Cele|bitchy | Prince William refused to meet Harry during Harry’s sudden visit to the UK

Prince William refused to meet Harry during Harry’s sudden visit to the UK

As soon as Buckingham Palace announced King Charles’s cancer diagnosis, royal reporters fired up their laptops and wrote a series of columns and thinkpieces suggesting that Prince William isn’t up to the job and that he desperately needs to make peace with Prince Harry. Even funnier, the royalists put it all on Harry, like Harry was supposed to beg William for… something. That’s because any royalist with half a brain knows that Prince Petulant is still seething with rage about all things Harry. Speaking of, William read all of those thinkpieces and his response was to insist (via sources) that he will never, ever meet his brother and Harry WISHES!

Prince William has no plans to meet Prince Harry after he flew to the UK today to be by the ailing King’s side following his cancer diagnosis.

The Prince of Wales remains focussed on looking after his wife Kate, who is recovering from abdominal surgery and is taking extended leave from public duties until after Easter, sources have said. William, 41, is due to return to public work tomorrow, carrying out an investiture at Windsor Castle in the morning and later attending a gala for the London Air Ambulance in the evening.

The Duke of Sussex, 39, has cleared his diary to fly to London to be with his father despite their troubled relationship, raising concerns about the seriousness of the King’s health. He was pictured arriving at Clarence House to visit his father this afternoon.

Sources close to the Duke, who now lives in Montecito, California, have suggested he would have welcomed an opportunity to meet with William “if the opportunity were to arise”. A source said: “The Duke’s primary reason to travel to the UK is to visit his father. If the opportunity were to arise to see the Prince of Wales then the Duke would have gladly accepted it.”

A source close to William said: “The prince’s main focus is for his wife, who is recovering from surgery, his three children and now his father. There are no plans for Harry’s visit to act as some kind of vehicle for reconciliation.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

Other outlets must have gotten the same briefing, but they made it sound much more mutual, as in neither Harry or William were prioritizing some kind of brotherly meeting. I wonder who dropped “If the opportunity were to arise to see the Prince of Wales then the Duke would have gladly accepted it” into the Mirror’s story. While it does make Harry seem like he’s “begging” for reconciliation, it also makes Harry look mature. While William looks like Harry’s sudden visit caught him flat-footed and mid-tantrum. Speaking of, that mysterious Friend of Bill once again chatted with the Daily Beast about the nonexistent plans for reconciliation between the brothers:

One old school friend of both William and Harry, who has remained loyal to William and not spoken to Harry since he emigrated to the US, told The Daily Beast: “The news about their father is absolutely shocking, but I don’t think it means William wants to meet up with Harry and shake hands for the cameras. If the papers want to write that they are going to be having pints together and a heart to heart, they will, but in reality, the idea that William and Kate are ever, ever going to let Harry back into their lives, or trust him with any personal information ever again is a total fantasy. It’s simply not possible to exaggerate how bad and how damaged the relationship is, and how angry William is at Harry for betraying him for money.”

Asked if his father’s illness would not concentrate the mind on the importance of family bonds, the friend said: “This isn’t just two guys falling out. The point is, Harry betrayed the monarchy. He can’t be trusted, he is out.”

A former staffer who worked with Harry and William told The Daily Beast: “I gather it is considered highly unlikely they would meet. The relationship is non-existent because of the allegations made against his wife.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I wonder if this is the same friend who told the Daily Beast that the next time William would speak to Harry is at their father’s funeral? It sounds like it. This Friend-of-Bill certainly is well-versed in all of William’s childish and hypocritical talking points. Maybe if William’s friends keep screaming this version of events, someone will believe them.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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90 Responses to “Prince William refused to meet Harry during Harry’s sudden visit to the UK”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Good news for harry. William was probably far away from there

  2. Just Jade says:

    Let’s fix the headline for them since they are incapable to report the truth. Prince Harry refused to meet with his brother during his UK visit.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      More accurate is probably “Prince Harry didn’t even try to meet with his brother during his UK visit, his focus was on his father, but the Prince of Wails is gonna Prince of Wails.”

      • DK says:

        Yeah, I’m with TigerQueen on this. I think if William had reached out to Harry for a meeting, Harry would have met up with his brother to extend his best wishes for his brother’s wife’s recovery, or to share their shock/grief at their dad’s diagnosis – not to reconcile, or address any other Big Topics, but just to be a decent human being to his sibling in a time of crisis.

        Because Harry always IS the bigger person in these situations.

        What I don’t get is how Will’s people think he looks anything other than an immature, maladjusted d-bag when stories about William’s refusal to forgive crop up. And especially now, when it’s giving “Dad’s got cancer, but I am still focused on how much I hate you!” energy.

        Petty and small. W’s team has to see that’s how this all looks, right?!

      • Proud Mary says:

        I with you Tiger. I think Harry’s pretty much indifferent to Bullyboy and his tantrums at this point. It is William who keeps injecting himself into Harry’s story. None of these briefings are emanating from Montecito.

  3. equality says:

    “how angry William is at Harry for betraying him for money.” So betraying for protecting the monarchy and those higher up on the list is okay? Just don’t tell the truth and don’t get money. Except that PW DID betray PH for money. Look at the settlement he got for phone hacking while cutting PH out and trying to tell him not to bring a case.

    • J says:

      @Equality Peg is a hypocrite with his rules for thee and not for me.
      “Oh sure I’ll betray you all the time for money, good press, access to politicians, to cover for my affair. My wife and I will malign you, your wife, your unborn children, your friends, but I’ll be damned if I let you set the record straight. It would be damaging to me if my reputation as a family man went out the window. So by extension it would be damaging to the monarchy. Because I’m the heir.
      I’m also older so I get to tell you what to do.”
      Yea why would Harry reconcile with this malignant narcissist?
      These are just words. Every time Harry tries to reason with him calmly, I bet he throws hands too.

    • Sunday says:

      It’s classic DARVO, nothing more. William is the one who betrayed Harry, for money and for his own protection. No matter what the papers say, Will is so incandescent because deep down he knows it’s true.

      • ML says:

        Harry didn’t bow out due to money. Harry left because of his love for his wife and children. Plus, KC and PW hold the purse strings in that family and they attempted to deny H&M access thinking they could control them by keeping them poor.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Right, but the BM tabs and the royal firm (with complicity of Chuck and Willy) also actively tried to destroy the Sussexes, especially once they were pushed out. Thus, H&M, after graciously asking and being refused for ‘the dogs to be called off,’ simply went about fighting back with their truth against all the lies intended to defame and to assassinate their characters.

        As well, the Sussexes have been put in the position by these destructive salty isle nonces, of having to pay a fortune for security and peace of mind. H&M should have been left alone to make their way and they would have been fine. They are still doing fine on their own by virtue of intelligence and hard work, but at the same time they have to diligently and constantly battle back against lies and threats to their very existence!

        H&M have the right to continue speaking their truth and writing their own stories. They are not dependent on being royal to live the hard-won private family life they have created for themselves!

    • Caribbean says:

      I see that some in the media especially British Media know their audience…they have turn this thing around…but let me repeat what happened to H & M here…
      Harry and Meghan were treated very badly by the RF and the British press. They were not allowed to correct anything while they were Senior Royals. Other Senior Royals act like they were ‘carrying on’ and ‘enduring’ but had Royal Communication working (and still is) working on their behalf.
      Harry and Meghan as soon as they were able corrected some of the lies and talked about what was done TO THEM.
      Now the same Royal Family and British Press is acting like H&M did something to them!?! They keep repeating how the RF will never forgive H & M and don’t want to see them and their stupid readers are repeating the same.
      H & M were and are treated badly by both sides of their family. The fact that H & M have the courage to say that is not ok, does not make them the same as the people (RF, BP, the Markles) that are ACTIVELY CARRYING OUT THE BAD TREATMENT. Some are trying to turn it around to say they aired family business…when did H & M tell anybody about where the Royal Family money and the jewelry is stored and how much it is?!?
      William will not see Harry…please! In a normal world, William would be called what he is…a spoiled, selfish, power hungry, entitled, un-Prince.

    • Proud Mary says:

      William received one million pounds from hate-mongering Rupert Murdoch, a man whose news rags William uses to lie about Harry. The end.

  4. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Anymore these repetitive stories from the British press on behalf of William are boring, pathetic and whiny, kinda like the future king. I think these stories are for an audience of similar people, full of grievances (mostly imaginary) who are themselves boring, pathetic and whiny.

  5. S808 says:

    I 1000% believe the next time they speak will be at Charles’s funeral. If that.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      If William can be sedated enough not to throw a tantrum upon seeing him at the funeral

      • Proud Mary says:

        Harry is not the type to miss his father’s funeral. Unless he is prevented from attending, he will be there. (responding to minority report, below).

    • Minority Report says:

      Honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry skipped Charles’ funeral. With William in charge he won’t be welcome and potentially won’t be safe.

      • Jais says:

        If William could, he would have Harry disinvited from the funeral.

      • Just Jade says:

        At this point it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone if Harry is banned to attend King Charles funeral and I am sure the Rats would love it so that they can write 10 billion articles for eternity.

    • Jais says:

      I can believe they will share the same air space at the funeral, but actually speak to each other? I’m not even sure that will happen. But this friend of William has the realest take in that reconciliation is just not gonna happen.

      • aftershocks says:

        Do we really think Willy actually has friends? 🤔 Sounds more like toadies, suck-ups, grifters, leakers, enablers, and handlers, NOT real friends. 🤨

  6. Kay says:

    It was Williams chance to show what kind of King and Statesman he would be. He should have met Harry and the airport . Accompanied Harry to see their Father. Instead William has shown himself to be a petulant child.Although the papers are making it look as though Harry has to grovel on his hands and knees to them. Now it’s been announced not to expect to see William for a while after these 2events today. Tonight he’s going to address his father’s illness no mention of Kates illness or how she is.

  7. Harry is still space with his brother. These articles are just ridiculous. They can keep the Peg hates Harry going but it just makes Peg look like the petulant little brat he is and has always been. Harry moved on and he lives with no regrets.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      I feel like ever since Harry made that “space” comment in the Oprah interview, William’s PR has gone extra hard on the “Will hates and will never forgive Harry” angle. Like…that comment alone showed that Harry was basically done with him, and of course HE has to be seen as the one icing out others as the ‘rightfully angry heir’, lol.

      • Boxy Lady says:

        @Beach Dreams When I first read what you wrote, I thought it said “frightfully angry heir.”
        Still works, though LOL

      • That’s the problem with this story line of being the angry at Harry heir they don’t realize that they are making Peg look bad(which of course he is). They think it makes him look good. These people never read the room.

      • Deering24 says:

        @Susan Collins–these people think they and the RF own the room (the whole mansion, for that matter.) Other people’s opinions–hell, reality in general–simply don’t exist as far as they are concerned. They figure they can go on braying about how wonderful William, etc., and everyone will believe it because, of course…

  8. Thelma says:

    I don’t know how they think this makes the Prince of Wails (yes Wails) look good. He just comes across as petulant, immature etc. He can’t be bothered to issue a statement wishing his father well but he has time to trash talk Harry to the press? SMDH

    • Becks1 says:

      His PR never makes him look good which is just so weird to me. Either his team is totally incompetent, or they think this raging petulant immature petty image they’re pushing for William is a good look. It’s not.

    • Jay says:

      At best, this strategy is probably playing well to a very specific, narrow audience of trolls that want “revenge” on the Sussexes for… reasons! Definitely not that they are racist creeps!

      But to a wider audience? It’s insane. It looks petty, childish, and not the actions of someone who wants to be a global statesman.

  9. Ameerah M says:

    Harry isn’t thinking about Will. And William knows that. Which is yet another reason why he’s incandescent with rage. He wants Harry to WANT to make amends so that he can reject him. But Harry stopped giving AF a long time ago.

  10. Bettyrose says:

    Yet this rift might be the most normal thing about the BRF. Not the reasons behind it but estranged adult siblings? Downright commoner behavior.

  11. Ginger says:

    William is a violent person who assaulted Harry. Harry said he wants space from William so I don’t think William was even a thought when it came to visiting his dad.

  12. Miranda says:

    “…how angry William is at Harry for betraying him for money.”

    The “for money” there at the end is interesting. Like a tacit admission that betraying a family member is perfectly acceptable when it’s done in exchange for positive publicity for oneself (or just for fun, as it seems the RF sometimes do). Then Harry just had to go and make betrayal dirty! 😒😒

  13. Izzy says:

    Enough already! There are NO sources close to the Sussexes who speak to the media. Team Sussex has made that clear. I REALLY wish they would just issue a simple statement saying that the sole purpose of Harry’s trip was to see his father. Period. No mention of the monarchy, councilors of state, or William. Just shut all this crap down.

  14. Sophie says:

    Ha! As if Harry’s people would deign to speak to the Mirror! After everything’s that happened, I doubt Harry (and Meghan) would change their stance about leaking to tabloids… It’s more likely that TOB is still his incandescent self briefing the RRs about how he is the wronged one, how he is now caring for his wife and children alone people and how he will never, ever forgive his younger brother. Spare me the BS!

  15. Roo says:

    It continues to surprise me, though it shouldn’t, that Peg uses every opportunity to show himself as a tantrum throwing toddler, not fit to be a statesman or king.

    How does he get it wrong every time? And how do his advisors let this happen? Life with him must be exhausting.

  16. MrsCope says:

    Nobody that angry is healthy. All that “can never” forgive messaging lacks leadership and just sounds like a person imprisoned in unhappiness. It doesn’t sound resolute or strong. From one PR professional to another, “You’re just not very good at this!”

  17. slippers4life says:

    The thing is these people really DO believe that Harry betrayed the monarchy. They believe that God has put Charles and William in positions where they are the highest of thehuman species so whatever they say or do or want is “God’s will”.

    So if Harry, NOT given the highest birth order or NOT a magic higher level human, doesn’t accept their abuses and their racist treatment of his wife, than he is “betraying the monarchy” and essentially going against “God” in their world of nonsense.

    William and Charles have been told from birth that if a thought pops into their heads, that thought is from God and must be bowed down to. This is what they deeply deeply believe.

    This is why they are so dangerous historically, currently, and futuristically. The literal only way they will get it is if the public find a way for William and Kate to lose their titles. This is why Andrew Holness telling Kate and William they will not be King and Queen of Jamaica was such a shock to them. It’s the brilliant way he said it, “we’re moving on”. What William and Kate heard was, Jamaica is stripping us of our titles. you could see it in their faces and read it in William’s mid air rant that, this shook their whole belief system to its core.

    It’s only that, shaking this belief system to its core, that will change anything. Not bad PR from time to time. Only bad PR to them really is anything that could influence the belief that they are some kind of Godly DNA’d super human.

    • Tina says:

      I do think Harry’s success has also shaken William dearly. He has been told his whole life he is more special, smarter, more loved etc. Harry leaving and finding success was not part of the plan. Harry looking happier and appreciated by any different groups of people outside of just old monarchists was not part of the plan. When we start to analyze where it all went south for the left behind Windsors I think it will start around the time the Firm realized Harry wasn’t coming back. William’s whole focus seems on playing the game and beating Harry but Harry is playing in a different arena now.

      • Jais says:

        It’s just making me think how much that sussex appearance in jamaica with Andrew Holness must’ve shook William. That Caribbean trip was a massive humiliation for him.

      • Jay says:

        Not only that Harry’s success wasn’t part of the plan, but that Harry so clearly rejected the things that the Windsors hold most dear. Being the oldest and the heir historically meant you had the most prestige, power, and money. Everyone else in the family and literally depends on your grace and favour, and they have to do what you say to earn their keep.

        Imagine how infuriating for William that not only is he most certainly not the most powerful or well-liked Windsor, he’s not even the most recognizable. He has no power over his brother and I think it really burns him up inside.

    • equality says:

      Ironically, though, PH is the one displaying more Christian values in being kind, caring and willing to forgive and meet with them.

      • Just me says:

        He is indeed showing a willingness to forgive and being loving. His words in Spare indicated the book was also a ‘reaching out’ to communicate. He is displaying the lauded ‘Christian values’.

        He is also displaying those values the way he does peace-out after some visits to the UK. – from Matthew: “If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.”

  18. Just Jade says:

    I believe in my core something bad happened and the BM knows it and they are mad that they are unable to report on it. As always they are using the Sussexes to deflect until everyone is ready to make the announcement.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Hard agree – this article looks like their classic slights to Harry, but, it also is a brick in a velvet glove to William. They have covered for him for years in hopes that he would eventually step up to the plate. And he clearly isn’t. He himself made a deal w/ the devil (tabloids) and he clearly hates it. He has unprocessed trauma, like Harry he witnessed what his mother went through at the hands of the media.

      His rage at Harry being touted as a “righteous anger” and a positive trait in the media is going to backfire on them all epically, if it turns out Kate’s life has been in danger b/c of something he did in the heat of the moment.

  19. Mslove says:

    Peg has no statesman skills, if he had, he would have treated Meghan with dignity & respect from the start.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    First of all, who are the sources close to Harry that are talking to the Mirror? Secondly, I don’t think meeting William was ever on Harry’s agenda. It was KP who briefed the press that William won’t see Harry.

  21. Libra says:

    Harry “betrayed ” his family by telling the truth about them. Isn’t that how abusive families operate? Don’t tell. Keep this a secret. This stays in the family. If you say anything you are out and we will punish you and you’ll be sorry you betrayed us.

    • North of Boston says:

      It a classic dysfunctional family dynamic including The Golden Child (Wills) who is now in the role of full on abuser, and The Scapegoat (Harry) who not is only blamed for everything but is also attacked brutally, targeted with lies and gaslighting attempts because he has shone light on the dysfunctional reality of how the Firm operates.

    • ChattyCath says:

      Living in a Retirement Community I hear versions of Detestable Harry all the time. The consensus is that one should not ‘betray’ family secrets. I’m appalled at the new rules for abusers. ‘We look up to the RF as the ideal family’. With persecuted ‘Black Sheep’ who’s only ‘crime’ is not accepting toxicity. Let Domestic Violence and Child Abuse flourish then.

  22. Lau says:

    I know it’s sad to say but I think Harry should just stop bothering with them. They’re just horrible to him and I’m sorry but his father seeing him for like ten minutes is f*cking cruel. He should stop wasting time and energy on them and be with his family instead.

    • Kingston says:

      If you keep believing the narratives from the shitmedia, you will never get an accurate picture of H&M’s reality.

      First of all, H is not “bothering with them.” He went to visit his cancer-diagnosed father. And he is only “bothering with him” because its in keeping with he and his wife’s ethos and his expressed desire: “I want a family, not an institution;”
      ALSO: “I will work on the relationship with my father;”
      ALSO: “the relationship between my brother and I is s-p-a-c-e;”
      ALSO: “Before any talks of reconciliation, my father and brother will have to apologize to my wife and accept accountability for their role in what happened to us;”
      ALSO: I dont expect accountability from my brother and father. So my wife and I, we’re moving on;”
      ALSO: “when I think of the future, the 5 words that come to mind are: “freedom, happiness, clarity, space, love.”

      H&M have their life’s priorities in order and are laser-focused on their own path toward self-determination. They do not listen to, nor are they affected by the noise coming primarily from that little island over there.

      Anyone who supports them and does not understand how to perceive them, are in for a world of hurt.

      • Lau says:

        I’m hear that but I’m also saying that his family (his father included) have all showed their true colours times and times again. Now it just seems exhausting for him to come back to see his sick father and be received like that. Plus Charles made a point of being pictured running away to Sandringham and for what ? I don’t see how he doesn’t appear cruel to behave like that.

  23. Sunday says:

    The UNO reverse card they’re trying to pull with the ‘betrayed his brother for money’ schtick is really obscene, but that aside, it truly boggles the mind that they are still clinging to this narrative. Newsflash: a monarch is supposed to be THE statesman (not to mention Godly, as head of the church, lol). So why is it supposedly a good thing that Will can’t even meet with his own brother, let alone ‘forgive’ him; can’t prevent his ‘close friend’ from giving incendiary, unprofessional quotes to any outlet that will print them. The entire establishment is panicking about Will’s readiness to take the throne, and Will’s team still thinks it makes him look good that he’s immature, rageful, stubborn, holds grudges, can’t set aside personal vendettas for the good of *anything* let alone his country. You’re not making him look strong, KP, you’re making him look completely unhinged.

    Also, I’m getting really tired of Schrodinger’s Kate – Kate can’t simultaneously be so ill that her husband must be by her side 24/7 as she goes unseen for months and yet her “recovery” is so routine, so normal that the rota doesn’t need any other details, nothing to see here! They can’t think people are buying this, do they?

  24. Jais says:

    What’s with the weird line about Harry’s accusations against his wife? Are they talking about revealing that someone had concerns about Archie’s skin color? Are they talking about the fact that he revealed that Kate got upset bc she didn’t get an Easter present from him? He really never went hard on Kate and yet the BM likes to remind us all that he accused Kate of something. Like what? They’re always vague. Be specific. What did he accuse her of exactly?

  25. Dee says:

    William wasn’t invited. There’s something weird cooking in the castle these days and William is on the outs.

  26. K8erade says:

    I really do hope that despite everything that’s happened, Harry and Charles find a path to reconciliation. I’m rooting for them to reconcile as father and son but not as King and Prince. It may be magical thinking on my part but I hope Charles can at this point recognize the difference.

    But I don’t see the point in reconciling with William and I think Harry is smart to establish his life outside of the UK before William reigns and smart to put the ball in William’s court towards reconciliation. I think he knows William is not mature enough to ever let go of his toxic behavior and it’s now showing more than ever in the press. I also think it says a lot about Harry’s own growth that he really seems indifferent to the press at this point and just does what he wants/what he feels is right without worrying about their unsolicited input.

    • Cali says:

      I don’t think Harry and Charles can truly reconcile as long as Camilla is alive. Her whole shtick is to be the Charles whisperer. The only person who can comfort him.
      She has no reason to want a reconciliation between them and therefore it won’t happen as long as she is in the picture.

  27. Blujfly says:

    I absolutely believe William is using Kate (the “attacks on his wife”) as his big excuse. Abusers love to “protect” their controlled spouse from other people. And people in toxic marriages love to find an outsider (Meghan) to attack together and feel temporarily connected. Everything with William and Kate makes sense if you take away the trappings of wealth and royalty and compare them to any average toxic couple you’ve known.

  28. snappyfish says:

    I am sure neither prince was concerned with seeing the other. Both are in the wrong. Will they reunite? who cares, it’s a family matter. I doubt it. As both think the other is in the wrong & that never bodes well.

    • J says:

      @SnappyFish if you want to cape for abusers and both sides this situation you’re on the wrong site. Please return to DM to join your friends.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Both are in the wrong?? That’s ridiculous.

      Harry told the truth about his life and his place in that family, and about the abuse to which Meghan was subjected. He made the courageous decision to leave the Firm to protect his wife and kids. When Willy assaulted Harry, Harry had the good sense not to fight back.

      There is nothing wrong about refusing to submit any longer to being used as a scapegoat and workhorse.

    • Jaded says:

      Sure, it was Harry’s fault that William clocked him so hard he fell on the dog’s dish and cut his back badly.

    • Kittenmom says:

      Both are in the wrong? Pfft. Please. What did Harry do to William besides get married, start a family, and create meaningful projects for himself? He was not William’s indentured servant.

  29. Rapunzel says:

    Once again, this attempt to make Harry look bad confirms: everything Harry said is true.

  30. kelleybelle says:

    Attack Harry to distract from Kate, right?

  31. Coldbloodedjellydonut says:

    It’s interesting that in the two imbedded articles, Kate is now ‘Kate’ not ‘Princess Caaaaaatherine.’ Seems like an interesting change in tone.

  32. San Diego says:

    Honestly the papers are always the ones writing about reuniting not W&K or H&M. There is NO relationship between the two couples. That has been consistent from their actions since the fallout. Harry will never be accepted back into the fold, he knows that. All this talk is just to sell papers.

  33. Mary Pester says:

    Harry briefed the British rags today and said,.
    “hey willy, as my friend Taylor would say we are never ever never, getting back together, and by the way, I hope Kate recovers from her ahem, surgery, I hope your classes work, BUT, your wife, like your friend is still a fkn liar and your still a raging narcissist. See ya.

    • CM says:

      Welcome back Mary, glad to see you’re on the mend and hope it continues! Sounds like you have all the tea, or heather does, do keep sharing!!!! Stay well!

  34. Eurydice says:

    William, you had your chance to play the dutiful son and right hand to the king, but you didn’t want to. So, crawl back in your hole until early summer and then tell us how you’re a global statesman.

  35. Kingston says:

    Didn’t this Friend-of-Bulliam-who-spills-Bulliam’s-guts-solely-to-that-weasel-tomsykes tell tomsykes last week that Bulliam wouldn’t mind meeting with Harry for a ‘for-the-cameras-only reunion?’

    So, did they approach H’s people with that proposal and got shot down by H so now its back to: “Bulliam hates his brother’s guts?”

    Sounds just like what the psychopathic Bully wd do.


    • QuiteContrary says:

      Someone ought to ask Friend-of-Bill why his pal turned up to an investiture ceremony today swaying, blinking and looking like a ghost. And why his pal couldn’t visit his father, while his brother flew across an ocean to make a visit.

  36. VilleRose says:

    I dunno why William thinks the public wants to know he’ll never meet with his brother and never forgive him and never speak to him again. We get it, you feel betrayed by your brother and the next time you see him in person will probably be Charles’s funeral and that will probably be the last time they see each other. We don’t need to be briefed about this 1000 times.

    What I’m more interested in knowing is how William will explain to his estrangement to his own kids as they get older. George and Charlotte are old enough to understand their dad hates their uncle and I’m sure William has done his best to poison his kids against Harry and their American cousins. However, as they get older, it will be interesting to see if especially Charlotte and Louis understand why their uncle made the choices he did when they get married and have kids of their own (should they choose to get married or have kids). And then they will view their father’s choices in a very different light.

  37. Over it says:

    William is the world biggest ass—h—-le. He is petulant, A man baby . Zero work ethic and a racist, raging bully . Harry does not want to meet you will, your just not that important. Get over yourself already. Harry called you out for what you are and your ass still hurts because now the world knows the truth. You’re an abusive bully . Go f yourself.

  38. Mel says:

    Raise your hand if you think Harry asked to or expected to see/speak to his brother. Anyone? Anyone? That’s what I thought. William seriously needs to grow up. Just be quiet, you don’t have to make a point about this all the time. No one cares.

  39. NotSoSocialB says:

    PWT won’t trust H with personal information???

    This is all because H spoke of how his brother physically assaulted him? That ain’t going away, egg.

  40. Surly Gale says:

    re “friend of Bill’s”
    This is how one alcoholic speaks to another alcoholic about Alcoholics Anonymous. “Bill” (I forget his surname, if I ever knew it) was the person who started AA.
    When the story opened with a “friend of Bill’s” I heard….AA
    Either Kate or Will (see, we tend to call him Will not Bill so was this a purposeful drip, drip drip?) may or may not have a problem with alcohol.
    In my experience, anyone who is a “friend of Bill’s” is referring to AA
    Just sayin’

    • Lady Esther says:

      Breadcrumbs indeed! Good sleuthing…I didn’t know that about AA but I’m sure that Tom Sykes, a recovering addict, does…and he’s also got aristo connections who I’m sure have shared some hairy (HAHAHA) stories about William…

    • Rnot says:

      It’s Bill Wilson who co-founded AA. “Friend of Bill’s” was a way to maintain the anonymity.

  41. zinjazin says:

    At this time of crisis is this really what William is focusing on to get this message out there?? People are speculating wildly all over the net about what even happened to his wife.
    But he puts out some childish nonsense that makes him look like a stubborn toddler throwing a tantrum about his little brother?
    Are they for real with this?
    Are they aware of the speculation?

  42. GDubslady says:

    Charles together with Camilla, Harry & With Beatrice at Clarence House, it looked like a meeting of Chancellors of State. Charles is fearful for Camilla when he dies. Did C&C finally agree to bury the hatchet with Harry because they finally realized that when William comes to power Cam, Harry, the Yorks and other minor royals will all be exiled? Are they setting up regency plans for William then George? Did Kate’s illness/injury present an opportunity? Is the Firm about to set up a soft coup against the heir? Better than GOT.

  43. Beverley says:

    Apparently Basic Bullyiam is making certain the whole world knows what a (how do the Brits say it?) bellend he is. You’d never know this is a middle aged man, next in line to head his nation and national Church – based on his hateful diatribes delivered through “friends”. You’d think he was an unhinged patient in desperate need of his psychiatrist’s care.

    With friends like Peg’s, who needs enemies?

  44. tamsin says:

    I’m beginning to think that William might ban Harry from attending Charles’s funeral, so uncontrollable are his emotions, anger and jealousy being the major ones. I’m starting to believe the predictions that Charles will have a short reign. Of course, compared to Queen Elizabeth II’s, anybody’s would be “short.” However, say twenty years or so cannot be considered short, but I think Charles may have less than that. I would feel more optimistic for him if they had said he had prostate cancer at this age. There are lots of men Charles’s age with prostate cancer walking around and living normal lives.

  45. Lulu says:

    I thought William was busy looking after kids while his wife is recovering, in fact, too ‘focused’ on his family to help out his dad, so why is he spending his precious time reiterating that he hates Harry? We know, you’ve told us ad nauseum. Go check on your wife, count your money, play with your kids, do something more constructive than spread your bile.

  46. Truthiness says:

    I think it’s probable that William will refuse to have a single word with Harry even when Charles dies.