Over the weekend, the “story” broke: in royal historian Robert Hardman’s new biography of King Charles, royal sources insist that Queen Elizabeth II was incandescent with rage over Prince Harry naming his daughter “Lilibet.” We went through all of this in 2021 – Harry made it clear that he spoke to his grandmother and told her of his plans to give his daughter the Queen’s family nickname. At the time, royal sources screamed to everyone that QEII was not informed, oh wait she was informed but she hated it, oh wait she didn’t tell anyone about the conversation actually but still! Less than a year later, QEII and the Sussexes had a quiet meeting at Windsor Castle with zero leaks, and she personally invited them to her Jubbly. That June, Meghan and Harry brought their children to England for a days-long visit and QEII met her namesake.
Taking the larger view, it certainly feels like poor form for Charles’s supposed biographer to write stories smearing QEII as somehow enraged or inconsolable about her grandson naming his daughter “Lilibet.” At best, the story is true and it makes QEII seem petty, racist and ridiculous, especially given that her favorite son Andrew has been mired in controversy for years for rape and his associations with pedophiles. At worst, King Charles’s court is weaponizing his dead mother to badger and smear the son he exiled. Well, trust that Becky English at the Mail is on the case! English wrote a first-person account of all of this ridiculous bullsh-t, because I guess none of the royal rota want to write about Prince Andrew.
The Lilibet name: In fact, I understand the Queen was so upset by the Sussexes’ decision that she told aides: ‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.’
The Sussexes were too Californian to understand how evil their actions were: Harry and Meghan would not have intended to cause her grief – over this, at any rate. Barricaded in their Californian cocoon, blanketed by the cosy schmaltz of their new showbiz life, it simply wouldn’t have occurred to the couple that such a gesture would cause offence. But it seems that it did – as well-placed sources made clear to myself and others at the time.
The BBC report: The national broadcaster’s royal correspondent, Jonny Dymond, reported being told by a ‘Palace source’ that the Queen was ‘never asked’ by Harry and Meghan about the use of her childhood nickname. Dymond said his source ‘disputed’ reports in the wake of the announcement of the name that Harry and Meghan had spoken to the Queen to garner her blessing. It’s what a lot of us were saying, one way or another, back in 2021.
Becky said the Queen wasn’t angry: In all honesty, I was not told at the time that the Queen was ‘angry’. That was not a word that was ever used to me, personally. But what at least two sources made clear – reluctantly, I might add, since in the wake of their score-settling Oprah interview, everyone at Buckingham Palace was treading on eggshells for fear of further hostilities with the Sussexes – was that the suggestion they had sought the Queen’s approval was a rather one-sided interpretation of what had actually occurred.
The Queen was merely taken aback: As it was described to me, the then 95-year-old monarch was taken aback when she was told by her grandson of his intention to give his daughter the name Lilibet in her honour but didn’t feel, given the circumstances, she could say no. You might describe it as being pushed into an impossible corner. And that certainly makes sense when you now consider her remark about ‘palaces and paintings’ which, as well as most of her jewels, cars and even furniture, were never hers to own. She was, in most respects, simply the conservator of them for future generations on behalf of the nation. However her pet name, Lilibet, which sweetly stuck after she could never pronounce her own name correctly as a toddler, was hers – and hers alone.
This makes zero sense: As someone who had enjoyed a faultless career as an international stateswoman, the elderly Queen, it seems, was still willing to bite her lip (publicly that is) – until she saw her name being weaponised by lawyers in a fight against the British public service broadcaster. And according to Robert Hardman, despite posting their good wishes on social media Buckingham Palace flatly refused to be ‘co-opted’ into ‘propping up’ Harry and Meghan’s version of events. They firmly ‘rebuffed’ their requests to do so, which ultimately, it seems, led the Sussexes’ threats of legal action to quietly dissipate.
It’s all the Sussexes’ fault! In truth, it is really rather sad that the name of a child continues to cause rancour. Little Lilibet deserves none of this. But the fact that loyal staff speak about it even now shows that many consider the Sussexes’ behaviour towards the late Queen to have been at best misguided and at worst unforgivable in the twilight of her reign.
This is so utterly asinine, I barely have words. “Buckingham Palace flatly refused to be ‘co-opted’ into ‘propping up’ Harry and Meghan’s version of events…” The BBC lied, or rather, a palace source lied to the BBC and the BBC printed the lie that QEII was never asked. As English herself admits, Harry did ask. QEII “was taken aback when she was told by her grandson of his intention to give his daughter the name Lilibet in her honour but didn’t feel, given the circumstances, she could say no.” She’s admitting that Harry DID ASK. So the BBC lied, the palace lied, and Harry was telling the truth the whole time, huh? So English is admitting in her rancid way that the palace authorized and engineered a years-long public tantrum over an American baby’s name, and the palace is still blaming all of it for the Sussexes’ “unforgivable” crime of reusing a family nickname.
Incidentally, the whole “the name Lilibet is the only thing of her own” stupidity was said back in 2021, although they didn’t dare put those asinine words in QEII’s mouth. While the monarch is the “guardian” of all of those castles, paintings and jewels, let’s not forget QEII’s enormous personal wealth, private art, private jewelry and private homes. “The name Lilibet is all she had of her own, minus the billion-dollar personal fortune, millions of dollars of inherited jewelry, a huge Scottish estate and a huge Norfolk estate. POOR LILIBET!”
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
- Queen Elizabeth II leaves Sandringham House, which is the Queen’s Norfolk residence, after a reception with representatives from local community groups to celebrate the start of the Platinum Jubilee. The Queen came to the throne 70 years ago this Sunday when, on February 6 1952, the ailing King George VI – who had lung cancer – died at Sandringham in the early hours.,Image: 659601837, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Joe Giddens / Avalon
- Queen Elizabeth II leaves Sandringham House, which is the Queen’s Norfolk residence, after a reception with representatives from local community groups to celebrate the start of the Platinum Jubilee. The Queen came to the throne 70 years ago this Sunday when, on February 6 1952, the ailing King George VI – who had lung cancer – died at Sandringham in the early hours.,Image: 659635986, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Joe Giddens / Avalon
- Queen Elizabeth II during a reception in the Ballroom of Sandringham House, which is the Queen’s Norfolk residence, with representatives from local community groups to celebrate the start of the Platinum Jubilee. The Queen came to the throne 70 years ago this Sunday when, on February 6 1952, the ailing King George VI – who had lung cancer – died at Sandringham in the early hours.,Image: 659636049, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Joe Giddens / Avalon
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Members of The Royal Family attend day three of the Royal Windsor Horse Show, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Queen, Queen Elizabeth II BACKGRID USA 3 JULY 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Members of The Royal Family attend day three of the Royal Windsor Horse Show, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Queen, Queen Elizabeth II BACKGRID USA 3 JULY 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Queen Elizabeth II at Day Two of the Royal Windsor Horse Show 2022, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Queen, Queen Elizabeth II BACKGRID USA 13 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Queen Elizabeth II at Day Two of the Royal Windsor Horse Show 2022, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Lady Penelope Romsey, Queen, Queen Elizabeth II BACKGRID USA 13 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM – Queen Elizabeth II at Day Two of the Royal Windsor Horse Show 2022, at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. Pictured: Queen, Queen Elizabeth II BACKGRID USA 13 MAY 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
The same reason they don’t want this little girl to have ownership over that name is the same reason they don’t want her and her brother to have titles and be in the line of succession. We all know why. These children are so lucky to have been freed from this toxicity – they absolutely would’ve had their lives made miserable as they aged to be the shields for the next generation as their father once was.
They are even more aggressive towards lily because she’s a princess just like Charlotte and they can’t accept that! They want to “smear” her through this campaign so only one “good” ( and white ) princess attracts the public attention and praise.
I predict that what’s gonna happen is tht whereas the shidteaters in Shidthole cuntry will try to smear the Princess Lilibet, charlotte will be the one to smear herself…prolly dropping out of hlubs and in short, being her mother’s tree descendant wonk wink. They’ll try to carry for her but they won’t succeed.
Seriously? I’m no fan of the royals but can we please leave the kids out of it? None of them (including Archie and Lilibet) asked for any of this.
Sadly it’s true. You can even see it in the way the press covers the children now.
@first comment I also think it’s because Princess Lilibeth looks like a Spencer and has striking crystal blue eyes. I don’t buy this story though. I don’t think the Queen minded at all. Just more smearing because they can’t talk about Andrew.
These ‘reporters’ also LOVE when their allegations (no matter how old or outlandish) about the Sussexes are picked up and commented on…they will NEVER stop as long as their stories are circulated….even if it is in an effort to mock the stories or refute them…It does not matter to them….Also, while those stories are picked up, nobody (reporters, etc) is writing about Andrew and anything anybody (real evil people) are doing
This is such an inappropriate and quite frankly unsettling thing to say about a child.
@First Comment, maybe those rotten to the core others are angry with Harry and Meghan because they know the Queen was overjoyed with Lilibet having her name. Maybe they’re upset that they didn’t think of it first or if they did, the Queen didn’t give her permission for any other family members to be named Lilibet. You know they are always projecting. Or maybe they are upset that Charlotte was named after the “Alleged” Queen with African Blood, I’m sure Kate is not too happy with that. They are so transparent with their racist behavior. This is not the bad look on Harry & Meghan they think it is. If anything it makes Charles and the rest of those clowns look like pathetic fools since they refuse to speak out in support of a toddler who is the grandchild of the King, and even worse it makes the Queen herself sound like a monster. And to think that this reporter is a friend of Camilla’s says it all! Each time something disgusting comes out about the Sussex’s, Camilla the walking sea urchin, is in the middle of it. These clowns need to keep Harry & Meghan and their children out of their mouths because we are all waiting for Harry to release the next 400 pages, and next time he won’t be nice!
This is just a distraction… they cannot write about Andrew…I do not understand why people do not get that this is the playbook…USE HARRY AND MEGHAN TO DISTRACT FROM EVERYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT the royal family…smh.
The irony is loss of them, that they call themselves “Royal Reporters” while writing about H & M constantly, yet insisting that H & M are not Royal…
Off topic, but relevant (IMO), I happened to be looking at an article about the world’s 50 richest people and they do not dare write about ANTYHING to do with them (and Bill A did not make the list), so they continue to pick on H & M.
It really is just a distraction, but such a nasty one that I can’t wrap my head around these utter horsesh*t claims. Like WTF????
So old Liz was incandescently distraughtedly dismayed (acc to these claims) that H&M dared to use her beloved nickname for their daughter, but she wasn’t feeling these stressful emotions over her p*do n*nce of a son and the trial he was wanted for?
She was allegedly up in arms over the use of her beloved nickname for her own great-granddaughter, but didn’t mind when her own father used this very name for one of his horses?
Journalism is such a vital job (as Fourth Estate), but when these so-called journos waste their time and privilege of a role over such petty bs stories, it makes me lose all respect and faith. What are these people doing writing this shyte that’s obviously coming from the Horse and WanK camp???
Why won’t at least a few of them grow a spine and write the truth and stories people want and need to hear??
“The queen was upset!” yeah, right she was, but not b/c of the Sussexes you lying, useless hacks.
I have to add: I just saw a headline in the fail how Liz “was pushed over the edge” by H&M (over the name) and again: WTF? Someone seriously wrote this tripe, read it and thought “yep, that’s it! doing my important job as reporter reporting the truth!”
They are doing the palaces’ dirty work and protecting that wicked family and that, at the end of the day, makes them complicit in all that Randy Andy got up to on his own and with J Epstein. They are complicit. They are complicit in the people’s poverty, as wages have stagnated in the UK for longer than I care to write, b/c they won’t write how wasteful that family is with tax payers’ money and that they’ll have as much as never before (the grant or what it’s called is going up, but fewer members have to be funded, they’ll be swimming in money or already are).
How do they sleep at night doing the Windsors’s dirty work and hiding all these skeletons and sh*t in their closets for them (and frankly slandering and bullying another group of the family with the same poison pen)?
These “journos” deserve to rot with the Windsors together.
@Vik – you’ve just perfectly encapsulated why UK democracy is in the toilet.
A terrible press who are unable to do their jobs.
A load of bull…
Didn’t her father name a horse Lilibet?
There are also other people called Lilibet.
yes, he did and they made the following announcement about that on 6 April 1931
“The stables of His Majesty the King and Emperor announced last week that George V is entering 30 horses to race this year in various British classics. One of these beasts, a spry little filly, has been named “Lilibet.”
so giving the name to a horse is a compliment whereas giving the name to her mixed-race great granddaughter is an affront? They keep telling on themselves
“It is believed,” said the spokesman for the Royal Stables, “that this name has reference to His Majesty’s elder granddaughter, the Princess Elizabeth of York.”
So, it was her grandfather. No matter, that should be the standard response every time one of these dumb rota rats brings this up–GV named a horse after her.
@KINGSTON and you’re really no better attacking a child over a non-story cooked up to distract simple minded people like you.
The royal rota are hellbent in making an issue out of every single thing that links H & M to the BRF. Did they make this same issue when Andrew was named after Philip’s father, who abandoned his own family? Or did they make this same issue when QEII named her youngest son over her abdicating uncle?
Either there are too many royal “experts” or they have too much time in their hands. Hate fuels them more than carbs.
Also one of Harry’s names is David. The name the duke of Windsor liked to be called and one of his given names. No fuss over that
They have too much time in their hands as their favorite couple is MIA since the 8th December. (I believe William actually made an appearance last week)… Anyway, I don’t see any fury towards them or any kind of article demanding the whereabouts of those royals paid by the British taxpayers. Instead, they seem preoccupied in the chicken adopted by H and M in Montecito and their daughter..
Not to mention what another poster wrote yesterday; her father named one of his horses Lilibeth. A horse is fine, but not her great granddaughter? This is just another BS story to get clicks and divert from pedo.
{Nene’s Voice} Whew Chile, The Ghetto…the ghetto, the ghetto – the egos, the egos, the evil, the evil.
I will give him credit – TOB’s plan to hire himself a low-ego CEO shows he is aware that this is not normal.
Andy/Bravo should do a The Real Courtiers of British Palaces series. I would definitely watch. It would be a global hit, if they ever want to overshadow Spare, this would be it – as they are the real breakout stars in this drama. All reality shows baddies will have to step back in awe. 🫡🫡
“The Real Courtiers of British Palaces.” Yes! Bickering biddies, bullies and backstabbers abound!
This family and media are stupid. With everything going on in the world, a story about a privileged Queen upset about a name is not going to work, lol. This is why that family is losing support and the press are losing money and becoming redundant. I don’t want to hear anyone over in Britain upset about no one seeing the kids or not having access because they are attacking a two year old. Harry and Meghan were smart to leave and allow that family and their toxic relationship with the tabloids behind them. These two entities are desperate and flailing.
It’s like they know Harry and Meghan don’t care for them or their outrage and it’s driven some to become clinically insane. They want a response so badly. The press are not going to another year without access and losing lawsuits. Sometimes I wonder if the press are doing all this to get back at the leftovers as well.
You’re so right @brit in that they want a response so badly. It feels like they’re almost goading the Sussexes to release a pic of Lilli with the queen or something.
@Jais. Basically. All I’m seeing is desperation for engagement and bitterness. The is the same press asking for them to get social media, let them know what they’re doing and give them access. The family is desperate because they made agreements to serve the Sussexes on a platter to the beast and that beast needs to be fed. It’s clear the family and press are at a crossroads because all their bullying, maligning and threats aren’t working. The family are losing public sentiment and risking apathy and the press are pissed because they’re stuck with boring bland royals and their jobs, employers are close to shutting down. It’s like they’re grabbing on the Sussexes feet and desperately trying to pull them back in and they’re now realizing their grip is gone.
They have to understand that stuff like this makes it far LESS likely Harry and Meghan will release photos of their children, right?!?
Yup. Idiots. Someone was upset but not QE2. Harry and his Grandma had their secrets. I’m familiar with one Incandescent Rager who didn’t like that. Maybe two? Might be misremembering, wasn’t it skeevy secret sex taper Wootton that made the first claims of all she had was her name business. Becky English is sounding like Two Source Tominey and Crygate.
This all makes the much cherished, longest running sovereign look quite bad. P.S. I didn’t cherish her.
The quote that they ascribe to The Queen:
“I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.”
Sounds like it was ripped off from The Crown when Prince Philip says to The Queen “You’ve taken my career from me, you’ve taken my home, you’ve taken my name…”. It also appears that they’re backpedaling by insisting she was not angry but merely upset that her great grandchild was named in honor of her, which only makes The Queen look ridiculous not Meghan and Harry.
Although I don’t believe for a second that The Queen was upset, I’m pretty sure her given name was Elizabeth, and her daughter, most of her granddaughters and most of her great granddaughters have the actual name “Elizabeth” in their names somewhere but I don’t see anyone complaining about it. These people are so pathetic that they are really spending their time being angry over the name of a two year old child.
Yeah they are backpedaling already. First she was “more angry than ever before” and now she was “taken aback”.
This isn’t hitting the way they thought it would. It makes the Queen look awful and out of touch completely. What a bunch of hateful morons. I honestly shudder to think what it would have been like for Archie and Lili to grow up in that family.
Totally agree, @Tina. Next they will dredge up BS that Prince Phillip was supposedly pissed off about to malign Harry and Meghan with. I hope this episode opens Harry’s eyes and he abandons all efforts to reconcile with his hateful and racist “family”. I think he owes it to his children to publish Part 2 of Spare. Expose all of the dirt on this bunch of viperous jackals.
Sorry to disagree @MSS but QEII nicked it from The Wire! Marlo famously says “My name is my name.” The once respected monarch of over 70 years was reduced to quoting a fictional drug crime lord because her great grand-daughter was named after her! A woman who ruled over the land of Shakespeare and Dickens could only use a pithy sound bite to voice her displeasure. We’re supposed to believe the woman who was richer than Zeus owned nothing but, her name but was able to fork out £12 million to a woman her son claimed he never met.
I call BS on this article. An article which smears a woman whose mantra was “never complain ever explain” in order to bully a little girl who had no say in what she would be named. This latest attack is down there with gleefully reporting the snubbing of her birthday party (which BTW QEII attended.) I know the BRF want to keep Andrew off the front pages but, this is an all time low.
Quite frankly whoever gave this article the go ahead should really think about shutting it down. When I thought about all the things done in QEII’s ‘name’ very few of them were positive. The BRF PR may think they’re killing two birds with one stone. Elevating the reputations of Charles and William at the expense of QEII along with hurting the Sussexes by attacking their daughter. They are wrong! It’s serving to remind people how petty and spiteful the BRF are and that atrocities all around the world were carried out in the ‘name’ of the monarch. The Mau Mau uprising, the famines of India, enslaving the people of Africa etc., etc.,
Yeah, this is total fanfiction. What I could buy is her thinking they should have named her Elizabeth and called her Lilibet. Very common for the older generation to think giving kids “nicknames” as their legal names is a bit off. But parents today don’t want their kid to be one of dozens of Elizabeths, Margarets, or Marys. They’d rather have a Lilibet, Meg, or May.
Especially given the fact her brother is named Archie.
That quote is ridiculous and doesn’t sound like her at all. This story makes the Queen look awful. I had no idea the RF, the staff and the rota hated the Queen so much.
I think the Queen was fine with the name. If she had such an issue with it why would she ensure their safety at her Jubilee so she could meet Lilli?
It really doesn’t sound like her. Whinging about what she doesn’t own was not at all her style. It’s not even true, as Kaiser points out! She owned a ton of worldly goods!
” ‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.’ ”
says the person named Queen Elizabeth THE SECOND.
She shouldn’t even have been called QE2 in Scotland. We never had a QE1. QE1 was the English monarch who (in)famously imprisoned and then killed Mary Queen of Scots.
LMAO!!!! Excellent point!
These people only ever recycle the same.exact.names. For a girl, it’s guaranteed to have a Elizabeth or Victoria, both if you are a really special girl.
So QEII is dead now, they were downright giddy at having access to the jewels & homes & particularly the money, and now they’re hellbent on destroying her legacy? Or at least, her ‘grandmotherly’ image? Great work, royal family & your press-badged sycophants. You are definitely on the losing side in history on this one.
This is such a horrible look. For real. If QEII actually had an issue with *checks notes* her grandson loving her enough to name his daughter after her, then QEII was an absolute pos.
Agreed. Out of all of QEII’s children and grandchildren, exactly ONE of them gave their child a first name honoring HER. Harry.
Sit down and shut up, you utter pieces of trash.
All of this seems incredibly stupid to me. It’s been almost 3 years why are they still harping over a freaking baby name??? And it’s obvious it’s the courtiers who were pissed, not the Queen though they’re using her name cause they refuse to stand behind their own words.
All I’m seeing is the press and family agreement going down the drain. I think the family are being pushed to the brink because they have no access or leaks and the public sentiment around them is at its lowest. The press are becoming redundant, losing lawsuits and have no access to the golden geese. You can tell the entire eco system was dependent on the Sussexes and removing themselves has sent people over the edge. I truly wonder what the press are going to do in the next year because Harry’s trial is coming and it’s been four years since they left the UK. I truly believe that some of these people are reaching a breaking point. There’s an air of desperation with all these stories and threats.
Yup this exactly. It must be even more dire behind the scenes because they are completely losing it.
So while I do think the press is loving a chance to terrorize Harry, you know the guy who is suing him, it’s also about some really jealous and petty royal family members and courtiers. They are consistently desperate to put not just Meghan but now Meghan’s daughter in her place. They wanted this story out and are happy it’s out. That it’s come out after the queen is dead and through a book about Charles’ new reign is telling.
@Jais I agree. This is a family who routinely through the press mocks anything that Harry and Meghan does, and then does the same thing a year later. They don’t know how to be original and are pissed that they can’t think of some things first. Also these courtiers are people who have built their entire lives around being Senior Private this, and Lord that. They are not going gently into that good night with the idea of royalty and in particular that family being diminished on a worldwide stage. Their entire existence and self-worth is wrapped up in being in those positions of power. They have to make it mean something which means negating anything that those that left do or did.
@!Jais, you are right! They want both Meghan and Lily put in their places because by simply breathing and existing they surpass in popularity and interest their local princesses…
Because William does not want there to be any sort of family reconciliation in his lifetime.
He wants his children to be the only legitimate ones and this latest uproar is a dog whistle to Lili’s legitimacy to carry the name of the late Queen.
All the article’s today are about whether Meghan has earned things for her children which would have been their birthright had she been white.
There was no hand ringing like this when Andrew’s daughters were born…
Did she think this way when someone named a horse after her? My single reaction to all the Beckys – this is about a toddler – a real person in this world- and her great grandmother. Leave this child out of your mouth. As time passes and the Sussexes have less and less to do with the Royal Family – the family and their Mouth of Sauron look dumber and incredibly horrible.
This is soooooo embarrassing!! I cannot understand the Royals being all for this story being rehashed two years (!!) later, and dragging QEII back from the grave for this of all things (ahem the Pedrew cash payment is right there).
Plus, it’s just plain mean at this stage, it’s the little girls actual name, stop writing entire articles about she should never have been called that FFS.
This is what gets me and I said it yesterday. This new story is saying the queen did not tell them they couldn’t use the name when they told her about it. Which is ridiculous. She’s the queen. She could’ve said no. They thought it was a sweet gesture. The Sussexes are not mind readers so how could they begin to know if the queen had an issue. Even Becky English says the Sussexes didn’t intend to cause grief or know that it would cause offense. So what did the Sussexes do wrong here? Nothing. And yet they are making it out like the Sussexes are terrible for thinking this was a sweet gesture and essentially making it seem like Lili does not deserve her name!!!!! That’s what they’re doing. I don’t think this is even the actual truth but this is what this story is saying. That the queen is a petty woman who boo-hoo owns nothing and that the first mixed-race girl in the family is not worthy of the queen’s nickname. Wtf, the disgust I feel over these people.
The story is backfiring because people don’t believe it and it’s a rushed hit job that makes the Queen look bad. With everything about Andrew, the Queen is upset about a baby name. Not paying 12 million dollars to a sex trafficking victim but a baby?. Desperate times are here because the family have no credible distractions since the Sussexes left, so they used a dead monarch. The problem is that’s it’s predictable at this point. The press are literally known as anti Harry and Meghan around the world and that the press are currently in court with Harry in particular. The press don’t even realize they have shot themselves in the foot because they’ve made themselves redundant and unreliable.
This is the most stupid thing ever that they’ve used to bash Meghan and Harry. What grandmother won’t be happy she was named after a person? The hatred is so blinding that they’ve reduced the ruler of the British realms to a petty clown crying over a name she has no link too.
Harry will be a fool if he ever attempts to drag his family back into this circus, these children should stay farrrrrrr away from every member of this dysfunctional family especially the wales
I can’t believe the DM is trying to make people believe this hogwash. Does anyone ACTUALLY think that Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, Head of the Commonwealth, billionaire, associate of monarchs and presidents, ruler of her domain for DECADES, who once told her second son he should select a different baby name, would have ANY problem speaking up and letting Harry know that she’d rather not allow him to use her nickname? That she’s just such a shy, retiring, sweet little old biddy she was too afraid of causing offense? PLEASE. It’s time they took that sweet little girl’s name out of their mouths and let her great-grandma rest in peace.
She had no trouble protecting Andrew
And she refused to let her Sister marry the man she loved Peter Townsend. She had no problem saying NO. This story is going on 3 years old. It’s all just obfuscation from the real story. Andrew is a criminal and should be arrested on sex trafficking and god knows what other sex crimes he committed on Epstein Island.
Yes, they’d rather have people believe that the old Queen was a pushover. I’m sure that goes over really well with royalists. 🙄
Why now? Let’s all say it together now…. deflection, deflection, deflection……
100% fluffly Lilybet stories is a great way to divert attention away from Pervy Andrew and Epstein Island. He should be indicted, extradied and put on trial. Settling civil suits is not justice.
“A faultless career as an international stateswoman” – recollections may vary indeed.
So true!!
And they vary quite a bit.
(Diana would like a word, as would the whole world alive after Diana’s death.)
The Royal Reporters – always trying to make fetch happen. Seriously the queen has been dead for years, get a new storyline!
This is beyond offensive. Abolish the.monarchy
If past attacks on his wife and children by his pedophile enabling & child bullying family didn’t wake Harry up, I hope this recent attack on his daughter is enough for Harry to see his vile family for who they really are. These are grown men & women celebrating the abuse of a 2 year old, and this is what Harry wants to reconcile with? This is who you’re inviting to your daughter’s christening? I just shed a tear
I can (maybe) see Harry going back for Tampon’s funeral.
However, that is it. HE IS DONE. never again.
Nope. This is not the stick to beat Harry with. I’m not sure what you want from him, but he is obviously all the way aware that his relatives are assholes.
This entire narrative is disgusting. Why does anything coming out of that isle leave a person feeling like they have been slimmed, this hate being purposefully drummed up for an infant to protect a child rapists and weak spineless King is beyond evil. There is no redemption for any of these people and no low they won’t sink to. Prince Harry will win the lawsuits in the end and I hope he bankrupts everyone of these rags in the process.
“It is really rather sad that the name of a child continues to cause rancour.” Exactly. So Rebecca English and the rest of the royal rota stop digging it up. The Queen is gone and one cannot bank on what her staff said as the ultimate truth about her being angry or upset because these staff are projecting their feelings on the Queen. They’re the ones who are upset and angry with Harry and Meghan. William and Kate are also livid and jealous because Harry beat them to using the name Lilibet to name one of their children. Let the Queen rest in peace and this issue as well. Just be happy that Harry has honored his beloved grandmother.
Why didn’t Betty call Harry back the next day and say “I don’t like the idea?” Because it didn’t matter to her. However, the GREY MEN are telling her that it matters a lot, spinning a story about it being stolen from her. The idiocy of this family and their Daily Fail henchmen who think they are settling some score about a baby name. When do the lightning bolts start hitting these weasels? I wish some trashy British influencer or tv star would name her baby Lilibet next and start a whole uncontrollable trend of name stealing.
Oh ffs. Her father named a horse “Lilibet” but that’s okay, it’s just when her mixed race great granddaughter is named after her that it’s a heinous crime. I’ve also seen a line that “nobody would be calling her Lilibet after Philip died”; utter nonsense as it’s a family name – Felipe and Letizia sent a condolence message to her with the salutation “Aunt Lilibet”. The institution and media have seen the poor/disappointed Charles narrative doesn’t work but dragging up the angry/upset Teflon Granny’s ghost does. I expect them to run with this for a while. It’s malicious and sickening.
Teflon Granny took me out. LOL
LMAO, me too!
I’m pretty sure Princess Alexandra and the Duke of Kent would still
Have called her Lillibet. As for owning nothing, it seems she couldn’t own her privacy . Her staff don’t respect that and apparently (if the RR are to be believed) thought nothing of leaking their Monarch’s thoughts and conversations. No respect for her privacy and dignity from those vultures.
Lizzie said no plenty of times, for instance she wouldn’t let anyone lay a wreath from Harry on Remembrance Day. Filler to distract from something. We’ve seen Kate one time since Dec 8, is she no longer a working royal, in rehab, moving out of Windsor?
Pretty sure the kids went back to school on Jan 10th so yeah it feels like this has been a longer break than usual. William has done one visit but Kate has not appeared. Think there was an insta post about her early years foundation having meetings and planning but Kate was not in the pictures, just other people sitting at a table.
Replying to Lulu – would be nice to hear that she’s no longer a working royal. And never to hear anything about the Middletons ever again.
‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.’
I call bullsh*t or jeez Lady, tough having your pick of palaces to live in, in some of the most expensive locations in the U.K. … for free!
I can’t afford to heat our modest little apartment. We’re sleeping in homemade knitted beanies and hot water bottles a la 1924 😤
That whole quote doesn’t even make any sense. People don’t own names, either. They have names, or use names, but they don’t own them.
Logic/sense is not these people’s forte.
A comment I was told years ago by someone from inside Palace walls… “the Courtiers think they run the place”. Reading between the lines… and the royals should answer to them.
That’s why I often take with a grain of salt any words attributed to one royal or another are actually said by them. Imo, this was a man in grey annoyed because what he really wanted was for Harry to be angry with the Queen. Instead Harry continued to respect her as his Grandmother and Commander in chief.
And shame on Angela Kelly for letting HM be seen with her coat rumpled up like that. Kelly says she was bedt friends with the Queen. Really? I wouldn’t let my best friend go out like that, especially with photographers around.
I’ve rolled my eyes too fast, I fear one of them may be stuck in a slightly wonky position forever.
“Barricaded in their Californian cocoon, blanketed by the cosy schmaltz of their new showbiz life, it simply wouldn’t have occurred to the couple that such a gesture would cause offence.”
Ah yes, the offence of… naming your rainbow baby after someone you dearly love. Wow. Let’s arrange a flight to The Hague for Meghan and Harry, this was clearly a crime against humanity.
Yeah people forget that Lilibet is a rainbow baby. Princess Meghan lost a baby due to the harassment of these assholes. I’m so glad they left that disfunctional family for Californian peace.
I want to know what “cozy schmaltz” is.
It’s clearly an insult to Americans, especially those who live in California. Ditto for “California Cocoon” and “showbiz life.” The intent is to suggest that the Sussexes are ignorant and isolated from reality, as opposed to the much more knowledgeable and “classy” royalists.
That may have been the intention @JudyB. Becky English failed Yiddish (along with a lot of other things). ‘cosy schmaltz of their new showbiz life’ doesn’t make sense.
Schmaltz, more or less, means being sentimental. So, Harry’s being sentimental about his new “showbiz” life? WTF
Harry & Meghan have sentimental feelings about QE2. QE2 most likely got a kick out of the idea of the sentimental name moving forward in a new generation.
Eff the Queen and Eff the Royal Family. This should be a wake up call for Harry that he should cut ties with his family. They are only causing him and his family harm.
I’ll say it again in different words, they’re attempting to delegitimize an innocent toddler who is legitimately in the queen’s bloodline. Their misogyny and racism are so deep, they actually believe a tiny child in preschool is an appropriate target for hatred and disrespect. Amazing watching that institution cling to barbarism as it does.
the legal threats “dissipated” because at the time, the RRs backed off the story. It wasn’t because the palace told H&M to stop defending their daughter’s name or whatever. We’re getting the rehash now because QEII can’t correct the record, this new book is retelling the story, and Andrew.
Is this how it’s going to be for the next 10, 15 years? The RRs are just going to write books and articles rehashing every thing that happened with the Sussexes, especially relating to the late Queen, knowing she can’t correct the record (she wouldn’t have corrected it anyway, but at least the possibility was there.)
I’m thinking yes @becks1. This is quite possibly how it’s going to be for the next however many years we are all on this planet😂. Putting words and thoughts onto a dead queen. The fact that Becky English is actually putting the late queen’s words in quotation marks is wild. And that she apparently said “the only thing she owned was her name” is even wilder. The lady who had a golden piano and how many tiaras said this? Holy moly, the rota and the RF are doing their very best to take the sheen off the late queen.
Seems like they hated Elizabeth for being kind to Harry and Meghan.
Yes, well, she’s only a CARETAKER for the golden piano, dontcha see… for FUTURE GENERATIONS. 🙄
The name Lilibet has Hebrew origins. I don’t know how commonly it is used, but it isn’t unique and special to QE. She didn’t own the name any more than she owned the word “royal”. There are actually other people in the world with it as an actual name and not a nickname. If she felt she didn’t own enough personal wealth, she could have abdicated and gotten an actual job to earn money. She would have still owned Balmoral and Sandringham, like her uncle did until her dad bought them back from him.
In their desperate attempts to villainize everything the Sussex’s do, they are systematically destroying the royal institution with their astounding shortsighted pettiness. None of this is a good look. NONE of it. But they are so stuck in their toxic bubble they can’t see it. Less and Less people will take this institution seriously as they keep this up.
Philip was right when he said their ardent supporters will be the ones to bring the whole thing down coz they’ve refuse to accept change and adapt to the times. Imagine putting this out and thinking this is a good look for Betty or that it makes Harry and Meghan look bad.
“Little Lilibet deserves none of this. ” And yet, they go on and on about it. Trying to portray the queen as poverty stricken, only really owning her name, just makes it even more ridiculous. Do they think this makes Liz look good? It makes her look self pitying and petty. Header photo is very appropriate.
Chuck needs to rush to Denmark and hire some new advisors and sack the current ones who have brought the rf popularity to lower than 50 percent for the first time. Folks in Denmark know how to do this , go today Chuck or it might all end sooner than you can imagine.
Nah. Let him flail and drown.
The Sussexes have cut the gutter gossipers out of their lives. So they will do all they can to try to engage with them even going after their daughter’s name. They are desperate and I am pleased the Sussexes are keeping a dignified silence allowing them to continue making fools of themselves and #ThatFamily. This too shall fail and as usual, they have egg on their faces by besmirching their own dead Queen. Creating talking points by going after a toddler’s name is low but we all know #That Family is low. None of this would have happened if #ThatFamily had stood up for the Sussexes. Enjoying watching that institution falling off the cliff.
AHHHHHH, this has made me so mad. I read the mirror today and thought fk this for a game of soldiers and sent them a stinking letter, unlike my last one I doubt they will publish, but here goes.
Do you really think that Hardmans book makes the Royals look good??
Sorry it makes them look like a bunch of petty little people who are beholden to their staff to tell them how to live!
Let’s face it, they are not even that interesting, unless like Hardmans book, they mention Harry and Megan.
The book is a disgusting assault on Harry and Megan for cheap publicity, no one would care what he has to say without him mentioning their name. It’s a very cheap shot from a very cheap man, working on behalf of a very cheap family.
Wasn’t it his tawdry little rag that claimed it was Kate who insisted on the “recollections may vary” little comment.
Also there is no way in hell the Queen would have said “I don’t own my paintings or houses”, because in fact the Queen had a very extensive private art collections that included, Canalettos, vermeer, titans and drawings by rembrant, she also privately owned houses like Sandringham house. Fact check Robert, but there again you work for the mail!
You are all admitting that this rubbish came from staff and “insiders”, no names of course, and then say the Royals (your close to Charles and Camilla aren’t you Richard) didn’t contribute, sorry but their sticky little fingers are all over this and as for their being a spring in the steps of Palace staff? Really? How pathetic you sound.
Vue more importantly you have made the king and queen look weak and ineffectual, ruled by their petty little men in grey suits, and the rest of the Royals, looking likely game playing, grasping idiots., concerned over Andrew, oh I bet they are, the secrets he could tell one official is said to be “astonished” by the change in him, well he looked fine and dandy riding out in Windsor last week.
Zara, Louise and Charlotte have all got “Elizabeth” in their names, and there was even a blooming Royal pony named LILLIBET, so just stop with the fake outrage, it is just Hardmans way of getting cheap publicity and the little Palace gremlins having a field day muck spreading.
Well done Hardman, now we see why we really don’t need the Royals, or the Mail.
Mary Pester
Oh and as a subject heading I put “The chavs of Buck place!
👏👏👏 how I hope they print that @mary pester! Well-done.
@MaryPester what a GREAT letter! For me, though, the best part was learning you live in Saltash, Cornwall, where my family is. My mum, 2 brothers and all extended family are all in Saltash (well, some are actually in Plymouth). We may even have met! LOL
My only comment on this story is:
Sounds to me like W is pissed he never thought of this. That is all.
Hi Surly, talk about small world lol. Beautiful place to live, the sea just minutes away and plymouth as well. I can’t get out like I used to and my final spring is fast approaching, but it’s still a beautiful place to rest.
Lol: @Mary Pester, I’ve read your letter several times, and each time I get to “even a blooming Royal pony…” I crack up laughing. That bit of knowledge truly puts all of this craziness and nastiness in perspective. I do hope it gets published!
@Mary Pester, enjoy this Spring❤️🌹
Mary Pester, your letter Scores! I love that you told them to fact check before writing–they’re not going to like that!!!! Kudos to you.
PUBLISH HARRY, PLEASE PUBLISH. These suckers need taking right down.
He’s not publishing anything. He is not allowing himself to be pulled into this BS. which is what they all want. They want him to publish so that they can continue to make money off of him and his family.
As soon as he publishes he has nothing more to keep his father and brother in line. The harassment would actually get far worse once Harry has nothing more on them.
Do these people realize how rascist this sounds. They are showing the deceased Queen as being upset that a mixed race baby was given her pet name out of love from the parents. She is presented by them as being so amgry and rascist that she objected to a mixed race baby having her name. I really don’t think they want to go down that path. I’m American and this is what it sounds like to me. That her name is to good for a a sweet innocent baby. These people really live in a bubble.
For a book that’s supposed to be about the NEW monarch and his NEW court, they sure are mired in the past aren’t they? King Tampon continues to be overshadowed by his mommy and it’s just hilarious.
These people are f-ing crazy is all I’ve got. All this pent up, over the top anger, over a child’s name shows how petty and hateful towards the Sussexes they really are. If William had named Charlotte Lillibet they would all be humming a different tune, singing his praises. Willy & Kate never thought of it, but Harry & Meghan did and therein lies the resentment, hate and anger. The queen doesn’t OWN the name Lillibet and I doubt very much she was angry over it. She’s now dead so they are shamefully putting words in her dead mouth. Shame on them.
This is such obvious distraction from Noncy Drew’s scandals it’s almost funny.
First of all, the Sussexes made it clear when she was born that they would call her Lili. So, the world could have been calling her Lili this whole time and left the full given name out of it, but of course that would have required respecting the Sussexes’ intentions so clearly that was a nonstarter.
As with all these royal cannon fodder stories, I think there is a small nugget of truth buried under all the BS. My theory is that when the name was announced, the only people mad about it were everyone who didn’t think to name THEIR daughters Lily/Lili to honor the queen instead of Elizabeth like everyone else. So when the stories leaked with their “outrage” at the name, the queen *was* mad – mad that everyone was attacking this brand new baby girl and her mother after they had already lost one child. I can see courtiers holding on to the anger and intentionally forgetting at whom it was directed.
Either way, this is an absolutely disgusting story, truly an impressive low for the soulless British press.
I feel like once again the British media have successfully taken attention off Andrew, the royal family *apest, and put the blinding spotlight right back on the Sussexes. It’s a tactic that the RF and toxic media will use over and over again because sadly it works very well.
What I truly struggle with though is THAT family would rather protect Andrew the monster than baby Lilibet just because of the one drop rule. It’s true what they say, racism is a disease that rots the brain and robs the mind of anything that even remotely resembles logic or humanity. Sadly the majority of the British press and public have proven themselves to be the perfect case studies. They are rabid in their hatred.
Wasn’t it Queen Victoria who asked for her name not to be used in the royal family ? If so QEII should have just requested the same and apply it to her nickname as well. Even if the Queen Victoria’s thing is not real I’m sure the monarch has enough power to make a request like that. Once again they’re just being ridiculous and putting words in a dead woman’s mouth.
I don’t know about as a first name but she did want all of her female descendants to have the name Victoria as a middle name. Also, Victoria’s eldest child was her daughter Victoria, known as Vicky. So, I am pretty sure she had no problem with her female descendants being named after her. The only Royal I recall allegedly not wanting descendants named after him was Prince Philip.
And yet Philip’s first son carries his name, Charles Philip Albert Louis, as does his first grandson, William Arthur Philip Louis.
Sorry, I should have clarified that Prince Philip said that he did not want any of his children or grandchildren to have Philip as the FIRST name. No clue why. Unless it was just to ensure that Princess Anne did not name her son Philip phillips!
Given that she named one of her own daughters Victoria I doubt Q Victoria asked that
Eugenie’s middle name is Victoria.
Yes sorry I might have mixed that point with something like Victoria not wanting a potential next queen named like her or something like that. Sorry again. I’m still convinced that if QEII really didn’t want her name or nickname being used for somebody else in the family she would have just say so.
When QE2 was still around, the press could easily (and fairly effectively) use the “Sad Grandma” storyline. But, things being how they are, they know they can’t actually weaponize any of the remainders against H&M. Everybody knows Charles is a joke and doesn’t care about anybody but Cams, so they can’t seriously run those “Sad King missing grandchildren” articles. And if William and Kate were really working their fingers to the bone, they could maybe play the “Dutiful Will” vs. “California Harry” card, but Will and Kate don’t work and obviously don’t care about their kingdom. Nope. All the storylines have been exhausted here. The Queen’s death was the series finale, but they still have to write the show because they have to get clicks. So now they’ve resorted to using flashbacks, but these scenes weren’t particularly compelling the first time around, and now people have moved on. These articles even went over poorly with their biggest fans on a particular message board–so poorly that the H&M section had to be “closed for review”. Well, the fantastic foursome better get ready, because the press is going to write negative articles about somebody in order to generate interest, and they can’t focus on H&M forever.
This is dreadful, no way to dress it up, just plain awful. Another anonymous courtier puts ridiculous words into the mouth of a dead Queen to heap insult on the delightful gesture of naming a great granddaughter after her? It is an honour to have a baby relative named after you and the Queen personally invited Harry and Meghan to her Jubilee and then happily met Lilly in person. All this does is just confirm their endless twisted hate campaign against Harry and his family. I believe Harry that his grandmother did give her blessing to the naming of his daughter after her.
All this nonsense is going to accomplish is to remind Harry and Meghan why they noped out of that racist clusterf*ck of a royal family and to ensure that Meghan and her children don’t return to Salt Island — because it’s not safe for them.
A toddler — a toddler! — is being thrown to the wolves to protect Pedrew.
I hope this is the beginning of the end for the British Royal Family.
Lord save these dumb asshats from themselves. How can you be so devoid of humanity that you pick on a child. A child . You have to be f—ing crazy and a complete heartless B-
Lets talk about this latest and most barefaced attempt by chuckyTheTURD to get back at his mother with this twofer: by besmerching her and her legacy AND by his callous disregard for his American-born, first biracial grand-daughter.:
I think most sensible people are aware by now that chucky resented his mother all his miserable, over-pampered, self-sabotaged & grievance-filled life and used every opportunity to show his contempt for her in his naturally weasely way, i:e via under-handedness and passive-aggressive, pseudo sotto-voce comments.
Fast-forward to the end of his first year in the new ‘job.’ It has been such a monumental failure, such an obvious over-polished turd, that chucky has been livid and, of course, all the blame goes to his mother for letting him wait until he became an old fool and a global laughingstock before she obligingly died.
So along comes his hagiographer with a not unexpected proposal for a look-back tchotchke featuring the new king’s first year in office. The tried-and-true method of getting attention for anything pertaining to the shameless leftover welfare-recipients is to use the Sussexes; and in carrying out chucky’s particular agenda, i:e, besmirching the person and legacy of his sainted mother, they chose this particular concocted story which, of course, contains a germ of truth – i:e, Princess Lilibet’s name is directly related to betty, as her father had told the world; and H did speak to his grandmother, letting her know of his wish to honor her by naming his daughter after her.
I expect chucky told his handlers that he wasnt going to bear the burden of being the only named “RACIST royal” alone; that his mother cant get away with being the stellar example he has had to live up to all his life and now, even after her death; that his biracial grand-daughter is collateral damage which, of course, racist britain will accept.
Unfortunately for chuckyThestinkingTURD, the rest of the world is looking on aghast at this latest self-own by the insular little islander on the fast-sinking Sewage Isle, formerly known as Great Britain.
Well, I’ll buy the possibility that the Queen was surprised that Harry and Meghan wanted to use Lilibet rather than Elizabeth, which is amongst the names given to practically every female grandchild and great-grandchild. Everyone else has just thrown in Elizabeth as a second name. As already pointed out, it’s not uncommon for parents to give their children the diminutive rather than the original name. They put Will, or Bill, or instead of William, or even Archie instead of Archibald, for example, on birth certificates. The Sussexes’ daughter’s name is Lili. They officially honor the grandmother by using Lilibet. Part of the outrage is the fact that Lili is the only one named Lilibet, which is original in the family, and they are mad that someone else wasn’t creative enough to think of doing that before. After all, Lili could have been named Lili Elizabeth Diana, but Harry and Meghan thought of a way to remember the Queen everyday through “Lili” whereas no other female grandchild uses the name Elizabeth in any given form. It’s just listed in their list of names.
The BRF and BM have really sunk to an all-time low — throwing the late Queen under the bus in order to harass and spread muck about the Sussexes over their baby’s name. The Queen was angry, no she was upset, she wasn’t notified about the name, she was but she was too dignified to make a stink about it. Get your lies straight before you open your pie-holes you idiots. Meanwhile back in Montecito, Lili is playing happily in her million dollar chicken coop and they’re all laughing at this Keystone Cop gong show.
It’s just like when the courtiers briefed the press that Harry and Meghan blindsided the Queen when they announced they were stepping back, only for it to come out that there had been months of discussions.
I think QEZ gave Harry her blessing to use the name Lilibet and William/ courtiers threw a tantrum.
I think that’s exactly what happened. The lie was used to make H&M look like hell, and it backfired.
All this over this basic name. Lily sounds better tbh!
Can’t just let a woman RIP eh?
All to distract from Andrew.
My daughter lives in Scotland and says she sees zero reporting on Andrew. The BBC is not covering it AT ALL and she has to go back to her American news sources (or her mother lol) for the latest.
He should be in jail. No member of the Royal Family (save Harry!) is going to ‘win over’ the US as long as he’s alive, but good luck with that.
It’s always been about the kids. The press didn’t really begin attacking Meghan in earnest until she announced she was pregnant. I guess the royals assumed that at 37 she was too old to have children. Before that the UK press coverage was positive. The family and the press treat the children like they don’t exist especially Lilibet. The pregnancy deniers even claim Lilibet isn’t real. Their mere existence is too much for someone at the top of that institution named Charles or William or both. PS I always thought naming a future King Charles was stupid given the fact that Charles I was beheaded. KC3 is proving he is just as unpopular, stubborn and arrogant as his namesake. Let’s see how his reign will evolve or devolve.
People need to stop rewriting history or stop misremembering the british shidtmedia coverage that greeted M from the moment H&M’s relationship became public.
At best it was 50-50, in terms of ‘fair’ vs ‘nasty’ (BTW, some folks use the word “positive” to describe whats really best described as ‘fairness’ in journalism. When media coverage is described as “positive” then its entering the realm of fawning which is almost as bad, albeit in the opposite direction, as ‘nasty.’)
Anyhoooo……., in their usual schizophrenic or good-cop/bad-cop way, the shidtmedia coverage of M was almost always hysterical.
And then, as their bombardment of requests for interviews with M kept getting rebuffed by Harry, the coverage became more and more nasty than fair. Until, as you rightly pointed out, from the minute M’s pregnancy was announced, but markedly from the time they returned from their massively successful Oceanic tour, the knives came out. And stayed out for M and then, as they realized that their reverse psychology on H was not influencing him to dump his wife and return to the fold, then they turned on him too.
Yeah, the coverage of Meghan was never positive in the UK.
If there was a “like” button I’d “like” your comment about the use of “Charles” as an heir and future king. That Charles I had his head chopped off isn’t a good look for the current Charles who, as King, is very unpopular.
Recollections may vary @GDubslady. Straight Outta Compton, Pornhub lies(that Meghan legally fought & won with a pathetic apology from the Sun?), tainting royal blood and so on and so on. We must have different views of positive coverage.
It did very much escalate after the pregnancy becoming known and the Oceania tour.
End of October 2019 is when a story came out that the Sussexes didn’t want titles for their child/children. It didn’t come from them. At all. Guessing that came from the meeting/dinner between the Fug Four, when the WanK’s accidentally on purpose shared that Kate was a b*tch and made Meghan cry right before H&M’s wedding story. At this point, the Wank’s changed the story. Mr. Incandescent was very displeased that an American WOC told him to not stick his finger in her face.
“‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.’”
—Are they really and truly saying that the Queen was and/or the British public is too dumb, or demented, to know that she actually OWNED things?!?
“…[C]onsider her remark about ‘palaces and paintings’ which, as well as most of her jewels, cars and even furniture, were never hers to own. She was, in most respects, simply the conservator of them for future generations on behalf of the nation.”
—Why, yes, YES, THEY ARE!
“Barricaded in their Californian cocoon, blanketed by the cosy schmaltz of their new showbiz life…”
—Their bitterness is so transparent.
The Sussexes didn’t “misread” anything. If the Queen, for whatever reason, couldn’t be honest with them that is on her and not the Sussexes.
The Queen reportedly could not say No; as such, she probably said Yes (as opposed to remaining mute). They took what she said at face value. Or, was part of her “sense of propriety” lying to people and then assuming that they knew what she meant all along?
Exactly. Apparently Harry, Meghan and little Lili should be crucified in the press bc they couldn’t read the invisible cues and modes of decorum. Sounds like an argument from some racist gate-keeping snobs. Which is going on the unlikely premise that this is even true and not just another misguided attempt at revenge against the Sussexes.
They should have just called their kid Diana Elizabeth and watched people’s heads explode. I hope Libet goes by the name Di, lol.
No. She is Lilibet Diana. I don’t understand why fans want to call her Diana! She is a person with her OWN identity. If she grows up and decides to go by her middle name like her mother did, then that is up to her, but now she is Lilibet Diana, whether people like it or not.
Her nickname was never private.
The name was not “Private” and not limited to Philip or her parents – her close friends and distant relatives called her by the name. Her grandfather named a horse Lilibet after her. The first letter that is known of with her signing off as Lilibet was to a doctor. When her mother died she had a card on the casket signed “Lilibet”. If the Queen wasn’t comfortable with it she could have been as direct as she was with her Pedo sun who wanted to name his daughter after a nightclub, and said “no” and suggested Elizabeth was fine as a tribute but she didn’t.
Unfortunately it appears that some folks who seem otherwise intelligent, might be afflicted with that unfortunate malady that occurs when we discard our previously well-functioning brain in order to swallow and regurgitate shidt from the british shidtmedia.
Example, believing their shidt that “Lilibet” was betty’s “private family nickname.” In the 96 year history of her life, that claim was never made by anyone, including the shidtmedia, UNTIL the first biracial princess was given that name.
Ask yourself how it could be a private family name when all her cousins in the european royal houses referred to her as their beloved cousin Lilibet when she died. And, most intriguingly, when her own father named a horse “Lilibet.”
A. Horse.
Its always so painful to see otherwise intelligent folks dumbing themselves down as they pretzelize themselves to accommodate the fact that the british shidtmedia is filled with barefaced, criminally corrupt, lying bastards.
If Liz was hurt by Harry’s interview I don’t think it would’ve been shown. Yes I know it was American TV but it seems like Harry was deeply loyal to the queen/grandma. Now maybe she didn’t know what he would say, per se, but if she was scared/hurt it wouldn’t have happened.
I feel two ways about the naming.
1. Liz knew William us cheap and may not help his neice/nephew so the name lilbeth helps.
2. It’s like giving away her nickname means she’s about to not be here. I can see someone being sentimental about it.
I could see the Queen being surprised and taken aback to be asked for the blessing to use her childhood nickname. It is kind of an unusual request? Lilibet is an unusual name that the Queen herself invented as a toddler when she couldn’t pronounce her own name. I don’t think anyone had Lilibet as a possible name when Meghan announced she was pregnant with a girl so it was a huge surprise when it was announced. But being surprised and taken aback doesn’t have to have an automatic negative implication, it could have been the Queen said “I’ll think about it” or maybe when Harry asked her, she was completely shocked and needed a minute to digest what Harry was asking. I can’t see her being upset over this though? Queen Elizabeth was such an enigma to us all, I’m not sure anything truly upset her apart from her family members and husband dying. I can’t see her picking a hissy fit in her 90s about this. Her aides and other family members? Sure.
It wasn’t invented by her. The name has Jewish origins.
I don’t see her being surprised or taken aback when Harry let her know about the name. Let her know, asked, whatever. I’m sure she was delighted. And said so.
Uhmm, no. She didn’t invent the name. She mispronounced her own name. The name Lilibet has been around long before the QE2’s birth. It’s possible that she was shocked that her grandson & granddaughter-in-law wanted to honor her legacy by naming their daughter with her beloved nickname. Shocked in a good way. Like, thank you for thinking of that because it’s a special name to me and I’m honored.
But, sure, BM/BRF/other a&&holes. Taint the legacy of you’re longest running sovereign by saying she was “angry”, “upset”, whatevs about her first female biracial great grandchild being named with her nickname. Only amidst the BRF/BM does this BS happen.
I didn’t realize a ‘showbiz life’ could be described as one of ‘cosy schmaltz’. I would have thought it were the very opposite.
The only logical explanation for this that I can come up with is that the bm is trying to do away with the Monarchy. After all of this time it cannot have escaped their notice that the continued hate for the Sussexes is reflecting quite poorly onto the brf. The fact that they continue their diatribes means that 1) they don’t care or 2) that’s what they want. Either way, it doesn’t bode well for the brf. Congratulations to the bm.
By the way, the FBI has an open case that they still want to talk to PA about. Thought I’d remind the bm, since they have VERY short-term memories.
They do need reminding and they seem stuck for story ideas. Sheesh.
So the name Lilibet isn’t even a name unique to Queen Elizabeth? It’s not a name she made up herself? It’s a name that has been in the universe for a while? Again, the RR and BM show how insular, uninformed, and ignorant they are. Continental royals such as King Harold and King Felipe have released condolences to the Queen referring to her as Lilibet?
No, that her nickname was ‘Lilibet’ has been known forever. She had no desire to keep that private!
Why are the fans talking about Lilibet name since yesterday??
First, Harry has never addressed this “Lilibetgate”, whether in the Netflix documentary, Spare, or in his interviews.
Second, the Sussexes didn’t released any statement regarding this stupid book, so why are the fans more upset and bother than Lilibet’s parents?
If fans want to defend Lilibet, all they have to do is writing her full name on Twitter, post pictures of her and some nice quotes from her parents about her, and ignore this book completely. But the Sussex Squad is as tabloid-obsessed as the royalists.
Celine, I hope at the same time that the SussexSquad is making sure to talk about PA, since that’s what these articles are supposed to distract from. As long as they do that, I think they’re doing just fine.
1. They hate he is a Living Legend.
2. They are distracting from Androo.
3. They are distracting from the Wales mysterious absence and low engagements since December. There was a Broken Britain meeting today that Lazy never attended, she also released no pictures of her birthday tea parties/walks.
4. They are jealous of Slinkie.
Bullshit. I don’t believe a word of it. Honored, more like it.
I wish my mother never gave me the middle name of Elizabeth.
If she was mad that people have given their children the same name as her, she must have been in a rage 24/7. Elizabeth is about as common of a name as you can get. And since her name wasn’t Lilibet, she really has no reason to complain at all. Since that isn’t her actual name.
Do these people ( bast….ds) ever think of the little girl at the centre of this .
This is when Charles should step up and defend his granddaughter.
“ Of course my mother was proud that Lili would carry her special name “
But no (bast …..d)😡
Even if that were the case (that it’s a private family name), why would it distress her to have a great granddaughter named after her? Her great granddaughter is family, after all, no?
Sounds to me as if “Poppy” is saying that Americans have “different modes of decorum” and are not familiar to other cultures. In other words, she is saying that both Meghan and Harry, because he has been living in the U.S., must not understand polite culture, so they were ignorant about what QE2 was really saying, and this whole thing is their fault. Hence the problem was that they misunderstood the queen because they have become Americanized.
Such statements are exactly what is wrong with the attitude of some royalists and upper-class individuals in the U.K. Such statements try to cloud issues by hinting that the rest of the world just does not understand the British system. This is certainly NOT how typical British people speak about the rest of the world or even their own culture, but it reflects a serious superiority complex of some of the upper-classes there.
Wake up folks! The Empire is long gone.
It’s not even unheard of in the royal family to use a family nickname to honor someone. Elizabeth’s grandmother Queen Mary was named Victoria Mary. In the family she was called May. (Ironically the one thing she wasn’t called was Mary.) When her brother Alexander had a daughter he named her May. Queen Mary was quite touched I’m sure. When May married in 1931 little Princess Elizabeth of York was a bridesmaid.
If she is so racism they should have named the daughter after another family member on Meghan’s side. The
First name was the queens nickname. The second name is the paternal mothers name. Not getting this.
I’m late to this article, but am gobsmacked they’re trying to say Liz couldn’t say now. The Queen of England. The one who denied her sister her choice in marriage.
“I’m so touched you even had this thought to name her that – so moved and grateful, but may so let you in on a little secret? After so many decades in the public, in service, as the sovereign, one of the things I treasure is having this name to myself. It’s one of the only things that is my link to my parents and to my husband, that does not flow through or answer to the crown. SO, you can see why, as MUCH as I delight in the sweet honor you wish to show me, I would take comfort in having it remain singular. But Lillian or Beth might be suggestions that both connect me to my great granddaughter in name while also allowing us each or own space to be individuals,”
Edward Young is to Charles what Jason Knauf was to William: overly self-important, not-too-bright, SO eager to please. Their “I’ve got this” nuclear advice to seek and destroy has ruined so much for the RF that will never be restored. I can almost believe they are closet republicans.
The whole thing is absurd. I read a tabloid report that this was probably all Meghan’s doing. Like what expected mother says to her husband “I am going to give my child your gangan’s cherished childhood nickname and you get no say in it!”
I mean unless you are a snob with a stick up your butt and think the name Lilibet is too funky fresh to have been thought up by a white prince.
I know this will be very unpopular, but I kind of believe parts of this. The queen was such a traditionalist that she likely would have thought they should have used her full name, Elizabeth.
I’m guessing when Harry called, she likely thought, why Lilibet?, but I also don’t think she said No, because she knew they were trying to honor her.
I’m guessing her actual comments were along the lines of “I don’t prefer Lilibet, but I didn’t want to say anything.”
I think most of these stories have a tiny bit of truth to them that is skewed (sometimes greatly) depending on who is telling the story.