Zendaya went full Vulcan at the PFW Fendi show: gorgeous or Spock vibes?

Zendaya has been attending Paris Fashion Week events in recent days. On Thursday, she stepped out at the Fendi show. Fendi gave her the best dress! Of course they did, she’s Zendaya. I actually love this dress – the color is gorgeous, the design is lovely and it “walks” well. She paired this dress with Louboutins and Bulgari jewels.

The problem is still those dreadful bangs. I will say this – Zendaya can pull off any look, including these Vulcan bangs which make her look like Spock. She can do anything. But why would she do THIS? She had the same Vulcan bangs at the Schiaparelli show earlier this week. Given the mismatched hair color, I assume these are clip-in bangs which Zendaya decided to rock throughout PFW. What a weird “trend” to try to force.

Meanwhile, Law Roach has styled her throughout her PFW events. Law Roach may have quit the “celebrity stylist for hire” game last year after the Oscars, but he would never quit Zendaya. One thing I’ve wondered about for months though: does Law think Zendaya’s “house ambassador” gig with Louis Vuitton is a bad idea? Probably not, because Zendaya is apparently not contractually prohibited from attending other runway shows.

Bonus: Reese Witherspoon and her daughter Ava were also at the Fendi show.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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38 Responses to “Zendaya went full Vulcan at the PFW Fendi show: gorgeous or Spock vibes?”

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  1. Jillian says:

    I like the bangs! It’s definitely a piece but she’s darling and that dress is fantastic

  2. TikiChica says:

    It’s hard not to look great when your this gorgeous but… yeah, not her best look.

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    She looks amazing here. Love the dress but how are the able to walk down steps in those heels and in the long dress like that without taking a header down the stairs – if that was me I’d be in the hospital after attempting that.

  4. Giddy says:

    That picture where her stride is long, the dress moves with her so beautifully. It is also molded to her perfect figure! I can’t imagine anyone else in this dress after seeing her.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    That dress is spectacular and she is stunning

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Zendaya looks fabulous. I don’t mind the hair.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    I love that she’s being creative with her styling and love the bangs on her. She looks fabulous and the color of that dress is to die for.

  8. Jas says:

    I like the fringe (bangs). It’s an interesting change. And she’s a goddess. Does anyone wear clothes better than she does?

  9. Stef says:

    Such a fugly haircut for such a beautiful woman! No one looks good with these bangs.

    Love the dress though, her style is always en pointe.

  10. Mcmmom says:

    She proves that both can be true – this is a bad hairstyle AND she’s stunningly beautiful.

  11. Mina Esq says:

    Always gorgeous. She is kind of giving young Catherine Zeta Jones in some of these pictures. No? Just me?

  12. Sasha says:

    Wow. I guess why be boring when you can be bold!? Zendaya can’t look bad. It’s just not possible. I don’t think many could pull off these severe bangs but she definitely can. Her face is incredible!

    • Bettyrose says:

      So much this. She doesn’t have to put any effort into looking great, so mix it up and look interesting.

  13. Carmen says:

    I don’t mind the bangs at all; she wears them well and they don’t detract from the rest of her look. And she is wearing the hell out of that dress. The dark red is perfect and enhances her coloring.

  14. Flamingo says:

    She’s young, she is beautiful, she can wear any look and it is flawless. I like the bangs, it’s a fun changeup. And my God who would focus on her hair when she wears the most beautiful dresses in that bodyodyody.

  15. Ameerah M says:

    I like the bangs. I’m not anti-bangs. And they work for the overall vibe of what she and Law have been going for. It’s clear they have a sartorial story they are telling with her looks right now. I’m here for it. I love when an aesthetic is committed to to tell a story. It’s exactly what Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal did for Barbie. The difference is that it was an aesthetic we all know and recognize. But the technique is the same.

  16. Whyforthelove says:

    She is stunning and the dress is gorgeous. The bangs are …a choice lol

  17. Kittenmom says:

    Zendaya would look good in literally anything. The bangs aren’t something I’d personally choose, but that’s probably because I don’t look like her and couldn’t pull it off 😹

  18. Pulplove says:

    I love the matching lipstick colour, she looks absolutely stunning.

    And I already thought that when I saw her in the Schiaparelli dress with a similar hairdo. I want to see her as a Vulcan scientist in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds now, please make it so!

  19. Lucía says:

    I don’t know, you guys. I’m not saying I would get those bangs, and clearly hers are just temporary, but…I feel like the point of Zendaya’s fashion (and fashion in general, really) isn’t always to look simply “pretty” or “flattering”, so to speak.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Put Zendaya in the next Star Trek movie!

  21. Eden75 says:

    She has a face that can carry off any hair.

    An amazing look! I love love that dress!

  22. Is that so? says:

    Zendaya killed it as a Wokel with a dash of Audrey Hepburn.

    • Is that so? says:

      V-U-L-C-A-N. Zendaya killed it as a falcon. No not falcon. FALCON. FALCON. VULCAN. Speech to text is not having it. It wins. I submitted and typed it in.

  23. JC says:

    WTF is up with the bang hate on here. I LOVE it. She looks incredible. I would kill to look this cool.

  24. Eurydice says:

    I think she’s spectacular. Dune: Part 2 is opening on March 1st. Maybe she’s prepping the media with an otherworldly look.

  25. Mandy says:

    The bangs are banging on her…So chic, modern and epically COOL!! Very Audrey Hepburn but futuristic! Come on, we should all look as hip as Zendaya, she seriously could model full time if she wasn’t such a great actress! The dress is drop dead gorgeous, she has impeccable taste!

  26. AnMaBe says:

    gorgeous and spock vibes are not mutually exclusive. in fact, they’re synonymous.

  27. Mel says:

    I like the hair and I love that she takes risks.