I’m feeling mean today, so let me get this out of the way: the Princess of Wales’s new wig is so bad and so cheap-looking. It looked okay in those blurry, low-quality pics in France over the weekend, but seeing it in high-res up close… YIKES. Kate did a public event today, because of course she did. After a two-month summer holiday, the only thing that gets William and Kate back to work is their pathetic efforts to “overshadow” Prince Harry and the Invictus Games. Think of how thoroughly Kate and William center themselves in everything, to the point where they don’t even want VETERANS to have the spotlight.
Kate’s event today was at a prison- High Down Prison, where she’s checking out the work of The Forward Trust. She’s nominally the patron of The Forward Trust, showing up once in a blue moon to check out the work being done by everyone else. The palace really pulled out the big guns here because they were expecting photos of Meghan arriving at the Invictus Games to come out today. The palace brain trust (Jason Knauf, Tory elders and a gopher wearing Kate’s discarded wig) was like: send her to prison, that will be a good photo-op, she can make jazz hands at the incarcerated.
Kate’s suit is McQueen, and the Mail is making a big deal about the bandages on Kate’s right hand. Their sources insist it’s nothing serious, merely a trampoline accident and nothing’s broken. This isn’t the first time Kate has shown up to events with large bandaids on her hands. My first thought was “kitchen mishap,” and then I wondered if the hand injuries might be tennis-related. But it keeps happening and I wonder if her consistent hand injuries are something else entirely.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn about how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sutton, United Kingdom When: 12 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Trampoline accident?? Errr what!?!?
All I see is her extra long torso and such super short legs. I think she looks better in her coat dresses!! If they’all thought these blitzes of nothingness can distract from the Invictus, they truly are delusional. Even Harry by himself has steadily held the headlines worldwide. Even their obsessive tabloids have no time for them but are all spending their energy on obsessing over the Sussexes. Now wait till Meg lands in Dusseldorf, it will be like WanK who? Buttons doesn’t stand a chance however much she tries. Pegs? He already back in hiding and licking his wounds after failing to knock Harry out of the limelight!!
It was a cushion throwing accident.
I will never believe anything they say. Them saying it’s a trampoline accident just means it’s something else entirely. They chose a cause of injury that coincides with the “hands on mother” narrative, like “she was jumping on the trampoline with the children because you know physical activity is so important for children in the early years”… it’s so transparent.
Eating disorders and domestic violence are no laughing matter. If that’s what’s really going on (as some comments have suggested), I wish her the best. And really, those things will have an impact on her children so I think of them too.
@Dody How’s the view from KP today? 🙄
I thought her right cheek looks sore, maybe it’s just my eyes………..hmmmm
This is not the first time she has had suspicious hand injuries.
Assuming that domestic violence is always carried out by the man is incorrect, statistics show the complete opposite. Remember K’s open aggression towards Meghan after the QEII walkabout, it was scary. Considering the behavior of predator, stalker, mean girl, destroying all competition, manipulating the media and constant attention seeker, there is absolutely no indication of any type of victimhood. The saying “You can never be too rich or too thin” appears to be her motto.
That’s her pillow-throwing hand; it’s a repetitive-use injury.
It’s her attention seeking hand. That’s it. That’s all. No trampoline accidents. No rose bush incidents. just, attention seeking things.
When she thinks about H&M she squeezes the glass in her hand so hard that it breaks, and she gets cut by the shards.
What is she thinking?!
@Lorelei – Even TLo commented on how bad Wiggington’s hair extensions look.
And yet TLo did not even do a comment post on her white suit, gold necklace, and tousled hair at the Rugby game. Interesting.
Nah. Her usual wiglet up and bit her.
She is not taking away from Invictus or Megs arrival. Sure it was a trampoline accident. Or maybe the pillow throwing became something more.
It looks as though Kate sprained her finger. I’m not going to snark about that.
I legit gasped at her hair. Holy crap-it’s like some budget Megan Markle wig from Temu.
OMG! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Surely people know it’s fake when they see her in real life; the temptation not to gawp at it must be top level. One day, a kid in the crowd is going to grab hold of her hair by accident and pull the stuff off.
The wig is terrible.
It’s sooooo noticeable in these photos! I legit think she might have alopecia.
Maybe her hairdresser is on vacation? She slapped that wig on so fast she didn’t even powder in the transition.
cheap and unflattering. i can’t believe she’s walking around with that leftover 70s halloween wig on her head. she desperately needs a cute haircut, one that suits her, not Meghan, and is about 7 inches shorter.
it is terrrrrrible, omg!! how does a woman this age not know how her hair looks good?????? I almost said, not know how to do her hair, but I’m guilty of that 🙁
however, if I were in her shoes, I would get some help!!!!!!!
She’s surrounded by people who tell her she looks great no matter what she’s wearing or how she’s styled. I really wonder if they’re ragging on her behind her back.
*Waving as she leaves Adelaide Cottage* “You look so beautiful, your highness!”
*As she drives away* “Good grief, she must be high …”
Same for the gasp, that wig is a lot.
LOL. Temu!!!! I screamed.
Is this her worst hair of all time??? I’m trying to think of something worse. The long hair is dragging her face down (I’m the same way, as fun as long hair is it really doesn’t suit my face). The waves are so weird…they’re like ruffles ..what’s happening around her ears??
And who debuts this frilly new hairstyle in a McQueen suit at a PRISON??? Now would be a great time for your horsey ponytail, jeggings, runners and utility jacket Kate….read the room, MY GOD.
I agree, SunnyDays!! Who else but Kate would don a “Charlie’s Angels” wig to visit a prison?? She’s just utterly clueless.
I love the cognitive dissonance we’re seeing in that first photo: Kate, with her big fluffy wig, wearing McQueen & heels & diamonds & a big ol’ smile, walking through the rusty weed-strewn gates of a prison.
Apart from how it looks, why is it sitting on her head like that? She’s wearing it like it’s a hat.
When the photo editors pulled her face up did they pull the wig up? As you said it’s not looking right.
That’s right!! It looks like the wig is too heavy, has not been secured properly and has slipped back. It is possibly a silk base wig to make it look like real scalp and probably with a comb sewn in near the hairline which then slides into her own hair. It is precisely here where it fails to blend in. There is a telltale triangle of differently textured flat hair, her own, which sticks out in front of the wig in the middle of her hairline. It is clearly visible in many photos. It is most surprising that the wig is so poorly positioned.
The top-heavy style that swamps her face at the temples is supposed to help hide the edges of the wig. Sadly, it makes her look like an ageing popstar from a bygone era, desperately trying to gurn her way to a come-back that just never happens.
(There is obviously nothing wrong with wearing wigs, however it is mind-boggling that hers are so poorly looking. Perhaps she has fired her hairdresser and gone rogue so that she can hide her hairloss from everyone.)
So that’s what Temu is!
@Marycontrary, that was too funny but spot on! 🤣
Clearly she injured herself throwing “pillows.”
I don’t know if it’s the botox or if it’s something else but her right eye seems swollen….
I know she’s wearing dark eye makeup but it honestly looks like she has a black eye. Or trying to camouflage a black eye.
Which would help explain the enormous new wig that covers so much of her face.
for me it looks like swollen eyes after crying myself to sleep
It doesn’t look swollen to me. Can I just say that I wish she would get someone to do her makeup for her?
The droopy eyelid is what stood out to me also. Not just a photo mid-blink, as every photo looks odd.
Maybe it keeps happening during those “pillow fights” she has with Will.
It’s the pegging of the Prince of Wales. It’s dangerous.
Not a gopher wearing Keen’s discarded wigs!!! #dead 🤣🤣
I always thought her hand bandages were a byproduct of bulimia, no? Isn’t that typical of someone using fingers to purge?
It is. It’s called Russell’s sign and Kate has been photographed many, many times with bandages on her hand and knuckles. Yet they keep praising her for “working so hard” at being skinny.
I buy this. Let’s face it, Kate is not well. I can understand why she would be in deep, dark, emotional pain. Just like her mother-in-law was.
She definitely seems to be suffering from some sort of disorder.
I think generally yes, but here it looks like her fingers are bandaged together? I’m not buying a trampoline injury though.
Bandaged together but not completely. If you have sprained fingers, normally both are taped from top to bottom to restrict movement. Here is looks like two bandaids wrapped over two fingers.
Exactly, and I find it interesting that she has a manicure here, when typically she doesn’t. Nobody in their right mind would get a manicure AFTER a hand injury (wait…maybe she would then, lol). IDK, to me this looks like her idea of a fun way to pull some concerned attention, like coming in to school on April 1 with your arm in a sling just for funsies, while making sure she has a manicure for all the photos.
Kate has a history of bullshitting us sporting countless band-aids over the years, to make the world believe that she’s a hands-on mom who is keen to cook stew and grow her own sausages in the garden.
This is a spin trick to look more relatable, and she has been using and abusing it. The way her bandages are, makes it technically impossible for her to wipe her behind without help. Give me a break.
Yes it is. This is a stressful time for her with William on the rampage due to Invictus and her need to knock Meghan off the front pages when M arrives at Invictus.
She’s failed already. Meghan already made the headlines at LAX.
Not surprised at the bandaged fingers.
It looks like her fingers are taped together, as opposed to the band-aids we’ve previously seen on her individual fingers. I don’t like that white top she wears under these suits. The collar lands at a weird place and makes the entire look so drab. When Meghan wears these suits, whatever top she wears with it never takes away from the look.
With her body type, *I* think if she’d keep her pants and shell top/T shirt (whatever) the same color, and wear a different colored jacket, she’d look “longer” rather than chopped up. Also, wide legged pants (not even palazzo, but just not skin tight) look much better on her as hey don’t emphasize the shortness of her legs.
So for example, she could wear a navy shell matching the pants, and wear a patterned or different coordinating color blazer. I’d also have her wearing a *longer* blazer rather than these short ones that emphasize they’re not “hitting” where they’re intended to (thereby chopping up her “long, lean line” look.
The fact that the Mail is making a big deal out of the bandages makes me think they know something about these injuries, and they are sending hints. So yeah, this could definitely be bulimia–that would be dirt they could blackmail her with.
Yes those are the fingers a right-handed person would use to induce vomiting.
It’s usually the middle two fingers with bulimia. They reach further back. I have assumed her hand injuries are abuse-related. Regardless, I feel a lot of sympathy for her. Human to human, woman to woman. She’s an awful person, but awful people don’t deserve to be sick or abused, either.
Well, being forced to pretend to be best mates with your husband’s mistress doesn’t help her.
Oh my goodness, it never made sense to me that her bandages are always on her hand, especially her right hand. This actually makes sense. It’s sad that they are allowing her to do this to herself and aren’t doing whatever they can to help her because they are more concerned with attacking Meghan.
These are the same people who went scorched earth after Meghan knowing full well she was suicidal. V. Low admitted to knowing that Meghan was struggling. So I’m not surprised that they’re sitting by doing nothing.
Stress causes hair loss, but with her resources she should be able to afford a good wig maker.
I’m going to be extra petty and try something new. I would love for everyone to join me:
I really can’t wait to see Meghan today (or tomorrow). I’m practically giddy
I, too, am looking forward to seeing Meg and wonder what she’ll be wearing!
Google Meghan at LAX. She looks so elegant even for a long plane trip! And her posture inspires me (as I sit slumped on my living room couch).
Me too!!!
The Invictus Games has really lit a fire under William and Kate’s asses. This might be mean but I’m sideeying that “injury”. KP will do anything to take the attention away from Duesseldorf especially as Meghan is about to arrive.
No words could adequately convey the thirst and desperation Kitty and Billy exude. I’ll just say they have truly become a joke that always delivers a laugh at their expense. I also can’t stop laughing at that cheap wannabe Meghan wig and those shoulder pads.
Lol, yes, my goodness those shoulder pads! The huge pointy shoulder pads. So wrong for her body type and just ugly to boot. And her shoes are so tragic. I know she’s never been a shoe person (unlike Meghan, whose shoe game is ON POINT 🔥), but wow, her pumps are just so dated and unflattering. That straight line across her toes is just so…yuck. And they always look too small, with her toes and bunions stuffed in there like sausages!
And that wig. So ridiculous.
As someone who knows the struggle of bunions I almost feel bad for her. Finding shoes that are appropriate, stylish, and only tolerably painful is a bitch. That being said, she has access to the best doctors and just took two straight months off with all the help in the world. Why didn’t she get them fixed? Anyone here had bunion surgery? Would two full months off before going back to her very part time job been enough time for recovery?
@steph I haven’t had the surgery but I need it. my understanding is uts more like six months recovery and incredibly painful. It’s why I haven’t done it
@steph, I had bunion surgery a few years ago. Six weeks in a boot cast and then two months of physical therapy to regain range of motion.
Taking an extended leave due to surgery would be more understandable than just peacing out because the kids are out of school.
My concern is that the Daily Mail are trying to expose an eating disorder.
As a bulimic, currently on top of it, I often had injuries on my hands. I see they have another article linking the numerous hand injuries she has had.
I don’t know how to feel about this. It is difficult to reconcile the threat they place over the RF in articles like this but at the same time up holding up as an ideal how delightfully ‘athletic’ she is.
They are such a dangerous ‘news’ outlet
I’m glad you have it in control and I hope you are doing OK now. I went to a school where Bulimia was common among the girls and it was tough. I had friends who had to go through that.
May I ask how it causes hand injuries?
It is really basic and simple, it is your teeth on your hand when you need to purge
Thanks for your kindness – this is a sign people should be aware of for the support of their loved ones
When you’re sticking your fingers in to trigger the gag reflex, you end up kind of scraping the top of your hand on your teeth. I sometimes self induce vomiting to help with migraine pain and while it works amazingly for that purpose I can end up with an injured looking spot on the hand.
@Chaine and Ronaldinhio, my thoughts to you both for what you are going through. I just want to point out that inducing vomiting to reduce migraines is scary. We were taught in nursing school that migraines can be symptoms of pressure in someplace in your brain. It could be a bulging vessel; it could be a tumor it could be from increased intracranial pressure from a number of causes etc etc. Vomiting or straining at stool or anything that will put pressure on your brain, etc all those activities can increase intracranial pressure which could be really dangerous. Please seek advice from a physician and get some more information so that you can make informed decisions.
Thank you for your concern, I appreciate this information!
Would you mind sharing how bulimia resulted in your hand injuries? I’m imagining stomach acid coming in contact with skin. The finger bandaids have always been a very odd mystery about Kate and I always assumed they stemmed from some nervous habit.
It’s from the finger hitting the teeth repeatedly, it creates calluses and sometimes broken skin etc.
I don’t think the press should “out” her if she has an ED. But I think the press feeds into it by praising her constantly for being so thin. We all know why she’s so thin, and its not just from playing tennis.
Exactly, Ronaldinhio. There’s a whole load of web stuff about Kate and plasters on her fingers, which are apparently quite common but never this large; the discussion being that either she’s being hurt by W or she’s cutting her fingers while purging.
May I respectfully ask where the hand injuries would come from? As a recovering anorexic, I never had any specific injuries- just looked sick all the time.
From your front teeth catching the skin on the top of your fingers as you go in to purge (index and middle mainly) and then come out. This was my experience, anyway. (Mainly anorexic years ago but had a very brief period of bulimia alongside. All best wishes to those going through this and/or recovering.)
To all the people sharing from experience than you. I wish you all the best in your journey to recovery and good health.
I second this emotion. I had an ED several decades ago and have been able to keep it at bay all this time, so there’s hope!!
I got help from the Women’s Therapy Centre in London, which was co-founded by Susie Orbach, author of “Fat Is a Feminist Issue.” There’s no need to suffer in silence — help is available!
Perhaps the pillow throwing with her husband or nothing and she just wanted to have the press talking about an “injury”.
Her suit it’s all kinds of bad… the fit sucks and the shoulder pads are horrific
They have to bulk her up because she’s so painfully thin!
She’s decided these pantsuits are a good look on her and they aren’t. the pants just aren’t a flattering look on her. The loose pants she wore to rugby looked a lot better on her, even as a total Meghan copycat. And she has this suit in how many colors? Three? Four?
There’s something about the crotch on these pants that isn’t quite right, then couple that with the high waistband and she’s heading into Fred Mertz territory. Definitely not flattering; I would imagine it also just feels kind of weird to walk in those.
Her hair seems a little but similar to Camila’s, specially the bangs area, could she be pivoting to copy har instead?
I wondered if she had had a lower face-lift. We are post a 2 mth holiday from the pair and an ideal period to get work done. The new hair covers her ears and any scars potentially and her face looks refreshed.
It does look like she had some face work done, a face lift or something. She looks different.
I like her outfit which is occasion appropriate, but the super high heels look out of place. Does anyone else think her face looks so different?
Wearing sky high stilletos for a prison visit just seems silly. She doesn’t need to be a fashion plate for every visit and a lower and chunkier heel would have worked and been more professional.
I think the photos have been altered a lot because she didn’t look like that in the outdoor photos in Wales last week.
Eh, I don’t mind the hair but it feels a little curlier and less tousled waves than the other day. Having big hair is a thing for her. Spotlighting the Forward Trust is good. Hopefully she does more than just one visit. I’m not in mean mode yet.
The only problem is KP says that this visit is for Addiction Awareness week which is October 28 to November 4. Wouldn’t it be better to do this engagement on or the week before the actual commemoration?
Definitely! But Meghan won’t be in Europe during that time 😉
Would it be too much to ask that she goes back during that week for a follow-up spotlight? Guess we’ll see.
Is there something in her contract with William that she has to keep her hair so long? I think it’s fine for women to wear their hair long at any age, but in Kate’s case it’s just not flattering. She needs something to sort of lift up her face, and a slightly shorter cut would do the trick. With the right earrings, a shoulder length cut or a little longer (or even shorter) would really suit her IMO.
It seems William is known to prefer long hair, but that doesn’t explain why she started wearing longer extensions outside of copying Meghan’s longer hairstyle.
Kate’s hair is naturally very, very curly. William once called it “her nightmare hair” during a Centrepoint visit. She always gets it blown out, to the point it’s impossible to find photos of her without her hair blown out. Pre-engagement, the wiglets and extensions were added and have been her constant companions ever since.
The problem is that her ‘long glossy thick hair’ has been her trademark ever since she got married. She would be left ‘naked’ without it. But how can she keep it going? I think her natural hair is greying too. How is she going to keep it all up?
I am a firm believer in growing old gracefully. No wigs, attachments or dyeing hair for me. Take me as l am!
It took years before l could get the effect of relaxer out of my head, and even now l feel that the natural ness of my hair has been compromised by all those dangerous chemicals.
I learned the hard way and others have benefited from my lesson.
her natural hair is very gray. I think it might be 100% at this point. I forget when – she was pregnant with George? Charlotte? Maybe after having one of them? But there was an outing where she had not gotten her hair dyed and you could see the roots.
Here – from 2013. You can see how everything coming in looks gray. Some of that could be the light, but considering this was 10 years ago, I think it’s a safe bet to say she may be completely gray at this point. Which is fine, some people go gray earlier than others (my aunt has dyed her hair blonde for 35 years or something, she went completely gray at 25) and I am in the current situation of going gray and trying to decide if I’m going to stick it out or start dyeing it (I haven’t dyed my hair in years.) But she must dye her hair on a very very regular basis.
If I were you I would stick it out.
Grey hair can look beautiful if it is nourished and cherished.
she’s done the mom bob (shoulder length hair) and it doesn’t actually look that good on her…this hair isn’t styled well either. harry’s book basically said she gets complemented for her long brown hair, and i think it’s probably a safety blanket and something she is used to/associates with a positive trait of hers. so i think she likes to keep it long. my suspicion is she’s had thinning hair with age (children, hormones etc) as most of us do, and she uses the extensions to hide it.
meghan did a photoshoot for time magazine 2020, wearing this exact suit (literally the same mcqueen suit), hair and undershirt combo. kate has truly studied everything meghan has done. that’s all she and william have going in their lives. they are chasing something that is unattainable and never will be.
Is that the photo of the two of them, Meghan sitting and looking to the side, oHarry leaning in behind and looking into the camera? My God the same suit?? Wow
I wonder what Meghan thinks of the copy keening. No wonder she looked frightened last September walking about with Kate
yes. the suit kate has in a million colors, is the same suit meghan wore first in 2018 for the endeavor fund awards. while she and harry were still only engaged. kate probably had a hissy fit when she saw meghan wearing her beloved mcqueen, looking modern and fresh instead of fussy and dated. then has tried to copy the look meghan achieved over and over again.
And this is one of the many issues with Kate’s copying. That suit looked amazing on Meghan, fresh and chic and classic. Meghan has a different body than Kate so things fit her differently. These pants are not a good look on Kate. They were on Meghan. If Kate has to wear a McQueen pantsuit, surely she can find another one. But as it is……she copies Meghan and comes off looking the worse for it.
What’s happening to her face isn’t normal aging. What’s up with her under eyelids? They’re overinflated or maybe puffy? From crying? It’s kind of horrible to look at.
The hair would be lovely if they could make it look real. So sad that she feels her hair is the most important thing about her, because that what’s people commented on when she was younger and Charles specifically liked it. Gotta be the queen of hair and anyone else with hair is a threat. No, won’t work on her speech, won’t learn a new craft or how to speak intelligently about literally anything. Nope. Just gotta make sure the hair on her head—whether hers or someone else’s—remains the fairest in all the land. Someone should write the fairytale: The Very Veiny, Vain Princess.
If she is concealing hand injuries from an eating disorder, face puffiness is also a side-effect of that. It could be lots of things, but those two things together can mean the other. (I am a former anorexic who went to ED programs with bulimics)
That’s what I was thinking. I don’t have puffy eyes, but during those bulimia times that’s certainly where the aftereffects would show.
And isn’t it extraordinary how SO MANY of us have gone through EDs, or are still coping with them? It just grabs your life for years. My anorexia hit in junior high, so eons ago, before anybody was really talking about it or knew anything about it. My mom took me to the doctor & he said, ‘there’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just not eating enough. Force her to eat’. Yeah, no, that’s not going to happen (my mom just wouldn’t do that). We’ve come a long way, baby!
@BeanieBaby. You just hit the nail on the head with your comment of how many women suffer from eating disorders – it comes out when we start talking in various groups. It is about more than individuals, it is about culture and about gender.
Years ago I read a wonderful book by Susan Bordo on this subject. It is called “Unbearable Weight” – and she really goes into historical aspects of this subject in relation to gender. As far as I recall, she compares women’s EDs (and the rise in this) to the epidemic of women’s hysteria (that included all sorts of strange symptoms) around the turn of the 20th century (late 1800s to early 1900s). She sees “hysteria” as an extreme reaction to the oppressive and suffocating gender norms of its time – and she links the rise of EDs in a similar manner to suffocating gender and beauty norms. it is a really interesting book. It is old and maybe it is out of date – but I felt she was onto something when I read the book years ago.
Wig is terrible. Is she trying to draw attention to her hands? She is holding them up in front of herself in every pic.
I’m also feeling mean @kaiser so I’m going to again criticize her overwhelming awkwardness. You can tell even in photos that she doesn’t walk, she lumbers, like a rugby player headed onto the field. Rugby reference intended 😂
So again I am not good at spotting the wigs. I can tell there is fakery going on here because suddenly she is looking very Real Housewifish with the over the top beachy waves. Is the entire thing a wig? How can you tell where the real hair stops
So someone explained this a few years ago (around the time of one of her christmas concert promotions) and now I can spot the extensions better. She wears two things – a wiglet and extensions, underneath the hair. Here, you can see the extensions because of how her hair comes out over her shoulder. Like do you see the little swoop over her eye/ear from her hair? And then the curls that come down over her shoulder from that? Those curls (the longer ones) are part of her extensions. Her wiglet is harder to spot here for me but its usually just plopped on her crown.
Thank you! I struggle as I can tell something is off/not natural but I’m often not sure why it looks weird.
I think it’s a wig today. Look at the hairline and how there seems to be space from where her forehead ends and where the hair is lifted. There is a gap similar to what a hairnet would do underneath a wig.
@Nic I went back and looked and you could be right. i There is a very clear lift around the forehead.
I have never heard of that, but now that I’ve Googled, I am horrified that is even a thing with a name!
My first thought was: Oh, the power of the Sussexes, to be able to lure these lazies back to “work.” Then, I thought that she must have had Meghan in mind when dressing because she went for a pant suit. But, this woman just can’t wear clothes, bless her. She always manages to look hopelessly out of date somehow.
they are photoshoping of kate’s skin to look even darker then her already too dark foundation in some of these photos. i am at a loss for words.
I noticed that too. Side Fry now even wants to look a bit browner. Interesting…It’s as though they’re saying a deep tan is okay, even beautiful, as long as you don’t have any Black blood.
Oh right! That’s exactly what they’re saying.
Nothing more than a photo op, absolutely nothing more.
It looks like she trying to steal Meg’s thunder! I don’t buy the bandages are really necessary. She looks even more plastic than the last pics I saw. Yaeh, nothing to see here, still boring.
But props to Celebitchy’s, because I can now clearly see the wig/weave/hairpiece! She truly is a Kartrashian, the posher kind !
Maybe if she stopped being such a C U next tuesday to her SIL, I’d give her a mild pass, but such as it is, I truly wish upon her everything she deserves 😈
The pants are not tailored right and bunch up in the back and the waist hits in the wrong spot. Like look like they are a size or two to big. The part that hits in the ankles looks weird too. She is again cosplaying Meg with the hair and circle pendant, pathetic. Overall hot mess but at least she moisturized thanks to Meg she might have realized how to use a primer and got a tan.
Do they know that no one else is running this race, certainly not H and M? The Gruesome Twosome are in an imaginary war that exists only in their heads and in the rags. Let’s be clear: the Sussexes don’t care what’s happening in the UK, don’t care who wears what, and don’t care what the latest invented snit is.
There is no competition here, no game and therefore no winner.
Agree. We all get caught up in these photos, talking about what she looks like. But the fundamental thing is – she’s as dull as ditch water, with no interest in what she’s doing; the people she’s met today will be forgotten as soon as she drives off. Whereas, there are two people with purpose, commitment and buckets of charisma working with injured veterans. They don’t give a toss about this stuff.
It’s more than bandages/bandaids – it is a splint. If you open and zoom into the top photo, you can see something rigid between the fingers that are taped together.
Lurker25, I believe it’s a splint, too. Why else would you tape those two fingers together? What I don’t understand is why they’re not saying how the injury really occurred. There are a lot of ways to sprain a finger.
Why is she like this? What is wrong with her? That wig/wiglet is horrid. Drag queens don’t use this much hair during a perfomance on Drag Race! What a weirdo.
As for the bandages, I hope she’s okay as far as that goes. It’s weird that it keeps happening.
“a gopher wearing Kate’s discarded wig”
This is the best line you have ever written Kaiser!! What is this weird Charlie’s Angels wig? Bring on the shoulder pads with her new suits, Kate’s ready to look like she’ll help!
It certainly gave me a chuckle!
Does it look to anyone else like her left eyelid is unnaturally swollen, as though from an injury or eye infection? Might that explain the adoption of the eye-obscuring hairstyle, and the extra-dark eyeshadow?
there is a rumor that she has had a mini stroke which is common with anorexia. both her eye and mouth/jaw is wonky and she struggles moving it. that’s not from botox but something else.
@Dee, I went back to look after seeing your comment and I totally see it. Her left eyelid looks swollen and droopy. This explains this bizarre hair: it’s hiding something on her face.
She has the Middleton eyes, which are droopy, but you’re right, in that the left eye looks worse.
I am guessing it may be a reaction to eyelash extension glue.
Went over to the DM for the whole series of photos. There are some where she looks mad – she’s throwing her arms open to the photographers like it’s all a joke. And from the side on photos her lower face looks different. Posters are sayng something about lower face surgery over the summer. Would she have done this to combat the jowls, because her jaw area certainly looks bulkier. Could be that she’s asked for her photographer to edit this section of her face.
Not knowing enough about surgery, could someone else take a look!
There is video that explains the weird throwing the arms out. It shows her walking through the prison gate and then she is by herself on sort of a long walkway by herself and then she looks around as if to see why she is alone, then throws her arms out a bit and you see another person, I assume a prison official, that is coming toward her from a bit of a ways off. Sort of as if she expected them to be closer to greet her and she’s making an exaggerated greeting, “oh, there you are.” So the still photos caught her doing something relatively ordinary but at just the moment it looks bizarre.
Thank you, Chaine, it was perplexing. The DM stories are too much for me to get thru because they are so sickly. The comments however were interesting – a lot of them show how bored they are of this stuff.
I’ve had bad hair thinning, and then stress-related hair loss and texture change etc. I wear toppers and I’m trying wigs, and, of course I wince whenever I see the jabs about Kate’s wig, but in her spotlight you can’t get away with anything that isn’t great. I don’t like her at all, but whatever shyness or pain she has over what must be pretty strong or patchy hair loss, is to dig deeper into the hair talent out there. Kate, go to Lusta Hair, Highline Wigs, or Lena’s wigs and they will take better care of you. They’re all on Instagram. We just want to go back to making fun of you for your behavior, I don’t want to feel sorry for you about hair loss. So please step it up.
That’s a nice post. My feeling is Kate has been burdened with the myth that she had ultra thick hair when younger, which she didn’t (going by photos). That burden has meant creating a look to correspond with people’s expectations; also perhaps to counter a feeling that she looks older than she is and a lot of hair makes her look younger. My suspicion is that continual hair ‘bulking’ has caused a problem that she now combats with wiglets etc. thereby creating a cycle.
Me too. I’m experiencing a bit of hair thinning and I’ve been instructed to go easy on my hair and wear it natural all the time, but sometimes you want a straight look, so I’m experimenting with wigs.
I’m sorry for what you’re dealing with. I’m not sure if this helps, but I do want to say that although it’s rumored that her ED has caused hair loss, we don’t actually have any evidence that she does have significant hair loss. She’s never been pictured with thinning hair, there wasn’t some decline and a bounce back, and everyone loved her hair back when Louis was born – what, 5 years ago? – because it was shorter and healthier. I really think that Kate started with the wiglets and extensions to compete with Meghan, full stop. Plenty of Bravo’s Real Housewives and other reality stars wear hair enhancements, whether it’s just extensions or a full wig. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with hair loss, it’s just for the glam factor. I truly think Kate thinks this hair is a glow-up for her.
What’s up with her eyes? It’s like she’s been taping them back and hiding them in a wiglet and forgot to do it today
this is such a perfect example of @matta_of_fact’s video yesterday explaining the difference between Kate’s “style evolution” vs. when she straight-up copies Meghan. THIS is her way of styling a suit: Slim pants, bouncy hair wig. When she copies Meghan’s styling: wide-leg, barrel curls, it’s so painfully obvious she’s putting a costume on.
kate has no way of styling a pants suit before meghan, because she never wore them. this is one of meghan’s ways of styling this very pants suit. which she did in 2020 for a time magazine photoshoot. kate has no modern style that is not a cue from meghan. her fans like to talk about an evolution, but all their examples are dated from after harry met meghan and that’s a fact. they skirt the full truth in what kate’s behavior is.
Amanda was being very generous in saying Kate had a way to style a suit pre Meghan Kate wore blazers over skin tight jeggings as her “sporty” look. She never wore proper trousers with a blazer until after Meghan arrived. She barely wore proper trousers prior to Meghan arriving.
Jesus, I fully gasped when I saw that enormous wiglet plonked on her head. If she carries on like this, she’s going to form into cousin itt! But on a serious note, she doesn’t look well at all. Especially in regards to her slender figure and another hand injury. If this is the case, then she needs help ASAP. The DF explaining it away as a trampoline injury is laughable. She’s withering.
Pssst, don’t tell Louis, but his pet chinchilla has escaped and is hiding on his mums head!! This woman needs a serious intervention and looking at those Wednesday legs (as in wensthey gonna break) it has to be sooner rather than later. Those dandaged fingers need to be properly addressed, as some of you on here, who through your own suffering have said (and I’m so sorry for what you have been through) this is a classic sign of it, it’s also a sign of domestic abuse, my first husband used to grab my fingers and twist or bend them right back!
In some ways the media and the king owe Harry and Megan a very big thank you, because at least invictus has got these two lazy arses back to some kind of work
She could have dislocated a finger. Taping the reductioned digit to the uninjured one next to it is standard first aid for dislocated fingers & toes.
Dislocations are so painful. My left shoulder is prone to do this if i’m not careful.
Yep. I’ve had dislocated toes. hurts like mofo.
Krystle Carrington called. She wants her shoulder pads back.
Kaiser I love your writing: “send her to prison. That will be a good photo op, she can make jazz hands at the incarcerated” I laughed from my belly at this line. Please note no disrespect to the incarcerated, but what made me laugh was I bet that’s exactly what was said when they came up with this plan! I’d love to be a fly on the wall when they are planning these appearances.
My first thought was “defensive wound”.
Me too.
She possibly has a splint on but I can’t quite tell in the pictures. I thought I saw it but then noticed her fingers are still able to flex so im not sure. Regardless, them being taped together and like Blue mentioned above is standard first aid for dislocation. She may have fractured her finger. This has nothing to do with her anorexia but more like possible abuse based off what we know about BurgerKing in general and their “pillow fights”.
If her fingers are sprained or fractured they would not be supposed to flex at all. And normally they taped over the entire finger to restrict movement.
Doubt she sprained her fingers. If she had, there’d be a splint to immobilize them. Instead, it looks as if her people tried to disguise the cuts.
Her hair looks ridiculous. Why so much hair? Even if she’s cosplaying Meghan, this is too much.
This whole look is 100% giving Jaclyn Smith for K-Mart vibes – you will find the exact wig and suit there.
I am dying at “gopher wearing Kate’s discarded wig”. The gopher is of course the brains of the operation. It looks like the princess has begun a strategy of covering that rogue eyebrow with hair.
It’s called buddy taping — it’s done when a digit is sprained and the healthy digit next to it acts like a splint. It could very well be that she sprained it playing tennis or yes, taking a hard fall on a trampoline. Let’s not get too carried away with allegations of physical violence.
The buddy taping could also be treatment for possible finger fracture. I fell twice in the last year and wound up having to do it. But then, I’m 30-yrs older than Kitty and being treated for osteoporosis. Don’t find her trampolining with kids reason as particularly credible, unless she’s also purposely weakening her body with undereating and overexercising.
Oh my God, I just love your blog
Parents don’t let your daughters grow up to be princesses.
adjusting her hairdo to try to distract from invictus
Meghan and Harry live rent free in your head.
What did she throw at Pegs?
Very sensitive topic but her common hand bandages can be from purging/ED related. Which is sad.
With that being said, maybe IF that’s what it is and it IS outed, they can finally get the woman some help for it- the fact that they’ve been letting her walk around like she’s happy and well and ignoring such glaring concerns is pretty fucked up, even for royal standards.
There is not a good track record for that family helping women who have mental health issues. They were ok with Meghan being suicidal and mad that she was seeking help.
Not a good track record at ALL. Even Diana suffered from bulimia and depression- we see how well they accommodated her SMH.
I’m gonna go all out and call the bandages 100% fake. What sort of crazy bandaging job is that anyway? Two flex strips Band-Aids are not enough to provide any sort of support for a sprain. And if there are cuts under there, you certainly wouldn’t bandage them like that. This is an attempt to pull headlines. That’s it. Pathetic.
Don’t worry @T, that scenario popped into my mind too. It’s like with the podcast, she/they’re trying to draw attention away from H&M and the IG.
Not a Kate fan, and I haven’t seen good evidence that she’s endowed with genuine warmth and kindness, but I’m not going to speculate about the hand injury, since I truly have no idea. Ouch, though. Another commenter mentioned alopecia, and I do wonder if that’s a possibility, given the persistent hair pieces. I wish she’d shake things up enough to try a sleek, beautifully cut, angled bob, with or without some soft waves. As a short-bodied person who tends to put on mid-section weight, I do wish I had a bit of her long, slim torso. And I wish she and her petulant husband were better-suited to the job that Brits are supporting them to do.
None of the comments were giddy. Some were actually speaking from personal experience and were sympathetic. It’s weird that you think they were giddy.
Exactly, Jk. A conversaton started about hoping this wasn’t the sub text, as it has been for some time elsewhere, and then a question was asked about finger damage. Others, like myself, who sadly have personal experience, answered the question. Often an article generates thoughtful discussion of life histories that are related but beyond the immediate topic. And EDs fall into this bracket.
I could be way off but this what popped in my head:
Jimmy Fallon kept injuring his hand when drunk, is Kate drinking like her mother?
She’s’ been wearing wigs for years and I’d say it’s probably due to the effects of her ED and stress on her hair as well as convenience. Why spend time styling your hair if you can just slap on a wig?
And, boy, was this slapped on.
Her police and staff must have had a job keeping a straight face when she came out the door.
Have you noticed that Kate wears only repeats since she started “working “?
No one in here is giddy at the idea of Kate being abused or Kate being a victim of an ED. I’ve been around here long enough to know that we all pretty much hope she is getting help, Most of the discussions around it are based on others personal experiences. But I haven’t seen one person be “giddy.”
And the references to potential domestic abuse are sourced directly from the british press, so if its happening, its shameful that the press is keeping quiet to protect William.
Despite what’s known of W’s raging, bear in mind that any actual physical assaults may be delivered by her? He could be the object of domestic violence. I find her frightening – what does it say in Harry’s book, KM gripped the chair until her knuckles were white
I’ve just seen Chris ship comment on Twitter with a hilarious gif of a woman who falls from a trampoline!!! He’s definitely trolling her 🤣
That tweet was so shady. It’s giving skepticism at best and a “we know you’re lying/full of BS” message at worst. Yikes.
I don’t have much sympathy for Kate, but I do genuinely worry that she is in a dangerous domestic violence situation. I don’t have to like her or her hormones, but I want her safe.
I seem to be a minority of 1 here but I think she looks great!? I must have a bad eye as I thought her hair looked particularly good, hahaha. But after reading the comments, yes, I guess it’s maybe sitting a bit oddly..
It’s hard to tell what Kate actually looks like, because she’s always so heavily photoshopped. I normally don’t think appearance matters much anyway, but Kate has only ever tried to impress people with how she looks versus what (i.e., next to nothing) she does, so to me commenting on her looks is fair game since she set the ground rules for that — especially when she thinks her appearance is so important that she’s compelled to deny hair extension and botox stories (which were probably *true*), but not a racist attack on her sister-in-law for making Kate cry (which was a lie).
Nobody here is “giddy” at her possible eating disorder or her possibly abusive husband. Many of us have experienced EDs, either our own or friends/family members. My own sister died of EDs. Let me explain what giddy actually means: lightheartedly silly, frivolous, joyfully elated, euphoric. We most certainly aren’t that, in fact as much as we dislike Kate as a person, we are honestly concerned for her mental and physical wellbeing.
She got hurt playing the piano.
Don’t joke about his guys, it’s very serious
Poor jazzy vingers
Fake hair, 12 inch heels, constantly flashing big blue, overdone face fillers, too much botox, badly dressed, what is she trying to achieve and what was she doing there. Everything is all about her nothing else. No humanity, no caring, a styleless creature desperate for more and more photos of herself. It is always me, me and more me. No need for hand shaking with taped up fingers. If there is actually any injury, how pathetic that this has the media attention. Stalker, predator, narcissistic mean girl, how does this translate into victimhood. Many people do not realise that the percentage of women who violently physically abuse others is very high, they rarely receive any publicity or are convicted, the assumption is always, that only men are the aggressors or it has to be the man’s fault.
The bandages aren’t unusual for someone who usually has a drink in her hand.
Jumping in to comment before I’ve read every other comment to share a shitty anecdote. I grew up in holy catholic Ireland in the 80’s and my genetic sponsor was a horrible, abusive excuse of a man. No divorce here until 1995, we had to have a referendum to legalise it because it had been enshrined in our Constitution. It was a second referendum in about ten years and it barely got over the line. It was my first vote and it meant so much to me because of my circumstances. Anyway, I digress. When my mother attempted to get rid of her husband, it was unheard of. But reading this has really triggered me for so many reasons. The main one is that the only reason the judge granted her a barring order and a first step to legal separation (several years before divorce was legal) was because she got to the court with her hand in a sling and similar bandaging holding her fingers together. The night before the court date, my genetic sponsor swung his jacket at my mother and she reached out to avoid being hit in the face. The jacket pocket was full of loose change which caused the injury she showed up at court with. Which was the physical evidence the judge needed to grant a barring order and an eventful legal separation. Which is a very long winded way of saying that those cushion throwing arguments are breaking her digits. And the sister wife dresses are definitely covering up what the finger bandages can’t.
Kate deliberately displayed her injured fingers so this can be the headline in the newspapers.
Does anyone follow Half baked harvest? I painfully do because well she is painfully thin with constant hand injuries that look like from an ED but she claims are chef’s burns. That’s who I immediately thought of hearing Kate has had multiple bandages.
I stopped watching half baked as the presenter (not a chef) ‘s ED was too painful to watch
What on earth is Kate going to talk about at a prison?
Having grown up in an Orthodox Jewish community, I’ve seen my share of women wearing sheitel’s (wigs that Orthodox married women wear) The price ranges from $5K to $70K
This is 100% a full on wig. Not extensions, not by a long shot. *Bangs* are used to disguise where it covers the hairline and skull — but look closer at her centre parting. Dead giveaway
Maybe Princess Side Fry gripped her chair’s arm rests too tightly in frustration due to Meghan’s flawless IG appearances and badly strained her fingers.
I mean Meghan’s effortless speech alone should have Kkkhate crying into her gin and tonic.
Oh, that’s from too much white-knuckling.