Willow & Jaden Smith ‘feel bad for their dad’ in the wake of Jada’s memoir

For the past week, Jada Pinkett Smith has been promoting her memoir, Worthy, and talking all about her marriage to Will Smith. They’ve been separated since 2016-ish, although they have no plans to divorce and they still talk about how much they love each other. Will has made some public comments in support of Jada and her memoir, although this week he also posted an Instagram with the message “notifications off.” I guess we’re supposed to believe that he’s not paying attention to all of the noise. So be it – that’s actually pretty healthy. Meanwhile, we haven’t heard anything from Will and Jada’s adult children, Willow (22) and Jaden (25). According to Entertainment Tonight, they’re really tired of their parents making everything so damn public.

The Smith kids are wishing for privacy. Amid Jada Pinkett Smith’s recent shocking revelations — most notably that she and Will Smith have been separated for seven years — a source tells ET that their kids, Willow Smith and Jaden Smith, “feel bad for their dad with all the recent headlines about their parents.”

“They know he has been going through a lot lately and this isn’t helping,” the source says of the Smith kids, which also includes Trey Smith, whom Will shares with his ex-wife, Sheree Zampino. “They wish some of their family’s private matters remained private.”

As for the 55-year-old actor, the source says he’s “trying to stay busy and has been hanging out with his good friends and his kids.”

“He’s trying not to let any outside noise impact him,” the source says. “Will loves Jada and feels like he has always had her back and always will. He has been trying to be supportive, while also taking care of himself.”

[From ET]

I’ll admit that I feel bad for Will too. Jada has made it clear that she’s still ride-or-die for Will (just in a separate home), but I also feel… no one would really hold it against Will if he got a divorce and started a life away from Jada. I don’t think Jada is toxic or whatever, but clearly, they have outgrown each other and it feels like this situation, which they both created, has outlived its usefulness. It’s stagnant. As for the oversharing… Will overshared like crazy when he wrote his memoir. Still, I feel for Willow and Jaden. They don’t want any part of their parents’ dramas.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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42 Responses to “Willow & Jaden Smith ‘feel bad for their dad’ in the wake of Jada’s memoir”

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  1. Wilma says:

    I think Jada is a very interesting person. I’m not sure about her love life though, it doesn’t feel like it’s healthy for the people she’s with. It’s not a problem if you know upfront what you’re getting into and consent to a relationship like this, but that’s pretty clearly not the case here.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Is Jada in the relationship by herself?? How is the health of the relationship only her responsibility??

  2. Sean says:

    Maybe I’ll get yelled at for this but I’m starting to think both Jada and Will are narcissistic. They’re just revealing themselves now.

    I also had another thought.

    Jaden = Jada

    Willow = Will.

    They named both kids after themselves. Seems a little egotistical. I’m sure someone will comment that a lot of people do that, actually.

    • MaryContrary says:

      They’re actors-pretty much all narcissistic.

    • Missskitttin says:

      So if you’re named after a parent they’re narcissistic? Hmmm…..

      • Sean says:

        It’s not weird for parents to name a child after themselves but when both kids have such names and the parents are Jada and Will…yeah, it can seem egotistical.

    • Mel says:

      I think they’re both toxic and it takes a special kind of person to deal with being in a relationship with either one of them. I do feel bad for the children , even if they are adults . This entire thing is embarrassing.

    • Jess says:

      No one bats an eye when a son is named junior, 3, 4, 5 etc. I think the name Willow is beautiful and Jaden fits. I think it flows well.

      • Sean says:

        When a child is named after a parent it’s not weird in and of itself. But when both children are named after both parents. And the parents are Jada and Will? Yeah, it can seem egotistical.

    • Yup, Me says:

      These kids are in their 20s and you JUST realized they were named for their parents? JUST now you “had a thought”?

    • Ameerah M says:

      So you’re saying anyone who names their kid a JUNIOR is a narcissist?? Or just Will and Jada?

      • Sean says:

        Just Will and Jada.

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Sean so your argument is hypocritical. Got it.

      • Sean says:

        @Ameerah M, LOL, no. Naming a child after a parent isn’t narcissistic in and of itself. That being said, given how narcissistic both Jada and Will have shown themselves to be, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did purely as an ego stroke.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Not that long ago, it was quite normal in many cultures. I’d say here, it happened more often than not that at least one kid was named after a parent.

      My dad is named after his dad. Never met my granddad as he passed away before I was born, but from what I hear he was a very unassuming character. There were not nearly as many names around as we have now to name kids. My granddad had a lot of siblings. I recently joked about what those names could be and just started spewing old fashioned names. Got all their names within a minute.

      Now, that would not be possible since people are using foreign names and even made up names etc much more than they did not long ago, so there is far more variety of what people are naming their kids. Some are even from TV shows (hello Daenerys and Khaleesi, I hope you don’t hate your parents) or other pop culture.

      If I look at my maternal grandfather’s siblings names, there is already a bit more variety (he is about 20 years younger), but there is still the oldest one named after his dad and one after a granddad.
      Point is, that it was quite normal to name one after parents or godparents and other relatives and it’s still is not entirely abnormal.

      • GrnieWnie says:

        Actually, this is really sort of a North American tradition (in anglophone culture). Brits don’t really use the Jr/Sr convention and children tend to not be named after their parents. I discovered this recently when trying to figure out how UK English punctuates Jr. and Sr. after a name…turns out the convention is largely American. The British were all probably sitting around adopting titles and not paying much attention to names anyway.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, you’re right, we don’t have “juniors” here in the UK. There has been a long term trend, it may be disappearing, for kids to have a grandparent’s name somewhere within their middle names, which is a way of handing on a name.

    • Jen says:

      Will himself is a Junior. Trey is actually Will Smith III. The third, hence, Trey.

    • terra says:

      My Grandma created a name out of both of her sons middle names. That is my name. I am her daughter’s child.

      I repeat, she named her first (and for nearly twenty years, only) grandchild after her own two sons that she, herself, named.

      (To be fair, my mother’s choice was much worse, but I’m still changing my name legally as soon as I get the chance.)

  3. Bren says:

    I just wish they would go away

    • Grant says:

      Me too. People are dying left and right in Israel and Palestine and we’re worried about Jada and Will’s love life. I know I’m being hyperbolic but all these “hot-takes” from Jada are starting to border on TMI for me.

  4. Ameerah M says:

    That’s the thing that I find so interesting. That in 2021/22 Will was sharing ALL of his business promoting HIS memoir. And no one was telling him to shut up or that they were “tired of him”. It’s only when JADA does the same that suddenly everyone has an issue. It’s very…TELLING. As for Will – the man is no victim. He’s a 50-plus year old man who is clearly actively choosing to still be in the marriage. This was not a choice made by Jada alone. He has agency.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Yes, Jada deserves to be able to speak, especially considering how much other people have been speaking about her for so long.

      I get the impression that Will depends on the people in his orbit to help manage his emotions.

    • Raven says:

      That’s a lie. When Will wrote his book, he got the same flack for overshearing. On here and on Social media.

      • Ameerah M says:

        No he didn’t. No one was calling him a manipulator or asking why he was “humiliating his wife” or calling him “toxic”. Let’s not re-write history here.

      • Micky says:

        I agree..I was on other sites that were complaining about how much Will was sharing while promoting his book. I think because for so long we didn’t hear anything about them from them, there were plenty of speculation but they never confirmed or denied the rumors but now? Since the red table talk and will promoting we were just inundated with info that in hindsight, people they didn’t want to know anymore. LOL

      • Raven says:

        @ AMEERAH M

        I’m not re writing history, and Will was called toix and gross. Do you not remember the whole vomiting after sex in his book that people were disgusting by. People were saying that Will Humiliated himself, and they can see why jada “cheated” on him.

        @ TURTLEDOVE

        I agree people are exhausted from hearing about their private lives.

    • Turtledove says:

      I don’t recall what was or wasn’t said when Will was promoting his book, other commenters seem to have divided opinions.

      if she is getting more flack, I wouldn’t be surprised because people are sexist.

      That said, her book came out AFTER “the slap heard round the world” took place, so there has got to be some legitimate “Smith Marriage Drama” exhaustion happening here.

      • bisynaptic says:

        But that (slap) was, again, Will’s doing, not Jada’s. I agree: there’s a lot of sexism in the criticism directed towards her.

  5. Flowerlake says:

    She got dragged a lot on Twitter for the comments about not calling each other wife and husband (paraphrasing here) and joked about for seeming to be out to humiliate him.

    Maybe he’s okay with all this and feels the same way, but I think they’re oversharing and not much good will come of that.

  6. Jess says:

    This is not true. Willow and Jaden are very supportive of their mother’s book. Outlets are just looking for clicks and making it seem like Jada’s kids hate her sells. Not even Trey is mad at Jada.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Yeah they were in the video she posted celebrating her book. Will was there too. I think a lot of outlets are jumping on the hate train for clicks. But the kids have been nothing but supportive and so has Will.

  7. Chelsea says:

    Thank you for mentioning that Will overshared in his memoir and interviews too. The double standard around that and Chris being allowed to call her a bitch and blame her for the slap but her getting attacked for telling her side of the slap is kind of dizzying to me. That said I do too hope that after this book’s release this is the last we hear from them on this for a while because while i imagine it was cathartic for both of them to write this stuff and talk about it and they have every right to tell their own story i imagine it is kind of tiring for their kids who are both pretty active on social media (especially with the way in which some things have been taken out of context and made into viral posts on every social media platform available).

    Even if they’re adults no kid wants to be hearing people talk about their parents weird open relationship/separation or be bombarded with posts (falsely) claiming their mom never loved their dad and only settled for him because she couldn’t be with tupac. (She’s denied this multiple times but many of her new quotes aren’t helping the situation)

  8. AmyB says:

    I feel very sorry for their kids – this has to be utterly painful and embarrassing for them to have all this public information out about their parent’s issues/marriage – and it comes from both Will and Jada.

    I do not understand why anyone who has been separated for six years would remain married/especially in light of having sexual and romantic relationships with other people, but hey, to each their own. As I said, I feel very sorry for their children as they are dragged into this PR nightmare. It must be hard enough to have to try to navigate this in private (allegations of an open marriage, Jada’s “entanglement” with August, the Oscar slap with Chris Rock, etc.).

  9. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Hmmm I’m confused because not sure if I should trust her memoirs, they lied for 7 years and will wrote his memoirs recently and this was left out? Jada Talk about tupac when he’s dead and cannot confirm anything? Nope, no trust left. I wonder how much scientologyhad to do with them staying together/separated or if it had anything to do with it.

  10. DeepfriedDallasite says:

    Both of them are super aggravating however Jada is super trash cause she preyed on her SONS friend who was by all accounts in a vulnerable position and slept with him. How that continues to be overlooked about her is beyond me.

    • Mel says:

      She’s a woman. I’ve noticed the trend here it bring out the pitchforks and torches for messy men but women get a there, there and it’s blamed on misogyny. Jada AND Will have been exhausting and talking to much to no one who cared about their marriage for years. I guess because they knew it was a fake so they spent so much time trying to convince everyone else it wasn’t?

      • AnneL says:

        Usually I would agree. There is a double standard. But in this particular case, I think Will would have been judged way more harshly for the same behavior. Imagine if a young, 20-something friend of Willow had stayed with the family while going through a rough time and Will had gotten involved with said friend? In this day and age? He would be excoriated for it, and rightly so.