The Spanish royal family has released their 2023 Christmas card – a lovely shot taken behind-the-scenes on Princess Leonor’s 18th birthday, where she had to make an oath to Spain’s constitution. It’s a warm, lovely family image. Speaking of, the Spanish royals have not complained or explained much of anything in recent weeks, following the “bombshell” allegations about Queen Letizia. Letizia’s former brother in law, Jaime del Burgo, has claimed that he was sexually and romantically involved with Letizia before and after she married King Felipe (then Prince Felipe). Since Del Burgo’s claims went public, I’ve read a few pieces about why Felipe kept his relationship with Letizia so quiet, and how much Felipe’s father always hated Letizia. Well, speaking of, apparently the former king Juan Carlos might have been the one spreading rumors about Letizia and Jaime del Burgo.
The former King of Spain has been accused of playing a part in ‘stirring up’ rumours about an alleged affair between Queen Letizia and her former brother-in-law. The Spanish Royal Family have been rocked by shocking claims from businessman Jaime Del Burgo, who sensationally alleged that he had a relationship with Letizia, 51, before and after her marriage to King Felipe.
Del Burgo went on to marry Letizia’s sister, Telma Ortiz, who he is now separated from. The Spanish court has repeatedly refused to comment on the allegations.In a new twist, a veteran Spanish journalist has accused supporters of the former king, who has been all-but frozen out of the royal family, of whipping up a ‘campaign’ against his son Felipe. Referring to the claims, popular radio host Federico Jiménez Losantos said: ‘It’s the “nth” campaign orchestrated against Felipe VI,’ before adding: ‘It is Juan Carlos’s circles who are stirring it up.’
Juan Carlos reigned as King of Spain from 1975 to 2014 when he abdicated in favour of his son. The official reason was given as his age but a string of controversies ensued and there have been suggestions that he was pressured to give up the throne to protect the institution. The corruption scandals he has been caught up in since he handed over to King Felipe VI, whose wife Letizia is a former journalist, have left his reputation in tatters.
He now lives in Abu Dhabi and Spanish outlets have quoted sources close to the former monarch saying he is upset at being cast out by his family. Now the latest rumours have plunged the Spanish monarchy into yet another scandal.
Del Burgo, 53, currently based in the UK, recently contributed to a tell-all book about the 51-year-old Spanish royal, Letizia y Yo (Letizia and I). In it, he claims he and Letizia were dating when she met Felipe and were still romantically involved after her 2004 wedding to the Spanish King.
Eh – while I knew Felipe’s mother dislikes Letizia, the gossip about Juan Carlos hating her as well is relatively new to me, but I believe it. It would not surprise me if Juan Carlos was consistently disparaging Letizia, nor would it surprise me if Juan Carlos is simply a bitter old fart who dislikes the fact that his handsome son is much less scandalous and much more respected. All that being said, it also seems clear that Jaime del Burgo has a pretty specific ax to grind and it’s probably not about Juan Carlos at all.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.
- King Felipe VI of Spain, Queen Letizia of Spain, Former King Juan Carlos I of Spain and Former Queen Sofia of Spain attend the National Sports Awards at Royal Palace of el Pardo in Madrid. Madrid, Spain – Thursday January 10, 2019. USA, UK, AUS, NZ ONLY Photograph: © Alter Photos/PacificCoastNews. Los Angeles Office (PCN): +1 310.822.0419 UK Office (Avalon): +44 (0) 20 7421 6000,Image: 535053298, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Alter Photos/PacificCoastNews / Alter Photos / Avalon
- Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI of Spain depart a Service of Thanksgiving for HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Westminster Abbey, London, England, UK on Tuesday 29 March, 2022.,Image: 673810574, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Please credit photographer and agency when publishing as Justin Ng/UPPA/Avalon., Model Release: no, Credit line: Justin Ng / Avalon
- König Felipe von Spanien und Königin Letizia von Spaninen bei der feierlichen Eröffnung der XV. Legislatur des Congreso de los Diputados, des Unterhauses des spanischen Parlamentes, vor dem Palacio de las Cortes. Madrid, 29.11.2023 *** King Felipe from Spain and Queen Letizia from spaninen at the festive Opening the XV Legislation of Congreso de Los Diputados, of House of Commons of Spanish Parliament, before the Palacio de Las Cortes Madrid, 29 11 2023 Foto:xDyDxFotografosx/xFuturexImagex congreso_3114,Image: 825448105, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/DyD Fotografos / Avalon
- King Felipe, Queen Letizia, King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia, Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia of Spain arrive at the La Seu Cathedral in Palma de Mallorca, on April 1, 2018, to attend the Eastern Mass Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point De Vue Out – NO WIRE SERVICE · Photo: Albert Nieboer/RoyalPress/
- Palma, SPAIN – **FILE PHOTOS** Former Spanish King Juan Carlos leaves Spain. The Spanish Royal Household has announced that Emeritus King Juan Carlos has proclaimed his intended decision to move abroad so as to not interfere the image of the Spanish monarchy due to his alleged implication in a Swiss offshore account investigation. Pictured: Former Spanish King Juan Carlos BACKGRID USA 4 AUGUST 2020 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Madrid, SPAIN – Princess Leonor of Asturias swears into the constitution on the day she comes of age. Pictured: Queen Letitzia, King Felipe, Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Infanta Sofia BACKGRID USA 31 OCTOBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Madrid, SPAIN – Princess Leonor of Asturias swears into the constitution on the day she comes of age. Pictured: Queen Letitzia, King Felipe, Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Infanta Sofia BACKGRID USA 31 OCTOBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Madrid, SPAIN – Princess Leonor of Asturias swears into the constitution on the day she comes of age. Pictured: Leonor, Princess of Asturias, King Felipe BACKGRID USA 31 OCTOBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
That photo looks like an outtake to me. It looks like everyone was shifting around between shots and got caught mid-movement or readjusting their poses. Juan Carlos and Sofia can’t stand that Felipe was the only functional adult in their family and they’re jealous that he put together his own functional, loving family that he doesn’t want them ruining.
My first thought was ‘is no-one trying to pose them?’ and not in a good way. The two parent-child pairings look completely separate from each other.
As a mother and mother-in-law, it really upsets me to see parents-in-law treat their children’s spouse horribly. Regardless of how I feel personally about my kids SOs I would never dream of making them feel less than welcomed into our family and I try to find common interests in order to further our relationship. Why can’t royals behave like decent people to their in-laws?
I’ve been through hell with my partner’s father, essentially father in law. He now admits he wasted nearly eight years, to the point we didn’t speak, for no other reason than he thought I was “intellectually intimidating and overshadowed his son”. You’ve got to laugh. He makes me sound like Marie Curie! It was because I have a voice and an opinion, and wasn’t prepared to be like something out of the 1950s. Also, he made his son out to be intellectually lacking, which I never understood; the problem reflected his own beliefs in my partner’s ability, not mine. I’ve vowed that as a mum in law I hope to be helpful when needed and step back when not.
Are all the “Royalty” misbehaving these days? LOL
Been a tough week, how do I get set up as a royal relative? Lie about me, embarrass me, hate my looks publicly, all fine if I could get my bills paid, have servants and relax for a bit.
I’ll never forgot pictures of Michelle Obama’s visit to their summer residence and Leticia looked like she’d been crying. Felipe wasn’t there at the time to protect her from the in-law hellscape
I now know how the De-Rangers are going to feel when/if Kate and William divorce. King Felipe and Queen Letizia are my favourite royals I honestly believed they were solid and were living a real life fairy tale. I really hope this is all just nasty rumours and they get through it.
Fell swiftly out of love with them after Filipe claimed that colonialism was a good thing during his visit to puerto rico.
My thing is: if it’s not true why not deny it? Why the silence?
Thanks @Chloe I didn’t know that. When it comes to Spanish royalty I really am a De-Ranger. I admire the glossy photos and then move on. :blush:
Honestly ex-BIL sounds more like he’s pissed she didn’t pick him & she tried to be nice. I don’t buy his perception.
Is the other guy hotter than Felipe. Because Felipe is 😍.
Would not surprise me in the least – the Kings parents are just really awful people.
Her in laws, esp her MIL, went out of her way to make it hard for Letizia from the beginning. Carlos never wanted to abdicate and Sophia still acts like she is Queen – instead of supporting their son they don’t even bother to hide how much the undermine him. His sisters are just as bad.
What I’ve always read in the Spanish press was the Juan Carlos was the one who was actively hostile to Letizia. The Queen was more accepting and welcoming although they had issues about her being around too often.
Letizia’s in-laws are horrible. I remember a video from about 5 years ago where she blocked photographers from taking photos of her daughters with Queen Sofia after mass on Easter Sunday. She clearly went momma-bear on Sofia’s attempt to pimp out her granddaughters for the photogs and Letizia was having none of it. Juan Carlos had numerous investigations into less than legal business dealings with Saudi oligarchs, and finally fled Spain in disgrace to live a life of exiled luxury in Abu Dhabi, leaving his family behind. Then his former mistress accused him of hiding tens of millions of ill-gotten euros and hadn’t paid any taxes on it. No wonder Letizia is so protective of her family, and I wouldn’t put it past the mean old bastard to try and smear her publicly.
Don’t believe a word of the ex-brother-in-law’s claims. Just a sad little man whose feelings weren’t reciprocated by a caring woman so now shit-stirring as payback. Obvious to anyone who follows them that Letizia and Philippe totally adore each other and their children.
And honestly, who would look twice at the seedy little b-i-l when that HOT hunk of kingship is around?? 😂
Juan Carlos is just another Charles but a Charles caught and hoisted by his own petard and with even more entitled baggage. I am sure Juan thinks plebeian Letizia far, far below his own diseased adulterous, fraudulent self.
Sofia has never been a happy woman. Her mother, Queen Frederica , arranged a marriage to her cousin Juan Carlos. She was 24 and in danger of not finding a suitable mate. It has been reported that he did not love her and she did not love him. She put up with in your face infidelity from the get go. No apologies for the way she treated Letizia, but the behavior of a bitter woman.