Princess Anne is the ‘hardest-working royal’ in 2023, with 457 engagements

Ah, time for the annual tradition of royal work analysis! The annual figures for “who are the most hard-working royals” in the British royal family have come out. The numbers are as I expected, with Princess Anne remaining as the hardest-working royal. Usually, Anne and her brother King Charles are in a competition to see who can fit the most royal engagements into a year. Anne won, beating her brother with 457 events compared to the king’s 425 engagements. The only surprise here (for me) was that Prince Edward really is picking up some slack, even though he barely gets any attention.

Princess Anne was the hardest working member of the royal family this year, carrying out 457 royal engagements, 32 more than King Charles.

According to an analysis of public events and official meetings by the Sunday Telegraph, the King ranked in second place, with 425 engagements, while his wife Queen Camilla came in fourth with 233. The Duke of Edinburgh was third with 297 engagements, and his wife the Duchess of Edinburgh was fifth, with 219 engagements.

Prince William and Princess Kate undertook 172 and 128 engagements respectively, with the majority of day-to-day public commitments carried out by royals well into or approaching retirement. The Duke of Gloucester undertook 172 engagements, the same number as William, and the Duchess of Gloucester undertook 117 engagements. The Gloucesters are 79 and 77 years old.

[From The Daily Mail & The Telegraph]

William and Kate’s numbers are really sad, even more so because you know they’ve both padded those numbers. They count phone calls and private meetings with their staff as “engagements.” They both disappear for weeks/months at a time, like it would be the biggest crisis in the world if they did one day of work during their kids’ school holidays. The fact that they basically do the same amount of work as the Gloucesters is so… funny and weird, I guess. I really can’t wait for the dominos to fall on all of this.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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63 Responses to “Princess Anne is the ‘hardest-working royal’ in 2023, with 457 engagements”

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  1. AA says:

    Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if you were the heir to the throne and your 80 year old cousins did as much work as you did?

    • Concern Fae says:

      William’s “terror plan” shows that he finds these sorts of engagements contemptible and beneath him. They gave him some freedom, hoping he’d grow into the role, but it only seems to have made things worse. But he fits right in with the fash-adjacent young Tories. Really have to wonder if there is something even worse being planned by this scary crowd for William. They all long for a monarchy, even in the US.

    • LadyE says:

      Is the Duchess the elderly lady who had to be literally propped up in the coronation photo? This makes me so sad for her, tbh, let that lady relax! Ofc she should continue to do whatever she wants to do and good for her if she’s active and wants to be out and about, but I can’t help wonder if W&K’s laziness makes it so she *can’t* stop doing these events bc she’s like Kate’s numbers partner or something to make Kate look less like an outlier in the pool of lazy : (

      • Elizabeth says:

        No, that was Princess Alexandra, the sister of the Duke of Kent. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester are the ones who always attend the state banquets. They are more senior in line than the Kents.

      • Anonymous says:

        Considering current Sussex titles ‘discussions’ in the UK it’s interesting to see what the current Duchess of Gloucester was styled on her marriage but before her husband inherited the Dukedom (after his brother’s untimely death).

    • Morgan says:

      I want to say that engagements AREN’T work.
      457 hours in a year? On average, many of work 1920 hours, without a driver and assistance avoiding traffic jams. Imagine showing up to your job, receiving fanfare, flowers, staged photographs and 45 minutes later, you’re done. Maybe it’s a benefit, my job isn’t offering.

      • Becks1 says:

        This is always the other side of that coin, right? I would say that any of us on here work more hours than Anne (even if someone doesnt work outside the home) and have harder, more demanding jobs.

        So do I think Anne’s numbers are “impressive” compared to other work? No.

        but in the realm of royal work, her numbers are impressive – and the sad thing is, William can’t even do half of what Anne does. It’s not “work” the way the rest of us know it, but even without it being “work” William can’t keep up.

    • Honeybee says:

      Here are the truth. According to circular she worked 106 days and 127 engagements. But 21 days and 31 engagements were lies. She never held any meetings. Never received any expert in those 21 days. I checked all the available source. From ian hewitt to eamon mccrory were lies. Because she often take photos with them. On 19th April she never received prof. Marc braclatt. He is active in instagram and regulary updates his works. He visited uk on that day but had other engagements. You can check his insta. He never met waity.

      On 29th jun she held a meeting and again a meeting. 2nd engagement???

      No any meeting via phone with dr. Jayne brady of civil service. Nothing was revealed about that. Why she called or what they discussed.

      On 22 November, after the south korean state dinner, what reception dose peg and buttons had??? No any photos?? Who were the guest invited??? Why they had such reception???

      2nd march, received CPs of norway. 1st event. Held a meeting with delegates 2nd event??? How ridiculous??

      And most scandalous lies of peg is he received CP of oman on november. Have anyone seen any photos??? Does the CP know it???

      Waity is waity because she wants to be waity. Just 85 days out of 365.

      Her full day engagement and foregin visit was at jordan wedding. She loves to involve with shady liers like her. And they love licking her butt.

  2. No surprise here with the totals. We know who are the laziest and they are the youngest. Not to worry though because king Peg is planning on doing so much less with his reign if there is one. Status quo for now.

  3. BlueNailsBetty says:

    The shade of the comparisons between the Waleses and the geriatric royals is the perfect way to start my day.

  4. MaryContrary says:

    I think most British people don’t pay any attention to the BRF so William and Kate are really able to play that to their advantage. They do the least, yet get the most coverage. I wonder at what point people wake up and are infuriated by how they’re living paycheck to paycheck and these two are a terrible ROI.

  5. Becks1 says:

    The numbers are all lower than in past years – both Anne and Charles used to break 500 – I wonder if age is catching up to both of them.

    the fact that the heir to the throne could not break 200 engagements, including board meetings and such, is really really pathetic. He worked less than 50% of the year in terms of days worked, and we all know he does multiple events some days so he worked even less days than that. Imagine getting millions and millions a year and you “work” 1/3 of the year.

    Kate’s laziness is astounding when you take into account how she pads her numbers – William pads his as well, but not as extreme as Kate (for example, last I checked, William will count a meeting with the board of the Duchy as an engagement, which, sure, protect your money – but he’s not as likely to throw in a “phone call with private secretary” or whoever as an engagement.) 128. I feel like it takes effort to work that little.

    • First comment says:

      Ohh…but don’t you know? Children, school runs etc…we should cut them some slack/s

    • Nic919 says:

      William also does investitures, which Anne does as well.

      Edward and Sophie used to do over 300 engagements at least pre pandemic. Their numbers have gone down a bit too.

      But really there is zero reason for William and Kate, the “young royals” to be so damn lazy. And no there is no impact to the big projects. Just PR.

      No coincidence that kate dropped today a video of her and the kids bringing items to the Windsor baby bank.

  6. BayTampaBay says:

    Love her or hate her, one can not dispute that Anne gets out and does the Royal work.

    • Jais says:

      I’m not a massive Anne fan. Don’t know why but she irks me. That said, she does do more royal engagements than the others. That’s a fact.

      • Roseberry says:

        Anne’s figures irk me too – about 10 years ago, I was on an extended work break, due to a stipulation in a redundancy package. I really got into royal watching to while away the time, it was slim pickings with a lot of court circular stuff. Some things I noticed about Anne; she quite often did 4/5 engagements per day, short stop basic ribbon cutting stuff, drop in on one of her charities and often concluded with an annual dinner of the ‘eel pie maker society’ or some such obscure organisation! She’d do 2 of these long days per week and then do quite a lot of horsey ones, that seem to overlap with her business interests and her hobby. She also seems happy to do foreign tours (is she still part of Save the Children Fund?) where she repeated the pattern of multiple short stops.
        It was a version of what QEII& PP did in the 60s – 90s, she was very much PP’s favourite and I can imagine him giving her the template. But, at the end of the day it’s all just ‘busywork’ someone helping you to get dressed, being driven around in a Rolls Royce with a bodyguard, shaking a few hands (gloves on), making awkward small talk and sitting down to a fancy 5 course dinner. I’d love to ‘work hard’ like that!

    • Jay says:

      On the one hand, I kind of admire the way that Anne makes sure the numbers of engagements are in her favour. She has definitely used the strategy of scheduling multiple events on the same day so that by “working” 2-3 days a week she maximizes her stats. If the court circular counted differently, like the number of days worked, for example, she would probably schedule her engagements accordingly because I think she takes pride in being the so-called “hardest working” royal, even though that’s not saying much.

      But the fact that Anne has cracked the code for so many years makes it even more obvious that William and Kate could do exactly the same. As many of us have pointed out, Kate could easily do 3-4 things a week during the school year and more than double her numbers without breaking a sweat. Hell, she could schedule a weekly check in call with her “arly yars” experts and label each one a separate engagement if she wanted to. She could schedule herself to do several events one day a week (like a Monday or Tuesday) and release the photos at different times throughout the rest of the week so that she looks busier. It’s not a cheat code if even a simpleton like me can figure it out!

      But the Wales have been shaded by the tabloids about their piss poor work numbers for years. They can’t be shamed!

    • Rea says:

      Anne was the “one” more like her mother and based on books I read about the royal family QE regretted Anne was not the eldest as she was more like her and would have continued leading the institution similarly like her.

  7. Lady Digby says:

    How can FK justify just 172 as a total, okay KM is part time because of the young ones but why is Willy not picking up the slack? Why the BS about doubling their workload when neither POW has done more than a slight increase from last year? What aren’t the tabs foaming at the mouth at such arrant laziness apart from FK’s other glaring deficiencies? Why am I expected to feel thrilled at this dolt taking over as King. I am with the republic movement, let’s have a hard working, disciplined and accountable head of state!

    • Kittenmom says:

      LOL. Don’t forget that the Wales kids deserve to have both parents there for the school runs!

    • Blithe says:

      I think: “The Gloucesters are 79 and 77 years old.” might be counted as “foaming at the mouth” — since either readers don’t know who they are and will be startled that elderly minor royals approaching their eighties are outpacing* the much younger future King and Queen. (*My assumption since their numbers are likely not padded). Or the readers DO know who they are, and will wonder why Will and Kate get so much while performing so little of value.

      I wonder what stats the even more elderly Duke of Kent posted — and how / if the Wales kids get any acknowledged credit for smoothing their parents’ way.

  8. Dee(2) says:

    So the average work week is 40 hours and for 52 weeks that’s a little bit under 2100 hours of work. Being reasonable and allowing for 6 weeks of vacation that’s still over 1800 hours of work that the average person would have to complete. We’re supposed to believe that Kate is working 14 hours at her engagements to make it worthwhile, for her to do 127 in a year? I honestly believe I work longer hours in a week than they do all year.

    • Becks1 says:

      So let’s say every event is an average of two hours. Some are less than that (the ones that are 5 miles from Adelaide) and some are longer (the state dinners, the events farther away) but on average let’s say 2 hours.

      So with 130 engagements (lets round up bc I’m bad at math lol), that’s 260 hours. That’s approximately 6 and a half weeks of work a year. She’s working the same amount of hours that some people get in vacation (and some people here in the US get way less than that.)

      6 weeks of work in a year. And that’s with being generous with some of the time at these events.

      • First comment says:

        Yeah, not to mention that some of these engagements are simple phone calls or meetings which I doubt that they attend…probably the secretary briefs them…in minutes…

      • HuffnPuff says:

        What’s even more horrific is that H&M would have been expected to do less than W&K! It would have been two very ambitious and caring people knee capped by two apathetic do nothings. W saw the writing on the wall for that and led the call for H&M to have to choose between full time or nothing. He knew they would choose to leave.

  9. HeatherC says:

    I work in state government. If I worked less than a month a year but received full time benefits…you can bet there would be some sort of investigation on wasting the taxpayers money. And I don’t even get housing!

    • SarahCS says:

      We had a few stories from Italy in recent years where people just stopped turning up for their government jobs and carried on getting paid for years. Clearly what WanK aspire to.

  10. Lau says:

    The difference in numbers between Anne and Charles and the next is quite crazy. As for William and Kate’s numbers lol we were expecting this. But that mean that these people barely work half of the year which is crazy to think about especially when they claim to rule a country like the UK where a lot of people live in poverty or close to it and work every day of the year.

  11. Louise177 says:

    Weren’t the RR claiming that Will and Kate resented the Sussex for making them do more work and then a bunch of articles saying they were stepping into their own as future K&Q? I guess they forgot these numbers comes out at the end of the year.

  12. Monlette says:

    I just remember the episode of The Windsors when the geriatric royals went on strike and nobody missed them.

  13. DancingCorgi says:

    I love that it is the DM and Telegraph making the direct comparison between Will and Kate and Royals in their late seventies. Gloves are off and numbers don’t lie (well not numbers you can confirm).

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    And then William actually let’s everyone know he plans to do even less when he becomes king. I don’t think the British taxpayers are getting their money’s worth from any of them.

  15. Lady Digby says:

    Given these pathetic figures and FK’s 5 point plan to grab all money, titles and castles for himself and do even less I feel INCANDESCENT. Any bother like to tell us UK taxpayers why we should be waving flags in pride at such mediocrity and unparalleled laziness??

  16. Leesa says:

    Haven’t they also been crying about the how much they’ve had to pick up the slack for the Sussexes? I wonder if anyone is going to call them out on that?

    • B says:

      Exactly @Leesa! For how long has KP been briefing that Harry and Meghan stepping back increased William and Kate’s workload? Didn’t the press go on and on about how unfair this was to WanK and how all their extra work put strain on their marriage? WHAT work?? On average Kate worked 2 hrs a week and William 3 hrs a week. THIS workload put pressure on their marriage and therefore what Harry and Meghan did was unforgivable??

  17. Mei says:

    They had to run the Sussexes out before they got properly started because you know they would be up there with Anne and Charles, even with their little ones….!!

  18. Surly Gale says:

    I’d like to see a comparison for when Charles was 41 and the Prince of Wales. And a comparison w/the other royals. Surely in this instance, less is more is untrue?
    Forget abolishing the monarchy. More importantly, defund the monarchy. It’s easier and it’ll be faster and won’t interfere w/treaties and agreements made internationally with The Crown.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Surly Gale yes I’d also appreciate this comparison data being cited in an article comparing father and son’s respective workload plus their fragrant spouses!! I know we have just had the Covid years but it would help to have a 7 year span of royal engagements to look at trends so to speak, smiling thinly. Why have WK never done any big numbers? Yes I know they have 3 children but most parents work longer hours than these two without nannies or staff to ease our passage?

    • Nic919 says:

      Charles and Diana were doing hundreds of engagements during the 80s and 90s, despite two young kids. As Prince of Wales Charles was often the one who did the most engagements and usually around the 500 mark. Anne would be around the same. The Queen was also generally the second or third on the list on top of the government red boxes she got. Philip also put in high numbers.

      All this to say is that the exception to the rule when it comes to engagement numbers has always been Kate and William. And they put in part time numbers despite full time perks.

      William has some cover when he had the part time ambulance job, but he really hasn’t boosted his numbers that much since dropping that and being full time. Kate had zero reason to do as little as she did, but used the kids as the reason.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        If Kate did four, one- hour engagements a day, three days a week, for 26 weeks she’d easily triple her numbers. Imagine if she did four, one hour engagements five days a week for 40 weeks!

    • Jojo says:

      Defunding them would be easier, constitutionally, and more effective. It’s a great idea. These billionaires would then be truly doing the dutiful ‘volunteer’ work for their charities that they currently only pretend to do because they’re actually being paid.

  19. GMH says:

    Funny and ineffectively petty that they listed Harry at zero when he is not a working royal nor on the public dole.

  20. Proud Mary says:

    This whole hardest-working-royal moniker is one of the biggest scams the monarchy has hoisted upon that sleepy island. The (British) Republican Campaign did a laudable evisceration of this fraud. For one, Anne works at most 6 weeks to 2 months in a calendar year. On most of these engagements, moreover, she barely spends more than 20 or 30 minutes. Same for Charles. Back when the press was covering her fairly, there was a big controversy about how she flies through her appointments, barely speaking to or shaking the hands of her subjects. I am no fan of the Waleses, and this is not to say that they are not lazy, but I don’t think we need Anne’s so-called engagements as proof to that effect. She has been so successful in carving out this title to herself, that I don’t think that any other member of that family, despite their best efforts, will ever take that phony title away from her. It is now Anne’s domain. It’s only left to be determined whether she can bequeath the title to one of her non-working, welfare- sponge, spawns.

  21. Lady Digby says:

    I newspaper for example, covers KM events with big photos inside about twice a week so the casual reader would be gulled into thinking she is regularly doing royal engagements. These annual figures and our knowledge that her gigs are usually 12 miles from home, 55 minutes tops and average 3 events one afternoon or two a week help estimate how little she does “work”. It is revealing that FK feels secure enough to openly declare that he will only be focusing on big thinking and big projects when he is King. No actual work just bigly big projects and we peasants shout be grateful to have such a King intent on bigness!

  22. Roseberry says:

    ‘Republic’ have crunched the numbers and posted on Twitter X
    “We pay William £22,000,000 per year from the Duchy of Cornwall. That means he gets more than £127,000 an hour.”
    Shocking how the UK tax payers find this acceptable……

  23. Muprhy says:

    They shouldn’t be beat by the Edinburghs let alone the Gloucesters!!

  24. JJ says:

    Will and Kate are in their early 40s and they have their Aunt and Dad who are in their mid-70s out-working them every year doing at least 3 times more engagements than W&K every single year. They use the kids as excuses but everyone knows they don’t have to travel to work necessarily so it looks like their entitled millennials (are they millennials at their age?) and the older generation are the steadfast members who know the value of hard work. W&K are making us millennials look bad.

  25. B says:

    All of this is sad. The “hardest working” royal had 435 engagements. Brit newspaper the Guardian stated these engagements last an hour which means on average Anne worked EIGHT HOURS A WEEK. For that paltry amount of effort she’s considered hard working and the rest of the family who work even less is considered good value for money.

    These people have truly perfected their grift.

  26. Her again says:

    She might be the hardest working royal, but she is NOT hard working.

  27. Amy Bee says:

    The hardest working royal barely works compared to the average person. I think William, Kate, Edward and Sophie should get real jobs and 70 and over royals should be retired.

  28. Libra says:

    What does Kate actually do all day? She doesn’t do laundry or housework. She doesnt cook and doesn’t eat. She does not care for her own clothes. An assistant does that. She has a hairdresser on call. Her children are all in school all day. Her correspondence is done by an aide. She has never been seen with a book to read. She can’t exercise 12 hours a day. She has never been seen, in my recollection, having a day in the town with the girls to catch a movie, have lunch and shop. We never hear about she and Will entertaining, having dinner parties or hunting and riding weekends. So how does she fill those hours?

    • Eurydice says:

      She sits in her charging station on stand-by mode until it’s time for her to make a public appearance.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Almost certainly round at her debtor parents, complaining at her miserable lot in life and scanning the internet for what Meg is doing/wearing. Then it’s onto her other bookmarks: CP Mary and Diana.

    • Vik says:

      Lies! Slander! “Never seen with a book to read”! How dare you!
      She was spotted buying books on Diana when she was dating Will, I think focusing on her fashion, so basically picture books.
      So there’s that 😀

      Btw I love Eurydice’s comment, but I think she internet stalks, like Unblinkered wrote, and shops. During the dating years her main occupation was shopping. When married she was spotted shopping all the time. Blew off HuffPost to go shopping as well. I think she’s shopping addicted.

  29. J McGraw says:

    Never forget: three of these engagements were FREE FRONT ROW SEATS TO WIMBLEDON
    Several were for going to polo matches!
    Five are for going to church?!?

    How does the UK tolerate this level of scamming??

  30. Square2 says:

    Forever remembered the Wails counted their ✈ back from the Earthflop in Boston & arriving at Heathrow Airport as a CC engagement!

  31. Carolind says:

    Anne was in my hometown a year or two ago and an anti-royalist reporter on the local paper commented very favourably on her. She really did work and engage with people. She went so far over her schedule in the local university that she had to buy sandwiches from the student cafe for lunch to eat in the car on the way to her next engagement. Can you imagine Kate doing that?

    A disabled chap I used to know was one of the people chosen to go riding with her when she did a riding for the disabled engagement a number of years ago. They are a lot more than just 20 minute engagements.

    Although the press says Anne is the hardest working Royal, I think it is still Charles. He must have a lot of paperwork.