King Charles’s cancer was ‘caught very early & the prognosis is good’

On Monday, Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles had been diagnosed with cancer. The cancer was apparently discovered around the same time that Charles was being treated for an enlarged prostate, and Rebecca English at the Daily Mail claims that Charles and Camilla knew of the diagnosis “early last week.” Charles was discharged from the London Clinic on January 29th, after which Camilla stepped out for events every day. Her demeanor was giddy and positive, which is surprising in retrospect. But, Becky English also reports that Charles’s doctors found the cancer early. Which is good news.

The King was last night reported to be ‘hugely positive’ following shock news that he has cancer. Family and friends were said to be amazed by his determination to carry on with ‘business as usual’. It is understood his condition has been caught very early and the prognosis is good.

Buckingham Palace dramatically revealed that doctors had discovered an unspecified form of cancer during treatment for a benign prostate condition. Charles informed close family by phone, including estranged son Harry who will fly back from his home in California to see his father. It will be the first time the pair have spent any significant time together in more than 18 months. Royal watchers were asking whether it might herald a thaw in relations.

Charles arrived in London yesterday morning from his Sandringham estate with his wife Camilla to start out-patient treatment at an undisclosed hospital. She will be at her husband’s side throughout but has insisted on continuing with her public engagements. Other members of the Royal Family will be stepping up to stand in for the sovereign, including the Prince of Wales, who will return to duties tomorrow after his own wife’s medical issues.

While cancelling all his public engagements, Charles is insisting on carrying on with his ‘red boxes’ of paperwork and he may even conduct a small number of face-to-face private meetings.

The Mail has learnt that the King has known about his diagnosis since early last week, insisting on going to church in Norfolk on Sunday and waving warmly to well-wishers. Camilla also stoically insisted on opening a new Maggie’s cancer care unit in London on Wednesday in the knowledge that her husband was about to have treatment. She carefully told well-wishers at the Royal Free Hospital that he was ‘getting on, doing his best’. A source said: ‘Full credit to her. She has been marvellous.’

Royal aides said they were carefully balancing the King’s right to privacy at a difficult and sensitive time with his role as head of state. But he hopes that by sharing the news that it will enable accurate reporting of his condition and prevent speculation on an issue that affects so many other families. No further details of which cancer he has been diagnosed with are being shared, aside from emphasising it is not prostate cancer, which is the biggest cancer killer of men in the UK each year. It is being stressed it was found only when the king had treatment for a benign enlarged prostate.

[From The Daily Mail]

I’m glad they caught it early and I’m glad Charles is approaching this with optimism and positivity. Regardless of the realities of all of this, optimism and faith will consistently help in any medical situation. Going back through recent history, I wonder if this is why Camilla stayed by Charles’s side during the three days he was in the hospital. I also wonder if her priority, going forward, will be to stay close to Charles rather than keep up the schedule she had last week, when she was doing events every day. As for how Charles’s schedule will look… everyone’s saying that he would never appoint a regent and I don’t think that’s in the cards in any way in the immediate future. I assume that the palace briefings about keeping up with behind-the-scenes work will continue, but yeah – it will probably be a while before he has a public schedule.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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97 Responses to “King Charles’s cancer was ‘caught very early & the prognosis is good’”

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  1. Ellie says:

    I really shouldn’t feel bad for him, he also has the best health care he could possibly have. But I do. No one deserves cancer.

    • I agree no one should have cancer. I’m a survivor of it and no matter how healthy you are to begin with the treatment takes a lot out of you and Chuckles is 76 years old.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Never feel like a chump for having compassion. We can have compassion for people who do bad things; it doesn’t mean we can’t also hold them accountable.

      I am happy to hear his prognosis is good. About 4/5 men survive it, even at his age. As far as illnesses go, that is a high fatality rate, but his chances are much better since they caught it early. I hope he has a successful treatment. There are family issues that they need to resolve and they need time.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That’s what I thought. I know men who’ve been diagnosed & treated & are doing quite well. It seems to be survivable if caught early. And yet that DM article said prostate cancer is ‘the biggest cancer killer of men in the UK’. How can that be? Are they just pulling this stuff out of the air? Or elsewhere? (All this in spite of the fact that they did tell us Charles does not have prostate cancer, so it’s really moot.)

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        We don’t know what kind of cancer he has, though. Some cancers don’t present symptoms (like gastric, pancreatic, bowel, breast, brain) until they are high grade. This was said to be incidental; so it’s possible that it is a blood dyscrasia, or something seen on chest films as part of preop screening.

        Possible also is a bowel lesion found during routine colonoscopy.

      • Couch Potato says:

        If that statement is correct, the most logical reason is that a lot of men in Britain don’t see a doc until it’s gone to far. My father and some of his friends do bloodtests every year, but we’re not from the UK. Maybe it’s a cultural thing.

      • Lux says:

        @beanie bean & couch potato, yes that’s the only reason I can think of. Prostate cancer is largely symptomless and can be that way for a long time before one would think to go for a checkup. Otherwise it is hardly the most aggressive type of cancer.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Given his age, and depending of the cancer of course, it’s true that the prognostic is good. Older folks are more likely to die with cancer instead of of cancer because cells, even cancerous ones, divide more slowly as we age. It’s why I’ll worry much more, for instance, about a 40-something with prostate cancer than a 75yo. Chuck won’t have a long reign but Will shouldn’t start planning his coronation right away

    • Sobiewski says:

      Cancer has taken so many people that I loved from me and my life. Tears me up just thinking about it. In the rumor/conspiracy realm, it has been said that the powers that be have had a cure for cancer for decades now. I wish it were true. And I really do pray for Charles a very speedy recovery. He is not a good person but literally no one on earth should have to suffer through that awful disease. My wish and prayer is that this will make the old buffoon open his eyes and recognize his own stupidity in pushing his child Harry away and also how he has treated Meghan and his own grandchildren. I want to believe he is not a soulless goon. Prove me wrong, ole Charlie. Prove me wrong. Godspeed ❤️

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    I am happy it’s in its early stage. William was back at work in the middle of the night preparing his coronation. I hope he will have enough flair to make it simple like the danish, although I wish Charles will cling on to the throne to the last day

    • MissF says:

      I am pleased that the cancer was caught early too. Charles was ghastly to Diana, however he has done some pretty remarkable things as Prince of Wales, with the Princes Trust and Conservation. What has that odious fool William done in 41 years but be a petulant, rage filled narcissist, and marry that racist moron with a button and doily obsession. I want to see Charles on the Throne for as long as possible to keep Pegs off it.

      • Banana Phone says:

        There is literally no cure for narcissism, and no excuse for abuse. Don’t let a handful of possibly-ok bare minimum deeds (in a role that shouldn’t exist & is actively harmful on a global scale) get conflated with the character of the man performing them for the public, to further his own interests. He could and should have done so much more, he doesn’t deserve handwaving because he’s occasionally done something that aligned with his narcissism happened to do good at the same time. And let’s not forget the many other horrible things he has done and continues to do. I’m not celebrating his diagnosis, but I do believe the world will be better without him, and without the monarchy. Glossing over decades of well-documented atrocities is exactly what the RBF wants you to do. Don’t buy into it. There are truly any number of examples of his behavior that should make it clear he’s a terrible human, through and through, who is genuinely incapable of not being that way (personality disorders like that aren’t fixable, you can’t grow a conscience if your mind literally lacks the framework for one).

  3. EasternViolet says:

    Its the first time that any of the Palaces have made statements about “good prognosis” (eh em… Princess Kate…) Good news for the King for sure and depending on the type and course of treatment, if he’s going to be getting chemo he’ll be out of the public eye for at least 6 months. (More if they want him to grow his hair out).

  4. seaflower says:

    While I dislike him and everything he inflicted on Diana, Harry and Meghan, I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Meanwhile William is sizing up the crown….

    • ArtHistorian says:

      I actually think that William might be quietly panicking. It is one thing to like the idea of being King, it is quite another thing to be faced with the actual reality of the thing. William has been able to coast along in life with minimal royal “work” – but when he becomes Monarch he can’t avoid it anymore. He will have to do the paperwork every single day because if he doesn’t there may be real consequences. He is lazy and unprepared – and I bet that he is frozen with fear right now. (Or he has been on a massive bender). He hasn’t even visited his father and they live in the same country!

      • Seraphina says:

        I was thinking the same thing. He is woefully unprepared. His grandmother had always been interested in the red box that arrived daily (so I’ve read) I doubt he has 1/4 her interest in the state of affairs for the country.
        Buckle up Willy, you may wear the crown sooner than you think.

      • Tina says:

        I think the same. William likes the ‘idea’ of being monarch and having no one to tell him what to do but honestly being PoW is the best of the options. Right now he has his own money and no one can boss him around. But as monarch he can’t just disappear and there’s actually boring stuff he has to do. Also once Charles is gone (and Camilla will be exiled) then there’s two less people to do stuff. At this rate the RF will just be Will, Anne and Sophie.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        My thoughts exactly. He wants the perks, not the responsibilities. Also a lot more eyes on you as King, than Prince.

        I wish Charles a good recovery and outcome. Can’t deny him empathy when both of my parents are currently in treatment.

  5. Jay says:

    I think Camilla will be out there doing events again, if only a few a week. I think she enjoyed needling WanK by being out and about. I think the announcement that Charles has cancer has a healthy dose of side eye for the Wales and how they are handling things.

    Plus, I imagine Charles would prefer the focus to be on Camilla: she’s dependable, she’s a “brick”, she’s carrying on etc etc because he believes it reflects on him. I’m sure he’d much rather that then more speculation about his youngest son and (Charles’) failures to reconcile.

    • Becks1 says:

      Also, if its true that they learned about his diagnosis last week, then she already knew before she did some of those events, so I don’t see why she would stop doing public events at this point.

  6. bisynaptic says:

    I’d bet Camilla will try to stay closer to him, especially, as long as Harry is near…

    • Jaded says:

      Harry will be gone in a day or 2, no need for Camzilla to worry. Of course she’s going to be close to Charles, he’s her husband and he’s got cancer. It’s William she needs to worry about.

  7. Carmen says:

    Meanwhile, where is Kate? Have they given proof of life yet?

    • Mslove says:

      I had a thought that Keen was told to lay low so as not to steal Chuck’s limelight.

      • Jb says:

        Meanwhile I thought the opposite that they revealed Chuck’s cancer to deflect that Kate might be dead.

  8. Carmen says:

    Is Concha Calleja still doubling down on her original report?

  9. equality says:

    According to info I found about the Regency Act of 1937: “The decision does not require King Charles’s agreement; it can be made by specific individuals, including the sovereign’s wife, the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Lady Chief Justice, and the Master of the Rolls.”

    • Jais says:

      So maybe that’s where William’s been. Shoring up alliances with all these people.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I think that is way too much work for Will.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        If W has had a hand in whatever’s going on with Kate, and they are unable to suppress the truth of the matter, the Treason Act of 1351 will come into play before the Regency Act.
        A person was guilty of high treason under the Act if they:
        – violated the king’s companion, the king’s eldest daughter if she was unmarried *or the wife of the king’s eldest son and heir*…

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘Master of the Rolls’? What’s that entail, ensuring the bread gets a good crust on it? Or the front bumper gets a good shine?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        “Rolls” is the old word for the official records, which were kept on parchment rolls during Medieval times. Master of the Rolls is basically the keeper of the official and judicial records of the UK.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Ah. Thanks! I’d love to see some of those Medieval parchment rolls; I imagine some still exist.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Several of those medieval rolls still exist. There are several historians doing research on them. I have listened to some podcasts where they were mentioned. Check out the podcast Gone Medieval, it is excellent.

    • Pajala says:

      “The Master of the Rolls” 😀😆 these Royal titles crack me up!

  10. Mrs Robinson says:

    Between Camilla carrying on with work and them sharing the diagnosis, there’s so much shade in that article. No wonder Camilla was gleeful. She’s playing chess.

    • ClaireB says:

      I’m no fan of Camilla, but I wonder if her demeanor last week was overcompensation for her concern and fears about Charles’ health.

  11. Jais says:

    The pointed remarks about sharing his prognosis and avoiding speculation is such shade.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Throwing shade while they themselves are not disclosing anything. What form of cancer does Charles have, what stage? What exactly gives them such high hopes for a “positive prognosis”? We still ” confused, wildly speculating and assuming the worst”!! I don’t see the big difference between WanK and camp and Charles and his camp!!.

      • Renae says:

        Agreed, @Lawrenceville.
        Just how is this to encourage the public ‘to be tested for early diagnosis’? Test HOW? Blood? Xray? Invasive procedure? Asparagus lady? Unless or until it is revealed what sort of cancer it is, its helping no one but themselves. (Warm wishes and kind press).
        As for Katie Keen….speculation runs riot.
        “New transparency’ is a joke.

  12. acha says:

    Is William actually considered…not that bright? Why wouldn’t his dad delegate at least a little of the “red boxes of paperwork” while recovering from cancer?

    • J says:

      Of course not. Peg got a golf club to the head as a child and had a skull fracture.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m curious as to what would happen if William, lazy as he is & with no inclination to change, refuses to read whatever’s in those red boxes when/if he becomes monarch.

      • Lulu says:

        QEII knew when to insist that she and the royal family needed to be exempt from certain laws, so it would be in his own best interest to read the papers in the red boxes.

      • CC730 says:

        Someone might do it for him…
        All in all, I don’t see Will faring well as a monarch, being lazy and secretive…

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I recall reading that one of the many problems during Edward VIII’s short kingship was him not dealing with the red boxes regularly (and that held up legislation, etc.).

        They can’t just let another do it for him.

  13. Tina says:

    That’s good news (no snark!). Harry can have a wee visit with his father and come back to North America in time for the one year Invictus kick off next week. And since his father is doing fine then we won’t have to hear all the moaning about Harry and Meghan being out! Right right?

    • Lawrenceville says:

      That’s every same person’s wish TBH, I hope its God’s command. I say this very honestly.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I suspect that’s part of the reason why Harry is going to the UK. I don’t think that will stop the press from bashing him and Meghan when they go to Vancouver next week.

      • Tina says:

        Agreed they will bash them but I truly hope Meghan and Harry just go on with their plans. Normal people get that life goes on and people need to fulfill their duties to their own lives and careers. As someone whose father was sick with cancer and other ailments for years I was still expected to show up to work each day. People can’t put their lives on hold because a parent on the other side of the world is diagnosed with an illness especially if the news is (relatively) good and they have all of the resources for their care. He can visit and be a better son than Charles deserves and then go back to work.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Tina: exactly. Same happened when my mom was going through her initial diagnosis & later treatment. I was able to take some time off at the beginning, but I still had a job. Also, after awhile, my mom wanted her life back–which did not include me hovering & worrying!

    • Over it says:

      Well I see no reason why Harry and Meghan can’t carry on with their lives. If Camila is good to carry on with hers,
      then so should they be.
      Those soldiers were wounded defending their countries and deserve their spotlight, Their moment in time .
      So I believe and pray that Harry and Meghan should do whatever they were originally intending to do and go to Canada. And continue on with whatever other projects they have planned.

    • Sketchy says:

      I’m glad too, no reason Meghan or the kids have to go and be subjected to their hostility and racism.

  14. Lulu says:

    Seems like they should have led with this statement yesterday. I hope it’s true, but Harry getting on a plane asap does nor sound like everyone is positive.

    • Relly says:

      I see your point, but I also think that, if a loved one was diagnosed with cancer, I’d need to go see them in person. Even if the outlook was good, even if we were on bad terms — hell, maybe even more so if we were on bad terms.

    • Jaded says:

      I think there’s more to Harry’s visit than his father’s health.

  15. Kerfuffles says:

    I do not understand these media reports saying he is being “transparent” about his diagnosis when he is not revealing the type of cancer it is. And while normally that would be no one’s business, even for a public figure, as a head of state it seems that should be revealed? Instead people are (understandably) speculating wildly as to what kind of cancer it is and what the prognosis could be as a result. That seems to just create instability in an already unstable monarchy.

    I wish him well whatever it is. F**k cancer.

  16. Relly says:

    I’m actually curious why they specified it wasn’t prostate cancer — the article made it sound as though that was a reassuring statement, but prostate cancer is very, very responsive to treatment and has a much better five year rate than a lot of other cancers. My dad’s been dealing with a particularly aggressive form for the past seven years, but his prognosis is still really good — from what I can tell, that only majorly changes when it stops being local and metastasizes elsewhere in the body.

    • Claire says:

      I think maybe only because they had already specified that he didn’t have prostate cancer before he had this procedure for the enlarged prostate (how they already knew that I’m not sure, I assume there are tests or biopsies that can determine that ahead of surgery now?). If they hadn’t already specified that he didn’t have prostate cancer, then I imagine that they wouldnt have been specific in ruling prostate cancer out in their statement.

  17. CindyP says:

    RN spit balling here; I’m skeptical that this isn’t more serious. That’s the Palace’s story. He started treatment right away which I assume is chemo or immunotherapy. If they found a tumor, such as lung or bowel, that would be removed first & chemo would have to wait until he healed. If it’s his prostate & caught early, he wouldn’t be receiving chemo. Wonder if a blood malignancy that was found during pre-op physical & labs.

    • Claire says:

      It’s a good point (unless surgery was already done at the same time as prostate removal – but even then it would be very early to start treatment post surgery). It does seem to indicate that a tumour is either non-operable (which would seem to go against the claimed from the prime minister that this was caught early), or this could be something like a blood cancer.

    • CuriousCole says:

      Oncology researcher joining in speculation. I’m also thinking bladder or prostate cancer. The surgery was likely also to remove masses, possibly do a resection, and those path reports and labs would’ve been back early last week to guide future treatment choices. I doubt that they’d claim to be optimistic about blood cancer tbh, or anything metastatic.

      • Claire says:

        Well, we know that it’s not prostate cancer – that is the only cancer that the palace ruled out in their statement officially (referred to the prostate growth as benign), and also unofficially since then they have confirmed through palace source interviews with RR that it’s not prostate cancer but another cancer that was found at some point during the procedures related to the prostate operation (whether it was found in ore or post op tests or scans, or actually during the surgery, we don’t know)

    • maisie says:

      My first thought was that it was bladder cancer. I imagine he gets pretty thorough health screenings on a regular basis, so other stuff should have been detected during those.

      But he probably had what’s called a TURP (It’s a pretty horrifying Roto-Rooter kind of procedure) and they would have seen a tumor in the bladder when they put the instrument in there.

      So early stage is treated locally, not with major surgery. He could do all right, but sounds like nobody’s really talking right now.

    • Helena says:

      Some of these comments are entirely uninformed. Some cancers are treated with neo-adjuvant treatment such chemo etc before an op. Then post op, the patient will receive “mop” up chemo and/or radiotherapy.

      I write this as a survivor of two different cancers. Having had neo-adjuvant and adjuvant treatments; at one time or other have received immunotherapy, chemo, radiotherapy and surgery.

      I am fortunate enough to be treated as a private patient. Indeed, one of my consultants is based at the London Clinic. I’ve learned that the decent oncologists look at each patient as a “statistic of one” and tailor the treatment accordingly. For example, in the second cancer I am being treated with masses of chemo (before the big “curative “ op. After which I will have mop up. Not the usual route taken apparently.

      I also have a massive say in the treatment I have. My MDT have to approve all but they know that I’m a great advocate for myself.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Wishing you well, Helena.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @ Helena, I wish you all the best. Hugs and kisses from a stranger to you cyber friend. As for “Some of these comments are entirely uninformed”, that’s what the palaces get for being secretive about things that really need to be disclosed to the public. There’s absolutely no need to not disclose what form of cancer Charles has because people are now wildly speculating and the confusion and chaos all this secrecy is causing is really getting out of hand. Meanwhile, they shade WanK for being secretive and letting the public speculate and obsess over where KKate is. Meanwhile BP themselves are doing the exact same thing they’re accusing WanK of doing, which is sneaking around and having the public wildly guess, speculate and make up conspiracy theories. All these self-inflicted injuries on the palaces’ part are just so bizarre.

      • Roo says:

        Wishing you all the best in your treatment and for a full recovery!

  18. Miranda says:

    I’m genuinely glad that it was found early and that his prognosis is good. I’ve known people who have completely changed for the better following a battle with cancer. While one would obviously hope that it wouldn’t take something as drastic as a life-threatening condition to instill a bit of common decency, I do hope that this is a wakeup call for Charles. I hope he realizes what an amazing person his younger son has grown up to be, and that he has a warm, kind daughter-in-law who once thought highly enough of him to ask him to walk her down the aisle, and that he has two grandchildren who have no grandfather to speak of at all. I hope he realizes that he has only himself to blame for this rift in his family, and that he is the one who owes them a sincere apology.

    I’m not holding my breath for any of that to happen, of course. but I hope.

    • swirlmamad says:

      Very well said and I completely agree!

    • Helena says:

      This is a lovely comment and very true in my case. I was never a belle*d but before diagnosis, I was prone to self doubt, imposter syndrome and anxiety. I’m more chilled out these days and thriving in a way I wasn’t BC (before cancer). Nothing fazes me and I am no longer so self critical. Cancer (x2) in my case really has changed me for the better.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    According to doctors, surgery is no longer used as the course of treatment for an enlarged prostate. Given that, I suspect the enlarged prostate was cover for the real reason for going to the hospital which was a exploratory procedure to see if whatever was ailing him was cancer. It’s good that they caught it early and let’s hope that this forces some introspection on how he has led his life and the damage he has caused to those close to him over the years.

    • Tabitha says:

      I totally agree with Amy Bee. Why believe ANYTHING except that Charles has cancer? Once again, the Royals refuse to tell the whole truth, setting up even more speculation about what they’re hiding. If Charles has a Stage 1, easily curable cancer, why not say so? Especially if it encourages people to get tested if they have similar symptoms. But if he actually has something really bad, are they worried what might happen if they admitted it? After all, dear Queen Eliz’s papa wasn’t even told he had lung cancer after one of his cancerous lungs was removed, and he kept on smoking till he died. And Princess Catherine has still disappeared. Andrew is still a sex offender. The media are still going crazy over Harry. It’s pathetic.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Wait! Did King George VI not know he had lung cancer? Did his wife know? Or did senior staff just decide to keep their principal, the HoS, in the dark about his own health? Seems like it wasn’t the King who ran the monarchy then.

  20. Shawna says:

    I have to eat my hat and admit I was wrong yesterday in saying surely Camilla wouldn’t have been looking so gleeful at public events if she’d known the diagnosis already. She did. But perhaps that does corroborate the claims that he has a good prognosis.

    I also have to admit I was intrigued by the randos last night on twitter saying all the British tv journalists were wearing black. But I really do hope he’s ok.

    Still no word on Kate. If William had a part in her hospitalization, I hope Harry can get to him and read him the riot act.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Nope, Kate & William’s problem is not Harry’s to fix. If anyone were to step in on Kate’s behalf, it should be someone from her family–mom, dad, sibling.

      • Shawna says:

        Not to say it’s Harry’s job per se. Just to say that if William could ever be converted to decent human behavior, that would be the best outcome for the UK.

  21. Brassy Rebel says:

    This is only transparency when compared with W&K where the bar is in hell. I will believe that the cancer was caught early and the prognosis is good when I see an official palace statement to that effect. Outsourcing this “news” to Becky English allows the palace to shut down questions while maintaining plausible deniability in case the prognosis is really not that good. Remember these are the same people who relabeled Elizabeth’s bone cancer as “mobility issues”. I doubt that anything has changed that drastically. You simply can’t believe anything these people say, or, in this case, leak.

    • Claire says:

      Was it ever confirmed that Elizabeth had bone cancer (outside of Lady C?)

      There are also several cancers where, even when found early, prognosis is not good. I wonder if the reluctance for the palace to confirm what type of cancer has anything to do with that.

  22. Snuffles says:

    That’s good news. When my mother got breast cancer, they caught it incredibly early. Her treatment was short and it only made her tired. She’s had a clean slate ever since. I hope it’s the same for Charles.

    • Sarah says:

      Same with my dad. He has lymphoma and it was very treatable, he did chemo that made him tired as the only side effect. He’s actually just had his first recurrence after several years. His oncologist told him to view it more as a chronic illness. Hope your mom continues to do well!

  23. Claire says:

    I don’t think the palace has officially said anything about the cancer being caught early and having a good prognosis. It seems that they’ve just unofficially told the prime minister and/or RR that, who are now reporting on that. Why not include that in the original, official statement from Buckingham Palace?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      As a head of state, the proper vehicle to inform the public is a physician’s statement containing all relevant medical information such as diagnosis, stage of the cancer, treatment for the cancer, and prognosis. Instead, we’re getting random politicians and media flaks making reassuring statements. Not very reassuring.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yep, I remember the recent hooha over the Secretary of Defense not telling anybody–particularly the president–about his hospitalization & cancer treatment. KCIII is a head of state, full disclosure should be the norm.

  24. Mslove says:

    Toby Keith is stealing Chuck’s limelight here in the states.

    I don’t know if Chuck’s prognosis is good. It seems like the media doesn’t want to say in case they get arrested for treason, lol.

  25. Claire says:

    Ok, I just read The Guardian article on updates on King Charles today and they reached out to the prime ministers office to ask on what basis the prime minister said that the cancer was caught early, and the response from the prime ministers office was to refer to a statement from the palace noting the swift intervention of medical specialists. Am I the only one thinking that either the PM spoke completely out of turn, could have misinterpreted that the cancer was “caught early” (he seems to think swift intervention after finding cancer is the same thing as finding it early !!!??!?), or if he actually had a conversation with the king or a palace source that noted to him that the cancer was indeed found early, he’s now backing off whatever the content of that conversation was and being cagey. After reading that article, I’m not at all convinced that it was actually caught early, and I think the PM might have misinterpreted something and f’d up saying it was “caught early” in an interview. I wonder if other resources are just using the pm as their source when they say their understanding is that it was caught early, or if there are actually any palace sources saying this? This is exactly the problem when the palace won’t just come out and say the type and stage of cancer.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Exactly, BP pretends it’s being open but it’s being almost as squirrely as KP. Almost.

      • Jais says:

        They’re being just slightly open enough though to get some praise and to throw shade at KP. It’s just a matter of who’s the bigger squirrel with the most nuts to hide.

    • MG says:

      I asked a few of my physician friends about this – they said that to have found non-prostate cancer in that procedure, it must have metastasized throughout the body, which is very bad.

      Also, I agree, I don’t think that Harry would have flown over with the urgency that he did if it was caught while it was a still under control.

      • Claire says:

        Yes although we don’t know if it was found during the surgery itself or during a pre or post op scan or blood work, etc. If one of the latter, theoretically they could have caught something early, though I don’t know why they wouldn’t just come out and say they caught the cancer early and prognosis is good in their official statement if that were really the case.

  26. Dylan says:

    Cancer survivor here. I don’t think Prince Harry bolted to the UK just for a cancer with a good prognosis. I was in surgery a week after my diagnosis (serous papillary carcinoma, rare and aggressive uterine cancer) but treatment for a lot of my friends who also wound up at MD Anderson in Houston moved at a much slower pace. Cancer treatment can be a very long slog. A doctor in today’s NYT observed this may be a met, which would make Charles’ situation much more dire. Most cancers are treatable, it’s the stage that matters here. There’s an interesting Twitter thread by doctors who are pointing out Charles’ sausage fingers might be due to congestive heart failure.

    • Claire says:

      Yes, particularly if a surgery has been involved, they usually like to wait a period of time before beginning further treatments to give the body time to heal from a surgery. Charles just had surgery for his prostate what, a week and a half ago? Maybe it wasn’t a terribly invasive surgery, but still, I really don’t think a doctor would advise beginning chemo or radiation so soon after he ( a 70 something) is recovering from his prostate surgery unless it was really necessary. There was an article in the NYT today about various cancers and how soon treatment is started – the doctors noted that with blood cancers such as AML treatment is started immediately – even said they sometimes start it in the middle of the night (though the doctor noted that he hoped that wasn’t what Charles had).

    • Magdalena says:

      Well if it is the case that it is something serious then it was incredibly shitty of the old man to give his son who flew from another continent to see him barely 30 minutes of his time and flying off to a remote location the way he normally does whenever Harry is in town.

  27. Kay says:

    Travelled all that way to see his father. Didn’t even get 30min visit. Now Harry is staying at a hotel. All the royal residences and they couldn’t offer him a room. My compassion for Charles is fading fast.

  28. bisynaptic says:

    It’s a bit silly/ ridiculous for him to share so much about his cancer scare, except the most important part: the actual diagnosis, stage, etc. He wants to take victory laps for his transparency, when he hasn’t been completely transparent. So, of course, people are speculating, like mad. For the sake of the public’s sanity, I hope his diagnosis gets disclosed, soon.