Prince Harry ‘humbled’ to be honored at the ‘Living Legends of Aviation’ on Friday

One of the wildest conspiracy theories has cropped up in the past 24 hours: that the Princess of Wales and King Charles’s dual hospitalization announcements were made in relation to Prince Harry receiving the Living Legend of Aviation Award on Friday. While it’s true that there are an awful lot of coincidences when it comes to “good things happening for the Sussexes, and then suddenly someone in the Windsor family falls ill,” it’s truly bonkers to think that Kate would invent a whole-ass months-long medical drama to thwart Harry’s aviation award. Now, King Charles’s advance announcement might have had something to do with it, but what do I know. In any case, there’s now a conversation about “will Harry pull out of the awards show??” A deranger fantasy. The Mirror spoke to “sources” connected to the Living Legends of Aviation and they insist that Harry felt very honored to be named by their organization and he will show up to the event.

Princess Diana’s dance partner, John Travolta, was the driving force behind her son Prince Harry being named a “living legend” and inducted into an aviation Hall of Fame. The Hollywood icon, 69, was one of the “biggest supporters” for the Duke Of Sussex being honoured at Friday’s event during the selection process among existing honourees and committee members. Insiders at the Living Legends of Aviation insist that “humbled” Harry, 39, was not just selected for his “military service” but also for his global work promoting ex-servicemen with The Invictus Games, mental health advocacy for military personnel and global philanthropy.

Travolta, who hosts the private gala, maintains a “strong emotional link and connection” to Harry through his friendship with his mother Princess Diana. The announcement that duke is set to receive the award was met with a fierce backlash by former military personnel and social media users. The former head of the Royal Navy, Lord Alan West, described the gong as a “pathetic” publicity stunt. He said: “He is not a living legend of aviation. To suggest he is is pathetic. It makes the whole thing seem a bit of a nonsense if they’re willing to pick someone like Prince Harry.”

However, award insiders insist “the negativity will not get our attention.” The organisation states, “inductees are nominated and selected by current Living Legends, who then are part of future selection processes.”

A source connected to the event told the Mirror: “Prince Harry’s honour recognises so much of his entire life, not just his time flying helicopters and serving in the army. Our award is a celebration of aviators, but also life-changing human beings connected to our world. Harry’s name was put forward because of his astonishing commitment to helping those in and out of the military, promoting awareness of the triumphs and travails of that life. But he stands tall as a philanthropist. Any suggestion of this as a publicity stunt is a disgraceful and offensive suggestion.”

“Of course, John was an advocate for Harry and supported his nomination. He has always felt a connection to him, especially because he and Diana enjoyed that moment of pop culture history by dancing at the White House. It was a highlight of his amazing life, and the pair had a bond. It was just a year after Harry was born, and the pair both felt their moment was a ‘fairytale.’

“John has felt that her sons have continued her legacy and drive for charity. So, Harry having this platform to celebrate his achievements means so much to him. John and Harry uniting will be another memorable night.”

A separate source revealed that “humbled” Harry asked to have his honour bestowed on the same night as others at the annual event held at the Beverly Hilton. “Obviously, with the nature of his status, a suggestion was for a separate event. Harry insisted he wanted to join aviators and supporters of our event.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

I believe that about John Travolta, and I completely believe Travolta is a big supporter and he was arguing for Harry to be honored. As for the award – the whole “backlash” has been utterly ridiculous. If anyone had simply looked through the list of previous honorees, they would have seen that the “living legend” designation goes beyond “a legendary aviation career.” They choose legendary pilots, of course, but many of the honorees are hobbyist pilots who have done amazing things separately from or adjacent to aviation. Angelina Jolie, a hobbyist pilot who directed amazing aerial scenes in Unbroken, received the organization’s Aviation Inspiration and Patriotism Award after Unbroken was released. It was abundantly clear, much to the British media’s chagrin, that Harry is receiving this award for his body of work, not just his military career, but his humanitarian work and his work with Invictus.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Prince Harry ‘humbled’ to be honored at the ‘Living Legends of Aviation’ on Friday”

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  1. EasternViolet says:

    The Aviation awards did the smartest thing when nominating harry. Who had heard of these awards before? Now everyone knows about them. Well played.

  2. aquarius64 says:

    Harry just need to send a Hallmark ecard to BP and KP with the message get well soon. That’s more than what they did for Harry and Meghan, especially when she miscarried. Get your flowers on Friday, Harry with Meghan by your side.

  3. equality says:

    I’d like to know who the source was for the statement, because it was incredible. I’m glad they made it clear about his philanthropy being a big part of it.

    • B says:

      It was such a elegant way to say eff you. More importantly they confirmed Harry and Meghan will be in attendance!! Yay!

      • Laura D says:

        Oh no! One picture of Meghan dancing with John will cause Kate to relapse! Obviously, I don’t wish her harm but, as we now know she reads the Mailonline a picture of Meghan and JT dancing will get her out of her hospital bed a lot sooner than any pills and potions! 😆 😆 😆

      • Christine says:

        It’s perfect, and I hope Harry and Meghan have a wonderful time. It’s despicable that anyone on Salty Isle speaks their names, much less tries to denigrate their work.

        You’ve earned this, Harry, because of your heart.

  4. B says:

    Brit media is boringly predictable. I can already see the headline for Friday now.

    “So called compassionate crusaders Meghan and Harry look glowing and loved up at HOLLYWOOD award ceremony despite the Princes of Wales recovering in hospital and father King Charles scheduled for surgery next week. The couple has not publicly acknowledged this double blow despite their own complaints that the royal family never showed them any ‘public support’ ”

    *cue eyeroll*

    • aquarius64 says:

      No public support from the Sussexes? They are giving the same energy the Windsors gave them.

    • sevenblue says:

      They played that card before when Kate and Charles were outed as the racists. It didn’t work because everyone said “why would they when RF never defended them publicly?”.

    • equality says:

      The public support from H&M is in the same location as the public good luck wishes KP and BP gave vets involved in the IG. And with the public support Meghan was given when she was suicidal and racist, hateful articles were printed incessantly and W&K were doubling down with a flybe stunt.

    • Nerd says:

      They can’t show public support about Kate’s medical issues. She went all white knuckle crazy when Meghan gave her a sincere pass for forgetting something due to baby brain. We don’t know what the issue is but it could likely be hormone related and we wouldn’t want her to white knuckle grabbing her hospital bed.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Nerd, from time to time, I remember that batsh*t story of Kate going white knuckle and forbidding Meghan to mention her hormones. The way it was told was so descriptive, it felt like the origin story of a Marvel villain. And we were told for years that Kate was the new Diana. Bless their british hearts.

  5. Chloe says:

    The outrage was totally manufactured. Only derangers and people paid by the press to try and give credibility to their talking points. Harry more than deserves this award. At least he has a legacy. Can’t exactly say that about charles’ first born

  6. Kay says:

    And the toxic comments from salty island will commence in 3, 2, 1…

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Somebody said on twitter that they believe a lot of organizations wanted honour Harry when he was a working royal but the Palace rejected them. I agree with this. Given the criteria for the nomination Harry is a worthy recipient. The British press is going to be screaming and vomiting when he shows up at the event tomorrow.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      And saying it’s tasteless and tacky to accept an award while his sister in law is hospitalized in serious condition. They’re so predictable.

      • Nerd says:

        Yes, they are very predictable. They expect everything from Harry and Meghan and give nothing in return. They said nothing about the family revealing that Meghan was mentally suffering when she was pregnant with Archie. They even revealed it to their friends in the media. No outrage that when she revealed their miscarriage no one reached out to her or to Harry with sympathy or condolences. They were in a car chase and saw photos of them being surrounded in a taxi yet none of them reached out to them to make sure they were okay. His grandmother passed away and refused to allow his wife to be there to support him when none of them would.

    • Christine says:

      This makes so much sense. It was clear when the military organizations were stripped from Harry, and the veterans/military were angry. They knew they had a gem of a man who cared about them.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    I suspect Travolta did not have to argue too hard for Harry to receive this honor. As mentioned his body of work the entirety of his life has been about uplifting others, the very essence of what a true philanthropist is. The fact he did not want them to honor him on a separate night speaks to his character. Proud of him and for him.

    • SarahCS says:

      JT: what about Prince Harry, he flies.
      Others: GREAT idea, let’s do that
      The End

      • Nerd says:

        The reference to JT as “an” advocate give me the impression that it wasn’t necessarily JT who made the initial suggestion. It sounds as if there was someone else, if not more who suggested Harry initially and JT wholeheartedly agreed based on all the great Harry has done outside of flying.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I cannot WAIT to see the video piece highlighting all of Harry’s work. (At least I assume a video package will be part of giving the award since there are only 4 awardees.) I’m wondering if we’ll get some never before seen footage of him flying a private plane or in his helicopter cockpit. I’m wondering if we’ll be able to hear rota rat heads exploding from the East Coast of the US? Or smell the tears flowing from Salty Isle. Good times.

      And I want it ALL. Red carpet and new gown for Meghan (and maybe wearing her/Diana’s aquamarine ring!), video package on Harry’s life and life’s work, an acceptance speech, lots of photos of Meghan in the audience cheering Harry on.

      I have no idea how the award ceremony actually will go but that’s what I am hoping for 🤩

      • Jais says:

        Would love to see Meghan wear the aquamarine ring. I’m almost certain there will be dancing at this event. I have no evidence of this but I just feel it makes sense bc there’s an after-event for the ceremony.

      • Barb Mill says:

        I thought I read that Harry has flown a helicopter in CA in order to keep his pilots license current. Maybe we will see some of that.

      • Jais says:

        Just wanted to amend that there are cocktails and a dinner before the awards not actually an after-event. My bad. And also for some reason in my head, all day today I thought it was Friday.

  9. I’m glad they came out with this statement of what the award is for and that Harry is indeed a great candidate for this award. I hope he goes and receives this honor. He owes salt isle and the cult absolutely nothing more than a get well soon email if that.

  10. Thelma says:

    Great statement. Perhaps when William gets off his lazy entitled ass and does something truly meaningful for veterans, he will get an award.

  11. LadyE says:

    “Any suggestion of this as a publicity stunt is a disgraceful and offensive suggestion.”

    THANK YOU, event source!!! It’s about time the RF, nasty courtiers and tabloids start to recognize that they are being insanely insulting to a WHOLE BUNCH of people with their Harry hate obsession. Literally no one shares their disgusting disrespect and disregard for veterans or IG and they’d do well to realize that. Nasty look for nasty people and I’m glad people are snapping back

  12. Cessily says:

    The way they handled this in the media over there was shocking, and I thought I was done being caught off guard by how bitter and vile that family and the rota are. It just never ends with them, how do they sleep at night is what I want to know.

  13. Jais says:

    It’s actually rude as hell for the BM to be calling the living legend award pointless, bought, and meaningless. The people behind the award are likely offended. The award is about celebrating people who love flying and do good in their lives. I hope everyone involved with the awards has a fantastic time tonight.

    • SarahCS says:

      They can’t see beyond any opportunity to attack H&M, no thought is given to collateral damage and the rest of the world just living normal lives outside of the BRF/BM bubble. It’s so weird!

  14. MrsCope says:

    Agree with everything everyone else has said. Plus, this is a fundraising event for children for a good cause. The money raised goes toward this Academy for kids. And I feel like that also gets lost in all of the faux outrage about him being awarded. Anyone who has done event planning or done fundraising, knows that you recognize people who not only deserve the recognition, but also will put butts in seats so that you can raise money for whatever your organization supports.

  15. Harper says:

    John Travolta sounds like a big softie (except for the COS crap which I hope he has extracted himself from) who will probably get all emotional and cry when introducing Harry. He must truly treasure that moment when he danced with Diana.

    • Christine says:

      It’s been gossiped, since John’s son, Jett, died, that he left the Co$. It was also rumored that Kelly Preston was way more involved with the “church”, but since she died, there isn’t a whisper of anything related to John Travolta and Co$.

      • roooth says:

        John has had more than his share of tragic deaths of people he dearly loved. I’m glad he has his daughter and they seem close. I hope he’s out of the COS and has found happiness & peace

  16. Eowyn says:

    One of the biggest moments of pattern recognition when understanding you were raised in a narcissistic family is looking back and seeing how every celebration that focused on you was sabotaged. Graduations, birthdays, promotions, compliments even. What a bizarre situation to have to navigate publicly.

    • roooth says:

      Reading that was like a kick in the gut. Past sabotages flashed by while I suddenly feel nauseated.

      I effing hate getting triggered by surprise. Every holiday – ruined. So many times that should have been happy, but had to be sabotaged to satisfy the malevolent narcissist

  17. J says:

    At this point I don’t even bother reading any lord, lady, or royal adjacent’s opinion on Harry. It’s just rinse and repeat.

  18. Mary Pester says:

    I have tried to post a couple of times so I will just say,YES, you rock Harry and so deserve this award. Our warrior keeps on winning and the left behind Royals along with the British media keep on whining!
    This shows the rest of the world how pathetic the UK press is with the way they try and bring him down

  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’m really happy that they put out this statement. It was extremely offensive for the UK bm/brf to think they have any right to talk about a US charity the way they did. They need to keep those comments in the UK and choose a UK charity if this is how they want to operate. Add to that the incredibly insulting things said by (i suspect paid) military people to go after him, and this was a disgrace to military service members active or inactive everywhere. I’m glad the charity drew their line in the sand and I’m very amused that they used the Mirror to do it.

    Someone here noted that Princess Di and W and H stayed with Kurt Russell in Colorado at some point in their childhood, and that Kurt is also a recipient of this award. When the brf/bm go after people, they really need to do their research.

    • kirk says:

      Interesting article about Mirror (and Express) publisher Reach in today’s Guardian by Jane Martinson. She argues for continued existence of publication that knowingly hacked phones because it has continuously backed Labour (left-leaning) politics in UK. She says they’re needed to counterbalance the rest of right wing press, esp in election year. IMHO I’ve learned that virtually every britmedia outlet is defective, probably due to influence of monarchy.
      If the subject is Meghan Markle, britmedia goes nuts, from Financial Times down to lowest tab.

  20. Beverley says:

    Whew! Some folks are seething! What a way to really show one’s nasty ass. The British media’s obsession with attempting to humiliate and diminish Harry has them forgetting about the other nominees and past honorees. They hate him so much, they’re willing to alienate others? Make it make sense.

    As for Harry, congratulations on your award and keep doing great things. You and Meghan keep on winning! You’re making positive history for your children.

  21. QuiteContrary says:

    The British royals and royal rota really think they are the center of the universe. I love that the Living Legends organization just put them in their place.

  22. Proud Mary says:

    Wow, this award really got that island all shook up. As such, I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory at all that Charles “the thinned skin” and Kate “the mean girl” would schedule there surgeries and release the info just to remove Harry’s award from the headline. I’m not saying they conjured up the illness because of the award, I’m saying the release of the information and, quite possibly, the timing of the surgeries, are both suspect. Those folks operate through pettiness and jealousy; it is nectar to their soul.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Proud Mary, well, the UK can get updates on both of them. I doubt the US media is going to spend very much (if any) time of either of them being in the hospital. I’m sure, though, that if there is any info after this awards ceremony put out to the public, the US media will report that.

      • Angie says:

        @ Saucy&Sassy
        I was watching ET and Access Hollywood last night and they spent only a few seconds talking about KC and Kate. Not really going onto detail. Spent more time talking about JLo and the Emmy’s. American news shows don’t spend time talking about the royals unless it’s something really significant. No 24 hours news like in the U.K.

  23. bisynaptic says:

    This is a bete noire of mine: I hate when people say “humbled”, when they mean “honored”. “Humbled” means the opposite.

  24. bisynaptic says:

    ‘The former head of the Royal Navy, Lord Alan West, described the gong as a “pathetic” publicity stunt. He said: “He is not a living legend of aviation. To suggest he is is pathetic. It makes the whole thing seem a bit of a nonsense if they’re willing to pick someone like Prince Harry.”’
    —Somebody’s feeling the green-eyed monster willies…

  25. JanetDR says:

    I want to read that Living Legends statement over and over again! It’s a perfect The Emperor Has No Clothes moment 💗
    I hope to see a lot more of this kind of thing.

  26. blunt talker says:

    Any organization in the USA has the right to honor whom they please-there is more to Harry then being a pilot or a veteran-his business for charity and giving back is well-known-People on Salty Isle-the UK have more things on their plate to deal with then worrying about an award for Harry-Your king and future queen are in the hospital and your concern should be about them getting better-other political issues at the forefront needs to be of concern-having no money to improve the living standards of most Britians should be the topic everyday-I am sure Harry and Meghan will send something to Kate and the KIng or call them to wish them a speedy recovery-they have moved on and don’t sit around playing silly games-the Sussexes have always shown grace and humility in the face of harshness directed at them and their children-this past week really made me want to jump down the throats of the nasty media and stomp their livers-when you try to hurt a child only 2 years old-Iam done done done-grown people talking about a child and a dead person who cannot defend themselves-this was a boundary that went too far and was very crass. God’s speed to the Sussex family.

  27. Over it says:

    I can’t wait to see pictures of Harry and Meghan at this award ceremony. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen them. I was going through withdrawals. 😃. Hope they have an amazing time there .

  28. Cassie says:

    I hope they have a wonderful time and are well protected and safe .

  29. sammi says:

    Take a look at the Legends of Aviation website for Prince Harry’s nomination…it will drive the royals and Media mad. Names Duchess Meghan and Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet!