People: Duchess Meghan ‘is the best mom,’ Meg & Harry ‘are still such a team’

People Magazine has an “exclusive” about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The exclusive is: they love their kids. Seriously! Still, I appreciate that People Mag is doing this kind of positive coverage of the Sussexes, the kind of coverage which is usually reserved for the other couple. People takes Meghan’s comments from the Mental Wellness in the Digital Age summit (which Archewell hosted last week in NYC) and expands on how this issue is super-important to Harry and Meghan because of Lili and Archie.

World Mental Health Day hit close to home for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on October 10, as they hosted their first in-person Archewell Foundation event. The Archewell Foundation Parents’ Summit: Mental Wellness in the Digital Age brought together families affected by tragic loss connected to a child’s social media use. During an emotional panel discussion, Meghan, 42, and Harry, 39, opened up about how their young children — Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lilibet, 2 — have inspired their fight to build a safer online world.

“Being a mom is the most important thing in my entire life, outside, of course, being a wife to this one,” Meghan said on stage, gesturing to Harry. “I feel fortunate that our children are quite young, so this isn’t in our immediate future, but I also feel frightened by how it’s continuing to change and this will be in front of us.”

“I think for us, with kids growing up in a digital age, the priority is to turn pain into purpose and provide as much support as well as a spotlight and a platform for parents,” Harry said.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex kept a low profile during their trip — a stark contrast to their last visit to N.Y.C. in May, in which their description of a “near catastrophic” paparazzi chase was refuted by some eyewitnesses following the Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Awards. (No charges were filed.)

Back home in Montecito, California, the couple are “loving life as parents of two,” a friend tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue.

“Meghan is the best mom, and Harry is always on the floor playing with the kids. They are still such a team,” the friend says.

[From People]

Something I think about a lot is how easily Meghan would have embraced a public-facing royal life while still prioritizing motherhood. Like, she would have been so good at that, balancing motherhood with royal work, putting together impactful projects and using that platform. Too bad she was so good at it, the institution tried to destroy her and get her to unalive herself because they were so jealous, short-sighted, petty, racist and sexist. Anyway, I’m glad that People’s sources are basically like “Harry and Meghan are totally solid and they love having all this time with their kids!”

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35 Responses to “People: Duchess Meghan ‘is the best mom,’ Meg & Harry ‘are still such a team’”

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  1. Em says:

    It still amuses me when trolls cry about them not being seen with their kids and use it to paint them as bad parents. You see the Sussexes max 10 times in an entire year and somehow that means they don’t spend time with their children or aren’t good parents?

    • Tessa says:

      The derangers go on about this every day .and have the nerve to make judgmental comments

    • Swaz says:

      The key word there is TROLLS 😈 I wouldn’t even repeat that .

    • MF says:

      Also, they intentionally keep their kids out of the spotlight, so of course we don’t see him. Very unlike another couple who trot their kids out as fodder for the tabloids.

      • aftershocks says:

        This is such DARVO! We all know the reason that H&M are uber protective of Prince Archie & Princess Lilibet is because of the very real dangers of public exposure. Both Archie and Lili were attacked by the British media at the ages of two days old — Archie by a vile radio broadcaster, and Lili by the entire royal rota and British tabloids, with article after article crazily criticizing the name her parents gave to her in honor of her great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. 😬🙄

        Added to that, remember the monkey head that was placed over the first Christmas photo of Archie? ☹️ And then, the video of Meghan reading to Archie, that was released by Save the Stories on IG, to celebrate Archie’s first birthday was viciously attacked by derangers. 😡

        These are the unfortunate reasons why H&M pulled way back and stopped sharing such milestone moments. This is why the Sussex children have rarely been seen publicly or in official photographs. H&M are cautiously protecting their children, as responsible, loving parents. ❤️

  2. Yes it is nice to see such a positive article about Meg and Harry. She really does know how to multitask and be very good at it. They really do prove that service is universal. It really did show how bad the royal cult is when she came along and showed them all how it could be done and they were too jealous to get onboard with all the good she was bringing. Oh well leftovers it is.

    • B says:

      Am I the only one who didn’t feel like this was positive? They denied the car chase happened & even tried to state no charges were filed as evidence of the Sussexes lying. I feel like this generic article was written just so that this could be inserted.

      • @B. You might be right about that but she was given credit for being a good mom and also what she is doing to help others. So I guess two steps forward one step back.

      • EveV says:

        I agree, and that part really pisses me off. It just makes me so mad that awesome, amazing people have to deal with constant jabs. And then the other color do NOTHING but lie, and get glowing reviews.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        B. that’s what I believe, too. Yes, they included some kind words, but then I got stuck, too, when they say that Harry spends his time on the floor playing with the kids. Are they back to intimating something about Harry’s intelligence? That was my first thought, and I’m not someone who immediately sees the worst first.

        I don’t know, but there’s plenty of shade to go around.

  3. Jais says:

    What’s nice is that it’s an article made up of actual things Meghan has said. The random friend at the end is prob made up but overall it’s from Meghan.

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan epitomizes to me what it means to be self reliant. She earned her wealth, enjoyed doing philanthropic work while balancing her career. Now she has incorporated being a mom into her beautiful life. Agree, missed opportunity because of laziness and race. Now those left overs are trying to mimick everything she does or wears. A pathetic bunch of losers.

  5. MsIam says:

    People always has to throw some in shade don’t they. The car chase was not “refuted” by eyewitnesses, the damn eyewitnesses were riding in the cars being chased. And if the Wails had pulled off a prestigious, successful summit like this they would have gotten a cover. Kate gets covers just for being a “modern royal mom!” whatever tf that means.

      • MsIam says:

        That cover was from back in August when everyone was calling the Sussexes “flops”. Nothing since a successful Invictus and the NYC summit. I guess the things the Sussexes do are not worthy of a People cover, unlike She Who Does Nothing But Be Keen And Grin. But we shall see.

      • equality says:

        Okay. I don’t read People; I just see their stuff on here and covers occasionally when I pass by the rack at the store.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly @MsIAM. That People article and cover story are from August, and not relevant to the recent Archewell Conference, which took place in NYC last week. Plus, isn’t it obvious that even mainstream outlets such as People magazine, in the U.S. market, are constantly spinning rota nonsense, and approaching their trivialized coverage of the Sussexes from preconceived, false angles with overwrought, fictitious narratives diluting any truths they may include.

        The blaring cover headline, ‘Under Pressure,’ makes no sense whatsoever in connection with Meghan & Harry. 🙄 Such a headline is obviously more suited to WanK, but it’s always opposite day for royalists when it comes to accepting and disseminating the unvarnished truth about the House of Windsor’s Salty Isle nonces. 🤡 💩

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      I thought that too @MsIam and People doesn’t get a pass from me. It’s their version of both-siding and they’re clearly going to consistently be on the (wh)right side. Since when do they have journalistic standards and put in a refuted narrative?

  6. Amy Bee says:

    People needed a Meghan and Harry article for the clicks. I’m just grateful they’re not smearing them.

  7. Bettyrose says:

    I love having them stateside. I don’t even think about the reasons why any more. California suits them, and their work as private citizens has the potential to be so much more impactful.

  8. Libra says:

    Regarding the NYC car chase; why don’t the writers do their homework? Observers at the scene plus their security team all verify that a dangerous chase took place. There is film. Where is it? Seeing the massive amounts of documentation should put this to rest. It happened.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Libra, I read that Harry and his team turned over their video to the NYPD. There was (supposedly) an investigation. I haven’t heard anything since. I do think that whatever their investigation found was reflected in the way H&M were protected when they were in NY for the Archewell Foundation mental health event.

  9. Sophie Trudoh says:

    When you continue flapping jaws that the suspect marriage is a-okay, like Wills and Kate do.

    • Chelsea says:

      lol. One random fake quote from a tabloid expanding off of an event form two weeks ago ooupled with a shady dig at them to try and get more engagement off of this couple is not “continued flapping jaws” and it is nowhere near the constant barrage of PR articles we get WanK and their “perfect marriage”. TBH given the fact that the Sussexes now have a real PR team I’m surprised we actually don’t get more fluff pieces written but that doesnt seem to be what they want to expend Ari’s energy on.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Right @Chelsea. H&M are not interested in engaging in fluffy self-promotion. They are about the serious business of promoting worthy causes that can help benefit people and make positive impacts at a grassroots level.

        In any case, there are always a ton of eyes laser-beamed on H&M’s every move. Their very existence and every decision or utterance they make, is overanalyzed to an obsessive degree. As Meghan aptly said, during the recent Archewell Conference, “If there is going to be so much attention focused on us, then we want people to pay attention to the things we are paying attention to.”

        IOW, they do not want their lives to be the unrelenting focus of falsified, and trivialized tabloid nonsense. The Sussexes know who they are, and they are comfortable in their own skin. They have no need or desire for overdone p.r. embiggening. Who they are as a couple already speaks louder than words. They want the main focus to be on the charities they are supporting, and on the positive, results-oriented ways they are tackling challenges we all face.

  10. Chelsea says:

    “in which their description of a “near catastrophic” paparazzi chase was refuted by some eyewitnesses”

    WTF is this BS? There was literally video that came out from that night showing reckless driving from cars that were following them and their police escort closing down streets to try to get them through safely. There was also a radio personality(ii believe it was on the breakfast club) that talked about seeing reckless driving that included someone running into a parked car before the event(though at the time the hosts didnt realize that it was because of Harry and Meghan). A member of their police escort who used to work with the Secret Service went on CNN and talked about how dangerous the situation with people on motorcycles riding on side walks and he claimed he’d never experienced anything like it.

    The only “eyewitness” that claimed this wasn’t dangerous was the cab driver from the cab that the police put them into after they had to go to the police station who stated that when he picked them up that he only drove them around for a few minutes after their plan to use his cab as a decoy was aborted after paps stopped them in the middle of traffic and got out at a light and surrounded the taxi on foot and took pictures of them(there are videos of the paps doing this and the pictures of Doria looking scared in the cab with them were sold to the daily fail and deleted after Harry sent his lawyers after them).

  11. Wannabefarmer says:

    The whole denial of the car chase p**sses me off. It particularly raised my ire when whoopie goldberg of all people, threw water on this by claiming you cant have a car chase in Manhattan, and the comments by the mayor did not help. Then we find out there is a ‘highway’ of sorts there and this is where part of the chase happened. Of course they all ended up with egg on their faces when this was reported. And at the risk of threadjacking, that lot on the view -other than Sara and Alyassa are mind numbingly annoying.

  12. vpd4 says:

    I think People is a POS.

  13. Grant says:

    Lord, I love that cream outfit!!

  14. aftershocks says:

    When H&M share photos of their children, they are attacked as bad parents, and Archie & Lili are also scrutinized and egregiously criticized. We have seen this happen many times already. When H&M choose to limit public exposure of their children, they continue to be attacked, criticized, and questioned about where their children are!!! 🙄 At the same time, insane derangers wildly deny that the Sussex children are real, or else they spew false nonsense about surrogate births. Such out-of-bounds ridiculous insanity is unspeakably vile.

    Thus, H&M wisely have pulled back from sharing birthday and Christmas milestones, as they had done a few times. I am glad the Sussexes have been able to spend so much private time together as a family, keeping their children nurtured, healthy, normalized, and protected from the prying eyes of overwrought haters and nosy observers alike.

  15. tamsin says:

    This is a very snide piece that is right up there with anything written by the RR. The comment about the car chase and the comment that they are still a team to bring up the fake story of an impending separation of the Sussexes is very passive aggressive. People has deteriorated into a gossip rag no better than InTouch and US.

  16. AC says:

    I think this article is a little more in favor of HM.
    As People is a US-based outlet , I think they know they have to be a little more favorable(compared to the BP). I think they’re seeing how many more Americans actually do like HM and their popularity in the US is rising. And there’s many Americans(more than 3/4 of people 30 and under ) who do believe HMs story of what happened with the car chase compared with the Paps story.
    Fat Joe’s shout out of Spare was the talk in Twitter the other day(instead of Jada’s book). And after that, Spare was trending again in the US. An example how HM has become more influential.
    I’m sure you know is psst about that, because after that their trolls tried to make the “HM are drifters” hashtag one of the trending topics 🙄