For months now, I’ve been wondering why Gary Goldsmith hasn’t been trotted out to explain why Carole Middleton’s business went bankrupt and why he can’t withdraw some money to pay off Party Pieces’ extensive debt. Gary is Carole’s brother and uncle to the Princess of Wales. Gary used to regularly give interviews to the Daily Mail, and he was usually tasked with “hitting back” at Prince Harry and Meghan. It was just in January of this year that Gary was at it again, smearing the Sussexes in the wake of Prince Harry’s Spare. The Mail truly paid him to put his name on the tabloid’s most unhinged smear jobs for several years during the Sussexit. Some have theorized that Gary bankrolled the Middletons for years, that he was the one propping up Party Pieces and he was the one financing the Great Wait (Kate’s eleven-year wait for Big Blue). That looks even more likely now that the Middletons’ house of cards has collapsed and people are openly acknowledging that the Middletons have been broke-ass for a while.
A Royal Family insider has said that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are worried about a forthcoming ‘bombshell’ memoir by the Princess of Wales’ uncle. Gary Goldsmith – the younger brother of Kate’s mother, Carole Middleton – is preparing to reveal “private family details”, and will use this as an opportunity to give the Middleton family “a voice” in the midst of accusations and criticism levelled at the House of Windsor by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
The source said Gary aims to “set the record straight” in the form of a “comeback” account almost a year since the release of the Sussexes’ explosive tell-all Netflix docuseries and Prince Harry ’s book Spare, both of which dropped several bombshells about the Royal Family.
They said: “When Harry was originally compiling his book, his publisher was confident William wouldn’t comment, because it wouldn’t be fitting for a future King to do so. Harry wouldn’t have anticipated such a comeback from Kate’s family. He and Meghan won’t like it one bit and will be dreading the book’s release.”
Gary, 58, first spoke about penning his memoir back in 2013, and while he initially stressed he wouldn’t reveal secrets that might embarrass his royal niece or her husband, both 41, it appears he has since decided against that stance.
According to OK, the source added: “Gary has been talking to the press a lot lately and his comments seem to have gone down well with some people, especially his criticism of Harry and Meghan. He did originally plan to focus the book on himself and his journey to becoming a millionaire, but he will now add in some private family details.”
Although it is likely there will be some shock revelations released, Gary, who has made a £30 million fortune through his IT recruitment business, will have Carole and Kate look over the manuscript before it gets passed on to the publisher. They explained: “Gary is still very close to both Carole and Kate. He won’t want to do anything that will embarrass them, but it could be a good way of putting a Middleton voice out there to set the record straight over some of the things Harry wrote about in Spare.”
And it won’t just be Harry who is caught off balance by Gary’s memoir, with the source claiming Meghan, 42, is likely to be just as blindsided. They said: “Meghan won’t be expecting Kate’s family to get back at her. She’s very aware that the royals ‘never complain, never explain’ as the saying goes.”
My theory is that Gary isn’t “writing” anything, and some Mail hack is planning to ghost-write some ghastly smear job and Gary has agreed to put his name on it. My theory is that Gary is probably pretty broke too, considering we haven’t heard anything about him riding to Carole’s rescue. The absolute state of the Middletons these days – bankrupt business, broke as hell, Moneybags Gary can’t help, two different poster campaigns in Bucklebury, neither of the wealthy sons-in-law will step in, and the community is pissed off because Carole basically defrauded dozens of local businesses. What I’ve never understood about the Uncle Gary issue is… every time he “opens his mouth,” it makes the Middletons look absolutely unhinged. It’s not the Sussexes who should be worried, it’s Kate and William who should be worried that Kate’s domestic abuser uncle is going to make everyone look tacky, crass and low-class.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- Gary Goldsmith turns up to court for sentencing charged with domestic assault of Julie-Ann outside their central London home,Image: 356321976, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
- Gary Goldsmith arrives at the wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews at St Mark’s Church, Englefield, Berkshire, UK. 20/05/2017.,Image: 513155276, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS- Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
- Gary Goldsmith arrives at the wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews at St Mark’s Church, Englefield, Berkshire, UK. 20/05/2017.,Image: 513155285, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS- Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
This seems like an odd flex, given how (rightly) litigious Harry and Meghan are. I’ll be shocked if this sees the light of day.
Agreed but they have to get those clicks and fill the column inches somehow.
Let him write the book! I would celebrate it! The only thing this book will do is portray Kate poorly, because everything he writes reflects on her. Then no one will think that she’s the innocent one in the whole thing.
Meghan and Harry have probably never seen this guy in their lives, everyone would know that it came straight from Karen.
But maybe he’s just saying it to sell his book. Because who wants to read anything by this fat disgusting abuser?
William and Kate are brainstorming every angle TO DROP THEIR DIVORCE BOMBSHELL 🤣🤣🤣two cowards, just own it and leave the Montecitos alone🤣🤣🤣
Considering that people are going to assume that Gary’s source of information is Kate, this is going to explode in Kate’s face if this book is ever printed.
I am willing to bet that Harry and Meghan never socialized with this wife beating alleged drug dealer, All his info, if any, will come from WanK. I think we have heard it all.
I hope he writes it too! Because your so right @Lia, everyone knows that Harry and Meghan have absolutely nothing to do with Gary and have probably never even met him. So all the information for the book is going to come directly from Kate. He would have no other way of getting any info on H&M. Plus what could he possibly write that Harry hasn’t already revealed to the world through his book “Spare?” If Gary says anything negative about Meghan or Harry they will have the right to sue him into Bankruptcy, if his sister hasn’t caused him that already. I’m sure Harry & Meghan are not scared or afraid of Gary at all. But Kate should be scared. This is going to destroy her image. William keeps letting the papers write nasty things about her family, in every printed photo she looks completely unhinged. People also know that Kate lied about the “Meghan made her cry article,” that she was extremely difficult before the wedding about the children’s dresses, and that she actually wore a white dress to the wedding, which is terribly inappropriate by anyone’s standards. They are also taking notice of her Copy-Cat ways, saying it’s deliberate, weird and disturbing, she’s just crazy enough for William to say he’s done. And to top it off, Meghan has NEVER said even one bad thing about Kate.
They are going to bring out a book by Harry’s brother’s wife’s uncle? First – how stupid. But if the point is to use him to attack Harry and Meghan on behalf of Bill and Kathy, the tabloids are already doing that. They’ve said numerous times their negative stories came directly from Kensington Palace.
I am absolutely screaming at the last line of that article! Yes, Meghan will for sure be “blindsided” because she knows none of the royals would ever “complain” ☠️
How did anyone write that with a straight face??
Has this clown even met harry?
“….a book by Harry’s brother’s wife’s uncle?” Lol-ed so loud I woke the dogs.
“….a book by Harry’s brother’s wife’s uncle?” Yeesh. Worst round of Telephone ever…🤮
I beg to differ with her view that H&M are “litigious”, assuming you mean that they a unusually prone to seek legal redress. I think H&M have been extremely discriminate in the number and variety of lawsuits they have brought. Meghan, for example, have sued only one entity daily-eff-u and its parent company–despite the barrage of defamation she has had to endure. Had it been me, I would have been dangling dozens of lawsuits by now against, among others, Camilla Tominey.
Well, trash begets trash. Great in laws you got there, Peg. Grifters, liars, and drug traffickers. Wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemies.
To be fair, they aren’t that much different from his relations.
Beverly and Megan both of these are excellent points. The only thing that separates the Middletons and the Windsors really is the age of their castles
It seems stupid because how would he have an information about H&M unless it was fed to him by W&K. The BRF is just so short-sighted.
so IF this is true and he’s writing a book to “clap back” at H&M (thats a big IF obviously), then the only way he can “correct” the record or whatever is to use information given to him by Kate. this would be more obvious than Charles using Jobson or whatever.
also, how can Meghan be blindsided about this book when the DM is telling us about it?
@Mimi, exactly! These people are so stupid that it actually made me lol today.
How, pray tell, are they going to explain where Gary here got all of this “inside information” while at the same time making sure Kate and CarolE’s “hands are clean” or whatever? Absolutely moronic that anyone would fall for this.
The Middletons are DESPERATE
Agree, at this point it’s like Kate’s family are actively trying to get her thrown out of the Royal family.
Well, she’d get money settled on her which CarolE (and probably Uncle Gary) will plunder.
That’s the funny part. The info really would have to come mostly from Kate. William too but mostly Kate as he’s her uncle. So what would the title be?
According to Kate
Kate’s Akkkount
The Heir’s Wife’s Uncle
It would have to be “The Heir’s Wife’s Uncle’s Account of the Heir’s Wife’s Brother in law and sister in law.”
What a story! He has as much access to the Sussexes as I do. Uncle Hookers and Blow and I have had the same number of discussions with Harry and Meghan. Meaning zero.
Frankly, if he stuck to writing about his escapades with hookers and blow, it would make for a mildly entertaining book. What business wisdom could this fool possibly bring to the table?
And he won’t have any new Sussex info because Waity doesn’t either.
Uncle Hookers and Blow🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, sure, Harry and Meghan are shaking I’m their boots over … Kate’s uncle. 🤣🤣🤣
Good luck. He’s going to have to self publish this mess because no reputable publisher is going to risk the litigation. I think the desperate Middletons are floating suggestions for anything they think might get them paid, and the tabloids are only too happy to print the rumors. I hope Harry gets an enormous payday out of his lawsuit.
Uncle Gary is as obsessed with Harry and Meghan as William and Kate are.
It’s sick and creepy.. truthfully Mr&Mrs Peggy and Scammy probably know each other better than he knows either of the Sussex’s. This will backfire and look horrible on the BRF esp The Peggy’s, people beyond the normal Sussex supporters are now looking seeing the hate campaign because they have watched the docuseries and read Spare that is a game changer the rota will never have the reach to win.
I can believe that some Mail hack is writing it and Gary will be compensated somehow (money? agreement to drop charges for the pot farm? knighthood?) for putting his name on it. I can also believe that the RF has given unofficial approval to the endeavor.
What I can’t believe is that they think this will be successful, financially or PR wise.
Not that H&M are the least bit bothered, but it’s doubtful that Gary has any first hand knowledge of interactions between the two couples. So this would just be more unattributed leaking which the gutter press is still pretending doesn’t happen.
No one wd believe anything this cokehead had to say about H&M would be “unattributed.”
Everyone knows that anything this cokehead or his scammer-sister carole middleton say about H&M wd come directly from kkkHATE middlebum.
No. Doubt.
PW is just butt hurt that he has to use HIS Dutchy money to fund Kate’s wardrobe.
Peggy is butt hurt from all of his excessive pegging.
The duchy money can’t be used in a divorce settlement at least not when Charles divorced Diana. Kate may be out of luck cash wise but should get child support and a home.
IIRC Chuck had to borrow money to pay off the settlement to Diana.
Peggy, like Chuck before him, only gets the profits from the Duchy, which was around 23 million a year when QEII kicked the bucket. Probably less now, as Peggy is probably not managing it as well as Chuck did.
Carole this is not going to be the cover for your owing money to people is it? Gary is suddenly going to write a bombshell book about the Sussexes who he knows next to nothing about.. The walk your son did with his new baby didn’t seem to help so let’s get your low class brother involved.
There are many, many unknowns in life but I can say with absolute certainty that whatever H&M are doing with their lives today, they are doing it supremely unbothered about this.
I also know that they have excellent lawyers. If any of this ever does see the light of day it will either be so mild that it’s pointless/already been said or whoever is funding it had better have deep pockets.
Someone should write an expose on uncle Gary.
Who would buy it? No one cares about him.
I think people would definitely buy it if it was written from the perspective of how he bankrolled Carole Middleton’s social climbing daughters and how the Middletons used Gary’s shady money to insert Kate and rest of them into the royal family.
Yeah, they can call it ‘Uncle Hookers-n-Blow, The Gary Goldsmith Story’.
He doesn’t know Meghan or Harry to write a book about them! Did they run out of people writing books about them that the Mail resorted to bringing Gary?
Tom M probably wanted too much money.
I’m trying to figure out just why the hell he would write a memoir in the first place? Who would be the audience for this? Unless he intends to tell the (likely lurid) truth about how he made his money, and then bankrolled his sister’s deranged social climbing plot to groom her daughters to marry into the royal family, there’s nothing about him that would warrant a book deal. And even if he got one, he surely doesn’t have any dirt on Harry OR Meghan, except for what his niece has whined about. Is anyone really dying to hear Uncle Gary’s take on who made whom cry over a f–king pair of tights?
@Miranda, I know! Who exactly the fck does he think the audience for his memoir is!? 🤣
I can’t see even the staunchest royalists caring enough about the FQ’s UNCLE to buy a book about him, lmfao.
I think H&M are being used as a smokescreen here. Their names are there to draw attention to this little announcement.
I don’t think there is a book, but rather this is the Middletons way of threatening the RF because they all got the notice that Kate is on her way out. Gary here is actually threatening to spill the dirt on William and the rest of the RF. The Sussexes are a red herring but dropping their name guarantees clicks/attention.
Not that I don’t believe Gary would have plenty of snarky things to say about H&M if he were to write the putative book. But that’s not really the focus or intent here. The Middletons are under attack so they sent their best attack dog out to get their threat across. They know things about William, and C&C and as a last resort they will tell the whole world what they know.
If this is true, I feel sorriest for all the trees who are giving their lives for this crew of losers to show, yet again, why they’re losers.
Don’t worry it’ll just be a couple of saplings from the roundabout
his garments are all too tight and need tailoring. also the background of the courthouse in the top pic is perfection.
It baffles me how these folks write BOOKS about someone they never met.
M was in that country for less than 2 years, yet they can’t stop talking about her. The maintenance of supremacy really is unhinged.
They’re angry because Meghan didn’t kiss their behinds and grovel for their attention. They literally can’t believe she wasn’t thirsty enough to stay. Brexit Britain has a complex about its status and an American saying it’s not all that is traumatizing for them. Not to mention, she supports Harry and her being by his side and living their lives is making it harder for him to be “reprogrammed”.
I would bet that H&M could count on one hand the times they have ever been around Gary. So what would his memoir say? That Kate came crying to him and said that it was Meghan who made her cry? That Will told him he never pushed Harry?
I can’t think of any occasion where M would/could have met him. Based on H’s book, outside of royal engagements and events, they didn’t even socialize with Wank
So he wasn’t at Pippa’s wedding reception? That is the only time I could potentially see happening.
Nooo……I think he wasn’t invited because he had been accused of beating his wife? Is that it?
Honestly I’m guessing that Harry and Meghan could probably count on less than one finger how many times they’ve been around this psychopath.
I wonder if Harry ever has. Maybe at Will and Kate’s wedding? If he did, it wasn’t impressionable enough to make PH’s memoirs.
No one cares about that loser and his opinions. This is wishful thinking from the tabloids because they have no content. They aren’t getting access to the Sussexes because they decided to pick the wrong, boring, stale horse. They tried to use the Markles and it didn’t work. Samantha’s lawsuit is going to be thrown out. Harry and Meghan moved away and they have no stories/leaks because the ecosystem has been disrupted due to them leaving. They want content badly and are asking anyone including uncle Gary to provide it.
Brit, I just looked up the docket to find out where Scammy’s lawsuit is at the moment. The oral argument is scheduled for 11/8/23 and the Judge won’t allow oral argument by zoom. The attorneys will have to be in court for the argument. I, like you, anticipate that this will be dismissed AGAIN, and I don’t think Scammy will get another shot at it. This should end it.
This. It’s just a move to generate them content for the next months as they got nothing.
I’m kinda hoping this is really true. The Middletons are in deflection mode (hints all the info on James’s baby coming to the forefront right after the poster campaign came out!) Uncle Gary is likely to bring it all back up again!
From what I’ve seen, Uncle Gary isn’t in a position to be in the spotlight for more than a minute ir two – his life just doesn’tbear scrutiny. He’s not only an embarrassment to the Middletons, he’s an embarrassment to the RF, and I imagine they’d put a stop to this.
Maybe CarolE is desperate enough for an infusion of cash (not that this crap would be a bestseller) that she’d actually go along with this at this point? She really might believe the hate for the Sussexes is strong enough to drive book sales.
Unless Kate is truly ready for divorce, I don’t think Carole would want to make waves with the RF. But after?
Go ahead Gary, write that tell all! You do that and more people will come and speak out against your family’s shady business. The posters are just the beginning.
I would not be surprised if the Middletons were living off of credit at the local grocery store now. They have NO income, likely little savings, and unpaid debt. The local grocery story has an open and unpaid tab, no doubt about it.
“Gary, who has made a £30 million fortune through his IT recruitment business, will have Carole and Kate look over the manuscript before it gets passed on to the publisher.”
Surely the first few reactions to this sentence alone have to be 1. Why doesn’t Gary pay back Carole’s debt, 2. Carole and Kate have to be Gary’s main sources of information, 3. So why have the main sources recheck their own information? and 4. Why does Gary need to write this book on H&M of all people?!
Also, why would only Kate and her mother have to “approve” of the book? If I were Charles and William I would be most alarmed by this.
Plus, getting approval from the Middletons kind of removes the royal family’s “recollections may vary” response, doesn’t it?
Only Kate and her mother would have to approve it because it will be coming out post divorce and Kate gets part of proceeds for spilling to Gary.
Its a tinfoil tiara theory, but its possible, lol.
IF any of this is true, getting approval from Carole and Kate is crafty planning on Gary’s part — and potentially highly problematic for the Middletons. It confirms Carole and Kate as sources, or at least as having signed off on any contents. Wouldn’t that open them up to law suits for libel? So Gary gets to wash his hands of at least some of the responsibility for the contents — while Carole and Kate will have admitted on record to cooperating with revelations about members of the royal family. The repercussions for that could be immense.
Also, if it’s true that the monarch actually has legal rights over their grandchildren, cooperating with a book like this might suggest that Kate and Carole are less than ideal parents / guardians for George and his siblings. So the kids could end up in boarding schools with William as their custodial parent, while Kate would have no need for child support or a house on royal grounds. Trusting her future well-being to Gary and William seems highly problematic at best.
And another reaction for the pack: my first impression was to wonder if I had ever heard that Uncle Gary was involved in IT. It wouldn’t be the biggest stretch to assume someone who made millions in IT placements would have contacts who would know an awful lot about bot farms and targeted troll campaigns. Hmm.
Schillings will have a field day. If I were the Midds, I’d tread very very carefully. Harry will simply destroy them. He has nothing to lose.
What’s he will write about? Doubt he was ever in the same room with Meghan and Harry let alone knows them in any capacity. Whatever he writes is 💩 the media and the BRF feeds him. I am here for it cause I want Meg and Harry to take whatever else he has left.
desperation is a nasty cologne and clearly the BRF and the BM can’t live without Meg and Harry and need to bring them on whatever they write. Keep them thirsty!
What could he possibly have to say about Harry and Meghan that would warrant a book? These people are so unserious!
Wow, who woulda thunk it–the Middletons are Out-Markling the Markles! This is beyond absurd. Meghan’s sister’s “book” landed with a thud. Why would a man write about his neice’s brotherinlaw and sister in law, who he has never met? Why not get Kate’s hairdresser’s uncle’s brother’s daughter in law? Uncle Hookers-and-blow, who hosted the future king of England at Casa de Bang Bang is writing a book about people he doesn’t know?
All he can offer is gossip HE GOT FROM WILLIAM AND KATE. That means the Prince and Princess of Wales are consorting with this wife-abusing creep. What a perfect way to get the public to start investigating the money trail between him, the Middletons, and the royals. What a perfect way to learn about all the ways that Kate and her family trash talked Harry and Meghan. I think the British “holier than thous” need to shut up after this. The Middleton clan is out-reality showing the worst of the American reality TV creeps. The Kardashians would look royal next to them. This is Jersey Shore, Honey Boo Boo, Real Housewives stuff. This makes the royals look bad by association. The other royals of Europe are probably laughing their asses off at this.
The Middletons can’t crow about the cheap Markles anymore. Here’s an idea for a reality show: throw a could of Markles, Middletons, and a royal or 2 (Mike Tindall, the racist Brooch Bitch rent a Kent) in a castle. Call it “I’m a royal adjacent–get me out of here” and let them fight their way out.
Someone in either the palace–the headless chickens running around KP–need to shut.this.down. Nothing good can come out of this for the royals. This is comedy show gold.
And they all still think they’re so far above the Markles. Please.
Maybe it’s deliberate? Maybe it’s part of a larger plan to get rid of Kate by showing up her family? Uncle Gary may not be smart enough to know that he’s been snared in a deliberate plan to undo the Middletons. What he sees as the opportunity to sock it to Harry and Meghan might be a sinister master plan!
Even just rumors of a potential book might have some power to support the campaign. “We can’t risk this; cut them off now.”
You had me at “racist brooch bitch”.
“Gary Goldsmith – the younger brother of Kate’s mother, Carole Middleton – is preparing to reveal “private family details”, and….”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t one of the reasons given for Charles and William not wanting to talk to Harry is because they are afraid that Harry will reveal “private family details” in another book? Yet this book is A-OK? These people, I swear.
The Mids have DEF been cut off from the royal teet. Gary supposedly burned through a lot of his wealth years ago with his excessive lifestyle and bad business decisions.
He’s also been sent out to deflect from the bad press his family is getting by blaming it all on the Sussex’s.
Didn’t Gary just get rejected from a UK reality show? So these stories seem like a cry for attention.
There must be chaos at Buckleberry because the last thing they need is uncle Gary writing a book with his only sources being Carole and kate.
Rejected by a reality show? LMFAOOOOO, wasn’t Thomas Markle Jr. recently on some asinine UK reality show? Yet even they don’t want Gary 😭
Yes, he was in talks to be on I’m a celebrity get me out of here. The one in Aussie that Mike Tindall did where he groped a production assistant’s ass, I think? But he was told no, supposedly because the RF didn’t want him running his mouth about the RF.
I think they were worried about him telling the truth about W&K, the real state of the marriage, the truth about W’s rage, etc. And I think that’s what this book is really about too, if you see my comment above.
The Middletons are cornered and on their way out, they’re broke and shamed. The only thing they really have is the truth about the RF.
maybe, her family has mental/spiritual health issues.
it would explain a lot.
That’s a very kind take. But they have shown themselves to be low class grifters. I reserve sympathy for people who are just minding their own business, not trying to take down others as the Middletons have.
I’ve always wondered how Kate’s uncle would know enough about Harry and Meghan (first hand) to comment on anything they do–let alone write a tell-all. The entire group of folks are a HOT.MESS.
This is the most pathetically laughable shit ever. All of it- gross Gary, the appropriately named MIDdletons, this book, and the Mirror reporting it with seriousness like it’s not bizarre and like H&M would actually give a shit. This family is cringe up and down and they’re going to end up with massive karma bills as soon as William drops Kate.
Tin foil tiara: the Middletons are seeing the writing on the wall. Kate is going to be blamed for Sussexit. Kate’s reputation took a hit thanks to Oprah and Spare and still hasn’t recovered.
I don’t even think this one requires tin foil, I totally agree with you that the foundation is being laid to throw Kate under the bus for Sussexit— and has been for a while. The funny part is if the Middletons believe a “tell all” by freaking Uncle Gary is the answer to their problems.
I’d put 10 bucks on this being a steaming pile of BS. The ratchets are getting desperate for content now. The bottom is dropping out of royal reporting–this story is as absurd as it gets.
What’s next for the ratchet reporters?
Pole dancing? No–they lack flexibility. And that would be insulting to pole dancers (it’s hard, acrobatic work!)
OnlyFans? Then again…there could be a market for royal cosplay? (remember the tampons)
So performance for pay seems to be out. Too bad for them. Maybe they’ll revive the public storytellers–Jongleurs. They can stand on street corners and tell stories about Ye Olde Royals back in the day. People can throw pies at them if they don’t like the stories.
KFCIII would be so upset at the food waste!
This is an odd way to set up a backdrop for a divorce. Shady Uncle Gary releases an ultimate hit job on the Sussexes in form of a book, Keen is blamed for being the majority of the source behind it, then hello divorce court.
Or maybe I’m reading way too much into this.
I mean, if Kate were the source of the info, it would be a moment like “there were 3 of us in this marriage.” The Queen made Charles and Diana divorce after that. You can’t have the future queen of England (openly) gossiping to her dissolute uncle. There’s nothing good that can come from this for Kate or the Middletons. Or the royals. It’s open harrassment and slander.
The Middletons are trashy, exactly the kind of in-laws Peg & the monarchy deserve. Too bad debtor’s prison isn’t a thing anymore. That would definitely make Carole cough up the money she owes.
Yep yep yep. They all found their level.
I read this as a full-on ransom demand from uncle Gary to Charles and William, perhaps on behalf of the flailing Middleton family. Pay me not to write this!
As far as we know, Gary hasn’t had any contact with the Sussexes, let alone insider level information. So any “details” he revealed would point a finger directly to KP!
Furthermore, we’ve seen how Gary comes off in interviews – he would not be doing his niece or the royals any favours by becoming their “voice”. He comes off as creepy and deranged. And saying that Carole and Kate (and not William and Charles!) will need to”approve” whatever he publishes not only makes whatever his account appear to have more credibility, but also makes them party to whatever embarrassing fictions he’s peddling. We know that the Windsors begged for copies of the Oprah interview and the Sussex Netflix special – don’t you think they’ll want to glance at how Gary is “defending” them?
I think poor Gary is short on money (his paid interviews really dried up once the Sussexes left) and wants to be back on the radar. The royals might have to give him money to make him go away.
Good theory! (it would also explain why I have the feeling this is just a trial balloon to get reactions to a possible book, as I wrote below).
As for the creepy tone, KP needs a creepy voice to replace Wootton’s.
I agree that this is a solid theory.
Yep! It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Guess the adjacent pot farm hasn’t paid off for Uncle Gary and the Midds. If this is true (and it’s a BIG if) I think he’s floating this as a way to ingratiate himself to the BaRF — sort of “Imma smear the Sussexes for you!” in order to get revenge on behalf of his dim-witted niece and her dunce of a husband. Here’s a hint Gary — it’s not going to work. Nobody wants to touch your trashy ass with a 10 foot pole.
I think this may be a ploy by Carole and Kate to pry more money out of Wills. Kate’s latest clothes choices have included a lot of Zara jackets rather than designer wear. And it looks like she does her own hair and makeup for public appearances. (That is to say badly.)
This seems to indicate that her living allowance has become more constrained and I’m sure she doesn’t like having to scrimp.
So a threat of a tell all by low life Uncle Gary could be a veiled message….
You know, I hadn’t considered that, but I think you’re right. Interesting.
Yes, I had not thought of it that way, but I think you’re right. I noticed she has been wearing a lot of Zara pieces lately, and her makeup and especially her hair are are absolutely horrific. There are so many things she could do to make herself look better. She could have beauty school/fashion school students earn credit, or some kind of certificate, by doing her hair & makeup & picking out her clothes. This could be something the students would really enjoy. Dressing the future Queen. Or she could hire the best makeup artist to teach her how to do her own makeup & hair. She only needs two looks, daytime & evening. Or she could read a Vogue magazine and teach herself. If she can copy Meghan on a daily basis she can copy Vogue. Plus she must have a ton of clothes, all of my friends, even friends that don’t shop much have closets filled with clothes. She probably has enough clothes to never wear the same thing twice. She just needs to organize everything and read pinterest to get outfit ideas. But she’s dumb as rock, so she’ll never learn anything new. She only knows how to Copy Diana, Copy The Queen, Copy her mom & Copy Meghan. William must have cut her off financially which is why he hasn’t bailed out her pathetic family. For someone who is supposed to be a Billionaire (William)£2.6 Million is nothing.
Maybe the point isn’t for Gary to actually WRITE a book — but to threaten that he could. He starts by teasing what he might be able to share about the Sussexes to attract attention. Then, of course, a bigger tease is what he knows about William and Kate and the British Royal Family. In his /their eyes, Harry made big bucks from Spare — without even revealing what the insiders know to be the more sensitive and sordid stuff. Either Gary hopes to make money from writing a book — or he hopes to make even more money by NOT writing a book. One way or another, he’s hoping to parlay insider knowledge for some sort of pay off. At least Carole might get a bit of cash until they can all try to mooch off of poor George in a few years.
What is this article just a trial balloon to see how the public would react to a potential memoir?
What is he even going to write about ? Carole throwing a tantrum so that Meghan is very publicly not invited to Pippa’s wedding ?
Someone will have to explain to me why TF anyone would even want to defend the royal family, unless they’re in it.
These people are boring, dumb, snobby, exploitative leeches, who literally think God has given them special privilege in exchange for royal “work” they believe to be more difficult than normal people’s daily lives. Why does anybody care about them at all, or care enough to hate Harry for exposing the RF’s bulls***? The RF doesn’t care about them. They truly do see meeting the people as work. No wonder they hated Meghan and Diana, and now Harry…. Those women wanted to help real people. The RF can’t stand the idea of spending more time with real people than they have to. Even the people they hire to be their aides are usually some privileged relative or old money.
The middletons are just mad that Kate marrying the future king didn’t turn out the be the cash cow they thought it was going to be. I think Ma and uncle Gary seem to be taking it out on harry and Meghan, rather than looking at their girl kate. She just didn’t turn out to be the star they thought she would become by default upon marriage. All Meghan did was show just how little star quality kate really had.
Maybe I’d read it if it laid out the blueprint for the Great Wait, how the tricks were planned and executed, the manipulation done on William (I’ll be your mother, William, put your head on my lap). Say what you will, it was a supremely successful hustle.
Maybe Uncle Gazza can explain what Kate was wanting when she exploded because Harry and Meghan didn’t bring her Easter presents? That one has always got me thinking huh? If you wanted an Easter Egg Kate then why not say Easter Egg?
I’m having fun thinking of a title for the book. So far I have:
Snow job
Hello Kitty
The Wait
Buckling Up or Buckled Up
Gone to Pot
Rise of a dynasty / Path to Power
Golden Gary
The view from the balcony
Taking Out the Trash
Barely Breaking Bad
The Real Housewives of Windsor
How I Met Your Future Kween
Grifters Gotta Grift
The Good, the Bad & the Incandescent
Any title has to include the words “Le Maison de Bang, Bang.” IYKYN.
You have to link this guy to the Sussexes through the title.
Across the room: My glimpse of the Sussexes at Ascot
Bangbangin it with the Wales: Secrets of Harry and Meghan revealed!
Bitchslapping through life: Who I’d like to slap next! (Meghan)
How to Lose Millions and blame it on people I don’t know
et cetera
A book by uncle Gary titled
“Gary’s broke and out of dope “.
This idea is so farcical I’m hurting my busted rib laughing.
Harry and Megan have bought extra popcorn and a gazillion bottles of wine because they know the entertainment is going to start with the phone call from Charlie to Billy.
“, William what the hell does that man think he is doing?, he’s your bloody uncle in law, so go muzzle him and your vapid wife”.
“, but pa, how can I stop him or her?”
“for gods sake William, you married the lazy bloody woman and her poor as trash family, SORT IT OUT, we don’t need the shower of sht that will rain down on us if its published”
But pa, it will be great, he is going to call Harry and Megan nasty names, say that Megan made dopey Kate cry and that Harry pushed me into the fish pond “.
” For Christ’s sake William, THINK, Megan still has the letter of apology Kate sent her, and we don’t have a bloody fish pond, everyone will know it’s really Kate and her bloody mother feeding the drug Baron all the lies they can think of, and we will end up paying the price when one of the rags starts following the money trail ”
” I will try pa, but Carol really needs the money “.
That is what I mean William, people will know the truth and it’s not ours is it, Harry told the truth in his book, and for gods sake remember what he said, he has 400 pages that could still be published “.
“pa, why does Harry have 400 pages and I only have one valet?”..
So PLEASE Gary publish your book, I can’t wait for the comeback from Montecito that finally takes the houses of Windsor and middleton down
Thank you Mary for making me laugh out loud in a library!
Mary Pester, “pa, why does Harry have 400 pages and I only have one valet?”..
Omg. Pa, why does Harry have 400 pages and I only have one valet?…😂😂😂 I mean it’s a brand new valet though.
@Mary Pester — Thanks for my first full-on laughing fit of the day! Yes — it was the “pages…valet” bit that got me too! lol.
There is no memoir. It is his message to the RF that he can keep their secrets if the price is right. A page right out of Big Tom’s playbook.
Ding ding ding! This is the correct response. How can these statements be seen as anything BUT a veiled threat against the RF?
“is preparing to reveal ‘private family details’, and will use this as an opportunity to give the Middleton family ‘a voice’ in the midst of accusations and criticism levelled at the House of Windsor”
“while he initially stressed he wouldn’t reveal secrets that might embarrass his royal niece or her husband, both 41, it appears he has since decided against that stance.”
“Gary has been talking to the press a lot lately and his comments seem to have gone down well with some people, especially his criticism of Harry and Meghan.”
“He did originally plan to focus the book on himself and his journey to becoming a millionaire, but he will now add in some private family details.”
So, yeah, I guess Uncle Gary saw how Andrew continued to be protected/supported by the RF, and how the RF took Christian Jones’ and Dan Wooten’s side against Harry, and thought to himself “gee, *I* have some dirt on them too!” and then saw his opportunity.
Oh, and don’t forget this one: “will have Carole and Kate look over the manuscript before it gets passed on to the publisher. They explained: ‘Gary is still very close to both Carole and Kate'”
Translation: if William dumps Kate, the Middletons will spill their dirt on William.
IMHO, it shouldn’t matter if he writes this book. For me, this Kate Middleton uncle epitomizes the term “white privilege”. That a man who has been filmed consuming illicit drugs (in his underwear, with protruding gut on display, no less), can still be presented as a credible authority on anything, by Britain’s number one media is telling. Nevermind that this is the same media outlet, and some of its consumers, that have manufactured attempts to label Doria Raglan a criminal. People would rather believe those lies about Doria and shun her, than shun Gary for the truth of what a D-bag he is. Isn’t there a photo of him peeing on a sidewalk? I would call him trailertrash, but that would be an insult to decent folks doing the best they can to survive in a terribly uneven society.
Meh, I don’t think it’ll ever happen. This is just some distraction /attention seeking. I’m sure Uncle Gary will get a “Keep our names outta your mouth” letter from Harry and Meghan’s lawyers at the first sign of trouble.
Meghan has been investigated more thoroughly than a applicant to the CIA. That’s why the derangers repeat debunked lies about her, her mother and the children. Harry had been followed and harassed by the media all his life. If either had any secrets even remotely negative the Brit media through the royal family would expose by now. This is click bait bs.
I can’t figure out where this desperation is coming from. Is it the bm or Ma Mids or Uncle Hooker & Blow? I don’t believe this at all. I don’t know why it was written, except that someone got to use H&M for clicks. I guess I’m coming down on the side that the bm is just writing fairy tales again.
Absolute BS. How the rest of the Middletons aren’t embarrassed by him beats me.
If he’s going to be writing some home truths he can start with his own motley crue – the Middleton business eff-up that is PP, the state of the Windsor marriage, and Bulliam’s proclivities.
(I know wishful thinking!)
I’m so used to Opposite Day from the BM trashbloids, that I read this as W&K being worried about Uncle Gary’s potential memoir & thought, ‘I bet they are’. Seriously, what would this guy even know about Harry’s life? Or Harry & Meghan’s together? Middleton stuff, oh yeah, he’s privy to that. W&K should be very worried.
For me it reads 2 ways:
Either one, the Middletons are so broke and desperate they’ll do anything to earn any money, or two the BM needs literally anything to write about and just inserts HM to any ridiculous story.
According to the official Middleton family history Gary Goldsmith ran a successful recruitment business which he sold for 15 million. Information about what he has been doing since then is sketchy but he is described as a ‘businessman’.
Independent sources reveal he has been married four times, has a reputation for drunkenness and violence and a criminal conviction for assaulting his current wife. He is a self admitted drug user and dealer. He also claimed to be a pimp when he was caught out by undercover reporters. He has since denied being a pimp. William and Kate were regular guests at his infamous holiday home.
My guess is that having bankrolled the Middletons for many years the money is running out. He is in no position to help them maintain the facade of a respectably properous family. However, what he knows about the Sussexes is nothing compared to what he knows about William.
Well, well, well. Looks like Gary/Carole’s panic strategy/veiled threat of a “book” has produced the intended result: hot off the press from Kenya, Charles has referred to “my beloved daughter-in-law”. I’m still at a loss to how the Goldsmith-Middletons were able to get anywhere near William.
@Cottage Cat. Nothing to do with the Goldsmith side! Grandpa Middleton was Philip’s wingman on tour in South America. And what goes on tour…stays on tour. I could believe that allowing their grandchildren to consort at uni was a little ‘reward’ for loyalty. Probably never imagined she would get the ring though…
You know, GG said some pretty nasty things about our new Queen in the Bang Bang sting. It would hardly be surprising if payback were long overdue from C&C. He was clearly terrified of her and her family at WK’s wedding, and made his daughter swap their front row seats for Camilla’s daughter and granddaughter.
I take it carole is writting/threatening a book. There is also the possibility that uncle gary wants to be paid back for financing a lot of things. I dont think he was lying. I think he did a lot and I think he picked up a lot of tabs.
So the middletons need money. If I was Gary I would be MAD. You telling me my sister married a supposed to be aristo, my other niece married the future king, my other niece a Scottish aristo, and the son married a rich French lady AND I HAVE TO TRY TO GET ON A REALITY SHOW FOR CONNECTIONS. I would be mad.
Tindal was there plugging his podcast.