Every time I look for new photos of Donald Trump during his Manhattan fraud trial, I’m inevitably shocked by the state of him. He’s gained weight, he’s more jowly, his eyes seem even more glazed over and whoever is doing his makeup these days despises him. Monday was Trump’s big debut on the witness stand and his makeup artist didn’t even extend the deep sienna bronzer to his hairline. Yikes. As for Trump’s testimony, this part of the case isn’t even about guilt or innocence or liability anymore. Trump was already found liable of fraudulent business practices by Judge Engoron, so this is “penalties” phase of the trial. Meaning, how much Trump will be fined for his extremely illegal and deeply fraudulent business practices and whether he’ll even be able to do any kind of business in New York again.
Donald Trump opened his high-stakes testimony Monday by pissing off the judge overseeing his civil fraud trial. “Just answer the question,” Justice Arthur Engoron scolded the former president, as he attempted to paint the case against as being brought by politically motivated “Trump haters.”
“No speeches,” Engoron said, later urging Trump’s legal team to “control your client.” “This is not a political rally.”
Even before he headed to the Manhattan courtroom Monday, Trump took a minute to fire off a characteristically unhinged social media missive attacking the case—and the judge he sat next to when he took the witness box. “Got a really Biased, Nasty, Club controlled, but often overturned, Judge, a Racist, Evil, and Corrupt Attorney general, BUT A CASE THAT, ACCORDING TO ALMOST ALL LEGAL SCHOLARS, HAS ZERO MERIT,” Trump wrote, referring to Engoron and New York Attorney General Tish James. “WITCH HUNT!”
While Trump was expected answer questions about his business practices Monday—and possibly to try to shift blame to his adult sons, who have already taken the stand—he has unsurprisingly employed the same old verbal assaults over the course of his testimony, given his notorious lack of impulse control and the political benefits he’s tried to squeeze out of the spectacle. “This is a very unfair trial,” Trump said on the stand. “I hope the public is watching.”
I watched some of MSNBC’s coverage and the reporter who was stationed inside the courtroom (there’s no live TV feed, but the trial is open to the media) said that in her opinion, the judge didn’t interrupt Trump enough and that if Trump had been any other defendant, his pitiful and hateful act on the stand would have landed him in contempt of court. That being said, there’s a theory going around that the prosecution likes that Trump can’t shut up because he continues to incriminate himself whenever he opens his mouth.
Also: when the New York AG’s office attorney asked Trump if he gave certain statements in 2021, Trump claimed “I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country…” He was interrupted and told that he was not president in 2021.
Meanwhile, according to a new NYT/Siena poll, Trump is leading Biden in key battleground states, one year before the presidential election. This is the same newspaper which makes every Biden achievement sound like a tragedy and that negative energy has spread out across the national media. They ALL want Trump back because they’d rather report on chaos, crime, insurrection and stupidity than competent, low-drama governance.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump stepping out of the courtroom from his testimony in his civil fraud case at the State Supreme Court of New York. He has no statement for the press at this time. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 6 NOVEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump stepping out of the courtroom from his testimony in his civil fraud case at the State Supreme Court of New York. He has no statement for the press at this time. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 6 NOVEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump stepping out of the courtroom from his testimony in his civil fraud case at the State Supreme Court of New York. He has no statement for the press at this time. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 6 NOVEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump stepping out of the courtroom from his testimony in his civil fraud case at the State Supreme Court of New York. He has no statement for the press at this time. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 6 NOVEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump stepping out of the courtroom from his testimony in his civil fraud case at the State Supreme Court of New York. He has no statement for the press at this time. Pictured: Donald Trump BACKGRID USA 6 NOVEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I think it’s very weird how the American media downplays and ignores all Biden’s achievements.
It’s the same here in Canada with PM Trudeau.
@NG-76…it IS the same here in Canada w/PM Trudeau. That Smith woman in Alberta plus PP are BOTH determined to ruin Canada. They are loud. They are proud of their hate. I’m not proud of how much hate I’m feeling towards both of them though, I find them sickening, and frustrating and I’m fearful in a way I have never been before.
I’m flabbergasted by voters’ hateful myopia. PP has not offered any policies, has made no attempt to state what a Conservative gov’t would do for Canada, yet people are willing to support that smarmy nasal over-pomaded DeSantis wannabe because they believe everything wrong with the world is Trudeau’s fault. I live in hellscape Alberta, and I’m terrified what could happen to Canada if we get a PM as bad as, or worse than, our provincial premier.
IA. While I find there is quite a few things to criticize about trudeau, there’s a lot that’s been dumped on him that makes no sense at all. Like the housing crisis in Ontario which was a problem already more than a decade ago. Ppl saw what was happening in Vancouver, predicted this was gonna happen in Toronto, and yet regulations were not passed, until it was already too late.
Absolutely agree. Biden has accomplished so much but they show trump at a rally, without showing the small crowds or half full parking lots.
MichaelaCat, It may be due to the nature of who votes D vs who votes R? I’m afraid I have relatives who were brainwashed into the cult of that Orange Maggot and they more or less think the same. Ds are a lot less homogeneous, so you’re going to have policies that are more or less universally popular and others that Ds don’t like as much. I think the Ds need to hammer home not only positive results and unifying issues, but also the abhorrent chaos and lawlessness of the other side.
I’m not subscribed to the NYT, but I had read an excellent article in Pajiba as to why the polling is not accurate. Unfortunately, the article cannot be found today. In essence, young voters and POC are not swarming to the Rs in the percentages listed in those polls.
Sidenote, I hate that “Maggot” has been associated with Trump. That’s the name of the Slipknot fan base and you’ll find that we’re a far more honest, wholesome bunch than the former guy and his cronies.
The NYT battleground polls were by Sienna College. Their reputation in polling is not the best. That said, we can’t afford complacency. Next year is the whole ball game.
HeatherC, Sorry, I was unaware of Slipknot fans being called Maggots and have nothing against the fans. Is MAGAts (different spelling) okay?
Brassy Rebel, I am worried about complacency. Personally, Biden does have weaknesses, HOWEVER, the other guy is dead scary, evil, and mean. If we don’t vote for Biden, then we’re in deep trouble, because democracy is not helped by a bunch of politicians who are destroying human rights snd the Constitution. I’m also frustrated with people who vote on one single issue (say abortion, for instance) and ignore everything else.
Hey ML–Pajiba moved their political posts over to Substack! The article you referenced is here for anyone else who would like to read Dustin’s take:
@ML MAGAts is fine lol It was a joke on my part, though we are called Maggots 🙂
Jill, Thank you!
HeatherC, No worries 😁 From now on I’ll only call them MAGAts.
On the flip side, the media can’t stop featuring stories on Trump and putting links to them everywhere.
I sometimes play the Crossword and other games on WaPo and the top featured articles on that landing page all show Trump’s ugly malicious face.
While the media and some moronic idiot MAGA voters are propping Trump up, I’m going to pin a ginormous portion of blame on Republican Party leadership, including McConnell, and every single prominent Republican who has refused to call Trump out, reject every he spews and make clear that he’s not an acceptable candidate giving everything we now know about him and everything he says and does on a daily basis. Even the so-called moderate Republicans with national platforms: Romney, former Gov Baker, former President Bush, and others … aside from Liz Cheney it’s either radio silence or weak sauce comments.
They could have shut him down, iced him out in 2015, they could have done it again after the Jan 6 insurrection and coup attempt, they could have done it when the first serious charges of illegal and frankly treasonous actions while he was in office and after became clear, they could do it now, today, after any one of his unhinged or fascist rants.
They didn’t. They haven’t. They just aren’t going to, because of whatever their own motives are (greed, ambition, fear, their own lust for power at any cost, self-delusion (like every one of the 2015 GOP primary candidates who let him go off, figuring THEY be the one who’d scoop up all his supporters after he went down why be bulldozed them down one after another. Or worse, because they’re all in with those who want the American democracy to fail, and welcome the rise of facism)
They own this, as much as any red-hat MAGA voter or editor at the WSJ, FOX, NYT.
@NorthOfBoston Perfect summation and +1. The MAGA base and crooked judges are what’s keeping them in power so the (not really) moderates are hesitant to rock the boat for fear of being “primaried”. They’re all cowards and anti-democratic.
it’s not flashy enough to make news
Biden is boring = low ratings/clicks. That’s all they seem to care about these days, not any actual fact based, balanced reporting.
He’s also deeply unpopular. Whether it’s fair or not, people are pissed about the economy, the price of gas, his handling of COVID, his actions in the Middle East etc etc.
And please don’t shoot the messenger, but the party and it’s constituency have to get real with themselves about how Biden is perceived by the average voter. Don’t ask me what the solution is–people get paid a lot of money to figure that out–but something needs be done or we’ll be looking at another 2016 nightmare. Maybe some sweeping moves that are mostly popular across party lines like student loan forgiveness or a push for M4A….
The good thing is that Trump is also deeply unpopular, yet some will remember the low gas prices, low mortgage rates, pre-inflation prices that they associate with Trump’s presidency and hold their noses and vote for him. It sucks, but that’s our current reality.
Kitten, you said it all. The Dems have put themselves into a hell of their own making. By veering ever more centrist (or conservative, let’s be real here), they have been the ones steering their own downfall. It has been a consistent slide since the post-Carter era, where they figured they had to move away from progressivism and more towards the center in order to make any attempts to fight off the “moral majority”. And you see where that has gotten us. And now the Dem leadership *cough” DCCC *cough* is pushing candidates even more center-right, while leaving a lot of their more left-leaning folks twisting in the wind.
I hate it. I hate it all.
The ‘too woke to vote’ crowd is a big reason why the Democrats can’t do more. Lots of people don’t show up to elections while they can, but then complain about Biden for things they hate that are happening locally (and he has no say over). They didn’t show up in local elections, so they have Republicans determining things locally.
Trump fans have a very low bar and he can get away with almost anything.
Very much the opposite are quite a lot of the people on the left are a 100 times more critical and sometimes don’t even vote when the Democrats do one thing they don’t like.
The Biden administration is doing a lot of progressive things. It just isn’t talked about on media and social media. And quite a lot of people have not the start of a clue about how much the Democrats are doing.
The owners of all media outlets are rich, and they all want tax cuts. Trump will give them the tax cuts they crave.
I have been a Washington Post reader for years, and am really disappointed in the reporting these days. I mostly stick around for the reader comments.
“competent, low-drama governance” doesn’t sell newspapers, unfortunately.
@MichaelaCat wrote: “I think it’s very weird how the American media downplays and ignores all Biden’s achievements.”
They did the same thing with President Obama, often claiming that his obvious achievements were in fact initiated or actually achieved by George “Dubya” Bush.
Moreover, they did the same thing to President Clinton’s Historic achievement of balancing the Nation’s Budget and leaving a surplus when he left office (the last President to balance the Budget was Democrat Lyndon Johnson in 1969, before Republican Richard Nixon took office).
The American Media downplayed it so much, that to this day Republicans and anti-liberals still deny the fact that President Clinton balanced the Budget and left a surplus.
And what was President George W. Bush’s first official act after the transfer of power? He gave away the surplus, saying it was the American People’s money and should be returned to them.
“W” completely glossed over the fact that it was surplus in America’s coffers to cover any dips in the nearly balanced budget, due to, say, two wars waged at the same time. To me, he made it seem as if Clinton had deliberately hoarded the money on a whim without any specific reason.
I voted the first time in ’76 for Carter, I was 20. I have never voted for a Republican. The Republicans have always been a party for big business, corporate greed and trying to bust unions and take down the public schools. Then came Reagan and the party was taken over by the RWNJ.
Complain about high gas prices, the president doesn’t set the price, the oil companies do that. The average price of regular gas here in SW FL is $3.20 and has been for a while. But come next year closer to the election the price will go up closer to four dollars and watch the Repubs scream it is Bidens fault. Inflation, yes it is high, but that is world wide, not just here. However our numbers are better than most places, and just take a look at last week’s GDP numbers, twice what Trump bragged his were. No one handled Covid worse than Trump and DeSantis. Trump ignored the pandemic and DeSantis kept so may places open that we have had higher number of deaths than most states
History has shown that when Repubs are in office our economy goes south, remember the late 80’s early 90’s and then it takes Dems to come in and clean up the mess
Don’t want an abortion, don’t have one, but don’t tell women what they can do.
Want a gun for protection or hunting, buy one but you don’t need to stockpile assault weapons or carry one into your local bakery so everyone can see it.
Not happy with books written by Stephen King or Judy Blume being read by your kids or teenagers. Then make sure they don’t check them out of the library, but don’t keep other people’s children from reading them. Here’s a clue, they can read them on the phone you’ve given them.
I could go on, but your eyes have probably glazed over. My point is, while Joe is not perfect, 4 years of Trump or any Republican will set this country back more than 100 years
I believe he did this to anger the judge so much that he would hold him in contempt and jail him for a night or two. Then he would be able to get his magats all in a fury and do something to cause more chaos.
I can believe that that is what his handlers want. I’m not sure he’s competent enough to even form that strategy. He seems to be all id now.
He’s already lost. His attorneys never checked the box for a jury. The judge believes he’s committed fraud based on the evidence. This is the penalty phase to see if there is any mitigation to what the damages are. Cash damages.
When he lost an election, the realty star thought the mob would win the office back by force. His attorneys are trying to goad the judge into a mistrial.
Appealing what they know is a guilty verdict.
Trump wants the judge killed. Like Pence.
@Julie, 🎯
Julie, that’s a fallacy that has been stated over and over again that people believe. Trump could NOT have a jury. This is not a trial for a legal remedy, but for an equitable remedy. Here is an article where the Judge explains why a jury isn’t part of the trial.
I think he lacks impulse control and cognitive function. He’s always been a rambler but his word salads are not even close to reality anymore.
He’s dementing.
I’m not sure I buy the whole lacking impulse control narrative in *this* case – I think he knows no one is going to put him in jail over “small stuff”- the logistics alone are mind numbing – he just keeps pushing and pushing because he can. Because he gets hit with fines that don’t mean anything. There’s no actual penalty for his behavior and it riles his fan base, so why change? Until someone actual imposes a REAL fine, or decides enough is enough and calls his behavioral bluffs and throws him in jail, there’s absolutely no reason to think he’ll stop.
Narcissists have a few goals when acting like this:
1. Wear you down until you just give in and agree or give up
2. Talk so much about everything even tangentially related until you lose track of what you were talking about.
3. Upset you until you lash out, then they get to play victim.
I would have paid obscene amounts of money to watch him have this meltdown without achieving any of those things
I’m always astounded this man has not had a stroke or a heart attack at this point.
And yes, every legal experts has said that the judge had granted him leniency that we the average citizen would never get. But I can also believe they want him singing like an over stuffed turkey.
Today’s elections will be telling in some key races – on whether people are tired of the GOP clown show or not.
Evil never dies apparently.
People like him actually enjoy this kind of combativeness and bile, it is what gets them up in the morning. It would drain and exhaust most normal people, but grievance and blame are their bread and butter.
Crikey, he looks so bad in that top picture I almost can’t believe that the color isn’t digitally manipulated. A pre-Youtube makeup tutorial existence 15-yr-old could blend their department store Clinique better than this! Wtf even is that he’s smearing on his face? It can not be an actual human makeup substance. I suppose if nobody can tell him how bad his face looks, then nobody can tell him how badly his behavior is going to doom his verdict, either. All of his problems are of his own creation.
Does he not see the photos of himself and realize how poorly applied his makeup is? For someone so vain, it’s amazing he lets this continue. I mean it’s great, for us. But for him? Unless cognitive dissonance applies when seeing yourself in photos/media as well.
Whoever does his make up hates him, like the rest of us.
@Michelle- the “Emperor” almost literally has no clothes.
It looks as though he has bronzer dripping out of his ear.
Shoe polish in sunset brown.
This country is so freaking scary. We have a wonderful President and these a**holes want to put that POS back in the White House, knowing what he put this country through for four hellish years. Truly sickening.
Because they only give a damn about themselves and their own enrichment (money/power). That this still surprises people is the scarier part, because that basically makes us frozen sitting ducks. Thus explaining why these twerps continue to attain what they want. 🙄
He’s giving Giuliani when his face started melting.
His clown makeup is more ghoulish than ever. Someone ought to alert him that Halloween is over.
that’s not make up, it’s shoe polish and Melania put it on for him – in the dark.
American news has been designed to elicit a fear based response in its viewers for a long time. Otherizing and marginalizing and blaming the unhoused, the immigrants, the not Christians, and POC “coming for you or your hard earned position” is part of the manafactured fear. Bad news means profit for the media because it elicits more response, more clicks and let’s not forget this country is based on puritanical unhinged white supremacy. Of course having their dear leader back is good for business.
Unfortunately, this 👆 is very true.
I am convinced DT wants to go to jail just for the opportunity to break through a very intense news cycle. His trial coverage keeps getting minimized (relatively speaking compared to the wall-to-wall coverage he expects in order to ‘campaign’ for president via his many trials) because of the 1 million other breaking news stories happening around the world right now. A showy trip to jail would thrill him to no end. I think Engoron is doing the right thing by showing leniency here and letting Trump blab and misbehave all he wants.
Yeah, I bet Diva Trump would love the ratings of going to prison. Just think of the fundraising off of that! I’m sure he gets a rush over the combat. Engoron and Chutkin seem plenty sick of Donald but they’re extra cautious of giving him anything to appeal about.
The clout of a rich white ex-president is nothing to underestimate.
Mrs. Smith, all true. I also think that he wants reasons to appeal–having the Judge unload on him would please him, I think. Instead the Judge is being lenient, and the Judge is going for his attorneys to control him. I think the appeals court is going to be amazed at how lenient the Judge is being.
Daughter, sister, and niece of criminal defense attorneys here, so this has been endlessly discussed in my family. Their consensus is that Trump’s combativeness is likely a deliberate, last resort tactic intended to provoke the judge into saying or doing something that gives them grounds for a mistrial motion, claiming “bias”. Basically, Trump’s natural inability to STFU is being weaponized. They also think it’s a sign that his attorneys believe they’ve already lost (and that they’re wildly incompetent, really despise their client, or both, because this strategy is breathtakingly stupid). Some might be critical of the judge for not dealing more harshly with Trump in the moment, but rest assured that he sees this strategy for what it is and is reacting accordingly.
Thanks for that analysis. I was starting to think the same thing. If you have facts on your side and can prove your case, you are going to do that. His temper tantrums and non-answers going off on irrelevant diatribes say they have no defense. Trying to perhaps provoke the Judge, to show bias, that he can use on appeal would be my guess as to his last-ditch effort of a strategy.
Agree. Trump teams strategy is to provoke the judge so as to have grounds for appeal or a mistrial.
This exactly. It also plays to Trump’s natural tendencies, so it’s their best option but is not working. The judge deferred several times to the prosecution in case they wanted to object to Trump’s tantrums & non-responsive answers, but the prosecutor just breezed on with their questioning, refusing to be drawn by his behavior.
They’ve already lost, if this is the penalty phase of the trial.
Would love to see his atty be sanctioned for her press conference. Don’t know her background but she doesn’t seem like someone with any trial experience at all. She was unhinged.
She is embarrassing to anyone in the profession of being an attorney LOL
Is there a bar council in the US? Because there is in the UK (toxic as it is) and I know if any solicitor /barrister behaved like this during a trial, they would be hauled up and told to cease and desist or lose their law licence!
Final point, PLEASE someone, show him how to blend his orange chops
Yes. Each state has its own bar. Anyone can refer an attorney for discipline. In my state, complaints are first assessed at the county level, then dismissed or referred to the state body. Discipline can range from letters of reprimand to disbarment, but this conduct (while odious) would not merit discipline by the bar. The judge could sanction the attorneys but in my opinion is wisely avoiding that so they can make fools of themselves without being able to cry that the judge is biased against them.
I was told that the polling of these “Battleground States” is done by landline phone, so, I am guessing the respondents are going to be aging boomers that still have a land line. (FTR- I am am aging boomer, but, don’t have a landline anymore.)
That’s my impression too, polling techniques have not kept up with technology and how most people communicate these days. I used to get poll calls when I had a landline, nothing now.
Also, ignore the polls, just GO VOTE. Today is Election Day, local elections matter, ballot questions matter.
Seriously, please vote! Pay attention to the local elections. The crazies are out to take over the school boards for sure. I don’t have any kids, and never voted in local elections until recently. Now I vote on EVERYTHING.
Even in the elections that are non-political, the kooks usually leave clues on their website. If I see a cross around anyones neck, they are immediately disqualified! I am also on the lookout for American flags, soaring eagles, and the word patriot. I always share my findings with friends and family, because most people can’t be bothered to do the research.
Aging boomers with landlines who pick up calls from unfamiliar numbers. Or who like participating in polls. Those cohorts are likely to be VERY different from the general, much more diverse population in ways that may be both known and unknown. IMO, it’s deeply unethical to report results without also discussing the limits of a population sample — especially when it differs sharply from the population they’re envisioning as they try to generalize based on the results of the poll.
Maybe, but I’m not friends with anybody who voted for Trump yet I cannot think of a single friend or family member who’s actually enthused about Biden’s presidency. It’s always wild to come here where everyone seems to love him because that is not at all the experience that I have IRL. Biden is not Obama–he has never and will never generate that level of voter enthusiasm and that’s a problem when going up against a candidate like Trump.
For me, it’s pretty simple. Politics aside, Trump, by his public presence alone, appears to meet the criteria for multiple psychiatric diagnoses, and his stability and cognitive capabilities are clearly deteriorated. That terrifies me, as do his politics, his greed, and his deeply embedded racism.
While Biden isn’t someone I “love”, he’s competent, surrounds himself with highly competent people, and has policies that are as closely aligned with mine as I’m likely to get from a politician capable of winning the presidency.
FWIW, I don’t have to “love” a candidate, be wildly enthusiastic, or attend anything remotely resembling a rally in order to vote.
What’s “wild”, perhaps, is realizing just how diverse this country is — and how different our reasons for voting — and being otherwise actively engaged politically — might be.
The election isn’t, strictly speaking, about Biden; it’s about democracy.
There is no comparison between what Biden has done with what he was handed and what Drumpf did/attempted to do during his reign to social services, government departments, covid, foreign relations, basic human rights……..etc., etc. How anyone can be more upset with Biden’s achievements vs. the Drumpf years is beyond me.
Boiling it down even further is what @bisynaptic has said………….it’s about preserving democracy at this point.
Will my middle aged left leaning friends vote for Biden? Yes, we all hate Trump and what he stands for enough to vote against him but imo younger people will not go to the polls to vote in anger against Trump especially since some of their anger is also towards Biden.
CatJ, I have a land line and I’m a senior. I vote blue as does everyone I know. The thing is, I don’t answer the phone if I don’t know who’s calling. If it’s someone who needs to talk to me, they leave a message. Otherwise, I don’t have to talk to spam callers or pollsters.
I wonder if I should start answer in the event someone is calling for a poll. I would dearly love to know HOW the questions are being framed.
“Meanwhile, according to a new NYT/Siena poll, Trump is leading Biden in key battleground states, one year before the presidential election.”
Who are the people they polled? I’m thinking it skewed towards older white people. The NYT is a shell of itself and has been for a very, very, VERY long time. Regardless. Don’t listen to polls. Make calls, canvass, send out postcards, maybe even talk to your friends and family.
Our democracy depends on it. Our lives depend on it.
“Mr. Biden barely leads at all among nonwhite voters under 45, even though the same voters reported backing Mr. Biden by almost 40 points in the last election. As a result, the candidates are essentially tied among voters 18 to 29, a group that has reliably backed Democrats by a wide margin for two decades.”
Tragic, if true. People seem hell-bent on self annihilation.
No one wants to vote for an octogenarian. It’s absurd.
Last night I saw (Historian, author, professor, democracy enthusiast) Heather Cox Richardson speak. She’s so intelligent, well-informed, articulate, and measured. When asked what her wishes would be for American politics, the first thing she said was something along the lines of “ignore polling”.
She’s fantastic, and has a podcast as well, I believe it’s called Now & Then.
“He was interrupted and told that he was not president in 2021” LOL that’s almost making me laugh as hard as his makeup.
OH, I’ll be pulling that quote in my social medias. I grew up in a rural, Xtian, conservative environment and have several Trump-Cult friends. I’m very judicious and brief in my political postings and they are pretty much exclusively direct quotes. Never(
well, rarely) links, never lengthy. My husband thinks it’s a lost cause, by I can’t help myself sometimes…
“Competent, low-drama governance” except that they are supporting a genocide right now.
Reducto ad absurdum in action, Pippa. That’s not it by a long shot.
We’re watching, in real time, what happens when you corner a rat. (Actually, we’ve been watching this shit since the 2020 election). I just want to fast forward to the end, where this asshole is finally (hopefully) held accountable.
LOL at his sad burnt orange streaked face. Looks like a mask.
I know it won’t happen but I really wish this human embodiment of a shart would spend the rest of his life in prison.
I know it won’t happen, but I keep hoping that a judge in at least one of his cases will order mandatory psychiatric and psychological assessments. And make some of the highlights public —at some point.
I’m shocked that millions of people enthusiastically support and vote for someone that I see as being deeply pathological. Is that, in part, what some are actually attracted to? When I think of political representatives, in addition to policies, I think: I’m handing significant portions of my income to this person — to spend as they see fit. With Trump, I just don’t see it. I’m very curious about what ever it is — over and above the racism— that his supporters, especially the less than wealthy ones, are attracted to.
He gives them permission to be their most primitive selves.
@bisynaptic. I’m sure you’re right. It’s a terrifying thing for me to understand that millions upon millions of people want that. Sigh.
He wants media attention – also his female lawyer looks a lot like Ivanka. She’s def auditioning to be wife no. 4.
He is just such a repulsive irredeemable person. It’s just amazing that there exists one human that embodies every terrible trait known to man. I can’t even watch any of the court stuff because just seeing his orange, melting face makes me wanna vomit.
Why does a white supremacist want to go around in blackface? I mean, face it, that’s what this is.
The shitshow we anticipated. Please protect Leticia James, Judge etc from harm and let them not be provoked by this ass clown