and delusional.
I’m not sure why you’re saying its obsessive. What is it about this line that makes you think “obsessive”??
“The findings of an investigation by the Mail into what the future holds for the Sussexes….” That’s totally normal for a tabloid for a couple that moved away 3.5 years ago.
(obvious sarcasm in my first sentence, haha.)
Totally unhinged.
If there is anything Toxic about Harry and Meghan, its 100% due to the Rota and Royal family.
Here is what I ask myself — for anyone on the Sussex’s PR team… how much of this toxicity is considered when strategies are developed? How much weight is it given?
EasternViolet, I’ve gained the impression that they don’t pay attention to any of it. They blank them and do what they do. Once in a blue moon, a credible media source gets a statement that’s tailored to the question and then they move on.
Having separate brands is good. They can tackle more things that way. She can focus on the entertainment side and he can focus on the charity side more. It’s possible to have his own brand, her own brand and their brand as a couple. This article is delusion and wishful thinking.
And if Meghan tried to make the Invictus brand part of her brand identity, she would be accused of trying to steal the limelight, etc. So they can’t win with these delusional losers, no matter what.
Exactly. I would bet my hard earned cash that the same losers who are commenting that Meghan not being at Invictus as a sign of impending divorce, will howl like wolves when she comes. Then the complaint will be “Meghan can’t let Harry have anything, why did SHE have to come?” Angela Levin will be leading the pack.
And you’re right, it’s already happening, the moment photos of Meghan joining Harry at a private event began making rounds. The goalposts keep shifting.
It is acutely painful to watch the press make buzz out of the fact that they’re rarely out and about or in front of a camera *together* when you consider four other facts:
1) Harry lost a parent young and was terrified he’d lose his wife the same way;
2) Harry risked his own life in Afghanistan and is, no doubt, clearly aware of his own mortality;
3) they have TWO LITTLE ONES who NEED AT LEAST ONE PARENT — again, a fragile thing that neither of them, given life experiences, is apt to be unaware of or casual about; and
4) the last time they were out in front of cameras together they got chased around New York City by some kind of hit squad.
Brand separation? Sure! BASIC TACTICS OF PROTECTING THEIR BABIES FROM BEING ORPHANED? Almost certainly. Because if those babies were orphaned (MAY GOD FORBID IT) the question of custody would turn into an international diplomatic mess from which Mama Doria and their godfather might not be able to extricate them. The very idea makes my blood run cold, and they are not even my babies. I cannot imagine how it must haunt the Sussexes.
garrity, custody will not be an issue. Both children are American citizens who have been living in America. H&M undoubtedly have a will and have named a guardian–who, I anticipate, will be American.
You’ve also overlooked the fact that the brf do NOT want biracial children as part of their family.
That’s one possible way to read the tea leaves, and I sincerely hope you’re right – or that more serious diplomatic plans have been made in case of a disaster.
However, there’s also this: British citizenship automatically passes down one generation to the children of British-born citizens (a legacy of colonialism); that means that the kids’ citizenship is now arguably dual. It’s not uncommon for two different nations to have different takes on citizenship that clash in some way. (For example, before 1967, Canadians who became American citizens were expected by the US to give up their Canadian citizenship. Canada rejected that stance by refusing to open the written declarations sent by the US to the Canadian government whenever a Canadian took on American citizenship.) They’re also a Prince and Princess of the UK, which makes the situation diplomatically fussy, and that diplomacy falls into one of the most important strategic alliances in the world, especially with Putin threatening western Europe. So (and may God forbid it) a lotof the fallout in such a situation would depend on diplomacy between DC and London; there’s no crime, but they are minors, dual citizens, and royal family members, and the precedents for extradition are nearly nil.
Meanwhile, I agree that the BRF are a bunch of racists who do not want biracial kids in the family on a personal level. On the other hand, the gutter press has been fussing for some time that *they* want pictures of Archie and Lili; and the BRF has a long history of keeping scapegoats in the folks (e.g., Harry) to make their Chosens Ones look good.
So all told, I hear your points – they’re important considerations – but I am not convinced entirely that the situation would be open-and-shut.
How is them having separate brands a bad thing? Archewell is their work as a couple, having separate personal projects is normal imo?
My feeling, too.
The only damage done by the documentary and Spare was to the Leftover Royals. And they brought that on themselves with their abusive behavior.
This Ede guy is a “friend” of Meghan in the same way Piss Morgan is. I.e. someone she probably said hello to once at a party and they built up a BFF with her in their delusional brains. Everything out of his mouth is lies. And there’s no way any of Meghan’s actual friends are talking to the Fail for a story.
The Fail is just trying to distract us from the real story, which is Pegs and Buttons disintegrating marriage, separation, and likely divorce. Everything they write is pure projection and lies.
No true friend would ever speak about Meghan or her marriage like that so this is obviously fake news from someone who isn’t really in the know. Trust is a huge thing for Meghan and Harry and this person is clearly untrustworthy.
Also everything Harry and Meghan have done had been great for their brand. The media have twisted it but views and reviews don’t lie. Besides H&M already have brand separation.
Lastly I don’t get the constant obsession with the state of the Sussexes marriage. After all if William and Kate can remain miserable ever after, what makes the media think that Harry and Meghan can’t do the same (if it came to that). Harry and Meghan have so much that ties them together including the desire to keep their children safe from the crazies and vultures. Much better done together than apart.
Lol unhinged! What brand separation? The H&M documentary and Live to Lead are the only projects they’ve done jointly! They’ve always worked separately. Their company is co-owned but they have separate projects and charities that they work with. When there is alignment in goals the charities they support will help each other but their causes have always been separate.
Meghan: Feminism, equal pay for women, ending food scarcity in communities, eradicating menstrual stigma for young girls, and equal access to education for girls.
Solo Projects: Archetypes Podcast and The Bench a children’s book
Harry: Veterans, Environmentalism, eradicating AIDS, and mental health awareness.
Solo Projects: The Me You Can’t See doc, SPARE memoir, Heart of Invictus doc
Harry and Meghan co-own Archewell
Joint Projects: Harry and Meghan doc and Live to Lead doc
Harry and Meghan live 24/7 in these people’s mind to the point that they’ve imagined the Sussexes everywhere together. That’s never been the case and its honestly not even about their brands or their work. All this energy and talk about separation comes from rage because the Sussexes share a happy life, a beautiful home, 2 adorable kids and a gorgeous office desk despite their best efforts to ruin their name, projects and marriage.
Is that why Kate and Will also did separate engagements and arrived in two different airplanes ?
I want them to bring this same energy to the Waleses. It is not uncommon for couples to have separate professional interests. There was no hand-wringing and pearl clutching when Willy announced a new “lifetime mission” and none when Katie announced that she is an early childhood expert. Even when the Sussexes were working royals, they had separate philanthropic activities not to mention both were fully formed humans with their own interests before they got together. This is a bunch of nonsense designed to dogwhistle at other non-existent issues. They should put that energy to the heir and his wife and then it would actually be relevant.
Oh bullsht, bullsht and more bullsht. Harry and Megan have ALWAYS had separate projects. They aren’t like Billy and katey having everything lined up ready for them to mumble a few words at a staged event, they actually WORK at their projects. Megan has something brewing you know it, I know it, they are just petrified that once again it will show Billy and botox for the wishy washy trash they are at everything. Are these so called journalists so stuck in the 1930s that they can’t get their pathetic little heads around a HAPPILY married couple, each have their own career paths. Not a single friend of either Harry or meghan was spoken to, this is all just the writers imaginations looking for another way to spin spinning, it’s pathetic
It makes sense to split up some of the “brand” items. I really wouldn’t want to see Harry on Instagram doing brand promotions, but I would buy every single item if Megahn were touting it on Instagram. I think it would be smart for her to monetize herself. She can do it tastefully. Harry can keep up with Invictus, Sentabale and mental health and she can do feminism and thoughtful and targeted influencing and brand ambassadorship. It makes sense. Go get that money, girl! My wallet is wide open for you.
Why don’t you want Harry on Instagram? Is it because he is a man and a prince and you think he is “above” these things?
Everyone who saw the video of Harry and Meghan dancing together to “Love on Top” and “1+1” at the Beyonce concert could see that their relationship is “100% over.”
Also that hand-holding they did, while dressed similarly for the concert’s silver theme? It was screaming splitsville. It’s sad, really.
William and Kate took two separate private jets to Paris this weekend for the rugby world cup so they wouldn’t have to attend the rugby matches for Wales and England together and Kate is not going to NY with William next week but yes sure it’s the Sussexes who are separating their work and personal lives from each other lol
Every allegation is an admission with these people. It’s a Trumpian level of projection
JFC enough with “he attended a soccer game without his wife.” I can count on one hand how many Buffalo Bills games my mother attended as opposed to my dad who had season tickets and made 98% of the home games. They were married until his death, 43 years married, 46 years together. Never a whisper of divorce.
I think they pulled something vital with all this reaching
Added to this comment, how many couples outside of institutions like royal families are joined at the hip and work together all the time….
Even the late Queen and Prince Philip had separate interests…
This narrative of Meghan and Harry divorcing is Ridiculously it’s like the British tabloids and the racist Karen’s live In a different Reality. I truly think that it’s projected on their parts that Kate and William marriage is over and they have been living separately for a while now but instead of focusing on that the tabloids rather spread misinformation about Meghan and Harry because that gets them clicks .
They are like a stalking ex. He has moved on and no she wasn’t a jump off and no they are not breaking up and no she is prettier thank you.
This is DF trash lies as usual. They make assumptions and try and use them as a source of what is happening with the Sussexes. The “friend” is not a friend or a reliable source. A real friend knows that becoming a duchess has nothing to do with who Meghan has always been, which is someone doing good her entire life. The documentary and Spare didn’t ruin their reputation or make her into a victim, if anything it made more people aware of the hell they have endured because of the royal family and media. The DF and anyone speaking to them for this article aren’t reliable and the first proof of that is the assumption that a woman wearing one of her three wedding rings to a concert she attended with him, dancing nice and slow by the way, are headed for divorce. Meghan has worn one ring instead of all of them before they even left Saltine Island. The seconds sign of this being an unreliable article and source is that Harry and Meghan have been doing separate engagements since they have been married. They were more often to do things separately than together because unlike the rest of the royals, they are both competent.
I always believed they would have separate projects and projects they work to together. I believe they’ve already told us that. The bm really is running out of things to say and are just slapping anything together. The more they do this, more people will stop reading the messes they write.
Ooooo! An LA source has a senior media person in Hollywood! And he or she has actually talked to a friend. Wow! Must certainly have inside information, even if Meghan and Harry do not live in or work in Hollywood.
bm: ‘There has to be some sort of seperation. There has to be’ 😰
I just think Harry and Meghan are their own people with their own accomplishments, even if they also have some accomplishments together. That’s how normally healthy adults operate in life.
The royal family probably cannot relate to this, but Meghan is NOT just Harry’s wife — as opposed to Kate having no identity of her own other than as William’s wife, or Camilla having nothing in her life and no accomplishments other than being Charles’ wife. But Meghan is not like that – she has her own accomplishments, as does Harry. It’s the 21st century people, I think the British tabloids need to join the rest of the modern world.
Something tells me that Mr. Ede, if he ever was a friend of Meghan, is no longer.
—Dear Harry and Meghan: the world loves to see you, together. For all of that, we haven’t seen that much of you talking to each other. If you’re still podcast-minded, please do a podcast series on the projects closest to your hearts, talking to and interviewing each other about the history of each project, its current status, and your hopes for the future. It will blow the lid off the podcast charts and will further promote your projects.
“Meghan needs to forget about being a duchess and forget about good works.”
LOL Ooooh, they are seething.
This Nick Ede person is not a friend if he’s a) talking to the DM about H&M, and b) using terms like, ‘the damage they’ve done’. Nope. Not believing one word of this.
It’s all an “invented” friend and source, invented narrative. Everything is all made up/fiction. Upon stepping down from their roles in 2020, Harry and Meghan issued a letter to the editors The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail and The Daily Express saying they would no longer engage with them ever again.
“What they won’t do is offer themselves up as currency for an economy of clickbait and distortion.”
The UK Media is so abusive, weird and substitutes “making sh*t up for actual newsgathering.
Even the Guardian (non-right wing, non-billionaire-owned,) has abandoned its once moderately sane approach on H & M, to go all snide and meanly grudging re Invictus & Harry. Pity. I’m increasingly impressed year after year by Harry’s poise, intelligent presentations delivered with exceptional warmth, humor and poise. In these public settings, he’s got a remarkable ease, emotional intelligence and ability to connect with people/kids that now unique among living RF members. He talks about Real Stuff that impacts so many. If the Royal Family/KP and UK media had half-a-brain, they’d call off the dogs, change their tune & in time, come to bask in the reflected light of the Dear Boy Harry, his American bride and the little Prince & Princess. Will the Sussex children have an opportunity to learn about their British heritage first hand in this toxic atmosphere created entirely by UK players/tabloids/KP. But apparently, the RF/UK Media lunkheads don’t need no stinkin’ rock stars.
As to The Daily Mail’s nonsense about “separating their brands?” They’ve always done separate & combined events and projects? Who else operated like that, I wonder? Maybe… the Queen and Prince Phillip? Charles & Diana? Like Charles & Camilla? Edward & Sophie? The Wales? Meaghan appears to consider Invictus Games 100% Harry’s from Day 1, and only appears to support and cheer on the Games and her Honey – cause both are fabulous. She gets it instinctively and did a couple of well-done USO tours prior to meeting Harry.
So they really mean that William and Kate are heading more into separation.
In Another news, the Invictus Games seems to be growing more with sponsors as Amazon and Boeing were some of the big names being partners or helped sponsored the games this year.