Queen Elizabeth II personally invited the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to come to her Jubilee celebrations last year. She invited them in person, when Harry and Meghan made a surprise visit to Windsor ahead of the Invictus Games in The Hague. Once the Sussex family was on the ground in the UK for the Jubbly, there was wall-to-wall speculation about what they were doing and who they were seeing. Some incandescent palace sources assured the Mail that Harry and Meghan were absolutely banned from bringing a photographer with them as Harry introduced his children to his grandmother. That was the back-and-forth at the time – the courtiers wanted credit for “banning” this or that during the Sussexes’ visit to QEII. Months later, Harry revealed that visit was the last time he saw his grandmother in person, although they were still talking on the phone throughout the summer. Well, fifteen months later, we’re still talking about that Jubbly visit and people are still lying about what did or did not happen.
A former employee of Queen Elizabeth II claimed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle snubbed the late monarch’s invitation to celebrate Princess Lilibet’s 1st birthday with her.
“Even on Lilibet’s 1st birthday, the Queen didn’t see her,” the Queen’s onetime footman Paul Burrell told the Mirror in an interview published Friday. “She saw her the day before. But on her birthday, the Queen had a birthday cake made with one candle in it. And they never turned up. That candle was never lit.”
However, a source tells Page Six there is “no truth” to Burrell’s claims.
“They did see the Queen to celebrate Lili’s birthday,” the insider says.
According to Burrell, the sovereign had invited Harry and Markle to celebrate Lilibet’s birthday but was snubbed. “The next day, she asked if maybe they’d like to come up for tea again and was told they’ve gone,” the ex-Buckingham Palace staffer claimed. “‘What do you mean they’ve gone?’ she said. ‘They’ve gone back to America.’ ‘Oh no, they never said goodbye.’”
Burrell further claimed the Queen was “confused” that Harry and Markle, who also share 4-year-old son Prince Archie, decided to leave London so quickly.
“How could you offend our Queen? Well, I don’t understand anyone that could do that. Not her family, why would you want to?” he said. “She was devoid of jealousy, anger, envy, all those traits that we associate with other people she didn’t have. She was just a very simple soul. I wish the world could have known her the way I knew her.”
Do you want me to do this? Because I will – Burrell is lying his ass off and I have no idea why. QEII was in really poor health during the week of the Jubbly, and she canceled her public appearance at some horse race on that Saturday, which was Lili’s birthday (June 4th). Harry and Meghan threw a small party on that day at Frogmore Cottage, where Misan Harriman took photos of Lili and the family. Then, the day after Lili’s birthday (June 5th, a Sunday), the Sussexes flew out of the UK while the final Jubbly celebrations were happening. The British media was beyond pissed that the Sussexes dipped, that they were not begging to be on the fakakta balcony, that they didn’t give a sh-t about going to the Jubbly concert or whatever. Harry brought his children to England that one last time specifically so they could meet their great-grandmother.
Photos courtesy of SussexRoyal, Misan Harriman, Netflix.
- MANDATORY CREDIT: Chris Allerton – copyright SussexRoyal NEWS EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL USE. NO MERCHANDISING, ADVERTISING, SOUVENIRS, MEMORABILIA or COLOURABLY SIMILAR. NOT FOR USE AFTER FRIDAY JUNE 7, 2019, WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM ROYAL COMMUNICATIONS AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE. This photograph is provided to you strictly on condition that these conditions and restrictions will apply (and that you will pass these on) to any organisation to whom you supply it. There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photographs (including by way of example only) any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-news editorial use. The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form and must include all of the individuals in the photograph when published. All other requests for use should be directed to the Buckingham Palace Press Office in writing. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are joined by her mother, Doria Ragland, as they show their new son, born Monday and named as Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, to the Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle.
How would Burrell know what the queen did. He is lucky she called a halt to that trial
Only because he blackmailed her – the little weasel had kompromat on her family.
yep. He had something on the firm. He’s still mad H called him ‘mommy’s butler’ I guess. Take a few seats pauly, this is not a good look for you.
Yep, Burrell, is a liar and is grinding an axe with Harry from pg. 89 of SPARE. Burrell is a former employee of the QE2 from 36 F*cking years ago. He received a get out of jail free card from her in the early 2000s out of fear of what he would reveal..not because he was a beloved employee fom 1986 and back.
Burrell had NO access to QE2 in the last few decades. Dude’s a joke.
He’s just making sh!t up for money and attention as he has always done. The media tend to ignore him and he’s resorted to selling lies to US outlets to feed his need for fame and to be ever seen as ‘Diana’s rock’.
It’s amazing what whoppers this guy tells and gets away with. This must be his bread and butter—lying for the tabloids.
I hope the Sussexes were able to get a quick snap of the kids with their grandmother, for their personal remembrances, not for our consumption. But I think it’s true the courtiers tried to ban them from doing so and the Queen herself probably wasn’t feeling presentable. But as far as the birthday cake kookiness is concerned? Burrell and Thomas Markle sound suspiciously alike in their outcries. Things that make you go…hm.
It’s such a stupid lie. How the heck would he know any details about the Queen’s daily life at that point? He’s wasn’t working for her, let alone having conversations with her. And if the Sussexes saw the Queen the day before Lilibet’s birthday, are we meant to believe they didn’t talk about the party they were having the next day? Something they would have had planned, considering it was their daughter’s FIRST birthday? I don’t believe for a second that pathetic ‘a cake was made, a candle bought, but oh, so very sad, the candle remained unlit’. What hogwash.
Lying for the tabloids who tell lies anyway ‘O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’.
First of all, I have the same question about what the Q said the same way I have about what Jesus supposedly said. How do we know what either said, word or word?
Anyway, Harry was in contact with his gran, he knew she wasnt well (hence voicing his concerns about who was around her (manipulating her, not taking care of her properly). Given who H&M are, does anyone believe they would have shown up with a photographer? I mean really. Have they seen the kind of pics that smart phone take, heck my little old LG phone takes better pics than my so-called smart phone. They have no idea whether H&M have pictures because it would have been only them in the room with her. I am however willing to bet that they have a few pics of her with her favorite grandson’s kids.
Yep. QE2 was not available for Jubilee events on June 4th. She was probably available to attend a nice, quiet birthday party with delicious food.imo
Obviously he’s being unhinged and cruel about the Sussexes but it seems obvious to me that the kernel of truth here is that the Queen was not in her right mind by that stage.
Quoting “oh, they never said goodbye” and having to tell her that they returned to the US literally the day after they saw her and would have told her this? This guy is a piece of shit.
Oh, right, that’s more of the stupidity. When you’re visiting someone you haven’t seen in a while, you talk about what you’re doing on that short visit, including when you’re leaving. These people can’t even write a decent lie.
The queen would have never added the “didn’t say goodbye” part. It doesn’t make sense with how she comported herself and chose her words. This is obvious hogwash.
Yea we know he’s a flat out liar but as someone dealing with an elderly relative with cancer-related dementia symptoms, this kind of babyish speech and a total lack of memory of our previous day visits sounded familiar to me.
This man will say whatever will get him paid by the tabloids. Between bringing back Bad Dad and this, the tabloids are DESPERATE to keep their hater talking points alive and have some/any reason to put H&M in a headline. The people still interested and hate-reading this are really sad and pathetic.
I tell you what they are lying and printing this… their statesman trip to NYC has been a dud and they need clicks and headline and what better than to write negative stories about the real royal couple? They just won over Germany by being themselves, Invictus was a raging success , they are truly loved. So that must pissed them off… another fake story to see if people get mad that’s what they using a dead queen to stir hate.
My god they are still beating this dead horse? The Invictus games did so well that they are bringing up the dead queen. Anything to take away the good will that Harry and Meg got for Invictus.
Ah, articles about your future king’s I’m a Statesman Too tour aren’t getting any clicks (except how foolish he is), so this lying, POS is dragged out to talk shit about the Sussexes. Page 1 of the palace and tabloid playbook.
And isn’t this slime ball known for being the one who worked for Princess Diana and stole her belongings? Now he’s the queen’s former butler? He’s a lying liar who lies (and steals), but sure, Jan, let’s believe him about this.
So QE, who was such a simple soul without any of the vices us common folk have, couldn’t condescend to go to Lili’s actual BD party with other members of her own family if she wanted to celebrate? Not even just for a short while?
equality, IIRC, QE2 didn’t attend all of the jubbly festivities because of her health. I suspect H&M and the kids saw her either Friday or early on Saturday. I remember their docuseries where they are walking with the children with them. I’ve always thought they had been to see QE2 at that time.
How earth could this man possibly know this? We’re supposed to believe he still has his finger on the pulse of BP? I love how they describe him as a former employee not mentioning that he’s a former employee from decades ago that didn’t even work for the queen. That’s like me talking about the goings on at that grocery store I worked at in high school. Any media that would even print this should be ashamed of themselves. They have nothing positive to report on the Wales’ and would rather gargle glass than report fairly on the Sussexes, so it’s back to the old hits of 2019. These stories aren’t hitting like they did then though. Even for the anti fans.
That all sounds about right, Dee(2).
^^ It always helps to check for accuracy. I had heard Burrell worked in royal service before being assigned to C&D after their marriage. So I researched to be certain. Here are the details:
Paul Burrell comes from a coal-mining family, in Grassmoor, Derbyshire. From the age of 8, mind you, Burrell desired to work at Buckingham Palace, after he witnessed the ceremonial Changing of the Guard at the palace, during a family trip to London. Sure enough, at the age of 18, Burrell entered royal service, becoming a BP footman. A year later, he was promoted to personal footman to QE-II. Burrell was nicknamed, ‘Small Paul,’ to distinguish him from another footman named ‘Paul,’ who was taller.😂 Tee hee! These days, I can think of other reasons for referencing Burrell as ‘small.’ 🙄
After Chuck & Diana unfortunately married, Burrell was assigned to their household staff at Highgrove House. He served as butler to Diana PoW, till her death in August 1997. Astounding and next level sad this British class system, which Burrell is a lowly example of. He ingratiated himself so fully with his masters; he toadied up and then he became puffed up with faux self-importance, due to being a royal servant to future historical figures.
Burrell’s ‘steadfast loyalty’ turned to grifting betrayal when he stole Diana’s belongings after her death, under the guise of ‘safekeeping.’ And then, to save his hide from going to jail, he blackmailed the Queen. Why should anyone listen to any of his lies and half-truths? His whole life has been about royal fawning and grifting.
“I wish people knew hee the way I did” you didn’t know her Paul🙄
Right, even though Burrell served QE-II, as a royal footman, that does NOT mean he ‘knew her.’ What grifting presumption! 🙄
I loved the story Harry told about the children meeting the Queen, Archie practicing his curtsy and Lili holding on to her legs. He mentioned that the Queen thought they would be more rambunctious.
Harry said he figured the Queen thought they might be more rambunctious as ‘American kids,’ simply because she remarked about how well-mannered and sweet they were. So the sterotyping of ‘American kids,’ is coming from Harry, though of course, he did actually know his grandmother fairly well, I suppose.
In my estimation, the Queen generally didn’t have a great propensity for spending a lot of time in the company of children. Counter to Harry thinking the Queen might have thought American kids would be ‘rambunctious,’ I believe she had the experience of her other royal grandkids and great-grandkids being rambunctious at Balmoral and during family photo shoots! LOL!
Paul Burrell is unhinged.
He’s lying. If this were true, we would have heard about it the same day, not over a year later. And not from this bottom feeder. He is as bad as Lady C, worse really since he claimed to have been Diana’s confidant.
I am sure that Harry and Meghan got pictures with the Queen. Why…I remember speculation from the palace that they would release photos of Lili with the Queen.
Paul Burrell hasn’t stepped foot into any royal palace for quite a number of years so how would he know if The Queen had a cake for Lili? It’s just more stuff he’s made up to make himself seem relevant. As for being Diana’s rock? I was told years ago by someone who was in the right place to hear such things that Diana was getting fed up with Burrell and the way he was always up close in her personal life. I do hope he returned all those possessions he was “keeping safe” to William and Harry or to the Spencer family.
From what I understand he got to keep some stuff but I think he had about 200 boxes of her personal items (clothes, letters, photographs etc..) – he was full on stalking her and hasn’t stopped since.
This is the guy that on the day of the Sussex wedding he was caught trying to talk his way into palace grounds and was then caught trying to talk his way into the press area – he ended up watching it from a pub/hotel window. He was seen at various points in the background of some shots of the crowds along Windsor High Street – pretty much everyone ignored him.
He is a thoroughly awful little man and yeah, he was NEVER her rock.
LOL, sure Paul.
We all know why Paul Burrell is lying his a*s off. The only lie that is sticking for the Harry and Meghan antis is the narrative that they were “cruel to the elderly” i.e. the Queen. So naturally after the monumental success of the invictus games, the toxic media has to pull on that last remaining thread to try and reignite hatred towards Harry and Meghan.
Fortunately, what Burrell doesn’t know is that no weapon formed against the Sussex family will prosper. The toxic tabloids’ lies and continued campaign of hate is turning the masses into Harry and Meghan fans. Every day they gain more and more angels and protectors.
Also there is something so unseemly about referring to Meghan in the article as “Markle” while addressing Prince Harry as “Harry.” It reminds of when certain news organizations and certain heads of state would refer to President Obama as “Mr. Obama.” IYKYK
Are these people ever going to move on? The Sussexes have moved on from the toxic royal mafia family/institution and are firmly planted in the US. They are not looking back. The wrapped up their look back projects last year. Spare was published in January. There is now content for historical reference as to what happened in their lives as part of the institution. Historians will reference their content for perspective and insight as other events unfold. No anonymous sources, no lies by clout chasers who have an axe to grind or boot lickers (royal commentators) who want to be associated with the royal institution for financial gain, Harry and Meghan recounted their own stories.
I think the mafia royals are accustomed to burying information in vaults and rewriting history by retelling events through their media propagandists who make money from the arrangement. It’s practically a thriving industry. Remember, they pulled footage of the funeral and coronation that already aired globally. They pulled footage the institution had filmed and aired which had given the public a behind the scenes look at the family. They pulled Princess Diana’s panorama interview.
They don’t have the same power over Netflix and Oprah Productions. They do not have any power over Penguin Random House Publishing either. Despite their efforts to rewrite the Sussex’s story (includes social media bots), outside of the UK, not everyone is buying the lies. KP seems to have heavily invested in social media and tabloid lies to rewrite the narrative. KP is desperate to elevate William. Charles and Camilla already got their prize (King and Queen) so they’re just trying to get through the rest of their lives before the monarchy crumbles under William’s shenanigans.
It must be easy to lie when the pay off is right. How much were you offered Mr Burrell?
I would laugh my backside off if HM sued Burrell for defamation.
Burell is a lieing peice of sht. He was Diana’s Butler and should have been in prison for theft of her personal things after she died, he LIED and said he was keeping them for Harry and bullyam. The Queen stepped in to stop secrets coming out in court. He had NO ACCESS to the Queen or any of the Royal family after Diana died, but has made a fortune trading on her name.!the Queen saw Harry, Megan and the children, there were pictures of them going into her rooms in the palace. This man needs a bloomin good slap for the lies he continually tells, and, like has already been said, the Queen stayed in contact with Harry and Megan after they left in phone and zoom calls. Christ these people make me sick and NO he wasn’t Diana’s rock, he was an irritating stone in her shoe
Where were the pictures of H&M, Archie & Lili published, @Mary Pester?
Burrell really likes to beat a dead horse doesn’t he ?
“I wish the world could have known her the way I knew her.”
We did know the queen the way you knew her, Paul. Which is hardly at all.
*chef kiss*
Yep, and the queen had his number when she extricated him from that trial.
I see Princess Lilibet has beautiful Spencer red hair.
That name “Paul Burrell” and Page 6 ??
As Kyrs suggested on twitter, Murdoch pressed the Red Button to produce
propaganda for the Sussexes…
Maybe it is the successful Invictius Games??
Despite their differences….
No one in the royal family like/nor care for Paul Burrell…….
“As Kyrs suggested on twitter, Murdoch pressed the Red Button to produce
propaganda for the Sussexes…”
Edited to – “As Kyrs suggested on twitter, Murdoch pressed the Red Button to produce
propaganda against the Sussexes…”
Wow they really are salty about the overwhelming success of Invictus if they have to resort to lying about the late queen.
Burrell *was* the Queens personal footman from about 1978-87 so they *did* know each other. But I don’t think he likely saw her much from 1987 onwards—36 YEARS AGO. And certainly not since he became a tabloid staple. After nearly four decades I doubt he even has any well placed sources period.
Serving the Queen, and ‘knowing’ the Queen, are two entirely different things. Especially within the stultifying confines of royal service, amidst the despicable British class system! With Burrell’s puffed-up sense of self-importance, and his life of royal grifting, I seriously doubt he even truly knows his own self. 🙄
I’ll bet that even some royal family members who had to schedule appointments to see their relative, the Queen, actually ‘knew’ her all that well. Aside perhaps from those closest to her, such as her daughter, Princess Anne, and her favorite grandson, Prince Harry.