Last week, I read a lot of the analysis following Prince William’s sudden statement on the Middle East conflict. I was once again reminded of how unnecessary this entire royal storyline was. It’s clear that William wanted his statement to act as a “preview” for his visit to the British Red Cross headquarters in London, but instead of just an apolitical focus on humanitarian efforts in Gaza (and letting the visit speak for itself), William arrogantly inserted himself into a sensitive sh-tstorm for no other reason than he wanted attention and he wanted to compete with Harry. Kensington Palace has done wall-to-wall damage control on William’s boneheaded move and they’re desperately trying to finesse the situation to make it sound like William is a bold, emotional and at times impulsive leader. Baked into this is a rewrite of the past five years, including William’s assault on his brother. I sh-t you not. Some highlights from Kate Mansey’s recent piece in the Times:
The 2019 assault on Harry: The future King William, however, has pinned his colours to the mast. In his autobiography, Spare, Prince Harry accused his brother of being aggressive, pushing him onto a dog bowl. It revealed an impulsive side to William, a temper perhaps inherited from his father and, if reports of the time are accurate, King George VI.
Impetuous Peg: When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex effectively accused the royal family of racism in their interview with Oprah Winfrey, William was furious. Understandably so. He snapped when a reporter shouted a question about the allegations during an engagement, responding: “We are very much not a racist family.” Again, he appeared impetuous when his godmother Lady Susan Hussey was revealed to have asked a black guest at Buckingham Palace where she was “really” from? Keen not to be drawn into the debacle, particularly as he was about to board a plane to the US for his Earthshot awards, William gave instructions to an aide to address the claims. Speaking with the prince’s authority, a Palace spokesman said the actions were “unacceptable”, adding: “Racism has no place in our society.”
Why speak out about the Middle East now? William and Kate are understood to watch the television news together and William is said to get updates from Sky News on his phone. Like many people, and perhaps particularly millennial parents of young children, as William is, he has been appalled by the latest atrocities in the Middle East. The images of maimed children are unending. Aides say that, like his mother before him, he feels the burden of using his platform as a royal to make a difference.
It’s all part of the plan, you guys: Yet there’s also something more seismic happening here. Sources say it is part of a plan for William who, with no time to lose, is manoeuvring from being the well-meaning Duke of Cambridge, who champions mental health causes, to someone altogether more serious. Someone people around the world can recognise as a legitimate king-in-waiting. He has only been Prince of Wales for 18 months and is now the heir to a 75-year-old monarch with cancer.
A presidential office: One look at William’s office — for it is much more of a professional office than a royal court — shows that his outlook is much more presidential. He is in the process of hiring a chief executive and has confirmed the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Tom White, the Queen’s former equerry, as Kate’s private secretary.
He’s still being “launched” as a global statesman: Action in the face of horror is clearly William’s forte, if the past week is anything to go by. So what does this new office hope to achieve as it launches Prince William as a global statesman? Aides say there are two prongs to William’s ambitions: legacy and impact. With regards to the latter, Kate and William seem to have it in spades. Together they seem to have an alchemy of magisterial glamour. Legacy is something a little harder to grasp: it’s impossible to tell if you’re doing a good job until you’re looking back from a future vantage point.
In the reeds: “He’s in the reeds,” a Palace source says. “And by that I mean he is across his briefs. He has done his homework and he’s thought about it.” The message is clear that his Middle East intervention was a tactical and deliberate attempt to continue to establish him as a king-in-waiting on the world stage.
“He is across his briefs. He has done his homework and he’s thought about it.” No, he hasn’t. The president of BAFTA was too lazy to even read summaries of the nominated films, which led to a sleazy gaffe. He couldn’t even talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine without sounding uneducated and out-of-touch. He regularly throws temper tantrums and hissy fits when something doesn’t go his way. He has a short temper. He violently attacked his brother and threw Harry to the ground. While William IS impulsive, that’s not the bigger problem – the bigger problems are that he’s lazy, mean, short-sighted, arrogant and violently stupid.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.
- LONDON, ENGLAND – APRIL 21: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge talks to aid workers during a visit the London headquarters of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to learn about the ongoing support for people affected by the conflict in Ukraine on April 21, 2022 in London, England.,Image: 684836224, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 48 HOURS- Fee Payable Upon reproduction – For queries contact Avalon London +44 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles +1 310 822 0419 Berlin +49 30 76 212 251 Madrid +34 91 533 42 89, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Avalon
- Britain’s Prince William, The Prince of Wales, leaves after a visit to the British Red Cross at its headquarters in London, Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024. The Prince of Wales undertakes engagements which recognise the human suffering caused by the ongoing war in the Middle East and the subsequent conflict in Gaza, as well as the rise of antisemitism around the world. The Red Cross are providing humanitarian aid in the region via the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, including Magen David Adom in Israel and the Palestine Red Crescent Society.,Image: 848683419, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Kin Cheung / Avalon
- The Prince of Wales viewing military hardware with Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, Mariusz Blaszczak, during a visit to the 3rd Brigade Territorial Defence Force base, in Rzeszow, Poland, that has been heavily involved in providing support to Ukraine. Featuring: Prince William Where: Rzeszow, Poland When: 22 Mar 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales viewing military hardware with Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, Mariusz Blaszczak, during a visit to the 3rd Brigade Territorial Defence Force base, in Rzeszow, Poland, that has been heavily involved in providing support to Ukraine. Featuring: Prince William Where: Rzeszow, Poland When: 22 Mar 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales visits the Hala Koszyki food hall to meet young Ukrainian refugees who are now living and studying in Poland, and members of the Polish community hosting them, during his trip to Warsaw, Poland. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Warsaw, Poland When: 23 Mar 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to the British Red Cross at its headquarters in central London, to hear about the humanitarian efforts taking place to support those affected by the conflict in Gaza Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Feb 2024 Credit: Kin Cheung/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Damn, Kaiser.
I’m wondering when KP is gonna start sending you cease and desist letters. You are absolutely balls-to-the-wall roasting Prince Egghead.
Completely accurate Kaiser 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
“Action in the face of horror is clearly William’s forte” LOL. More like horror at the face of action, amirite?
@Water Lilly Nailed it!
There is something viscerally unappealing and scary about William. And we all know he’s been behind the sadistic online attacks on Harry and Meghan since Day 1. He just pongs “awful person” and more people *should* be calling him out. To think he might one day head, even if nominally, a nuclear power is up there with the nightmare of Trump having the codes.
Trump and “President” Billy Idle–now, _there’s_ a meeting-of-the-minds from hell for ya. 🙄🤮😳🤮
Actual writing about William’s violent nature paired with today’s news is nothing short of the press hot on the trail of what’s up with Kate. 🙁
The firm just messed William up. He had so much potential. Sometimes glimpses of Diana peak out ! She also would have spoken out against this horrible war, even more boldly. But the grey suits still have their claws in him . Kate encouraged his ego. She helped nurture his lower personality traits. I think seeing Harry with a woman who truly loved him just cut William to his core. He wants what Harry has. I think he and Kate are done. He told her and She flipped out and now has to chill somewhere until she calms down. William attacked the only person who truly loved him …. Harry. Very sad little man is Will 😔
Willy has been a jealous, nasty, self-obsessed bully since childhood. Please don’t blame Kate for willys actions. Kate is horrible, but willy is worse. Willy surrounds himself with yes men who do whatever he wants and he clearly thinks he’s smart as laughable as that is. He was over indulged as a child by the Queen mother and his father. Never told no. This is who he is and always has been :lazy, entitled, jealous, bully.
He’s all that, + lack ambition, is pretentious: for all those years, thinking that for every event he went to, words and smiles and banter and funny chit chat were enough? Really??? Has he not listen & learn anything yet? The eggplant prince is still playing in kid’s playground. He doesnt have the experience, the knowledge and the wisdom to play in intl courts, let alone his own.
They still think they can sell this unraveling loser as a global statesman. This is pure delusion. As for his briefs, he probably puts them on backwards.
Or on top of his trousers because he believes he is Superman.
Hahaha Kate is a “top CEO” and William is “presidential”. These fools and their ridiculous talking points.
I’m picturing the actual leaders of the country reading that William sees his role as President rather than soft diplomat who stays out of politics.
Yeah I think that’s going to land with a thud.
Oh dear, the BM are getting restless!
But I thought the BM said Prince Harry was lying about this incident (even though it was said to be an open secret around royal circles), no. So now it was actually a true incident that really happened and showed Peggy to have “impulsive behavior” and “a temper”? I’m rolling my eyes so far back into my head.
I read it as in ”Charles (or Cowmilla) sending a message to Peg, take it down a notch, be careful, or we’ll let the dogs out”
not been proven true, not an open secret.
The focus on Billy Idle’s anger is very telling along with the obvious lies about how prepared he is for global statesmanship. This piece is very shady. There is indeed something seismic happening here.
Yeah, I thought the same – mentioning someone’s “impulsive” behaviour and that they have a notorious (violent, aggressive) temper? When their spouse has disappeared for months without explanation?
I’m trying to think about how this would be covered if this were any other prominent politician or public figure.
That was my first thought- they’re feeling awful spicy to be bringing up without permission his abuse of Harry. A hint, perhaps…?
The Rats always manage to prove Harry right after they have a year of meltdown. Are the tied turning, should we have hope?
That’s what I posted above:
I read it as in ”Charles (or Cowmilla) sending a message to Peg, take it down a notch, be careful, or we’ll let the dogs out”
This article only exists so that they could mention William assaulting his brother, that’s my take.
Well, they really want to tell us something, aren’t they?
My take on Kate’s sudden disappearance and total silence – BRF, the family so good at twisting narratives and cover ups, has no idea what to do. Because infidelities and mental abuse is a piece of cake for them, but this was sth else, a bridge too far even for them. And they have no idea what will happen next, what the consequences will be.
And Charles – sadly I do not believe in “cancer caught early”. He is the King, he must undergo regular screening test for most common diseases. If they were surprised during the surgery, then this is sth that either grew fast and wasn’t there last time they checked, or is sth rare – you cannot screen for everything.
Good for H&M for leaving already, because they would be used daily for distraction, including A&L and it would be rampant.
I’m on the fence about when Charles knew about his cancer – actually there are lots of cancers that you can’t really screen for, or if you did (by taking regular CT scans or something for no real reason other than screening), you create the risk of regular radiation causing other cancers down the road. Also doesn’t Charles have some sort of woo woo general practitioner? I really wouldn’t be surprised if his cancer wasn’t found until it was advanced. In terms of when he knew and when he told William – up for debate
Totally agree that Charles and the royal family do not know what to do and so they are punting until (they hope) everyone is bought off or otherwise bound to the version of events they eventually release.
oh purlease, if it looks like a bellend and sounds like a bellend, what you’ve got is a bellend. not a global statesman prone to impulsiveness. a violent, tempestuous, reckless and stupid bellend at that.
Yeah, the cognitive dissonance of it all.
How can you want to be seen as a “global statesman” when the folks who are blowing smoke up your arse are the same ones who are revealing that you have a violent temper which makes you lash out recklessly and impulsively….so, no self-control, then
And how can you want to hurry up and build a legacy and have impact when a legacy is built over time and to have impact you need to do the work, which bully abhors?
These fckrs love to use words to describe bully as if the words are an incantation…..if they say it enough that he’s a statesman with a legacy and has impact, then it will be so.
More tiptoeing from the British media. They may be prohibited from reporting the real issue lurking underneath all of this, but they sure as hell can dance around the edges to apply pressure like we see here.
I have no idea what’s going on with Kate, but I do know that Will is clearly out of control, and the firm is desperately trying to cling to the image of him they’ve created on paper – The Global Statesman. The problem is that Will exposes the lie with everything he does and everything he fails to, and then the response online is mockery and criticism instead of praise and adulation, which only makes him more incandescent and harder to control, which makes his quest for global stateman more desperate, which makes his moves clumsier, which starts the whole cycle over again.
They’re doomed to repeat this cycle forever because they can’t address the real problem. Will is an ignorant fool and a blustering a$$. You can’t achieve Obama-level orations from someone with Joe Rogan-level abilities. Royal Peg, Round Hole, as it were.
The other problem is that clearly Will is superceding his new comms team. When you have some Team Will comms that are written like a teenager milking a thesaurus for an AP English exam and some comms that are the rantings of a toddler, it becomes overtly clear which voice is the authentic one. So New Secretary Dude is still global statesmanning it up and doesn’t seem to realize how obvious he’s made it that, just as an example, the Gaza statement was written by him, and the “TELL THEM ALL I REALLY HATE HARRY AND HE’S NEVER COMING BACK AND ALSO I SAID HIS HAIR IS DUMB AND NOBODY LIKES CALIFORNIA ANYWAY” is clearly coming from Will.
It’s time eejits like Mansey stop papering over the glaringly obvious. William is mentally ill. He’s a raging narcissist who grabbed his brother by his necklace, yelled in his face and didn’t PUSH HIM INTO A DOG BOWL, he threw him down so hard it broke the bowl and injured Harry’s back. Then he had the audacity to dare Harry to hit him back. William isn’t “impetuous”, he’s a monster.
Impulsive no VIOLENT yes. Trying to put a bandage on a profusely bleeding out situation isn’t the help he needs. The situation calls for some much needed clinical therapy. He needs to be sent somewhere to get counseling unfortunately he would never do that so bandaids it is for this poor excuse for a global statesman.
What in the heck was that rambling nonsense from The Times? Honestly –
delusional! So…violence against Harry = good because something something his ancestors had bad tempers something something watching news violence in Middle East = bad something something statesman something?!
Yet, under all that word salad, there’s protein. William is impulsive (doesn’t think before he acts), impetuous (when he does act it’s rashly and with violence) and his research into complex global issues consists of watching sound bites on this phone (he is lazy).
Whitewashing at its finest
I disagree in one matter only: his tendency to violence IS the main problem here. If you go around shoving people to the ground whenever you feel like it (and when no one else is watching), you are going to hurt someone eventually. I think he has, and now there is music to be faced.
OOO they wanna tell on him so bad!! This article combined with that one of Kate taking a “respite” reads like she is keeping Peg as far away from her as possible. He didn’t go yesterday because he couldn’t be at Adelaide long enough to pretend he lives there.
I’ve never heard of George VI having an incandescent temper, but he’s widely known as “the reluctant King.” An interesting message the piece may be sending.
@Bertie — You’re right. I think Mansey has her kings mixed up. George V had a terrible temper and abused his sons physically and verbally. George VI was shy, sullen, had a bad stammer and gastric troubles (maybe ulcers) requiring several operations, but didn’t have nearly the bad temper his father had.
Yes, I agree. It was George V with the temper, and a nasty one at that.
@Bertie, it was well known about George V1 had a temper. His stammer frustrated him and his temper would erupt. But never with his family or other people, just inanimate objects.
The really sad thing for me is that because he is a genuinely nice guy, Harry would actually try to help his brother through whatever it is that ails him.
He’d fly over in a heartbeat to offer whatever support was necessary, in spite of his brother’s dirty tricks.
William has no idea what he has lost in pursuit of being seen as the ” better man.”
I’d be proud to have Harry as my brother. William, not so much.
That ship has sailed, unfortunately for Willnot. Harry is no longer obliged to be the whipping boy for his out-of-control brother. Harry sacrificed too much over the years at the hands of his family to come to Wee Willy’s rescue again! This is all on the RF to fix. I hope that Harry stays far away from this latest drama and just lives his life with people who love and appreciate him.
This is KP in damage control and attempting to reset the narrative. Except, the Prince has gone rogue, the press has connected him to the death of Thomas Kingston and Kate is still missing. Social media is a wildfire of speculation, most suggesting William is partly to blame or the direct cause of her absence. Its interesting that this story is not attempting to gaslight Harry – the incident with the dog bowl happened and he must have inherited “kingly temper” (OMG seriously? You’re going to normalize violence here??!!). I have to wonder if this thread will be used to weave in future stories, perhaps involving Kate?
Tom White is Kates new private secretary?????? Oof
I don’t know who he is but this seems like a confirmation that he’s been hired which is interesting. It was mentioned before but not confirmed. Here, they are actually confirming she has a equerry which is new.
Google pictures of him. He looks like a goon of the first order.
I think the word they’re looking for is “violent.”
“In the reeds?” Is that like “in the weeds,” which means so overwhelmed that you can’t focus, or so focused on trivia that you can’t see the big picture – yes, I can see that for William.
Such a strange article -explaining away William’s erratic behavior while still making a point of highlighting it. This is like the “aha” moment in a movie, where something happens that makes you rethink everything that came before. So now, the dog bowl story is true, but William was impulsive. When he snaps ill-considered statements, he’s impetuous and it’s all his family’s fault. And somehow, this impulsive, impetuous, congenitally bad tempered guy, who gets his news from Sky on his phone, will further his ambitions to be a presidential, globally diplomatic king-in waiting. So strange.
Smoking weed more like!
Wish he would, it might chill out his temper.
He’s “ maneuvering from being the well meaning Duke of Cambridge who champions mental health causes, to someone more altogether serious”? One, how long does it take for him to maneuver from one job to another job doing basically the same thing with no foreseeable impact? He had a title switch and hasn’t done anything more than the usual since getting the new title. Secondly, what is more serious than mental health issues? He has had this new title for a year and a half yet has done nothing regarding mental health issues or anything else that he might consider “more serious”. He wants to be seen as kingly but nothing he has done his entirely life is worthy of being called a king. Might I also add that his legacy can definitely be decided now since he has been a king-in-waiting since he was born and his younger brother has a legacy that started at 19 with Sentebale and continues to expand with Well-Child, Endeavor Fund and the Invictus Games.
William having anything to do with mental health initiatives is like Dracula in charge of a blood bank.
Mental health was just for shits and giggles.
So is this a bread crumb that’s being dropped for us to connect the dots?
Violent temper
Missing wife
You writing it out this way really made me see it in a different way. There is ZERO chance the firm lets the british media speculate about m*rder and missing wives if it had any whisper of the truth.
Maybe they’re trying to prove a point to Will – he made a mess with his chaotic comms and lack of discipline, and until and unless he stops raging and lets the professionals properly clean this up, the speculation will never stop. Like if a toddler was going to walk into the fireplace, the parents would step in because it was true danger, but if the toddler just wasn’t listening and decided to dump their toys all over the room, the parents might let them do it and then afterwards calmly explain that now the toddler had to pick their toys up again. Maybe Will is that toddler and he didn’t do anything truly heinous so they’re letting the situation ride out now because it may be the last chance to get him fully under the thumb of the firm before Charles passes and its too late.
Or maybe the firm has finally figured out. They really don’t have that much power to stop them speculating. All the power the royal family had. Came from everyone respecting the Queen. She’s gone. And people don’t respect Charles or Camilla. And all know William is a dolt. It’s the tabloids with all the power. They could have the royal family destroyed in a few weeks if they wanted. And fewer and fewer of the press are making good livings from writing about the royal family right now. And when it comes down to them making a living and the royal family continuing. They press are going to choose themselves every time.
Legacy and impact. The disastour in the Caribbean is a perfect example I guess….
Denying William assaulted Harry is one thing. It would be a lie, but if people believe the lie then there isn’t a major problem. But admitting it happened and then trying to pass off abusive of a family member as merely “impulsive” is disgusting. The same with William screaming and throwing things at Kate — that is actual domestic abuse, and yet they try to pass it off as something all healthy marriages do. No, it’s not. William need therapy, and it’s not a joke. The downplaying of the abuse is what disgusts me the most.
🎯 normalizing abuse seems to be what society does and it’s disgusting.
Yeah, its interesting that we never heard that story was a lie – just that it didnt mean what Harry said it meant or what people thought. It means Wililam is strong, impulsive, a leader, IDK.
And when you couple that with the various stories about him and Kate – that could be completely true (throwing things at each other, kate “giving as good as she gets” etc) – but it could also be a narrative put out there to protect William (he’s not abusive, they just throw pillows and they both do it!)
Mrs.Krabapple I want to like this post a thousand times.
The top photo is hilarious. The only person amused by him, besides himself, is the soldier in front of him. The one next to her is sideeyeing the situation like “Is this guy for real?”. The lady behind her on the phone and the mysterious looking guy with the shades makes it more obviously a photo op gone wrong. The photo of him walking in his suit with the men on either side of him also walking in suits reminds me of Harry walking out of the courthouse in the UK and how totally badass he looks in those photos, whereas William looks like a little boy pretending to be a statesman, lol.
“Impulsive” is another way to say he lacks impulse control, which can be a sign of a neurological disorder.
And yeah, this article seems to be trying to tell us something — mostly to remind us that William can be violent.
More likely a personality disorder, Axis-II
He likely inherited a genetically impaired ability to regulate his emotions, nurtured within a profoundly dysfunctional family, damaged by at least one early brain injury, warned away from psychological support, manipulated by the self-interested worst and wealthiest, and seasoned with long-term substance-abuse. Yeah. He’s got a lot going on.
@Rnot, 🎯
@Rnot add to that, childhood head trauma/TBI from a golf club… Wish I could remember where he was hit: side of the head, or front?
Because frontal lobe damage from head trauma or illness can cause a loss of impulse control and violent outbursts in people when they’re frustrated.
“Aides say there are two prongs to William’s ambitions: legacy and impact. With regards to the latter, Kate and William seem to have it in spades. Together they seem to have an alchemy of magisterial glamour.”
What?? They can’t be serious. My god, this is comedy gold.
There’s not enough money in the world to make me write something so sick-making. Blearghh!!!!
Of course Kate’s absence is glaring, and the missing Middletons highly suss … but also, when was the last time anyone spotted the kids? They don’t get seen a lot, but not at all for the same 63 days? William only appearing anywhere solo. Total speculation, of course, but… something “impulsive” happens, and Mom says Nope. We’re out of here. Bolts to parents with the kids.
That would fly in an ordinary family, but not in this case. W&K’s kids are essentially property of the Crown.
Is this the Tatler article all over again: KP tells a journalist to write a glowing, fawning piece, and the journalist obliges on the surface while also hinting at a different truth and throwing massive shade.
Been a lot of brick-in-a-velvet-glove articles on the subject of Willy this year, hasn’t there?
William has been lacking impulse control since childhood.
He already was known as Billy the Basher in grade school. In Eton he threatened his classmates with his RPOs, and said that his father would lock the guys inside the Tower.
He’s been characterized as being incandescent with rage since forever, and it’s been reported that he and Kate have screaming matches and toss pillows at each other.
Then there’s the *pushed Harry so hard that he stumbled and fell into the dog bowl* incident, his face that often speaks volumes of repressed anger, or disgust – and what emerges is someone who shouldn’t be near any kind of executive power, not even of the *in name only* kind of figurative, diplomatic power that a hereditary head of state can wield.
Coupled with his extreme laziness, his unwillingness to prepare himself for the top job, and his limited intellectual curiosity while at the same time accepting millions of £££ from the taxpayers – even if Corwall funds him now, that revenue should go to the state’s coffers – it shows Bulliam is the single biggest factor in/argument for abolishing the monarchy.
It’s sad that the powers that be have never found a way to rein him in *and* at the same time make him get a proper education that would have prepared him for his role – and gotten him help with his many mental health issues.
“When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex effectively accused the royal family of racism in their interview with Oprah Winfrey, William was furious.” And maybe not just with H&M for telling, but with Kate for making comments and creating the problem?
H&M have never accused the RF of being racist. Not in the Oprah interview, the Netflix special or in Spare. The British Media proclaimed the RF as racist and continue to do so.
Was just quoting the article. That’s why there are quotes around it. And likely why they phrased it as “effectively”. Did they stand right up and say they were racist? No. They took it easy on them. But it was certainly obvious in the narrative. And, I could see PW being angry with Kate over anything she said.
So is Kate Mansey saying that William being a violent man is a good thing?
She is excusing it as being inherited from his father and possible King George VI (I think she means George V). See, it’s not his fault he just inherited these traits. Nevermind Harry has the same DNA and chooses to act with integrity.
Well if we’re going that route, King George III went mad and needed a regent.
That’s what I’m wondering. Since when is being a violent POS a good thing?
Is it just me or is Wills giving Mr. Burns vibes in that last pic?
Heh. Way to disabuse/candy-coat the rumors that William was responsible for hurting Kate, guys. “Oh, he’s just real passionate and impetuous ’cause he cares so dern much!! Besides, it runs in the family…” 🤮🙄
“An alchemy of magisterial glamour”??!!?? Whaaaaaa???? Really puttin’ the old thesaurus through its paces there! That’s sure what I think of when I see those photos of W&K guffawing it up inappropriately and/or jazz handing away…..”Magisterial glamour!” LOL!
Substitute impulsive for abusive and you are closer to the truth~
I’d read “in the reeds” as a synonym for “in the mire.” Reeds grow at the edges of water where you get bogged down in mud whether you’re on a boat or on foot. I’ve never heard “in the reeds” used to describe a situation of depth or control. What on earth is going on?
Apropos of nothing: This is fascinating. History book material. And a *HELLUVA* soap opera story. Almost makes up for 2020. And thanks to Kaiser for the poetry of words and photos she creates. As you were….
…chafing at the binds of constitutional monarchy.