Princess Kate wore a purple Emilia Wickstead suit to her ‘national symposium’

Here are some photos of the Princess of Wales arriving at the Design Museum in London, where she’s hosting the “Shaping Us National Symposium” with the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. It’s a wonder she hasn’t hyped this symposium for weeks, but I would assume that she was told that she couldn’t spread her promises to be keen far and wide given how much attention King Charles and Prince William needed for their respective tours and projects. The fact that we only heard about the symposium on Monday has given this whole thing a slap-dash feel. Not only that, it feels typical of Kate’s projects – wholly organized by staff, and Kate just shows up in a new outfit and gurns.

Speaking of the new outfit, Kate’s purple suit is by Emilia Wickstead, according to the Mail. I thought it had a McQueen feel to it, but if it’s Wickstead, so be it. No shade, it’s a great suit and it looks great on Kate. She looks much fresher and more well-rested here than she did during Remembrance Sunday. It’s painful that Kate doesn’t wear purple, burgundy and blood red more often because those colors really suit her.

Kate’s staff briefed the media that this symposium has gathered experts from “21 countries” to conduct “a first of its kind global listening exercise.” Meaning, this all should have been a report with bullet points which then gets emailed and shared among experts. Kate also promised to give a “landmark speech.” They’re setting her up to fail. They also made her wear a different suit so they could make a dumb preview video.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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136 Responses to “Princess Kate wore a purple Emilia Wickstead suit to her ‘national symposium’”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    She looks like Grimace. Keep trying Kate.

    • Cessily says:

      I was going to go with, “she looks like Barney” since it’s early years maybe the purple dinosaur was the look she was going for🤷🏻‍♀️. I think that suit looks horrible.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        I also dislike the suit intensely. It’s a bad purple, and the pants are too narrow, and jacket too long for the pants, imo. Not good, all around.

      • SquiddusMaximus says:

        I typically hew to “you’re being way too mean to Kate”, but in this case I don’t think the criticism goes far enough. This is objectively hideous, and I can only imagine it’s more jarring in person, when your eyes have to process a bright purple full suit in person. If she were a colleague, we would immediately craft an equally ridiculous nickname and refer to her by it exclusively behind her back. Princess Purple People Eater? I dunno, let me run this by my boss.

      • Jais says:

        Like we’ve said before, she does look good in jewel tones. I’m just not sure this bright purple suit qualifies as a jewel tone. A deeper plum would’ve been better. But otherwise eh whatever it’s fine. It’s a suit she’s wearing. Cuz that’s what she does now. Yawn. It just doesn’t feel super authentic. Pantsuit Barbie is her mode right now. And as she seems to be wearing a lot of repeats it might be for a while. Personally, I think she should go back in the archive to her old coat dresses for nostalgia’s sake.

    • Kittenmom says:

      Don’t insult my man Grimace like that 😹

    • Megan says:

      I had a nearly identical suit in 1992.

    • Roan Inish says:

      I’m surprised she can even smile while wearing 4” stilettos with her bunions. That must be torture.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Kate will never be the smartest, most accomplished, most stylish, or most loved woman in any room, but by God she will do her best to be the tallest and the skinniest!

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      She was trying to kopykate M’s purple dress of the same shade as she even wore very similar navy blue suede shoes.

    • missy polenco says:

      NO MATTER WHAT suit she wears she will always be Dumpy. She literally has not 1 drop of swag.

    • ales says:

      She desperately needs a stylist. Short legs, tiny hips, large shoulders, very muscular arms and legs, 12 inch heels plus buttons, she is totally oblivious about wearing clothes to suit her shape. Money does not buy class or style.

    • roooth says:

      My first thought was, “Meghan does her prep work.” The purple suit is awful in front of the blue. Meghan does her prep work, including what color backdrop she will speak in front of, and she chooses her color palette accordingly. Its all about attention to detail – but that’s work, and Kate doesn’t do work, prep or otherwise.

    • 1960tlm says:

      She also did the no makeup makeup look, which is Meghan’s signature look. Usually Kate wears a lot of makeup. She copied Meghan’s hair, make-up, style (by wearing a pant suit) & shoes. She’s pathetic.

  2. Haylie says:

    That’s your idea of a great suit that looks great on her? No ma’am.

    I see Chris Jackson is back to photoshopping her saggy sunken in face. Good for her.

    • The Duchess says:

      If this is the photoshopped result, then she must look even more ghastly in person. Her botox budget has clearly been revoked and her face is collapsing as a result. Yeesh…

      • Lemons says:

        Yeah…we are seeing the wrinkles now. Chris is either making the (right) call to stop smoothing so much of the wrinkles so that the untouched photos don’t look so jarring or he’s just tired of editing the photos so much.

        He probably feels the difference after photographing Meghan and just doesn’t want to work so hard to keep Keen looking halfway decent.

        Ladies (and men), please build a skincare regimen into your daily routine outside of just getting botox…Kate is a prime example of what NOT doing the work will get you.

      • [insert_catchy_name] says:

        Her eyes look weird, that’s all I’ve got.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        In that second photo, it looks like the parts of her face that Kate had work done on, are fighting with the parts of her face that are trying to follow nature’s laws. It’s wonky. (And no, I don’t usually criticize people’s faces, but work done on a face is a conscious choice that person made)

    • SunnyDays says:

      The fit of the blazer is pretty good on her. That’s where it ends for me. Something is off about the fit of the pants. And as usual her eye makeup and shoe choices are horrible.

      This is the first time I’ve seen her forehead in awhile because her mop top is off her face…her forehead/eyebrows look absolutely frozen in a way they haven’t been before. I still maintain her weird 70s wig was so exaggerated to hide some botched work she had done. Maybe it’s somewhat settled now.

      And as usual she looks dead inside.

      • Josephine says:

        I’m with you – blazer is fine, the rest is not great. The fit of the pants seems dated to me – they need to be a trouser with a flare leg or tighter, a true straight leg. The shoes, as always, are a horror show. And the color is too Easter egg. I was hoping for a richer hue when I read the word “purple”.

        But nothing dates her and drags her down more than that mop on her head. She so desperately needs a fresh cut. I guess she can’t cut it so long as Meghan’s hair is long? But Meghan has glorious hair, so Khhate really needs to chose the style that works with what she has.

      • Aidevee says:

        Do you know what, I feel there is justifiable criticism to be levelled at Kate’s work – as a public servant I think that scrutiny is very important. But all this commenting on her face does no women any good. Can’t we try to do a bit better than bandy around insults about Botox and wrinkles and jowels?

    • Sam says:

      Agree Haylie!!
      That suit looks super cheap, sorry…
      And I think Kate looks almost worse than she did at the weekend! Because she has this appointment at noon and not in the afternoon she looks like she just got out of bed (bluffy eyes and dark circles of death). In Getty Images you can easily see which photographers (e.g. Jackson) photoshops Kate or put a filter over the picture and who don’t. Sorry, but Kate looks worse than ever today.

      • Sam says:

        If you need something to scare you and if you can handle the second hand embarrassed than look at the pictures in Getty Images of her..
        There are some really bad pics of her skin… much worse than the one Kaiser postet!

      • seaflower says:

        @sam her left check seems puffy, and right eye droopy.

      • Amber says:

        @Sam I just looked on Getty and her cheeks look really overfilled, even hard in spots. I’m always amazed that ~powerful~ women are allowed to get such terrible work done.

    • sparrow says:

      Exactly, Haylie. I have the feeling she went totally mad over those remembrance photos; released the snorkelling video early to distract attention yesterday; demanded the fresh face headline, as if the weekend was just sad face; and got Jackson to slather her with photoshop today. Like a lot of us said, her fans are so easily fooled by photoshop and prefer to think she sometimes looks tired.

    • Taytanish says:

      The photoshopping is out of control, that is NOT Kate Midleton in any of those pictures. Except for the 2 right hand fingers that look like they’ve been exposed to too much stomach acid (IMO, please don’t come for me), nothing else looks like Kate Middleton.
      She looks horrendous in everything she wears, including this outfit. It don’t matter how much lipstick they apply on this pig, it’s still very much a pig.

      • sparrow says:

        The pictures have been so ramped up that her face almost looks like it’s made of white gauze. Similar effect to the editing when she’s in a room full of people and there’s a fake halo of light around her to photoshop out the sags and bags.

      • SarahCS says:

        If you told me this was a woman in her 70’s who’d had a ton of work done then been heavily photoshopped I would believe you.

      • Miggie says:


    • Miggie says:

      That’s such a rude comment.

  3. Krista says:

    While I agree she looks more rested than on Sunday, I have to disagree about the suit. Maybe up close it’s different, but to me it looks cheap and polyester-looking. And it’s not just her doing it, but I’m not a fan of the all one colour look. Just me, I guess.

    • Lulu says:

      That’s a whole lot of purple.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s just photoshop! They didn’t have time to photoshop her at remembrance. Today they have, loads. “Fresh faced” is also meant to distract you from remembering how bad she looked as real Kate at the weekend.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yeah I’m with you on the suit, I don’t think it looks expensive. It’s better than a lot of the horrors she’s worn but it’s a no from me. I also wonder is a dark blue slip/top underneath would tie in with the shoes and not look like she’s naked under the jacket. It might be too matchy but for me it needs something at the top.

      • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

        I agree that Kate should wear more jewel tones like purple or red, but this suit looks like something I would have bought from the Victoria’s Secret catalog back in the 90s.

  4. Tbonesmum says:

    The delivery of the speech was terrible. Kate stopped in the middle of sentences and then rushed through pauses. As usual it was hard to understand anything she said. My 12 year old made the speech finals of her school last week and she and the other two finalists would have delivered that speech in a much better way. It was clear that Kate had not practiced the speech beforehand.

  5. Flower says:

    If this twit had any sense – she would lean into this as her style -i.e bright colours to camouflage her black heart.

    And again she has Meghan to thank for wearing trousers.

    So much to say and unpack here.

    • Chloe says:

      I actually need her to go back to her 19th century housewife cosplay and leave the suits for Meghan. It still angers me that Meghan got berated for them while Kate is lauded as a modernizer.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        And can you imagine the number of articles that would be written slamming Meghan if had worn a blazer without a shirt underneath?! I can’t believe Kkkeen doesn’t even have a camisole on.

        And I don’t like the suit at all. It looks like a polyester special from 1993.

  6. Cathy says:


    But Barney appears to have forgotten her folder? It’s marked with a big “C” and the word “speech”. It may surprise you but it contains a speech!

    Let me read you the first line, it goes like this…
    🎶I love you, you love me🎶

  7. seaflower says:

    Someone tailored a suit to fit her better. The cut and colour looks good on her. Although I wonder what’s up with her right eye. It seems droopy.

    Ok, my snark for my post: “experts from “21 countries” to conduct “a first of its kind global listening exercise.” that is exactly like every other conference of industry experts and academics run world wide.

    • Jais says:

      Good point, aren’t all international symposiums and conferences about listening? What makes this a first of its kind?

  8. Roo says:

    I’ve come to really dislike the word “listening” due to her PR machine. Why are these experts there? Surely they’ve read each others works in professional publications. Why is everyone stuck there, listening, when many UK children are in a real housing, heat and food crisis?

  9. LeaTheFrench says:

    Mmh, not a fan of the tailoring – but yes, it’s a good colour for her, and her hair is less distracting. Can’t wait to hear more about the “landmark speech”…

  10. SAS says:

    The suits seems proportionally off, but I do like the colour.

    Holy photoshop Batman. Also, the giant bangs are no longer (and they really want us to believe she doesn’t play around with hairpieces?!)

    • sparrow says:

      I know, SAS. It’s smoke and mirrors continually. The photoshop is back, but fans believe she’s just fresh faced again after such momentously realistic photos at remembrance. The hair has changed, but people think it’s just a style change rather than hunks of fake hair being removed and readjusted. And so it goes on.

  11. Becks1 says:

    I know I keep saying this, but everything about her Early Years just reminds me of a HS or college student who forgot they had a paper due so they just threw a bunch of words together at the last minute and tried to make everything sound as important as possible while also being completely meaningless.

    I guess they had time to photoshop her when its just her at this event and not with all the other royals.

    The purple looks nice with her and I like the jacket but I dont love the cut of the pants.

    • ChattyCath says:

      Expect that’s how she wrote her essays for her Stalking and History of Art degree. That colour is really horrible. Why not team the jacket with a different colour. Polyester… some of us have to.

  12. Valar Dohaeris says:

    The jacket fits great, and she really should wear more jewel tones…that colour looks great on her. But I really do not understand why the pants fit so…odd. She’s a tall, attractive, wealthy woman. Clothes shouldn’t be that hard to fit and style well. It’s almost like she has a genetic aversion to style. Goodness.
    I can’t wait to watch her mumble her way through her speech. We’re the same age. She has access and a platform I could only dream of, and for the life of me, I do not get why this woman is so useless.

  13. Loretta says:

    No one is talking about this engagement of her, even in the daily mail it’s at the bottom of the homepage. It seems that unless there is something about the Sussexes, no one cares about the royal family

  14. Nanea says:

    Mumblina McButtons and her uninspiring technicolor pantsuits.

    Why would she think that *smug* and guffawing are the expressions she should go for?

    What is it with that light eye shadow?

    Why is Kate…

  15. The Duchess says:

    It took her 12 years to come up with this speech and she still read it like she was seeing it for the first time. She will never learn, she’s permanently lazy. The crowd deserve better than to be subjected to this nonsense.

    • Harper says:

      Check the court circular. If she had practiced the speech it would have been in there. My guess is no.

  16. Chloe says:

    A listening exercise? Meaning what exactly? What does that even entail?

  17. Legally Black says:

    This might be the best suit she’s ever worn, even if I don’t like it. The way the blazer hits her at the hips and flares a bit is a good look on her, and without making her legs look short. I’m not sure about the navy shoes, but that’s just me. But even though the outfit is right, it still feels like someone playing dress-up. Amazing how much personality plays a part.

  18. Nope don’t like the suit. Doesn’t appear to be wearing a wig. Must of only had enough to buy new suit. Waiting to see pictures of the experts looking confused at what she is saying.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    I just get the impression that the British press is very bored by this initiative and they much prefer to talk about Harry and Meghan.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Yeah it is obvious that Sussex hate/drama is driving the SEO, not What Kate Wore.

      I like the suit. It’s a great color for her and appears to be properly tailored for her form. But the Brexit Grannies are probably really frustrated by this. I know a lot of people on my royal style group used to joke that Queen Letizia (before she was queen and had a better clothing budget … she didn’t have a lot relatively speaking) was “the world’s prettiest bank manager” for the suits she liked wearing.

  20. Mslove says:

    At least she’s not wearing a tacky necklace.

  21. ML says:

    I agree with Kaiser on the suit. This is a much better color on her than she usually wears, and the tailoring is also much improved. Surprising modern and thankfully not stolen from Meghan’s closet so to speak.
    As to Shaping Us…my expectations are low.

    • Tessa says:

      Badly fitting makes her look too thin and purple does not look good her smirking is annoying

      • ML says:

        A colleague lost his teenage daughter to anorexia this year, and he is a mess. ED are nasty, they’re often a symptom of mental health issues, but you need to treat the ED before you can fully treat the underlying mental problems. I think at a personal level, this woman is not well, she’s not charming, and I don’t think she’s being treated well (which she then passes on). I’ve decided to limit what I comment about her a while back.
        I have no issue going after her “work” or conspicuous lack thereof. She’s not made any effort to improve her public speaking skills and pops up every once in a while to listen to issues that never get fixed.
        Her style is usually a remarkable mix of Wallis Simpson combined with military prairie core with a bit of fairytale princess thrown in. But not in an artsy way. The clothes wear her. She seemingly has not gotten a grasp on which colors suit her best either. To me, this purple color is much better than the pastels or yellow tints she sometimes has on. And it’s not a 1940s or button-covered military suit. This, for her, is definitely a win.

  22. Eurydice says:

    Good suit, fits her well. My choice would have been to wear a short high-heeled boot to keep the line from being broken, but I’m a lot shorter than she is.

  23. Smart&Messy says:

    The jacket is a bit dated looking, but the color is nice, and the pants look well-taylored from what we can see. I even like the shoes. The blue clashes with the purple and yet I like them together.

  24. FancyPants says:

    Is it just me, or does she have a LOT less hair today?

    • Tbonesmum says:

      Maybe Louis took the rest of of it to School for show and tell?

    • sparrow says:

      She’s also showing a lot more skin today. Does anyone remember when Meghan got ripped to shreds for a similar look, as if she’d brought the royal family to its knees with shame? She’s just stalking the woman. Suppose it’s inbred, having stalked her husband.

    • Becks1 says:

      I noticed in the pictures of her leaving the party last night her hair also looked flatter. Wonder if she is back to the wiglets and not full on wigs?

  25. equality says:

    A “first of its kind”? Wonder if she’s ever heard of Cambridge (you know where one of her titles comes from). They had their THIRD edition International Children’s Conference in June. Not to mention the UN has hosted conferences for children’s issues.

    • Krista says:

      Right. Maria Montessori and Dr. Spock.

    • [insert_catchy_name] says:

      Yeah I know there are some experts in the field on here. Is this REALLY a first of it’s kind global listening exercise? I’m highly dubious.

      Also, personally I don’t love that shade of purple, but it could work if she wasn’t the sort of person who constantly has her clothes wear her.

      • Krista says:

        No – sorry – I meant there have been noted experts, such as Montessori, Spock, since the 1800s.
        Kate isn’t even talking about something new.

  26. ncboudicca says:

    I hate the shoes. Beyond that, who here walks into work on the day of a Big Meeting without even a nice folio or notebook and a pen. I mean, I wasn’t expected her to carry a laptop bag or anything, but she could at least try to look like it’s serious work….

    Again, the way she holds her fingers as if she’s picking at them constantly is also unnerving. Someone get this woman a fidget spinner!!

  27. sparrow says:

    1. I hate purple. Sorry to the lovers of purple!
    2. The headline “fresh faced”! Someone really got to them after those remembrance photos. As if we’re meant to believe that remembrance Kate was caught on an off day, afflicted by emotion, rather than real Kate. So, good grief, the photoshop on these is notched to max, so much so she appears as if she’s under gauze.

  28. Tessa says:

    She looks self satisfied . Purple does not suit her.

    • sparrow says:

      That look she gives to the camera as she enters a venue – that’s her Chris Jackson photo op. I’m sure she kind of smirks at him knowing her look is safe this time.

  29. Lauren says:

    Is it just me or is this a purple version of the white suit Princess Leonor of Spain wore for her 18th birthday ceremony.
    Not loving the shade of purple either it seems a bit dull for a usually vibrant color.

  30. Caitlin says:

    Even if the suit was met with unanimous approval, she is completely lacking in substance. Like opening up a present that’s wrapped up in fancy paper only to find an empty box.

  31. sparrow says:

    Can someone tell me how the speech went. I simply can’t bear her voice and delivery. Out of 10, where 10 is good and one is disaster. Thank you.

    • Krista says:

      It was awful. She was impossible to understand and the speech itself is exactly the same one she’s given for the last 5 years – she cares about early childhood … deeply.

  32. Amy says:

    WHY IS THERE NO NECKLACE?! She looks like she was hurried and forgot to put one on.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Eh. A necklace would have made this more formal. It’s a day event. She usually OVER accessorizes so it’s refreshing to not see her in clunky jewelry for a change.

  33. Chaine says:

    The color is fab on her. Suit fits her nicely, too. She even seems more confident wearing it, at least in the photos. Haven’t listened to the speech yet. The only change I would make would be at the neckline, it looks a little too naked. Maybe a thin chain with a small pendant that would compliment the earrings.

  34. Ameerah M says:

    Princess CEO is on the scene to jazz hand and mumble her way through the day! The purple looks good on her. She should stick to these tones and stop trying to be a neutrals Queen like Meghan. They don’t suit her.

  35. Gabby says:

    Anyone else here old enough to remember Casual Corner? Uh-huh.

    • Libra says:

      @gabby. A blast from the past!! I have 2 day dresses from Casual Corner that I can still wear ( on a good day.) The quality from years ago remains pretty good compared to the cheap workmanship for the same price now. Thanks for the memories!

    • anniefannie says:

      The suit much like her charitable efforts are always wrong. This is why you can’t copy people or mask interest! if it isn’t authentically you, it screams and people notice. Kate can’t wear a modern trouser because she has to emphasize how skinny she is, as a result it’s dated ( don’t get me started on the matchy shoes)
      Her early years work doesn’t come from an authentic desire for change but more from a look at me “ I’m a global change maker”

    • Dee says:

      My favorite outfits in my college professor days were from Casual Corner. I still have one sweater that gets compliments each time I wear it. Loved Casual Corner back in the day.

  36. Krista says:

    Just listened to her groundbreaking speech- sgevwss very hard to understand but all she was regurgitate the same old storyline- she cares about early childhood. Sure Kate.

  37. Beech says:

    I’m reading Hilary Mantel’s A Memoir of My Former Self that includes the famous Royal Bodies essay written ten years ago. She writes about Chaz, Elizabeth and Henry the VIII but what was written about Keen that made headlines. It’s as if she was built specially for the royal family, “painfully thin” “precision-made, machine made” ” a perfect plastic smile”. Lethal, right? But of her first official portrait, “her eyes are dead.” Yesterday there were some CB “dead eye”comments. I wonder if periodically she goes in for for a royal tune-up.

  38. QuiteContrary says:

    I like the color of the shoes, but I hate the basic style. But Cathy is basic.

  39. Mary Pester says:

    Ahhh, ain’t that sweet, keen came dressed as willy’s emoji 🙄
    Bite me Billy 😂😂🤣

  40. Grant says:

    I quite like the suit and the color. I’m also very glad she isn’t wearing nude pumps!

    • L4Frimaire says:

      She’s wearing navy blue pumps, with that purple suit. Same colors Meghan wore to her One Young World appearance in 2019 when she was a working royal. Ugh she’s such a clown.

  41. Lau says:

    She looks like an eggplant, perhaps she’s trying to pass a message to William.

  42. Auroreg says:

    The wig seems off duty, and it suit her. She seems relaxed, more at ease when william is not with her. With all the harsh comment about her face at last week event, I felt sorry for her. This vogue pic is a bitchin ´ karma payback !

  43. Jaded says:

    I could only watch about 15 seconds of her speech and couldn’t get past the fake posh accent and only understood about 1 out of 3 words. She really needs some public speaking lessons. Another performative nothingburger. And I hate the suit, she should have worn something underneath the jacket and the colour is overpowering.

    • Libra says:

      English is my first language and I strained to understand her so turned off the video, which needed closed captions imo.

  44. tamsin says:

    I think it’s a good suit and she looks good in it. It would be really cool if she wore some sharp flat shoes with the suit. It would show off her height, actually. Those navy pumps just don’t seem to do anything for the overall look.

  45. L4Frimaire says:

    Holy sh*t! Just noticed the shoe color she’s paired with that suit. It really is blatant but emphasizes her utter lack of substance.This is why this woman can’t be taken seriously, has a lot of issues, and uses these events to showcase me, myself, and I. Hope she gets what she deserves in this life because she is truly a terrible person, but of course she’ll be cosseted and excuses made for her vicious mediocrity. I’m going back to mute. Disgusted.

  46. MsIam says:

    Why does Keen’s pantsuit look so dated? Women still wear them (Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton) but this one looks super old fashioned and I hate to say this but it looks cheap too. She looked better and more polished in the black pantsuit from a couple of weeks ago.

  47. olliesmom says:

    Prince wore the purple suit better……..

    Now I’ve got Purple Rain running through my head. Not a bad thing.

  48. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    A global listening exercise? So now Kate is getting others to “listen,” just like her? I guess if she puts out enough press releases, it will appear as if she’s doing something when she really isn’t. At this point, “useless” is a huge understatement.

  49. Over it says:

    I am sorry but I can’t take Kate seriously even if I wanted to when she is in this purple suit because all I keep thinking about is that she looks like a pimp. . A dark blue suit or grey or dark green would have been much better.

  50. Her again says:

    I hate the way straight leg pants hit the feet when wearing heels. It’s just awkward……..

    I think a boot cut, where only the front half of the feet are visible, would look so much better.

  51. Jay says:

    This is not a bad suit on her, and I actually like the colour ( but not the double-breasted covered buttons). For Kate, this does exactly what she intended: keeps all eyes on her.

    The one thing I would change is to wear a visible shirt or tank top peeking out over the blazer. To me the look of just wearing a blazer over her bare skin looks a bit odd here, and highlights her neck and chest area in a way that is… not flattering.

    I have seen lots of examples where a blazer worn by itself can look edgy and fashion-forward! I just don’t think that’s in Keen’s wheelhouse. For example, Meghan has worn this look in white at Invictus, but she chose an oversized, boxy jacket rather than one fitted to within an inch of its life.

  52. AmyB says:

    She’s awful, but that color is great on her. Purple and burgundy are her colors.

  53. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I love color, so the color doesn’t make me unhappy. What I would have done is put a scarf around my neck with colors complimentary to the purple. I would have worn flats and NOT navy blue. I would have also worn a shell under the jacket, but I think a scarf could have saved this look.

  54. Lee says:

    She looks good! Great outfit

  55. HK9 says:

    Love the colour…just wish she would’ve worn black shoes with this….

  56. Norvell says:

    She’s been “bringing together experts” for several years now. At what point will this so-called “work” lead to actual change to improve?