Prince William & Kate have a ‘renewed focus’ on the military in 2024, fascinating

Something I’ve thought about a lot in the past two years is how the British royal family is so singularly hateful about every single thing connected to Prince Harry that they’ve gone out of their way to snub wounded warriors, veterans and Invictus Games competitors. The Windsors, en masse, blanked on the British Invictus team during the Hague Invictus games in 2022. The Windsors’ grudge against veterans grew even more noticeable during the Dusseldorf games last September, with the Telegraph and Mail even publishing some quotes which explicitly criticized the Windsors for looking “mean-spirited and petty.” The British Invictus team was aghast that the Windsors seemed hellbent on ignoring them. Not only that, there was a concerted effort by Prince William, Kate and Charles to “torpedo” the positive coverage of Invictus domestically and internationally. The Windsors looked incredibly foolish, short-sighted, anti-military and anti-veteran.

Well, funny story! Prince William and Kate have decided that their new 2024 cause will be a renewed focus on the British military. They’re even planning to make some kind of special trip to visit servicemen abroad.

The Prince and Princess of Wales will kick off their year with a “renewed focus” on the military. William and Kate are set to make their first tour of 2024 to a foreign country where British armed service personnel are stationed. Royal sources confirmed the couple are in advanced discussions to travel outside of the UK to thank British troops on behalf of the nation.

The Mirror is not revealing the location for security reasons but the trip is set to take place next month. William last year visited British troops in Poland on operations concerning the war in Ukraine.

The first trip of the year will not focus on Ukraine, but sources say this will continue to be a pillar of their work for the next 12 months. A royal source said: “It’s no secret about the Prince and Princess’ affection for the military but 2024 is about celebrating the efforts of those personnel abroad, often away from their family and friends, fighting in conflicts that are a long way from home. This is about a renewed focus to recognise their dedication and the royals feel very strongly about their role in representing the armed forces.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

A “renewed focus” on the military after Peg and Buttons were too stupid to simply send out a warm tweet wishing the British Invictus team well. A celebration of the British military after ignoring the veteran community for years out of spite for Harry. Sounds like Will and Kate were really triggered by NATO Joint Force Commander General Guglielmo Miglietta bringing a 1100-person NATO delegation to the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf. We knew that already – William was incandescent with rage about Harry and Meghan’s wonderful NATO photo-op with the delegation. Ten bucks says that Will and Kate’s very special international trip is to Germany and maybe even to a NATO base. If so, that means it took William four solid months of shrieking hissy fits to get NATO to agree to a photo-op. Pathetic.

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139 Responses to “Prince William & Kate have a ‘renewed focus’ on the military in 2024, fascinating”

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  1. Cessily says:

    Of course they are… invictus games has them green with envy and bitter enough to push their petty agenda against Prince Harry with the Sadhurst stunt that makes the entire country and military look absolutely horrible. Now that his brother is an official Legend of Aviation I imagine his stunts and pettiness will be even worse and more transparent.

    • Chloe says:

      They saw the accolades Harry was getting and since they can’t take invictus from him they are going to shake military personnel hands to try and get a bit of that recognition

      • equality says:

        It’s great that once upon a time PW saw IG as a silly idea of PH’s and didn’t think it would go far. I think after the success of IG, W&K started stealing PH’s ideas like mental health work.

      • Jais says:

        Hmmm. When William heard the idea, he probably just didn’t want Harry to have it for himself. Had Harry approached him to do it jointly with William’s name attached, then he wouldn’t have thought it silly.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        One thing I love about the PPOW is their instinct for stupidity. Just like the 12 course dinner in a palace to discuss world hunger, these military cosplays will make them look more ridiculous and I’m all for it. Loved how Sandbox blew up in their faces 🙂

      • Smart&Messy says:

        So true, @Chloe and @equality. It is also convenient that the military branches are already organized and bring results and achievements, they just stand next to them for photo ops and do stupid skits in camo and helmets for the senior citizen royalists to swoon over. It doesn’t need any work on their part, they just show up to take credit. In comparison to that, their previous ideas of ending homelessness and something important (I don’t know) about early years would have taken a lot of effort to become meaningful. So they pivoted to the military.

        Plus, they are still trying to figure out how to look (!) more successful than H&M. They now figure it must be their association with veterans and the military. So next year’s plan: military photo ops!

      • ZenZone says:

        Saw some people on X asking what’s the big deal about Harry not in the Sandhurst book and William is. BUT apoplectic that Harry is receiving an award, diminishing his actual work, attacking the Wikipedia page of the organisation.

        What they don’t understand is the optics it gives and the signal it sends :

        ✔️ok for a Sandhurst book not featuring Harry, it is a 200+ year old institution & the focus was on 200 alumni. They have years deep of alumni

        ✔️ok for the PoW to be involved if the Trust want to generate exposure and support, especially to younger cadets etc. There is room for William to also do work with the armed services. I am sure Harry would be the first to say that.

        ❌BUT the red flag is why did Sandhurst frame the roll out of the book as a snub to Harry while stating the forward is written by William. That’s a strange and undiplomatic approach from an institution which prepares leaders from across the world. Unless the PR message is a dog whistle to the targeted readers that the book is pro William and anti Harry so you can buy it? Why not just frame the roll out around a feature with a selection of the alumni and tell us interesting tidbits of why they were chosen to pique further interest for the full list of 200.,

        if Harry did not make the list of 200, which is perfectly ok, then why must he be mentioned in the promotion of the book. Shouldn’t the armed services be above the family differences?

        The Tabloids Are ripping apart Harry’s work to say he doesn’t deserve his award even with deep proof on the internet. But 2 days ago were ecstatic about the Sandhurst snub, so was it planned by The Academy, K.P. , the Media , & the Author that it be the lead narrative and then followed by this release from KP? About the renewed focus on the military? Diminish one for the other to shine?

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Elizabeth Regina: “ One thing I love about the PPOW is their instinct for stupidity.”

      • Jemma says:

        @Zone – the end goal is really to diminish Harry as a person, his professional achievements to the point of erasure / non significance. How best to start with what has been linked to Harry – His military qualifications and achievement s including The Invictus Games so that PW can take over. With Harry consigned to nothingness, All the accolades is then directed or accorded to himself – So in essence , everything Harry is known or associated with is TRANSFERRED to PW since it’s his Divine Right to rule and be adored.

        Now having said that, it seems to me that PW may have also been seriously neglected such that his despotic tendencies have been allowed to run wild- Could it be that this a deliberate attempt of him being set up to fail? He doesn’t seem to have any tangible skills and he is supposed to be the FK?

    • MrsH says:

      You know that StuntQueen Peggy is already plotting to amp up his interest in aviation.

      I know he was a helicopter pilot but I mean to try and become a “living legend” or better himself

      • Snuffles says:

        Knowing William, he’ll try to pull off some stupid stunt to prove he’s the better helicopter pilot than Harry, without the proper training, and get himself killed/injured or kill/injure a member of the public.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        What will happen is he and a co-pilot will go up. And on the radio it will sound like William is flying. And then there will be some stunt done. Making it look like William did it. When it was the co-pilot. Then William will take all the credit. Just like he always does.

      • Lady D says:

        I think you mean William would be the co-pilot? He didn’t even have a license when he was flying with Air Rescue. He was a co-pilot in that job, the papers decided to let him take credit as a pilot.
        I’m also not to worried about this ‘threat’ to take over the military from Harry. They will put the same thought and effort into this project that they put into every other project they’re forced into.

      • Kingston says:


        While I dont like making utterances that I dont wish to be in the universe, you are indeed correct abut that!

        Its just as how Bulliam took up polo again AFTER Prince Harry’s first polo season in Santa Barbara in 2021. After H took his wife and child out of britai in 2020, it must have occurred to Bulliam and his puppetmasters that H wouldnt hv the opportunity to be involved with polo again which is why we got stories about him selling the polo ponies that he and H used to ride.

        Then boom! there was H back in white-pants season in 2021, ready to participate in a whole tournament! And then what happened:… thing we knew, copycat Bulliam announced that he wd be participating in a charity polo match!


      • Macky says:

        @ lady d. Ohhhhh. Is that the real reason the tabloids keep referencing helicopters and Williams love of flying. They are really knocking him off his high horse because he still doesn’t have his licenses!!! I don’t believe this.

        I remember a video was shown of him trying to walk across a log. There was about 8 people helping him and he looked embarrassed. They didn’t let him try. I hope this “no license” is people being overly protective of him. If not William hasn’t done anything at all. In the old days they would make him abdicate.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Macky, it seems that I read that he has a commercial license, which is what he needed for air rescue. I don’t know that the military would let him in any of the military helicopters, but I guess we’ll see.

      • Gabby says:

        You’re absolutely right. That is sickening of course, but at least William has to live with the knowledge that he and the co-pilot both know he doesn’t have what it takes (but his brother does). And it will burn. There is a line in one of the John Hughes high school movies: “She thinks you’re shit. And deep down you know she’s right”. That’s William.

      • LadyHighaLot says:

        Billy was always only a co-pilot… he never finished to become full pledge pilot, unlike PH. He can try to compete… there’s just no competition 🤷‍♀️

      • Jemima J says:

        I, too, believe that pw is trying to supplant Prince Harry in all things. My genuine hope is that mr and mrs peggers will make a new years resolution to do meaningful, consistent, effectual, generous, and genuine work with, for, and about all active military personnel, veterans and their families. I get that they are keen to make a mark in that neglected sector, but for goodness sake let it be real. The peggers need to undo the bad legacy they have built. They need to be better people.

    • roooth says:

      “Renewed focus” implies there was a focus in the past.

      Just another lie

      • jemmy says:

        With the renewed focus on the MILITARY means he gets to take off some serious shine Harry is known for and then position himself as the main centre of attention whilst slowly seeing how he can take over The Invictus Games .

        Whilst he is on that mission, he gets to cosplay as an Apache Helicopter Pilot which then equates to him actually being one all the while championing Earthshot/ Conservation efforts/ mental health initiatives/ homelessness/ rugby/ football and being seen as deeply in love with and an attentive husband to KKhaite.

  2. Tessa says:

    Keen can go around with the jazz hands and the g u r n s.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    A “renewed focus on the military”? When were they ever focused on the military in the first place? I mean, William basically did as he pleased when he was on active duty. For the Waleses, it’s just another pr stunt. Photo ops.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Kate could rarely be bothered to show up for that St. Patrick’s Day event. Now she has to because she was made colonel-in-chief, but before that, she turned out what every two years?

      • Nic919 says:

        Yes she was definitely committed when she had her office inform the press that they should not expect her to attend the St Patrick’s Day event every year when she decided to not attend one year, breaking a significant tradition, because she needed to get her hair coloured. She wasn’t pregnant when she did that either. She just didn’t feel like it.

    • @BelizeEmpower says:

      Once again they’re riding on the coattails of Harry. They saw how big Invictus is, how loved Harry is by the veteran community and their families, they see the support and respect Harry gets from world leaders so now they have to insert themselves as the really, really important ones, you know, the royal ones with HRH titles who will be queen and king. Nothing but clout chasing wannabes.

      • Debbie says:

        Honestly, judging by the way the Wales copy and try to mimic Harry, it’s almost as if Harry was their project manager and laid out all their plans for them. They should be paying him.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Remember when KP/et al. made the big announcement that they hired PR guru Lee Thompson? He was going to bring in fresh new ideas! Is he using an H&M look book? Or, are the Wank’s just telling him “Let’s just copy Harry & Meghan.”.

        I get Kate’s interest in the military. She gets a chance for photo ops with good looking men in uniform. It’s not present in her day to day life. Maybe it’s the same for Pegs.

        The BRF blowing off British veterans/veterans during the IG SHOWS how they feel about the military on a global level. MFers.

  4. swaz says:

    They say money is the root of all evil, well jealousy is the root of all hatred 😠😠😠

  5. Etha says:

    Am sorry but am starting to think this hatred and jealousy is dangerous. At first, I used to think it was funny but not anymore.

    • Cessily says:

      It has always been dangerous, and they know that by what happened to Princess Diana so it is also very deliberate.

      • Etha says:

        You’re right. You can only wonder what Harry went through all his life behind the scenes since he is his mother’s child equalling her in charisma.

    • swaz says:

      William’s jealousy and bitterness is seriously out of control 🙄🙄

      • paintybox says:

        @swaz – it really is – he has so little to offer mentally and spiritually compared to his younger brother but he just doesn’t get it. He has been the privileged heir and never had to work for his place in life, just throw baby hissy fits like his father.

      • Kingston says:


        You are so right. Bully’s jealousy is not to be laughed at anymore. Chucky was also dangerously jealous of Diana (tho he was better able than Bully to hide it) and we all saw how that played out.

        We’ve also only recently heard tht in pulling the Sussexes security when he did, leaving them vulnerable and exposed, chucky told his people that if the worse happened to H, he didnt think the fallout , re the public’s response, would be that great.

        So make no mistake, getting rid of the “problem”” of the Sussexes is still an active project for those criminals in palaces.

    • Sunday says:

      Centuries ago the conflict between Harry and Will would have resulted in opposing armies fighting for the throne and probably ended in the complete restructuring of the UK’s borders based on the outcome. I get the feeling Will is peeved that this particular method of resolution is not on the table for him too.

      • Lady D says:

        Willie in charge? It’s going to be a short battle.

      • Yami says:

        In that scenario, I don’t think Charles would be long for the throne because Will would take up arms in a minute to depose him, given that he’s already told the tabs how his reign will be different. The question would be if Harry would take up arms for his dad or let them battle it out. Head to head, I think we’d see Henry the IV if fights for thrones were still a thing.

      • Cessily says:

        Sure Peggy in the Air ambulance and Prince Harry in the Apache helicopter it should be over quickly 🤭

  6. So homelessness and peace in the Middle East and earthshit and early years are done so now it’s the military? Wonder what has brought this on hmmm? Could it be jealousy of a brother who has dedicated his time and effort to helping military veterans and their families? Yes!! They actually think that they are now going to do better than Harry. OMG they have no brain cells left between them. These two can’t put a lunch together much less do something positive and bigger and better than Harry has with Invictus. Let the circus begin.

    • seaflower says:

      Don’t you know? Homelessness and peace in the Middle East and earthshit and early years are so 2023….

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Right! Must add that addiction recovery resources, baby and food banks are no longer necessary. This all just makes them look like bigger idiots than they already are.

    • Lulu says:

      Where else can they go and not be met with boos? Especially now that Kate has basically admitted to being a racist. They bring no diplomatic skills nor good will, I think most anywhere is a risk for another flop tour.

      • Lulu says:

        I forgot Italy. Interesting to see how they manage to fail this one.
        I think Kate and maybe Will are devastated to see other royals moving up to king and queen of Denmark while they still have decades to wait , so there handlers are placating them with royal tours.

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    If it is Germany you can bet you last penny that Mumbles will turn up with the same wardrobe as Meghan.

    They are both unhinged nutjobs – they are both obsessed with copying the Sussex’s that its gone beyond anything sane and normal. There is something menacing about this now.

    • Nanea says:

      This is what I’m dreading.

      That they’re en route to Germany, as I think the biggest number of military personnel outside the UK is stationed here, with their own little extraterritorial enclaves, complete with British infrastructure like shops, kindergartens and schools.

      Just to cosplay the Sussexes, because the Wailses don’t have any unique ideas.

      And maybe they’ll bring George, because Diana took little Harry on her visit to the Rhine Army.

    • Lulu says:

      Keen will manage to bring out those awful joggings and lots buttons.

  8. HO says:

    Next month is the one year to Invictus event. H&M will be in Canada for that so that’s what they’re trying to torpedo. It’s been 4 years, they need to move on. It’s beyond pathetic at this point

    • Jaded says:

      And Canada will welcome them with open arms, lots of positive press and excited crowds – that’ll really chap the Wails’ asses.

  9. Tessa says:

    William is over the top in his.pettiness and jealousy. And the bots and derangers want him to be king right away.

  10. Marichendd says:

    Those two pictures of stiff clowns as opposed to the relaxed hot couple surrounded by the military… Hahahahahahah, your choice of images is absolutely brilliant!

    • Christine says:

      Kaiser’s photo choices are why I open articles on this site that I have no interest in reading!

  11. Sophie says:

    “The first trip of the year will not focus on Ukraine” it says, but does anyone remember when Willy first commented about the war there and he said that this is the first war in Europe in more than 60 years or something similar and everyone on Twitter took him to task? I’ve never seen anyone less aware of history, geopolitics and international relations and being proud of it! But, sure, bring on more of his views on these fields to show how statesman-like (not) he is!

    So, we are going to have two trips outside the UK for the Wails in 2 months? One in Italy and one in God knows where?

    • booboocita says:

      I remember Baldy saying to a relief worker in the UK that all he and Ofwilliam could offer were “smiles.” So is he going to stop smiling at Ukraine? Oh noes!

  12. First comment says:

    A second trip abroad ? First, Italy, now this? No wonder they are MIA for over a month 🙄. They are preparing/s

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I wonder if they participate in both trips together or at least one of them will be done by just Peg or Keen alone.

    • KFG says:

      Did they eff up in Italy bc there wasn’t much press about it. I think them going anywhere is going to end with them being overthrown. They suck at everything.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Does the UK have bases in Italy? That’s my first thought & I’m too lazy to google that, I just know the US has bases there–Army, Air Force, not sure about the Navy or Marines.

  13. Shirley says:

    As a veteran, I can’t say enough of how disgusted I am with the Windsor clan. Playing dress up and wearing uniforms like it’s a costume and now using the military as photo op.

  14. Marivic says:

    William is a very jealous brother. And a poor copycat.

  15. Becks1 says:

    Another year, another attempt by W&K to one-up the Sussexes, and I’m sure it will be yet another failed attempt.

    I also think this is about a NATO photo op or something similar. I can almost guarantee we are going to get a fair amount of pictures that mimic pictures from this year’s IG so the RRs can write endlessly about how the troops support the Waleses over the Sussexes.

    And yes, I agree with a comment upthread that the timing is about Invictus – we know there will likely be something next month to mark the one-year countdown, and the Waleses know it too.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Peggy has always tried to sabotage the IG – from trying to take the funding from it when they split the foundations to trying to take credit for it. The Wails have NOTHING like that to show off about – Chuck has several big initiatives that have made a big impact most notably the Princes Trust (thou aren’t they going to rename it the Kings Trust?).

      Peggy tried to get a NATO photo op in NY – didn’t really happen. He always looks so awkward when he tries to play with the big boys.

      • Lady D says:

        He reminds me of Ivanka walking into that meeting of leaders, being held by Angela Merkel. Nobody knew why she was there and she brought absolutely nothing to the table, although she was quick to stick up for daddy when Angela said something about Trump. I wish Angela had asked her if she was there to defend daddy or there to discuss world events? That was also the conference where the world leaders were surrounding a desk Donald was sitting at. Every one of them were just glaring at Trump who sat there with his arms crossed and his lip stuck out, looking like the fool he was and is. It’s my favourite picture of Trump.

    • Nic919 says:

      Invictus recently released a short video of the chiefs of the various indigenous nations in BC welcoming the competitors to their lands.

      KP has likely seen this.

  16. Jay says:

    Harry has the Invictus games, the Wales have the “inflict us” games where some poor military blokes have to take a photo op with these smug fools.

  17. GuestWho says:

    So then they have solved the homelessness, early childhood development, and world peace issues they were focusing on previously? They’re fantastic! s/

  18. Pet says:

    “Renewed Focus”?
    Vacillating much.

    I feel sorry for everyone involved. Are there NO adults around? What about Anne? Can’t she step in and let KP see how bad this looks?

    What happened to the environment?
    What happened to homelessness?
    What happened to mental health in construction workers?
    What happened to early years development?
    What happened to conservation?

    All these Government institutions and very serious organizations having to adjust their schedule to make space for reactionary ego-driven, performative PR photo ops targeted towards tabloids.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Those are probably scrapped because they realized the concepts were all wrong. With their brilliant ideas, they set up premises that required some serious input to make a difference. That was a mistake because they didn’t want to put any effort into these fake projects. The military is easier, they must think, because it’s about taking partial credit for achievements already accomplished.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Ooh, this is a fun game, I’ll play:

      What happened to stopping online bullying?
      What happened to supporting hospice care?
      What happened to helping on addiction?
      What happened to supporting nurses?

      • HeatherC says:

        Well the wife gave a big thumbs up and a smile outside of the children’s hospice, right? So that must be solved now. (however you “solve” hospice. rolling my eyes)

    • Delta says:

      All very good causes that can benefit from dedicated focus to make real impact.

      About 10 years ago when KP’s communications team was all over the place and their messaging & briefings were flailing, Charles stepped in and streamlined it all under one main office to manage the messaging. So the focus would be on substantive work by the Royal Family, not just puff pieces.
      Can’t he do the same thing here? The messaging is so fractured and very contradictory. It’s more like two very different Royal Family with different objectives, competing voices, and no cohesion.

      • Unblinkered says:

        W, though, is so out of control it’ll take the UK Prime Minister intervening to ensure compliance.

      • Delta says:

        @Unblinkered – This is where you need a Winston Churchill to quietly broaden this young man’s perspective and teach him about true statesmanship as I don’t think Sunak or Starmer has the gravitas to make him heel. Even a Tony Blair would do as he had to step in during PD. There is a large leadership void.

      • Kingston says:


        “…this YOUNG man…..???” The new French PM is 34 years old. Chew on that.

        All the heirs-apparent in europe, one as young as 18, are way more developed mentally than Bully.

        Britain has a big problem.

      • Ham&cheese says:

        That wasn’t Charles, that was Christopher Geidt and he worked for the late Queen. Geidt streamlined things. Charles and Andrew teamed up and had him ousted in 2017/2018. Charles then put his men in as part of the Queen’s core team.

        At no point in time had Charles ever streamlined or successfully led a thing, save for his mistress being led to the throne.

  19. Tina says:

    They will definitely try to time it with the Invictus one year celebrations. The funny thing is I don’t think Invictus has published when /what they are doing for it so the Wales will have to guess. These people are so ridiculous and frankly disturbing. If they were smart (they aren’t) they would just wish the Invictus athletes success before each Games and stop trying to copy Harry.

    • HO says:

      They don’t realize yet that H&M are not their problem. They’re losing support for the monarchy IN BRITAIN. And they’re more concerned with competing with a couple that’s continents away. It’s actually so sick. I’ve never seen anything like it

  20. Jais says:

    The Windsors were never going to gush over the IG due to their rabid jealousy but that they couldn’t even do a simple insta message of good luck to the athletes will never not be shameful. It’s so deeply deeply shameful and disgusting.

    • Christine says:

      I was completely shocked that NONE of the royal family acknowledged the Invictus athletes at all. It wasn’t just U.K. athletes, there were many Commonwealth nations participating. It was a complete “fuck you” to INJURED VETERANS and their families. I’m still stunned.

  21. Ginger says:

    Kate is going to jazz hand all over a military base and ask the soldiers about their early years. Great.

  22. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    So if Meghan acts as a “rocket up Kate’s a$s, Harry acts as a nuke up William’s!!

    • Lady Digby says:

      I am wondering if Will had been an only child, gulp, would he b doing even less as heir with having no one to compete with for attention? Honestly just how mutually inert are these two that they only bestir themselves to “compete” with Harry and Meg’s activities when pushed.

  23. Amy Bee says:

    It will be hilarious if they really go to Germany. “Renewed Focus” indicates that they know that the Royal Family has neglected the military since Harry left the UK. Harry and Meghan plan to be in Vancouver for the one year to go event in February. Let’s see when William and Kate do their military trip.

  24. Maxine Branch says:

    The Wales are consistently getting sloppy seconds from Harry’s authentic visits and work. They want the crowds and applause that Harry and Meghan receives from their every appearance without putting in the work. They probably cannot get the reception to Germany with the large crowd out of their small minds. And the NATO contingency has shaken them to their core. This too shall fail for them. Germany has restructured how they treat veterans after hosting the Invictus Games. The Wales have no shame or advisors helping them. It is far too easy for them to just copy the Sussexes, pathetic.

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      “If” the Wales’ go to Germany, I would love it if a member of the German military questioned why they didn’t congratulate the UK Invictus team? If Germany can admit that they are going to start treating their veterans better, then I see nothing wrong with them asking the Windsors to do the same.

      • Laura D says:

        @Harla A Brazen Hussy – I doubt very much the Germans would say something like that. However, it will be interesting to hear if they tell William (and his wife) at how big an impact the IGs have had on how they now look after/rehabilitate their wounded soldiers. I hope he asks him if he’s proud of his brother’s achievements.

    • Lady D says:

      Sloppy seconds is so perfect a description of everything the Wales attempt, but never succeed at.

  25. Lulu says:

    What is going on with the wails? Where are they? Are they hiding or hiding something?

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Well the kids will have gone back to school now so I imagine they might be off somewhere warm for a well deserved vacation – they normally do something like this at this time of year.

  26. Dora says:

    They’re renewed focus is try and take the games from Harry. William needs to punish him. To bring him to hell. If Charles could and thought he would getaway with-it. He would try and invoke some ancient kings right and demand Harry bring Archie and Lilli to the UK and leave them with him. He knows Meghan would eat his alive and by the time she got through dragging the US government, her mom, is, into it and not to mention all her celebrity support he’d wish he’d never mentioned it.

  27. MaryContrary says:

    Much like everything else they do-there will be one event that they try to play up as the Second Coming-and then, crickets.

  28. Lau says:

    A meeting with a NATO delegation would be pathetic for them and hilarious for us so go ahead !

  29. Mary Pester says:

    Oh hell no, you can keep inaction barbie and incandescent Ken the fk away from the military and us veterans. We don’t need or want them. We have to put up with his drippy father as he’s commander in Cheif, but we have our Royal and that’s Harry. He is PROPER MILITARY through and through. His medals are real, not fking chocolate ones handed out like confetti by his dad.
    We have HARRY we have INVICTUS, the sloppy seconds can stay the hell away.
    They have never been interested in the military until Harry turned invictus into a massive success, now they want to bask in it’s glow. Well stick to fake tan mateys. Your a sad couple of wannabes. Something is afoot because I see the thug Tindal and his wife were with Harry’s polo brother in Australia!

    • BQM says:

      The Tindalls have spent Australia time (and at their UK home) with Nacho and Delfina multiple times over the years. They’re friendly from the polo circuit. About two years ago they spent NYE together with Rebel Wilson.

  30. TarteAuCitron says:

    It’s like a Soldier Barbie box set.

  31. Chelsea says:

    It’s amazing that their “renewed” focus on the military still doesnt mean working with military charities in the UK to support veterans and their families. It really is so crazy that even with Harry gone they still havent done this. They got Help for Heroes to trash Harry but they still can’t be bothered to take on HFH or a charity like it is a patronage?

    Do they not get that taking a chartered flight to another country to play dress up and tell some troops ‘the country supports you’ is not the same as ACTUALLY supporting the troops??? If they wanted to show support they could actually you know DO something that helps their service members and/or their families.

  32. Over it says:

    Being a soldier seems to me to be a very difficult job. Why would you bring these two idiots to add additional stress to people serving their countries? Like why ?

  33. S808 says:

    The Sandhurst mess, Harry’s upcoming aviation honor and this are all a little too coincidental. One thing for sure is that W is extremely jealous of IG. I don’t think he cares about veterans but this passion project of Harry’s has had impact globally, opened a lot of doors for him and has gained him deserved respect by powerful players. That’s what W wants but he won’t put in the work needed to get there.

  34. yupyup says:

    “renewed focus” WOW…. tell me you’re an a**hat that didn’t care about the military until you saw it as a PR performative sticking it to Harry self serving buffoonery tour without tell me.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    “the royals feel very strongly about their role in representing the armed forces.”

    Uh, no. The royals feel very strongly about trying to one-up Harry and about inflating their own importance.

    They could give a flying f*ck about the armed forces.

  36. Eurydice says:

    This is so interesting. Another LEGO block in William’s plan for Charles to abdicate. Once Charles is gone, William will be Commander-in-Chief – so, let’s start setting that up. Big guy at Sandurst, military advocate and next, as some have said above, some kind of military stunt. Plus, he can use Harry as a weapon against Charles, while also taking over Harry’s reputation. It’s a fascinating plot. I wonder who’s running it for him – William doesn’t have the smarts to see this through.

    • yupyup says:

      @Eurydice This has William’s stupidity written all over it. He has never even seen combat. The Sandurst snub already lost it’s point. Charles will never abdicate. As for taking over Harry’s reputation well I’m glad Will got to write something in that book about many other people. This poor shrub.

      • Eurydice says:

        Well, if it were a clever plan, then all of us wouldn’t be able to see through it. All Charles has to do is follow what his mother did – keep his ass firmly glued to the throne until he drops dead.

    • Lady D says:

      Think the PTB at Sandhurst are feeling any embarrassment or are in any way happy about this debacle?

      • Eurydice says:

        I’m sure this isn’t the first time in 200+ years that someone at Sandhurst has said, “what can you do; it’s the king/queen/pow/pick some other important dude.” I imagine the predominant reaction would have been an eyeroll.

  37. JJ says:

    They they f–king joking?! After the UK report came out last week saying the monarchy’s popularity has dipped so low, instead of focusing on themselves and what they can bring to the table, they are still focused on copying/besting Harry?! Will, work on your homelessness whatever and Kate, what happened to your early years crap? Is that done? Focus on your own initiatives and lives and not what Harry’s doing, where Andrew is living etc. Do they not realize that they look unhinged?

  38. vpd4 says:

    I vehemently dislike these people.

  39. Shawna says:

    Don’t the Royals only go abroad when they’re asked to by the foreign office? Meaning that it wasn’t even their idea.

    • Lauren West says:

      That’s what is always claimed but I don’t know if any reporter has actually followed up to see if it’s the truth.

  40. HuffnPuff says:

    When is the RF going to wise up and realize they picked the wrong family members in the long run? Loyalty by means of necessity isn’t a win (referring to Andrew). If Andrew didn’t need the money, he would have done what H&M did with books and interviews. As for W&K, good grief. Anything they do with the military gets a comparison and/or mention of Harry. Same with mental health awareness. Harry may not be in England but he is remembered. It would have made more sense to have let H&M do half in/half out than to make them outcasts. The working royals are absolute idiots surrounded by ignorant, short sighted and weak courtiers.

    • equality says:

      Andrew needs the protection from prosecution and place to hide. Otherwise, I could totally see him doing the book deal, because he sees how much PH made off his book.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Replying to Huffnpuff – you’re spot on about the courtiers surrounding the RF. Spot on.
        Christopher Geidt left in 2017 I think, a strong & very clever man, brilliant in fact, and the RF have been in the proverbial ever since.

  41. Chichi says:

    I thought it was Sarah Palin when I first looked at that pic 🙈

  42. kelleybelle says:

    Do either of these twats have an original idea or bone in their body?? Pathetic is right, and I’ll add losers to the list too.

  43. tamsin says:

    The Windsors are laser focused on their family squabbles rather than their duty representing Britain. Charles, as king and commander-in-chief, should have been seen to support the veterans going to the IG. They are both unfit to be modern constitutional monarchs.

  44. Kingston says:

    Someone said upthread that at first, Bully’s naked jealousy was a joke but now shidt is getting real. Its like his incandescence cannot be hidden anymore.

    And I agree……….rotaRATS over the years have all hinted, in various ways their articles and books, about his volatile temper and his general laziness and incompetence. And most insidious of all – his covetousness of all things Harry.

    I recall back in 2019 when it was leaked by kp that H&M were discussing moving to South Africa. That was when there was this article in the Times wth an extract that SSquad shares all the time, in which Bully was being placated that H&M might hv the limelight on them now, being that they were then newlyweds and were a naturally charismatic and attractive couple. But that all that would fade and all eyes would be back on to Bully as his kingship drew near.

    But that hasnt happened. H&M’s star is only getting brighter with their freedom from the cult. So Bully’s impatience and what is clear to some of us – his active refusal to wait for his kingship to see if that will elevate him above his brother, is very evident.

    What will his incandescence drive him to do?

    We’ve seen how his father’s jealousy of his charismatic and attractive ex-wife was resolved…..

  45. Macky says:

    They both can join the reserves or something. A Middleton or goldsmith needs to join. Kate family really hasn’t played a good game.

  46. bisynaptic says:

    ‘A royal source said: “It’s no secret about the Prince and Princess’ affection for the military but 2024 is about celebrating the efforts of those personnel abroad…’
    —Do they need anonymous sources for even these kinds of announcements?

  47. blunt talker says:

    I usually don’t comment of anything with UK royals-but William has a very full plate-he going to cure homelessness-he going to cause peace to break out in the Middle East-he is going to save Earth from being destroyed by creating safe environmental practices-I would like to know how will he find time to get all this done along with the military commitments-Just wondering.

  48. kelleybelle says:

    Gawd, Kate looks like an excited little kid playing military dress-up. Does she take anything seriously? This airhead will be consort one day, if the monarchy lasts. Ugh.

  49. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This is rather confusing. Why dont WanK visit the bases in the UK? Why don’t send some time listending to what the service members have to say? Why are they going to a different country-not in the Commonwealth? They really are bad at this stuff.

    I wish the Windsors would stop all of this pretense about who they think they are and get back to the fact that they are the UK brf. Along with a Commonwealth countries where they are head of state, that’s who they are. They either want to continue the Monarchy or they don’t. The way to make sure it continues is to spend time in the UK and sometimes in their head of state Commonwealth countries. That’s it.

    I have a feeling when Wont becomes King, the UK will be lucky if he ever does any appearances there. If he does anything, it will be somewhere not connected to the UK. I haven’t read End Game yet, but I have my copy. I’ll be reading it soon. I can see why Omid said that they’re at a pivotal point. I honestly don’t think they’re capable of doing what needs to be done for the long term of the Monarchy. Perhaps people are right who keep saying that Wont will be the last King. I can see that now.