For the past year, the Heritage Foundation, an American right-wing think tank, has been engaged in a targeted harassment campaign against Prince Harry. Heritage has marched into court multiple times to try to force the Department of Homeland Security to “release” Harry’s visa application. DHS has refused, saying that every visa applicant has the right to privacy. Heritage’s deranged argument is that Harry wrote about using drugs in his memoir, and then something something, what if he lied on his visa application? That’s it. That’s their whole legal strategy, it’s based on “what if” and endless and baseless supposition. Well, Heritage was back in court on Friday and DHS’s lawyers tried a new strategy. Anti-Sussex Derangers are always calling Harry and Meghan liars, so DHS was like “Harry could have been lying in his book, who even knows, a memoir is not a court of law.”
The Duke of Sussex’s admission in his memoir that he took drugs is not “proof” and could have been embellished to “sell books”, a lawyer for the US government has argued in court. The Biden administration is resisting demands for Prince Harry’s US visa application to be made public to see if he lied about his drug use when he moved to America in 2020.
As a federal court in Washington began hearing the case, John Bardo for the Department of Homeland Security claimed the revelations in the prince’s memoir, Spare, were not “sworn testimony or proof” that he took drugs.
“Just saying something in a book doesn’t make it true,” Bardo said. The prince’s book was written “for a commercial audience” and does “not necessarily tell the full story,” he added.
Judge Carl Nichols, overseeing the case, said early in the hearing that he was uncomfortable referring to the duke as Prince Harry, deciding that it was too informal. “You wouldn’t call me Judge Carl,” he told the court.
Under US law, applicants who are “determined to be a drug abuser” are generally denied a visa, although the government is permitted to make exceptions. Past drug use has caused problems for other celebrities seeking a US visa.
“The duke explicitly admitted at length to drug use” in his book, said Samuel Dewey, a lawyer for the Heritage Foundation, holding a copy of Spare in court. Dewey added that Harry had admitted to taking drugs after entering the US and had not denied the revelations in his memoir under cross-examination in other court cases in the UK. “Spare is a valid admission” of drug use, Dewey said.
The government has refused to reveal any of Harry’s immigration documents, even refusing to say what type of visa he was granted. “There are multiple lawful ways that the duke might have entered the US and do not show government impropriety,” Bardo said.
The judge suggested that the questions surrounding the prince’s visa raised a “suite of red flags”. He confirmed that he had not looked at any of the prince’s visa documents to avoid prejudicing his questioning at the hearing, but said he will now decide “pretty soon” on whether to order the government to submit Harry’s visa declarations for him to view in confidence. A ruling is expected in the coming weeks.
Apparently, the judge ordered the lawyers to refer to Harry as “the Duke of Sussex” throughout the arguments because the judge was so uncomfortable with the informality of calling him “Prince Harry.” As for the DHS stuff… yeah, you can argue that the book is an admission, but Harry wasn’t “under oath” when he wrote the book. There’s also a difference between “drug abusers” and “drug users.” The foreign nationals who have visa issues because of drugs have usually been convicted or charged with drug crimes internationally. Harry has never been charged with anything, nor has anyone credibly claimed that he is a habitual drug abuser (or even habitual drug user). Saying “I did coke once when I was a teenager” in a book or interview is not the same thing as saying it under oath in court, nor does it follow that Harry lied about anything in his visa application.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the second day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 at Mountain Square Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Whistler, Canada When: 15 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the final day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 and go curling at the Vancouver Curling Club at Hillcrest Community Centre Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Vancouver, Canada When: 16 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the final day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 and go curling at the Vancouver Curling Club at Hillcrest Community Centre Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Vancouver, Canada When: 16 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the final day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 and go curling at the Vancouver Curling Club at Hillcrest Community Centre Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Vancouver, Canada When: 16 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the final day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 and go curling at the Vancouver Curling Club at Hillcrest Community Centre Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Vancouver, Canada When: 16 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attending the final day of the One Year to Go Event before the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 and go curling at the Vancouver Curling Club at Hillcrest Community Centre Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Vancouver, Canada When: 16 Feb 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
Books are not testimony under oath.
That means what you published in a book cannot be used against you in a court of law? I don’t think Harry made it up though.
Dunno about that. It has been held against a local terrorist in a court in my jurisdiction recently!
Why do they care so much? It’s just bizarre.
Yes. I would love for the judge to ask the Heritage foundation why they are bringing this suit. And what business is it of theirs.
@Robert Phillips … The Heritage Foundation, spearheaded by Brit Nile Gardiner, keeps claiming that the American people want to know what’s on the Duke of Sussex’s Visa because of all the ‘news coverage’ on the issue. However, all the news coverage about every minute detail of Prince Harry’s life is from the British media, not the American media.
If the Judge orders Homeland Security to release a copy of Prince Harry’s Visa to the Heritage Foundation, it would be in every British Tabloid within an hour of release.
@robert the heritage foundation is absolutely convinced of Harry’s guilt for the crime of marrying a woman of color and the audacity of starting a family, not to mention the absolute gall of fleeing persecution and not just gratefully accepting the perpetuated racial and gender harm with a stiff lip. Never complain and never explain was the unspoken contract these “criminals” violated and Harry must be brought to justice. After all in a racists mind if you remove the shield of white male privilege being used illegally and improperly for the benefit of a woman of color and bi racial kids it’s going to be easier to go after them.
@Yvette & @Amiblue, apparently Charles is a very good friend of The Heritage foundation member Nile Gardiner, the one who is spear heading this witch hunt! Despite Charles’ cancer scare, he is still abusing his son! Because if I had a friend who was making trouble for my son they had better knock it off Or Else! No matter how much Harry loves his father and always tries to do the right thing…that family is a toxic cesspool of disgusting people.
They want him back alone and properly shamed into submission again and they will obviously go to any lengths to achieve this, which is terrifying.
It’s clear that man is not going to leave his family and go back to beg for scrap from his relatives. They all need to let it go and go kick rocks.
let’s be honest, if Harry hadn’t married a biracial woman or he & Meghan were dyed in the wool social conservatives, the Heritage foundation wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if he had a current history of drug abuse and addition. These people have a problem with “uppity” women, especially ones who aren’t white Christian Aryan princess types that support a notion that women are their husbands property that should remain barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen. They’re targeting Harry because he not only married a biracial, liberal woman, he supports her fully instead of trying to turn her into a Stepford wife.
We are talking about the same Heritage foundation that’s working to a goal of subjugating women by “returning the danger to sex,” “returning the consequentiality to sex” and “end recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills”
They care because that could bring back Harry in the UK for them to abuse and hate on him and meghan even more.
I think they literally want him to be a man without a country…for spite and hate. I recently read that hate is just as addictive as any drug – it requires such a strong response from your body, mind, and soul to sustain that your whole being begins to crave it and feels unwell when you’re not using all your adrenaline and aggression towards one singular goal (like training for a marathon or single-mindedly pursuing a job or a relationship would require those tools for a good goal). I don’t think it’s more complicated than hate for many of the reasons mentioned in these comments. Now the question of whose hate is driving this? I’m guessing W.
If the “government is permitted to make exceptions”, what difference does it make?
The Heritage fascists want to claim favoritism. Bias. Anything to get their hands on that visa application.
The idiots should try to foresee the future consequences should they succeed and establish a new legal process enabling future access to such currently protected records. A LOT of people want a deep dive look at Melania Trump’s visa records in light of the fact that she got on the green card/citizenship path by obtaining a precious “Genius” exception visa while, in reality, she apparently only attended Uni for less than a year before dropping out to fly to NYC.
I’d be like ‘yeah, and so what? He got special treatment because he’s the son of the freaking king of England and, at the time, the grandson of the queen. Plus he’s married to an American. We weren’t going to risk offending the queen, and possibly the government and the British public, by denying him entry. So piss off.’
If the Duke of Sussex is here on a Diplomatic Visa, would drug use even be one of the questions? He is still part of the British Royal Family even if he’s stepped back from royal duties. At the time he entered the U.S. with his wife and child and applied for a Visa, he was the grandson of the Queen of England and son of the Heir to the Throne.
Harry’s not on a diplomatic visa. He was not on an official visit when he entered the US.
Depends on the type of diplomatic visa. For some, just visiting could be covered as well. The whole topic is a minefield for the BRF and something that’s not at all clear (as with finances, security, passports!). I mean, how was Andrew covered during his US jaunts? Nobody really wants to go there and they will not be pleased re: THF antics, lol!
@Beth I think some of Andrew’s US visits were under the auspices of his ridiculous diplomatic trade attache title.
Well, even if he doesn’t ‘qualify’ for a diplomatic visa now, when they moved from Canada to California it was mid-March 2020. At that time, he was technically still a working royal as the new arrangements didn’t kick in until 1st April 2020. So he may well have been covered by an existing diplomatic visa. But nobody knows except those entitled to and that’s as it should be. If THF got its way, the floodgates would open for all Americans and others to potentially be at risk of having personal private info made public. Visas re: Melanie and her parents? Trump’s medical files? And so on …….
* Melania
@Beth: Or Mercedes, apparently.
He simply could be on a tourist visa, which cis a simple use of your passport. He certainly leaves the country within 6 months and then he has another 6 months to stay again without formal visa issues. It could be that simple, for all anyone knows, including Heritage crazies.
And to add …. As of April 2020 Harry & Meghan got the “1 Year trial Sandringham Agreement”. So even till April 2021 he ‘technically’ could have been covered diplomatically as ”The grandson of the British Monarch” (they – the queen in particular, were hoping for them to go back to the UK after the trial period), so nothing drastically would have been made reg. Harry’s (diplomatic) visa/status as a Brit(ish royal)).
So up until that point, a diplomatic visa could have easily been granted to Harry.
Excellent point, Advisor2U – I hadn’t thought of that. The BRF/Gov are not going welcome any scrutiny, methinks!
Yes, it’s interesting how those against Harry claim he’s lying about everything, except this one thing.
Good point!
Excellent point!
They will use anything and anyone to smear Harry and try to make him look bad and all because Harry has a very jealous brother who likes to project and deflect.
Are you suggesting William controls the U.S. Department of Homeland Security? Big news if true.
DHS has a longstanding practice of not releasing visa applications. Heritage has many reasons, given its anti-immigrant stance, to want to breach this policy. Harry is a high-profile and relatively easy target; he’s not, say, a Putin critic reasonably fearing death whose info needs to be particularly guarded. And no, no one reasonably believes Harry is in danger from the RF.
As for the book, Harry has never disavowed it and repeated the stories about drug use in his publicity tour. So he has opened himself to questions about the credibility of the book as a whole, fairly or not. The lawyer representing his interests should have had better choices than calling his client a liar
The lawyer is representing the US government, not Harry. And it seems to me, from this scant information, that the lawyer is responding to the Heritage Foundation’s claim that their case is valid because Harry admitted to drug use in his memoir.
@Mjane, SusanCollins is clearly referring to the Heritage Foundation in her statement above, not the DHS. In doing so, she is not wrong is pointing out that white supremacists/social conservatives will do whatever they can to smear Harry & Meghan and that the Brits who are, inexplicably, part of The Heritage Foundation are doing the same bidding that the royal rota are where Harry is concerned
Hmmm … are you aware that one of the main drivers of THF nonsense is Nile Gardiner – he’s an ultra-right wing Brit based in DC with strong links to our UK right wing press and GB News. He’s fanatically pro-monarchy and constantly tweets obsessively demented hatred of H&M. I take your point and am not into conspiracy theories, but it is well-known in the circles I move in that William does have a tendency to go off on back channel briefing sprees. So maybe what Susan Collins says isn’t as far-fetched as we’d like to believe. It is all very odd.
Btw, few sane folk would now doubt the credibility of PH’s book when it’s very, very clear that the DHS lawyer was rightly pointing out that what’s written in a memoir is NOT equivalent to sworn testimony. Beware spin by the usual culprits – PH was NOT called a liar.
Not sure if you’re seeing obtuse so you can be snarky, or you just missed her point. It’s very clear that Heritage is doing this on behalf of right wing interests.
Heritage has multiple projects with WSJ, for example, owned by Rupert Murdoch. That should ring a Prince Harry bell since Harry is suing him for illegal news gathering violations.
Heritage has ties to right wing Britain also with their the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.
Heritage also partners with autocratic Hungary’s state-funded Danube Institute.
Adding about their Thatcher center. “ It’s not entirely obvious what this centre does but it seems to mostly involve having one British member of staff, Nile Gardiner, who can act like a liaison between the US Right and their counterparts in the UK. …
US think tanks, the Guardian said, “have teamed up with British politicians and London-based counterparts… to help write detailed proposals for what the UK’s departure from the EU, and its future relationships with both the EU and the US, should look like”.
She’s not suggesting that William controls DHS. She’s suggesting that William has influenced the Heritage foundation, spearheaded by a brit according to a comment higher up. Harry is not part of this trial. It’s DHS’ lawyer who’s made the suggestion he could be lying.
Mjane, put aside any personal animosity re: PH and realise the dangerous precedent that would be set if THF got its way. Visa records are equivalent, confidentiality-wise, to medical records and tax returns. For everyone.
Mjane, please go back and read the earlier posts here regarding this matter. There were immigration attorneys who weighed in on the subject. None of us know what type of visa Harry applied for, but he is working for BetterUp and so we know he has a green card. He is married to a US citizen, so if my memory doesn’t fail me he probably would have a spousal visa and have to state whether he had any convictions or was a drug dealer. Something of the sort.
If Heritage Foundation got copies of the Visa application for the bm, it would open a flood gate to others asking for the same. Melania, Murdoch, Musk, and the list goes on. There would also be their citizenship applications that would come up for view. This isn’t a one shot deal, this is a very precarious slippery slope. The fact that the Brit dude doesn’t care, tells you it’s not the Americans who want to know.
Harry’s visa application is the subject of the Heritage Foundation’s nonsense. The DHS is who the HF have filed against. Aside from any musicians/actors/whatever previously discussed in older posts, who were known drug users and live in the US(that had to apply for a visa and citizenship), let’s talk about P#ss Morgan.
He has verbally and in written form, discussed his drug use. Guess the HF doesn’t care about that. Hmmm..wonder why.
Loving that Harry is here and it could be any number of legal applications. Green Card, tourist visa, diplomatic visa, spousal visa or an O-1 visa. He’s not only an employee of an American company that saw growth after his joining-he is also an employer. Harry is a military vet that piloted an Apache helicopter. That is extraordinary. My personal bias would also include the September video and watching him play polo too!
If the visa application were made public it would cause a hailstorm of others wanting to see everyone ‘s visa application. Not going to happen. Sets a horrible precedent, imo.
Plus it leads to nothing. Harry don’t need a Visa in lots of country (European countries for example where a passport is only needed since he is from the UK). Him being expelled from the US to Canada will not lead to him going back to UK like a lost child.
You have to be extremely stupid to try this move. Seriously Harry’s troubles since is wedding are a proof that lots of rich people are just nepos that clearly don’t understand the world.
This judge sounds a little sketchy. Now he might ask to view Harry’s visa application? I don’t like where this is heading. What “red flags” is he referring to? He should have just held the hearing and thrown the case out as harassment and frivolous. I don’t see any grounds for setting the dangerous precedent of legally reviewing a straightforward visa application.
What surprises me is that the Judge appears to be curious about whether or not PH lied, rather than focus solely on whether THF should have the right to demand that anyone’s private personal files should be made public (a slippery slope). Tax returns, medical files, etc, next – potentially for any American. All pushed by an ultra-right, deranged, British obsessive – Nile Gardiner, often disparagingly referred to as ‘Thatcher’s former tea-boy’. He has strong links to UK press and GB News, too.
UGH Judge Carl Nichols is a Trump appointee, so that doesn’t bode well for the outcome. Hopefully if a bad judgement comes it can be appealed.
Trump publicly threatened Harry at CPAC so…
I said this might happen (general f*ckery, used to embarrass and humiliate PH, not suggesting he will be kicked out) when this started and lots of people told me I was dead wrong. What Trump has done to the courts shouldn’t be underestimated.
What we counted on in terms of legal precedence on the past is no more. (See Republicans killing IVF with their Roe argument)
Trump literally can’t do anything. There is a court of law and precedence. Just because they say the election is stolen doesn’t mean the judges let him run with it.
He’s been threatening Harry, Meghan, Taylor swift and everyone under the sun for years now. Ha! Joe Biden is the president and will continue to be the next 4 years. Nothing has changed. Meanwhile Trump is fighting to pay 500 million to courts.
Didn’t Mel have an Einstein visa? Heritage F never sought those records
Melania was linked to Epstein and far more closely linked to actual criminal conduct but they won’t bother with her because she is the fascist First Lady.
Harry is married to an American and he will not be kicked out of the country because he might have used drugs a few times.
Having sponsored my husband and my mother in law I can say that they do ask if you have ever done specific illegal drugs. But you lie, I mean in my memoir when I say otherwise…
Also, Just imagine where it could lead if everyone who ever came to the US legally could have their applications made public lol.
I smoked a joint a few times in my wild thirties. That was a loooonnnggg time ago. I mellowed out in my middle age.
I may be wrong, Nixon administration tried to keep John Lemon out of the U S for drug use, but failed.
Harry isn’t going anywhere, an American wife and 2 children, he is employing Americans, he is not a drain on the US Government.
The FBI had a file on Lennon, I remember that much.
Yes but because he was against war not for his drug use.
What Kaiser says is absolutely right. The only way to actually prove that Harry used drugs is if he was convicted, failed a drug test, actually seen doing drugs or spent time in rehab. Anyway, didn’t the derangers and the press say that he lied about everything in his book? So how they outraged by the DHS stance they should accept it and move on. There’s no way the Heritage Foundation would be pursuing this case if they weren’t being paid by the British press to do it. The British press are so desperate for Harry to back in the UK.
One of the tabloid writers were crowing about the sight of Harry being “kicked out” of the U.S. and having to crawl back to England in his hands and knees begging for help. This is the goal; humiliate him. What losers.
There are plenty of other options for Harry and his family on the extremely remote possibility he is deported. I mean, try as they may, he’s not going anywhere. This case should be permanently SHUT DOWN. Courts need to show some backbone and refuse to entertain these specious arguments about drug use.
That’s so dumb, as though there were only two possibilities for Harry: the US or England. Ha! He has so many other options! Or would have, were it not so utterly ridiculous that he’d be deported. That’s just stupid.
BeanieBean, but you have to think of it through the lens of the Brits (not all of them) and as far as they’re concerned that’s pretty much Harry’s choices. They don’t think much of the rest of the world as far as I can figure out (again not all Brits). They’re an Empire, don’t forget.
Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada would be happy to have M&H in their Country. Does the brf want them setting up in a Commonwealth Country where the head of state is the King? Not that I think that would happen because of this. I think Harry will be fine.
Every time Harry has successful events like the Invictus kickoff in Canada and winning his press lawsuits, here comes Heritage nut jobs trying to access his visa records. They’ve gone from saying Harry couldn’t survive outside the UK and good riddance, to thinking he’d be back, to begging him to be back, to threatening him to force him back to disrupt the life he’s built for his family in USA. Anything to drown out the positive. Everytime there is forward momentum, something or another is trying to disrupt them. The fact that they’re fixated on a few anecdotes in a memoir of him taking drugs, and nothing major, shows their desperation to find a smoking gun to force Harry back to the UK. Probably worried he will get US citizenship eventually. There is no valid justification for going after Harry’s visa nor have they explained why they need to know it. Why do they think they’re entitled to his information?
The HF lawyer didn’t submit excepts from Spare to show Harry’s drug use. Afraid the content will undermine their case? The DHS lawyer did a Hail Mary argument, making the government response weak. And people are forgetting Meghan is a US citizen; Harry could be in the US under a spousal visa (IR1 or CR1). Requirements mau be different.
For some reason Donald Fecking Trump weighed in on this issue and now all the tabloids are crowing about it. This is a sickness I tell you. The power Prince Harry has on all the crazy right wingers would be hilarious if they were not so dangerous in their crazy.
A reporter from the Express asked him a leading question and he answered. I doubt Trump actually cares about Harry and his visa at all. I wouldn’t read anything into it. There is no proof Harry has broken the law or lied on his visa application so the tabloids can crow all they want. Harry is a rich white man with an American wife he will be fine.
Trump, like many others who weigh in on H&M, have the power to say “no comment” or keep their mouths shut.
The derangers go on about the heritage foundation. This is a total disgrace that the heritage carries on about this.
Harry’s original visa was granted in 2020 when the 🍊🤡 was still president. So there’s that.
I thought a party had to show ‘standing’ to file a lawsuit. Why does this random organization feel they are entitled to private information about Prince Harry? They are not affected by this visa in any way whatsoever. I might know my neighbor is a big liar but I cannot then declare he probably lied on this taxes and demand to see them.
Not anymore, with Trump judges. The Supreme Court overturned Biden’s student loan forgiveness despite the plaintiffs having no standing.
But Biden’s administration managed to fix whatever the issue was & more loans were recently forgiven. This is HUGE.
And why would this so called order only apply to prince harry.
If it pass, it won’t. It’s a slippery slope.
Good question! Release Malania’s application.
I don’t even know why people are bothered by this.
It makes everyone but Harry look bad.
Justin Bieber went through something like this on a more massive scale and was never deported.
Nothing will happen to Harry! Literally nothing!
Lots of these people are nepos so they don’t understand the impact of what they do or how they are perceived. They are overgrown bullies. Yes, some derangers are happy but most of the rest of the world looks more and more favorably to Harry.
Sorry, I DON’T trust this judge, or any of them. Why is the judge not saying to them “if we excluded everyone from the US that had taken or tried drugs in their youth, the country would be empty, and are they going to ask for the US visas of nearly every pop star that has appeared in the US, or indeed some athletes. If they do this it’s not only going to be used to make Harry’s life hell, it’s setting a really dangerous precedent, and sorry your honour, the only red flags are from the disgusting behaviour from the heritage foundation and their belief that “they want so they should have”.
Final point your honour, all military personnel, whether in the theatre of war or not, are subject to random drugs test, and none were found in Harry’s system. Plus if your referring to weed, try testing the heritage personal first. Maybe Harry’s lawyer could ask for disclosure of the heritage foundations financials, now THAT would be interesting
I have to say, that’s how I first interpreted that ‘red flags’ statement–that the red flags were all flapping from the Heritage Foundation. They’re the ones showing a dangerous precedent here, demanding the immigration records of a private individual.
@BEANIEBEAN, exactly, I cant understand why it’s even got this far!
That’s how I understood what the judge was saying about red flags. Actually we really don’t know what he meant by that statement. I’m no lawyer but wouldn’t the judge ask HF why they wanted this information? Saying something in a memoir vs information on a visa application, that’s not a reason to open up someone’s private files to some organization that has no reason to see this info. He’s committed no crime, he’s never been arrested etc. He’s not suspected of anything. He’s done nothing to warrant this action.
Mary Pester – Interesting that Harry passed random drug testing for ten years while he was active UK military. Hadn’t thought about that. DHS lawyer(s) are correct to point out that verbal testimony (VT) given in any non-judicial setting is NOT equivalent to sworn testimony offered in court while under “oath or affirmation to testify truthfully.”
There’s a reason t-rump’s lawyers don’t try to reconcile all of t-rump’s inane utterances on his never-ending campaign to be king of US, and work assiduously to keep t-rump out of the courtroom.
They are after this information because they are butt hurt that Harry rejected the monarchy. It’s all part of the great unraveling that the white male patriarchy is fighting against. They will do whatever it takes to maintain authority and power. We see it here and in many other countries. Women have made significant gains in the last 50 years to the point that many young women are wondering why they even need a man much less children in their lives. That’s why these predominantly male groups go after anything they see as chipping away at their power structure. That’s why we are seeing the erosion of women’s reproductive freedom and LGBTQ rights. It’s all inter-connected. These groups are also racist and want to punish Harry for race mixing. Ultimately though, Harry’s rejection of the monarchy could spell the end of that institution. We are seeing it play out now as senior royals are out of commission or out of sorts. There’s no one there to run the thing. Sure, the monarchy has no power but it must provide something to someone otherwise people wouldn’t be doing lawsuits like this.
This is a government that asks its citizens to report earnings from illegal activities in order to be appropriately taxed. Like I’m not convinced using drugs is a concern at all here.
You would think if this HF really cared about American people, they would go after Prince Andrew, who allegedly abused minors during his stay in USA. They would even get public support and their claim that it is American people’s right/interest to know what Andrew did on his stays in USA would be appropriate. Regardless, it would be interesting to have a precedent where demanding a famous person’s visa application to be public is granted. I would personally wanna see Melania’s application. I am gonna guess every American press organization would start applying for other public persons’ applications too.
Good point! The Heritage Foundation needs to go after Andrew. Oh but he didn’t marry a Black woman. Nevermind. 🙄
They should label the HF a vexatious litigant on this matter and be done.
However, the Judge appears to a) like the limelight, and b) have a questionable character (appointed by Trump, clerked for Clarence Thomas, and refused to recuse himself from a case where he had stock in companies sued and dismissed the case against them). If he asks to see the Visa application, the shit could hit the fan.
Sorry for my second post but, this is playing havoc with my legal brain.
Has Harry been convicted of a criminal offence,! NO.
Not drug pushing, drug using or ANY OTHER, so there were no legal grounds to refuse his visa.
Is Harry married to an American citizen? YES,
DOES he have children with the American citizen? Yes
Does Harry have a job? YES
Does Harry contribute to the American economy? Yes.
So heritage should have been told by the judge to go fk themselves. So why hasn’t he?
Nepos babies helped by a judge appointed by Trump. What about Andrew?
The real reason behind all of this seems to be actually slightly different. The THF has been battering against the DHS walls for quite a while to break down the very, very solid protection of immigration/visa records. In the Prince Harry case they think to have found finally a case where they can demand access without the person involved actually been in court and/or convicted for drug use.
“The Heritage Foundation’s Motivation
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative American think tank that often holds the Biden administration to account. One strand of their work has been to question the Department of Homeland Security’s work, including issues of visas and immigration. Prince Harry has provided the foundation with a perfect case study with which it hopes to argue that the DHS is not following procedure. By admitting publicly that he has taken drugs and found them to be a helpful “coping mechanism”, the prince has allowed the Heritage Foundation to question why he was granted a visa.”
Well good luck to them. There are many celebrities who came to USA and known to be regular drug users. This isn’t a perfect study as they claim since they have quiet a few people they would go after before. This is just a perfect person to go after in order to serve their friends in UK. There are a lot of tabloid writers with close ties to HF. A rich, white man who used drugs in his young adulthood to cope with his mental health issues isn’t the ideal news/case item for them. If it was a black/brown man, it would be different.
Like many, I’ve long had questions about Melania’s “extraordinary ability” visa, and those of her parents. If nothing else, surely the American people are entitled to know the exact nature of her particular extraordinary abilities. If the HF insists upon pressing this issue with Harry — and setting a precedent for violating the privacy of visa holders — I’d happily donate to help fund similar efforts focused on Melania’s visa application.
Melania’s “extraordinary ability” seems to have been to be a soft ‘pron’ model, bag a filthy rich guy and live a life of idle wealth.
Blithe, I think there are lots of people who would be happy to donate to a GoFundMe for the legal fees. I know I would.
‘…often holds the Biden Administration to account.’? The hell they do. Sounds like it came from their own press briefing.
Sorry if they want to go after someone to be a perfect study, they can start with melania! Or they could have gone after Andrew, or Harry Styles, or any of The Rolling stones, Paul McCartney, so so many world famous people who are still touring today or even the Jackson kids, this is a persecution of Harry by THF funded in full by the BM, and should be kicked so far out it would never be seen again., carrying on from that, what about drugs that are used as muscle relaxants or for nervous disorders that are opiate based! Complete and utter bull
@Mary Pester: Of course it is, as you so charmingly and direct described it, utter bull. But in order to get to their goal (and their grubby fingers on all and any immigration/visa documents, so that future ultra conservative administrations can use them as a powerful tool against people in the US – wet dreams, right?) they have to find a case. And a judge.
Until now nothing did stick.
Now it starts to look a bit disquieting. Did they find someone who is willing to dance to their tune? For whatever reasons? I won’t go deeper here, we do not want CB to get into trouble.
So, in conclusion, once again, bull, yes, but another angle of attack in a long lasting battle against the DHS, this time with PH and his book as proof of “nefarious” deeds.
Sorry but this is heritage propaganda. They literally work with Tories in the UK, and that is why they’re doing this.
They are behind overturn of Roe.
Well, the Heritage Foundation, backed and funded by its UK Arm ánd the British nondom press Barrons he is taking to court, can cry and try what they want on this issue to continue to harras him, but it’s going nowhere. In no way will Prince Harry’s visa application be released.
And more so, Harry is giving them his middle fingers; see you soon in court Daily Mail.
Prince Harry will be back in the UK in March for the hearing regarding his courtcase against the DailyMail Group. He is asking Judge Leveson (his successor, cause the man has retired now) to be able to use receipts/evidence, given by the Mail in the 1st Leveson court case, in his case.
He will come and go into the country with no worries, as he’s been doing many times now. His home is with his family in the USA, whether you like it or not f*ckers.
Well, the Heritage Foundation, backed and funded by its UK Arm ánd the British nondom press Barrons he is taking to court, can cry and try what they want on this issue to continue to harras him, but it’s going nowhere. In no way will Prince Harry’s visa application be released.
And more so, Harry is giving them his middle fingers; see you soon in court Daily Mail.
Prince Harry will be back in the UK in March for the hearing regarding his courtcase against the DailyMail Group. He is asking Judge Levison (his successor, cause the man has retired now) to be able to use receipts/evidence, given by the Mail in the 1st Levison Inquiry, in his case.
He will come and go into the country with no worries, as he’s been doing many times now. His home is with his family in the USA. Like it or not f*ckers .
Didn’t it used to be that those demanding access to personal information to pursue a court case had to have ‘standing’, ie a reasonable belief that they had suffered or would suffer harm of some sort? I know this seems to be completely irrelevant in the heinous anti reproductive choice laws in eg Texas, where any stranger can decide to investigate whether a woman has had an abortion, in the hope of getting a reward. But does any random organisation or individual have the right to pursue a visa case against a stranger when no harm has been or can be caused to them? Ridiculous.
One of the surrealist aspects of Conservatives in the few years is they have became more and more pro-monarchy. (Ironic, since they claim to grreat admirers of the Founding Fathers) through this might be because they have grown more and more hostile to democracy and fonder and fonder of authoritarianism. I can see why they love an system of unelected white people who God has chosen to run everything
This whole thing is stupid. As an American I want to know how much it has cost the US government to defend the many cases by THF has filed on this matter.
They’ve managed to get Harry and “lying” in the same sentence, but why do they even have standing to go to court? HS does not reveal private information, so I’m not clear on what their case is? I think you have to have been convicted of taking drugs to cause any question regarding an immigration issue, right?
My goodness, there’s a lot of people out there who need to touch some grass, take a deep breath and try to figure out why their hearts are filled with hate.
A lingerie model managed to get a visa, I’d like to see that application. Maybe we can deport Malania, revoke her citizenship.
Calling her a *lingerie* model is a stretch, she basically was a soft ‘pron’ model.
I don’t know why the other non-right wing press is not reporting more on this. It’s targeted harassment and could set a dangerous precedent. I know Murdoch owns a good chunk of our press but he doesn’t own all of it.
Because there are more important things? If there is a decision, no doubt the press will report on it. But, reporting any and all things about this stupid case isn’t exactly press’s job. Just like Meghan’s evil half sister’s case. Right wing press published hundred articles about it, the others only report on it when the judge makes a decision.
Au contraire: a major RW think tank is targeting a private individual, because of a foreign princeling’s personal vendetta? That’s newsworthy.
@bisynaptic, I like Harry, but at the end of the day, he is a rich white man with a lot of rich, powerful friends. He is gonna be alright. For investigative journalists to go after this story, there needs to be a more power imbalance in the situation. I am not saying, Harry deserves any of this, but he has resources that a lot of immigrants don’t have. Their stories are important to report for journalists most of the time, because the public support means death/life situation to them.
Because they know it’s a lost cause. I feel like people aren’t understanding how hopeless this case is for heritage. It’s not happening. They are just using this for clickbait and for Nils to become “famous.”
That’s why US media isn’t touching it except the right wing tabloids.
A lot of people here seen to really believe what the British media is selling. Lol
They ain’t getting Harry or any other persons Visa who hasn’t been convicted of a crime.
What’s more crazy is the understanding an agenda is on hand that a person, or a group of people, obvs people with shit tons of money to burn are funding Heritage to continue on this quest… solely to stick it to the Duke. To ‘get him’… it’s insane and shows how threatened they feel by him.
Sorry, DHS, that was totally the wrong tack. Harry confessed to drug use, in Spare. We can assume it’s true. That doesn’t run him afoul of immigration policy; nor does it vacate his right to privacy. Heritage Fdtn. doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
Can i just say that i love love love he is wearing a f-ing Eddie Bauer vest? I mean let’s face it, Meghan would NEVER… lol.
But I love that he is so f-ing down to earth that he doesn’t give a shit if he’s wearing Prada, Gucci, or Eddie Bauer. He just wants to stay WARM!
Um a good chunk of Meghan’s clothes are from her suits days that she still wears to this day. She also was just wearing gap/old navy clothes not long ago.
Meghan is just as versatile in her choices.
Cool! I did not know that. I mean wow – OLD NAVY. I love it 🙂
There is a funny article in the Santa Barbara Independent newspaper about how a neutral comment from a writer got translated by the British Press into ridiculous statements, and then got copied and enhanced by a bunch of the other papers.
Thank you for sharing! That article is amazing and absolutely demonstrates how the British Media operates. If he was subjected to hate due to what the BM/tabs say, that is wrong.
I love how he ended the piece.
“So I’m sorry Meghan. I’m sorry Harry. I really am. If it’s any consolation, I’m getting out of the renowned royal expert business. Now that articles have started attributing my remarks to “an insider,” I feel like I’m practically one of the family. Which would be fitting punishment for my sins.”
Just don’t quote me on that. Please. I apologize Barry for quoting you.
Speaker, author Barry Maher may be the only Royal Expert who ever asked his wife, “Which one is William?”
I see a lemon olive oil cake and possible thank you note in his future.
I’ve said this a few times before but they again put the US in the middle.
It’s like they haven’t gotten a clue-they got kicked out in 1776 and then again during the war of 1812.
And California was also never colonized by the British(more like the Spanish). It’s obvious that they still cannot get over their loss of the colonies but it’s really time to let go.
I’d like to know if the US taxpayers are paying for this court case that shouldn’t have been a case in the first place.
Actually this is nothing to do with Britain. It is the Heritage Foundation who have taken up the case.
As a Brit I can assure you we got over the events of 1776 and 1812 a long time ago. Things closer to home and more important have happened since.
What he said in his memoir negates the fact that unless he gives approval for the public release of his document and the information he filled out in that document, THF still has no right to that being released to them or anyone else publicly. This court case is frivolous and unnecessary because regardless of what is said publicly or in a book still doesn’t take away the basic right to privacy for anyone who signs those documents is entitled to have.