Oprah showed off her dramatic transformation at ‘The Color Purple’ LA premiere

Here are some photos of Oprah Winfrey, or “Who?” if you’re Prince Edward and Sophie. Oprah attended the LA premiere of The Color Purple, which she executive produced. The Color Purple is a book by Alice Walker, which was then adapted into a film, which was then adapted into a successful Broadway musical, and now the Broadway musical has been adapted into a film. Steven Spielberg (who directed the original film) was there and he still loves Oprah. Meanwhile, all anyone can talk about is Oprah’s weight loss and general transformation. She has lost a lot of weight in the past year or so. She spoke to Entertainment Tonight about it:

Oprah Winfrey is putting in the work when it comes to getting fit and healthy, and it’s clear the effort is paying off. Talking with ET’s Kevin Frazier from the purple carpet, Winfrey, 69, addressed her recent physical transformation when asked what she’s been doing to get results.

“It’s not one thing, it’s everything,” Winfrey shared. Winfrey emphasized just how much she’s had to change and do to look fantastic, and added, “I intend to keep it that way.”

“I was on that treadmill today,” explained Winfrey, who basked in the spotlight in her stunning ensemble.

[From ET]

While she’s lost a lot of weight, I actually think the biggest thing she’s done is get a breast reduction? Oprah used to be stacked, and while some women go down a bra size when they lose weight, Oprah’s bust looks dramatically smaller. I wouldn’t blame her if she got a reduction – I am also stacked, and it really affects my back and shoulders. Now, is Oprah doing other things too? For sure. Whatever she’s doing, it hasn’t affected her face though – she doesn’t have “Ozempic face.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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48 Responses to “Oprah showed off her dramatic transformation at ‘The Color Purple’ LA premiere”

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  1. Jensies says:

    She looks beautiful, that color and that dress, they are working for her. I had to check her age because I’d say late 40s if I didn’t know better. Good for her, glad she’s doing well and having her moment.

  2. Nicole says:

    As a fellow blessed in the chest girl, I am not mad if she had a reduction. She has ownership stake in Weight Watchers, so I’m sure she is following a lot of the behavior modification tips. And I suspect that she’s wearing really good shape ware.

    I will say that Ms. O has an amazing head of hair, and I am not a fan of that wig. I get it, she’s doing a lot of red carpets and it can be hard on natural tresses, but she needs to talk to Queen Bey about a good wig person. I do not like the auburn highlights.

    • WaterDragon says:

      It also looks like she had the loose skin batwings removed from her upper arms. She looks terrific.

    • Yvette says:

      As a busty woman, I want to say that you ‘do’ lose weight there as well. Not everyone needs a reduction. If you gain weight somewhere (and trust, if you have a certain body type you will gain bosom weight), you lose that weight as well. It’s just important to do upper arm and chest exercises with weights to make sure you retain tone.

      LOL! But of course, I don’t have Oprah’s millions. So can’t say for sure how she’s done it. 🙂

      • Nicole says:

        Girl yes. When I lose weight in the bewbies, its like tube socks with tennis balls in them. Sometimes surgical help is needed.

      • Danbury says:

        That’s not the case for everyone. I’ve recently lost a lot of weight, everywhere BUT my chest. And now my back is in constant pain, so I’m thinking of getting a reduction too.

  3. Roast says:

    Hmmm…Ozempic anyone? It still means you have to eat healthy and exercise, but the food drive is gone. She looks amazing.

    • Billy pilgrim says:

      OZEMPIC for sure!!! Wish people would own up to it!

      • MaryContrary says:

        Yes. I mean people don’t have to divulge personal information but if you’re bringing it up-don’t lie. Of course she’s doing all the other things. And you don’t get ozempic face if it’s gradual (which for many people it is-you can be on a smaller dose).

      • Giddy says:

        I will own up to it….I’ve been on Mounjaro for six months and have lost 50 pounds so far.

      • Mei says:

        @Giddy Wishing you luck on your journey, I hope you are feeling healthy. No one should feel they shouldn’t use a weight loss tool if they need it or that it should be a taboo!

    • Chaine says:

      Yep, news at Six, Oprah endorses Ozempic, becomes new spokesperson, announces purchase of shares in company that makes it. That being said, she would look absolutely resplendent in that color and style regardless of her weight.

      • Twin Falls says:

        That being said, she would look absolutely resplendent in that color and style regardless of her weight.

        Yes, I agree.

      • SpankFD says:

        Are we confident Oprah has the connections and the cash for the surgery to reverse “Ozempic face” i.e. where they inject fat from elsewhere in the body into the face?

        I do resent when celebs lie about the intensity of the interventions they use to “look great.” You may attribute it to “many things,” but those things (the shots, the surgeries, the trainers, the chefs) are mostly inaccessible to your audience, Oprah. Read the f***ing room.

      • Absolutely says:

        You hit the nail on the head. Weight Watchers has already invested in an online provider for these drugs. This is from pbs.org in March, “WeightWatchers shares soared Tuesday after the company said it was getting into the prescription drug weight loss business with the acquisition of Sequence. Sequence, a telehealth operator, says that its specialists can prescribe medications under brand names including Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity.”

    • SophieJara says:

      Especially as she did more than not own up to it – she was on camera a few months ago saying it’s a cheating shortcut and people should put in the work. Although now WW is selling it, so…. I thought her remarks were really callous, especially from someone with a private chef. And as a person who has diabetes and a prescription for Ozempic, I personally hope that everyone who can be helped by it is. It changed my life.

    • The Old Chick says:

      Of course it is.. She’s been involved with WW for a number of years and suddenly lost all this weight.. She’s exercised daily for about 30 years. It’s clearly ozempic. Even ww promote it.

  4. Bean says:

    Has anyone seen Stedman lately?
    Not trying to take away from her. She looks great. Stedman was just the first thought to pop in my mind.

  5. Localady says:

    💕 🔥 👏

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Oprah looks fabulous.

  7. Nubia says:

    How did Oprah or rather Why did she hijack this movie? Whoopi was the main star and did great in her role,why did Oprah cling onto this!?

    • M says:

      She literally produced the musical and this move adaptation.

    • Nicole says:

      She didn’t hijack anything. It was a successful Broadway musical here in the states that she produced. It’s just a film adaptation. It’s not the same entity.

    • Thelma says:

      I think she financed the Broadway production IIRC.

      • Nubia says:

        She has been going on and on about this movie since the 90s pre broadway adaption and this film. Many people produce movies and you never hear about it. I just feel like Whoopi has been erased and she was the star unlike Oprahs supporting role.

    • Horrorfatale says:

      It’s the only film work that ever got her an acting Oscar nod. She has been chasing an Oscar for decades and the TCP is only vehicle that has gotten her close, beside producing Selma. Whoppi managed to EGOT for her other work, so she hasn’t needed to keep revisiting TCP in various formats like Oprah.

    • Thelma says:

      If Oprah hadn’t put money into it, this new generation would probably not even know about The Color Purple. Whoopi got an Oscar for the role. I doubt she’s bothered by The Color Purple living on…

    • Oya says:

      People can be salty about Oprah for a LOT of things, but this ain’t one. She didn’t “hijack” anything. She was touting the novel as resonating with her life before Whoopi had anything to do with it. She had a friendship with Alice Walker who suggested Oprah’s Club Club. OBC catapulted respected writers like Alice Walker and Toni Morrison to commercial success that finally rivaled white authors. Oprah did strongly pitch being in the original movie, but she did a very credible job job. She is a producer for this film so of course she’s going to be there.

      • Horrorfatale says:

        Oprah didn’t pitch the original movie or tout the book. This was back in 1985, Oprah was barely on the scene, her show wasn’t even national yet. It didn’t debut until late 1985. The novel was came out in 1982, won a Pulitzer Prize in 1983. Which made Alice Walker the first Black woman to win a Pulitzer, btw. So Oprah didn’t catapult Alice Walker or Toni Morrison into anything, both those ladies were already highly respected when O was still in Chicago doing her morning show. Oprah auditioned for her role, just like Whoopi. Quincy Jones saw Oprah’s show and covinced Alice Walker and Speilberg to give her audition. She was great in her scenes, and Whoopi was AMAZING, she was robbed of her OSCAR that year.

  8. Becks1 says:

    She looks fantastic, that is a great color on her.

    I feel bad that Oprah’s weight struggles have played out so publicly for decades, but I also think its one of the things that helps make her relatable – she’s a billionaire, but she still struggles to be healthy or to lose weight. She’s not one of those celebs saying “you know, just a bite of lettuce in the morning and I’m good!”

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    Spielberg is only a few years older. You would never know from these pics. Just sayin’ there’s more going on here than weight loss.

    Edward and Sophie could never!

  10. JaneS says:

    Ozempic or another brand. Plus plastic surgery plus lots of shape wear, makeup, wig, the works.
    Just admit it.

    Have not seen Stedman any place in a few years.

  11. D says:

    I mean, there’s no way that Oprah, who has struggled for decades with weight loss, is this slim post-menopause without the aid of a drug and surgery. Of course she is also exercising and eating less, the drugs make you less hungry and you exercise for health more than anything else. I’m just so shocked at ALL the people who are noticeably smaller, even regularly thin people who are now reeeaaallly thin. Anne Hathaway comes to mind. She was always slim, got super skinny when she was stressed around her Oscar but then had children and was more her natural thin but not skinny sized. She is looking very refreshed lately and super tiny, able to wear basically anything and she looks like a model. No shade, if that makes you happy and it’s safe then god speed, but I am just shocked by the amount of people doing it, especially when it can have such awful side effects.

    • Bachy says:

      I need to lose about 20 lbs and casually asked my doctor about Ozempic. He was like, “I could give you a scrip but I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I did. You don’t need Ozempic to lose weight. It’s dangerous.” End of discussion.

  12. SIde Eye says:

    She looks spectacular and that color is absolutely gorgeous on her

  13. Nerd says:

    She looks fantastic, but she has always been a very beautiful woman, personality included. I love the dresses style, color and fit on her. Her hair looks great. Doubtful it’s a wig, though I’m not an expert on that, but she has very healthy long hair that she maintains by using protective styles. I also don’t know if her weightloss is Ozempic related because her weightloss has been very gradual based on postings she has shown over the past year of her being more active and conscious of what she eats and does to her body. I don’t know much about Ozempic, but I can’t imagine it is something that would take this long to see a significant difference after using because if so, why would anyone bother? Her breast size would be attributed to the weightloss. They aren’t any smaller than they were when she famously lost all of that weight while in her show. I would even say that they were even smaller back then.

    I’m looking forward to this movie and I’m excited that not only is it being remade in this way but all of the people involved are perfect for the roles they were cast in. It’s an exciting movie to watch for the holiday season.

  14. JustChelle says:

    She looks incredible. Truly incredible. Not begrudging her anything – but does it look like she also had a nose job? Regardless, her MUA did a fabulous contouring job. Agree she’s had a breast reduction – I had one 35 years ago but menopause gave me back the ginormous breasts. My back and shoulders hurt all the time, and they’re so heavy, it’s sometimes hard to get in a good, deep breath. I’m definitely thinking about another reduction.

    I happened to see a snippet of Gayle’s new show on CNN and she also looks 20 years younger. Congrats to both ladies!

  15. Sara says:

    My diabetes was severely under control + I was obese.
    Prescribed Ozempic for free by NHS doctor.
    People are said to lose on average 5 pounds a month. I initially lost 12 to 15 pounds a month the first 6, 8 to 12 afterwards, with no side effects. I didn’t have any side effects besides going from size 22 to 14/16 within 1 year + feeling good about myself + no diabetes in my blood.
    Boobs are where I lost the least weight & I don’t have any marks on my face.
    Diabetic wise, I went from dangerous levels to levels of someone who never had diabetes in her life.
    Ozempic can and is for some of us a lifesaver.

    • EliseM says:

      Help me understand how you can get a prescribed medication like this from a credible doctor without having a proven medical diagnosis for which it is prescribed. My doctor would never give me this drug no matter how much I begged and pleaded my case. If I am not diabetic, I aint gettin’ it. Is there some other way around a doctor I am not aware of?

      • Lucy says:

        She said she was diabetic and got it prescribed? My dad has been prescribed it for diabetes in his 70s. After a year + he’s lost less than 40 pounds, but his blood sugar numbers are almost below diabetes numbers.

      • AJ says:

        Wegovy is for weight loss. It’s the same medicine as ozempic, but it’s specifically prescribed for weight loss.

  16. Lulu says:

    Maybe an unpopular opinion but women don’t owe anyone an explanation how they lost weight and I’d be happy if they weren’t asked the question. Oprah is in her own category though since she is an owner of Weight Watchers and this is the second time she has stressed that she is putting in the work. I’ve been on the treadmill almost every day when I was heavy and after I lost weight.

    • The Old Chick says:

      She’s been involved with WW for a number of years and has ‘put in the work’ for decades. The only time she got this slim was when she was on protein shakes, then stacked it back on. This is drugs not extra effort. The reason why it matters because it shames people who don’t lose weight even when they ‘put in the work’. That’s why. It’s a lie.

      • JaneS says:

        Agree 100%!

      • Kate says:

        I agree that her part ownership of WW and being a spokesperson does make the question of how she lost weight relevant, but otherwise agree it’s really nobody’s business. The problem with taking Ozempic and lying about it while promoting WW (if that is what is happening here) is that it’s false advertising. If there wasn’t that conflict of interest, nobody should care (although of course we know that isn’t the case).

  17. tamsin says:

    The last time I saw a picture of Oprah was the fundraiser at Kevin Costner’s ranch. I didn’t think Oprah looked especially slim? How long ago was the fundraiser?