Denmark officially has a new king and queen. On Sunday, Queen Margrethe abdicated by signing some papers, and Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen made the proclamation: King Frederik X and Queen Mary are the new king and queen after Margrethe’s historic 52-year reign. The “handover” took place at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, then the proclamation happened on the balcony, where Mary and Frederik appeared before a loud and happy crowd. Mary and Fred even kissed on the balcony, like it was their wedding day! They both seemed into it.
Speaking of, Mary wore a white gown specially made/designed by her Danish wedding dressmaker, Soeren Le Schmidt. It was sewn by Birgit Hallstein. It’s very bridal, which I guess fits with the occasion – she wanted that kind of association, and it’s basically like she’s becoming a new person, the queen of Denmark.
This whole thing ended up being bigger than they said it would be – I thought the “coronation” was mostly going to be a bureaucratic thing, but the Danes did some pomp. The new king made a speech, lots of people came out to wish them well, there was a cannon salute, they did a carriage ride through Copenhagen and there were crowds of thousands in the streets and outside the palace. As it turns out, the Danes are monarchists.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: DDP/INSTARimages **USA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik and Queen Mary Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: DDP/INSTARimages **USA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The succession of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary of Denmark at Christiansborg Palace Square. Featuring: King Frederik X, Queen Mary, Princess Josephine, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella and Prince Vincent Where: Copenhagen, Denmark When: 14 Jan 2024 Credit: DDP/INSTARimages **USA RIGHTS ONLY**
That was really a smart move by Queen. Instead of mourning and then, celebration, the country can just celebrate the new King & Queen and she can enjoy her last days in retirement. Even if her son messes up, he is the one in charge, so it will be all his mess to fix.
I dont know everything about them but the Queen seems absolutely very smart and a very strategic person. This coronation is so much lighter, more fun than the hyped up, boring traditional coronation of Petty K Charlot.
Watch KKKhate do that dress but way more weddinger, and with a bigger cape, and with bigger jewelry and with a bigger wig, and she will grab Eggplant’s hand better, and grab his azz on the way out of the balcony, and have better details on the back of her dress because she knows people are looking at her behind.
That was my very first thought when I saw Mary’s dress. I thought what will Kate do to make this a bad look. I am imagining many buttons.
Mary looks great by the way.
Kate won’t have bigger jewels, that’s for sure. Camilla’s still not letting go of the good stuff. And those ruby & diamond pieces of Mary’s are absolutely gorgeous!
I’m Aussie – Mary and Kkkhate are poles apart- in work ethics, intelligence and principles. Mary Donaldson is a true beautiful queen.
And those rubies, part of a huge and historic parure, belonged to Mary since her marriage. No begging around. Fred’s grandmother Ingrid had left them to him. Mary also wore the ruby hairpins, ring and brooch. The set dates back to Queen Desiree in the Napoleonic era.
Hahaha 🤣 no placards staying not my king…poor chuck..😁🤣🤣🤣
Most of the people lining the streets for Charles coronation were tourists.
I love how the crowd really amped up the cheers when Mary come onto the balcony. They both looked happy.
While Fred has an 80 percent approval rating, Mary has an 86 percent approval rating.
It felt so nice to watch a genuinely joyous occasion. Also it’s so cold here in the widest it felt like we could be in Denmark. Queen Mary was beautiful, her dress and jewelry were perfect.
Dignity is the word I’ve been searching for. This as all carried out with such dignity, and a decided lack of negativity, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Good luck to the new King and Queen and Queen Margarethe.
At first i thought this affair was going to be a bore but watching it yesterday i genuinely got emotional. It wasn’t a grand ceremony but everything about the festivities yesterday just felt so warm. From Fredrick wiping away his tears to the kiss to their children and the cheers from the crowd. It genuinely was a joyous occasion.
@Chloe right? And watching Margrethe walk out of the room in tears after signing the abdication document. Very emotional day for the family, for sure.
Who knew a royal family could look genuinely happy about their lot in life? No matter what was going on behind the scenes, I don’t think that emotion was fake. It was refreshing to see after the tense and morose display put on in London last May.
How pleasant it was to view a change of royalty done in a fashion that was understated (to a degree) and quite unlike the performance trotted out to us here in the UK by the recently crowned king and queen last year. Monstrously expensive, over opulent and dreadfully ostentatious!
How refreshing is it that a queen isn’t clinging to her throne so that her son can access to thr highest seat without the sadness of mourning a parent. The you have the petty and english royals themselves creating drama to get power. Ridiculous. Scandinavian always seem to have a better way of doing things. Charles isnt going to like that abdication is a success lol. William is going to love briefing to the BP how dignified it was to watch it all come down. 😂
While I think monarchies should all be abolished, this turnover did far exceed the British one. Saw a few balcony vids and the kids were tactile and loving with their parents. It felt less stufffy and overdone. Fred and Mary obviously come across as more glamorous than Charles and Camilla. Mary’s dress has a modern feel. Love the cowl neck and the draping.
Maybe the wedding themed dress was also a hopeful sign that they are renewing their marriage vows. Frederik seems to need a reminder. And the kiss was a nice touch.
It wasn’t wedding themed, most women wear white for coronations, the only exception (in recent history) has been Maxima in blue. The crowd was apparently shouting for a kiss.
All in all I can only echo the other comments in saying this is how it’s done. Simple, quick, sophisticated, cost-effective. No circus, no ridiculous money spent on a hat ceremony. And in spite of the lack of actual hat everyone knew who the new monarch is.
Stepping away and handing the reigns over is really the was forward.
I watched bits of it live and have seen the event they did today as his first attendance of parliament. Fredrick and Mary and the children looked happy, although a bit overwhelmed at times – a lot of changes for them. Margrethe was heavily leaning on her cane today, slow and struggling at some points today at parliament – I suspect that her back is worse than we know. The family also seems very relaxed and loving to each other (unlike certain other stiff upper lip royal families)
My main rake away was how I preferred this relaxed, joyful event to the stuffy coronation Chuckles had.
She has been a heavy smoker her whole life. I hate to say it, but my guess (and this was my MIL), it’s lung cancer-and it got diagnosed after back pain. She probably just wants to be able to deal with any treatments, or simply end of life issues, without the complexities of also being the monarch. It’s morbid, and I hope I’m wrong.
I’ve also been thinking it’s more than the back, she doesn’t have long left. I hope we’re both wrong.
I hadn’t thought about that, but it makes sense.
Honestly, UK royals take note. A low key coronation. Abdicating when reaching old age and letting a more youthful King and Queen reign. And now they have a young, attractive Crown Prince.
I’d normally agree with this but I wish a very long (unsuccessful) life for Tampax (and his horse). May he hold unto the throne until he’s carried out in a coffin. It’s what that rotten isle deserves.
Totally agree with you. Death is not the worst that can happen to anyone.
I strongly believe folks must live long enough to experience all the attendant indignities of age and infirmity as they contemplate the life they had lived and how they treated others.
I am hoping for this as well. Willy needs to stew in his bitter juices for decades. God save the king indeed.
Well the next one in the UK is incandescent William. I hope he and Kate wait a long time.
One pint doesn’t want the responsibility
I loved Mary’s outfit – she’s generally on the money most of the time style wise. And yeah she kinda made him work for that kiss LOL.
They all looked very shocked by the reception when they came onto the balcony – esp Fred X. Will be interesting to see how the family dynamics with Joachim works out, esp given that he is still taking taxpayer money for doing not a lot.
I think it’s essentially perfect in style. Elegant, understated and regal. I saw that one commenter above said that most women wear white for coronations- odd to me- but if so, appropriate. The style and fit of the dress are beautiful.
That outfit was just perfection! I wonder if she had it in her closet already – or if the designer and seamstress worked magic in 2 weeks.
I also loved how she used elements of the ruby-diamond parure. The hair pins (l love jewelled hair ornaments), the earrings and then the brooch placed at the front of the outfit’s belt. I love brooches and I am always excited to see unconventional brooch placements.
In recent history queens have chosen white for coronations but historically queens wore silver fabric with gold decoration. The swedes have examples going back to the 1740s preserved, you can google to get an idea.
He teared up when he stepped out on the balcony. It was nice to see some emotion. I liked what Mary had on. I don’t know anything about them, but I hope they are nothing like chuck and cam. Good luck to them
probably tearing up because he has to give up his playboy ways, can no longer run off galivanting and sowing his wild oats and has to settle down and finally do some real work.
He’s only human, and no one knows what’s the background of it all. For sure these last few weeks have been a rollercoaster for that him, Mary and the Queen. My take is they didn’t expect what -to me- sounded like a roaring welcome from the crowd. So I understand the tears, I do think he loves Mary, but sadly cheaters will keep cheating.
If it’s true that Peg was watching closely, I’m sure the kiss was the moment when he said “nope” this is not my style.
There was some awkwardness before the kiss here too. He leaned in and she backed off a bit and then looked inside and then went in for the kiss. It seems to have been spontaneous from Frederick and he hadn’t given Mary the heads up.
The crowd was egging them on as well.
I actually watched it and she’s the one who asked whether they should kiss and both were shy about it at first.
I just realized Denmark has a young, female Prime Minister. Cool.
Mette Frederiksen is the PM. While I have some issues with, she and the government handled the pandemic really well. Not just the medical stuff and quarantine – but they also used a significant amount of the state budget to secure many people’s salaries during lockdown. The economic downturn in the wake of the pandemic was not as bad as elsewhere and the inflation quickly became more managble.
She also made Trump mad when she did not want to discuss him buying Greenland.
On a shallower note, love her fashion
Listening to these commentators bring up Meghan as part of their “we treated the outsider badly because she was American not because of the race card!” Argh. The rot is deep with these commentators. Casual bigots.
That said, good for Mary. She’s queen. Not sure it was worth the cost of marrying a philanderer but she’s beloved by the public and the kids seem nice.
Thank you! I watched the video and was so angry. First, is calling the years long mistreatment of Meghan by the media “the race card “ offensive?? It sounded pretty awful and also pretty racist! And second, they need to stop lumping Meghan and Kate into the same category. Meghan had a career and was a fully formed woman before Harry. She and Kate are not the same.
Oh My gosh yes. When the commentator said that I was pissed.
Yes, Casual bigots.
This is why I didn’t even bother turning on the english commentary. Also it annoys me how they always feel the need to bring in the BRF,
Part of the hatred towards Meghan was anti American.
Mary is a good actress also it’s very hard not to draw parallels with the wales, Kate is never leaving that marriage unless William wants her out and he’s to much of a coward and cares about public opinion to do so, they will remain unhappily married and she gets to be queen, I’m sure Kate has put up a picture of Mary’s outfit on her wall next to the Meghan ones
I think Mary has a job to do and she does it spectacularly. The Danish people overwhelmingly support her.
Mary dressing like a bride was deliberate. Mary and Frederik acted like it was their wedding day too. I think the Palace wanted to remind the public of her and Frederik’s wedding and not that he’s allegedly a cheater.
As others have noted, most of the “new queens” who came in via abdication have worn white to their “swearing in” events. (The exception was Queen Maxima in the Netherlands, who wore mauve for the signing and blue for the formal event.)
Mary didn’t get a lot of notice so her “dress team” did a great job.
This was moving to watch, and also had the two things that were so obviously missing from the UK one, taste and class! No silly hats, no tin foil tiaras, no video by the heir and his Mrs, and no massive crowns and jewelry on display.
Now, go 10 or so years down the road (thank goodness I will be long gone by then) and we will have the buttons and bling coronation in the UK. The children will be dressed in identical outfits, even though they will be adults by then. Botox barbie will strut her stuff weighted down big shiny buttons and every single bit of the Royal jewel collection she can get her hands on. Billy will have his ermine trimmed robe embroidered with massive eggplants and his crown will be specially altered incase it slips of his bald head. Oh how I would love for Louis to be in front of the Abbey doors, greeting everyone with “yo dude, how ya doin, go sit your arse down, we are just waiting for mother to finish getting her fillers topped up 😂
For those of us who will be long gone by the time Charles departs this planet, I second your humorous assessment of what will transpire!!
I totally hope your version comes true! Velcro that crown to that bald, knobby head!
@BeanieBean “velcro that crown” I am deceased.
OMG Mary Pester, can’t believe I forgot about the professional “getting in the car to the coronation” video!! Cringe.
All the petty drama is coming back- people uninvited, dress code dramas, cars driving around the block to be the last to arrive. Embarrassing!! The Danes showed you can (privately) organise a significant and meaningful process in a much shorter time period. Willy and Kate will NOT be taking notes.
@Mary Pester First time replying to you. I always enjoy your reading your comments. Thanks for the vivid, hilarious imagery. I howled at your words here. I hope you’re keeping as comfortable as you can be.
May the reign of Chuck da turd be a long shambolic clown show.
One thing I’m sure Charles would have noted was the absence of protest groups. No ‘Not My King’ placards and shouting. The Danish monarchy has strong support and Mary is especially popular.
The Mail was desperately trying to link Fred and Mary with William and Kate, even claiming that Mary copies Kate’s outfits. Many comments pointed out it was the other way round since this was Mary’s style many years before Kate Middleton appeared. Comments were largely negative about the Dolittles with numerous references to Mary’s work before her marriage and the effort she made to learn Danish. She is regarded as a good public speaker in Denmark.
A telecompany has said that they registered 300.000 phones on the masts in the area around Christiansborg Castle! The police actually had to close off the inner city completely at one point.
I have to say that the horses did beautifully with so many people that at some points stood quite close. Those white carriage horses are beautiful.
Yesterday AH you had every right to be very proud to be Danish. It was a lovely day and the joy of the people was fantastic. I wish F&M a happy reign and I hope any marriage difficulties can be resolved. For now, I suspect, they will both be much busier than they had anticipated just a few weeks ago. I am glad the Queen got her time down under pre Xmas to rest and relax. I hope/assume these trips ‘home’ will continue now she is Queen.
It was a very lovely, festive and moving day. It was really wonderful that people also could show Queen Margrethe their appreciation and the Fred and his family could celebrate a new stage in their life without sadness. I hope abdication becomes a tradition here.
I have always liked the ceremony of the proclamation because it symbolizes that the while their is a monarch, the top dog is always the Prime Minister. Taking place on the balcony makes a connection between the new monarch and the people more tangible. However, us Copenhageners are more used to seeing the royals out and about. I have often seen Daisy in the theatre (apparently we have the same taste in opera and ballet ;-)) I have literally walked past Prince Joachim and Prince Frederik in the streets, etc.
They also televise more of their events that the BRF – like the weddings (we get to see the speeches and the wedding waltz after the ceremony), big birthdays, christenings, etc. As do the Swedes. The Nordic christenings have been especially fun because they brought their young children to church even though they can’t always sit still.
I think one thing that remains true for all the current Scandinavian royals is that they don’t do the stiff upper lip thing. They let people see that they are human too.
There might have been some pomp but at least he wasn’t bedecked in gold from head to toe like Charles lol.
I like that it was the right amount of pomp and now they move forward!
I really like them. A breath of fresh air. He seems real, natural with people and genuine – in his strengths and weaknesses, and emotionally intelligent.
Did a little dive to understand more about him. He’s experienced a real life journey, well as far as being a royal can, but it seems he tried his best to live outside of the bubble and the country ( it tells given his Queen is from as far as Australia) & that must have formed who he is and will be.
I don’t understand why the tabs & fashion sites compare QM to KM, as their approach to Royal Life looks different to me, keyword search terms for her must be trending high so they could be linking for that.
Queen Mary comes across as real, like she hit the ground running from pre marriage! she’s been working a lonnnnnnng time for some great & relevant causes with her foundation – women’s reproductive rights included, she is brave to take that on as it always comes with criticism but maybe Danes are liberal.
I like that she speaks about loneliness , it’s one of her causes, based on her own experiences. I read in a German paper she mentioned the loneliness she faced moving away from home and the challenges in a new country . And she is multilingual 👏
They still have some fairytale dust on them. 🪄
Yes, the recent mini scandals adds intrigue 🤭 but I appreciate that they clear up misunderstandings and move forward. Prince J & Princess M are still on their socials & they showed him in one of the reels from yesterday 👑 I wish them well in their new roles and it’s nice to read royal good news.
I think what sets Frederick and Mary apart from other royals is that they show their emotions and vulnerability. It makes them come across as genuinely “just like everyone else”. Seeing Frederick cry at his wedding and yesterday demonstrates his humility and respect for the role he was born into and has chosen to accept. The way he looked at Mary shows his devotion to her, even if he may have been fooling around. Frederick is the man he is today, because of her. And he knows it.
I saw the documentary where Mary talks about loneliness and missing home hit me at my core. I married a German and have lived in Germany for nearly 3 decades. The loneliness can be overwhelming at times and it never really gets easier. I can’t imagine how she has felt with the isolation of being a princess on top of integrating and assimilating to a new culture, which is a daily, life-long process.
BTW I love hearing her speak Danish. She has such a soothing voice with a gorgeous Aussie English accent…it’s lovely and I can understand her much better than Frederick when they speak Danish because I speak German. They are kind of similar. She makes a real effort to pronounce words correctly and enunciate her words clearly. I wish them luck.
Mary looks fantastic, this dress is wonderful and a smart/modern take on wearing white to become queen.
They both looked happy and even loved up and into each other – and not in a fake way. They clearly have their own dynamics in their marriage and honestly if both parties are okay with it, that’s their business. What struck me most was the genuine emotion from everyone, including former Queen Margarethe. Seeing her get emotional as she signed the papers and handed the seat at the table to her son was really touching. And they managed to pull a GIANT crowd. All WITHOUT an ermine cape, scepter, crown and gold carriage. Oh- and millions of taxpayer’s dollars.
Yes, it’s the genuine emotion we see that’s so remarkable as we contrast this with the BRF way of doing things. Those people have fully erased genuine emotion from every facet of their public lives–and quite possibly from a lot of their personal lives, as well.
What an elegant and dignified ceremony. It had all the pomp and circumstance of a coronation without the bloviating.
They really showed Chuck and Cam up and that lazy Will and his wife must be seething.
He may or may not be a crappy husband, but Fredrick seems like a good dad; he was so attentive to his daughter on the balcony when she was obviously feeling overwhelmed. Christian checked in on her as well, it’s nice to see normal sibling interactions instead of how icy and competitive the BRF have always been.
Christian jumped up to get his grandmas cane after she signed the abdication papers and stood up. I’ll probably always like him now cause he was sweet to his grandma.
I noticed that too @Anya. From Queen Margrethe down, the family seems affectionate and loving. Polar opposite of the Windsors.
One of my few clicks on the fail was this because they had good live coverage and it was middle night for me.. Sadly, so many calling the younger daughter a snob! Unbelievable! And comments comparing Mary to Kate (educated, competent, beautiful, not a foot wrong 🙄🙄🤣🤣). Those people, or the kp bots, are deluded.
I wish there had been a plan for M exiting the room. It looked haphazard.. She motioned FredX down. Christian looked concerned and jumped for the cane. Christian escorting her out (as in pre planned) would have been delightful. Christian seems like a lovely young man. All the kids do.
Daisy exiting the room by herself looked so sad. I wish Christian had gone with her as someone had suggested. It was a lonely way to go.
The transfer of royal power was elegantly done. No overt bloat on tax dollars. Mary looked greatly and not overdone (or wearing a tiara made with a Bedazzler). The day was not shrouded with scandal like the UK con-a-nation and that’s the fault of the BRF and BM.
I think that dress is perfect for her and perfect for the occasion. Her whole look is beautiful, elegant, stately, and not overdone. 10/10!
I said something very similar, above. She looks magnificent.
The new King Frederik has always been the type to wear his heart on his sleeve (just find his wedding on YouTube and watch him get teary-eyed during Mary’s walk down the aisle). I wasn’t too surprised to see him get tears in his eyes during the proclamation, but I am glad he got to do this under happier circumstances than his mother’s death.
Margrethe became Queen before I was born but I have seen videos of her accession speech. While she was very dignified she also looked so crushed. She and her father were very close, she was very much a daddy’s girl. She actually became heir to the Throne at 13 when the Constitution was changed. When her parents started to prepare her for her future role when she was a teen, she initially did not even want to talk about it because that would mean her father was dead.
Yesterday, she wore a tiny brooch shaped like a horse shoe. Her father gave it to her when she became his heir, she wore it her proclamaition and now she wore it at her abdication.
Thank you so much for the fascinating background. I love to read about these details. I noticed that the third sister, Anne-Marie of Greece, was probably not on the scene. Their mother, the late Queen Ingrid, was a fairly direct link to the Windsors–probably their warmest and worthiest scion.
Thanks for those details, @art historian! I often wonder how much guilt and sadness gets wrapped up in assuming the throne after a parent’s death. I cannot imagine what it would feel like trying to mourn while all eyes are on you. I guess there would also be a weird mix of excitement about your new role and responsibilities mixed up with your grief. By abdicating, hopefully, Margrethe has saved her family that particular pain.
Ingrid was the most eligible royal bachelorette in the 1930s. Some of the English royals desperately wanted her as consort to the man who became Edward VIII. She dodged a bullet there.
Frederik IX (he was CP then) was sort of set up on a royal blind date – and they hit it off. There’s a funny story about his first engagement. When he was 19 he met Princess Olga of Greece at a party in Cannes. He was smitten and proposed the very next day. Then he called home – and his father only cared that Frederik’s intended was a princess. So he informed the PM and then the press. However, when the young couple spent some weeks together in Greece to get to know each other better, they found out that they weren’t suited. So the PM and the press had to be informed that the engagement was off, which was quite embarrassing.
Queen Ingrid is one of the reasons that the Scandi RFs are so close. They are all closely related but she really nurtured the relationships. Fx she personally mentored the new Queen Sonja of Sweden because she said there are some things only another Queen can know. She was also very supportive of Harald of Norway when he wanted to marry Sonja, which his father King Olav initially was against. The Norwegian and Danish RFs are especially close. I don’t know if it has been confirmed but there was some media chatter that CP Haakon and Mette-Marit attended a small dinner party that Mary and Fred held yesterday evening with the close family: Queen Margrethe, Prince Joachim, Princess Benedikte and Mary’s sister.
To be 100% superficial, they are a gorgeous couple.
Yes, Such a beautiful couple! Modern & fresh! Real!
Love the elegance & intelligence of Queen Margrethe – fascinating woman, even did set design for films while Queen. Can’t wait to read her book!
Now this is how it should be done.
Elegant Mary, handsome Fred, the brother, Mum, and heir all together, looking very well dressed but not flaunting wealth. No gold carriages costing $100M of tax payers money.
I hope M&F go and do a lot of useful charity work that actually helps people in need.
Move over C&C, W&K, this is the new, modern couple.
Abdications may become the norm if monarchies survive. So far, Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium, but all for different reasons. Also, in Denmark, the prime minister made the proclamation. I think it is a concept of Monarchy that is needed to survive in the 21st century. None of this divine right of kings nonsense and be crowned and annointed in a cathedral by an archbishop. it’s time to separate Church and State and they need to find a way to do it. The symbolism is too far removed from the reality at this point.
I didn’t watch, but it sounds like just the right amount of pomp and circumstance and symbolism was adhered to. I notice that Marguerite, Frederick, and Mary each had a sibling there in support- Princess Be, Prince Joachim, and Mary’s sister. It was nice to see siblings care for each other, and family concern being displayed on the balcony. As usual, the BM tries to make Kate look like a woman of substance by comparing Mary to her; however, as usual it is a laughable comparison.
It’s unavoidable now for the British media to make unfavourable comparisons to KM. Mary of Denmark is a class act: hardworking, warm and living the role both as CP and now as Queen.
KM has to up her game, triple the number of public engagements she does and start living the role like Mary.
The dress is giving me Princess Leia vibes rather than bridal…. Just me?
You’re right.
Kate Middleton must be pi**ed! lol
What a beautiful Royal Family. And the King is even more handsome in movement. What a beautiful head of hair he has.
He has a beautiful wife and mistress also. LOL
While Fred isn’t exactly my type – I can say that he looks better in person than he does on film.
I’ve always thought Fred was cute. In a sort of boy band-ish, way. Reminds me of my first love Joey McIntyre a little bit. Good luck to both of them–and to Christian and the other kids, too.
Am I the only one who thought they seemed awkward with each other on the balcony, even and especially, surrounding the kiss? He kept shaking the arm he was holding her hand with. Can’t imagine anything I’d like more than to have my hand yanked, while I’m trying to look regal and dignified in front of my adoring public. It reminded me of how Sean Penn kept manhandling Robin Wright, as he insisted to the post-Oscars interviewer that Robin knew how much he appreciated her, after he’d failed to mention her, in his Oscars acceptance speech, right before they split.