I genuinely believed that Prince William would cancel his appearance at today’s Commonwealth service at Westminster Abbey, but he did not. He turned up, having blamed his wife on his and his office’s photo-editing clownery, and he put in an appearance beside Queen Camilla, the side chick. Camilla once again looked like the cat who got the cream – she’s never happier than when her stepson is up to his neck in melodrama, lies and obfuscation. And right now, William is a huge part of one of the weirdest royal soap operas most of us have ever witnessed. I guess he didn’t feel like he could cancel today – not after he canceled his appearance at his godfather’s memorial service two weeks ago, which was the beginning of the current global drama.
We’ll have more coverage tomorrow, it’s been a really long 24-hours, with all of this and the Oscars on top of it. I just wanted people to see that William showed up. This is actually his first time making an appearance with his extended family since Christmas Day at Sandringham.
Meanwhile, as William left his “home” in Windsor, his staff set up a photo of William and “Kate” in the car together, and the Daily Mail was dutifully informed that William was dropping Kate off at a “private appointment.” They couldn’t even convince “Kate” to turn her face towards the camera she knew was there. Which just adds yet another conspiracy onto the pile.
— Kaiser@Celebitchy (@KaiseratCB) March 11, 2024
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Protesters outside Westminster Abbey in London ahead of the annual Commonwealth Day Service. Featuring: Protesters Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla arrives for the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales arrives for the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla arrives for the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales attending the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Queen Camilla and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales attending the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Queen Camilla and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 11 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
I feel sorry for Kate and yet, I can’t help ROFL 😀
I recognized Fake Melania right away. For crying out loud. Someone tracked down the the original Mother’s Day photo BTW. It’s from last year, roflmao. https://x.com/Sparrow683/status/1767187271122342164?s=20
Agnes, that is amazing. So, the original photo has been found and it was NOT taken by William last week! Wonder if the Fail will report on that just like they are dutifully identifying “Kate” in that car with William? How convenient all the pictures are from his side of the car 🤔
I don’t know – that “original” photo looks totally cut and paste to me.
That supposed original photo doesn’t look real either though. Is there a more original source to that old photo than someone on twitter?
Pinkosaurus, is some evil palace genius trolling the heck out of us peasants’ interest in Royal shenanigans? lolz “Let them eat popcorn!”
The ‘original’ of the photo on twitter hasn’t been found by anyone else EXCEPT the person who posted it on twitter. Frankly, the twitter looks even more doctored as the one released this week (ie, the took this week’s photo and cut/pasted it onto the background and added William in…which is why they look just like the people in yesterday’s photo).
Eurydice and SussexWatcher: Yes, the “humans” in the photo look totally pasted onto a “Country House” background. But the “humans” look just like the ones in yesterday’s laugh riot, and evidently it came out last year. WHO knows anymore!
This tiktok explains when the photo is from and how it is changed. That is more believable to my eyes.
OMG!! From this day forward, ridicule is all Rebecca English, aka Refrigerator English and the Daily Fail should get in response to royal commentary.
Yeah this may be a joke because it too is photoshopped.
This looks even faker than what the palace released, TBH.
Lol they can’t be serious with that car photo. I was firmly on the no conspiracy side until yesterday. I thought she had some procedure and she is taking it easy for a few months and they are just bad at PR. Now… omg they are hiding something.
They are making it worse every passing hour. I can’t look away.
This might be part of the cobbled together image – Kate’s face from her Vogue photo copied into yesterday’s “photo”. Looks the exact same to me.
@sevenblue – SNORT! Thank you for sharing that. What a ride!
I think that has to be a joke because that looks way more fake than the picture that Kensington Palace released
They can take 300 shots a second but we get this fake melania photo. Boy they are stupid and untalented dancers ever. lol alos want to piint out that Camilla seems to often be wearing the earrings that she was wearing on her wedding day as a nod to how much she thinks about KFC. I think charles gave them to her.
I feel so vindicated. I immediately said it was an old photo. I thought it was from autumn though. Now I’m wondering if it’s from autumn 2022.
Nope. Wills was not in this photo when it was taken. He was photoshopped and it was poorly done. Kate and the kids were photographed together and Wills was added later. It’s so obvious Wills is looking off to the side while the other four are all facing the camera. Actually his whole body posture is off from the rest of the photo.
Wow. Thanks, Agnes. That isn’t me Sparrow on X by the way! I’m such a gullible – I thought only her face had been shopped.
Confirmation bias is a real thing!
What you claim to be the original is from this youtube video, published yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMbLzZ3gv-E&t=20s
Whoever created the video used the mirror image of the picture published by KP and added Wills.
@Agnes, that’s a fake too. The bangs are covering the wrong eyebrow. The less wonky one. It is an example of photoshopping though.
I agree, that photo doesn’t look real either. Willnot looks pasted in. His color is off and he’s not looking at the camera.
She’s not even gonna look at the guy! Ha! I bet they wanted a new, verifiable (sort of) photo out STAT.
Side view picture of the lady in the car with Willnot purported to be Kate doesn’t look like Kate. It looks more like Rose Hanbury
Agreed @jemmy! That’s absolutely Rose Hanbury. She’s a little more jowly than Kate, and you can see it in the side profile of the face.
You know how the UK press sometimes put something up and take it down later as a tell, like they did with Thos. Kingston’s death being connected to Willy?
Earlier on Twitter a Tatler tweet briefly surfaced before it was removed by the posters. Posted 12:35am 12/03/2024, screen cap’d widely. It was a headline about the Marchioness of Chomoldeley and a big ol pic of Rose Hanbury.
They were tryin’ to tell us somethin’ about that new photo today.
That’s not her in the car. It wasn’t her in the car with her mom. She’s either dead or incapacitated.
I think you’re right that it’s not Kate in the car with William because one doesn’t have to force, cajole or convince Kate to look at any camera. I don’t know about the rest, but I know that much.
Maybe they are filming a “How not to do PR” learning video for future generations?
Apparently the Ministry of How Not To Do It is housed in Kensington Palace. Dickens didn’t tell us that. 😉
Is it normal for the bricks above the car to be blurred but the bricks seen through the window are clear?
Yes, it’s possible. Most likely because the focus of the lens is on the interior of the car and the bricks thru the window are in the shot.
I’m waiting for Camilla to wear a canary yellow ensemble, complete with appropriate plumage on her headgear.
Yes, she totally looks like the cat that caught the canary. It’s not just a smile for the cameras, but her eyes are like she’s sharing a joke – like “I didn’t have to do anything this time. William did it all by himself.”
LMAO, yes, exactly!
Kept waiting for her to cough up some yellow feathers. He loaths Harry for marrying a black woman, but this woman is okay with him.
Camilla must have gotten a new stylist. She is looking so much better these days.
Apparently gloating over the stupidity and incompetence of your stepson will do that for you.
That photo of Camilla smirking is priceless.
Why canary yellow? Is there something I’m missing 😁
There’s a phrase, “the cat ate the canary” that implies that someone has pulled off a very happy coup or event. meow
How about a “pussy ears hat” with the canary yellow outfit – too obvious? lol I would be on the floor laughing
I want Cam to wear PRIMROSE YELLOW.
Is this an Anne Boleyn reference?
Now that you mention it, that IS the most sublime expression of bliss I’ve ever seen on a woman whose old husband was diagnosed with cancer. And don’t bother to “@” me, yes, one can smile during bad times, but this chick is just one picture frame from licking her chops in self-satisfaction.
William looks absolutely bloody awful, wow
Stress will do that to you.
I was thinking the same about Camzilla. If she’s just back from a rest and rejuvenating break, she should get her money back. She looks more haggard and gross than ever.
I wish Pegs would just put an end to all this nonsense and announce the divorce we all know is coming. And just like he did with the post from ‘C’ taking credit for the photoshop (and like he did signing Harry’s name to that joint statement), he could easily just announce the divorce and sign it from both of them.
“If she’s just back from a rest and rejuvenating break, she should get her money back”
Don’t be so quick to judge, unless they can do magic what did anyone expect. Even in her prime years she never was a stylish great beauty.
Btw I find this Indian spa very sus, because the last time she went after the coronation she looked awful and quite fragile for a while. After the last few days I can’t even guess at what “Indian Spa” means at royal cover up lingo. An actual clinic where they treat her for an ailment, detox center, ayahuasca camp (I know that’s not from India but who knows where she really went)
He is a relatively young and trim man, but he looks so bad for his age. Going by his yellow teeth, I guess he still smokes.
It’s her profile – but it’s pointless. Obviously, she’s meant to be seen but not seen.
Is it? Is it really? I don’t believe anything from them…and even if it is, are we sure she wasn’t photoshopped as well to kill any further conspiracy theories ? The fact that this photo was taken and published by daily fail is super suspicious…and Kate conveniently had another private appointment the same day as will? They are running scared and they make one PR mistake after another Instead of telling the truth…
Looks like KP had to offer some photographic “evidence” to the DM, but it’s unlikely to get the job done if her face isn’t front and centre. This is a person who famously “finds her light” when it comes to a family funeral or other people’s weddings.
Are we supposed to believe that some bystander managed to snap this photo, but they didn’t choose a shot when you could see Kate more clearly? Plus, I thought the Palace didn’t allow the BM to publish unauthorized photos? So if it is “authorized” by KP, then they are purposely not showing Kate. And again, there are lots of understandable reasons why that could be, whether it’s side effects of medication or just not feeling/ looking like yourself. But if it’s being offered as “proof”, this ain’t it.
In normal land, when your spouse needs to do something they find difficult, you comfort them! Holy crow, we know that K was originally supposed to be seen around Easter, she’s recovering, but not yet up to par, and she’s just taken the blame from KP for William posting a sus pic of her. Like, forcing her out in public like this while staring at your phone and ignoring her for the cameras is just nasty.
Don’t blame Kate or her people for scheduling a “personal appointment” at the same time as this commonwealth service, after all, how could they possibly know that there was commonwealth service event scheduled. /s.
LOL @ Debbie. Yep, it was a if by chance scenario that Kate had a personal appointment on the same day as the Commonwealth Service and Huevo was giving her a ride their. /s Guessing this is another back to the past to the future photo. I’m waiting for a Kate tumbling out of Bougies photo now.
It’s her profile from a different event. Guessing they didn’t submit to legit news agencies. They might ask for the original photo. Pesky people they are.
I agree with @First comment that we absolutely cannot believe the palace. They cannot be taken at their word.
We’re supposed to believe that royal transit is so strict that Will has to drop Kate off at some vague appt on the way to an important international event? Or maybe it’s an earthshot carshare initiative!
Apropo of nothing, there was that show The Royals which one of the rota rats consulted on or produced (Lacey or Jobson or one of those with real access), and in it the royals use body doubles on more than one occasion. Could be total fiction, but fake Melania is real (lol) and she’s surely not the only one ever deployed on the public stage. They’re going to have to do way better than a side profile through the closed window of a moving car after their repeated and obvious lies thus far.
Good point. These official royal events, the big ones like the Commonwealth service, are choreographed to a T. No way would they throw in a ‘drop off Kate at her doc appointment’ stop. That’s ridiculous! And they think we’ll believe that??
Exactly. There are a lot of private roads in Windsor and it’d be easy to pick Kate up at Adelaide, drive around till they found the oh so interesting brick wall, have Lee Thompson snap the photo, then drop Kate back off at Adelaide. Kate didn’t leave the grounds for an appointment in central London on her way to the Abbey, that’s for sure.
Also, I would imagine that William would usually helicopter to London, right? I mean I know its not that far but he uses the helicopter like an uber, and if we know he’s using it every night to go back to KP, then why wouldn’t he use it for this service?
My tinfoil tiara theory is it’s Nanny Maria.
Fifty to a hundred years ago, it would be plausible to be doing the nanny a favor by dropping her off somewhere she needs to go instead of force her to get to the train station herself. But Kate and William wouldn’t rideshare on her way to do errands!
That’s my guess, too! It makes the most sense, and that could be her head from that angle. That makes more sense than Rose–Nanny Maria would be a lot easier to hide.
I read somewhere (so it must be true) that ears are like fingerprints, totally unique to the owner. I wish some TikTok genius would do a comparison of known Kate Ears with Fake Melania’s in the car.
@shawna – that’s my theory too. It seems like her face shape & cheekbones (from what I can see). But I thought there was a story about Nanny Maria leaving with suitcases packed. But that might have been a dream. Honestly, I cannot keep up with all of the shenanigans.
@Emf999 – Nanny Maria leaving wasn’t ever reported here directly (some commenters alone mentioned it), but I saw claims on Reddit a couple of times. The evidence would be that someone gave Concha Calleja testimony to believe Kate was in a coma. FWIW I don’t think Nanny Maria could leave without Celebitchy seeing enough evidence to have a full story on it.
Speaking of Concha Calleja, this is something that’s always been in the back of my mind. Camilla Tominey swore that her sources were right and that Meghan made Kate cry. And I think she was telling the truth. I know Tominey and the truth sounds absurd but that story was obviously planted and she was a useful tool. Her sources were actually solid she was just being fed lies. So Concha swearing that her sources are impeccable doesn’t mean much. KP and the Middletons have form for lying and playing games. I have no idea why sources would lie and say Kate was in a coma if she wasn’t. I’m not saying she wasn’t. But I’m not taking it as gospel either. All I know is they all lie for whatever reasons and who knows if we’ll ever know.
I think her turning away from the camera answers a lot of questions. And the simplest answer is probably the correct one. Kate has been taking medication that makes her face fat. And to someone like her, well, she would rather be dead. And that explains her disappearance and all this hilarious bullshit from KP. Btw, congratulations, Prince of Pegging, you hit the trifecta. You threw your brother under the bus, your mother under the bus, and now your wife under the bus. And I bet she wasn’t even warned.
Do you really think that KP cares about Kate’s vanity at this point? They just blamed her for the Photoshop debacle. Why would they care if her face looks puffy as long as it shuts down this debate? They know a clear photo of her ends this mess, so why not do it? And puffiness can be edited out just like they edit out her eye bags and jowls. Either Kate is refusing to play ball or something has happened to her.
A broken, re-wired jaw fits the timing AND explains why her ‘face’ (or what is claimed to be her face/profile) looks so puffy. It also could account for her look when in the car with Ma Midd.
How it got broken?
Who is talking about “they,” MsIam?? I am talking about Kate. Do you really think she has so little agency that she is forced to show her face for photos when she doesn’t want to? Obviously she is not playing along or they would have seen her whole face in the car.
Getting from one mess to the next so masterfully should be considered a prowess.
Well, perhaps Willy will get another medal to wear for all his *work*?
If there is ONE medal he will have deserved it’s this one.
Haha… Probably at her divorce lawyer.
He must be enraged at her smugness – I so LOVE this for him. These people are simply horrible and incredibly dysfunctional.
Staged photo with someone they stuffed into the car and was oh so interested in looking at a brick wall. They are terrible at this. The clown show continues. Camzilla sure looks smug.
Lol right? Have you ever seen someone stare at a wall as they drive past rather than moving their head for another view. This is incompetence on a level I didn’t believe could exist and I just lived through the Trump Administration. I wish they would just be honest with whatever is going on. Facelift, ED, divorce, whatever it is the fallout can’t be worst than their ” PR” now.
I agree 👍 💯
And when has Kate ever passed up the opportunity to look directly into a camera and have her photo taken.
I’m going with “possibly never” lol
Well, I guess she’s more angry with Willnot than she values getting her non-smiling photo taken. She would have to look in his direction to be photographed in this case.
I mean, Kate did everything but freeze frame and vogue in the car, on the way to Phillip’s funeral, so I don’t think it’s her in the above photo.
Tbf to Camilla, she’s easily hobbling in circles around William. She cosplays caring and normal so much better than him! Plus, he actually had to turn up to work and stand next to her before Easter…
Oops—this was in response to Susan Collins. I’m not sure what went wrong.
I’m sure William wanted to drop out due to the embarrassment but even he would have known that if he had, it would have just made the situation worse. It’s interesting that Kate, who always seems to want to be photographed in the car, is reluctant to be photographed today. No doubt that this photo was set up and authorised by KP.
That hat on Camilla is hideous. And William looks quite red faced? From a sunny vacation somewhere with Rose who just happens to have a random puff piece in the Independent right now?
It seems like Kate in the car, she doesn’t look so Weekend at Bernie’s like the pap shot so… maybe she’s doing better? But her face must be odd looking or all of these shenanigans wouldn’t be happening…
…I do believe it’s her, Prince Huevo must have forced her to have that picture taken, and she seems unable to stand being next to him
So interesting that there were 2 photographers there to get the pic of “Kate” and the only pic they have is of a side profile. Not weird at all.
Also if she can get dressed up like that to go to a private appointment but not make a video and can ride in a car with Will. Just the all over the place with the PR
Make it make sense
Do a video and recover. Personally I’m in the 🚢 there was never a surgery. She was trying to get sympathy after having a hard 2023. Will pulled a fast one and threw in he wanted a divorce. She took it wrong and her comeback was supposed to be this Big thing that it’s clearly 🚫
Look at the fact they’re not even looking at each other. Mister move 🌎 to be with her is more concerned with looking down
I don’t think she had abdominal surgery either. There is a huge plastic surgery center attached to the London Clinic, however.
Not even a full profile. 1/4 of the face maybe.
Also, no matter the occasion, Kate *always* knows where the camera is and makes sure she gets a full-face shot.
Poor Egg. The school run, “dropping Kate off to her appointment”, and the Commonwealth Service all in one day.
He’ll need a month to recover.
There aren’t enough stiff drinks in the world to give him the energy for his exhausting schedule!
He can’t have a month to recover because who will think of the SCHOOL RUN waaaaaahhh!
I imagine that she can barely look at her husband after he threw her under the bus, I don’t think “she” released that statement.
I haven’t cared at all about Kate’s absence from the royal scene for however long its been but this photo drama is better than any soap opera ever! I’m truly enjoying the hell out of it LOL!!!
Same! I love it and I love it for them too.
So we are sure it’s her? I’m not falling for this ever again. I demand a live video with witnesses!
Let’s be specific here. They’d have to be witnesses who don’t rely on the palace for a paycheck (either in royal service or the BM), and ordinarily I would add a picture of her holding a newspaper with today’s date on it, but knowing these people they’d probably alter the date on the newspaper as well.
Camilla’s expression
Pure cat.
It is her “let them eat cake” moment! She is truly savoring every minute detail of his suffering .
Careful! Marie Antoinette lost her head over that comment.
First it was the grainy photo with Carol with her face looking “full” then a bad photoshop without big blue on display, now she won’t look at the camera that is clearly setup for her to show her face? Something is really fishy here.
I can believe this is Kate in this profile photo. What I can’t believe is that this woman, who ALWAYS FINDS THE CAMERA, is unwilling to be photographed even at half profile.
Something is wrong with her face and I doubt it is just steroid puffiness.
It looks like Camilla followed the gossip last night too. She is so giddy.
This has to be the first time in history she’s ever dodged a camera lens.
I said the same thing on Twitter! 😂
Yes, she’s usually staring down the cameras from a mile away. Very strange behavior indeed.
At this point I am expecting someone to photoshop in a waving Pete Davidson standing against the brick wall.
I knew he would be there. He can’t afford anymore f ups. And yet, the weirdness continues with the car shot. Never knew a brick wall could be so interesting.
Indeed. And they totally had to share a car to drop Kate off because nothing says ‘private’ appointment like going to it sharing a car with the future king off to a widely publicised and timed public engagement. And obvs they only have one car. CarolE and her Audi weren’t available?
The Audi had to go back to the rental shop!
Lanne, LOL! That’s why it wan’t moving when they took the photo. Carole didn’t splash for the miles or filling the tank back up.
None were available, they were all being washed today.
It’s the royal uber to the rescue, lol!
Oooooooh Camila is such an evil C U Next Tuesday with that smirk on her face!! Bahahaha
Y’all I’ve been so dang busy I’ve been checked out for 2 weeks but I HAD to come here for all the drama of the past 2 days! Don’t disappoint me ladies! 😂
The really don’t want us to see her face – I’m beginning to think the tummy surgery was cosmetic surgery that went wrong. I really think she had a stroke or its Bells Palsy.
Lets not forget this is a woman who LOVES to mug for the camera – there is something so very wrong and this photo is only going to make it worse. So much for clean up in aisle 1A.
Honestly, if she had a *medical condition* as a cause I do think they would have somehow figured out a way to say so. I think William *did* something-i.e. disfigured her, broke her neck, something.
Pretty likely that the woman in the car is a body double. This strategy is on life support, they are gonna have to come clean soon.
I agree, Maisie. That’s what I thought from the start (about Pegs). I also agree it has to be Rose or a body double in the car from today because no way could someone with such a puffed-up face 1 week ago have such defined cheekbones as we see in today’s photo.
@maisie, it could be but two and a half months have gone and her face wouldnt have healed enough for a photo to take with much makeup and slight photoshopping? And if it’s a stroke or bell’s palsy,why don’t they release this information? The public would be very sympathetic towards a princess suffering…
@First comment – the issue is that both the puffy grainy-with-Carole-in-rental-car photo AND the not-puffy looking-at-a-brick-wall photo can’t be taken just a few days apart. And they aren’t releasing more truthful info because the truthful info isn’t sympathetic.
That car photo is very like from a past event. Nobody gets “dropped off at an appointment” with their hair up and what appears to be a hat on top of her head. Also there would be loads of security, and William would have walked her into said appointment. Where are the other shots? This is clearly another fake-out by KP. They just keep getting worse and worse. They’ll never be able to keep up the facade of “nothing to see here folks, nope, nothing at all, just another normal day”.
I just don’t understand why that can’t do some completely straightforward proof of life that no one can speculate about at this point … unless they CAN’T. That dark profile shot is suspicious as heck.
The other interesting thing about the car pic is that William is also hard to see bc of the lighting. He has deteriorated drastically in the past few months (I mean today I thought he looked the same age as Edward, who literally just turned 60) so if we could see him better (even without seeing Kate) I think we would have a better idea of how recent the picture is.
@ Maisie, i agree 100 percent. I have had this intuitive feeling since she started to ‘go missing’ that Will did something to her and that has grown even more and more and more with every weird occurrence. Add to this that some celebrity psychics are saying that Kate is dead or she is in a state akin to dead and that she will be dead soon. These were the words said. That same celebrity psychic (Sloan Bella) stated that William will flee/abdicating completely from the throne and she also predicted that Charles will die soon as well. I’m always pretty skeptical when it comes to psychics but Sloan has predicted some other events such as p diddy’s downfall. She was talking about him over a year ago. Off topic but she is predicting the biebs (or chris brown) and eventually jay z will be going down like diddy fairly soon. This year is gonna be a wild roller coaster ride yall.
If it were Bell’s palsy, a stroke, or something of that nature — at this point, BE UPFRONT ABOUT IT. They’d get way more sympathy instead of being shady as all hell. No, at this point I’m of the mind that K may be recovered/recovering from whatever medical issue she went through, but she’s PISSED at W and refusing to play ball with him and his team anymore. The woman who has flashed, gurned and hyena cackled through the last 13 years will not show her face but she’s “fine” enough to leave the house for an appt? I’m 99% sure the divorce/separation train has left the station and is picking up speed.
But why not just announce the divorce then? This is what I don’t get. She has no leverage to be making demands so I don’t understand the theories that she’s holding out or not playing ball. Even if she were threatening to release some footage from Uncle G’s casa de bang bang, Pegs has just as much ammo on her and her family so it would be mutually assured destruction. And then the press would circle around the heir, as always, and she’d be torn to shreds.
“casa de bang bang” that is hilarious, sussexwatcher. What with Dee and Anne’s fraud summit and Brittany and her porch mood board, these articles have been a smile across the lot. I think a divorce announcement would be particularly odd at this time. And cruel to her. I suspect there are two entrenched camps going on – Middletons v William – but I can’t see either wanting a full scale war. I think the impasse is his refusal, or hers, to play ball with the press. And oh how the press used to laud them for sharing and understanding the relationship between the BRF and newspapers.
Bell’s palsy is also my guess. I’ve had friends and relatives go through that in their early 40s and it fits the fact pattern we’ve had since late last year.
@SussexWatcher whatever is going on at this point – divorce, colostomy bag, steroids, stroke, whatever – they need to announce it. The conspiracy theories are out of control and aren’t just from bored internet posters like us, LOL.
People keep saying that “Kate won’t play ball” or “she’s not having it anymore” as though William didn’t put out a statement signed by Harry and completely circumvent his whole existence.
There were plenty of chances to do that. And they didn’t happen. Because she’s not in a state where that could happen. It only came out when the entire world went WTAF IS GOING ON?!?
Also – Kate pretty much HAS to do what they say. Between the protection officers who would make sure it happened to any amount of conceivable threats – she’s under their thumb and had to do what they say. Bottom line. She has no autonomy.
This picture is worse than no picture, IMO, for two reasons:
1) she’s not looking at the camera, or William, or even straight ahead. She’s staring straight at that oh so interesting brick wall. She is really refusing to even let her profile be seen. Is that because she’s mad at William and is refusing to play ball, or something else?
2) After all the insistence last week from the rota that they could not use a pap shot of Kate in a car……now they’re using a shot of Kate in a car. So they’re telling us this picture was set up and authorized by KP.
I dont know what’s going on at KP anymore, but this is a disaster and they really would be better off at this point by just coming clean.
You are so right! I couldn’t recover fast enough from the whiplashes today to put this together. They didn’t publish Carole’s photo because privacy, and now they publish this. They made a shitty deal with Peg again, because Carole’s photo was better.
Becks1, Thank you for pointing out that part with the car! It would be nice if someone in the press emphasized that KP allowed (set up?) this shot so it could be printed.
And, yeah, the facelessness yet again feeds into the narrative that this might not be K! How dumb can you be?
The picture is so bad it could even be a body double. Besides playing games like this will only make it worse.
For a few hours today I was actually thinking that William was humbled by the AP crackdown and wouldn’t try anything again but then we get this.
It was just a week ago that William was bragging to the Daily Beast about how he doesn’t take order from the Daily Mail. And now the DM has an exclusive and clearly palace-approved “pap shot” of what is said to be Kate in a car. Someone had to pay the piper.
@Becks: I always enjoy reading your comments. They are astute, well-written and thoughtful.
@Esquire aw thank you! That is nice to hear.
@Jais YES exactly. William is definitely answering to the DM here.
someone said in one of these posts today that Becky English doesn’t mind lying for the royals, but she minds being lied TO – and I think that’s what’s playing out here. So many of the rota have egg on their face after promoting that picture yesterday without questioning it and now that its been “killed” by the major agencies – they are embarrassed on a global scale.
the DM and Becky English are going to want to be paid back for that embarrassment, and this was the price.
@Becks: yw. :). You seem to express what I am thinking.
All three photos have been heavily photoshopped, and other photos the Wales have put out before. You really can’t trust their photos anymore: they prove less than nothing. We have not seen Kate if what we are relying on is the photos. They could be from another time, they could be someone else, etc etc. Doesn’t matter. Bottom line: no one should trust KP’s photos anymore as evidence of anything.
My theory is still that she had a hysterectomy, but I’ve now added a twist to that theory. She decided while using the surgery to take prolonged time off, after a few weeks to maybe even just recently she got a bunch of “refreshing” work done to her face. That’s why it’s so puffy. Her face hasn’t settled yet. So she does not want to be seen. The photoshopped photo of Kate with her kids, if it’s recent, she thinned out her face and altered it to look normal. Being forced by William to do a candid shot in the car, she refused to have her face seen.
I know from experience steroids can puff your face a lot, so it could be just par for the course for a bowel surgery and associated medications. However, their problem is they’ve been so weird about the whole situation, that even if they were telling the truth about her surgery, it’s now hard to believe them.
Yeah, a few of my friends have looked “not their best” to put it mildly after surgery. My instinct is actually to believe K doesn’t look well (boosted by that car pic from last week). This isht is all W trying to make himself look better.
Good facial plastic surgery has a very fast recovery. Swelling goes down quickly and people can face the public in 2 to 4 weeks. Now if someone needs reconstructive surgery due to a facial injury that’s a whole other story….
What is even happening right now??? Doesn’t the whole family usually do a whole easter walk with the larger family? Technically, they’re sticking to their story so Kate might not be there, but William and the kids should be…and yikes. It’s shitty. Assuming someone at KP constructed that photo, and it’s now being memed and made fun of across the internet and they involved their kids in the farce. They’re lying and they’re lying using their kids’ images.
That’s what’s actually sad about this, amid all the guilt-free fun that this is offering. They have successfully kept the kids out of it thus far. Now? Not so much.
If I knew that the photographic record from my childhood was suspect, I’d be very very upset. It would tarnish my view of my parents.
I’ve always wanted to think that W&K were devoted to being good parents, if nothing else they ever did was good. Bottom of the barrel stuff.
The Wales have used their kids as shields before but this takes the cake. They should not be distorting images of their kids for public consumption. It’s been absolutely wild to watch this unfold but at the end of the day, it’s not cool. I’m not saying don’t photoshop your kids to get a cute picture but this is making them part of a lie.
@Jais, you said it better than I did. They’ve pap-strolled the kids to divert from speculation before, but what bothers me is using them for a straight-up lie.
That could be Rose for all we know. This proves NOTHING.
That’s what I said above – it’s Rose. The profile fits with her face shape. And I agree today’s photo proves nothing except how utterly terrible Pegs and his people are at this.
I hope he does marry Rose. She’s interesting. This one is just vain and dumb. Smart enough to keep her mouth shut, though.
For me, the woman in the photo doesn’t have Rose’s weak chin but more importantly, why would Rose (or Pippa, last week) participate in such obvious tomfoolery that has drawn widespread global attention? Pippa and Rose by all accounts have great lives with tons of cash, I can’t see them doing this…
I do think it’s Kate and her incentive as always is the same as William’s : happy families perfect family image… It’s all either of them have left….
@Elvira, sorry that I’m harping on you today (I’m avoiding work), but why is it always Kate and never William who does wrong in your comments today? ITA Rose is more interesting, but she seems fine with whatever deal she has with Rocksavage.
@Shawna, I actually felt very sorry for Kate until yesterday and today. I only posted here because I had knowledge about the Kate in the car image, so the topic was Kate. I honestly have no feeling about William. I just don’t know much about him.
Didn’t William (and Kate) hire a new associate who they referred to as a “CEO” because they said they wanted to run their section of the firm in a modern, business-like manner? If that’s the case, and this new person was involved in this slow-moving car crash, I’d love to read their credentials for job. Either he was woefully unqualified for the job or the Wales “ruin” whoever works for them.
Oh come on. There’s no way Wills is out riding around with Rose in public rn.
Then again… who knows at this point
I don’t think Rose is involved in this. Why would she be? From all accounts, she has an amazing life. Why in the world would she trade that for Won’t and the clown show?
So they’re all running pap photos just a few days after swearing that they never run pap photos? Lol. Such a “Weekend At Bernie’s” vibe all around.
The view we get of her face looks like actual Kate to me, but something must be horribly wrong if she doesn’t want to be photographed at all. And the obviousness of the photo op is disgusting. These two never carpool anywhere together if they can help it. There’s no way they wouldn’t take separate cars to two separate places!
We can’t see her face, and he’s starting down at notes?! What is this?
‘Ok you are getting in the car with me, but you are not showing your face, and you’ll disappear before I get there.’
“But you told the RR not to print the carpic of me last week”
‘That was a ploy from your mum, this is to make me look good so we’ll approve these!’
I genuinely expected Willy to pull a Sickie but once he authorized IT WAS HER FAULT mea culpa to avoid muggles shouting out Is Kate under the patio at him, I knew he would have to show up. Escorting his gloating step mum to THAT event given his awfulness to Harry and Meghan at the same event in 2020 is pure karma!
All they needed to do was get William dressed for the service, prop Kate up on the couch, and do a quick Instagram live.
As soon it was over whisk William away in the car and that’s proof of life.
This Weekend at Bernie’s cosplay is hilarious and is going to make the theories so much worse.
I was feeling a bit ridiculous and gruesome, believing Concha Calleja, that she was, or had been, in a coma. But. Everything they have done has been adding a bit of light and heat to that theory. Why not get a real picture? Because no one would like the real picture, so they make fake ones. Why would no one like the real one? Well, the possibilities are narrowing as time goes on.
I think this photos is real but I’m not sure this was recent because dailymail and kp got their pants down. I could be from last year unless I saw Kate in public with many people I don’t believe this crap.
I mentioned downthread that it appears her hair is done in an up-do and it looks like she’s got a small hat on the top of her head, something Jackie Kennedy-ish. So it’s obviously a photo of them from a previous event where she’s dressed up….what kind of *appointment* requires that and why no other pap photos?
…the question, to me is: why there are no pap pictures before this one?
There’s chatter that the photo is a manipulated photo from Christmas because she’s got that rollneck jumper on.
There is no abdominal surgery that ruins your face. IF – big if – that is kkkhate in th car with her head turned I wonder how much he had to pay her to get that shot. I’m convinced that this is all war of the wales . She may have had minor surgery but if she did she used that as an excuse. They aren’t together.
It’s either war of the walses or that’s not Kate.
That shot is months or years old, it’s just another Band-Aid move to cover up the ugly truth.
Which has to come out sometime. Or rather, their sanitised version of it.
What does “dropping off” supposed to mean? Sounds like she’ll need to text her mom for a ride back home. How do you “drop off” a princess somewhere? They couldn’t come up with a better excuse?
Yes. Appointments are about 30 minutes, an hour max. And there’s no way in hell they’ll keep this woman waiting in the waiting room. So who’s fetching her while he’s busy elsewhere? And if you’re dropping her off – where’s the security, where’s the person who’ll help her get inside, if she’s so ill? Why aren’t they in the car or around? Also, dropping off is what you do with the kids at school etc. You don’t drop off your seriously ill wife. You take and accompany her.
It also begs the question if he’s not going to be the one picking her up Why couldn’t the person that’s doing that drop her off as well? I said it up thread but their fixes are worse than the problem. Whatever they think is going to be so damaging if it comes out and that’s why they’re doing these shenanigans have to just be nuclear level because what they’re doing now is this type of stuff that crisis PR comes in for
Yes. After the photoshop fiasco that Kate was obviously forced to take the blame for, when I read this headline my first thought was “Dropped off where? A cliff?” 😳
Exactly. She has bodyguards–are they trying to say none of them could have driven her?
They can’t afford bodyguards for Kate now.
He looks like a beaten man, on the edge of collapse himself. I know it’s hard to say after everything that has happened, but I feel sorry for them. He needs Harry. Can you imagine being without your only sibling at this point? But oh no they forced his brother and sister in law out.
tough toodles for him. He doesn’t “need” harry. He wants to continue to use Harry for his own purposes. Harry rightfully left that toxic waste dump of a family. For William, it’s simply called “the consequences of my own actions.” I’m glad that Harry isn’t forced to enable his brother anymore (I know you are too–and I know you aren’t feeling sorry for him)
Yeah – you get me, lanne. My overwhelming feeling is, we lost a huge bonus when M&H left but I am SO pleased for them that they did go. They’ve managed to get out of this quagmire. Somewhere deep at about the half way point of all this, I recall a brief story that Meghan had “reached out” to Kate. I thought, oh no, that’s much too nice and far too forgiving, if true, you’re going to get sucked back into this murky pond and then spat back out. Of all the BRF people, H&M have the most emotional warmth and intelligence. They truly truly ****ed up being so cruel to them. What fools to think their actions wouldn’t come back to haunt them and their press wouldn’t turn on them.
Sparrow: I know. Such arrogance. Imagine being so arrogant that you do not believe that the laws of karma apply to you, too. They treated Harry and Meghan so abysmally, and blindly missed such a huge opportunity for The Firm. But: what goes around comes around, and that goes for every body.
So … she’s supposedly well enough to take two car rides in a week, and to sit up and do some photoshopping of a family photo, but she can’t work? And she’s going to a private appointment without anyone with her? Is she going to Uber home?
It’s like the headless chickens running the KP joint got together and said: Hmm–what’s the dumbest, most idiotic thing we can do to prolong this mystery? Fake Kate in a car, examining a brick wall in minute detail? Sounds great. Let’s do it!
The consequences of facing no consequences? Kensington Palace. William has the job of next King whether he’s good at it or terrible, and the Palace Idiots have their 4 hour a week jobs they can’t seem to lose for trying. It’s almost like they’re trolling at this point. Either that or partaking too much of the harvests from the Middletom pot farm.
Excellent Lanne!😀
That ain’t Kate.
Was Rose at the service? The female in the car looks like she has on a hat. As if she’s going somewhere formal
I kinda believe it is Rose but the photo is so grainy it’s hard to tell. I highly doubt it’s Kate or a recent photo of her. I think the pap photo with her mom is the most recent of her there is.
So the inference is Rose hitched a ride with William to the service? Where was her husband, or did he have a role in the service where he couldn’t accompany her? Why is she going with William? No wonder random newspaper articles about her are popping up. Someone knows something and isn’t saying but they’re hinting.
As this would be the first time William has been seen (I mean, Charles has allowed him to be) in the company of any other members of the royal family, I tuned into the service on YouTube. A few observations.
During and leaving the service, William looked like the proverbial death warmed over. Edward and Sophie, in contrast, had a roaring good time, waving at friends and chatting merrily to each other. Edward looked, again proverbially, like the cat who had swallowed . . . .
I had to rewind to look at the arrivals and as far as I could see (and I could be wrong) there was NO video of William arriving. Instead, as Camilla was moving toward the reception line, you could see William at the end. He was “lecturing” someone at length, with his double hand gestures and pointing finger.
The royals had to gather to assemble for their procession and William looked pretty normal, even laughing at one point with Camilla.
But, and this to me is interesting, during God Save the King, William was again swaying, back to front, the whole time. He was swaying so much I worried he might faceplant. (Camilla was stock still.)
There is something very very wrong with William. And I continue to believe he is at the epicenter of Kate’s absence.
One more note: Charles’ video address, stressing that the Commonwealth of Nations was a “family” and how “diversity” is their greatest strength, rang very false to me. Sickeningly so.
ETA: no video of William arriving by car. Nothing of that was shown, instead he was first shown at the end of the reception line.
They probably didn’t show William arriving by car so we wouldn’t see that the other Pic they released of him and “kate” was fake too. Like a different car or something. Or could also be they cut the footage because of him swaying and walking or something like that. The royal rota are always cutting off footage of them when it’s something they don’t want everyone to see. For example, everytime Pegs and Bones open up their mouth.
What I found interesting, Julianna, is that it was the BBC livestream that didn’t show William’s arrival by car, not the rota. And I agree that there were reasons for this.
Wow, interesting! Thanks for taking one for the team and watching that trainwreck to give us all the details!
Oh wow @Artfossil…thanks for taking one for the team and watching the footage!
So it sounds like William made it to the service but only with quite a lot of liquid courage… MORE swaying, after the last time got so much attention??!? There is indeed something very bad going down. For the love of God, William, get it together!
He’s swaying so much I just can’t. There is something VERY wrong with Peggers and the Tampon and Rottweiler are no longer assisting his comms. It must be PeggySue making the decisions and releasing pr as a 6th grade US educated child could put out better.
I think he is genuinely nearing the point of collapse. Thank you for watching, Artfossil.
Hmm. Weird. I tuned away once everyone got seated. He was standing straight while everyone lined up. He leaned down a couple times to say something to Camilla without apparent difficulty. He walked normally, as far as I could see. Then the swaying during the service. I don’t think the thing was long enough for him to arrive mostly sober and then top up to the point of losing equilibrium. Maybe it’s psychological/emotional? I’m not excusing his terrible behavior, I’m just trying to fit the pieces together.
Maybe he’s swaying as a way to cover up what he did at the investiture. See, swaying is something I do! Nothing to see here. Nothing. At. All.
I can’t believe I typed that. This family has way too many wild things going on.
I’d go with Artfossil’s observations.
The more pretzelling you do trying to defend or explained away Peg’s behaviors, the more likely your credibility gets shot.
E.g. William took the Mother’s Day photo which turned into “blame Kate for photoshopping” which turned into “blame these uncooperative kids for not standing still and smiling uniformly and forcing poor Kate to photoshop.”
The world is laughing. People who don’t follow the royals see the British press as a joke for printing the photo and standing by it till it was too late.
That is definitely Kate.
The bump on the edge of her face makes it likely Kate but when was this photo taken? It being Kate doesn’t mean that was taken today.
How can you possibly tell that is for sure Can’t? Whoever is in that car can barely be seen.
I’m amazed at how convinced people are either way. I see someone with possibly Kate’s hair. That’s it. I was determined to believe Kate was in the pap shot, and I was pretty certain her Mother’s Day picture only had photoshop to her face. I’m a sucker for every move they make.
But the photo could be years old. It also looks like her hair is up and like she’s wearing a small hat/fascinator on top of her head. Why would she be gussied up for a so-called doctor’s appt?
New York Magazine just had a piece on the royals.. the quote on William was great.. something along the lines that the best way to describe his attitude, is that every time he leaves a car he looks like he wants to punch the door. Interestingly the article didn’t touch the media’s role in all of the Tomf***ery.
You ever watch Portlandia? There’s an episode where they 3-D print the head and torso of the Mayor, played by Kyle MacLachan, in order to try and fool his family. I think this is a similar situation.
The Telegraph just posted a profile on Rose Hansbury I’m laughing so hard this is the hottest mess possible.
Yes, and I think someone mentioned a Rose article in The Independent. So odd!!! Like you say, Alice, a total mess.
Yes, The Independent has a nice, big, fluffy piece up on R. Hanbury. Well, well, well, what an interesting life she had – and that’s even without going into the juicy-er details. 🙂
Omg-I just read this as they “posted a profile” like a physical profile where we could compare Rose with Kate’s noses and chins. LOL. What is even happening!!?
Agree, Mary! It’s like the whole thing is spinning out of control and we’re finding it hard to hold on.
The comments on that Rose Hanbury profile are amazing as is the title “Who is Rose Hanbury” 😉 Nudge nudge wink wink….
Three things:
1: On Twitter someone suggested KP actually lifted Kate’s face from her Jeccaesque Vogue cover and now I really can’t unsee it. This theory has been pooh poohed by TMZ. The fact that they took pains to dismiss this particular suggestion among all the other speculation flung about SM at the moment is interesting.
2: The picture they claim is Kate in the car today, again, has no way of identifying the date and no video footage to support her getting in or out of the car.
3: Can we agree that Kate, who made sure to roll down her car window to make eyes at the camera’s lens over her covid mask at Prince Philip’s funeral, would make certain her face was seen if it was indeed her calling the shots?
I saw the Vogue cover photo overlay and it’s totally plausible they used that image for K’s face in the Mother’s Day pic.
I saw a tiny insert video player on a different site of the Abbey procession and could see Camilla’s Cheshire cat grin from a mile away. She’s having the time of her life.
PS – I’m wondering if it was Nanny Maria’s profile in the car.
This! I took a look and instantly thought that this is the nanny. When you look at pictures of her she has the same bulbs on the side of her face….
It’s got plausible deniability. “Why shouldn’t the nanny be riding with me? The press only assumed it was Kate.”
This would’ve never happened if Tree Payne (T Swift’s publicist) worked for KP. Just laughably bad
I saw someone said, Tree would make Kate run to Will and kiss him at least three times now when the divorce rumors appeared.
Well, Kate did her very best with the months of public ass grabbing, but now William won’t go anywhere in public with her and I think may have her locked in a closet 🤔
Lol! I’m a total sucker for those grainy videos of Taylor running to kiss Travis.
Tree would be having NONE of this foolishness. Honestly she would be of immense help at the moment if they would ever listen to outside counsel.
I’m really starting to suspect something way worse than a separation or divorce announcement. The Wales haven’t been above deploying their children in times of pr crisis when they can’t leak about Harry and Meghan. They just staged another fake photo after being called out internationally and officially for staging fake photos, which will only add to the speculation surrounding Kate and what’s going on with her.
Why not just take and release a quick photo of Kate and the children together? Or, if they’re as desperate as we think they must be at this point, why not really pull on heart strings by having Will bring George to the service today? It shows a level of ethics and protection that’s so out of character for them it’s worrying. At this point the media has basically gone on the record saying they’d run a photo with normal filtering/retouching for vanity reasons as long as they can verify the image, and yet they haven’t done it.
Instead we get more gasoline on this dumpster fire, and at a certain point I think we have to wonder if it’s intentional.
We also have to remember, none of this was actually about a photo of Kate in the first place! They’re the ones who made it all about a photo because they didn’t want to explain why Kate hasn’t been seen since Christmas. All it would take is a simple statement and this all goes away. So why haven’t they? Why can’t they?
1) Maybe Kate isn’t in the UK
2) maybe the kids are with her
3)maybe kids are at Balmoral, not with her
I believe there’s 1 true answer for sure: whatever is wrong with her and or him doesn’t jobe with their image of “we’re the perfect family” so we’re going to make excuses to try and cover our tracks”
Lanne, I agree the most likely explanation is Kate isn’t in Windsor/London and they are desperate to cover that up. Elvira’s analysis of the first paparazzi car pic with Ma Midds shows that they are trying to change the background, whoever is doing the editing. She’s not in Windsor and her mom would not be tooling around in a rental if she were at Midds Manor in Bucklebury, think.
Also, the kids may not want to cooperate if they are angry with their dad about how mom is being treated. If they saw something he did that they didn’t like, or if has moved out of the house.
Camilla’s face. She’s like something out of St Trinian’s to me. She’s loving it and hamming it up.
Brooch Warfare moment from Camilla going on as well. Been chatting w/ a few friends about this, and we think the brooch she’s wearing is one of old Queen Alexandra’s.
Queen Alexandra if you will recall, was the wife of Edward VII.
Edward VII took Alice Keppel for his mistress.
Alice is Camilla’s direct ancestor, her g-grandma.
If you ask me, Camilla’s not only going for revenge on Diana, but she’s enacting revenge on the whole BRF for her ancestor. She’s doing victory laps all over the place because she finally got what Alice didn’t manage to get.
William and Kate would always take separate vehicles and their own security when going to different engagements. This is a departure from their protocol.
Yes! When patterns are broken, something has changed.
Yes, I think this. And who’s helping her into the building? There doesn’t seem to be anyone ready to open the door for her. William should’ve got out, opened the car door her side, and accompanied his wife into the hospital. That is what a husband does.
My thought too. If she can’t go to public events then wouldn’t she need help to get inside? Maybe even with the appointment?
How is this photo any different from the tmz one the UK press refused to publish? It’s a grainy unconvincing shot that could have been taken yesterday or last year.
KP wanted this one published. Literally. That’s it, that’s the difference.
I watched the BBC coverage live and they showed Anne, Sophie/Edward, and Camilla arrive, get out of their cars and walk into the abbey, and through the receiving line. Camilla arrived after S/E and I thought, “Huh – guess William’s not there.” But when the camera moved to show Camilla in the receiving line inside the abbey, there was William in front of her (in the right order per protocol). Did he sneak in a back door??? [eyeroll]
Yes, I think he did! Looking at the BBC coverage on YouTube, they focused on Edward and Sophie for a long time, and then went to Camilla’s arrival. After she was inside, we say William for the first time, toward the end of the receiving line.
The BBC was very quick to move on from his latest scandal. They didn’t seem to want to talk about him at all.
I just watched video of William entering WA, he didn’t get snuck in via a back entrance.
Well at least he seemed to be sober.
Not if you watched William sway during God Save the King. Was he drunk? Or does he have a neurological or psychological disorder? I don’t know, but William is not well.
Perhaps William’s swaying is only caused when hearing God save the king? Wasn’t he swaying when he heard it during the investiture? Is he kind of allergic to the national hymne referring to his father?😉
As someone with a neurological disorder, epileptic, there’s no way they’d let him drive, esp if he is suffering episodes of a related disorder that cause him to sway.
ps I should’ve qualified. If he has epilepsy or similar and it is controlled by drugs, fine, he can drive. But if he has developed epilepsy or another neuro disorder, it must be a recent thing; there is no way, controlled or not, they’d have let him anywhere near getting a helicopter pilot’s licence, which I think he has?
@First Comment – yes, I was wondering if that’s his version of tapping his toes and humming along to the national anthem.
He was GIGGLING with stepmother undearest and swaying like mad during God Save the King so I thought he was piddled by drink.
I saw the video and at the end of the song Camzilla sings God save the and then shuts her mouth. So no God save the King for her whilst she is able to stand still next to a very swaying Peg.
So Kate won’t even show her face so either she had something dome to it or she really hates her husband lol. They just keep making the situation worse lmao, I can’t believe it 😂
Are we supposed to be able to identify Kate because we can see the back of her right ear? And, Will dropped her off at her doctor? Like they are a struggling family with only one car and he dropped off his wife on his way to work? GTFOH
Damn camzilla, that smirk looks good on you, and willy 😂😂😂😂your reputation, just like your wife’s is toast. How does it feel to have your tame paps turn on you.
After listening to the head of a papers photo offices, where authenticity is must
I think your in real trouble, because he has said that after this, all news agencies will be increasing their vigilance, oops
Mary Pester, they really couldn’t do anything else, could they? After the US press organizations killed the photo, what could they do without looking completely owned by the brf. Wow, when those chickens come home to roost, they really go all out.
@JJ I love this idea. Wills could drop off Kate and then head round to pick up the foreign secretary and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Time to stop off for a cheeky Taco Bells and then park the thing outside the Abbey.
@JJ: 100%, well said.
At least the profile matches this time.
You know what would be legit proof of life? Video of Kate attending an event that took place today. She may not be healthy enough to do that, fair enough, but at this point the *only* thing we can trust is her on video interacting with real people who are not involved in this absurd charade.
I totally agree. The only other technique they could do is have someone “trusted” being papped/ filmed coming to visit, a video of them with K, and have them papped/ filmed upon leaving. Perhaps with a bunch of newspapers held up at regular intervals as proof.
Camilla finds those cameras and grins. I wonder who was in that car with William
Many forensic scientists have said that the back of a woman’s head is more identifiable than a fingerprint.
All that and protesters too
That is clearly not her. Look carefully at the bony structure. Again, i find it very strange that they are letting these controversies last this long. This whole scenario reminds me of one of Agatha Christie’s novels (cant remember the name) whereby a “scandal” was carefully cultivated and nutured to in order to mask/hide the “true scandal”. A bigger story is being deflected by this circus. Someone should look into it
The Stymphalian Horses, one of the short story chapters from The Labours of Hercules. A Prime Minister’s wife is alleged to have had an affair and a doppelgänger is used and a gossip rag makes a huge deal out of it, and publishes scurrilous stories. When that can easily be proven false no one believes that her father, a former politician could have been a wrong’un, although he absolutely was!
Nice. Kept looking for the name of the novel yesterday but couldn’t find it. I seriously believe this to be the exact case here.
Re: bony structure: the person in the car with William cannot be the person in the car with Carole. Not within months or years of the photo being taken. It doesn’t even matter to prove that one is real or if neither is; it’s just that it’s obvious that at least one is wrong here.
What a bunch of lying liars who lie…stupidly. Why release another staged photo? This isn’t going to help the situation. Such buffoonery could only be the work of William PR Boy Genius.
Dropping Triple K off to a doctor’s appointment? Seriously? Wouldn’t the doctor make house calls to check on the recovering princess, especially since so much has been made of her need to have a multi-months-long convalescence? Pegs just drops her off and drives away?
Maybe she floated from the car to the office like Barbie, then proceeded to read the People magazine with her face on the cover (tee hee) in the waiting room. Royals! Just like us! Fun!
Apparently William teleported into the church as well. Or, the picture released today was not taken today. Someone at KP figured out how to change the metadata date on the image.
When I am spitting mad and forced to be in the proximity of the person I’m mad at, that is what I’d do: look very pointedly in the other direction.
I don’t think it’s plastic surgery gone wrong. I think there was a severe medical issue and I now believe there is a severe marital issue.
Wishing Kate the best of luck and a good recovery. Things must be really hard right now.
Agree. These two people are not liking each other at ALL. But he should have acted like a man and at least got out of the car and opened her door to help her out. I don’t know whether that happened out of shot, of course. I believe she’s been very ill and it’s pressure cooking their marriage. Yes, whatever she’s done, I hope she recovers OK.
Is it just me, who the hell schedules a doctors appointment following “major abdominal surgery” on a day when your husband has an international event where he dumps you off to fend for yourself?
That’s very true. Who timetabled such a clash? And the dropping off is just too sloppy. Like I keep saying, where is anyone to help her? He should have been available to take her in. Very odd.
I just want to point out that they said “private” appointment, not medical. He could have dropped her off at the hairdresser.
When does Kate ever go out to get her hair done? Whatever it is, it’s weird. What kind of appointment could she have that would need William to drive her there on the morning of a major public event? No kind of event, that’s what. It’s a lie.
The royal family can ask hairdressers to come to their homes
She would have private security drive her to any appointment with a flotilla of RPOs in front and behind, not William. This isn’t a regular husband dropping his wife off for an afternoon of shopping at Target.
I’m not sure that’s K, but for argument’s sake, we’ll assume it is her. We’ll also assume that she’s going to her private appointment…
W did not commit to the Commonwealth service for a long time, right? This school-run obsessed royal dude might have wanted to use K’s appointment as an excuse to avoid work then, no? After all, he was planning on taking off along with K until Easter, too.
That said, while I would not be surprised to hear that this is true, it still seems unlikely.
Cackles in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle🤣🤣🤣
Why are people even believing that’s Kate after the past 24 hours??? That could easily be a KP employee with a vaguely similar enough profile sitting next to Will. Whoever that is, I doubt it’s her at this point.
I can’t believe that I am saying this at the moment I feel sorry for Willy for not having the right staff to guide him from this mess. Why can they tell the truth? This is not 1924 everything and everyone do not have to be perfect. These people are really ridiculous.
It was not his employees who drove out harry and meghan this is all on william
Just Jade, I keep thinking that this isn’t so much about the staff, but it’s about Billy Idle. He’s being unreasonable and won’t work. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to discover that this photo was his idea. If he won’t listen to them, I could believe this is what we’d see.
Commonwealth Day has turned into a s show. William went to a hidden entrance to WA that has a side street to avoid getting booed in the streets on live broadcast. Bobbing and weaving again? Liquor courage in the church like he had booze on his breath before his wedding?
I noticed that too! Sophie and Edward arrived then the queen. Once they showed her inside, poof! There’s William. Snuck in so he could avoid questions and taunts. When will Weekend at Bernie’s end??
I just watched video of Willbur entering WA for the service, so no, he didn’t get whisked in via a back entrance.
A couple of observations, regardless of when this photo was taken, assuming it’s Kate:
1. She has blush on, so assuming it’s taken from the Cth service, she’s well enough to have makeup applied; and
2. Her jaw looks “off”.
Whatever the reasons for her sick leave, those who have been following the royals for even a cursory time know that this is very strange indeed. The tomfoolery binds them because if she is looking so well, which is the image they are trying to convey, no matter how badly, why isn’t she making an effort to do something as to duties? I note that this question is never asked.
The so-called royal rota are not credible as journalists IMO. They are simply PR mouthpieces for the royals and that is shameful. I don’t know how they can look themselves in the mirror and call themselves journalists with a straight face. IMO, they are a disgrace to their profession, however, they are not alone. Fawning sycophancy is even an understatement. They aid and abet the deception.
This is getting weirder by the moment and quite sad actually. I think it’s a medical issue and something else because I think Kate is pissed and is refusing to cooperate. That’s the vibe I’m getting. As a side note this whole mess illustrates again that William is not ready to be king.
Trying to play normal and dropping his wife off at the doctors I don’t think that was Kate in the car.
Swear, when i first saw those yellow posters, I thought they said “ DOWN WITH THE CLOWN”. I nearly suffered whiplash.
Close enough.
Are we going to get a straight answer about what is happening with W&K? Probably not. What we are getting is insight into a lot of things. Someone brought it up in another post that it seems clear now why QEII held on until the end. She saw that the heirs were woefully unprepared and she didn’t want to be around to see it all implode. William has zero respect for his dad. W has only hung around because it’s what he is supposed to do and for the payout. He did not do a shred of preparation for his current role and he isn’t doing anything now for his future role. He feels like being present is enough. He is also very thin skinned – as soon as one of his decisions blows up, he has to throw someone under the bus even his own wife. W’s dad never tried to rein W in and what we see today is the end result of that. A spoiled man child who is having a hard time maintaining the facade in public.
What is also evident is that W is a lot like a certain orange skinned former President. He thinks he knows best and makes decisions based on that. Maybe people try to get him to make different decisions but if so, he doesn’t listen. It explains why he’s had a hard time keeping people employed. His employees have to go against common sense and run the risk of looking incompetent. I’m sure that doesn’t do wonders for a resume.
The other thing here is what kind of husband parades his wife in front of cameras after a debacle like this? I find it hard to believe she wrote that statement. It’s pretty easy to see that the photo was heavily manipulated. More than just airbrushing. And then he thought it would look good to take the same car? If that was her, who can blame her for looking away? Probably angry and embarrassed. Probably never thought he would give her the Meghan treatment but here we are.
I’m not convinced it’s not Kate in the car, but…Does anyone know if Rose Hanbury attended the Commonwealth service? 🧐
I have the following theory: this story about Kate has been used to distract the public from the real health condition of King Charles.
No one knows what type of cancer he has, the type of treatment, and his prognosis, and no one questions this because everyone is only discussing the surgery and Kate’s disappearance. This is all the work of Buckingham Palace, and they are throwing the Waleses under the bus to cover up what is actually happening with Charles.
I don’t think they’d throw the future king under the bus to save the current king, especially if he’s terminal. Then again, they follow the royal version of logic and strategy so maybe? It feels like they don’t have good options so they keep fumbling.
At this point, it’s more like “as long as it’s not me under that bus, all is good.”
This is the best “Survivor” show ever.
Take a look at the picture of William and his teal coloured tie, then look at the picture in the car with the supposed Kate. Does that look like the same tie?
Woman in car holding a phone. Does Kate ever do that?
I think the people who speculated this is actually an old shot from the Christmas day walk are right. I am seeing on twitter people put up comparison pictures. Willileaks’s jacket and tie match as does her hat. This is wild. Absolutely wild.
This car photo… doesn’t look like William. That’s it. I’m out.
I just watched theBBC Commonwealth Service too, thanks to @artfossil for the tip. Not only did William “magically” appear in the receiving line before Cam, he did sway while singing God Save the King (12:00). Another thing I noticed was at the end of the song, Cam quit singing, looked very solemn (sad), and then she had several noticeable head tremors as she stood otherwise still.
Then at 35:06, more swaying from Will as the congregation stands to sing a hymn. Cam moves her arm – is it to steady him? No, just scratching her arse.
Charles looks and sounds just fine in his pre-recorded message. Maybe more pronounced under-eye circles and some weight loss. Still thick fingers.
Perhaps the King is more ill than we’re being told, maybe the rumors of Cam having early Parkinson’s are true, and maybe something is seriously wrong with Willy Boy. Or he’s finally tapping into his inner rhythm by swaying sentimentally to God Save the King?
I think the entire family is cashing out. No more security for anyone. Golden parachutes for all. No more royalty means no more need to stick around with the old ball and chains. Camzilla brought down the monarchy. Kudos cuz that couldn’t have been easy. I still think that old skank looks good in pastels.