People are wondering if Eva Mendes will go to the Oscars with Ryan Gosling

Last week, “multiple reports” said that Ryan Gosling would be performing Best Original Song nominee “I’m Just Ken” at the Academy Awards on March 10. Ahhh, I can’t wait! Gosling was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor alongside America Ferrera for Best Supporting Actress. Given that this could potentially be a big Oscars year for him, people are starting to wonder/question/hope that his wife, Eva Mendes, will accompany him to this year’s ceremony. Eva and Ryan have a policy of not walking red carpets together. They’re also rarely papped together or with their daughters Esmerelda, nine, and Amada, seven. But given the circumstances of Ryan’s performance and nomination, and Eva’s very public support for her man’s role, it’s feeling like it could be a realistic possibility.

If Eva Mendes is ever going to be Ryan Gosling’s date to an awards show, seemingly this year’s Oscars would be the time to make that move. He’s not only nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Barbie, his third career nod, but he’s set to perform Best Original Song contender “I’m Just Ken,” which is just a little cup of everything to look forward to at the March 10 ceremony. But should Mendes continue to sit this one—i.e. awards season—out, it means nothing as far as the overall health of their decade-plus relationship. Rather…status quo, friends. Status quo.

Because, in case you hadn’t noticed in the almost 13 years the parents of daughters Esmeralda, 9, and Amada, 7, have been a couple, they don’t do red carpets. They last took a photo on one at the March 28, 2013, New York premiere of the film that brought them together, The Place Beyond the Pines.

And not that Mendes, who’s celebrating her 50th birthday March 5, was ever the most splashily out there of actresses, but once she and Gosling became an item she started paring back considerably on public appearances and rededicated her social media to business pursuits.

“Mami’s first fashion week in over 10 years!,” she posted to Instagram Feb. 24, along with a series of shots showing her all dolled up for Dolce & Gabbana’s show during Milan Fashion Week. “Yup, I haven’t gone to a fashion event since I’ve been a Mama. Time flies when you’re mommying.”

Of course, it’s not as if her 6 million followers haven’t been treated to an array of eye candy over the years, Mendes being a style and beauty icon, after all. But it was some time before she re-cracked the window into her private world. And that didn’t always go so well, people being awfully quick with a bad take or nasty comment in this day and age. Not usually one to wade into the fray, in early 2021 Mendes clapped back at a commenter who had speculated that she wasn’t posting much because she’d had “work done” and was unhappy with the results.

“I’m posting less because I really want to be present for my family,” the Hitch actress interjected. “My little ones need me and posting takes up too much time. As far as getting work done, I’ll do that whenever I please. But no, that’s not the reason. The reason is I personally cannot juggle family and social media.”

But Mendes has steadily opened up more about being a mom and is inclined to give Gosling—”Mi Hombre, Mi Vida, Mi Amor”—more public shows of support, as well.

[From ET Online]

So personally, I think that this is the year that Eva and Ryan will make an exception to their no red carpets rule, but I’m curious to hear where others stand. Eva’s been so vocal and outwardly proud of Ryan’s work in Barbie that I think if there was ever going to be a time they actually walk a red carpet together, it’s for this nomination in this role. And he’s performing “I’m Just Ken” live, for goodness sake! Plus, I feel like Eva, who is hands down one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, is itching to give us a good awards show fashion moment. Okay, well, maybe I’m projecting just a little bit with that last argument because I’m personally dying for a new Eva fashion moment, but my opinion still stands. That’s my prediction and I’m sticking to it.

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Photos credit: Backgrid, Cover Images, Getty and via Instagram

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29 Responses to “People are wondering if Eva Mendes will go to the Oscars with Ryan Gosling”

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  1. Jais says:

    I hope she goes and walks the carpet with him. I’ve always thought she was so beautiful. But she could also skip the carpet and just sit with him during the ceremony and see him perform.

  2. Glamarazzi says:

    I had no idea he was married to her. Given they’re both in the same profession, I find it kind of odd they have a policy of not supporting each other at awards shows. I wonder what’s behind that decision?

    • Thinking says:

      I think they like to keep their lives private. They probably don’t want to be one of those celebrity couples with a nickname (.ie Bennifer).

    • Amy Bee says:

      It’s not odd to me. They’ve always been a very private couple.

    • atlantababe says:

      how is she not supporting him if she’s not at awards shows? she is most certainly with their children, same when he works and vice versa, cannot get more supportive than that. some ppl like to keep their personal lives private and don’t need to use their relationship for PR purposes. she clearly doesn’t care for hollywood and has said as much.

  3. Mimi says:

    That’s just dumb. Y’all are not that important.

    • Thinking says:

      I don’t they’d become big like Bennifer or Brangelina , but I think keeping their lives private has worked out well for them. If they split up at some point, I’d be a little shocked. The private relationships, even among smaller celebs, seem stronger. I also think some people are better able to cope with intrusions into their personal lives (ie Jennifer Lopez). I don’t think most of us are that mentally strong, so I tend to think their policy makes sense.

      • Mimi says:

        I think it made sense when Eva Mendez was supposed to become the next Angelina (and we see how intrusive the paps are to Angie), but it never happened. So to have this sort of draconian approach (where you never walk the red carpet with your partner–the one you have 2 kids with) seems so overwrought to me.

      • Erin says:

        @mimi- I kind of feel the same way. When they first got together they were both young and more exposed. Ryan especially had a huge fandom following the Notebook but if they walked the red carpet now I don’t think anyone would make a big deal out of it. Anyone who would care already knows they are married with kids and neither are superstars, although Ryan has certainly had a surge in popularity since Barbie no doubt about it, but it’s kind of whatever.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        Am I remembering wrong. But I think when Ryan first hit big as an adult. That the paps followed him as much as they followed N’Sync. And all the other young guys. And after that is when he seemed to duck out of the public eye so much. Even in interviews and stuff he seems to be somewhat shy. Maybe she’s the same.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    I would love to see her on the red carpet, but going in a side door quietly to sit with him and watch him perform (and maybe win) would seem to be more their style. Who knows, maybe she will have a great watching party with their kids at home and text him pictures of what he is missing.

  5. ElleE says:

    I love Eva Mendes style, sassiness, and just general coolness. She’s the American glamour mom that we want to see on the red carpet.

    Eva could easily be a billionaire if she became a lifestyle influencer with her own products (I hope she never does-I like the mystery and her acting).

    • bananapanda says:

      She’s done collaborations with brand names – I remember a line of super cute dresses with NYC and Co a while back and, I think, a makeup line.

      • Abby says:

        Yes, NY & Co clothes, and I know for sure she had sunglasses because I had some! Maybe some shoes too.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I would love it but I think Eva won’t be there.

  7. BeanieBean says:

    My goodness, Eva is so pretty!

  8. sparrow says:

    Side note on this. Does anyone else like Last Night with Eva and Keira Knightley? It’s a small film but I really liked it years ago and then rewatched it recently. I don’t think it did that well. Perhaps not a huge critical reception score.

    • Korra says:

      Yes! It had Sam Worthington playing Keira’s husband who is cheating on her with Eva’s character, while Keira’s character gets entangled with a character played by Guillaume Canet (Marion Cotillard’s partner in real life). A film that went unnoticed in the early 2010s, but I remember enjoying it as well.

  9. Sass says:

    Disappointed in some comments here – while this is a gossip site, these two have always been private. It’s a personal choice and I’m honestly impressed not only by the choice but also how successful they’ve been at protecting themselves and their kids. Paps are ravenous and even if these two “aren’t that important” – I think that’s the idea. They LIKE it that way. They have seen how it is for other Hollywood couples and families and they’re not interested. Please note that they are keeping quiet about it and it’s everyone else who is speculating. They seem to have a more British minded approach to acting in that it’s a job to them like accounting. Obviously Ryan loves to perform and be a ham, he has since his Star Search days, but he’s also a grown man with a family and he’s learned from observing the mistakes and mistreatment of his fellow Mouseketeers.

    People will talk – I think they’re well aware of it. So they choose to give as little as possible. Good for them.

    • Green Desert says:

      This, @Sass. When these two first started dating there was SO much nasty gossip about them. Every other day there were rumors they were having problems or breaking up, and here we are 10+ years later. I think some of it was from people who were overly invested in Ryan with Rachel McAdams. I think Ryan and Eva made a choice to keep their relationship out of the spotlight because of the vitriol when they first got together. Also, we don’t even know what their daughters look like which is impressive.

      Eva clearly supports him by holding down the fort at home, and Ryan has said as much. She is a full-time mom and has some side hustles, but she seems to have largely left Hollywood behind. This seems to work for them. Maybe she’ll be at the Oscars and maybe she won’t be, but it doesn’t mean she’s not supporting him.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, I see this. Some people just don’t want to be up front and public in a together capacity that isn’t needed. There’s always this “but where’s the wife/husband, why aren’t they supporting by attending”. It’s a nudge nudge wink wink to problems in a relationship; really nasty. I actually wouldn’t want to go unless in my own capacity.

      • Abby says:

        People shipped Ryan and Rachel McAdams FOREVER even after they broke up, and I feel like there was a lot of meanness toward Eva when they first got together. Which is silly.

        I think she’s stunning, one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, and I’d love it if she made it on the red carpet. But I get why they’d want to keep their life together private.

  10. alexc says:

    I hope she attends. I remember her at the Golden Globes in that white dress and turquoise necklace – one of the best award looks EVER. She is gorgeous.

  11. tealily says:

    I think he’s going to be there! It just feels like the vibe.

    I can totally understand them not usually doing that though. Work is work.

  12. blue says:

    Eva is so gorgeous! I’d love to see her @ the Oscars but certainly understand & respect their decisions about privacy.

  13. Thinking says:

    He’s been in some high-profile relationships. I vaguely remember when everyone made a big deal about him dating Sandra Bullock.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen him on the red carpet with any of his previous girlfriends. Everyone talks about he dated Rachel McAdams but I can’t recall many awards shows pictures of them together, except for the one film they starred with each other together.

    Even though he’s very talented, he probably never expected to be nominated so many times. So maybe the dilemma of bringing her was not something he or she thought would extend long-term.

  14. julie jules says:

    jeez she’s gorgeous.

    I always feel this sudden little wave of sadness when I catch a pic of Eva which perplexes me for a sec till I realize I’m having an emotional flashback from Pines.

  15. KJ says:

    What’s she done to her face? Oh dear, she looked fabulous and now has that bloated look around the nose and under the eye area.