They’re desperate to make the York princesses & Lady Louise into ‘working royals’

My take is that King Charles is actually happy-ish with the current arrangement of “working royals.” He knows that his heir and his heir’s wife are lazy dumbasses and they can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. He also knows that the rest of the working royals are as exciting as dry pieces of toast. But all of that is fine with him – he believes that royalty is zero-sum, that if someone else gets attention, it takes something away from him. He wants all of the attention, along with his wife. All of this has led to a fundamental schism between palace and press – four years after the Sussexit, the British media has buyer’s remorse and they’re dying for some excitement. All of which means there’s been a low-key campaign to convince Charles to make various royal women into “working royals.” Behold, this hilarious story:

The Royal Family have been holding emergency meetings over potentially calling up Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice as working royals. King Charles has slimmed down the Royal Family during his first 12 months as monarch. Queen Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate, Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh are the working members of the Royal Family that King Charles has been calling upon to carry out engagements.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew are former senior members of the Royal Family who no longer perform duties for the Firm.

There is now a shortage of royals to attend engagements and this has led to criticism of the monarchy. The Duke of York’s daughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie are currently not working members of the Royal Family, but according to a source, the possibility is being considered.

The source told Ok!: “Emergency meetings have been held to come up with a solution to fulfil the growing number of royal engagements both here in the UK and abroad. There needs to be some younger blood to reach the younger generation and the only candidates available are Beatrice and Eugenie.”

[From GB News]

Beatrice clearly wants to be a working royal, Eugenie not so much. Eugenie is already “half-out” and living primarily in Portugal. I would actually believe that Charles could be talked into allowing Beatrice to “work” in some capacity. But no, he’s not holding emergency meetings about it. Meanwhile, they’re also trying to say that poor Lady Louise must become a working royal too:

Lady Louise Windsor is set to “follow in Princess Beatrice and Eugenie’s footsteps” with a brand new role, a commentator has claimed. The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh’s eldest child is currently in her second year at the University of St Andrews studying English, the same place where Prince William and Princess Kate attended. Royal commentators claim the 19-year-old could take up royal duties once she has graduated.

Kate Mansey, who frequently discusses the Royal Family, believes that Lady Louise could one day be a working royal. She said: “I think Lady Louise would; from people I speak to in the Palace, Lady Louise I think is quite willing to do that. I remember going to some Guildhall event and she was with her father and very competently circulating talking to dignitaries and foreign royals. I think there might be a role, in the way that Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie play a role.”

The commentator also told The Royal Beat: “She is at university at the moment,” and added that there’s still “plenty of time” for Louise to come to terms with a larger royal role.

[From GB News]

Again, this is a reflection of a disagreement between palace and press – Charles doesn’t want anyone else, especially not any young princesses who might take attention away from any neighing winebag. But the British media is getting absolutely desperate. Pretty soon they might actually have to – gasp – report on what’s really happening in this tragic institution. As for Lady Louise, she seems like a nice, unsophisticated young woman. This particular story is a favorite briefing from Louise’s mother.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar, Cover Images.

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75 Responses to “They’re desperate to make the York princesses & Lady Louise into ‘working royals’”

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  1. Flowerlake says:

    I know almost nothing about Lady Louise or her character, but she would be the right age to hang out with a lot of the Royals from other countries, who are all in their late teens.

    As others here correctly said about the Prince Christian birthday thing: Kate and William are too old to hang out with them, George and co. too young.

    • Chloe says:

      I don’t think she actually knows or has ever met any of them though. And she seems like a quiet, shy girl. Sorry but if I was in her position i wouldn’t really want to hang out with them either. I would be fine tucked away in Scotland, surrounded by my own group of friends.

      • Cara says:

        She wasn’t allowed to be a princess growing up and her not-a-prince brother won’t be allowed to inherit his father’s dukedom (it’s only a title … not really a dukedom if land is not included) one day, so why should they be required to do anything???

    • MaryContrary says:

      She’s way down the line of succession, is into horses and seems like a simple country girl-she has zero in common with the European royals and there’s no reason for her to be hanging out with them. Plus, outside of the Queen there seems to be no real relationships between the BRF and any of the other royal houses.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Wow, you speak very definite about her having nothing in common and her not having a reason to hang out with them. Do you know her that well?

        They are all children or grandchildren of a monarch and the spotlight is on them for that. They already have that in common, which they all don’t have with the big majority of the rest of the world.

        I never said she must hang out with them, but merely made a point of her being about the only one who is the right age for that.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Those photos from Christian’s birthday showed a lot of DIRECT-LINE HEIRS TO THE THRONE, so I don’t know why anyone would think Louise would be invited? British royals are notoriously status-conscious, so I am assuming it’s the same for the other european houses. It’s fan fiction that Beatrice or Louise would be welcomed into that circle.

      • Flowerlake says:


        The only thing I said is that she would be the right age and that there is no direct heir that is.
        I never said she had to be invited, so you can chill with your unnecessary hostility.

  2. Josephine says:

    Can charm be taught? They all seem perfectly able to step into the non-job of showing up at events, but none seems particularly interesting or charming. Too bad the two captivating people capable of giving the monarchy some positive press were relentlessly driven out.

  3. Oh dear the bed partners are going to bed mad. You can’t make someone do what you want if they are not in the mood. Chuckles clearly ain’t in the mood. Things will stay just as they are now. Dull and boring.

    • Renae says:

      The Royals have been boring forever….. with the exception of Diana.
      Queen Liz was boring as dirt and so are her offspring. I can’t recall anything she did that wasn’t boring!

  4. Caroline says:

    Everyone gets a title before or after their name, but the Duchess of Sussex. No end to their pettiness. “Queen Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate, Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh….Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew…”

    • equality says:

      Good catch. Being their usual racist selves.

    • dose of reality says:

      Yep, noticed the exact same thing!

    • ML says:

      Yikes! Good catch, Caroline.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yeah I noticed that as well.

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      They are trying to give Meghan the same treatment they gave Wallis Simpson, only this is the 21st century and there is social media, the world is much, much more connected, and BIPOCs are wide awake and watching. The slow, painful death of this vapid institution….

    • Alicky says:

      Actually that’s correct. Kate should be the Princess of Wales, no name. The only time, technically, that a name and title go together is when it’s a courtesy title, or when a peeress is divorced or widowed. That’s why Diana’s title was never Princess Diana, but the Princess of Wales; after her divorce, Diana, Princess of Wales. Of course, no one, it seems, can be bothered to follow the rules anymore. But Duchess of Sussex is entirely correct.

      • Becks1 says:

        they didnt calll her the Duchess of Sussex though. They called her Meghan Markle.

      • Magdalena says:

        Actually, THE Duchess of Sussex is correct.

        “Meghan, Duchess of Sussex” = a divorced woman, much like Diana, Princess of Wales was.

        It’s something that pisses me off enormously, when reporters who claim to be experts get things like that so wrong. The courtiers deliberately put that out there when H+M were leaving then backtracked when it was pointed out that they had styled M as a divorcée. So that “THE” before Duchess is very important.

        As noted though, the really obvious racists continue to other her by using titles for everyone else BUT her.

    • Christine says:

      Good catch. What in the hell is wrong with these people, they are so gross, all of the time.

    • Debbie says:

      I noticed that too @Caroline. But why shouldn’t they address Camilla and Andrew respectfully by using their titles? After all, what have THEY done? They only… ew, never mind!

  5. equality says:

    So all the other European monarchies manage with down-sizing, but the BRF cannot? All the media wants is to be able to say that they are “working” royals so that they can try to insert themselves into their lives and use them as scapegoats.

    • The Hench says:

      The thing that nobody talks about is that THERE IS NO SET WORKLOAD. We’ve been told time and time again – and, indeed, have seen with our own eyes, that members of the Royal family choose what they want to do or, in the case of the Wales, don’t want to do. There is no list that says they must cover x charities, there is no set requirement to visit their regiments y number of times a year. There is no official job spec that this family has to cover in order to keep on getting paid for.

      Therefore talk of them being overworked is nonsense because they have always been free to choose what their work is and how many days a week they want to fit it into. So it doesn’t matter if there are four or fourteen of them. It’s all just codswallop to fill pages and fool people into thinking that they actually do any work which justifies the enormous privilege and wealth their position provides.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree with you, but its also just disingenuous for people to pretend that there is this huge workload that needs to be done by Eugenie/Beatrice/whoever, when Will and Kate are RIGHT THERE with their 100/150 engagements a year. Even if there was an expectation that the royal family did…..2k events a year lets say…..Will and Kate could each easily do 400-500 a year and along with Charles, Anne, Sophie, Edward etc they would easily hit that number.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Completely correct; however, there is—at least, in theory—a minimum amount of exposure that the Royal family needs, in order for the monarchy to get the public support it needs to survive. Whoever said “we have to be seen to be believed“ was acknowledging that fact. It’s clear that Charles doesn’t care about the long term survival of the monarchy. In fact, he’s happy if his heir makes him look good, by comparison. “Apres moi, le deluge” seems to be his M.O.

    • ShazBot says:

      I’m sure this is just from the media as newspapers are winding down staff to save costs and shows won’t bring on talking heads as much when things are boring af – they are losing their jobs so they want more working royals to justify their own existences.
      Bea, Eugenie and Louise should proceed with caution because they won’t be gentle with them. Why anyone would willingly sign up for that is beyond me.

  6. Jais says:

    So I’m assuming they would work as part-time royals, half-in/half-out? Which apparently can never be done🙄. Or would they be made full-time working royals? Just feels like a BM fever dream. Then they could start talking the kids.

    • Wannabefarmer says:

      Exactly. And I would guess these two women have no desire to live under the thumb of willy and charlie, they have tasted freedom and seen H&M’s freedom, why step further into that den of vipers, what would be in it for them? Maybe for their grandmother they would but charlie has cultivated no such loyalty or respect.

    • May says:

      That’s right. The British media appears to be pushing for half-in half-out Royals. When is somebody going to point out to them that is what was nixed by the Royals when it came to Harry and Meghan? They would have no shame in the situation where white, lazy Royals were working part-time for the Firm. And you know what? I can see this eventually happening.

  7. Lau says:

    Uh yeah reading this article I was thinking that the Lady Louise story had to come from Sophie. She has been pushing her daughter into the light for years. Her next story will probably be how Charles sees her son as his own and likes him better than Harry.

  8. ML says:

    Tbh, I’m a small r republican when it comes to monarchies. People I know have met various members of the Dutch royals and each of them surprisingly has come back impressed by them. WA was known as “Prins Pils,” but he apparently asks great questions about business and is incredibly knowledgeable about water management. Maxíma came to my town and met with food banks and initiatives to combat poverty. She’s very good according to someone who volunteers at financials.
    Fair or not, the BRF now has about the same amount of royals proportionately to cover events as the Dutch one does. They should easily have enough people—it’s the quality of what this family does that’s lacking.

    • LRB says:

      I am a huge fan of Maxima… from what I know. Although I too am a small r republican, I think she tries to make a genuine difference in areas around micro finance etc where she has a genuine knowledge as well as commitment. Not just at home but through her UN work, where it appears she is not just a figurehead.This is what Will and Kate have never had… an area where they are genuinely knowledgeable and able to give real support and advice. I think the British media are just desperate because there is so little to say about the royals, yet so many royal reporters reliant on them for their salary. It is interesting to me that so many European married ins have real roles with the UN – particularly Maxima and Mary. Is Kate too proud, too stupid or too lazy to do the same? I mean the early childhood initiative could be something she could take to the Commonweath if not to the UN. But it takes more than a pie chart to make a difference.

      • Fawsia says:

        You just said it! Those other women were professionals working in the real world before they were married. Kate was professional in waiting for William. She never thought anything else and to be fair the BRF is very local.

      • Debbie says:

        So, are you saying that waiting for the phone to ring is NOT a proper profession? Snob!

      • The Old Chick says:

        Mary had a law degree, moved states, went to work in property project management, I think. She also did some courses to help her fit in to the upper echelons – I remember them at the time but can’t find now. Mary had ambition (I’m using that not in a derogatory way). And being at the bar at the time wasn’t the happy accident of romance fanfiction. But there’s nothing wrong with any of that because she works hard. I mean she learned Danish for crying out loud. She had ambition and she was a good fit. Looks fantastic, had the kids, works, adds value. Adding value to any organisation, be it a company or a royal house, is what matters. I suspect she was the one who pulled Fred in line. He’s now also a hard worker.. And as much as we say Kate as married in has no power? Well Camilla seems to have a lot of power and Mary has plenty of power. Interesting how we let Kate off the hook.

  9. Moira's Rose's Garden says:

    Dying over here that this is the threshhold necessary to call “emergency meetings” in the RF. My dog they really have nothing better to do, do they?

    • Jojo says:

      Emergency meetings..😂😂😂 I thought the royal protocol was to have, at the very least, ‘summits’. They and the BM really make utter fools of themselves over and over and over again. I genuinely get secondhand embarrassment for them all.

  10. SueBarbri33 says:

    They really should keep Louise and James as far away from all of this as possible. I’m hoping Louise is studying abroad or on a gap year far, far away from the royal madness. Sophie is so obviously trying to position–and coach–her children to be options for working royal life, but neither of them seems suited to any aspect of a public existence.

    • Lemons says:

      They can’t do that…Who is going to foot the bill for their lifestyle once the Wessexes are too old to work? Are they to work real jobs and secure 7-figure salaries for the upkeep?

  11. BW says:

    When she turned 18, Lady Louise had the choice of using Princess Louise as her title. She chose not to, so I don’t think she wants to be a working royal.

    • Jan says:

      I don’t think that is accurate, the Queen had to step in and give the Princess/prince tittles to Charlotte and her Louis.
      It went automatically to George because he is heir.

      • equality says:

        That’s because QE was queen at the time and they were just great-grandchildren. They would have otherwise not gotten the titles until Charles was king (when Archie & Lili did). Louise was a grandchild of a monarch.

    • sevenblue says:

      Here is the thing, we were also told that H&M didn’t want to give their children their Prince/Princess titles before they left. Now, we know that the BM was lying. Meghan said in Oprah interview that H&M have been told that their children are not gonna get these titles when Charles becomes a King. I think, Charles doesn’t want the grandchildren who are not in the direct line to get titles. I remember reading in the past that Andrew fought a lot to get Princess titles to his daughters. If it is only based on the recipient’s will, why did Andrew have to fight for it? So, they are saying that Louise didn’t want it, but I think Edward is just doing what he is being told. He probably didn’t have the same sway with Queen as Andrew did.

      • Elizabeth says:

        As the grandchildren of the monarch, Princess Beatrice and Eugenie were automatically princesses. Prince Edward and Sophie let Lady Louise decide when she was 18 whether or not she wanted to use the title of Princess. Lady Louise chose not to. This was decided way back when George V was King that the monarch’s grandchildren would have the title of Prince and Princess. It is why the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Michael are all princes/princesses.

      • sevenblue says:

        “It is why the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Michael are all princes/princesses.”

        When these people got their titles, Charles wasn’t actively planning to reduce the number of royal family members with titles. Andrew’s children got their titles because Andrew fought for it at the time, as I read it. Probably, he pressured the Queen as the favorite son. Edward didn’t or couldn’t do it. I believe that Charles asked Edward not to accept their Prince/Princess titles for his children. Now, of course, there are also other reasons why Charles didn’t want H&M’s children to get titles, which is apparent by them asking about Archie’s skin tone. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that just because the palace said Louise didn’t want the title, we should believe them.

      • aftershocks says:

        You are hearing wrong information @SevenBlue. What @Elizabeth said, is correct. Louise and James were automatically HRH Princess/ Prince, upon birth, because they are grandchildren of QE-II.

        The issue is that Edward & Sophie were encouraged to not use their children’s titles (apparently to cut down on number of descendants having such titles, as Edward is QE-II’s 4th child). Plus, Edward was promised the Edinburgh title, which Chuck nearly reneged on. When Edward was finally granted the DoE title, it came with the provision that it would not be inherited by James (who is now Earl of Wessex).

        Beatrice & Eugenie were also automatically HRH Princesses, upon birth, as granddaughters of a living monarch (just as their cousins William & Harry were automatically HRH Princes — of course, with Wm being direct heir, he would have the title in any case). What Andrew may have had to fight for was allowing his daughters to use their titles from birth. As they got older, he fought for them to continue receiving paid royal protection (he lost). Then, he fought for them to become working royals (he hasn’t won that fight either, so far).

      • Becks1 says:

        Andrew didn’t have to fight for his daughters to be called princesses. There was no talk of a slimmed down monarchy when they were born. and any honorific used by Louise and James would not be passed down to their children – i.e. even if Louise went by Princess Louise, her children would not even be lord/lady unless she married a peer (see: Beatrice and Eugenie’s children.)

        what Andrew fought for was them becoming full time royals, and all that changed after Diana – with the slimmed down monarchy, sophie and edward supposedly not going to be working royals, etc.

      • equality says:

        @aftershocks I wonder if Ed thought or was promised that the title would be inherited by his descendents when he agreed to not use Prince for his son.

      • sevenblue says:

        “The issue is that Edward & Sophie were encouraged to not use their children’s titles (apparently to cut down on number of descendants having such titles, as Edward is QE-II’s 4th child).”

        @aftershocks, yes, I meant this, probably didn’t say it with right words, lol. How can we say if this is an encouragement or a direct order? If a future King says to you that he prefers you not to do something, I don’t think anyone would want to go against a future King’s wish, especially if their home, jobs depend on him.

        I vividly remember reading about Andrew’s fight to keep his daughters’ title rights all before Meghan came into the scene, but I couldn’t find it online now. It was something like, Charles didn’t like Andrew’s daughters had these Princess titles, which was against his slimmed down RF plans. Maybe, I misremembered it, not sure.

      • Nic919 says:

        The letters patent of 1917 has never been revoked so Louise and James are HRH but were pressured or their parents were pressured, to not use it from day one as opposed to Andrew who decided his daughters were princesses form the outset.

        Louise is HRH princess Louise and it is irrelevant whether or not she is a full time or part time working royal. The letters patent makes zero reference to working. It only relates to being the child of a son of the monarch.

        William like Andrew pushed for the HRH a for his kids despite them being great grandchildren. And despite the kids not working as royals from birth. Realistically they all knew that the kids would be grandkids to a monarch before the eldest turned 18.

  12. SussexWatcher says:

    All I have to say is bahahaha, British media. You played yourself.

    You abused Meghan so disgustingly and violently that she and Harry fled for their lives. You wanted the white royals – and only the white royals – and that’s what you got. You deserve every failing newspaper and every pathetic commentator trying desperately to make fetch happen.

    The press can write article after article about begging Beatrice and Eugenie and Louise to be working royals but it won’t matter. Those 3 are not any more interesting or charismatic than the ones you have now.

    Although now that I’m typing that out, I wonder if this also has to do with the imminent divorce of the Wailses and knowing that they’re about to lose another “young” royal. Hmm. I can’t wait for this entire institution to implode.

  13. Gabby says:

    Right, the 3 women need to drop everything they are building in their lives and go save Chuckles’ ass. They should throw the words of Johnny Paycheck at him and his media proxies – take this job and shove it.

  14. Slush says:

    If I recall correctly, didn’t Harry explicitly say in Spare that Charles wants all the attention on himself, and actively keeps W&K from doing too much to pull focus?

  15. Amy Bee says:

    What the press is really saying is that the Royal Family is boring and they want some exciting and preferably younger people to cover. They should’ve thought about that before agreeing with the Royal Family to smear Harry and Meghan. They won’t admit it but the Invictus Games really showed them what they’ve lost.

  16. Julie says:

    Louise looks lovely for a change in the lavender and cream ensemble. Looks like it was made for her.

    Most of the time it looks like a hand me down.

  17. Lady Digby says:

    If FK divorces and Prince Edward steps back for health reasons then I think the Yorks could be co opted as “working” royals. Otherwise Nada CC don’t like change or being overshadowed by anyone so aren’t currently recruiting.

  18. MaryContrary says:

    Kaiser, your analysis is spot on. There is no way that Charles wants anyone taking the spotlight away from he and Camilla. If it means this is to the institution’s detriment, he refuses to see that at all.

  19. Josie says:

    Lady Louise seems like a perfectly nice young lady which is why I would never wish the life of a working royal on her. Or a non-working royal either for that matter. You can see the BM realizing that the scandal stories involving the senior family members, including Harry and Meghan, are getting more and more limited. They have to do something to fill the void until they can pit the Wales kids against the Sussex children. Sigh.

  20. Athena says:

    Mike Tindall??

  21. Murphy says:

    Just call up Bea so we can all stop hearing about it. The other two don’t want it (even if their mothers do)

  22. ChattyCath says:

    @Athena methinks someone has told the oafish base born Mike Tindall to stfu

    • Lady D says:

      There’s always Kate’s drug addicted abusive uncle. Or maybe they’ll make James and his multiple failed businesses the next target.

  23. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    If anything, there are TOO MANY royals. Because anything more than zero is too much. However, IF the brits want to continue having a monarch, then the monarch is the only one who is needed. The others don’t have real jobs, they just suck at the public teat. There is no way the public gets enough “value” in return for the cost of keeping these jokers with their estates, and grounds, and art, and furniture, and servants, and security, and travel, and clothing, and jewels, and damage to the environment, and drain on public coffers. The monarch should get a salary like other head’s of state around the world, and that’s it — he/she can pay for his/her own living expenses from that salary, like the rest of society has to do.

  24. Olivia says:

    I disagree.. Saying that Charlie is aware of ANYTHING other than himself is an overstatement. He is a self absorbed, made narcissist who cares for nothing else than himself. End of.

  25. Fatima says:

    Exactly. The two people who could bring a shine to royalty, Harry and Meghan, were pushed away by jealousy and envy. We can see that among everyone, the Sussexes are the true working royals.

  26. tamsin says:

    Only the Brits had a whole flotilla of “working royals.” The other monarchies downsized ages ago. The monarchs and consorts are the “working royals” in most of the other countries. Queen Elizabeth is the only one who had all her cousins and children representing her.

  27. Lizzie says:

    My guess, the emergency meetings are real, Kate is on her way out and they need someone to step in.

    • Lizzie says:

      It’s a temporary position anyway. In 10-15 years the Wales kids will be front and center. Also cannot depend on Wills support once he is monarch.