Martin Sheen taps his ‘West Wing’ staff to publicize his Biden endorsement

At the tailend of 2023, a super PAC associated with anti-vaxx nutjob Robert Kennedy announced that they were throwing a massive fundraiser for the “presidential candidate.” The fundraiser will be hosted in Indian Wells, California, and the super PAC claimed that Andrea Bocelli, Dionne Warwick, Martin Sheen and Mike Tyson would all be appearing or performing as friends of the candidate. As you can imagine, the guest list turned out to be entirely false. Dione Warwick has denied any knowledge of this event all week. Then on Thursday, Martin Sheen posted on Instagram that he’s supporting Joe Biden for reelection. Hilariously, Sheen called his West Wing costar and fictional deputy chief of staff Bradley Whitford/Josh Lyman to help spread the news:

President Bartlett also contacted Josh’s former assistant Donna Moss (aka Janel Moloney) with the same message. Classic Bartlett – he always knew that Donna was the brains behind Josh.

Additionally, Andrea Bocelli’s people told Rolling Stone that Bocelli will not even be in the US this month. Kennedy’s campaign is now claiming that they had nothing to do with this super PAC’s fundraiser, but as Rolling Stone pointed out, the campaign shared information about the fundraiser on their site, and seemingly believed that they had these celebrities coming. So… not only is Robert Kennedy Jr. a total f–king whackjob and a Republican operative/convenient idiot, he also can’t manage a campaign.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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14 Responses to “Martin Sheen taps his ‘West Wing’ staff to publicize his Biden endorsement”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    Is Andrea Bocelli an American citizen? How is he endorsing RFK Jr for President?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      That’s what I was going to say. I have to Google it but I always thought he was Italian. It’s illegal to accept a campaign donation from a foreign source, although it would be legal for him to perform at a fundraiser.

      • Mia4s says:

        Yes I think that’s right, he could perform and be compensated like he would be for any other performance…buuut it looks like this was a lie anyway so it doesn’t even matter. As if we needed anymore proof RFK Jr is a lying, unhinged loser.

        LOL! Josh and Donna still keeping the Bartlet administration running. Things we love to see! 😁

      • Kitten says:

        He is definitely Italian but it’s possible he could have dual citizenship. But yeah, if he’s not an American citizen and he made a campaign donation– definitely illegal.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I was Miss Dionne’s Tweet denying it and cackled and then when the Bradley tweeted on behalf of Mr. Sheen dropped I was wheezing 🤣🤣🤣

    Robert is a clown and o can’t wait not to see his face again.

    • Becks1 says:

      I was the same way….cackling at her tweet and then dying at the follow up from Bradley.

  3. Amee says:

    When someone has the privilege, the money, the name recognition and they use it to for an ill-conceived presidential run? To support an anti-vax agenda? Sucks that he is married to one of my favorite actresses.

    • North of Boston says:

      Now I always think of him when I see her, and it really makes me not want to watch whatever she’s doing.

      Incredibly talented but oy that’s some bad judgement. Also he always looks so crazy.

      I remember a couple I knew years ago where one spouse was an absolute nasty piece of work, in every way but the other seemed kind and funny and easy going. Someone pointed out to me “he knows who she is, what she does and how much damage it causes, and chooses to curl up with her in bed every night. Don’t believe his nice guy persona”. It took a while but eventually I did see his mask slip and oh boy he was just as nasty as she was. Stuff like that makes me question who CH is, what her values are because RK is not a good man.

      (Yes I know sometimes people are trapped in abusive situations… but sometimes they are all in and down with the evil)

  4. Lynn says:

    I was/am a West Wing fanatic. President Bartlett and Martin Sheen will always have my heart. While we have differing beliefs on some matters – mostly related to his faith – I have much respect for Martin Sheen. If you’ve never listened to one of his speeches about home important activism is to him, I HIGHLY recommend it!

  5. Bumblebee says:

    This guy thought he was going to pull a Trump. But he’s not Trump. He’s just another Trump wannabe creating chaos.

  6. Nic919 says:

    Josh Malina was also assisting with the confirmation of the endorsement. He seems to have been the first WW alum aware of this RFK “event” and he contacted Sheen and his wife confirmed that it was false.

  7. Murphy says:

    Is Alison Janney not on twitter??