Ben Affleck is the brand ambassador for Dunkin Donuts. It’s been happening for more than a year, after Ben repeatedly went viral for all of his Dunkin Donuts stops and deliveries. Ben has turned the brand ambassadorship into something cute, directing his ads and roping his wife and his friends into appearing in the ads. Last year’s Super Bowl commercial was very cute, showing Ben “working” the Dunkin drive-thru, then Jennifer Lopez surprises him. For this year’s Super Bowl ad, Ben went even bigger, bringing in Jack Harlow, Tom Brady, Matt Damon, Fat Joe and of course J.Lo.
I mean… it’s cute and cringe at the same time. Jennifer Lopez supporting her husband’s Dunkin Donuts brand ambassadorship will always be funny to me, and if you look closely, they added a sneaky little promo for “This Is Me… Now,” her new album and Amazon Prime film. Ben finding a way to bring in Tom Brady, Jack Harlow and Matt Damon though? I’m curious if those guys are getting paid the big bucks for a Super Bowl ad or if they’re just doing it because they’re friendly with Ben. This certainly beats Matt’s last appearance in a Super Bowl ad, when he tried to convince bros to invest in crypto. Remember, Tom Brady also did a Super Bowl ad for FTX a few years ago too. Good times. Dunkin is a much safer bet.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Westwood, CA – Actress, singer and dancer Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo, Jennifer Lynn Lopez-Affleck) wearing an Antonio Grimaldi dress and Shiphra jewelry and husband/American actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck arrive at the World Premiere Of Amazon Studios’ And Skydance Media’s ‘Air’ held at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States. Pictured: Jennifer Lopez, J.Lo, Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 27 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Westwood, CA – Actress, singer and dancer Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo, Jennifer Lynn Lopez-Affleck) wearing an Antonio Grimaldi dress and Shiphra jewelry and husband/American actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck arrive at the World Premiere Of Amazon Studios’ And Skydance Media’s ‘Air’ held at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, United States. Pictured: Jennifer Lopez, J.Lo, Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 27 MARCH 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Los Angeles, CA – Ben Affleck is back at it starring and producing a new Dunkin Donuts commercial in Los Angeles, this time collaborating with fellow Dunkin fan, Charli D’Amelio. In the spot, Ben has his hands full with stacks of boxes of Dunkin Donuts which at one point topple out of his hands to the ground. He comes to the door wearing a t-shirt that say Day Ones and a childhood photo of him and best buddy Matt Damon on it. Later in the day, special guest Charli D’Amelio arrives drinking her famous drink. Ben greets her at the door and gives her a big hug before inviting her inside. Charli, who recently said she didn’t know who Ben Affleck was despite their mutal love for Dunkin, declared that she is a bigger fan and her collab is superior. Guess we will have to wait and see the commercial to find out who the biggest fan truly is. Pictured: Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 4 JANUARY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Los Angeles, CA – Ben Affleck is back at it starring and producing a new Dunkin Donuts commercial in Los Angeles, this time collaborating with fellow Dunkin fan, Charli D’Amelio. In the spot, Ben has his hands full with stacks of boxes of Dunkin Donuts which at one point topple out of his hands to the ground. He comes to the door wearing a t-shirt that say Day Ones and a childhood photo of him and best buddy Matt Damon on it. Later in the day, special guest Charli D’Amelio arrives drinking her famous drink. Ben greets her at the door and gives her a big hug before inviting her inside. Charli, who recently said she didn’t know who Ben Affleck was despite their mutal love for Dunkin, declared that she is a bigger fan and her collab is superior. Guess we will have to wait and see the commercial to find out who the biggest fan truly is. Pictured: Ben Affleck BACKGRID USA 4 JANUARY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I liked it but yes it was cringe worthy. My favorite part is when Jlo says “Tom you can stay”.
Yes, that’s what I was gonna say. It was cute.
One of my top 2 from last night. We even rewound it to watch again
Same. I thought it was hilarious.
Same. I was upstairs folding laundry and heard my husband laughing hysterically. He rewound so that I could watch it. It was very cute.
I love my Beantown boys and the fact they don’t take themselves too seriously. They’re having a ball advertising for coffee that even the poors like me can enjoy, not some fancy curated coffee-type beverage culled from the golden innards of the Dalai Llama or something.
Goopy would NEVER. It’s basically cheese in a can!
It was my fave ad of the night! What was your other Top 2 pick @og bella? Jason Momoa?
I love it. It’s great when people don’t take themselves too seriously and just have fun. It helps that they all got paid and have a bajillion dollars.
Those track suits, lol. Hilarious.
With Ben’s having Dunkin’ Donuts right on the butt! Ha!
I liked it – Matt’s “I’m sorry” and Tom all clueless about how bad they were.
Yes! We were all cackling
“How about them…donuts. I’m sorry”
“It’s really hard to be your friend”
Damon’s deadpan was on point (we had just introduced the kids to The Bourne Identity and they’d seen GWH last year), and we had just watched Shakespeare in Love (I forgot Affleck was in that and he was funny), so everyone really enjoyed the banter.
I have watched it multiple times! It’s not cringe, it’s flat out hilarious, and Matt Damon is the one who sells it. Ben Affleck’s dancing and Tom Brady being clueless is funny, but it’s Matt that makes me watch it over and over.
I also loved the first bit, where Ben was bitching that JLo showed up at his “work” last year. Come on, that’s funny!
I thought it was hilarious, I loved it. I wonder how much they had to pay Tom Brady, lol.
It made me laugh for sure. I thought it was cute and cringe but one of the better cringe ads hahaha
I see Brady, I see Affleck, I think superbowl ring nanny
I thought they were cute but last year’s was so funny, between the real life customers reactions and how stressed/flustered I imagine I’d be if I ever worked morning drive thru at a Dunkin. Those folks are quick, efficient, and keep that line moving (especially compared to the Starbucks across the street, which is slower than molasses in January)!
Not a Bennifer fan but I actually liked it. Both Ben and Matt can be fun and funny so it was good to see them. I esp liked them in the (imo) classic movie Dogma. Jennifer was pretty funny and the cameos were also great.
I howled at this. The Boston Massacre. DunKings. Ben thinking they were awesome. When Matt said “how do you like dem donuts….I’m sorry”? I lost it. 😆 I’ve seen Good Will Hunting so many times.
I watched it a couple times. I like that they embrace each other’s stuff, blend their worlds, after it seemed like those were some of the issues that split them up back on the day.
Best ad of the night, in my opinion.
I loved it. Hands down the best ad. 🙂
I thought it was hilarious. Matt Damon was so sick of him. LOL!
I like the BTS – or brainstorming of what’s to come– of the ad that’s been shared on JLo’s Ins ta ⬆️ a lot more than the actual ad that was, IMO, more cringe than funny.
I really, really liked this commercial!!
Thought it was the best ad of the night! It was fun and hilarious. From my understanding, Ben & Matt’s production company, Artists Equity, creates these commercials for Dunkin.
Not an American here. Do people really frequently go to Dunkin Donuts? Isn’t that like super unhealthy to eat on a regular basis? Or they go for the good coffee? I just don’t get it. And no shade meant, just genuinely curious. Thanks!
@Fernanda – Yes, we do. And, yes it is. LOL In the southern US Krispy Kreme reigns supreme as far as donut chains. Dunkin is more of a Northeastern US thing, and I hear it’s more about the coffee. Are there better locally owned donut and coffee shops? Yes, but DD is less expensive and fills the stomach in a pinch for breakfast or those working late night shifts.
Dunkin is also great because it’s fast…they keep that drive thru and counter service moving! Much as I also love my local coffee shop, when I’m in a rush it’s Dunkin’. Their coffee isn’t the strongest but have them add a double shot of espresso and it works, plus still cheaper than S’bucks!
Also decent breakfast wraps. Honestly, the donuts are now the weakest part of their menu, though the munchkins are still ok. Had a late aunt who worked at a Boston area one for years and said the saddest day was when they stopped making donuts in every shop and transitioned to having them bulk made and shipped in frozen.
They go for the coffee. The company even dropped Donuts from the name a few years ago. In some parts of Massachusetts, where it originated, there are Dunkin’s directly across the street from each other. Iced coffee used to be a seasonal drink until the company went national and expanded in warmer states. Now, it’s not unusual to see Bostonians carrying a Dunkin Ice in snowstorms
My BFF is obsessed with their coffee. I hate coffee so I don’t get it.
It’s the coffee. I know several people who go there and get large iced coffees that they add protein shakes to. Dunkin is generally cheaper than going somewhere like Starbucks too. It’s a lot more bang for your buck.
Yes, mostly the coffee, which is relatively mild and not over roasted like Starbucks. But Dunkin’s has items other than donuts, like bagels and breakfast wraps. The one near me has a little wrap with egg and a bit of turkey bacon – inexpensive, not many calories and good for a small snack.
Yes! When I grew up in the south Krispy Kreme dominated. My mom would take me every Friday for one fresh doughnut as a treat for getting through the school week because it was right next door to my Catholic school 🤣 I hated going to school and it was my bribe for not clotheslining a nun. I rarely get doughnuts now, maybe once every six months I’ll grab a dozen to share with my family, and usually go to a local place as I’m not in the south(I now live in the Midwest) so no KK and the closest Dunkin is no closer than the local. When I took my daughter to Boston for a birthday trip we were amazed that like Sbux nationally, every corner had one Dunkin’. There’s an IG guy who lives in Mass who made a comedy newsreel about the amount of Dunkin’s in the state and it gave me a good laugh.
I don’t go to Dunkin’, but it’s because I am an accountant, and I will never let myself get addicted to something I can make at home.
BUT, when I was a teenager, in the late 80s, I was all over their powdered sugar, chocolate filled donuts.
This 100% doesn’t apply to anything other than things that I can make in the kitchen. I’m not spinning my own yarn, to make sweaters.
This made me crave Dunkin’! Well played Affleck, well played.
Love it. Its absolutely perfect. The DD outfits. 😀
I howled. I thought it was great and I agree with those who thought it was the best ad of the night.
I’ll always be grateful to Dunkin — it came to London when I was living there, at a time when you couldn’t get a decent cup of coffee in England. I used to trek across the city just to get a cup of Dunkin coffee — it was, to me at the time, the sweet nectar of the gods.
I thought it was funny. She looked gorgeous.
The cringe level was definitely deliberate. Those track suits!
This ad made me LOL. It was silly but that’s what made it funny. And Matt actually had the best line. Made me cackle.
You should check out the Kimmel’s Locker Room guy. It has Affleck, Damon, Chris Evans and a host of Bostonians with terrible Boston accents. It’s hysterical.
Just googled it. Funny! Thanks!
Oh, now I understand The Onion’s paper money ad with Damon, lol!
That sh!t was hilarious. The track suits, Ben’s dancing, TB12. It was great.
I loved this one! I watched it multiple times online last night and just cackled. And Ben has some moves!
Does Jennifer always have to insert herself into the front and center. Bloody heck
Does Ben really have a thick Boston accent or was that just for the commercial? Is there a reason he’s playing up the accent?
I think he’s playing it up because nothing says Boston like that accent. And Dunkin Donuts.
Matt Damon was hysterical in that commercial! I could not understand what Ben was even saying…he talked way too fast! I had to rewatch it online.
Corny and juvenile! These are adults who are aging into senior citizen status. Immature, A money grab that is really beyond words in bad taste.
agreed, it was awesome!