“Andrew Scott shouldn’t have to answer questions about ‘Saltburn'” links

Andrew Scott should not have to deal with this crap. [Socialite Life]
Photos from all of the BAFTA parties. [JustJared]
How did the BAFTAs refocus the Oscar race? [LaineyGossip]
AI photos of “advanced yoga poses.” [OMG Blog]
Alabama says frozen embryos are “children.” [Jezebel]
A “prankster” crashed the BAFTAs stage. [Pajiba]
I still love “the European mind can’t comprehend” memes. [Buzzfeed]
Wait, are they making another Jason Bourne movie? [Hollywood Life]
I was totally stumped by this Andy Cohen photo. [Seriously OMG]
Was Zendaya really the best-dressed person last week? [RCFA]

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26 Responses to ““Andrew Scott shouldn’t have to answer questions about ‘Saltburn'” links”

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  1. Bettyrose says:

    WTaF? Asking him one question about someone else’s genitals (or genitals at all) is too much, but to keep pushing it? Was the interviewer coked up?

    • Rainbow Kitty says:

      Yah that was so out of line and weird. I mean, you get to talk to this actor, who has his own amazing work, and this is your choice of conversation? Just strange and so inappropriate.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      The only way I can even attempt to explain this. Is that the two of them know each other. And this is something between them. But even then it’s too dumb to be brought up in public.

  2. HeatherC says:

    Just like “all black people know each other” (wrong and racist) I guess “all Irish people know each other.” (still wrong) GMAFB

    • Miranda says:

      That seems to be something that even everyday Irish people experience. I have a couple of Irish expat friends who are regularly asked if they know some random person from Ireland (often with an incredibly generic name, like “Sean Murphy”, or whatever their equivalent of “John Smith” is). I guess it’s kinda nice to know that that’s not just an ignorant American thing?

      • Eurydice says:

        That used to happen when I’d go back to Greece to visit – I’d get “I have a cousin in Nebraska, do you know him?” No, I don’t – I don’t even know you, let alone your cousin half a continent away. It’s not so bad now – people have a better idea of how large is the US.

      • Kitten says:

        When I was in Ireland many years ago we stopped at a small town to get water and the woman working in the store asked where I was from. She then asked me if I knew someone who lived in a town over from me lol. I guess she had cousins living there which isn’t surprising if you grow up in The Most Irish Town in America 😉

        Not the same as the disrespect shown to Mr. Scott at all–but it was a cute interaction.

      • SarahCS says:

        In my old company (in England) we had an Irish guy in the team and then an Irish woman joined too. One lunchtime they were joking about this and various Irish stereotypes and I ate my soup as they realised they had mutual friends and I think he knew her cousin. It was an epic moment of silence.

      • Worktowander says:

        Scene: A pub in Longford.

        Gentlemen at the bar: “You’re American! Where are you from?”

        “Smack dab in the middle, at the top.” (Few outside the US know my state)

        “Right! I have a cousin in Texas …” (gives cousin’s name with a quizzical look on his face)

        Me (in my head): “Texas is two time zones away, not in the middle, not at the top, and bigger than France, my friend.”

        Me (out loud): “Doesn’t ring a bell, but if I run into him I’ll say hi!”

    • Vera says:

      @SarahCS similar happened to me, I was waiting for day seats in a theatre queue, several hours of wait so the guy next to me and I got chatting. He was from Canada and I jokingly said I have a friend in Canada, you must know her as all Canadians know each other. We found out that actually he did know her!

      • VoominVava says:

        That’s such a coincidence! When I was in England in the 90’s, my brother and I were in a club .. they asked if I was American, I said No, Canadian. They asked if I knew Celine Dion …no… Bryan Adams?

  3. YOKOOHNO says:

    Wow what a day for cringey british bald men…

  4. Ameerah M says:

    Zendaya absolutely was the best-dressed person last week. Outside of the iconic Mugler moment. She has been killing it this entire press tour.

    Also I would love for Andrew Scott to ask why he is being asked about Saltburn. But in like the most innocent way possible like, “Oh, I don’t know. I’m not in that film. Why do you ask? When bigoted idiots are forced to explains themselves they usually shut up.

  5. Lady Digby says:

    Andrew Scott rightly cut this interview short. I could NOT believe he was asking these questions as though he ASSUMED that as a gay man, Andrew would be glued to THAT particular scene in Saltburn and would know what another Irish actor really looked like naked? I mean WTF? How crass can you get?

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    This “interview” proves that the BBC has officially joined the rest of the British media in the garbage bin. It was horrendous.

  7. BeanieBean says:

    Guess I’m European….

    • bettyrose says:

      Wait, what does that mean? Andrew Scott is also European. (When that’s said about an American it usually means we’re sexually uptight, so just clarifying).

    • Normades says:

      Really stupid memes about consumerism. Europe has amazing junk food and huge supermarkets.
      Show an open carry gun asshole in said supermarket. Europe cannot comprehend that.

  8. Sass says:

    What an absolutely inappropriate thing to say.

  9. Polly says:

    Did anyone think the anti-abortion crew would stop at abortions? They will take all our freedoms until they control everything.

    • North of Boston says:

      I’m thinking about all the times they resisted any attempts at regulating guns or gun ownership or factory or vehicle emissions/environmental protection or immigration with “slippery slope” arguments as their excuse… “if we let liberals, the gobmint” regulate whatever the Obama’s gonna steal all your guns, kill your granny, make you eat Kale and drive a Prius hyperbole.

      Once again, they were telling on *themselves*

      Any time they crack a door open a tiny bit, with whatever power they can claw ahold of, they barrel towards the absurd, extreme Gilead-esque government overstep into people’s bodies, lives, freedoms, while tearing apart human rights for the majority who are not white/married to Ginny Thomas, super rich, male.

  10. AC says:

    I watched Andrew Scott’s clip with the interviewer on SM the other day. Major major cringe. I know the US and European media are not perfect , but the BM has been all around terrible.

    • La Dolce Vita says:

      Many English people are racist towards Irish people.
      They think it’s okay because Irish people are white – but that’s not really applicable when one has been the oppressor of the other for eight hundred years (and counting).

  11. La Dolce Vita says:

    Assuming that he knew Barry Keoghan because they’re both Irish – and both Irish actors.
    Assuming that because he’s gay he’d be particularly interested in the dance scene.
    And then asking him how well he knows Barry and if it’s well enough to know if Barry was wearing a prosthetic – so basically asking him if he had slept with Barry!?! Creep.

  12. bisynaptic says:

    At least, it wasn’t William doing the interview. 😁