For years now, Queen Camilla has been involved with all sorts of literary patronages. She claims to be a big reader, and she’s sort of assumed the mantle of the “queen of Britain’s literary community.” She’s friends with tons of writers and writers’ spouses, and she now has a “reading room” podcast and such. Well, on Wednesday, Camilla fluffed up her Farrah Fawcett hair and hosted an awards ceremony at Buckingham Palace. The ceremony? The BBC’s 500 Words, a children’s writing competition. The event was star-studded too – Luke Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Bonneville and Sir Lenny Henry were all in attendance. You’ve got to remember that Tom is actually quite posh and comfortable with all of the royals and aristos. Luke isn’t posh, per se, but he’s a snazzy dresser and he can play posh very well.
The Queen was hailed at a Buckingham Palace awards ceremony for helping to revive a national writing competition which celebrates young talent. Camilla helped host the BBC 500 Words event and was credited by writer and comic Charlie Higson, a member of the judging panel alongside Sir Lenny Henry, as ensuring the project’s return after a three-year hiatus.
The young finalists had their entries read in the palace’s ballroom by a group of celebrity readers who included Hollywood star Tom Hiddleston, actor Luke Evans and talent show judge Oti Mabuse. The Queen presented the gold awards and the winners will be announced during a special episode of the BBC’s The One Show on March 7, World Book Day.
Hiddleston told Camilla after the ceremony “We’ve had a three-year gap”, and she replied, “and I never ever thought we were going to bring it back again, but the very kind people at the BBC did listen, thought it was a good idea and here we are”.
Since the competition was first launched in 2011 by Chris Evans on the Radio 2 Breakfast Show, it has received more than one million stories from children throughout the UK. Last year entrants in two age categories, five to seven-year-olds and eight to 11-year-olds, were asked to use their creativity and write the story they wanted to read.
I mean… what is there to say? I’m not going to make fun of this, I actually think it’s sort of cool. I find some of Camilla’s book stuff to be quite performative, but this is great. A writing competition for kids? And the kids were invited to the palace, and they got famous actors to read the kids’ work? That’s amazing. Anyway, just another reminder that Camilla won, across the board. She got everything she wanted. And more – I doubt Camilla predicted that her husband’s heir would implode so spectacularly.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Queen Camilla shakes hands with Tom Hiddleston during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Featuring: Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Dean, Hugh Bonneville, Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla speaks with Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Dean and Hugh Bonneville during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Featuring: Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Dean, Hugh Bonneville, Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla speaks with Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Dean and Hugh Bonneville during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Featuring: Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Dean, Hugh Bonneville, Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla with nine year old Skylar Copeland during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Featuring: Skylar Copeland, Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla shakes hands with Luke Evans during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Featuring: Luke Evans, Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla during a reception at Buckingham Palace in London with finalists, judges and celebrity readers, to celebrate the final of the BBC’s creative writing competition, 500 Words Where: London, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2024 Credit: Chris Jackson/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
This is the bad place.
This is very nice and exactly what the royals should be doing. Keep the world affairs out of your mouth, arrange nice events in your many palaces with a focus on your own citizenry. They should do so much more of these types of events.
I will begrudgingly give her some credit here but nothing more. She is still a conniving side piece.
Camilla, the witch, bleh. That said, it’s a cute event. I prefer this to the overarching landmark early years events that are just piles of nothingness.
Cams is many things but to give her some credit she actually takes an interest in her patronages / causes and puts in the work / effort – unlike others the in family.
And she actually is a big reader, I’m not sure why that’s being doubted in the post. I’ve listened to a few snippets of the podcast and videos of her talking about books on her reading room and she absolutely knows the books (the ones I’ve heard at any rate.)
In general though this is a good event. Camilla is still Camilla but this is what people expect from the royals, not vague promises every few months of changing how people view the early years or pie charts or symposiums with a notebook labeled “notebook” that has clearly never been used.
Yes! It’s a great event, and I’m all for anything that encourages the arts at any age. Honestly, Camilla got this one right. No notes.
I can’t hate on this even a little bit. It’s very cool, imagine being one of those kids who gets to go to a palace and watch a famous actor bring your story to life! I would have been all over this when I was little. If I were remotely British, I mean.
^^ But it’s not even about hating on the event and its benefits for young people. There are a number of good causes Camz has smartly aligned herself with as part of her image campaign. I still give self-interested Camzilla credit for nothing but taking care of her own and her P-B family’s a$$ets. Everything Camzilla does is with her own public image interests and self-comforts in mind.
@Kaiser is so right about Camzilla winning. But quite honestly, Camzy won the whole hog a long time ago. It’s just that now with Tampon ill, Willy boy showing off his utter ineptitude, and Can’t out-of-the-picture (at least for now), Camz is better able to publicly reap the rewards of her conclusive victories. I will never view Camzilla with rosy blinders or give her undue credit or respect for anything. She’s still the conniving mistress, no matter the high station she’s won. 🙄
It’s ironic that the one person in this family who shows occasional competence is one of the non royals.
With the exception of Kitty, it seems to be the married-ins who are the most competent.
Camilla is looking quite well lately. Relaxed and happy it seems as she stepped in for the win.
She does look well and relaxed without a care in the world 😍😍 mission accomplished, Diana’s family completely ruined and Charles is in bed 🤣🤣🤣 she and her ex-husband must be having a drink and a laugh 🤣🤣🤣
Other than Camz using Diana’s sons, plus building on and taking advantage of the friction between them, what do you mean by saying, “Diana’s family is completely ruined.” I don’t see that. The Spencer family are historic royal-adjacent aristos and they are seemingly doing fine. Meanwhile, Harry & Meghan are carrying on Diana’s legacy regardless of the conflict and chaos happening within the royal firm, and no matter the constant attacks against H&M by salty isle nonces!
She took something someone else was doing (and financing) and attached her name to it. Seems average for what most of them do.
Let’s be honest, she probably predicted AND encouraged William’s implosion.
Libra, she does look relaxed and happy with no competition but I also believe she has had some Botox and a bit of fillers perhaps.
I definitely think she got Botox and fillers. I would also guess she had a thread lift. All are minimally invasive with almost no downtime/bruising etc. With Charles and Kate out of commission for at least 2-3 months, this would have been a good time to “freshen the face”. I’m NOT a fan of Cam but she has been going to events and not looking day/afternoon/evening drunk like Willy. By just showing up and not making huge gaffes and not making herself a national embarrassment, she makes Will look worse and worse. OR, maybe she is alternating every other vodka with a big glass of water. That would help some but definitely saw a good Derm with a light and talented needle.
That guy Kay, writing in the Mail, said she looked tired & wondered how much longer she could carry on under the burden. Misogyny, anyone?
@Lau Right? I have no doubt Camilla clocked William’s weakness many years ago. She has known he would crumble at the first sign of trouble.
Tom Hiddleston has been involved with 500 Words for quite a few years and has done several events promoting it where Camilla showed up too. It’s a nice program that encourages kids to write and the stories they tell are often touching or wildly entertaining. Creative projects for kids should always be encouraged.
Tom, Eddie Redmayne, and Harry Lloyd were all at Eton with William. None of them seem impressed.
This makes me like him more than I already do, and I adore him as Loki! This is just so cool, I can’t stand it.
Thanks @LightPurple for providing background on Tom Hiddleston’s advocacy for 500 Words. The literacy and creative writing program for kids is quite wonderful. 👏🏽 Camz’s support is a no-brainer, and an easy feather in her ‘feather-loving’ cap. 😉
Camilla relishes being the Queen Bee, the last (wo)man standing, because the sniping via her good friends in the trash papers helped her clear the way to getting the keys to Bucks House and a direct path to the throne.
All snark aside, happy for the kids that they got to experience an event at the palace with lots of famous people they know from TV. Luckily for them they have no idea yet of all the intrigues among the BRF.
She managed to dismantle her husband family from the inside to win her quest.
A commenter weeks ago said Camilla would have been an effective sniper, picking them off one by one until only she and Charles remain.
I was part of an organization call WriteGirl (Amanda Gorman was an alumni) and we did something like this every year. It was part of our screenwriting workshop. The girls would write a scene and the actors would perform it. We didn’t get Tom Hiddleston level of stars but we got a ton of television actors to do it. It helped that we were based out of LA. It was an absolutely delightful experience.
So, yeah, this is a great idea.
That said, it’s bonkers how Camilla is practically glowing as the royals implode around her. It like that meme of the little girl smiling as a house burn behind her.
❤️ WriteGirl ❤️
Goddammit, Hiddles.
I know this is his wheelhouse but I wouldn’t align myself with Queen OatBag at ALL right now.
Also LOL that William went to Eton with all these guys who are handsomer, more successful, and (I think) generally better people even though he’s the fUtUrE kInG, peasants!
He’s supporting the kids and the program; he’s been involved with it for years. Sometimes we have to be nice to those we don’t like to advance the projects we support.
@Lightpurple, you’re right. *le sigh*
Ughhh I hate when an actor I like has to be scrubbed from my future viewing, oh well.
For supporting a writing program for kids?
Of for goodness sakes-that’s just silly. He’s been very involved with the program for years. Do you expect him to snub the Queen because she’s there giving it visibility?!
I’d like to see her try this with adult British writers because 99% of them absolutely despise the RF. Then again, some might show up for the free booze at least. lol. Writers do love an open bar.
This is how William should be doing Earthshot and having a reception for the finalists at Buckingham Palace or Windsor, inviting some stars, and then announcing the winners. They could do it at the Royal Albert Hall if not Buckingham Palace. There is no need to fly to different countries every year.
England operates like the mafia. No matter how much someone personally insults you, you must still deal with them. Do any of them every decline an invitation? I understand this event but in general.
Camilla does not seem to trust black people/darker shade people. As a poc I wouldn’t take a picture with her. I would take a picture with Chuck and even (i don’t know how to describe the man) William. Camilla and I will throw Kate in there, I just couldn’t.
🎯 I don’t understand why any POC would pose with these fools.
Camilla seems to love surrounding herself with celebrities.
Who is the woman in green? She looks very familiar.
I love the color she’s wearing.
Also, the little girl in the dress and sneakers is beautiful!
(Sorry, can’t spare a kind word for Camilla. She continues to be terrible.)
I am predicting an end for mistress queen like Glenn Close in Dangereuse Liasons.😂😂😂
Great contest and a beautifully planned event. Kudos to Camilla and Charles’s team. Pictures of the winners! Winners featured in the event! The woman is showing William and Kate how “royalling” should be done. Camilla has chosen an area of interest where she can be authentic and believable.
Screams from keen (if she could)
Early yars are mine Camilla, mine I say 😉
Wow, there’s a person of color in every photo of Camz, someone is doing their job in her camp, see? no racists here.
To be fair, I would be glowing like that, too, if I got to meet Tim Hiddleston in person! Whatever else we can say about her, Camilla attaches herself to worthy projects, and she does seem to care about them. She also seems capable of handling basic conversations with people (e.g. she didn’t immediately blurt out that she hasn’t seen any of his films. Ahem, current president-of- BAFTA!).
^^ Sure Camz takes some interest in good projects that she can align herself with (such as osteoporosis advocacy because her mother suffered from the condition; reading clubs & literacy because that’s an easy win; and ironically domestic violence awareness advocacy 🙄). IMHO, Camz self-interestedly pretends that she deeply cares about such causes. My take is that she engages in on-the-surface caring for the optics.
I’d be surprised if work-averse Camz actually does a whole lot herself bts for the projects she supports. She has staffers who do all the nitty gritty grunt work to prep for her project-related public appearances. She is there for the cameras, the schmoozing, and the image-plumping.
LOL @Jay: “… she didn’t immediately blurt out that she hadn’t seen any of [Hiddleston’s] films.” 🤣
If we are comparing Camz’s efforts with Willy’s bloviating ineptitude, obviously, the bar is in hell! 🤦♀️ Thus, there’s not a whole lot Camz needs to do to win and come out ‘smelling like roses.’ 😉
May I just say that that’s the youngest I’ve seen her look in years. And years.
It’s the dress. She looks terrific 🙁