Prince William’s New York trip was stilted, awkward and embarrassing. Instead of admitting that, the British media is furiously trying to claim that William is better than Harry because William didn’t get a lot of attention or buzz. This was one of the subjects of the Mail’s Palace Confidential round-table discussion, where Richard Kay was brought in to try to make Peggington sound like a statesman. Kay folded like a cheap suit the very moment someone brought up William’s awkwardness.
Richard Kay, editor at large for the Daily Mail, noted how the Prince of Wales’s willingness to get involved in activities including collecting oyster shells on the Hudson River showed members of the public that he has an ‘open side’. Speaking to the Daily Mail’s diary editor Richard Eden and host Jo Elvin, Kay commented on the ‘spontaneity’ of William’s itinerary during his stateside trip.
In particular, he noted the 41-year-old’s casual jog through Central Park one morning, which he said was an act that was ‘straight out of Diana’s playbook’. However, he noted that, while the Prince of Wales looks comfortable and at ease during some engagements, he is ‘still learning’ which means he can look less fluid at times (for example, when meeting world leaders).
‘One of the problems with William is that he’s not a natural on his feet. He’s slightly awkward on his feet. He’s cautious – he’s always been cautious, so is Kate, too – and he’s trying to show that there’s a more open side to him, he can be a bit more spontaneous.’
Kay also noted the success of William’s stateside trip, which he argued may have been overshadowed had Princess Kate joined him. Speaking to his panellists, Kay said: ‘The fact is it becomes less of a fashion show [if Kate is there]… it’s more about him and what he wants to say.’
Citing names including Earthshot supporter Mike Bloomberg and Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary general, Kay said William was keen to make an impression with ‘powerful figures’.
However he added the Prince of Wales was ‘much more comfortable when he met people like [Bill] Gates, who are sort of on board with his Earthshot project, and much more uncomfortable when he met presidents.’ During the meeting with Ecuador’s president, Lasso Mendoza, William’s conversation with the world leader was ‘stilted’, Kay said.
‘On those occasions William doesn’t have the fluidity of his father who was so wonderful at that sort of meeting. But he’s learning, and he is learning, and it was impressive.’
The Central Park jog thing is still so weird because there are literally zero photos and the whole story was planted by Kensington Palace staffers. It would be different if we actually had a video or photos of William in jogging shorts in the park but… oh, right, the paparazzi ignored him and they weren’t tracking his movements at all. As for Kay talking openly about William’s awkwardness and comparing him unfavorably to his father… my god. They are really irritated at having to put lipstick on this pig. The bit about how happy they were that Kate wasn’t there is so telling too – it looks like the royal-commentary class is fed up with a certain bewigletted nuisance. That’s also telling though – William could have very easily gotten more attention in NYC if he brought Kate, so the issue wasn’t “I want to make a big splash in NYC,” it was furthering the Solo Single-Guy William narrative. It’s also telling that we learned that Kate is no longer invited to Singapore while William was in NYC. Something is up.
British Media: isn’t William great! Isn’t he just funny and interesting and glamorous?!
Also BM: Why is he so awkward? Why isn’t he Harry?🫠
— Let’s reset and reimagine (@SharonAndrea) September 21, 2023
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.
- New York, NY – Prince William greets his NYC fans as he gets ready to attend another event during his US trip. Pictured: Prince William BACKGRID USA 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Prince William greets his NYC fans as he gets ready to attend another event during his US trip. Pictured: Prince William BACKGRID USA 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Prince William greets his NYC fans as he gets ready to attend another event during his US trip. Pictured: Prince William BACKGRID USA 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: T.JACKSON / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Prince William greets his NYC fans as he gets ready to attend another event during his US trip. Pictured: Prince William BACKGRID USA 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: T.JACKSON / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- The Prince of Wales during his visit to the Billion Oyster Project at the Liberty Landing Marina during a two-day visit to New York in the United States. Billion Oyster Project is a nonprofit organization on a mission to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education initiatives. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: New York, United States When: 18 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales speaks with a volunteer as he visits a shell pile which is part of the Billion Oyster Project on Governors Island made up of the shells which have been donated by Manhattan restaurants and are used as a resource for the restoration of the oyster reefs, during a two-day visit to New York in the United States. Billion Oyster Project is a nonprofit organization on a mission to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education initiatives. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: New York, United States When: 18 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales (left) with the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, at the UN General Assembly in New York during his two-day visit to the US city. Where: New York, United States When: 18 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales holds an audience with President of Ecuador, Lasso Mendoza at the UN General Assembly. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales with President of Ecuador, Lasso Mendoza Where: New York, United States When: 19 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales holds an audience with President of Ecuador, Lasso Mendoza at the UN General Assembly. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales with President of Ecuador, Lasso Mendoza Where: New York, United States When: 19 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Well obviously….no amount of yoga can remove the royal iron rod inserted up his a*s at birth..
Can Peggy try to not bear his teeth in every picture? Its so irritating…….to me, LOL. Its like his teeth are too large for his mouth, why does he always bear his teeth (and he’s not really smiling) in every picture??!!
Awkward? He is awkward because he’s desperately trying to morph himself into his brother!! He needs to quit trying to be Harry and his sycophants need to stop trying to make him Harry. He is the future queen of England but Harry he can never become.
I agree about his teet).It always looks as if he’s sneering, and let’s face it, he’s not the most attractive specimen is he?
His two front teeth are uneven, so that if his lips are slightly parted, only one tooth shows. It’s the darndest thing. Makes him look like he has a single fang.
I think it’s also due to his u-shaped palate rather than having a parabolic-shaped palate. Seems to be a Windsor trait, although I think Harry lucked out. Charles, too.
Well he did have braces at one point on his front teeth because they were goofy.
It’s like a teratoma – that smile is
They cannot even bear to look at him.
He’s so uncomfortable in his skin, I observed those photos and I’ve got an hypothesis : what if he was in the closet ? Yes, I know – Rose… But isn’t she already serving as a beard for her husband ? Why couldn’t she add some Royal ?
He is a man-child who has never had to do anything and hence is good at nothing. He has no natural charm but apparently the tantrum-ability of his father. Neither are hard-workers or natural charmers. They need to get off government-assistance.
I’ve always believed that William got the worst of his parents and Harry got the best.
William is a rage filled narcissist whose Windsor genes overtook his Spencer genes in his 20s.
Harry has all the charm and affability, ease with people from all walks of life like Diana, plus he has Charles’ work ethic.
You are so right. Harry got all the good qualities of his parents and William got none. It’s as if the good DNA was in storage waiting for Harry.
How ironic that the spare is soaring and his legacy will be the handsome prince who served 10 years, who married a beautiful smart black american actress, and deeply cared for his fellow veteran. Meanwhile, we still don’t know what the older brother willie, prince of pegging, married to button princess commener who never had a real job, stand for? Like what is willie’s synonymous with? Im still not sure what he reprensents? There’s no sincerity in all the photo-op scratch that “work”
Word, Snuffles.
Yes Charles isn’t lazy however Diana had a strong work ethic and dedication to service which strongly influenced Harry.
You make an excellent point. The same could be said of Kate. She is a woman-child who has never had to do anything and hence is good at nothing. They truly are the Dolittles.
And they are calling her out here for it. William is trying to be serious so he leaves Kate at home. Combined with that fan fictional account of William’s sex appeal from the other day?
Ladies and gentlemen, let the divorce rollout begin.
Which is why they shape her presence as being decorative–the whole thing would have been a ‘fashion show’ had she been there. Way to describe a woman’s function, as purely decorative. (I know, it’s Kate here, she is a bit of an empty shell, but still.)
I don’t know, I think Kitty has more drive in her pinky finger than Willnot has in his entire body. Witness: Her family made sure she was educated enough to be tossed in his path, wherever he landed. No university was going to turn down Wills, but Kitty had to be a good enough student to transfer from her original choice, when it became clear where Wills would be.
It’s all so gross, but Willnot is DEFINITELY the person in that relationship who never had to do a fucking thing in his life. Cannot had to achieve enough so she could be in a place (hork) to eff him.
He is an oaf. But the tabloid hacks have to do whatever it takes to big him up, otherwise they do use their jobs. Some career hey.
He is awkward because he is uninformed, unworldly, not a fully formed human. When you are in a position like that you have to read A LOT, talk to a lot of knowledgeable people- heck talk to your gardener, your plumber -its amazing what you learn from them – so you are able to speak comfortably on any issue. In other words you have to be curious, which makes you interesting. You don’t have to be an expert, you just have to be informed. He’s 41, why is he not better prepared for the role he was born to get?
What were all those meetings between William and the Queen about if not to mentor and train him?
@Wannabefarmer: “He’s 41, why is he not better prepared for the role he was born to get?”
LOL! As toady, Kay, informs us:
“[William] is still learning… But he is learning, and he is learning, and it’s impressive.”
😜🤪🤨🤔🤥😳😵💫 🤡 At this stage, no one can make the Windsor Willy Follies make sense! Nothing about the royal firm and the silent contract with the rota clowns and BM makes any sense at all. 🙉🙊🙈🤦🙅♀️🙅♂️🤷
Some years ago, as he was re- opening a restored library, William admitted never to have been to one during his university years, too busy doing *other things *.
He thought it was funny when he embarrassed everyone present.
It was on TV.
William was never intellectually challenged, isn’t curious nor bookish, but for years he was presented as such by the media and Palace. We were even told he spoke French German Spanish Gaelic Welsh and was self taught in Swahili because he loved Africa so much. Little by little we discovered that it was incorrect and that he never was a scholar. During that time there were constant hints at how intellectually limited his brother was. Well, we know better now. Some of us, at least.
@Tennyson.Sarah, absolute perfection is your post. That is the truth of the Lazy Heir. He never felt the need to actually learn and educate himself because he was always going to have a certain position.
It’s quite obvious that Harry was never a thicko. He’s been listening and learning for a long time. Actual learning and understanding.
Will’s skillset is pointing his finger in people’s faces. No wonder he is awkward around people in leadership positions. He ain’t going to get away with that bs.
It’s such an embarrassing lie to be caught out in, and he is too big of a dunce to even recognize himself doing it. Royalty in other countries go get Masters degrees and PhDs and jobs… what does he do?
It’s clear, now that we see the man he became (as if Harry’s telling of Will’s childhood wasn’t enough), that he was born being told he was special, elevated, and important. In a better family, he may have used his future station in life as motivation to study, to get to know real people, to learn about the challenges real people in his country and the British Commonwealth face, and maybe even to learn how generations of British oppression have altered the trajectory of billions of lives. He chose to stay in his privileged little tower and can’t even bring himself to recognize the experiences of his own brother and sister in law have validity.
He is a smug, lazy ass who feels entitled to this life in exchange for some photo ops and meetings outside the UN (lol). Even the Kardashians had to earn their fanbase. He seems to expect it to be around forever, no matter what he does or how he behaves. I know it would be silly to call Harry “self made,” but the man went and lived a real life and had actual skills and experiences he can translate to a normal, non-royal life. He had daily interactions with people who didn’t know or didn’t care who he was. No wonder he can hang in the real world while the others seem unprepared to do anything but so-called “royal work.”
The greatest karmic justice would be for the UK to go full republic and send all of these willies packing, and let them pay retributions to ALL the people the RF has stolen from over the years.
I’m sorry, what? He actually thought it was some sort of brag to claim he’d never been to a LIBRARY during his time at St. Andrew’s? He’s even stupider than I realized.
Everything in his life has been handed to him on a silver platter, quite literally. He has no skills because he was never required to develop any. Charles is an extremely curious and energetic person who embraced his role as PoW. William has been assigned the role and he is quite clearly just going through the motions, which is why he comes across as awkward.
Yes, he is “a man-child who has never had to do anything and hence is good at nothing.” But he IS, LEARNING !!!!! To be completely fair to Willetante, it seems the UK majority is ok with financially supporting the Windsor Waffling™️ (British) and their toxic client media.
I can’t believe that a guy in his position have not been coached fro childhood to seem at ease wherever he is. If you don’t have this talent naturally, it comes. Which kind of education did The Firm think was necessary for a future king ? That’s so strange…
Sincerity is better than charm. He has never been sincere at anything, not learning, not even courting. It shows.
Agree with this. William is awkward and will never have Harry’s charisma. I’m not even saying that as a knock. It’s just the truth. But it’s worse when he’s trying to be someone he’s not, his brother. Work hard and be sincere in what you do and people will get that whether he’s awkward or not.
Agree. I don’t actually think he’s awkward. I think he lacks sincerity and knows can’t be his authentic self in public. He has to remain reserved because he knows he has to hide the parts of himself that are full of rage and entitlement. And that makes him seem awkward around others because he’s always auditing his own actions.
Really see this idea, that he is constantly auditing himself because he KNOWS he is an entitled arrogant jackass. I think he genuinely believes he is wildly superior to everyone else he deals with but grasps he has to keep that in check to avoid public disgust. So he is always monitoring himself. Awkward.
I think he is extremely awkward. I don’t know these people personally, but my impression is he doesn’t do interviews because most royals are a disaster when they go off script and that goes double for William.
-He made COVID jokes to a first responder, and kept going, even though the first responder looked uncomfortable.
-He insulted a woman’s lovely baking that she must have spent days perfecting in front of her child and his classmates.
-He makes subtle digs against his wife and kids constantly. He will also insult anyone who is giving him assistance.
-He dances like one of those sock puppet things outside a carwash.
-He typically overdressed. I am not sure what he wore to go jogging in Central Park, but I doubt it was a track suit.
He seems to have inherited Philip’s irreverence and crassness along with Charles arrested development and oafishness.
“He typically overdressed. I am not sure what he wore to go jogging in Central Park, but I doubt it was a track suit.”
I can’t wait until the photos of William in a “Future King Dad” t shirt come out.
LMAO, VoominVava!
Yeah! If one looks at the other royals in Europe very few are carismatic, but we don’t think much about that, because they’re usually sencere. The kings/queen and heirs have mostly put in the work to learn (and are learning) what they need for their role/future role. They’ve taken relevant uni classes/education to know what the politicians are talking about. Military service and officers education, often in more than one brance. Many of them have gradually been introduced to state visits and diplomacy from a young age. Starting with royals they already know privately. They’ve attended meetings between the monarch and government and learned from their parents how things are done. How often has that happened in the BRF? The young princesses in Norway, Belgia, Spain and Netherland are much better prepared than him already, and they’re still in their teens/early twenties.
It’s because they are still using the playbook when they were an Empire and powerful. They and their rightwing subjects still think that world revolves around the UK, when in fact the world has moved on and the axis of power has shifted.
Even their attitude in getting professional help reflects this. That it is an honor to work for them and their employees should be happy with below market wages.
That is why they cannot attract top notch help to work for them.
This is SUCH a valid statement. A lot of people can get swept up by charisma – which Will doesn’t have (as the article said – he is awkward), but plenty can see authenticity, and authenticity with caring is a HUGE connector with people (see: MEGHAN). But he lacks depth, authenticity, and sincerity, too.
Not much there but an angry man who never learned emotional control or took much of an interest in anything. How deeply boring.
He’s awkward because he’s never had to learn—he’s never had to try or work at anything, because people praise him for everything. The man is in his forties. He doesn’t get to be awkward any more. He should piss or get off the chamber pot. Abdicate if you’re not up to the only job you’ve had forty years to prepare for. You’re a failure.
He’s also awkward because he is. William is not a people person like Harry, Meghan, or Diana. It’s his nature along with his laziness. And the man has all the charisma of a lump of clay. Can he be made less awkward? Maybe but it would require more effort than he has ever been willing to expend on anything.
William’s totally inadequate personality illustrates one of the many downsides of primogeniture. You get what you get and better options in the family (like Harry) cannot be pursued. It is what it is and William is what he is. Not king material.
“They are really irritated at having to put 💄 on this 🐖.” That says it all.
WORD, ThatsNotOkay and Brassy Rebel!
The derangers are circulating a video, meant to capitalize on Princess Diana’s memory for Willnot, the whole “like mother, like son” thing.
The first half is Princess Diana walking in NYC, being greeted exactly like you would imagine, the second is Willnot walking in NYC over his 2 day Big Boy trip. It’s HILARIOUS.
It makes me wonder how much the loss of his mother negatively impacted him. Her influence was taken away right as he was hitting puberty. It’s not an excuse for his abysmal behavior as an adult. However, Harry lost her younger, and as the Spare, was largely ignored. I think he spent a lot more time with the Spencer family & it shows.
I agree with most of what gets said about Kate. One thing I haven’t seen since I started following this site is the reality that she is in an abusive marriage. Just like Diana was. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to be married to the living version of Monty Burns. He hits his own brother in a rage. Does anyone believe he curbs that rage around his wife and kids?
He thinks he is above everyone bc that is exactly what he has been told since birth. It wasn’t an accident that Diana left the biggest chunk of her estate to HARRY. She knew who the RF was.
Surprising that people who can’t put two sentences together without mumbling, fumbling, or offending anyone are awkward around eloquent and intelligent world leaders. Harry has heart, humor and charm, and say what you will about Charles, but he appears to have some level of finesse and intelligence. William is the Emperor with no clothes, the one you humor and placate with pictures and toys, before moving on to more serious matters.
He’s absolutely clueless. Read an article about his visit to FDNY Station 10. He was talking to the firefighters about men’s hesitancy towards counseling/therapy. A firefighter said Yes, it was like that here (FDNY) but that hesitation is gone.
Will asked What changed?
At the fire station assigned to the WTC, across from the WTC site & memorial smh
So did William get therapy. He just preaches. Too bad he did not get help with anger issues.
Also, in regards to the first station visit, I realized there’s pictures of Harry when he was younger at a nyc fire station. It may even be the same one. So it seems like he may have been copy keening Harry again, which yeah, is awkward.
@Jais, oh you know it was the same firestation. he can’t even let Harry have that, lol.
“ Will asked What changed?
At the fire station assigned to the WTC, across from the WTC site & memorial smh”
OMG. I know I shouldn’t laugh but omg.
I am embarrassed to say that it took me a second to understand why his question was ridiculous, but ridiculous it is! I mean, he and Kate visited the Memorial (she wore hot pink) but I guess he forgot firefighters were among the many heroes and victims of 9/11.
The emperor with no clothes on is the perfect way to describe him. I am sick and tired of this still learning narrative for him and his wife. He was born a prince. He is also 41. He has met world leaders numerous times. If he still cannot have an intelligent conversation with them, joke around with them, and acts awkward with them, it’s never going to get better. How is it that his younger brother is able to charm the pants of state officials but the older one, who is set to be king can’t? How is he the one still learning?
Nope, when it comes to William, it seems that they’re still trying to turn “fetch” into “happen.”
There can be only one conclusion—they are slow to learn. So slow it will take them a lifetime and they still won’t know their foot from their elbow. Do they really think nodding like you’re listening and jazz hands constitute learning? And whatever happened to those resumed early childhood meetings of Kate? I expected to see some nonevent around Invictus and she ended up just making random visits with the chopper.
He was too lazy to prepare or train for the job and it shows. He looks like an amateur on the world stage, he looks like an entitled nepo baby.
And he lacks curiosity about everything. His entitlement and privilege is apparently all he’s interested in, and you can’t build being a “global statesman” on that.
honestly, i kind of empathize with him as I am awkward socially as well. being forced into a public figure role and not having natural eloquence or charisma sound like my worse nightmare. harry just has more of a relatability and likability even when younger that just seemed to be there. he’s like diana and has a lot of emotional IQ. it also helps he actually genuinely cares about his projects. Will…i feel like just was told this was his role and he has to step up to it, keep a stiff upper lip, maintain family and like picks projects that fills these roles but I don’t think he particularly enjoys it. In another life, i bet he would have just loved to be some Duke or Earl somewhere living a life where he didn’t have to go shaking hands and do “projects” and just be a wealthy aristocrat. And all of this is some sort of competition now with Harry rather than any true interest.
I don’t feel sorry for William. He wants to be king and enjoys the perks not the work. William was not awkward when he undermined his brother and sister in law. No pity for William at all
that’s fair. probably bc i think there’s nuances and human qualities in villains too that i have a modicum of empathy for him. i think he enjoys the perks as well, but i don’t think he enjoys the work and if given the choice of another option that allows him to maintain the perks without the work he would take it. i pity him bc like harry he has a lot of childhood trauma, but his bred this competitiveness and vindictiveness bc he was always told he had to be king. and bc his entire worth/identity is wrapped in being the heir and bc the monarchy needs him, he is so deep in it he refuses to leave or change it. at the end of the day, i think his story is the saddest one. harry’s free with meghan in a loving relationship. william is living in a gilded cage raging and stewing in his anger wrapped up in some deep trauma that he wont’ address.
I try to empthize with pretty much anyone. I just can’t shake that W was part of a institutional machine attempting to have Meghan harm herself. His gilded-cage “trauma” contributed to him wanting M & H to disappear from their home and H’s home country. Compare this way of being to H’s trauma processing and his creation of Invictus.
I have pity for William for one thing and one thing only: his employers bumped off his mom while he was young, and he still has to do the job. That’s it!
I think he knows it, too. Remember Harry talking about them visiting Paris together and driving through the tunnel?
@Reborn Rich that’s a good point. i do think everyone processes trauma differently, and the two brothers have different traumas too and it’s been slightly hinted that diana relied on william more bc he was older. and i think harry’s whole “spare” label is a curse…but also became a small blessing bc as a spare they didn’t fight as much when he decided to leave. not that i think william wants to leave, but i think decades of being told he’s the one, coupled with this trauma that he’s never processed, has made him who he is: bitter, angry, competitive and vindictive. which i have pity for bc that honestly sounds like a miserable existence. there’s also no way they would let him leave so he’s essentially trapped.
Hangonamin. Diana had such high hopes for William. So sad he turned out the way he is. The Diana relying on William story comes from Charles spin. Diana loved both her son’s equally. Diana had a circle of loyal friends that she relied on like Elsa bowler and Rosa monckton
And what part of “stiff upper lip” involves repeatedly running to the press and complaining about your brother’s family (before and after they left the country)?
I would have more sympathy for him except that I think his awkwardness is just laziness and ego. He makes awkward comments about COVID or war in Europe because he thinks he can, he’s probably been making those kinds of comments for years and years and it was just never reported before. Social media makes it harder to hide those kinds of things.
I think the late Queen had a reputation for being somewhat shy or uncertain of herself, and yet she knew how to make small talk, how to get through the engagements on a regular basis with no major issues etc.
Queen Elizabeth had Prince Philip who more than made up for her shyness. Her father was also shy and had a noticeable stammer but he had a confident and capable wife in Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons. He also worked hard at improving his public speaking and he earned considerable respect for the way he met the challenges of his role.
William isn’t shy. He has confidence in himself but he is dull and lazy.
Unfortunately his wife cannot compensate for his shortcoming because she is essentially the same.
He could have the life you describe but since he doesn’t I believe he has the life he wants.
Agreed, Lizzie.
If he’s miserable, he can step aside. None of them are shackled to a crown.
A 40 year old who is still learning the job he was born into but also a statesmen but an awkward one. Wow the waffling on this. Peg is his mother biologically and nothing more. The cut and paste of him jogging has been exposed. He will never be Diana or his Father. Peg is work shy. He will always just be cut and paste.
William jogging in a park causes reminders of princess diana is a bad joke.if he was trying to invoke memories of Diana it was a major fail. And he certainly would have had security around him.
William’s team got hold of the press release for crown Prince Fredrick and thought that they would pretend that he was part of that exclusive club. The whole UNGA visit, going to the same fire station that Harry visited and now this- he and his team are doing the barest minimum polishing of this turd.
PR :20 September 2023
Run in Central Park in connection with Denmark’s candidacy for the UN Security Council
6:30 am
The Crown Prince participates in a morning run in Central Park together with the UN ambassadors* running club. The purpose of the run is to raise awareness of the Danish candidacy for the UN Security Council.
Nordic ministerial meeting with the SICA countries
8:00 am
The Crown Prince participates in the annual ministerial meeting between Nordic ministers and the foreign ministers of the eight SICA countries (The Central American Integration System), which includes Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
And unlike William there are photos.
Yes! Crown Prince Frederick has a genuine statesman role and the ability to do the job. I think his involvement is linked to Demark’s responsibilities to Greenland. Greenland is described as an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. Denmark provides considerable financial support to Greenland as well as military protection.
Those are last years’ Central Park UN run photos, here are this years’ set, with the campaign tshirts
We are here thinking it’s Harry & his father at a younger age he is competing with as the 🗑️🇬🇧📰media implies that and because they can’t trash CPF of Denmark BUT yes of course CPF is his envy.
This is why I wish US Media would expand their royal coverage to othe European families , especially as CPF & CPM meet cute informed that Jessica Styles film.
If the media coverage expands suddenly U.K. wouldn’t be # 1 . King Whilhmen & Queen Max of Netherlands also are great ones to cover!
Also I wonder, the European royals are all aware how it really works at the U. N. so they see right through the 🗑️🇬🇧📰 media headlines about this trip. I wonder their thoughts behind closed doors
You can tell the media are hanging on by a thread, lol. They are bored and angry that he is not living up to the hype. They have buyers remorse as well. The people with the charisma are gone and they have no access and basically ruined it by backing the wrong horse. There is a reason they want Harry back because he would be the power and charisma behind the throne, not William and that’s why William is jealous because he knows he’s not enough.
I dislike the term backing the wrong horse in this situation. The tabloids will always prop up William because he’s the heir no matter how they feel about him personally. When Harry and Meghan were in the UK the tabloids had more material to spin egregious stories and lies about them which made the job of propping up W&K easier. For example, 2017-2020. Three years later the H&M well has finally run dry and now the tabloid press are stuck with KP’s talking points to make lazy and lazier appear interesting and engaging.
@Bren. I understand your point. The issue back then was not only because they wanted to prop up the heirs. They wanted access and meetings with the Sussexes and they didn’t allow it. That is part of the reason why they were attacked as much as they were. Not to mention they were used as a distraction from the affair story and Andrew. When I say, backed the worse, it ties into your point about them being stuck with KP. They have nothing to show for it. They are missing out because they wanted to pick sides, start trouble because it sold papers and believe and uphold William. That lost them money. The press care about that more than anything. In my opinion, any puff piece regarding the Wales’ is just empty flattery. But if William is enough, why are they so determined to pressure Harry and Meghan’s marriage and break them up? Why are they desperate for him to return? Because publicly they have to show support for the Wales but behind the scenes? They know the real.
William is stilted and awkward because he’s absolutely paranoid that some American journalist will ask about his attack on Harry, on why the BRF never condemned the racist attacks on Meghan and Archie, the list of pointed questions goes on and on. The consequences of William’s and the BRFs actions/inactions are coming home to roost and William is scared to death. hehehehe!
Agree completely. They kept his tiny visit very low key and sheltered him from media. It’s hilarious to watch, no?
God, I hate it when they make me speak positively of Charles, but the reason he’s able to speak fluently and confidently with people is likely because he prepares and educates himself about the topic and the person or people he’s meeting with. Which seems like such an obvious thing to do. William has all these cronies sitting around, why doesn’t he simply ask a couple of them to prepare a briefing?
Charles also seems to have some intellectual curiosity, which can make any interaction, especially with people who are experts in their field, run more smoothly. William and Kate both lack this quality, and it’s painful to watch them just talk AT people, and then they can’t even feign interest when the people they’re meeting with try to engage them (I’m reminded of that historian who gave them an amazing tour of some ruins in Belize, and all Kate could be bothered to do was say “wow”).
I think the intellectual curiosity goes a LONG way. With that, you want to be prepared because you want to ask good questions because you WANT to learn more about where you’re visiting or who you’re meeting.
Yes! Wills and wife are always stumbling around asking ridiculous questions like, ” is it terribly challenging to be poor?”
And unfortunately for the Wails, I don’t think curiosity is something which you can really fake. Think of all of the best interviewers and hosts – they are often not the smartest people in the room, but they are interested in finding out about the other person and not just themselves. That’s what is missing here.
The very least William can do is be reasonably informed about what is supposed to be his “passion” even if he’s not a sparkling conversationalist, but I get the impression even that is beyond him.
The queen was tutored in this by her grandmother Queen Mary. She used to have briefing books for everything and could ask actual questions about the event, project, group, etc. And she was big on making sure they could at least make small talk. Her son, Henry, was about to go on tour and Mary asked him how he’d prepared and he had to admit not much. She was appalled and pulled together briefings on the country’s history, culture, etc as well as handing him a stack of books. She’s rolling over in her grave at how sloppy will and Kate are. The queen was dutiful but Philip and Charles had/have intellectual curiosity.
I think Will has made comments about not reading the briefings that are prepared for him. That was several years ago, so I don’t know if they quit making them because it was hopeless or if there’s some poor staffer still toiling over it. MRSCOPE, your comment made me LOL, that’s a perfect encapsulation.
I think awkward is a new angle they’re trying to make him relatable. Everyone feels awkward at some point, but they continue to paint him as learning. It’s more like, he’s still in grade school and still isn’t paying attention because he knows he inherits everything. I guess a bit like Billy Madison, without the charm (that movie annoys the fool out of me).
Willie thinks he can conquer the world with banter and chitchat, while his wife thinks operation charm is all about going down a slide or doing something silly for 3 seconds, with a smile as large and deep as the mariana trench.
I can’t imagine being THIS lazy.
Willnot’s entire life is basically the common stress nightmare where you show up to a final exam without ever opening the textbook or attending class. Except it’s his LIFE, and he is supposed to be a monarch.
As a fellow awkward person, I would feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a jerk.
So William is awkward and kind of sucks at meeting important people, but NY was such a success (for him) yay. Oh and thank god Kate wasn’t there, so we don’t have to talk about her stupid fashion, so much better for everyone. They are making her look like the albatros around his neck. It’s easy to see what chance Kate has at fighting Peg in the press in case of a divorce.
Shades of the story of Diana overshadowing Charles. This does not look good for kate.
The BM is definitely making it seem like one of the reasons this trip was “successful” was because Kate wasn’t there. Now William can be the global statesman he’s was born to be because Kate isn’t there in the background, grinning like a hyena in hot pink coat at a 9/11 memorial.
“Awkward,” said Kay, awkwardly.
He probably feels some resentment for having to put lipstick on a pig for a living.
The fake jogging picture of William in blue sweater is from a few years ago. Twitter used that picture when the first pegging stories came out.
I bet he jogs awkwardly too.
@JK 😂
There is enough snarky comments in Richard Kay’s article to make Willy livid.
The Danish royal family’s instagram posted pictures of Fredrick running in Central Park and at the real climate summit yesterday, it almost felt like they were throwing shade at William.
CP Frederik’s NYC itinerary looks like what William was expecting for his own, I would not be surprised if the DRF was having a little fun at William’s expense.
My theory is that just as Kate copies Crown Princess Mary, William is trying to copycat Crown Prince Frederik, an avid runner who has often gone for runs with ambassadors in Central Park when visiting the UN. This year the run was to promote Denmark’s bid for a seat on the security council, they had t shirts and everything. So there’s William saying he did the same thing, but no pics because he hasn’t made it into an event like the Danes did, because William doesn’t know anyone at the UN because he hasn’t done his job for the past decade or so. William being awkward and unsure would have been charming in a 23 year old prince fresh from university, but it’s embarrassing for a forty something.
William looks pathetic next to Frederick. He:
Spent a year at Harvard and Paris in addition to his danish education
Is fluent in Danish, English, French and German
Has a master’s degree in political science
Served as an aide in the Danish mission to the UN and as First Secretary in the Danish embassy in Paris
Trained in all branches of the military, including the rigorous frogman course. He still serves today.
And it’s so interesting, too because Fred is regularly raked over the coals for his lacking work ethic. But even Fred knows how to turn on the charm. William has no charm to turn on.
Exactly! Fred was arguably worse than Wills when he started out, like a frightened rabbit. He’s talked of the thoughts of suicide he had then. . But he started working young, improved enormously over the years and found his way, so that now he is credit to Denmark, and can do the statecraft required of a future King. Wills was allowed to shirk diplomatic work until he had absolutely no option but to get out there and get started, so he is terrible at it, and it’s getting really late for him to learn.
I know nothing about the Danish royals, but it seems to me like Willnot would benefit greatly from an internship with CP Fredrick.
JFC, the years and years the rota waxed on and on about Wills’ private teas with QEII, to prepare him….it’s all BS with the Leftover Windsors.
Chloe that happens when someone is a fake . When the Duke of Windsor aka Edward VIII abdicated, he was the golden haired charmer and Bertie who stepped into his shoes as George VI was a stammerer and painfully out of his comfort zone when the Crown was thrust on him. But people grew to love him, because he wasn’t pretending to be someone he isn’t. Not copying his charismatic brother but being his own simple and genuine self . That’s all it took. Plus being kind and compassionate which are qualities William should have imbibed simply from being around his mother .
Can you imagine the utter disaster that would have befallen England (and the rest of Europe) had Edward VIII remained on the throne? I shudder to think about it. Yes he had boatloads of charm and charisma, but that was it. He was lazy, immoral and louche — a mere figurehead of a monarch and simply too disinterested to handle the job. Bertie didn’t have the dazzle of Edward but he got the job done with the Queen Mum by his side every step of the way.
Exactly , I am guessing this is the narrative the RF is trying to establish. Harry is being not so subtly set up as another Duke of Windsor, charming, popular , married an American and left the country ..while awkward William is like George VI, stodgy but steady family man, all for duty , honour and country . Sadly William isn’t that person ..he is a petty , conniving , selfish bully and his wife is nothing like the Queen’s all getting clearer by the minute
Shut up. That is GOLD! I can’t stop laughing.
Hey, Willnot, there are other royals in the world, and they all work more than you.
Being naturally shy and awkward are characteristics which I (and most people) could sympathise with. However, when these commentators use the excuse that a 41 year old man is still ‘learning” then there is a problem. From the day he was born it was expected that he would meet and greet all kinds of people from all over the world.
Despite what the palaces would have us believe the institution does very little to prepare the royals on how to deal with continually being in the spotlight in a modern world. William should have had basic media training from the get-go. He could have been taught all the little tricks needed to project confidence in large groups. Instead the BRF rely on their ‘trusted’ fall-back position of them ‘being there’ is enough.
I wonder if part of it isn’t that Elizabeth lived so long. As a result, Charles was PoW for a very long time, and that left William with not much to do for another very long time. I get the impression that the royals aren’t proactive – they wait to do things (like training William) until it’s absolutely necessary, and then it’s too late.
As a result, Charles was PoW for a very long time, and that left William with not much to do for another very long time so Harry had to do what William wouldn’t do in the mean time.
Part of being a royal is just getting out there and doing the job. There are no lessons, you just need to get on with it. The more you do something, the better you can be. There was no reason for William to be lazy for two decades, even if Charles was POW for so long or the queen being on the throne 7 decades. Harry doesn’t have Will’s problem of being a lightweight, because Harry was doing everything Will should have. Harry was doing all of the tours, serving in the military, setting up foundations, and meeting people on behalf of the crown. And Harry did all of that as the spare, with none of the support or resources that Will had, who was doing f*ckall, with Kate chasing behind him. Now should Charles and the queen got him in shape? Yes. But nobody was stopping him from doing anything.
@JT – I think they were holding William back from anything dangerous – Harry was more expendable. But my point isn’t that William wasn’t allowed to be useful, but that William wasn’t immediately necessary for a good part of his life, so that Charles (never an attentive or caring father) didn’t make any demands. So, Will’s natural laziness kept him drifting until, “Ooops, hello, Harry’s gone and now I’m Prince of Wales.” And I imagine Charles was also counting on Harry to keep picking up the slack.
So many things that William could have done. He did not even complete the 10 week agriculture course for his future du chy work. He took the fake air ambulance job where he missed shifts and had photo ops. He was never prevented from working
That picture on the bottom, meeting with the Ecuadorian President tells part of the tale: Wills perched awkwardly seeming to be speaking to the 3 people opposite, the president and his wife not looking at him at all, but instead at the middle distance to Will’s right and the other person looking past him on his left.
He’s almost approximating the *look* of a statesman but if you look closely, there is no there there – there is little to no mutual engagement. And it’s not just that one occasion, things like that happen again and again… he rarely seems to be really connected with the people around him in a genuine way, like there is little genuine back and forth besides a quick handshake, hello.
Someone the other day compared him with Ivanka Trump at meetings of world leaders, and that is a great comparison.
Also, did those commentators just say that Will is trying to plan more opportunities to be spontaneous? I don’t think any of them understand what that word means LOL … like Will and his team planning for him to visit that oyster farm, dressed in waders, and then ‘surprise!’ he wades in? Yeah, no, not spontaneous.
I don’t think he’s that awkward actually, at least not from a shyness perspective. Have we ever heard he was shy before? I think he’s awkward because he doesn’t prepare, because he thinks everyone he meets should be in awe of meeting HIM, and because he thinks his presence is enough to cover for his lack of preparation.
those are things he could work on. Those are things he could change. But instead, he just flits around with an attitude of “I’M THE FUTURE KING” and it just falls flat when he’s with real power players.
That was the flaw, I think, in this NYC trip – William is being compared to actual world leaders and he just looks like a little kid who was allowed to say goodnight to the grownups before bedtime.
Richard Kay was so quick to whip out “awkward” in that video, even though that woman had given him an out to call William shy. Kay looks like he is at or over his tipping point, and of course, why wouldn’t he be? The press who were actually there saw with their own eyes that Burger King was wandering around NYC like a tourist, afraid of talking to anyone not under an NDA.
Also, I suspect Burger King’s awkwardness would immediately melt away if the topics were “that beeyotch Meghan” “all the ways Harry is an arsehole” “Arsenal’s chances this year” “the new brew pub near Amner” or “the time he beat Louis at Mario Kart.” William is a stunted fifteen year old with anger issues. He is not fit for hobknobbing with accomplished men and women with real goals, and the rota is getting antsy pretending he is otherwise.
I know lots of people have said this, but I wish there was a “like” button for comments here! You made me lol with your characterization. 😂
@Becks1 you have nailed it with your perceptive comments. Willy is awkward amongst the adults because they are not overawed in his presence and he is not up to having intelligent discussions because of lack of preparation and real engagement. He could improve if he studied the brief and role played with aides likely Q&As. Both WK want to rock up and be fawned over but neither are serious engaged in their “work” and don’t do any research beforehand so can be easily exposed like FK was here. For example, can he speak ANY foreign language because his dad gave a speech in French recently? It would help for him to self reflect on what steps he decides to take to up skill to become an effective PoW. Certain things can be learnt by hard work, determination and a desire to improve. Smiling, being pleasant, polite and making an effort to please others would be a good start. Also stop with racist BS and smearing your brother and Meghan immediately and concentrate on getting your own act together!
I wonder whether his excessively good looks as a child and teenager meant that, growing up, folks were always in awe and he didn’t have to “charm” them. Now that he’s just an Egg, people expect more from him.
I agree that willy is not shy. I remember seeing some video of him with some footballers and he had no problem talking. His problem is that he is arrogant and nasty. All his jokes were about putting down someone else. It was cringy and awkward because of that. Will didn’t have any problem with his speaking.
The man has no intellectual curiosity and barely any social skills, and expects to be lauded and praised for who he is rather than what he is. He has no impetus to learn or extend himself, because everything has been handed to him on a silver platter. Harry escaping the fold has really been a wake up call for him, and even then he swans around on his try-hard “statesman” tours expecting people to be honored by his presence, and it just isn’t cutting it. He’s a fake, a phony, and a fraud. No wonder dogs turn their heads away from him and children look like they want to cry in his presence.
Unfortunately for William his trip came immediately after the Invictus Games which magnified the charisma and charm of Harry and Meghan. They can’t declare the NY trip a success if William is awkward with world leaders. Next year the press will eventually tell the truth about this trip.
I’ll also add it’s because of William’s awkwardness and lack of charisma that Harry was always made to do engagements with him and Kate and why the press always talk about Harry’s role as being William’s support.
That’s why they freaked out so much when Harry left. William’s kingship was supposed to be a two-person job. They don’t have Harry to hide William’s inadequacies behind anymore.
When will these folks just admit that William is dumb, lacks charisma and is not articulate. This is exactly why they are so bitter that Harry chose his family rather than be a third wheel who props up the dead monarchy. The better man is gone and will not be coming back. They are stuck with what they have and it is exactly what they deserve.
These people need dictionaries. How is any of this spontaneous when we all knew his itinerary at least a week in advance? Maps, they also need maids. He was in the East River not the Hudson.
Someone mentioned CP yesterday and I questioned that as well. As you said, there are no pictures. But it also just seemed like a name drop. I don’t know where he was staying but I feel like going to CP would require travel when he could have gone somewhere closer. If I’m traveling and need to get in a little exercise I’d do it in the hotel gym and get it over with not go somewhere I’m likely to be interrupted.
Are we supposed to believe he ran in Central Park without his security detail? I’m pretty sure that at least someone would have noticed a tall, balding guy with an entourage running in the park and immediately called up Page Six. Instead, KP released the news that Prince William ran in Central Park. Why wouldn’t he have run on the Upper East Side if he stayed at the British Consulate? Carl Shurz Park would be closer than Central Park.
Honestly, I think the closest he came to jogging in Central Park was if the treadmill in his hotel looked out over the park, or his motorcade was zipping by and someone saw a jogger in the distance.
Did he actually stay at the Plaza, or just go there for an event? If he actually stayed there, then it makes sense because CP is directly across the street from the Plaza. But the royals usually stay at The Carlyle when they’re in NYC, so IDK.
William is the future king and the NYC trip proves he’s not ready for prime time. He had most of his life to prepare for this role and it’s obvious he didn’t. The wrong son is inheriting the throne.
Aquarius, I think it’s more fundamental than “the wrong son is inheriting the throne”
It’s laying bare the reality of the pointlessness of having a throne in the first place and the entire system for appointing someone as “head of state”. Because if someone so poorly suited and poorly prepared is acceptable in the role, obviously very little is expected of that role. Aside from being the face on the money and stamps, what else is there in this day and age?
Perhaps that role ‘the throne’ lasted into the 21st century only because QEII herself lasted into the 21st century.
One of the lasting impressions from “The Crown” & has been quantified by the Royal Family’s actions…is how INCURIOUS they are. They SKIM the surface of things & are not INTERESTED in deep diving into ANYTHING…well…except QEII with her horses…Even Charles has NEVA deep dived into his endeavors which was made BLATANT this week…and don’t get me started on the Prince’s Trust….Harry is like his Mother…OPEN to experiences…OPEN to people…OPEN to learn…OPEN to effect change…So there’s THAT fact…
Jogging through Central Park is such a comically old fashioned PR lie. Just like all the ridiculous JFK references, it’s like he found a strategy book for the Prince of Wales except it was meant for Charles to use in the 80s.
Anyway, he never went jogging through Central Park, that definitely didn’t happen. Despite the wildly optimistic stories planted in the press, I hope Will knows how pathetic this entire trip was. Like, I hope he really sits with how much of a nonfactor he was/is. Teams of people hired to make him look good, packs of well-trained reporters churning out article after article about what a global statesman sex symbol he is (LOL) and it’s all for nothing because nobody cares. I LOVE that for him.
Agreed. “Jogging in Central Park” never happened. If you watch him on stage at the EartShot event, there’s something about the way he mentions it that makes it sound like a lie. He’s so strange.
ABC evening news reported that William was surprised that he was able go jogging in Central Park unseen and unbothered . A lie then? Lying to the press? Shocking.
Will not wanting Kate to come with him because she might overshadow him, would be about fashion instead of him ….
JFK says hold my beer lol… as he escorts Jackie to France where he announces
“I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris
and I have enjoyed it ”
Hugely successful trip for his Presidency.
He read the room and conceded graciously.
He was charming, self deprecating and articulate and endeared himself to a whole county.
Never mind Will and Kate, that’s what Charles should have done with Diana.
I like to think of Will as Charles’ karma for how he treated, first, Diana, and later, Meghan. The irony is, with both women, he had an opportunity to elevate himself and his future reign if he played things along the lines of how JFK handled the attention Jackie attracted. Amazingly, lightning struck twice for that pointless, self centered, entitled Windsor family and they threw it away. Charles insisted on having center stage, he insisted on Camilla, he insisted on things his way or the highway. Sow, reap. King at last in his mid 70’s, and I bet there’s increasing bitterness over how things are turning out. At least, I hope so.
“However, he noted that, while the Prince of Wales looks comfortable and at ease during some engagements, he is ‘still learning’ which means he can look less fluid at times (for example, when meeting world leaders).”
Still learning? What is this grown as man still learning? All he has to do is go meet people, shake hands, smile and lend his platform to causes that need assistance.
The problem for the Wailing Prince is that Harry is not just great at all that but is innovative, affable, willing to learn and a HARD WORKER.
Yes, what went unsaid but was hanging over what Kay said was that Harry is not still learning that part of the job. He is able to meet leaders fluidly and without awkwardness.
And he never looks comfortable with his own wife, in fact leans away from her in photos.
The “still learning” line is like nails on chalkboard to me at this point— when they say it about either W or K. They are in their 40’s for the love of god, how much longer are they going to keep saying this?
And they’re not “learning,” they stay on vacation as long as they possibly can and then do the bare minimum to get some photos of themselves looking like they did something. For Kate, apparently that’s enough. The only thing William is “learning” is that for him, it’s NOT enough, that more is expected of him, and it’s only going to get harder from here.
Is this article on the irrelevance of the UK royals ,a warning shot from Daily Mail not to take their support for granted in view of the tepid performance of the heir, William in New York vis a vis Harry ‘s superlative performance and impact amongst veterans and the military across the world at the Invictus Games.
Um, I know this isn’t a very technical term, but no shit, Sherlock.
Honestly, William just seems pained in every pic I see. He’s either not smiling or he’s baring his teeth in an attempt at a smile. I am team Harry and Meghan all the way but is William ok? The papers who support him even say he shouts a lot, he never looks happy… it just doesn’t look like he wants to be out there doing the work, he just wants the titles. Camilla and Kate also always look uncomfortable/awkward when doing these appearances but seem keen on the titles so maybe they should all just chill and let Charles go out solo because Charles is the only one of them who looks comfortable doing his role tbh. The hole that Harry and Meghan left looks gaping and completely unmendable.
I think Kaiser is on point with her summary of this William the statesman/William the hunk NY flop tour recap. What a joke; those fools trying to “put lipstick on a pig” with their propaganda. 40 years old and he’s still learning how to interact with dignitaries.
First the Caribbean flop, now the NY flop. Where does he go from here? 🤷♀️
Yeah we get it, William is a stiff and Kate is just a bewigged clothes horse. Thanks for that. Oh and REALLY important people want to see…..
………. Harry and Megan because THEY are articulate, intelligent and care about things!
Why is he here if not to seek attention?? GMAB. He didn’t get any attention and instead of admitting it was a GIGANTIC flop, they’re trying to gas light everyone into believing that he wasn’t looking for attention? Good Luck with that.
My 11-year-old nephew could run for president today, he’s so full of natural charm and charisma. His 15-year-old brother is shy and can be awkward in social settings. But he WORKS at getting more comfortable, and he’s delightful to talk to because he’s such a big reader and can talk easily about so many subjects.
William needs to pick up some freaking books. But that’s beyond his ken, because he’s dumb and lazy and arrogant and thinks his mere existence should be enough.
‘He’s still learning’?!!! They dare to use this excuse? He’s been princing he whole life, and what’s it been, 10, 11 years he’s been married & going out & about on official PR events? He can’t talk to presidents? What the heck was that last year in the Caribbean then? And I seem to remember at least three photo ops with President Obama. He was born into this AND HE’S STILL LEARNING????
William is a classic case of arrested development and failure to launch. Combine that with overarching arrogance and self-importance and you’ve got a lazy, uninspired, disinterested lout who thinks he shouldn’t have to work for his luxe lifestyle. Unfortunately he married someone who has the same characteristics — these two are the future King and Queen Consort? They’re a disaster waiting to happen and the monarchy will likely end with them and because of them unless they both have an epiphany and start doing good works like H&M.
I couldn’t agree more! These two founding members of the 40 Watt Club (for the not very bright) create a charisma vacuum wherever they go and suck any interest away from whatever good cause they are supposedly promoting. If they think this is the way to go then they need a new sat-nav.
As charismatic as Diana was she was also horribly shy, awkward and a terrible speaker. She worked very hard to overcome this with people who could coach and teach her. She never went anywhere unprepared including wearing clothes that reflected their sensibilities. She worked to better herself a concept W has never desired to grasp. He went to Wales and proudly proclaimed that he didn’t speak a word of Welsh. Heirs to the throne have always been expected to be well educated and well prepared. But W proves there exceptions to every rule.
Diana had charisma even on her very first walkabout in Wales. She greeted people and they took to her. Even when she first spoke she was still better at it than Kate is now.
Bill Gates is “sort of on board with Earthshot”??? Sooooo, Willy Waders doesn’t have all of these “luminaries” buying into his crap vanity project funded by questionable sources? Interesting.
Kay letting the cat out of the bag
You know what he needs instead of a CEO? He needs to hire someone who has been comfortable speaking with statesmen/women, who can teach him how it’s done. He needs someone to really brief him on issues, etc., before meeting someone who is in that fold. He needs someone, in essence, who will hold his hand until he gets a modicum of comfort in these situations.
I have a question about his head injury. Do you think he might be better able to retain information if he hears it rather than reads it? No, I’m not giving him any benefit of the doubt. I’m saying if he wants to do better, he’s going to have to do the work to make that happen. I agree that other than fashion Cant just doesn’t add ANYTHING to this with her presence. She’s even worse at it then he is. Wont needs to understand that he should have been travelling with Harry all of those years on the tours and other visits to the Commonwealth countries in order to learn how it’s done.
I have no idea if this is even something he would agree to doing let alone capable of doing. I would think at this point he has to know that something needs to be fixed.
Therapy, of course, is clearly a first step. I don’t see him ever doing that.
The Wales are stupid people who haven’t been told they are stupid. However a good manager can work with stupid. The problem is that the Wales and rest of the Royals don’t take direction well. They don’t know when to change and adapt. The Sussexes situation is an example.
They need to learn from QE2. Flexibility is key. Adaptation is key. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Elizabeth saw her kingdom go from a Colonial power to a Economic center for the Commonwealth nations. Giving in at times is necessary for survival. The late Queen knew this.
It was said that the late Queen was very shy, public speaking can be nerve wracking but with every advantage it can get better; the more one practices with/without an audience…
William’s demeanor is the least of his problems; it is the varying agendas from varying individuals/organizations…….
He might seem ‘interesting?’ without his obsessive hate of his brother, one’s can be intrigued for a second as to what he stands for, but he’ll get just one minute to reveal that.
One cannot afford to waste one’s time……
He has squandered all the goodwill afforded to him, with the one-side feud that exposes the fact that the Sussexes are going to the opposite direction to him…
They said all these things about Harry until we saw for ourselves how he spoke and engaged with people. Harry never called the press to get photo ops or attention; he just got it, and he’s a natural. To quote Harry in Spare, what his brother told him, “It may not happen for you.” Welp, it’s not happening for you, Willy!
As a UK person, I do find it very interesting how the press are turning on PW (and his vacuous wife).
“Still learning”, at 41??? There is no excuse. His mother actually achieved so much in terms of legacy and she was only 36 when she died.
He has no charm, he is not at ease with mingling with the public, nor does he want to, that much is painfully obvious. That whole thing about the “hordes” when he supposedly went running. He might as well have called them “the great unwashed”, such is his clear distaste at having to do his job.
But hey, he still gets the job (king) anyway.
But the press are clearly pissed off with his lack of effort. It’s brought into particularly sharp relief when you compare Invictus. The sheer embarrassment of PW setting up shop across the road from the UN in the hope of being invited to the grown-ups’ table (but failing) … my god. And yet the British press still have to try to put lipstick on this pig.
I just watched the above clip.
The narrative “I think we’re going to see him a lot more in America…”
All I can say is 😬😮
All I have is why? He is not going to be King of America. Why is he not doing the prep for his eventual job. A little swing by every now and then on a private vacation but more of this nonsense?
Be careful what you wish for Willy, the American press and people are not raised to show you deference. We don’t believe in that “you are our betters” crap.
It’s so patently and embarrassingly obvious why kkkHATE has been torpedoed from bully’s side as he tries to build a legacy using eartshidt, and walking the path Prince Harry walked while building IG………..10 years ago.
Bully is literally shadowing H, going to the places H went to in NY during the early years of building IG. And H did it all on his own – no wife beside him.
I know the leftover grifters in palaces are shameless in their generational barefaced covetiousness and theft of other people’s property but good gad! To see it in action: cowmilla copying Diana’s fashion – most egregiously the black Revenge Dress and choker; which, of course puts kkkHATE’s nakedly blatant copying of M’s fashion into perspective, as the world looks on in consternation.
Isn’t there a story abt the queen mother…..that folks used to hide their silver and other valuables when they heard she was abt to visit. Because if she saw something in ur house that she liked, she wd just take it.
And, of course, the original sin of this barefaced, generarional criminal gang, masquerading as a “family:” the pillage, rape and plunder of vulnerable peoples across the globe, enslaving the ancestors of an entire race and enriching themselves off their forced labor, with the after-effects still felt and still visible to this day.
So yeah…..wanting what H has is in bully’s DNA. There’s no doubt in my mind that if H&M had received even one iota of support from those criminals in palaces…..if, for example, betty had done like she did for Diana and kkkHATE and boris Johnson ‘s most recent wife, telling the shidtmedia to back off and give them space to experience their pregnancy in peace, H&M wd be fooled into believing they had support within the family and would hv stayed!!!
And there’s no doubt that if they stayed, the window of opportunity to leave wd hv closed with them on the inside, with betty dead, and with no financial security for themselves & their little family.
They wd hv been doomed. And H wd hv been bullied into making bulliam the face of IG, taking all the credit while H wd hv to do all the work and keep away from the limelight.
What an escape the Sussexes hv had!!!
Probably too late for you to see this @Kingston, but it was Queen Mary (queen consort to George V) who was the country-house klepto.
The Queen Mum was the chronically late one, to the point where her husband (George VI) would be shouting “where is that f*cking woman?”
🙌 👍 👏
Got it. 🙂
What liars. Bill Gates speaks at a Bloomberg reception for the Earthshot finalists announcement and that suddenly puts him on the Earthshot Board…eh sort of? Not according to their own website. Bill Gates is not on their Board. These people. SMDH.
Richard Kay is stupid for twisting nothing to make into something. How can he claim that William is better than Harry because William didn’t get a lot of attention or buzz? Come on! William didn’t get any attention and buzz because he’s nothing. Nothing comes from nothing. Americans are not interested because he’s not at all interesting. He has zero gravitas and zero appeal. Americans are not dumb. They can see through the fakeness and the propaganda. They can see that they are being used and exploited by William in his fight against his brother Harry. And the Americans say No Way William!