“Tim Burton & Monica Bellucci made their red-carpet couple debut” links

Tim Burton & Monica Bellucci made their red-carpet couple-debut in Rome, for the premiere of Diabolik Chi Sei?. She wore Dolce & Gabbana! [Paris Match]
Wow, the trailer for Saltburn was not what I expected. [OMG Blog]
Oh no, Lady Gaga had some fresh “work” done. [Just Jared]
Glen Powell & Sydney Sweeney have zero chemistry in this trailer. [LaineyGossip]
People watch The Morning Show and Google random things. [Pajiba]
John Legend wore a great sweater. [Go Fug Yourself]
House Republicans are the most dysfunctional people on the planet. [Jezebel]
Paloma Faith wore McQueen to a premiere. [RCFA]
Pink postponed two concert dates due to illness. [Seriously OMG]
Hailey Bieber is a Christian who loves Halloween. [Egotastic]
Secrets people would never tell their families. [Buzzfeed]
Gwyneth Paltrow also suggested, in that Bustle interview, that she’ll disappear at some point but not anytime soon. [Socialite Life]

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58 Responses to ““Tim Burton & Monica Bellucci made their red-carpet couple debut” links”

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  1. BeanieBean says:

    At first glance, and without reading, I thought that was Marie Osmond.

  2. Lorelei says:

    That line about Gwyneth is SO vintage Gwyneth 😂

  3. ME says:

    Wait are Christians not supposed to celebrate Halloween? Like is it actually against their religion? Christians are the majority where I live and almost every house gives out candy or has Halloween decorations. I had a friend that was Jehovah’s Witness when I was a kid and I know she did not celebrate Halloween, but other than that almost every kid I knew (regardless of religion) went out to get candy in a costume. We even did Halloween festivities at my public school…mind you we also had “Bible story hour” at my PUBLIC school lol…not sure how they got away with that though.

    • Sass says:

      @me, there is a faction of Christians who are pretty hardcore and Hillsong (where Hailey and Justin attend) is a MAJOR conservative base. It’s rooted deeply in southern baptist dogma and many southern baptists are firmly anti-Halloween.

      Halloween is actually a Catholic holiday adapted from paganism and is evolved from All Hallows Eve. Many Christians – specifically southern baptists – are of the opinion that Catholicism is not Christianity. They are incorrect. But then again they’re incorrect about a lot of things. 🤣

      • ME says:

        Oh that’s interesting. Is Justin Bieber really that much of a hardcore Christian? I mean he smokes weed, drinks, had pre-marital sex. Or has he been “re-born” lol? Anyways, thanks for the info !

      • Ameerah M says:

        The Biebers haven’t been Hillsong members for awhile now.

      • jemmy says:

        @ME/ @Sass- Hallowen is the celebration of death. I don’t know who n their right minds would want to celebrate death .

        Majority of the public don’t even bother to ask about its origins and they get carried away / sucked into the noise just to appear to be part of the crowd.

      • ME says:

        @ jemmy

        We celebrate the commercial side of Halloween, not celebrating death at all. Just like plenty celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus and don’t even think about Jesus’s Birthday. Same with the Easter Bunny and Easter. If you don’t want to celebrate Halloween, that is your right and I respect that.

      • Josephine says:

        @ jemmy

        celebrate death? the origin is the celebration of the harvest at the end of summer, kinda anti-death, you know, food. even the connection to all saints day is not the celebration of death. dressing up is about not being mistaken for a ghost. nothing about halloween has ever been a “celebration” of death.

      • Sass says:

        @ameerah thank you for the update! I don’t really keep up with them because I don’t care for him, but I have former neighbors who are a very involved part of the mega church community (like running departments level) and have done corporate retreats at Hillsong to learn from them – they might not be involved now but Hillsong is still obsessed and as such many of the congregants are super fans of his music. Just something I’ve seen with my own eyes. It’s kind of funny.

        @Jemmy I was raised Catholic and I did my college studies in historical archaeology with an emphasis on belief systems and the anthropology of death and you are incorrect. That’s really all the energy I have for you today.

      • Abigail says:

        Catholicism IS the original Christianity. All other options came from everyone splitting away and leaving the Catholic Church.
        How are people so uneducated, my god.

      • ME says:

        @ Abigail

        Wow no need to call anyone “uneducated”. The world does not revolve around everyone knowing everything about the Catholic Church or Christianity. Tell me how much you know about other religions? I won’t call you uneducated if you can’t tell me everything about ummm let’s say Hinduism.

      • McGee says:

        Wow, Jemmy is so out of left field — not just inaccurate historically and culturally, but bonkers.

      • Seraphina says:

        @abigail, I should have seen this post earlier and your comment. First and foremost, Catholicism is NOT the original Christianity. If you knew your Christian history you would know that Catholicism and the Orthodox Christian church split from one another is what is known as the Great Scism of 1054 – so depending who you ask it could be the Orthodox Christian Church that is the ORGINAL Christianity,
        I would also comment on your last statement, but decided to let that one go.

    • M says:

      I was one of those unfortunate children raised in a non-denominational Christian home in the 90s when the satanic panic was the rage. We didn’t celebrate Halloween (except to dress in Bible costumes and go to church – my brother won for his burning bush costume) as well as no secular music, dancing, and so on. We also couldn’t watch certain tv/movies bc of demonic symbolism (Smurf’s, He-man, Harry Potter). I have many more stores and am more than a little scarred. Needless to say that I go all out for Halloween now with my kids and have one of the biggest yard displays on the block!

      • ME says:

        The Smurfs? You’ll have to explain that one to me lol.

      • M says:

        Anything having magic or magical powers was considered evil so Gargamel or whoever in the Smurfs had magic made it bad 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had a very restrictive childhood (which made me a very rebellious young adult)

      • BeanieBean says:

        I saw this in the small town I lived in in Georgia ten-ish years ago; heard some of that from my co-workers, too.

      • MF says:

        I also grew up in a church like this and wasn’t allowed to celebrate Halloween. Funny enough, I now have the opposite experience: I don’t celebrate Halloween at all and have no interest in it. I have nothing against it, but because I have no fond memories of the holiday, it’s basically not a part of my personal/family culture.

      • Isa says:

        I used to live in a rural area, very Christian, and trick or treating was difficult bc there aren’t neighborhoods to walk around in. The local churches have trunk or treats which is a great, easy way to trick or treat with your kids without driving miles and having to unbuckle them from their car seats.

        Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of fb posts from people back home about about how Halloween = satanism and how Halloween is terrible and letting the devil into your home. It’s absolutely ridiculous to me. Halloween is what you make of it.

      • Beverley says:

        I too was a child raised in an unfortunate, restrictive religion. We couldn’t dance or go to the movies. Smoking, drinking, and caffeine were taboo. Halloween is still seen as the devil’s holiday by members of that denomination. We had a coed youth group which was patterned after the Girl (and Boy) Scouts of America and every Halloween the children in our church would dress in our scout uniforms and go door to door asking for canned goods, which were made into gift bags and distributed among the neighborhoods’ hungry. It was weird to be out there every Halloween trying to explain that 1) we weren’t trick-or-treating, we were asking for canned foods, and 2) no, these aren’t “cute” costumes.

        Needless to say, as soon as I came of age, I left that whacked church. My child grew up with fabulous decorations and always a fun party. 🎃👻👽

      • Melissa says:

        THIS. I was also raised in a very christian household and I was allowed to participate in Halloween (I would have thrown a fit otherwise) but there were lots of folks in the church who just thought it was a satanic holiday, that ghosts/spirits/witches/etc. (and yes, Magic! – the Harry Potter books made for some epic meltdowns) are of hell/the devil and CHRISTIANS DON’T DO THE DEVIL.

    • Bumblebee says:

      My only problem with Halloween is my 90lb scaredy dog freaks out when adorable children ring the doorbell asking for treats, over and over and over again.
      I feel bad but when you have to get medication from the vet, it’s time to turn off the porch light. Sorry candy hunters.

    • Macky says:

      Most american Christians don’t celebrate Halloween. They do their own version. Halloween is considered letting evil thoughts into your life.

      Example the kids can have a dress up party with a few snacks at the church. Or paint pictures and bake pumpkin treats.

      As an American from the northeast, I will say a real Halloween is fun but creepy. You talking 2 to 14 days of craziness. Like an old 80s movie. Before crazy and I’ll people started tampering and committing violence it was really common to travel to celebrate different versions of Halloween. Like you might go to New York City to trick or treat. Chicago to party. New England to participate in a ritual. Crazy times. Halloween has been stale since 2012.

      • Josephine says:

        actual facts suggest that you are mistaken. about 70% of americans celebrate Halloween.

      • Fabiola says:

        I live in a mostly Christian town and pretty much everyone celebrates Halloween including all the schools. Not sure why people keep saying most Christians don’t celebrate Halloween. That’s not true.

      • May says:

        @macky, “most American Christians” must not include Catholics then because as a kid, going to a Catholic grade school, we celebrated Halloween, dressed up – in sometimes ghoulish or devilish costumes, went trick or treating, ate way too much candy and had great fun with our fellow ghouls!

    • CatMum says:

      that’s some primo level wipepoing right there.

      you don’t miss your ancestors? that’s what DDLM is all about. Halloween is a catholic holiday celebrating the eve of all saints’ day. so, pretty christian really. it celebrates all saints!

      and, death is a part of life. we didn’t exactly sign up for this, but here we are. I celebrate and miss those who have gone before me.

      • Macky says:

        See catmum. I’m not white and what you described isn’t Halloween. Its a different Holiday. Someone else in the thread wrote about all the October holidays being smashed together.

        There are at least 4 rituals that occur around the same time that’s practiced in the usa. One being Halloween.

  4. Valerie says:

    Monica and Tim, cute couple!

  5. Lala11_7 says:

    That Sweeney movie looks like something that could be on the Hallmark Channel…so…😬

  6. Ameerah M says:

    Gaga actually looks bloated more than anything. Even her body. I know she suffers from Fibromyalgia sot it could be medications.

    • LIONE says:

      What?! She has lost a ton of weight.
      She just looks like Miley Cyrus, so…same surgeon and same make-up artist maybe.

    • Christine says:

      I’m hoping it’s from the steroids she has to take, swelling in the face is a common side effect. She’s so young, and absolutely did not need any work done!

      • Raven says:

        Gaga has been getting work done on her face for years. She looks frozen in these pictures with too much lip filler.

      • Josephine says:

        I agree on this take. When I needed to take steroids my face was practically unrecognizable.

  7. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I used to like Monica for shallow reasons (she is a very beautiful woman) — but then it turned out she is a Roman Polanski supporter, and now I can’t stand her.

  8. J.Ferber says:

    He’s an ugly-looking man. And I never got his obsession with Johnny Depp, considering Johnny can’t act.

  9. Barbara says:

    Yikes, Gaga’s looking like Miley Cyrus.

  10. Waity Kaity says:

    Wow, he looks terrible. Mr non white people don’t fit my aesthetic. He said some really dumb things a few years ago. Don’t care for him anymore.

  11. Beech says:

    @Jemmy, Dia de Los Muertos is a celebration of the dead. It’s commercialized in the states and increasingly in Mexico. It’s a sacred and holy time in remembrance of those loved ones who have passed. Visiting the cemetery, prayers, cleaning and decorating the graves with flowers and the favorite dishes of loved ones. It comes at Halloween but runs longer.

    • Jenn Jameson says:

      ^^^Thank You. I’m in Houston with a large Hispanic culture and celebrating Dia de Los Muertos is truly a celebration.

    • Surly Gale says:

      This is where I have landed also. I watch Pixar’s ‘Coco’ every year at Halloween and I read and re-read ‘The Elders Are Watching’ by Dave Bouchard with artwork (glorious, magnificent artwork) by Roy Henry Vickers. Recommend both.

  12. LIONE says:

    Can we talk about Gaga’s security guard, please? Lol

  13. BeanieBean says:

    I don’t know either Glen or Sydney, but my goodness–that monotone of hers shows lack of any interest in anyone, including herself!

  14. Tanisha says:

    I need to understand the draw of Tim Burton.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      He casts his friends and lovers in movies.

      • Macky says:

        Mrs. Krabapple my first thought ” oh her career is slowing down”. I would think she is too international for him.

    • Christine says:

      Me too, Tanisha. He has been a head scratcher, for me, my entire life. I just don’t get the appeal, at all. Creativity only goes so far.

  15. Christine says:

    Good gravy, those secrets people are keeping from their families are no joke. Some of them are a cry for help!

  16. Rebecca says:

    I can’t say Burton & Bellucci make intuitive sense to me . . .

  17. LocaLady says:

    Pink 💕 ❤️‍🩹 hope you’re on the mend and will be dancing 💃 and singing 🎙️ again asafp

  18. I'm not eating zoodles says:

    I looked at the red carpet photos of Monica and Tim and OMG I AM OBSESSED with her shoes! Does anyone happen to have an ID on them?

  19. Jodie says:

    Women are waking up all over and a lot of us are no longer living that lie.
    Men are sick posting about 7 year daughters bday like their a trophy to be won. Real sick and it’s every where puk my life was a lie but not anymore God took my blinders off and I’m gonna fight for him Jesus what’s good right and honorable