KP forced the MoD to remove a claim that Princess Kate would work in June

I genuinely love all of the conspiracies this week about the Ministry of Defense suddenly “confirming” that the Princess of Wales would lead a Trooping the Colour event in June. The MoD tweeted that out on Tuesday because they were trying to sell advance tickets to a “troop inspection” as part of the whole Trooping weekend in June. After the MoD tweeted it out, Kensington Palace freaked out and threw a tantrum about how THEY have not confirmed Kate’s appearance anywhere, thank you very much. KP was so mad, they made the Ministry of Defense delete all of their claims that Kate would be ready to make public appearances in June.

The army has removed a claim that the Princess of Wales will lead the Trooping the Colour event in June after she has returned to royal duties following abdominal surgery. The Ministry of Defence announced earlier on its website that Kate would lead the major royal event, which will take place on Saturday, June 8. The announcement was made because of Kate’s role as Colonel of the Irish Guards, which is the regiment trooping its colour this year.

But Kensington Palace did not confirm that the princess would be taking part, and the army did not ask royal officials for approval before publishing the notice.

Kate is continuing with her recovery after she had abdominal surgery at the start of the year, and is not expected to return to full royal duties until after Easter.

Later on Tuesday the army updated the event description to remove references to Kate.

[From LBC]

Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair underlined the point in her Vanity Fair coverage, that aides at KP “have not confirmed her attendance, pointing out that that information can only be confirmed by the palace.” Sources “close to Kate” also told Nicholl that Kate “is not being hurried into any official engagement and there is no pressure for her to return to work until she is fully fit. Much of the princess’s work with her Shaping Us campaign has continued while she is recuperating, and it is hoped that any canceled appearances will be rescheduled when she is well enough to return.” There’s so much hilarious stuff happening all at once – Shaping Us is just busywork designed around Kate’s laziness, so of course it’s “continuing” in Kate’s absence, because there’s no there there. It’s like a hamster on a wheel. Secondly, KP sources have been trying to dampen expectations about Kate AND William all week, like they’re both going to spend 2024 doing next to nothing.

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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182 Responses to “KP forced the MoD to remove a claim that Princess Kate would work in June”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    It seems like “after Easter” has slowly morphed into “You’ll be lucky to see her by Halloween.”

    • Carmen says:

      Or maybe they meant after Easter of 2025. Honestly, that woman is the biggest waste of space. From flop tours in the Caribbean to showing up empty-handed at a food pantry, everything she does is meaningless. She can’t even flip a pancake without mauling it to death.

      • Debbie says:

        Now, Now @Carmen. It takes a lo-o-ot of energy to show up in a chauffeured range rover, claw at the air making jazz-hands while grinning demonically at small children.

    • Laura says:

      Even if it was a serious surgery she’ll milk not having to work until Christmas for her piano recital.

    • SunnyDays says:

      It was such a colossal error for KP to specify “after Easter”. They should have been way more vague if they were not sure or just come out and said “she’s done, no more public life for Kate”. What’s their story going to be come April 1? It was pretty clear from that car photo that she will not be well enough to do anything anytime soon, and now they’ve confirmed that with this story about an appearance in JUNE. They are such fools and this is only going to get worse.

      • CC says:

        “April Fools! She was never sick!”

      • Underhill says:

        It was an error for them to say anything at all,and to make the unnecessary statement as dramatic and hostile and defensive as possible. Telling people “Don’t Look Over Here!!!” is good only if you want everyone to look over here.

      • Wednesday says:

        That was one of many mistakes. While they were implying that it would be after Easter….everyone just heard Easter. So it will be a thing when she’s not at the Easter service. And then the speculation will start up again. Kate’s work is not physically strenuous so if she still can’t work in April, May or June then people will talk. My family was away together over the weekend and this came up and NO ONE was buying what the Palace was saying. And these are people who do not follow this or care about the Royals at all.

      • Slush says:

        I wonder if they named Easter as a way to pressure her to not milk her time off?

      • Princessk says:

        Sounds like KP and BP are working against each other. The MoD must have been given the sign off by someone…..

    • Eurydice says:

      Just pointing out again that Orthodox Easter is May 5th. She’ll show up then in honor of King Constantine.

    • Sumodo1 says:

      She’ll be ready for Derby Day

      • No Horsilla will be ready for derby day that’s her thing. She will trot out in all her lovely livery flashing her blonde mane and her orthopedic wedge horse shoes. She will be a sight to behold😂.

    • Godiva says:

      I really think this is a mistake on the part of MoD. You OF COURSE confirm appearances and coordinate logistics w guests (including regularly appearing guests) BEFORE you announce their appearance. Bc otherwise you risk this. A very public roll back that makes it look like the MoD can’t do basic event management. Literally, it is globally known that this woman is sick. No one at the MoD thought to formally confirm before announcement? I think it’s unprofessional, but maybe I’m wrong?

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Nobody is putting this on MoD given the way KP has mismanaged their plans. Just days ago William didn’t show up when scheduled, so whose fault is this more likely to be.

      • kirk says:

        “Literally, it is globally known that this woman is sick.”
        Prove It!
        Kitty’s feeling well enough to do a pap run with Mama Middletoon in a car with 5-6 wheels to release to TMZ. Talk about “literally” being “sick.”
        Ooooh that stoopid stoopid Ministry of Defense! How utterly stoopid of MoD to interpret KP “guidance” on when Kitty will be available to “work” won’t be until March 31 (Easter) to mean that she would be available to “work” 2 1/2 months AFTER EASTER!

      • Carmen says:

        Whose fault do you think it is? Meghan’s! She worked roots on the royals and screwed the whole family up.

  2. Tessa says:

    When did kate ever have full royal duties

    • Agnes says:

      “There’s no there there” lolz that sums up the entire monarchy now that that QE2 is gone. At least that lil shorty showed up.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Kate is just not the intellectual type, to have enough spirit and thought for something big and great – as her husband, theyre unlike Diana and Meg and Harry. She’s just made to smile, inaugurate hospitals, cut ribbons, give awards, break wine bottles on ships to baptize them and show up at church. She should stop trying to compete with those that are out of her league and just be doing those types of events full time. Less stress, why not?

  3. Polo says:

    This is embarrassing!! One day I would like to wake up and find real critical analysis of this family all over British media. One day…….

    • EveV says:

      Its so pathetic, but I truly cannot even imagine seeing that. And I really don’t get it because they would sell so many more papers. Even the non-critical thinkers have got to be sick of always hearing how perfect everyone and everything is. Meanwhile, William’s calendar is more bare than his head and now Kate is calling out for events 3 months from now!!

  4. Jan says:

    Middletons and Cain butting heads.

  5. equality says:

    Still weird. She is well enough to ride around in a car now, but won’t be able to appear in June? It is looking more and more like PW is phasing her out of public life.

    • ML says:

      I finally saw the infamous proof of life photo on a Dutch site complete with tire treads and wheels spokes. The car wasn’t moving—so I now believe that most of you are right about this being a cruel way to pap K, if that was her, by the Middletons. Anyway, before I forget, she wasn’t riding around in that car per se. The car wasn’t moving.

      • Carmen says:

        You think that was Kate sitting in that car? The face shape, the eyebrows, the nose, and mouth and the hairline were all wrong. OTOH it was a dead ringer for Pippa, and Pippa wears those exact sunglasses.

      • Shawna says:

        Agreed, I think she was in no state to be photographed, which is why Carole is so angry. Carole groomed Kate mercilessly to be PoW, but feeling forced to parade a seriously ill daughter is another thing. Too bad they weren’t smart enough to come up with a better comms strategy.

        Meant as a response to Proud Mary.

      • Dee(2) says:

        @Carmen I don’t understand why people think this is Pippa. What reason does Pippa have to participate in this? She has her own family and kids. She’s married to someone who is wealthy enough( apparently) that she doesn’t need to sing for her supper from the royals the way her sister and apparently parents need to. She’s entrenched enough in that aristo set that I’m sure she’s not going to be isolated. We haven’t seen or even heard “sources” mentioning them doing anything together for years. I mean Occam’s Razor, why would Pippa even be involved?

      • equality says:

        @Dee(2) Because in the long run this is her sister and mother who requested her to participate? Why did she give up a career as a tv presenter to avoid embarrassing the royals? The royals are still highly influential with the media, government, etc.

      • Becks1 says:

        She also wasn’t good as a TV presenter, lol.

        I def think that was Kate in the car. She looked like hell, even as grainy as it was, but it was Kate. the nose did not look like Pippa’s, at all. Or the hair.

      • Dee(2) says:

        @Equality didn’t her run with Pippa Tips and trying to be a TV presenter happen before she married her husband? I think she was much more entrenched back then because she hadn’t secured her own bag. Maybe I’m wrong but have we seen her in public closely and not at the coronation or something like that with her sister since she went to Wimbledon with her and Meghan? I think she’s noped out of this shit show a long time ago because she doesn’t need her sisters connections anymore.

      • K-Peace says:

        I really don’t think that was Kate in the car. That was Pippa. When i looked at it, my brain immediately registered “Oh that’s Pippa.” It didn’t look like Kate AT ALL. I think something HORRIBLE is going on with Kate and for whatever reason, Carole convinced Pippa to help them out/do them a favor and she did it. The Middletons haven’t announced that it was actually Kate in the car, right? So they could always say “We never said it was Kate!” if it ends up exposed or whatever. I really do wonder if Kate is even alive, and if she is, i wonder what state she is in. This is all just so bad.

      • Underhill says:

        K-Peace: I agree with you. My instant gestalt was: that’s not her. The question arises: Who would do that and why? Who would put up a fake Kate (presumably because Kate couldn’t show up). It looks like it is Ma Midd’s photo op, and photo shop maybe. Because that pic IS photo shopped. If it’s not Kate (I am still not sure if it is or not) then Ma Midd may have a different opinion of Kate’s prospects for a full recovery than KP does. William is already counting her out, which suits his purposes for separation and eventual divorce — But Ma Midd isn’t willing to do that yet. Hope springs eternal in a mother’s heart. She sure is looking grim, though. That is one possible theory, fwiw (which is not much) to present a counter to all those who believe that picture if true and are pretty sure it’s Kate…

      • Jaded says:

        @Carmen – it’s not Pippa. Doesn’t look anything like her and Pippa doesn’t see much of Kate now anyway (small wonder). She wouldn’t involve herself in a farce like this in any event. It was Kate but she appears to have gained some weight (much needed BTW). The photo was obviously staged and photoshopped but whoever did it made some egregious errors which, to our commenters’ combined credit, were identified almost immediately. This whole thing is a Middleton farce in the face of all the “is she still alive” conspiracy theories and an clear threat to William who appears to be the cause of all this unholy mess.

      • equality says:

        All that is obvious about the picture is that it was seriously photoshopped. Other than that it could have been taken anywhere or any time of Kate or Pippa (which wouldn’t require her cooperation). Some of the obvious “mistakes” in photoshopping may have been done on purpose to distract from other things that were photoshopped, (like altering so that the person looked puffy and unwell). It doesn’t really prove anything. The assumption would be that Kate isn’t dead or on the verge of death if they are getting brave enough to offer some proof of life, but for all our speculation, that would be about all that could be drawn from it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Two things can be true at once: I do not believe that person we saw in the image with the swollen droopy face is well enough to be riding around in a car; and I also believe that her husband has moved on.

      • equality says:

        That was a choice though. Releasing a thank you for the cards would have been a better choice if recovery is still touch-and-go.

      • Charlene K Brooker says:

        It appears to be Kate and I agree she looks swollen and kind of out of it even with sun glasses on. She and William have not got along for a long time, but I don’t think he will leave her. He is weak man.

    • I agree with her being phased out and divorced.

    • Tara says:

      I kind of wonder if she did not need a colectomy due to ulcerative colitis or crohns? May she is really worried about a leaking ostomy?

      • AC says:

        Agree with Susan above.
        In my opinion, the bankrupt Mids have no power whatsoever. I’m a bit more convinced (that I think) W wants a divorce. He wants the freedom to re-marry and find a partner that could give him a power couple status. The way he’s been hanging out with HW celebs lately, it’s also making those connections to find someone(lolZ). They’re also desperately trying to control the narratives in SM to try to save his rep and even talking more than usual to the US press.
        This is all Going back to wanting what H has.

    • Jacqueline Thurman says:

      It’s seems William wants out of the marriage. So Kate isn’t going to “work” anymore. She’ll get millions. Live in the country. Enjoy the fact that one day George will be King.

  6. sevenblue says:

    Imagine fighting with the literal army. lols.

    • Polo says:

      IMAGINE!! They are making it more of a bigger deal than it needed to be. They are so freaking arrogant I can feel it oozing from their statements. It’s insane.

    • Agnes says:

      Hahahahaha Billy Idle may someday be their commander in chief, what a joke. How can the Brits put up with those fools?

    • Jais says:

      Right? They’re so mad at ….the MoD? I’m sure they kept hearing Easter and just assumed she’d be there.

  7. Mslove says:

    The Wails won’t return to their duties, such as they are, until Chuck passes, IMO.

  8. Pinkosaurus says:

    This is really indicating to me that William is 100% running the KP comms. He wants Kate to disappear from public awareness and is going to decide when and how she will appear in the future. I don’t know if that’s because she’s in no condition to work or he wants to lock her in a closet until everyone forgets she exists and he doesn’t have to interact with her anymore.

    KP’s terrible, antagonist and demanding press strategy is totally William’s style. Every statement from his team sounds exactly like him shouting and having a tantrum because how dare the public (peasants) funding him ask questions or tell him what to do?!? 😡😡😡

    Shame on Kate’s new personal secretary. No one on the team is speaking for her or representing her interests.

    • Proud Mary says:

      After all you say about William’s tantrums, you still expect some lowly personal secretary, of Kate’s no less, to override him? I definitely echo your sentiment that he’s moved on from Kate. Whether that means an actual divorce is in the works, remains to be seen. But I think he definitely doesn’t want her in public anymore.

      • Cheshire Sass says:

        William has been studying the English dynastic history books as reference on how to make your troublesome wife disappear the royal way

      • Lauren says:

        Hmm maybe Will’s personal matter was the birth of a child to a mistress and that’s why Kate isn’t doing anything to appease the public and she is sick with something. Just a crazy theory.

      • SueBarbri33 says:

        Lauren–I don’t think that theory is crazy at all. Kate may or may not be ill, but even if we remove her issues from the picture, William is still acting strange. A new baby with his mistress is a simpler and better explanation than everything we’ve heard from KP so far.

    • Concern Fae saw says:

      Someone is surely writing a Princess in the attic thriller right now.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I’m not romanticizing Kate’s situation. I’m saying the incredibly incompetent messaging sounds exactly like William and is indicative of what his current goals are.

    • Lulu says:

      I think Chuck has tried to temper Wills stupidity but he has decided to let William sink or swim . so far no swimming

    • Agnes says:

      Bulliam’s press releases should be in ALL CAPS.

  9. Nubia says:

    Sell tickets? These royal street parties people have to pay to attend?

    • SarahCS says:

      That was news to me. I thought you just showed up and hoped for a good spot.

      • anotherlily says:

        If this link works it shows the original advertisement. There are two Reviews prior to the official ceremony.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Thank you @anotherlily for sharing that link. The original advertisement – per the link you shared was presumably done in 2023 since it mentions tickets will be available for sale in 2024. It also lists Kate’s appearance to be Saturday, June 8th 2023!

        The LBC mentions that the MoD noted Kate’s appearance earlier-they didn’t say earlier on Tuesday morning. Not being someone who checks out the MoD’s website, earlier can absolutely mean they posted the same info the changing-guard site did in 2023 and then updated their site to reflect new information.

        I didn’t know people had to pay go to this stuff either. Also, not someone interested in going to this stuff either. Maybe if H&M were involved. England isn’t on my list of places to visit. Scotland and Ireland are more appealing.imo

    • BeanieBean says:

      There’s the parade, from the Horse Grounds to BP; then there’s the actual ‘trooping’ part, which is at the horse grounds. You need tickets for that. And actually, it’s the trooping part followed by the parade, in that order.

  10. ML says:

    At the very least, KP needs to hire an effective communications guru yesterday. In the Dutch-language news, Kate is due back around Easter. This will probably be updated at some point to Trooping, June or whatever, but my point is that the expectation is that K would be able to return sooner is what KP initially communicated.
    At some point, the news agencies going with K not coming back at Easter will need to print that. The question will be why she can’t.
    And we haven’t touched on William. He’s not been mentioned much. And there still has been absolutely no explanation as to why he hasn’t been able to work or commit to appearances. He’s young. His wife and kids are in safe hands. Most of the firm is elderly. His father is ill. What is going on?

    • Harper says:

      Will is probably on his annual ski trip with his buds and that’s why he’s AWOL again. This is around the time of year when he was caught dad dancing in Verbier, and I also suspect it’s why Camilla hoofed it out of town as well. She’s been having a good 2024 sticking it to Wills with her transparency. Will must be so mad that his secret break has been interrupted having to deal with Kate things.

  11. Cessily says:

    At this rate these two will have destroyed any good will the Monarchy has left before the end of the year.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      There are still actual humans on social media defending this mess. They are in total denial. This is all INSANE. Forget how anyone feels about Meghan and Kate for a second. The way this is playing out is all so bizarre and wheels off. How is it deniable?

      Oh, and she’s working, is she? So WHY TF aren’t we getting statements from her desk that make it seem like Catherine is able to talk and communicate. How about a nice thank you to the public? How about some nice profiles of her patronages? Anything to make it look like Kate is in fact working and still a member of the royal family.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        It’s pathetic to see those people defending the monarchy, even if some of them are literally paid shills, not all are.

        But then people are still donating to Donald Trump.

        Absolutely pathetic.

      • Liz says:

        I agree snaggletooth. There are people who’ll believe their bs and those people are beyond naive

  12. Ariel says:

    It seems like William / always a tyrant, has been waiting for power since he was born, now he’s one step away and his father is ill, and he’s chomping at the bit to go full tyrant,
    He wants to control every thing.
    Only he can confirm a June engagement, he doesn’t need to show up for a memorial service at which he is scheduled to speak / you can’t make big boy will speak!! He’s in charge!!!- it just all seems so petty and worthless.

    What is the point of the monarchy?

    They’ve proven themselves antiquated, racist, unable to change with the times, petty, vindictive, small minded, and intellectually dull.

    What is there to look up to (besides racists enjoying racism?)???

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I agree and we are only at the beginning of the William spectacle. It’s already pretty grim. For some reason I’m remembering that 10 minute appearance at a church for the anniversary of Charles’ coronation. Up until last winter he was vaguely trying to fake it. This is the year even that weak effort stops and we get to see Wills in technicolor. Not a pretty picture.

      • Underhill says:

        Harry gave us the true picture of William, Petty Tyrant and Breaker of Dog Bowls.

  13. Belli says:

    So it’s one of two things:

    The army took the palace briefing at their word that she’d be back by Easter (isn’t that what the snappy briefing to Page Six last week said?) so June would be totally fine.

    Kate and William are really operating separate comms now. The Middleton side briefed the army that she’d be there and now William is trying to shut it down.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Color me naïve, but William and Kate are a married couple — why are they not communicating on these things? I recall, when the Sussexes were working royals, some palace leaked story about how Harry and Meghan would coordinate their schedules on a daily basis; something to the effect of: He makes coffee in the morning, then they sit down and go over their diaries together. Why is it normal for the Wales to not be communicating directly?

      • SarahCS says:

        Because they don’t live together and can\’t stand to be near each other.

      • Jaded says:

        Because they are estranged. He treats her badly enough in public, can you imagine what he’s like in private? Their marriage is over in all but name and he caused her disappearance one way or another, if you read between the lines.

      • Hnf says:

        By now we almost know William doesn’t want Kate in public anymore and he wants her erased by way of illness or whatnot. My question is: Why? She did what was asked of her all these years (I don’t care about her, in fact I despise the RF), she gave him 3 kids, she had no voice of her own (wills would like that I guess), she just showed up and looked beautiful. What else does he want from a wife-to-be-queen? Kate doesn’t seem like the type to question him, she probably put up with all his affairs, tantrums etc…yet he is the one wanting her out. This baffles me. Appearances is everything to them, Kate was perfect for appearances and I don’t think he is madly in love with someone else, he is not capable of that either IMO. He is just self-sabotaging or there are some other factors that we can’t possibly speculate on, like some globalist elitist cultish control, I wouldn’t know but things seem to be far from what we can imagine like divorce, mental illness, domestic violence etc.

    • sevenblue says:

      I agree. Everyone was saying Easter, we said Easter. So, why should the army ask them again to confirm the date? Are they even reachable, looking at the wide hole of competent PR team? And, why would people buy tickets just to watch Camilla and other old people? Of course, the army put her pic to generate ticket sales. RF could cancel it a few days before the event if Kate didn’t feel like going outside yet. But, no, they had to create another messy PR work.

      • Jais says:

        Watching KP publicly slap down the MoD and accuse them of jumping the gun is wild. William is not making friends or allies that’s for sure. Easter is end of March and they assumed she’d be good by June. It’s KP’s fault for not looking ahead to anything planned and letting people privately know it might happen. This is on KP but they’re publicly calling out the military. Such a bad look.

      • MaryContrary says:

        This exactly. William’s petulance combined with incompetent PR.

    • Princessk says:

      Maybe BP gave the MoD the go ahead.

  14. atlantababe says:

    her pr is so bad at this. i rlly wanna know when she will be seen again or what this is all about.
    the royal family is in shambles and they all look lazy as fuck and i wonder if the brits esp. the ones who are pro monarchy will finally get fed up with this or if they’ll be making excuses.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Saying she is in fact working from bed/home is really really shortsighted because it begs the question of why she can’t be communicating more. They don’t think more than one step ahead.

      • Jaded says:

        As soon as one fire is put out with some very obvious lying, a new and larger fire pops up. PR management by panic response.

    • Scorpio says:

      It’s not his PR team. It’s him.

      It’s not Kate being AWOL it’s Willy being AWOL.

      Everyone needs to start looking at how bizarre this is. The fact that the press turned a blind eye to swaying man who had lost a ton of weight and who frankly looked like he was going to hurl is insane.

      When the dam breaks, it’s going to be bigger than tampon gate.

  15. MoBiMom says:

    The thing that seems to have changed recently is that no one appears to be protecting William from himself anymore. What we are now seeing from KP is pure William (and it is a sight to behold), with BP backing away and, whenever possible, constructing big, red, metaphorical arrows pointing to what William is doing. Amazing!

  16. LadyE says:

    ” it is hoped that any canceled appearances will be rescheduled when she is well enough to return” LOLOL pretty sure Trooping the Colour cannot be “rescheduled” to fit Kate’s schedule

  17. Just jade says:

    It’s like watching a car driving away while the tires are coming off.

  18. Digital Unicorn says:

    She’s being phased out of the public eye in prep for a divorce announcement being made soon enough – he’s cracking up under the pressure and something’s gonna give. At this point am not sure he cares what people think of divorcing her while she’s recovering – its clear that he wants out of the marriage and the whole clan out of his life. The Mids won’t have the control they think they have over the children either – the Windsors will make sure they are kept close to them.

    There is clearly an agreement in place with the UK media that stops them reporting on Kate AT ALL and I think he’s got an injunction against the press reporting on anything to do with her which is why she and Ma went to the US press.

    I don’t think we’ll make it to Easter as whatever is going to break is going to break soon.

    • MoBiMom says:


    • Concern Fae saw says:

      And he doesn’t see that these shenanigans are making things worse, not easing the way. He’s making it clear something is wrong. When people find out it’s the marriage, it’s all going to rebound back on him.

      Finally got Endgame from the library. Finished it last night. Charles and Diana were “able” to divorce because they had let everyone know how unhappy they were. W&K have kept such a lid on their troubles that not even Scobie could write about it. If they separate, I don’t know what will happen. The royalist nuts will support fully “Never liked that Kate. Not classy like Melania.” But normies and a lot of Kate fans will become enemies, just like with Diana.

      • equality says:

        Do Kate fans really care that much about her? Most seem to care more about hating Meghan or are simply obsessed with what she wears. If PW replaced her with someone more fashionable, most would probably forget Kate.

      • Jais says:

        I think a lot of people in the UK might be shocked if it ever came out that they were separated or divorcing bc they’ve been billed as a perfect family couple. Some wouldn’t be shocked but a lot would. And I think Kate would get a lot of sympathy. But sympathy can be eroded over time if that’s what the palace and the press want.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Melania, classy?? I don’t want to get banned from here, so I’ll put a lid on what I want to say about that “escort”.

      • Underhill says:

        Will the Katestans kick up a fuss when William dumps her? As long as he gets them a new Royal Barbie to admire, they’ll be fine. Maybe Rose Barbie, I don’t know.

      • L84Tea says:

        @Underhill, I know this much–there are a few Instagram Kate stans who dress like her on a daily basis that I suspect will completely melt down if they divorce. Then you’ve got all the Meghan haters who will then blame Meghan for it happening.

      • Bren says:

        The she-will-be-queen stans are still holding on strong with denial. Some are now irritated with how William handled the PR around her illness after what happened on social media last week.

      • Becks1 says:

        Well, we’ve been told that William doesn’t pay attention to social media, he focuses on his work (cough BS cough).

        But lets just spin that – he doesn’t pay attention to social media when it comes to his persona life, he needs to focus on his children and what’s right for them.

        The RRs and such will fall in line bc they’ll get a lot of mileage out of a Wales divorce, and then by the time the dust settles, they can write about William dating, Kate dating, and then in a few years, George dating.

    • EasternViolet says:

      This is how I am reading the tea leaves as well. And to you point, I think Kate confirmed with the MOD that she would be appearing for the trooping event, as a way of bypassing Wills control of the comms team… but he was able to shut that down.

    • L84Tea says:

      Agreed. I think a divorce is coming. Eventually.

  19. The Duchess says:

    It’s evident to me now that William is dictating when and if his wife will ever emerge to public life again. If she can get into a car for a pap stroll, then surely she’s well enough to sit in a carriage and be carted around London to wave at the peasants, no? This is definitely William going rogue and nobody is there to talk him down and to take control. It’s a monster they have all had a hand in creating. He is eager to ship her off and pretend she never existed. I can’t say I’m surprised. He has looked at her with utter distain for the past decade.

    All of this is happening and we still haven’t had actual confirmation about what exactly ails Keen. I still believe she has suffered from some sort of breakdown, which has either resulted in surgery or a withdrawal from public life so she can undergo some intense therapy. I just can’t fathom her being willing to not be seen for so long if she was completely fine. It’s just not in her nature.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Total disaster. I’ve been on this site saying I didn’t see a divorce, but I gotta change my take now. However it happens, my money is on late June/July ( around his birthday) for some kind of announcement that retires her from the public.

      As horrible as she has behaved as a human being, she is getting a taste of her own medicine now and that can’t be fun.

    • Proud Mary says:

      “I just can’t fathom her being willing to not be seen for so long if she was completely fine. It’s just not in her nature.” I agree; Kate sitting out Meghan’s headline-grabbing appearance in Canada was strong evidence that she was seriously ill. Remember what she did during Invictus? I think that people who keep trying to fit her public absence into one neat box are wrong. I just don’t think that there’s one simple answer here. It’s possible William wants out, but I don’t think that’s the sole cause of her absence. I mean, he’s been treating her like shite for quite a while. I think that picture really shows a seriously ill woman, especially if that’s what she looks like after 2 months of rehab. I’m inclined to believe that it’s her.

  20. Becks1 says:

    I mean……this is just a mess. KP would have been better served to have said NOTHING right now and then in a few weeks (around Easter) issued the statement that her recovery was delayed or something. I guess the issue is the ticket sales though?

    anyway this just confirms what some RRs were speculating back in January, that Kate wouldn’t be back for Trooping and it just begs the question – why? either she is using this surgery as an excuse for an extended vacation, the surgery was much more significant than we were told, or William does not want her there. Or maybe some combination of those three.

    Messy messy messy.

    • LadyE says:

      What exactly does she do at Trooping? Is it expected that she’d walk and look at the troops (guessing that’s what inspecting means)? I honestly suspect she has a colostomy bag and won’t do events where she can’t be in a car/shielded from full view. If reconnection is not advisable until at least 6 months, this would make sense of the timing of her ‘recovery’

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m not sure because this is the first year (I think) that she’s the colonel of the regiment being “trooped.” In past years other royals inspect their regiments a few days prior to the actual Trooping (that’s the June 8 date that’s getting discussed, I think?) and then the full on parade is June 15.

        Usually the royal whose regiment is getting “trooped” rides a horse as part of the procession but we’ve never seen Kate on horseback so I would not expect that from her regardless of surgery. I dont know if she would wear a uniform? I feel that would go over like a lead balloon.

        People here have said you can conceal a colostomy bag (think of her red cape dress) so even if she has to walk there may be a way around it.

        But the inspection aside – she can’t ride in a carriage and then appear on the balcony? Or even just the balcony appearance?

        Something is rotten in the state of Denmark here.

      • lanne says:

        But Kate is allergic to horses—she doesn’t ride. So it’s still a matter of her either sitting in a car driving past, or walking past. If she want up to walking by then she could be driven past. So it’s not like she has to perform a song and dance. Her presence is still passive.

      • LadyE says:

        Yeah, my dad has a colostomy bag and you can definitely conceal it (it’s actually easier for women, imo, bc belts and tucking in shirts can block bag), but I can say from his experience that I do really understand how uncomfortable and self-conscious someone might feel out in public at first. My dad’s totally fine now because he’s confident it can’t be seen, won’t leak, etc, but it took a while for him to be comfortable going to places (like restaurants or grandkid school stuff) where he felt like he couldn’t leave quickly if something happened. None of that is to say Kate can’t appear or at least be on the balcony. Ofc she can, but I do wonder if she’s mentally just not there yet because she doesn’t have confidence it will not be noticed (all assuming this is what’s going on, which I may be totally wrong about!).

      • BeanieBean says:

        However the aging late QEII did it is how Kate could do it. I’m thinking she won’t still be married by then.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate was colonel of the Irish guards last year because she was already colonel for last years st Patrick day event. That’s the one where she gave a speech and William made faces and they gave each other nasty looks.

        So for trooping she didn’t do anything but wear that green outfit. She will never ride a horse anyway. She has no training and riding a horse in a large crowd isn’t recommended if you don’t have the skills.

        So there is no reason for her not to sit in a carriage and then stand at the balcony in June.

      • Feeshalori says:

        She absolutely should be able to perform these functions in a limited way. And she can prop up against the balcony rail which is always her most favorite place.

  21. Amy Bee says:

    I keep saying this but KP is just bad at PR. Why didn’t they tell the MoD that a decision about Kate going would be made closer to the event? They can’t be mad with the MoD if they failed to notify them of the change in Kate’s comeback.

  22. M says:

    Kate’s had almost 2 full months (that we know about) to recover. Easter is in 25 days. If that was Kate in the car, there is no way she’ll be fit for public appearances by then.

    • Proud Mary says:

      My sentiments precisely. I think the is-it-her-or-her-sister debate is a distraction, and is missing the important issue: If that person pictured is Kate, and if that’s what she looks like after a two-month recovery, how is she returning for Easter, trooping, or ever?

    • sarah says:

      If it were a faked Kate (which I don’t believe) that would mean the real Kate would be in *worse* shape. So either way…

  23. alors says:

    Two (three) years ago, we were all commenting on how seemingly horrible Monaco was with Princess Charlene’s illness and absence: They told us she had an ear infection and needed surgery in South Africa. She updated her Instagram from South Africa. Albert went to visit her and the two of them took photos together. Then the Palace said Charlene was coming back from South Africa, but going to spend some time recovering in Switzerland. All that time, we (yes, WE) had something to say about how badly the Palace was handling things. But compared to what’s going on in the House of Windsor???

    • equality says:

      LIke you say, at least Charlene had her Instagram that she posted on and Albert gave proof of life (with clear photos) and of visiting her with the children.

    • sid says:

      Raggedy Albert wanted to keep up the facade of that marriage being okay. Willileaks doesn’t and no longer cares about keeping up the facade on his own marriage. Hence the completely different approaches. A mess. A big raggedy mess.

  24. Eowyn says:

    Why would anyone believe that this person had surgery? How can people be so naive? I can’t believe the level of speculation on surgeries and symptoms. It’s daft. Let’s look at what we know to be true. The royals are given an enormous amount of taxpayers money to show up to charities and state functions, and they’re not very good at it. Celebrities are supposed to entertain and excel at selling us media, content, products. The royals are bad celebrities. End of story.

    • Brailler says:

      I know, right? Everyone seems to be taking it at face value that Kate had surgery just because the palace said so. I don’t believe it one bit. Something is going on — but it was never surgery. (Just like people take it for granted she had HG during her pregnancies. She had severe morning sickness with nausea and vomiting. That’s not HG.)

      • Liz says:

        Brailler – many thought she used a surrogate. The morning sickness was to make it sound more real. And get sympathy/time off.

  25. Lau says:

    They’re like “we are giving you this blurry photo that totally shows Kate being driven around, is that not enough ?!”

    • Proud Mary says:

      Haaaa, love how Jezebel called it the Loch Ness monster picture. As someone else said yesterday, they’re like, “here you go, now leave us alone.” Right KP, the interwebs is not a party to your invisible contract.

      • Lau says:

        They really thought that one Loch Ness monster picture would calm things down but look, the Lock Ness monster conspiracies are still a thing nowadays, they’re not about to get away from the faKate conspiracies.

  26. MaryContrary says:

    I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt: it was a very serious surgery, she’s got months of recovery, if that was a school run, she’s trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy for her kids so going with Grandma when she drops them off, she’s also extremely vain so maybe she thinks she’ll still be bloated and swollen and uncomfortable at Easter, so she’s backing off from that date. All of that said-just cancel that right before. Show a picture or short snippet of her with the kids, maybe at home, sitting down looking at get well cards, and say she’s still going to need a little more time to recover. Don’t draw attention to the possibility that she won’t be well enough in June. Or be more transparent and give more information about what it is she’s recovering from. It’s bizarre to watch them continuously fumble their communications.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      MaryContrary, we’ve had people here who really sound like they know what they’re talking about, who have said that the car was photoshopped to the location shown. They said the inside of the car had not been photoshopped except for the grainy image of KHate. Someone added the grain. Also, the car is parked and not moving.

      All that the photo did was to raise more questions.

      • Christine says:

        Apparently they learned nothing from their Wails family Christmas card debacle.

      • MaryContrary says:

        I saw that-and I don’t disagree. I’m just going with what they’re doing at face value and assuming that it’s not anything crazy or conspiracy adjacent. I just mean from a simple pr standpoint, the incompetence is stunning.

  27. Juliana says:

    Kitty needs more time to recover from that facelift. She’ll be out and about by July/August on vacation and not in any offical capacity.

  28. Sugary says:

    Ugh these two. You know, for all the talk about how the Queen was just a figurehead, the institution sure seems to be falling apart without her.

  29. Underhill says:

    Prince William: “Will no one rid us of this troublesome wife?”

    • Interested Gawker says:


      Are we ever have a straightforward explanation of what is going on with these people?
      It’s long past time for Kate and the children to be seen video, not a still photograph, of a verifiable recent date for a well check and PROOF OF LIFE. Chewing round the edges of this for two months with a ridiculous single TMZ photo KP disavowed is unacceptable.

      • Underhill says:

        Just not Lying and Gaslighting would be a good start, a better look for them.

      • Harper says:

        When we talked about proof of life I think we were referring to proof Kate was animated and we’d get at least a wave and a weak smile. That photo we saw? It says nothing about how she is doing. She could have been wearing a bathrobe and slippers and had the drool just wiped off her chin. She could have tilted over to the side two seconds after the shutter snapped. If that was the most they could give us after two months of recovery then I’d say things are not going well for Kate.

  30. Mary Pester says:

    All I can think is that Billy idol is permanently pissed. What idiot takes on the mod when they are supposed to be the next commander in Cheif. Let’s face it, he’s no longer got anyone’s respect, even the paps are gently starting to call him out! And all these so called friends 😂😂😂maybe he should admit the only friends he has, are the Palace toads who brief the media as “a close friend of Williams”, yeah we heard all that shit from knaph and case and it’s still happening. Willy, WE DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING ANYMORE, so stop the stupid briefs, get a clever staff to run your office and your life, or, are you of to Balmoral, to sober up and GET A GRIP

    • Jais says:

      That’s the part that I cannot get over @mary pester. William is publicly calling out the mod when it’s his poor communication and planning that caused this. They’ve got be annoyed with him. At best, he could have said apologies to the mod but we’re not sure if Kate will be well enough then. Instead he’s briefing them as jumping the gun and making them look foolish.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I bet they are annoyed with him – but they can’t get rid of him (and he knows that).

      • Agnes says:

        That’s his standard operating procedure: blame it on the other guy. What a terrible leader he’s make.

      • Jais says:

        Terrible leader fr. It’s such a dick move, omg.

      • mary Pester says:

        @JAIS, WHEN would the incandescent one ever use the word apologies lol, JAIS your attributing him with the manners that you and I as adults would use. He’s still stuck with the mental development of a five year old. The buffoon has never done anything for himself. I’m beginning to wonder if artificial insemination was used for the children 😏

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Mary Pester, and the UK is putting in a bid for IG for 2027? Does anyone think that this makes it look appealing?

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate working on “Shaping Up” is as unbelievable as the myth that the Wales were ever a perfect couple.

    Reality is going to crash hard into the made-up narrative, and it’s starting now. Hence the chaos.

  32. sparrow says:

    Having seen yesterday’s photos, I think they should just stop with the planning and let Kate recover at her own pace. She’s in a ghastly way, if that image was authentic. It seems like her staff is desperate to put timelines all over the place, in order to keep her relevant, but really the kindest thing they could do is just stop. The best thing of all, rather than the silence and date moving, would have been for William to keep her present in the public’s eye by updating, in a general way, and thanking people for their kind wishes. Why doesn’t he just man up and deal with it gracefully, for her sake.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      “Why doesn’t he just man up and deal with it gracefully, for her sake.” – Because he’s a deeply selfish person who is used to people catering to him (and never him catering to the needs of another person).

      • sparrow says:

        Do you know, ArtHistorian, I don’t think he’s ever grown up properly. There’s a lot of infantilisation in that family. Thing is, he’s looking really ill himself – lots of weight loss. Who knows what’s going on.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      sparrow, just wandering what she would look like if she was wearing makeup. Some foundation and blush could be what’s missing.

  33. Colleen says:

    I am the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist….but this is getting really weird. Have the kids been seen since the “emergency, planned” surgery was announced? Why not? If she’s fine why not? Plus William and his swaying and bailing out on everything. OK, this is nuts – if I’m going to get on the conspiracy wagon – I’m going to go all in –

    What if she passed away? And all this is subterfuge to delay and confuse ahead of the inevitable announcement. It would explain the lack of Middleton sightings (mom), lack of kid sightings, visible ODD behavior of William etc….just sayin.

    • Liz says:

      Possible. Keep moving the goalposts and then announce a sad and sudden deterioration.

    • Underhill says:

      I was believing that they were hiding something, that she had an incident post op that led to her being on life support, or had had a bad stroke, or some such. That picture, even if it is her, does not rule out the latter idea, that she had a stroke as a complication of her surgery. I don’t know. They just should quit lying to everyone. Not saying anything is better than lying. The Old Queen was right.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Given the way they’ve managed this, at this point it would be easier to believe that than that all is as they say.

      I’m beginning to wonder if she even had surgery.

  34. Over it says:

    But June is after Easter,
    Way after so the MOD was perfectly justified in saying what they said. Kate and william are spoiled , lazy as f and coddled like new born babies. The fact that these two lazy f gets millions of taxpayer pounds yearly for doing f all blows my mind. Meanwhile their are families struggling to
    Maintain the basics and these two just don’t give a flying f how they come across and the British media continues to normalize this nonsense and refuses to say how wrong it is. All I hear is Kate needs privacy and time to recover. William needs time to sit by her bedside while she recovers. All the while regular folks would never be allowed this kind of grace . I am sorry but I have zero sympathy for William or Kate and total disgust for them and the way the British media continues to let them get away with it .

  35. Lulu says:

    This is the first time I realized there are 2 trooping’s.

  36. yupyup says:

    What happened with the big roll out about supporting the military?

    • BorealOwl says:

      same thing that happened to ending homelessness, creating peace in the Middle East, solving climate change, etc etc

  37. Tillie says:

    Just wondering if now that Kate Middleton has emerged if that means she’s seen her shadow and we will get 6 more weeks of wiglets

  38. Here for the Fall of the British Empire says:

    I’m sorry, but I believe Harry and he named Camilla as the ultimate villain in this story, and she’s got fast work to do if she’s going to stay in power after Chuckles bites the dust.

    What are the chances she’s named Regent over George when it’s revealed what exactly William did to Kate and he’s deemed unacceptable to wear the Crown?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “In a funny way I even wanted Camilla to be happy. Maybe she’d be less dangerous if she was happy.”
      Prince Harry

      Maybe it was never just a rivalry with Di, maybe Cam’s revenge was focused solely upon QEII (and Anne…? Anne was romantically linked with APB…) and wrecking the House of Windsor🤔

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Here for the Fall of the British Empire, I think Anne would be a good person to have as Regent. She would get things done and she would work for the Monarchy. No question about that. I’d like to see Bone Idle go against Anne on anything.

    • sarah says:

      Based on what I’ve read, the regent must be someone from the line of succession. To change it would be an act of Parliament

  39. Izzy says:

    WHAT ON EARTH is going on over there? Between this and the rumors about Chuck’s illness, it’s an absolute dumpster fire. Even I couldn’t have seen it getting this bad.

  40. Rose says:

    Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex always leads with kindness and perhaps we could try to do so as well about this situation with Kate. Duchess Meghan has been quoted saying during her Oprah interview regarding the media: “They really seem to want a narrative of a hero and a villain. She (Kate) is a good person,” she added. “So much of what I have seen play out is this idea of polarity, where if you love me, you don’t have to hate her. And if you love her, you don’t need to hate me.” The Duchess acknowledged that Kate had hurt her feelings during the wedding planning but that she received an apology, flowers and a note from Kate. Yes, I know that there have been unbelievable cruel things said about the Duchess by stupid, cruel people, but I prefer to rise above. As Michelle Obama said, “When they go low, we go high.”

    • sevenblue says:

      Umm, it was Sussex supporters who was asking “where is kate?” before everyone noticed. They suspected BRF was doing what they always did to married-in women. Kate was named one of the people who was concerned about Meghan’s unborn baby’s skin color. She isn’t a good person. Meghan might see things differently since she was inside the madness and saw what the firm did to the people, so she was being nice in that interview, but Kate was gleefully participating in the demise of Meghan. Her mother was giving interviews slagging off Meghan. Meghan can go all the way high, but I don’t. I don’t want anything bad for Kate, but won’t accept the whitewashing of a racist white woman who contributed to the lies told about Meghan.

      • Rose says:

        I respect your position, sevenblue. Please remember that Duchess Meghan never accused Kate of racism, nor did Omid Scobie. Someone in the Netherlands added that to the manuscript. I prefer to follow the Duchess’ lead. Have a lovely day!

      • sevenblue says:

        You are free person, you can do what you want. Omid also said, everyone in BM already knew the names and the other reporters (who are pretty H&M haters) confirmed it. So, no, we know it was Charles & Kate. Meghan got destroyed in the press even she was nice, can you imagine if she accused the “perfect” white princess of anything? They were trying to give their point of view and to stop the attacks from UK. H&M didn’t say “racism” because it isn’t helpful approach when your racist family is one of the most powerful families in the world with an invisible contract with the most powerful tabloids. Harry did the same thing in his book if you read. He gave the detailed examples how his family treated Meghan differently, but he didn’t put a name to their behavior towards her.

        You don’t get concerned about a baby’s skin color if you are not a racist person. Also, you don’t leave racist comments on your official social media page (while deleting affair comments about Will), if you are not agreeing with the comments.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Rose, it wasn’t added to the manuscript in the Netherlands. They got an *earlier* version of the manuscript, before Omid removed Kate and Charles as the known royal racists.

      All of the Rota know Kate was the one who expressed concerns about the skin color of Archie.

      Can you show any time Kate has called for her own supporters to stop attacking Meghan Markle? Any time Kate has said something kind about MM?

  41. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I have two unrelated comments to make: (1) removing the statement that Kate would be leading the Trooping of the Colour doesn’t mean Kate will not have returned to duty by then. It could be that Charles, or William, or Anne, or Camilla, or Andrew, or whoever, wants to do that job and the palace doesn’t want to commit to Kate. I DO think Kate is more ill than they are saying, either eating disorder complications like a stroke, or something like that, BUT removing her name from the Troop isn’t really definitive proof, as there are many other reasons (outside of health) why Kate would be bad at it.

    (2) Katie Nicholls is a troll. On the one hand, “information can only be confirmed by the palace.” Followed up immediately by, “Sources ‘close to Kate’ also told Nicholl . . . ”

  42. Cassie says:

    Maybe William is panicking because of Harry and Eltons next court case .

    Maybe he knows that things will be revealed about him and his time of protection by the press is about to finish .

    Maybe he just hates his life as it is and how he has never had a choice in his future .

    Harry said they were trapped , maybe Williams’s hatred of Harry is because he did escape and William knows he is trapped .

    For everyone’s sake it would be better in the long run if he came out and told the truth for once .

    Surely it would be better for everyone’s mental health .

    Living a lie is not healthy and none of that family are healthy .

  43. Liz says:

    This drama has really highlighted how little work they do