Trader Joe’s $3 mini tote bags are selling at huge markups on eBay

If there’s one thing the Stanley Cup fanaticism has taught us as a culture, it’s to not let the likes of TikTok whip us into a frenzy over utilitarian products that are rebranded as elite must-haves. Just kidding!! Social media has designated a new target, and the masses have heeded the call. People are flocking to Trader Joe’s stores to stock up on new canvas mini tote bags that come in four basic colors sure to match your lego set: red, green, yellow, blue. Each bag is $2.99 from Trader Joe’s, or you can shop at eBay instead and pay up to $150 for a single bag or $500 for a set. All for a reusable shopping bag that measures 13” long x 11” tall x 6” wide. Here we go again…

A Trader Joe’s canvas mini tote bag that costs about the same as a pack of gum is being resold online for nearly 200 times its retail price.

The Trader Joe’s bags, available in blue, red, green and yellow, have taken social media by storm in the past week, garnering more than 11 million views on TikTok. Although some stores have reportedly been placing limits on the amount people are able to buy at one time, customers have been flocking to stores across the country and snatching up as many of the $2.99 bags as they can, according to store employees.

Some have been reselling the bags on e-commerce platforms like eBay and Facebook Marketplace. As of Sunday afternoon, hundreds of mini tote bags have been posted on eBay with prices ranging from $5 to $500.

“As a seller, it just came naturally that I thought these would sell,” said one eBay user who is selling four tote bags in all available colors for $145 or best offer. They have already sold eight, and have one left in their store, according to their page. “I believe these were limited production,” the seller added.

According to the page of another seller, who is offering a set of four bags for $499.99 or best offer, one set has been sold and two more remain.

It’s unclear whether these bags have actually been sold at their advertised price point, since eBay users can bid below the starting offer.

One Iowa-based store employee told CNN the bags were only available for a week before they sold out, with the next shipment not expected until September.

Another employee at a New Jersey location said the customer craze started about two weeks ago, and that some holiday-minded shoppers are buying them ahead of time. “Customers love it. They’re buying a lot,” she said. “Easter is coming up and they make great baskets for kids.”

[From CNN]

So we’ve moved from people swarming Target stores for large water cups available in two colors, to people descending upon Trader Joe’s markets for small grocery bags available in four colors. Is this a graduation or a demotion? Or simply net zero? I want to say it’s a step up, because I actually like the Trader Joe’s shopping bag designs… just not this one. Granted I’m a girl with eccentric taste, who likes bright colors and fun graphics. I’m a proud owner of the elegant Joni/Jolene market eco tote, and my mother and I each cherish our hometown San Francisco-themed bags. Those designs I can appreciate. I still wouldn’t camp outside a TJ’s for them, but I’d at least have an aesthetic understanding behind the compulsion. But these mini totes, oh dear. Where is the joy? Where is the whimsy? And who came up with this talking point: “Easter is coming up and they make great baskets for kids.” I’m sorry, but these would be the saddest Easter baskets EVER. Easter is about crisp pastels, not canvas khaki accented with primary-colored straps! Oy gevolt.

But fear not if you missed the minis this time around, Trader Joe’s says they’ll be bringing them back. And while everyone is distracted going after them, I’ll stock up on my favorite TJ’s mini product: their thumb-sized ice cream cones. I guess I can live with this fad after all.

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11 Responses to “Trader Joe’s $3 mini tote bags are selling at huge markups on eBay”

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  1. terra says:

    I’m going to go with Net Zero. I thought it was in reference to the little zip-up mini bag, but, no, it had to be dumber than that. My little nine-year-old cousin at least got a kick out of the zippered mini. This wouldn’t pass the kid test.

    (SIde note: I also have the Joni/Jolene tote. My favorite is the bright yellow insulated bag, as I live in Houston and being stuck in traffic for even as long as it takes to get home is often enough to melt frozen products.)

  2. Manda says:

    Anyone who would pay $500 for a set of bags that cost less than $15 deserves what they get–cheap canvas bags. But I don’t hate on the seller. If the opportunity presented itself, I would do that too! How silly. Recently, I totally passed on buying the dune 2 popcorn bucket, and people are selling those on ebay for like $800!!!

    Also, the strand bookstore in NYC has really cute totes

  3. Flamingo says:

    God, I hate FOMO. It’s $2.99 cute not $500 cute.

  4. Colleen says:

    I only want one of those mini-tote bags if I get that cute little puppy from the last picture with it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I really, really need to learn to read through ALL the comments before posting, because I just wrote the same thing just above! I’m leaving it because, my goodness, what a sweetie pie that dog is!

  5. North of Boston says:

    I don’t get it.

    Are people seriously that eager to sport these to signal their unwavering support of for-profit companies engaged in illegal union busting?

  6. smee says:

    Trader Joe’s are union busters, hard pass

  7. Blithe says:

    When I first read about this, I thought the fuss was going to be over the keychain size micro-totes. So I don’t get it — even though I have a decades old ll bean tote stuffed in a closet somewhere. Having said that, if Trader Joe’s does the large insulated bags in hot pink again, I might make an effort to snag a couple of them and use them for beach bags.

    The puppy pic is totes adorbs.

  8. BeanieBean says:

    I’m still using my Hawaiian Whole Foods bags; they’re still holding up after about five years.

  9. Concern Fae says:

    It’s a useful size. I use reusable grocery bags for organizing around the house. 13×11 is a good size for holding spiral notebooks and binders. Multiple colors also helps in terms of organizing. Probably better quality for the price than the Dollar Store.