Paris Hilton welcomes a second baby, daughter London

In January 2023, Paris Hilton made headlines for welcoming a baby boy named Phoenix Barron via surrogacy. Paris had kept the pregnancy a secret from everyone, including her family. Well, from everyone except her producers and camera crew, of course. Little Phoenix’s debut and introduction to his maternal family will be featured prominently in season 2 of Peacock’s Paris in Love. On Thanksgiving, Paris revealed that she had done it again. This time, she and husband Carter Reum welcomed Paris’ long-awaited baby girl, named London.

On Thursday, Paris, who is already mom to a little boy named Phoenix, shared a series of heartwarming social media posts announcing the birth of her second baby with husband Carter Reum. In one of her TikTok videos, Paris can be heard asking her young family members, “You guys excited for your new cousin?” before telling them, “I have two babies.”

The comments were immediately flooded with congratulatory messages from fans, one of which read, “OMG ANOTHER BABY!!!! A GIRL SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!”

Paris quickly entered the conversation herself, replying to the above comment, “My princess has arrived!”

In another two videos, Paris wrote that she was celebrating Phoenix being a “big brother.” She and Carter welcomed the little boy via surrogate earlier this year in January, and prior to his birth, she’d been super open about her “tough” IVF experience.

Meanwhile, over on Instagram, Paris announced the name and sex of her new child by sharing a sweet photo of a pink baby outfit with the word “London” printed across. “Thankful for my baby girl,” she wrote in the caption.

[From Buzzfeed]

Honestly, I don’t hate it when people do “themed” names for their children, so I think it’s cute that she stuck with the city theme and named her daughter London. It’s a pretty name, too. Paris has been telling people for years that London was her “girl name” if she ever had a daughter. In an interview last year, she said that her future daughter’s name would be “London Marilyn Hilton Reum.” Marilyn is her paternal grandmother’s name, the wife of Barron, who inspired Phoenix’s middle name. Both of my children have middle names that honor a grandfather on each side, so I’m also a sucker for family names. I wonder what city-themed names Paris will use in the future. Vienna? Milan? Dallas? Aaaand I’ll stop myself there before I go down a rabbit hole. Congrats to Paris on finally getting her little girl named London. I’m looking forward to the many awkward Instagram poses to come.

photos via Instagram

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23 Responses to “Paris Hilton welcomes a second baby, daughter London”

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  1. Whyforthelove says:

    She seems to be really enjoying being a mom. I think it was so smart for her to wait until she was more mature to be a parent. That little boy is so funny, he is clearly already a pro at posing for the camera hahaha

  2. Nanea says:

    New York, London, Paris, Munich – ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout…

    Sorry, I’ll see myself out.

    Congrats to the Hilton Reums and to big brother Phoenix. May the kids be happy and healthy.

    That said, doesn’t the father’s family have any first names?

  3. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    Congratulations to them. It’s nice that she’s finally getting the family she always wanted.

    Sydney would be a good gender-neutral, city-themed name.

  4. Eurydice says:

    Vladivostok? But, seriously, wishing them all the best.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Topeka, Podunk, Knockemstiff, Truth or Consequences–truly endless choices right here in the US of A.

  5. LongThymeLurker says:

    That is one sweet baby, loved when he was looking at the tree and gently reached out to touch the branches!

  6. Val says:

    I swear I’m not even hating on her… but as a mom to a 15 month old who’s pregnant with her second and dreading having two under two (we’re thrilled, just naturally apprehensive of the work load and how massive a life change this will be), I sure think it would be hella nice to have surrogates carry the pregnancies and nanny’s and night nurses help me with the kids. I’m not judging her need for a surrogate either. Just pointing out how nice it would be to put in minimal work and get two kids out of it. But hey, bless her. Not all of us can be so lucky.

    • Mercury says:

      I dont consider Paris lucky. She is still a pathetic, racist, and vile human being

    • wordnerd says:

      @Val – congrats! When are you due? I have a 20-month-old who’s going through a sleep regression (woke up at 4:45 a.m. today!) and I’m due in May with our second. I’m thrilled but also dreading those sleepless months in the beginning. These perfectly staged photos of Paris make me laugh – what I wouldn’t give for around-the-clock help in those early days.

      • Val says:

        Feb 20th! Good luck!

      • Rosie says:

        @Val, congratulations! Speaking as a February baby who also has a February baby, it’s a great birthday month haha. 🙂

      • kiks says:

        It sounds like your two will be spaced exactly like mine. They’re now 4 and almost 2, and they ADORE each other. It is the best thing ever. I barely remember anything about #2’s infancy because of the sleep deprivation lol but it is truly such a blessing to have two. Congratulations!

    • Stephanie says:

      She doesn’t “need” a surrogate (no one NEEDS a surrogate). She’s afraid of pregnancy and dying in childbirth but she doesn’t care about buying another woman’s body to endure the risks. (

      • l says:

        I’m sorry but what?!? How can you say no one needs a surrogate? There are millions of women who can’t carry their own babies for a million different reasons.

  7. Kirsten says:

    Congratulations to her and family!

  8. DenverD says:

    Not pictured: the child “Dad” abandoned?

  9. lisa says:

    are these filters on her? I would never guess it is her in some of them

  10. Libra says:

    Her ego would be intolerant of a less than perfect child. I think she waited to scope the child out before announcing. I’m not being harsh, just stating what I believe is a good possibility.

  11. NEENA ZEE says:

    Um, I think Phoenix is a reference to the mythical bird that symbolizes immortality and renewal. Not the city in Arizona, lol.