The states of New York and California both passed one-year-only laws allowing victims/survivors of sexual assault, abuse and harassment to sue their attackers in civil court regardless of he statute of limitations on criminal prosecutions. The New York law gave space for Cassie to sue Sean Combs (and he settled quickly) and for a Jane Doe to sue Jamie Foxx for a 2015 assault. Well, Paula Abdul is now one of the most high-profile women to use California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up Accountability Act. Paula has accused her former American Idol producer Nigel Lythgoe with multiple sexual assaults.
Paula Abdul alleged in a lawsuit on Friday that she was twice sexually assaulted by Nigel Lythgoe, the executive producer of “American Idol” and “So You Think You Can Dance.”
Abdul rose to stardom in the late 80s and built a second career as a judge of reality show competitions in the early 2000s. In the suit, she alleges that during one of the early seasons of “American Idol,” Lythgoe sexually assaulted her in an elevator. She alleges that he shoved her against a wall, groped her breasts and genitals, and shoved his tongue down her throat. According to the suit, she tried to push him away, and as soon as the hotel door opened, she ran to her room.
Years later, Abdul was a judge on “So You Think You Can Dance.” Lythgoe invited her to his home for dinner, and she accepted, thinking it would be a professional encounter. However, according to the suit, Lythgoe forced himself on top of her while she was sitting on his couch, attempted to kiss her, and said they would make a great “power couple.” Again, she pushed him away and fled his home, the lawsuit states.
The suit also accuses Lythgoe of verbal harassment and bullying, and alleges that Abdul was discriminated against, and was paid less than male judges on “American Idol.” The suit further alleges that the show would be edited in a misleading way to make her appear inept.
Additionally, Abdul alleges that she witnessed Lythgoe sexually assault one of her assistants in April 2015, pressing up against the assistant and groping her without consent.
“For years, Abdul has remained silent about the sexual assaults and harassment she experienced on account of Lythgoe due to fear of speaking out against one of the most well-known producers of television competition shows who could easily break her career as a television personality and of being ostracized and blackballed by an industry that had a pattern of protecting powerful men and silencing survivors of sexual assault and harassment,” the lawsuit states. The suit alleges that Lythgoe’s behavior was common knowledge, and cites a MADtv parody in which Lythgoe was seen harassing contestants.
According to the suit, Lythgoe called Abdul once and taunted her, saying it had been “seven years and the statute of limitations had run.” Abdul signed non-disclosure agreements as part of her employment on both reality shows, which prevented her from disclosing confidential or derogatory information. Abdul filed the suit under California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover-Up Accountability Act, which created a one-year window to file certain sexual abuse lawsuits that would otherwise be outside the statute of limitations. The deadline to file is Dec. 31.
Yeah, I believe her. I believed her before I read Lythgoe’s response, and I believe her even harder after reading his response:
Lythgoe denied the allegations in a statement Saturday. “To say that I am shocked and saddened by the allegations made against me by Paula Abdul is a wild understatement. For more than two decades, Paula and I have interacted as dear – and entirely platonic – friends and colleagues. Yesterday, however, out of the blue, I learned of these claims in the press and I want to be clear: not only are they false, they are deeply offensive to me and to everything I stand for. While Paula’s history of erratic behavior is well known, I can’t pretend to understand exactly why she would file a lawsuit that she must know is untrue. But I can promise that I will fight this appalling smear with everything I have.”
“Paula’s history of erratic behavior” – O RLY? That’s all he’s got? “She’s crazy, she’s behaving erratically” when she has made detailed accounts of multiple sexual assaults? Team Abdul. It would not surprise me if he treated the women “below” him much worse – as Paula notes in her lawsuit, she witnessed him grope an assistant too. This feels like it could be the tip of the iceberg.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- LOS ANGELES – JULY 27: Paula Abdul, Nigel Lythgoe at 3rd Annual Celebration of Dance Gala on July 27 2013 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Martin Sloan),Image: 547088886, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Photoshot London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 917 704 9816 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Martin Sloan / Avalon
- LOS ANGELES – JULY 27: Paula Abdul, Nigel Lythgoe at 3rd Annual Celebration of Dance Gala on July 27 2013 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Martin Sloan),Image: 547088899, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Photoshot London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 917 704 9816 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Martin Sloan / Avalon
- Paula Abdul attends 91st Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade on November 26, 2023 in Hollywood, California.,Image: 824562596, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Paula Abdul, Credit line: – / JPI Studios / Avalon
- Paula Abdul bei der Weltpremiere des Kinofilms The Color Purple / Die Farbe Lila im Academy Museum. Los Angeles, 06.12.2023 *** Paula Abdul at the world premiere of the movie The Color Purple The Color Purple at the Academy Museum Los Angeles, 06 12 2023 Foto:xD.xStarbuckx/xFuturexImagex purple_4256,Image: 827608751, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/Dave Starbuck / Avalon
- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – DECEMBER 06: Paula Abdul attends the World Premiere of Warner Bros.’ “The Color Purple” at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on December 06, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.,Image: 827719020, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Paula Abdul, Credit line: Jeffrey Mayer / Avalon
- BEVERLY HILLS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA – DECEMBER 11: English television and film director and producer, television dance competition judge, former dancer in the Young Generation and choreographer Nigel Lythgoe arrives at the American Ballet Theatre’s Holiday Benefit 2023 held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on December 11, 2023 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.,Image: 828775726, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Nigel Lythgoe, Credit line: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon
“Bishs be crazy” is quite the defence, 2024 is off to a depressing and familiar start. I believe Paula, as a fellow survivor I too act “erratic” as I am suffering from C-PTSD as a result of my experience.
I’m sorry you had this terrible experience and hope you have a good support network. On the subject of defense, I would suggest Paula Abdul seek better legal counsel. There are too many issues raised in her lawsuit and if any one of them is dismissed it can jeopardize the main charge of SA. Concerns over salary should be dealt with separately.
Robert I was sexually abused for many years by a family member, so there are countless photographs of us “enjoying” ourselves at family events over a number of years, from the outside all looked fine and dandy. Due to a combination of my poor mental health due to trauma combined with attitudes like yours where I disclose what happened and people respond with “but why didn’t you do this thing or that thing, why not be logical in the face of threat” I will never get justice. The man went to his grave without ever seeing a day of discomfort due to his actions, on his deathbed it was discovered that he has sexually abused three generations of girls in his family (his own sisters, followed by his daughters, and ending with his granddaughter). Trauma affects brain function, it has been proven to cause a reduction in an area of prefrontal cortex and a reduction in the volume of the hippocampus as well as an increase in the activity of the amygdala resulting in an increased startle response and more noradrenaline being released into the body. This is not a just think things through logically scenario, the function of the brain in physically impacted.
Your comment reads as “This is the socially expected polite thing I need to say, but this is how I really feel” to me.
@Zapp wtf I have no idea what’s bought out the “sorry that happened to you BUT” rape apologists brigade right to your doorstep! Just wanted to say thanks for your caring and vulnerable comment. Be well Xx
What a terrible statement. He’s guilty as sin.
I believe paula too when reading his comment, what a prick old man
@Nayk..hope you don’t mind, but I want to note, for the record, a small correction to your sentence. As in “…..what a prick old, white man” (FTR, I am a white woman). Once the systematic, disgraceful and disgusting entitlement of old white men at the top is exposed, it cannot be ‘unseen’. Sadly, we still have far too many old, white men at the “top” in business & in government and at 69.5, I pray to live to see the end of the plague. I am fed the fuque up of white men behaving badly. Well, in truth I am fed up with men behaving badly. Come to think of it, I am sick of women behaving badly, also. When did morals, values and principles fall off the chart? How do we get them back?
@Surly Gale “When did morals, values and principles fall off the chart?” — They haven’t. It’s ALWAYS been like this. The only difference NOW is the availability to both speak out about it and be (mostly) heard, instead of having it shoved under the rug or dismissed outright, as well as having the ability to access news from anywhere at anytime. So we are *hearing* about it more. That we didn’t hear about it in other times doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.
The women need to unite and all sue him. Class action lawsuit for assault.
Get him girl.
They all make these blowhard statements impugning the woman then fucking settle. PRICKS.
This was brave of Paula and I hope she gets whatever she’s seeking from this suit.
His statement said it all really – I hope she wipes him out.
He’s so creepy he even looks creepy. 🤢
So this statement has room for “erratic behaviour” but not for “I look forward to justice and the truth coming to light”? Interesting choice of priorities.
The second I read the word erratic, I was absolutely sure he was guilty.
I hope the other women (we know there are others) join Paula and take him down.
Exactly. He told on himself bigtime with that one.
Another sad story that I hope ends well for Paula. It must be noted that an NDA, no matter how ironclad, does not prevent a person from reporting a crime. I say to this anyone who might be in a similar situation now. Again, criminal activity is NOT protected by an NDA. Use your voice as soon as you feel safe and expose predators before they inflict further damage.
Powerful man abuses his power? I feel quite ill thinking about the amount of abuse that goes on every day and people feel unable (or are stopped) to do anything about it.
Good for her for taking him on and getting this out into the daylight. How on earth can an NDA be used to cover up something illegal? How is that legal?
It isn’t legal. As @barnabus stated above criminal behavior isn’t shielded by an nda. It’s an assumption used to keep people scared and quiet.
Sadly, it’s probably the norm. Lots of women are forced to play the game.
During the time I was in LA trying to make it as a screenwriter, I was put in a very awkward position once. I met with a producer who “loved” my writing and wanted to develop more ideas with me. He said as he repeatedly put his hand on my knee then suggested we have regular dinners together in order to discuss.
I didn’t take the bait. I never did. I also never got anywhere. Who knows what would have happened if I played along.
he was so frequently inappropriate with the teen contestants on SYTYCD, I have no doubt he feels entitled to take what he wants, I absolutely believe her
Omg, where to start. I’m glad Paula and others now have the opportunity to confront their abusers. But I’m also sad that this was a way of life for working women. In my Wall Street days, there was an unspoken rule among the women in my office to never get in the elevator alone with certain of the men – not the elevator, not the supply room, not a conference room. A complaint would put a stop to your career. As for being paid half of what the men got – yes, of course.
Thank you for this comment Eurydice. I would only change “was” to “is” because it’s still happening obviously. It happens in every industry too. I worked as a waitress in a restaurant where it was discussed openly among the staff that NO women employees were EVER to be left alone with the owner. EVER. I’m sure almost every woman our there has been told some variation of this in their careers, no matter the job.
You’re right – it should be “is.”
So brave of Paula to speak up. And so sad this happened to her. These men need to be stopped.
I believe her. But I really do despise the fact that she witnessed her assistant being assaulted and did nothing. It’s one thing to keep quiet about your own assault, but doing nothing for someone of lesser means is just wrong.
@robert Paula did do something. By suing this rapist she has empowered other survivors to speak up. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear from hundreds of women. Then he can act surprised and look cruel dismissing them as crazy. Also kindly you might not know what is going through the mind of a sa survivor. Seeing your assailant assaulting another person can bring up feelings of fear and freezing up for example. Alternatively she may have done something to help someone of lesser means we aren’t privy to
As a survivor of sexual assault, I think I understand what goes through one’s mind. It never ceases to amaze me how many people don’t understand, or seem to downplay, that sexual assaults happen to people of all genders.
It’s really obnoxious when men speak on women’s SA as if they have any experience on not only what it’s like to be a woman in a position where men have power over you but also speaking about what an SA survivor should or shouldn’t do. You have zero idea what she did in that moment. It isn’t mentioned in the brief – because it isn’t HER story to tell.
What’s really obnoxious is that you jump to conclusions. I’m sorry that you think men and boys can’t be sexual assault survivors. We can, and I am. Mine was witnessed by someone else, who did nothing and said nothing, which lead to more assaults. It’s sad that in this day and age that some people seem to think bad things can’t happen to others, especially because of gender.
@Robert – your reading comprehension is lacking – I literally made a point of stating WOMEN SA survivors. Of course men can be survivors of assault. But we are talking about women SA survivors. Which is why I made that distinction. And you glossed over what I said about you having zero idea of what she did or did not do in the moment. And the fact that someone’s else assault is not her story to tell. My point stands.
As someone who was sexually assaulted by an authority figure, I think I can understand the power dichotomy. And I can assume that since she said nothing at the time about her assault, due to the fear of retaliation, that she didn’t speak up about her assistants assault either, due to the same fears. And you’ve stated twice now that her assistants story wasn’t hers to tell, yet here she is telling it and she even gave the young woman’s name. She was named April (although here it says it happened in April), and it’s reported in Rolling Stone and other publications.
I don’t blame her for her fear of retaliation, but she has stated in a number of article that are currently out that she said nothing about her assaults or the ones she witnessed. She seems comfortable speaking about another persons assault, and I feel comfortable speaking about her public statements. Denigrate me all you wish because I’m male, but contrary to some opinions, that doesn’t mean I don’t have valid opinions on gender specific issues.
Given that he was willing to do this to Paula, star of the show, and her assistant, I’m guessing this will open the floodgates. I’m sure there have been many others over the years, and I hope they all speak up and join Paula in this suit.
I believe her, and applaud her for taking these steps.
If this follows the pattern of so many outings over the years, now that this creep has both impugned Paula and denied he ever did anything like this there will be others who come out and tell their SA stories.
I believe Paula and all the others who are about to speak against this predator.
Gross, gross, gross.
I hope she wins. I can easily believe this occurred after an encounter with NL at an Encino bldg where I worked as a concierge. He rolled up w/2 women and was actually looking for another bldg but refused to believe me. I was slow in realizing who he was but there’s only one face like that. He was IMMEDIATELY nasty and unbelievably rude, and I’d never felt such instant hatred for another human being. They came back by having found out I was right and my uncharacteristic ‘I told you so’ sneer was most enjoyable.