King Charles will rename his charities because his sons refused to take them on

This has been a minor drama for more than a year – what would happen to all of King Charles’s charitable organizations, the ones he started as Prince of Wales? The Prince’s Trust, the Prince’s Foundation and Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund were all sort of in limbo, unsure if a name change was needed following Charles’s accession. It wasn’t the most pressing concern, obviously, which is why it’s taken this long for Charles to do something about it. Well, now it’s finally here – all of Charles’s organizations are getting renamed and rebranded.

A series of charities founded by the King when he was the Prince of Wales, including his flagship Prince’s Trust, have been renamed to reflect his accession. The Prince’s Trust will become the King’s Trust, the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund will become King Charles III Charitable Fund and the Prince’s Foundation will be renamed the King’s Foundation. The rebranding was done in part to draw a distinction between the King and his son, the new Prince of Wales.

“There is sometimes confusion about whose organisations they are,” admitted a palace source. “Prince William has his own foundation and so the name change makes it clear that these are organisations affiliated with the King.”

The renaming comes despite the charities insisting last September that they would retain their original names. John Booth, chairman of the Prince’s Trust, said at the time that there were “no plans” for a rebrand, noting that the organisation had “built a reputation” under that name and had developed a strong record over 46 years. “It is our full intention to continue this vital work under the name of the Prince’s Trust,” he said.

Sources said the decision had not been taken lightly but was the result of several months of discreet consultation. Although the King was consulted, it was ultimately a decision made by the directors and trustees of the various organisations.

“This has been under consideration for some time,” one said. “There have been months of polling and consultation as well as due diligence around risk and opportunity. Ultimately, everyone is very happy. The changes mark a new chapter which happens to coincide with the King’s birthday.”

The King once spoke of his hope his two sons would take over the Prince’s Trust, which he set up with his £7,400 Navy severance pay in 1976. But both have since gone their own ways and the switch in name means that he will be keeping this charity, as well as the two other organisations, firmly under his wing, despite the demands of his role as King.

[From The Telegraph]

Charles spoke publicly about his desire for his sons to show more of an interest in taking over some of this stuff. Given what we know now, I kind of wonder if Harry was even offered the chance to take anything over. If the Sussexes had stayed (and been treated better), The Prince’s Trust would have been a natural fit for them. Which is why I think they were never offered the chance. I suspect that Charles always hoped that William alone would show an interest. Unfortunately, William has always been much too lazy. Charles had been making plans for people outside the family to operate these charities long before he became king too – as the Telegraph says, Charles was merely consulted, because he has teams in place running all of this stuff. Anyway, it’s funny from the perspective of “the king’s heir is too lazy to actually take on the big, signature work and instead the heir just promises to be keen.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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36 Responses to “King Charles will rename his charities because his sons refused to take them on”

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  1. sparrow says:

    That picture is hilarious. The Prince’s Trust & the Duke of Edinburgh award schemes have been wonderful for UK youngsters. Now there’s Harry’s Invictus. Brilliant work. I have never heard of William’s “foundation”; if I have, it’s obviously not had an impact. There’s Earth Shot, of course, which I think will go the same way as Kate’s Early Years. Hmmm. I think that place is called Nowhere.

    • Geegee says:

      I don’t think charles offered it to either of them for fear they might take it over and make their own. His ego could never handle that. He is his own worst enemy.

    • Tara says:

      Wohoow – is that picture of Charles even real? What was the occasion?!

  2. Jensa says:

    You’d have thought it was a no-brainer for William – to take over a ready-made, well-respected and effective charity like the Prince’s Trust, without having had to do any of the work. Especially when (unlike Harry) William apparently has nothing to fill his days.
    But his colossal ego and vanity got in the way, I guess.

    • SarahCS says:

      It’s baffling but then again he needs things to be ‘his’ so as you point out, ego trumps logic.

    • s says:


    • ML says:

      I’m not sure PW is the person you would want to take over your charity. That said, I’m also not sure I would want to take over a charity from a thin-skinned, jealous, back-stabbing control freak either. These two are already at war, so I doubt them both being involved with KC’s work would be a good idea even if PW were a more industrious person. In private life, KC-like figures at my work cannot keep from meddling after supposedly giving up control.

      • Concern Fae says:

        I used to be very much down on William for not taking over the Prince’s Trust. But watching how things have gone since TQ died, in rethinking that. Would it have been handled well? Why wasn’t William raised in a manner that would lead to being ready to take over? There just seems to have been a let him have his way because he’ll have to snap out of it eventually. Disaster.

    • Kingston says:


      I dont know….bully can still claim ownership of these organizations after chucky is dead and gone. Consider:……… the Prince’s Trust and the Prince’s Foundation have now been renamed as the King’s Trust and the King’s Foundation. Bully, as king, can just pretend they’d always been his and his sycophants will help that along.

      Unlike the Prince of Wale’s Charitable Fund which has been renamed the King Charles III Charitable Fund. As a chucky-branded organization, bully cant claim it as his.

      I have a feeling that the King’s Trust and the King’s Foundation will have another rebrand before chucky kicks the bucket. LMAO

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    I view this more as a slap in the face for William. He is far too lazy and untrustworthy to handle the responsibilities that would come with running these organizations.

  4. No I don’t believe he wanted Harry to be involved but he just wanted his heir to do it. Too bad he raised a very lazy jackass who is unwilling to to any work much less take over Chuckles stuff. Oh well such is life when you let your heir run roughshod over you and you punish your younger son for marrying a biracial woman. Heavy is the head of a complete and utter failure of a father and human being.

  5. Sunshine says:

    This is for the best.
    Given the dodgy nature of the foundation which has been revealed, and the Trust which we will likely discover in future, these charities need to remain in the hands of the monarch or the heir to remain bulletproof.
    Otherwise, HnM could be exposed legally in the future.

    • Laura D says:

      ITA @Sunshine 🙂 I do believe if Harry had taken over any of those Trusts then he would have been scapegoated for ALL the dodgy dealings those projects have been used to cover. “They” would also had used the “Dumb Prince” narrative as an excuse as to why there were so many financial anomalies on the books. Harry (and to a certain extent William) dodged a massive bullet by turning down the ‘opportunity’ to follow in his/their father’s footsteps.

      • I think Harry said in spare that he had seen the business model and wanted nothing to do with them. So I think that Chuckles never offered it to Harry. They like to say Harry is dumb but they know he isn’t. He is honest and truthful and smart and knows how to get things done and that sends chills up their spines.

  6. Tessa says:

    I doubt Charles ever had it in mind for harry. Charles should have assigned it to William some years ago

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I thought David “Linley” Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon was going the take over the “Executive Chair” of KFCIII’s former “Prince’s” charities?

  7. Milady Digby says:

    I can’t get over the effrontery of this lazy bum publicly announcing that he’s NOT going to fulfill a core function of his PoW role as not worthy of his time and attention because he never handles anything small , with a straight face?!

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, I agree that Charles wanted William to take over the Prince’s Trust not Harry.

  9. Cerys says:

    It’s no surprise that William won’t take over the Prince’s Trust as that would mean having to do some work for a worthy cause. It should have been a no-brainer as it is all set up and basically runs itself. All he would have to do os turn up at some events on a regular basis. It seems that it too much for him as he’s so busy with all his own projects – Lol.
    If things had been different, it would have been an ideal project for Harry to run as he engages much better than his father and brother with people of various backgrounds.

  10. Jay says:

    The Prince’s Trust is one of the few well respected royal-adjacent organizations, so I’m not surprised that Charles won’t relinquish it to his lazy heir. He knows that William will not put in the work, and Charles is all about preserving his own legacy at this point.

    Yes, it doesn’t reflect well on William, but I see it more as his father wanting to make sure that the people know exactly where the credit should go – to the King, not the POW.

  11. BayTampaBay says:

    Which is why David “Linley” Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon should take over the ‘Executive Chair” of the King’s Trust.

    Charles will get ALL the credit, the Earl of Snowdon is royal adjacent & very capable plus he “gets on” very well with KFCIII.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Conveniently, the bags of cash will remain firmly under the umbrella of the King’s control. I have to admit it’s clever of Charles to set it up this way.

  12. Lau says:

    It must be so embarrassing to have to admit that your son and heir is just too lazy to take on your work after you.

  13. Mslove says:

    I wonder what will happen to Chuck’s beloved organizations once he kicks the bucket? Peg is not going to be kind to Chuck’s legacy, given how Chuck treated Diana and Chuck knows it.

  14. Milady Digby says:

    FK has just announced his intention to do a lot less so that by the time he ascends to the throne he will just be doing statutory duties that he can not delegate. Just unbelievable and yes, what a lazy Pollock!

  15. Mary Pester says:

    Hey Charlie boy, how does it feel to know the hardest working son, the son who FOUNDED a charity, a foundation that is respected all around the world is not there to carry on your legacy. You should have known what a lazy little prat William is, because you were told by his mother, his tutors, your mother and his bodyguard Ken Wharf that he is. But your vanity and your BCH of a wife bent your ear to get rid of him, because she thought he was a threat to her, but in her twisted way, turned that for your benefit as a threat to you!
    Did you not remember, that as a teenager he founded Sentebale with prince Seeso, and it’s still going strong today, where as charities that are your eldest sons and daughter in laws have gone bust. Well done Charlie, well done. You have fkd the throne, fkd your charities and fkd your legacy

  16. Sunday says:

    Do the genuises at the palace realize that they’ll have to change the name AGAIN if they want to keep these organizations separate from Will? You know, since one day King’s Trust will apply to him again (barf)?

    This seems like a direct response to Will’s claims of wanting to do everything different, for “real” impact. Charles is saying, ok sure, now there won’t be any confusion about which royals did things the old, bad way and the new amazing world-changing things Will is surely about to implement any second now. The term hoisted by his own petard comes to mind.

  17. rawiya says:

    Not his sonS, but his son. He has a son who would have gladly taken on his charities and would have done great work with them. But that son married a black woman, so.

  18. Shawna says:

    Sort of sad because Charles’s best work is now behind him. (Sort of.)

  19. J.ferber says:

    Yeah, this has nothing to do with Harry, who has been out for four years. His lazy son William is the target here. Charles stupidly tossed the wrong son, of course. Harry and Meghan would have gladly taken it all on and done an amazing job. But then, Charles would be jealous and start his persecution of H and M all over again. Being lazy really does work out for William, bc he will never outshine his dogshit father.

  20. J.ferber says:

    Yeah, this has nothing to do with Harry, who has been out for four years. His lazy son William is the target here. Charles stupidly tossed the wrong don, of course. Harry and Meghan would have gladly taken it all on and done an amazing job. But then, Charles would be jealous and start his persecution of H and M all over again. Being lazy really does work out for William, bc he will never outshine his dogshit father. Everyone wins except for England.

  21. Pam says:

    What exactly is William going to do when he’s king? He can’t keep not working forever. It’s just idiocy.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Pam, I think that as King he will do whatever he wants, because who will stop him? That’s the problem with a Monarchy. They have no one delving into the things that really need to be investigated.