Jennifer Aniston sleeps a lot: ‘I feel it when I don’t get enough rest’

Note: this interview came out a few weeks ago & I wrote this post before Matthew Perry’s passing.

Has Jennifer Aniston been canceled for real? Or does she still have fans and defenders? This summer was BAD for Jen – she got caught up in a completely stupid drama involving Jamie Foxx, one which she should have simply apologized thoroughly and moved on. Then there was her tone-deaf comments about cancel culture where she sounded like a Fox News person. It was weird. Anyway, I have no idea if Jennifer is still canceled, but she does cover the latest issue of CR Fashion Book. She’s not promoting The Morning Show, she’s promoting her haircare line, LolaVie. As such, the interview is mostly about her hair.

What made LolaVie different: “The team! I’ve used so many hair care products over the years: some that produce results, but use ingredients I would rather avoid. Some others that are created with natural ingredients, but don’t deliver. From the start, the team at LolaVie shared my commitment to developing a haircare line that is effective using only the best ingredients possible. We work tirelessly on the development of each of our products until we get it to a place where we all feel satisfied. We don’t launch until it’s right.

How the name LolaVie came to be: “Oh, I wish there was a story with some profound meaning behind it, but Lola was actually the name of my first car when I moved to California. Lola became a nickname for me, and when it came time to find a name for my company it felt like the perfect name for my haircare line.

Who she used as producer-testers: “Friends, peers… and their friends and family members. We’ve always prioritized testing each product on a variety of hair types, so I keep that in mind when I’m giving out samples. I’m happy to say that everyone has been very honest with their feedback. We’ve gone through many rounds of some products with our initial testers. In the same way, we try to listen to our customers even once a product has launched. We heard when people said our conditioner was too hard to get out of the bottle. We went back to the drawing board and came up with a new bottle that’s much improved.

Her hair icons: “I just love beautiful hair. But I mean, did I love Valerie Bertinelli on the cover of Us magazine when she was wearing a red angora sweater and took that into the hair salon in the ’80s? Mayyyyybe.”

How she stays healthy: “I drink a lot of water, move my body daily, try to eat whole, fresh foods, and get as much sleep as I can. That last part is challenging for me, but it’s so important. I feel it when I don’t get enough rest. In addition to all of that, I try to be really mindful about what I let into my head- space. Our world is really going through some challenges, and I know we all care a lot, but sometimes I think it’s imperative that we turn off the noise.

The SAG strike: “I’m really hoping for a fair resolution to the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes sooner than later. There are so many crew members who are a part of our creative process who aren’t in either of those unions, who did not ask to be on strike and many are struggling financially. We just want everyone to get back to work as soon as possible.

[From CR Fashion Book]

In case you’re wondering, it seems like Aniston is no longer part of the Living Proof team, which was the MIT-backed haircare line she invested in many years ago. Since 2021, she’s been doing LolaVie, which is her stand-alone brand. I got confused about that at the time, and it’s weird that Aniston acts like her collab with Living Proof never happened in interviews, like this is her first-ever foray into haircare. I also find it weird that Aniston is still trying to make that name happen – she first called her perfume “LolaVie” but there was a huge trademark issue and so here we are. I find her vapid, but hey, that’s her brand too.

Covers courtesy of CR Fashion Book.

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25 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston sleeps a lot: ‘I feel it when I don’t get enough rest’”

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  1. Kimber says:

    For a promo article on her her products- I find her hair lacking

    • CatMum says:

      I agree – those photos are not doing her hair product line any favors.

      I do think she’s correct that sleep is so important. I’m a wreck when I don’t get enough, unlike when I was younger and didn’t need so much sleep. I get migraines if I get insufficient sleep for too long.

    • Yup, Me says:

      I thought her hair was a wig when I first saw the pics

      But this article IS helping me choose to take a nap with my baby rather than getting up to do laundry, so wins all around

  2. Ameerah M says:

    She is SUCH a snooze fest. I always find that women get MORE interesting as they older. But Jennifer? Nope. Just as vapid and boring as ever.

  3. Seraphina says:

    As Mr. Portakalis said in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, she is dry – like toast. She’s just THERE.
    And I did not recognize her at first, I did a double take.

  4. Thelma says:

    I just find her so shallow and uninteresting.

  5. elle says:

    She looks like Felicity Huffman.

  6. Beverley says:

    Never liked her. She showed her racist ass years ago.

  7. Soni says:

    I just rewatched the Friends Reunion after Matthew Perry’s passing. I know this is going to sound shallow, but what did JA do to her face? I’m actually being serious with the question. She looks so different, and not just from her Friends days, but from ten years ago. Her mouth doesn’t move, her nose looks severely altered, and she can’t fully smile. Courtney Cox has spoken about her plastic surgery.. I am curious about what/how people make changes that alter their appearance so much.

    • MipMip says:

      She’s put too much filler in her whole face but waaaay too much in her mouth and cheek area.

  8. Twin Falls says:

    I don’t care that she’s boring or had work done but I am so tired of the wealthy actors faux siding with those who are struggling when they are really shilling for the man.

    “There are so many crew members who are a part of our creative process who aren’t in either of those unions, who did not ask to be on strike and many are struggling financially. We just want everyone to get back to work as soon as possible.”

    • Dizzy76 says:

      Just wanted to say I am one of the crew members that isn’t on strike and I’ve been out of work since January (IATSE). Even in Los Angeles we kind of feel forgotten about right now, lots of local businesses have offered discounts and freebies to WGA and SAG/Aftra members that don’t apply to us. We absolutely support the strikes but have our own negotiations coming up and now we won’t be in a good position to strike even if we wanted to. I just know I really appreciated that she acknowledged us specifically, something not everyone makes a point to do -and I’m sure the crew members who work alongside her appreciate it too.

      • kirk says:

        Wow. January! Hope you get back to work soon! Not sure which of Apple TV’s shows have SAG waivers: “Tehran” yes; “Morning Show” ??

  9. BayTampaBay says:

    I always loved Living Proof and it is definitely the best of the premium drugstore hair care lines.

    Jennifer Aniston owned a very small stake in Living Proof in lieu of traditional payment as a celebrity spokesman. In 2016 Unilever acquired 100% of Living Proof and jennifer Aniston was out.

  10. crogirl says:

    “As such, the interview is mostly about her hair.” LOL isn’t it always.

    Speaking of her hair, as much as I don’t like Jennifer I don’t mind her selling hair products. Hair has always been her thing. And I’d rather buy her hair product than Gwyneth’s face cream

    • Anna says:

      She has nothing else to say. I mean, how many years have we been reading this nonsense? Apart from the “screaming at the waves” stuff?

  11. JEB says:

    I tried the LolaVie shampoo, conditioner and detangler. Hated all three-too heavy on the hair. I tried them separately and still didn’t like them. The detangler works well though, but just too much of a residue. If you are interested, buy the trial sizes-I got the travel shampoo and conditioner so it wasn’t a huge waste of money but I think the detangler is only offered in regular size so it’s collecting dust on a shelf in my bathroom.
    Maybe an unpopular opinion but my husband and I love The Morning Show and she’s got a good role/is good in the role. Lots of other good actors in it and the current season’s addition of Jon Hamm has been great. Good storylines too.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      She – and all her testers – are most likely white women who gave their hair dyed, highlights low lights etc – plus styled with all the damage that involves – regularly.

      As someone who doesn’t dye my hair – yet – and doesn’t blow dry my hair, these kind of products are always too heavy.

  12. Anna says:

    Oh god. Yet ANOTHER article in which she talks about her hair products, her sleep, her water consumption, her exercise. Could this woman be more bland and vapid???

  13. Isa says:

    Her hair is always in her face in photo shoots.

  14. Aurora says:

    For some reason, I remember her saying for years that she only used good ol’ Panténe products, even after she stopped being their ambassador. And tbh, her hair looked so much better than now; particularly when she was with Brad, who used to be a hair person. Her alleged struggles to find the right hair care is just not believable

  15. Roo says:

    This photo shoot is not good for her hair PR. The styling makes her hair look limp and thin, and she’s always had nice hair. And, just like I don’t have any interest in celebrity skin care products, I don’t think I’d buy any hair product by a celebrity.

  16. Philly says:

    Coming in late and don’t care one way or another about JA, but I got samples of these products and they are amazing, better than other expensive premium products I’ve tried. The detangler is especially great for those of us with lots of thick unmanageable hair.

  17. Grant says:

    I know a lot of people hate Jennifer Aniston on here. I don’t mind her and I agree about the sleep. I basically feel like sh!t if I get less than 8 hours, but I’m also a night owl so it’s so hard for me to get everything on track.