Page Six: Princess Kate is looking like Diana right before the divorce

There are so many people newly tuning in to the royal sh-tshow and they all have so many opinions and theories. I love that, and I love that there are so many eyes on this unfolding catastrophe, and it’s thrilling to have so many people engaged with something we’ve been covering here for many, many years. I have one note for the new peeps: the idea that the Princess of Wales would suddenly “leave” her husband or that all of this is happening because Kate has “had enough” is the wrong gossip-thread to go down. Kate would never leave William. She would never ask for a divorce. She is in this marriage until William is done with her. Whatever is happening right now – and I truly don’t have any exclusive information on this – is happening because of William’s actions, his behavior, his attempts to get Kate out of the way, to marginalize her or divorce her. Speaking of, it does feel like there are significant efforts to soft-launch a divorce or the idea of Kate’s withdrawal from public life. For example, this very interesting Page Six piece:

Royal insiders fear Kate Middleton’s Photoshop scandal is taking a toll on her recovery from the abdominal surgery which has sidelined her from royal duties — and made her health the focus of intense speculation. The Princess of Wales looked strained as she sat next to Prince William Monday, gazing out of the window, prompting comparisons in royal circles to photos of her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana.

One well-placed royal source told Page Six, “It’s an awful lot to be under all of this public scrutiny when you are recovering from major surgery.

“The rumor mill — particularly on social media — has gotten out of control, but Kate is recovering well and she will be back by Easter. She just needs to be left in peace.”

Another palace insider mused, “I worry about all this attention on Catherine. She did not look happy at all in the car on Monday.”

The insider added that it reminded them of photographs of Diana looking upset as she sat next to her former husband, King Charles, at the height of their marriage crisis. One famous photo saw the couple sitting together on an official visit to Seoul, South Korea, in November 1992. the tension etched across their faces. They announced their official split a month later.

Kensington Palace had stated that Kate would be expected back to public life at Easter after having her planned surgery and are continuing to stick to this while trying to quell rumors.

Global PR and marketing expert Mark Borkowski said the entire affair has shown up how the royal family fares when Kate, the “box office” attraction, is out of commission. “It does focus on William’s decisions about how he calls the shots on how they manage the press… this shows a complete disengagement with the media.”

[From Page Six]

Yep, Borkowski is right in this narrow instance – this is William’s (mis)management of the press, and William has clearly signaled that Kate is being thrown under the bus, that Kate is expendable, that Kate can and will be used to protect him. Evoking Diana and the previous Wales divorce is being done on purpose too. I’m not saying KP wrote this Page Six blurb, but royalists in the UK and North America can read the tea leaves and we understand what’s happening this week.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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140 Responses to “Page Six: Princess Kate is looking like Diana right before the divorce”

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  1. Interested Gawker says:

    OMG, what is happening? It’s only Wednesday!

    How much more popcorn do they think I can eat?!

    • The Robinsons says:

      Their marriage has been over for years, in William’s eyes. They are just trying to see what will be the best way to spring it on the UK public, that Willie is moving on without Kate.
      They will continue to blame Kate to a fever pitch for whatever goes wrong in thr BRF… because she along with HM will be William’s new-whippingboy.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Omg Harry spent years of his life believing his mother orchestrated her own disappearance and wasn’t actually dead.

      And now Kate has actually disappeared.

    • sparrow says:

      Ha ha!!!! I know. Crazy. I want to post a link to this submariner who reviews how realistic submarine disaster films are. He has the best “crrraaaaazy” I’ve ever heard. I’m not good at links, tho. I just hear his voice all the time at the moment. And yes I watch weird stuff on youtube!

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, I’ve switched to tortilla chips. The bite-sized ones – fewer crumbs on the keyboard.

    • SCS says:

      Ive been alternating between licorice, popcorn and mini Reese’s Peanut butter cups. Lol

    • Jais says:

      Sour cream and onion chips😂

    • Pixel says:

      My tinfoil hat theory is that William did something to one or more of the kids à la Brad and Angelina. She took the kids and left and planned a divorce. What else would make her leave so quickly and make the kids disappear from public eye?

      • Esquire says:

        She has no chance of taking the royal children. That will be a blow to the monarchy and Charles will never allow it.

      • MY3CENTS says:

        I thought so as well. Makes sense why no kids and Willy looking haggard, also why he is not getting any help from KC on this. He is known to drink and have a temper.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        No way in hell Kate would be allowed to take the kids. Kate only gets the kids because William can’t be bothered, but she would never be allowed to remove them from the royal family’s control. I also think it’s why William did not harm any of the kids — because he can’t be bothered to.

      • Esquire says:

        Added to my previous post, it was one of Diana’s biggest fears – that she would lose custody of her boys. She thought Charles et al would try to have her declared an unfit mother, as in insane.

      • Square2 says:

        @pixel Since we’re doing conspiracy theories here, why not “Something happened between KKKate & kid(s)”? From all those photos & outings, the children seemed comfortable with him; Louis seemed show no respect toward his mother at the QE2 Jubilee? Another thought is that I thought the Wails were abusive toward each other.

        (ROTA rats said: Kate can give back as she got [when she & will had arguments] or something like that.)

      • Fergus says:

        My questions are:
        1. Why haven’t the kids been photo’ed at all? You’d think W would want to be seen taking the kids on school runs. I mean it’s SOP for Kate to use kid photos when bad press descends.

        2. Why is there zero response from BP? Does BP always leave KP to their own devices, even in these situations where everything is crashing down? Folks saying Meghan should outwardly support Kate via the press but no such pressure for BP to do so?

      • Liz says:

        The royal kids are far younger than Brad’s and Angelina’s though Pixel.

        I could see teens arguing with a dad but I expect the royals are still palmed off to nanny most of the time.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      This is it! Season finale starts!! The press is finally releasing some crumbs. It’s going down the drain! Are we going to cover the harsh welcome they got at the commonwealth day? DOWN WITH THE CROWN

  2. HeatherC says:

    As George Takei would say….oh my!

    First was she would appear after Easter.

    Then Easter.

    Then she was “confirmed” to be at TTC in June but that was quickly pulled.

    Now she will magically appear AT Easter.

    The pressure for proof of life is great and they’re crumbling to it. Let’s see how quick that statement is pulled….

  3. MaryContrary says:

    I have said this entire time the messaging has been weird: where are the stories about him doting on her as she recovers? that he’s her rock? the usual drivel about them being a solid team. That to me is the biggest indicator that there is something afoot. All the stories were he needs to be there for the kids. I think the photo of her with her mother was her attempt to circumvent HIM.

    • pj says:

      *All the stories were he needs to be there for the kids.*


      She left him with the kids and is with her parents. That’s what I’m getting from all this nonsense.

      • EasternViolet says:

        My first reaction would be to ask – would leaving with the children be even possible? Could William have circumvented that with security? I have been thinking she is not with the kids because there has been zero discussion about them interacting with her during her recovery – the puff pieces about how the kids make her breakfast or get well cards and the like.

      • MsIam says:

        I think she left the kids with him. Those kids are property of the Crown, they are royal grandchildren. The Crown must ensure continuity of the line.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I think that photo was Carole saying “William ain’t doing shit. I’M the one taking care of Kate.”

      • MaryContrary says:

        Maybe-but my point is that he’s never ever claimed (nor have their “friends”) that he’s the one taking care of her, or that she’s leaning on him. That in and of itself is really out of the ordinary for how they usually (try to) present. I’ve never thought that divorce was an option for them (despite so many people here saying their marriage was on the rocks). She wanted that ring (which again-why it’s not in that Frankenstein pic is weird), and will look the other way forever no matter what he does. If something is going down with them-it’s all on him. He’s driving this trainwreck.

    • ChattyCath says:

      Her mother. She’ll go down in history. WORSE than Mrs Bennett. She’s the cause of all this. I’d hazard a guess and say that a lot of Willy’s dysfunction can be laid at her door. Not all of it though. That’s The System. What a horrible horrible family the Middletons are. Interesting to see if they become like the fisherman’s wife and are sent back to their vinegar bottle so to speak

  4. Carnivalbaby says:

    I always felt that William hated the media as much as Harry does, but becuz he was king in waiting he is happy to use all the other means of distraction at his disposal to keep these feelings under the radar. His laziness expands to more than just the work he does or doesn’t do. Now with Harry and Meghan gone, and him doing an autocratic silence on his and his wife’s behalf + plus the dishonest photo shenanigans and excuses the cracks are being laid bare for all too see. I don’t know what’s coming after for the RF, but he seems to be a worse version of his father post Diana and Harry was right to get out.

  5. Yes the end seems very near for Can’t. She has done her best to hold on to a crown she doesn’t have yet. Peg is done and she will be rid of soon. The handling of it is just nuts. This did happen with Chuckles and Diana but not to this degree but QEII told them to end it and move on but there is no QEII to do this for Peg and Can’t so this could go on for awhile longer.

    • Nick G says:

      @Susan Collins your imagery now makes me wonder if this is the reason for all that tiara banning at the Coronation?? They didn’t want her wearing one for the history books?? I cant even think straight any more, so much intrigue

      • LBB says:

        I just had the very same thought about the tiara!

      • Iolanthe says:

        I am going to sound like a snob but I have seen Kate with Pippa at their usual Sloaney shopping haunts long before she married ..fake tan , thin ,very basic females . If it’s all about pedigree , if it matters in dogs, cats and horses , there’s zero breeding here . No Middleton even joined the army . Even Camilla who I heartily loathe should have married Charles to begin with and spared a young girl a ton of heartache . She had the right credentials , royal connections , a family tiara , was a debutante, rode , hunted . Diana of course was even more high born than Charles, if you know your kings of England , and was picked for her bloodline like a brood mare . BUT, and this is a big but , you can be born working class or a villager and still be a natural aristocrat . Doria has such grace and class and so has Meghan plus they have empathy , compassion and such a brilliant work ethic ..the Middletons are utterly outclassed

    • EasternViolet says:

      I think part of QEII’s insistence was how visibly miserable Charles and Diana looked in public. THAT was a bad look for the monarchy. Kate is very very aware of this and has cultivated a public face that is of a happy, contented, dutiful wife, careful not to outshine her wet blanket of a husband. Most people have not seen the ass grabs and his looks of disgust. And most have no idea that the divorce story has been simmering for years. Until her illness, divorce would have been a complete shock internationally, and seemingly out of nowhere (and a bad look for the monarchy)…. where with Charles and Di it was plain for all to see. I think that is why there is no pressure from Charles… that side can be hidden for longer.

      • TN Democrat says:

        Diana and Charles went scorched Earth on each other publicly with dueling books, affairs, hacked phone calls and intimate televised interviews for years before their divorce. The press has been more hands off and respectful toward William and his kids than they ever were with Harry/William during their childhood. William really should have learned how the media operates as a child and never manipulated the coverage because playing games with the press backfired historically for the royals.

  6. Molly says:

    And BP is sitting back eating popcorn.

    • ML says:

      And clinking glasses to toast their success.

    • Melly says:

      Im shocked BP hasn’t stepped in yet. Will is making the monarchy look bad on an international level

      • Shawna says:

        Charles really needs to step in now. (Unless he physically can’t. Layer upon layer….)

      • Feeshalori says:

        Agree, now that Charles and Camilla have most likely enjoyed their own schadenfreude over this, he now needs to step in before William totally burns everything down. The late queen did so with his own marriage to Diana before it got any worse by telling them they have to divorce. And he needs to intervene in some manner but is he in any state to do so with his cancer?

  7. Countess says:

    “ She did not look happy at all in the car on Monday.”

    Amazing they could give this analysis of her emotional state by looking at the back of her head and a sliver of her cheek.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Rose’s cheek will be feeling very unseen, a royal expert told us.

    • Claire says:

      Agreed, unless there are other pictures of the Monday car ride that we haven’t seen, I don’t understand the comment that she didn’t look happy when all we saw was her cheek?

  8. Kokiri says:

    Be better to just get it over with.

    It’s done. She lost. She will stay in Adelaide & always be mom to the future king, but won’t get the crown herself.

  9. Tuesday says:

    I’m filled with schadenfreude. In an effort to be better than I’m naturally inclined to be, I hope they eventually stop thinking divorce is the worst thing ever and can find some happiness afterward.

    • sparrow says:

      Yes. In this scenario, which I still can’t quite see, I hope she would go back to what she should have done – being a rich woman with a nice house. They could enjoy sharing custody of the kids, and hopefully she would get full security protection from the BRF. And time to think and make full apologies to H&M. And William – I wonder whether he would abdicate? He isn’t a happy man. There’s an ill woman at the centre of this, and I suspect a man who’s falling apart, given his appearance. Time for them to realise the best way forwards could well be apart. He could definitely make use of the time to apologise to his brother and sister in law. But the future of the BRF???

      • Bad Janet says:

        Abdication, making things right with family, and sobering up would require self reflection and willingness to change. Neither quality is commonly found in a narcissist, and William is absolutely screaming narcissist personality traits. It’s gone from little hints over the years to blatant telegraphing as the wheels came off their PR train.

    • Jais says:

      Agree with this. My feeling is if one person wants a divorce, they should be able to have one. If William wants a divorce, he should have one. If Kate wants a divorce, she should have one. No one should be forced to stay married. The whole idea of having to be separated 2 years or a certain amount of time before being allowed a divorce is scary. An institution should also not pressure people to get married or to stay married.

  10. ML says:

    If I were *shudder* married to a man like this, divorce would be a great and wonderful thing!
    Anyway, W is definitely the one with a say, not K. I don’t think he would divorce her without having a replacement waiting after he had such difficulty finding the aristo wife he was initially after. I don’t believe Rose is looking to switch husbands. At one point he was seen with a blond Russian woman exiting or entering a private club, but my guess is that he’d need a British girlfriend.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Why does he need a replacement? He has three children. That’s the only reason he condescended to marry Kate finally.

      • Esquire says:

        100%; and I doubt the British public will be thrilled to be funding 2 wives, one ex and one current. Kate will remain on the British public’s payroll.

        It was convenient that Diana died to clear the path for Charles to marry his mistress.

        Then there is the matter of children. He won’t have any more, of that I’m sure. That means any second wife will likely have her own and they will also be on the British public’s payroll. But William doesn’t care about such trivialities.

    • The Duchess says:

      Does he really need to find a replacement wife? He’s been leaning into the single dad narrative for a few years now because it simply gets him better PR. The only obstacle for divorce now is Kitty’s mysterious ailments and even that can be explained away with the right excuse. It’s not like he needs more children. Him making her take the blame for a photograph he supposedly took is a huge sign he won’t fight for her anymore. He’s done with it. Outside of the conspiracies that he’s unalived her, who exactly is pointing the blame at Willy for the photo? Nobody. Even the press are blaming her and that doesn’t go without a palace approval.

    • ML says:

      Guys, this guy has no real charm or charisma. His wife, who is not exactly the life of the party, warm or personable actually gets more headlines and people are more interested in her. Think Earthsh!t. He’s been coasting on being Diana’s son and being married to K. Imagine how he’s going to act in public without her?

      The other issue he has at the moment is that he reads conservative and old. So are his biggest supporters. They’ll want him to be married.

      • Enthusiast says:

        I think he’d be just fine because he has the most influential people in the country backing him. I never thought Charles would get away with everything, but he did. He had an expensive coronation, and no one could do anything about his internationally televised spectacle.

        The only thing Will can’t do is express sympathy for immigrants or Gazans or critique the race/class hierarchy. He can have as many mistresses and children as he wants. Like his father, he can rake in tons of cash in bags.

      • ML says:

        Enthusiast, I am sure W would be okay, but his popularity could be damaged. KC was more popular as a “unit” with Diana than Camz and that damage has remained. It’s accepted, but not loved. K is not D, but people have been fed a fairytale and there is a large segment that believes this. My Londoner neighbor believes that they live happily together in Adelaide, that they love and support each other and K is recuperating. She thinks K photoshopped that image, but she’s not wild about W’s behavior. And she’s a (doesn’t mind the monarchy) Labour voter. There are a couple more Brits in my neighborhood. One wants them gone, the other is like this woman in thinking they’re good for the economy and tradition. Kate isn’t as unpopular as we think yet. And W has to work on his lazy image.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    I can’t believe they’re still pretending that the Monday car pic is legit Kate or that it’s from Monday. There were no faux Dianas or Diana imposters running around trying to deceive us.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Bingo. Besides the public interest, the Diana years weren’t anything like this.

    • Feeshalori says:

      At the time the late queen stepped in to tell Diane and Charles that they had to divorce, I thought that was terribly interfering of her. But seeing how far this situation has gone with the increasing subterfuge, high jinks,
      and blame being waged in the newspapers nonstop now and being covered overseas, I can see her reasoning why it shouldn’t have gone too far. Period. Charles really does need to step up and do something, but he either doesn’t care about protecting the monarchy or isn’t in a situation to do so. I don’t like Kate, never did, but to see her being trashed and thrown to the wolves by her despicable husband is disgusting to see. And it needs a fast resolution. There looks like a similar diversion going on here.
      And these Kate imposters remind me of the Thomas Crown Affair where all the TC imposters were running around the museum to divert attention from the real one stealing the painting.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I was writing too fast. My sentence, “There look looks like a similar diversion going on here” should have been my last sentence in the final paragraph.

      • Sapphos says:

        Please there is no need for her husband to defend her- I assume this woman is smart and can understand the situation. She made the Duchess of Sussex cry and remained quite when the story was rudely flipped and DofS was stoned.

      • Feeshalori says:

        He’s incapable of defending her when he’s too busy throwing her to the wolves which is what we always knew would happen once he was tired of his marriage and needed a scapegoat to cover his messes. But it’s getting to a critical point which is why I say this is where Charles as monarch should step in as the late queen did with Charles and Diana to resolve this matter before it does the monarchy irreparable harm, unless Charles just doesn’t care. Of course I know what Kate did to Meghan and K deserves whatever she’s getting now as retribution. And maybe Charles is enjoying William getting his comeuppance, but at this point BP needs to take some control of this if that’s even possible anymore.

  12. Berkeleyfarm says:

    The thing that struck me about that silhouette is that “Kate” appeared to have a full updo. If she was just “being dropped off at an appointment as W was going to the service” (which in itself is super hinky and not believable) presumably at a doctors, she wouldn’t have gone to the effort of getting her hair styled like that.

    I see the internet sleuths have been on that case.

    William is just so used to lying because everyone has covered for him his entire life.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      A full updo minus earrings, no less. 👀

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        No jewelry in the mother’s day photo either. I think Huevo has stripped her of her borrowed jewels. Including, obviously, big blue.

  13. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    Bah! Kate isn’t fit to be compared in any way to Diana. Diana found courage and took a stand. She dared to say with her full chest what was being done to her and found every way possible to not go gently or quietly. She made some noise. She was a warrior princess not a victim. That didn’t happen overnight. She worked hard to grow from a shy teenager to the strong woman who fought for respect and esteem.

    While I do have compassion for anything Kate may be going through right now, she was happily complicit in this machinery until it was turned against her.

    She’s stood up for no one, not even herself. She not only failed to find her own voice, she gleefully tried to silence Meghan’s when the machine tried to obliterate Meghan.

    As I said elsewhere on this site, when it’s a woman vs the patriarchy I’ll always side with the woman. But I’m not going to pretend this particular woman is anything special like Diana was.

    She’s just another unhappy woman about to get a divorce from a man who has disproportionately more power. It happens.

    • Sigmund says:


      I do feel sorry for Kate in a sense, but she should definitely not be compared to Diana. If she could, Kate would be living her life exactly as she always has been. I think if a divorce is coming, it’s because Will wants it, not her.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, I feel for her to a degree, because it’s taken a serious illness for their marriage to be shown up as unsupportive and a sham. I feel for him to a degree because I sense it’s actually her who’s not playing ball and she’s retreated to her family. I think the kids must be feeling awful, perhaps – who knows what’s going on. Being “pro” Meghan and Harry doesn’t mean I have no feelings for the two idiots, despite what they did. In a way, what goes around comes around; they should have acted with way, hugely way, more dignity and friendship towards Harry and Meghan.

  14. Em says:

    Royal fans asking the wales not to release any more photos of their children because of this is hilarious, if daily mail doesn’t have Kate’s cuties 2024 they’re gonna turn even more feral.

  15. SALADSPINNER says:

    I think she is leaving him. I think that whatever the price was for staying, she found she could no longer pay it without risking her life, and she finally realized that it wasn’t worth it, so she’s out. But unlike Diana, I think we should expect full Greta Garbo here.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Nah, there’s no way she willingly walks away from the crown.

      She’s being sidelined by William.

  16. Juliana says:

    He’s finally done it. He found a way to get rid of her without him looking like a total asshole. She would absolutely never walk away from this lifestyle and all that it affords. She and her mother worked, waited tirelessly and put up with lots of humiliation for this “job”.
    The narrative will be wild over the next few days/weeks as they imply that she’s no longer not mentally fit for the role. That troll, Angela Levin left hints about this weeks ago, as they were laying the groundwork for Kate’s exit. And I”m sure they’ll end up blaming it on the Sussexes any moment now too, because why not? What is astounding is that she thought she was above reproach. Did she not see the way he treated his own brother?? She fucked around and found out, big time.

    • tatannelise says:

      Got to dispute that he doesn’t come out of this looking like an asshole. Like, I don’t have any theories at all about what is going on except that William is showing himself to be a very not-nice human.

  17. Mimi says:

    “It’s an awful lot to be under all of this public scrutiny when you are recovering from major surgery.” Wow, now imagine being the first non-white person EVER in the history of the institution AND being pregnant AND fighting off planted stories by the rest of the royal family AND having to endure this type (and worse) of scrutiny.

  18. Becks1 says:

    Yeah, all these people/organizations know what they are doing with the comparisons to Diana – Page 6, tina brown, etc. It’s not a comparison based on Kate’s charisma or work ethic, that’s for sure.

    At this point I just have no idea what’s going on. what is the endgame here? Easter is only two weeks away. Are they really just going to trot her out on easter Sunday like none of this happened?

    • Eurydice says:

      I really think they’re going to try. “Head in the sand” was Elizabeth’s strategy until situations became untenable. We (and possibly the rest of the planet) think this situation is already untenable, but I can’t tell if William thinks that.

    • sevenblue says:

      Well she was out smiling on engagements right after getting outed as one of the people who was concerned about the skin color of H&M’s baby. So, I am gonna guess they including her are still shameless.

    • Puppy1 says:

      @Becks1, I said on another post that I think the “stress” of all this will take a toll on her “fragility” and she will have a setback. I bet she doesn’t come out for Easter.

      • SueBarbri33 says:

        There’s no way that W/K or the children appear on Easter. No way. Nope. Charles won’t be there, and neither will William or Kate. And then, folks, we will have ourselves a ballgame.

      • Jais says:

        Personally, I don’t believe the Wales kids should have to do the Easter walk this year. Idc whether William does it alone or Kate miraculously shows up but the kids should not have to walk in front of cameras this Easter.

  19. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Poor Kaiser
    Gonna have blisters on all your fingers by the end of the day from typing so much!
    But thank you for taking it for the team!

  20. Mrs. Smith says:

    I said this on a different thread, but I think it’s worth repeating (?): KP issued the doctored photo of Kate on Mother’s Day without her rings. That is a glaring bit of info to me. I know the missing rings have been mentioned lots of times already, but once we fully understood that K was photoshopped into that photo and the PALACE decided to airbrush out the rings (or didn’t bother to “add” them back in) means divorce. Why else would they do this?? Although their gross incompetence could be to blame.

    • Karmaflower says:

      If she’s in treatment–there is a history of seeking help for mental illness in her family. Her brother. I believe something happened. Could be more than pillows were thrown. Could be she finally got her wake up call that he is an alcoholic, and quite mean.
      KC may not be intervening bc he knows PoW is out of control. The kids may be safer away from their dad right now. KC may also not be intervening bc he’s going through cancer treatment & needs to focus on this bc clearly, the next in line is a hot mess.
      Didn’t the current PoW ask a few women to marry him & was rejected? The only one willing to say yes was the one who is MIA.
      If she’s in treatment, no jewelry is allowed. No visitors for a specific time. Thankfully the kids are being kept out of the public eye. Bravo to whomever put their needs first. Idt it was their father. And their mother is currently unable.
      Thankful Harry & Meghan left the toxicity behind.

  21. Dee says:

    When Whoopi Goldberg is coming to your defense, you have already been ghosted, Kate.

    • equality says:

      So Whoopi, who attacks Meghan, is defending Kate?

      • Jais says:

        Unbelievable. Charles and Camilla need to contact her for a celebrity appearance at this point.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Yeah, saw that. There are several names for somebody like Whoopi but I won’t say them here. We have to remember that this a person who let her boyfriend go out in public wearing blackface.

      • Wisdom45 says:

        Whoopi is good friends with Charles from what I hear. I don’t know what turned her against Meghan, she loved her when she first Met Harry. She was even against Meghan and Harry when the pop. Chased then. But that doesn’t explain her sympathy to Kate.

  22. Olivia says:

    I’m still half expecting that when Kate finally does show her face, it will be announced that Pedo and Fergie will be moving to Frogmore Cottage.

  23. moderatelywealthy says:

    Kate is, for once, doing the right thing. She should stay away as long as it takes William to figure out if he wants to continue their arrangement or the terms of the divorce. She had her surgery, is recovering and collecting a lot of sympathy by doing nothing. The onus of her health is now William´s. That is why he is photshopping like crazy. That is is why he is signing off statements in her name.

    William will blame everything from Harry leaving to the Photoshop on Kate and that is why Charles does not want to see his son- he does not want W´s bad press all over him.

    • LurkingWriter says:

      Idk. KKKate doing the right thing assumes that she has any agency, both when it relates to anything to do with the Firm and her as an individual. She seems to have been just fine with letting her mother steer her in Wilnot’s direction for so many years. She also had no problem with doing whatever has been asked/required of her since she married in to that horrible family. I just can’t see her as anything but the vapid social climber she’s always been.

  24. Shawna says:

    Why is anyone taking the head-averted two-different-brick-walls picture seriously at this point?

  25. Barbara says:

    Random question: if the woman died before you even met her son and married him, can you really call her your “late mother-in-law”?

    • sparrow says:

      No, I doubt it. I say my partner’s late mother – otherwise it’s an overstep too far into a history that isn’t yours. ps she died before I was on the scene. that kind of read like I was planning to kill her in real time!

  26. Lau says:

    “Another palace insider mused, “I worry about all this attention on Catherine. She did not look happy at all in the car on Monday.””, I mean, you can’t see her face enough to be sure that it IS her but sure.
    Also I don’t think Kate would retire from public life even if divorce do happen. You can see how hard it is for her mother to be out of the public eye after having scammed a lot of people so I think that Kate has the same kind of mindset.

  27. Normades says:

    Absolutely agree with Kaiser that Kate is ride or die and would not willingly get a divorce. She and her mom have had their eyes on the crown and will put up with anything to get it. They already don’t live together and just have to endure each other for infrequent work engagements.

    This is all William. Everything. I believe he is purposely making a big mess of everything so she’ll be forced to talk to the public and then announce their divorce.

    • blueberry says:

      This Radar online story caught my eye:

      I dunno it could be completely fiction (they reference a National Enquirer story), or it could be a trial balloon. The only way he can leave her now is if it’s painted in this way–she can’t handle it anymore and is stepping back. Even if an actual divorce doesn’t happen, it’s a perfect excuse for him to appear without her and live separately. They will sell the ‘Kate is too fragile so she is stepping back and poor Willie is bravely carrying on”

      • Mary Eleanor Kidd says:

        My take? They’re painting her as “mentally unstable”, just like they did with Diana. The gloves are off, the gauntlet has been thrown. It will be interesting to see what develops from here.

    • Truthiness says:

      Hard agree, Kate is a stage 5 clinger to her queenly ambitions. It’s a bad mix with a horridly spoiled heir who has been a brat from the beginning. I’m naively rooting for the fken end of the still very medieval Brit monarchy. Will has lost staff and has no work ethic, it’s a great moment for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to make a getaway!

      • Renae says:

        Darn near all my in-laws still live in Northern Ireland. There is no way you can pry those biddies away from their reverence to the Royal family.
        Last year all I heard was how Wonderful Kate was and how horrible and wicked Meg was. They sent trinkets from their time in London/Windsor for the queens funeral (who even knew they put out key chains and lens and other do- hickeys for a funeral?).

  28. Amy Bee says:

    I agree with Kaiser. Kate’s never divorcing William. But I don’t think William will ever divorce Kate either. He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with his parents, plus another heir divorcing would probably sink the Royal Family.

    • Normades says:

      I dunno. I think William might think Daddy made his mistress queen, why can’t I do that too?
      I think he absolutely hates and resents Kate and wants her out at all costs.

      • Esquire says:

        I think he started looking at her differently when he realised how gauche the Middletons really are and how they pretended to have money to snag him. I too would be embarrassed to have that motley crew as my in-laws.

        I think the final straw was PP going into administration and the public fallout over that. It was very unedifying for the royal family, no matter how much the royal rota spins it like it has nothing to do with Kate. It’s only her parents long-term business, where she apparently worked, after all …

        The Middletons never considered that Will would turn on them, they underestimated how fickle he is. I always said that he was using them more than they were using him. He no longer has any use for any of them, including his wife. He’s done and he likely finds them all repugnant.

      • Jenn says:

        Exactly, Esquire. The Middletons think they’ve got Camilla-tier Machiavellianism on lock, but the Party Pieces stuff gave William the ick. I wonder if it’s also dawning on him that his wife’s family poisoned him (and the public) against Harry and Meghan — leaving him completely alone with no allies.

    • Liz says:

      I think the opposite Amy. A divorce would save it. It’s the shenanigans that will sink it.

  29. swaz says:

    William looks like he’s checked out completely 🙄🙄 he’s just not sure what to do next 😏😏

  30. Just Jade says:

    That two edge knife only say what what people wanted to hear.

  31. smee says:

    I suspect he really wants a deevorce and she’s been resistant, willing to put up with his philandering but something big happened like…he did the “surgery” during a fight, or laid hands on a family member or announced the arrival of an extra kid to her…

    Whatever it is no one wants anything to do with it. If it was something she did, they would have blabbed it by now.

  32. Esquire says:

    FGS, the infantilising of this 42-year-old woman is infuriating. She’s a wife and mother of 3, though I’ve always thought that hilarious because she can’t function without her own mother.

    She’ll be 50 soon and they’ll still be treating her like a toddler. Pippa seems to be the one is who capable and though I despise the odious Middletons, Pippa would have been a better choice.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Agreed, whatever brain cells the Middletons have all seemed to go to Pippa.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Never forget Pippa Tips, dude. I would say that Carol has the brain cells, but Pippa and Michael have all the SENSE in that family.

  33. ana says:

    oh with enough bullying from the media and us, kate will want that divorce faster. too bad she’ll never get peace with bully william. good news is we’re close. probs cancer and abdominal surgery…only so much one person can take bf they snap. keep at it guys!

  34. sparrow says:

    If they divorce, what next for the BRF? I can’t see William wanting to go it alone. I can actually see him wanting to abdicate. What about their kids? I can’t see them wanting to go anywhere near it in the future. So, perhaps Edward after Charles, and Edward’s kids? I’m missing out Anne for various reasons. Behind the scenes, there must be a hell of a lot of pressure on K&W to sort this out. She is ill and he’s at the point of collapse.

    • sevenblue says:

      There was a whole campaign of single dad Will, how attractive he is 🤮🤮I think if they divorce, he is gonna enjoy single dad summer and pick someone with some glamor and brains. The question of why someone who is smart would want him is another issue.

      • Normades says:

        Yea they’ve been pushing the whole single dad image thing for awhile. That’s why the school runs stories are so important to him.

      • Anna says:

        No woman with a brain will get jest him because of who he is as a person and especially after this shot show. He will be like Tom Cruise: going from Nicole Kidman to Russian socialites. That’s the choice that will be left to Will – desperate ones. Even at Uni times, when he had his golden boy image and Diana looks the girls he wanted noped out.

  35. mary Pester says:

    Wait for Carol. Just wait. It’s coming because she won’t let this pass without burning up the phone lines. Once the agreement has been made for Kate to either continue as is, ie, dutiful wife in public but separate private lives or the divorce is announced she will bide her time, BUT Kates unplanned surgery keeps being mentioned
    We know it was unplanned because she had a full diary!! And THAT’S the weapon Carol will use for her tame paps to paint St Kate as the long time sufferer of terrible treatment, especially while she was so ill!, Billy needs to start being more careful with those chopper flights. People have noticed and started to gossip over their after dinner drinks, and ROSE is not the name linked with Billy

    • Normades says:

      Oooo do tell!

      Now that Willy has his own money Carol will probably be brokering a big payout to both Kate and the Mids

      • Esquire says:

        I’d be very surprised if she gets it. She’ll get no more than Diana. The Duchy is considered a Crown body, and is highly regulated by statute. Its income is actually not inalienable.

        IIRC, the Queen had to fund Diana’s divorce settlement.

    • what's inside says:

      This makes perfect sense to me. Carole will not let her daughter be dismissed. Billy Basher is just as entitled and oblivious as his father and it is really something to see that the apple does not fall far from the tree. Unlike his father though he seems to be fraying at the edges with cracks starting to appear. What a shame he got none of Diana’s humanity.

      • Liz says:

        It’s partly Carole’s fault her daughter has ended up in this mess. I think she’s pretty vile herself.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I have a feeling that Ma Mids can be paid off. I think the bigger issue is that Bone Idle doesn’t like public appearances. It’s really obvious that she’s uncomfortable with it all, so if she could get a house, money, etc., and be able to find some peace would she really toss that?

      I think the kids would be better off if those two divorced and let some calm into everyone’s lives. I can’t imagine how the kids lives have been like for the last 3-4 years particularly.

      • Esquire says:

        They have so many residences they would barely be together. The kids are likely none the wiser.

      • lanne says:

        Kids always know. Kids spy, kids talk–especially kids the ages of Charlotte and George. Most of us know things from our childhood about our parents that we learned from listening and spying, things that might even decades later break parents’ hearts. And no matter what’s going on in any of our houses, if kids live there, they know. And G and C are old enough to understand, put things together, commiserate together, even look up words they might hear and don’t understand. It’s so sad to me that we all seem to forget how incredibly perceptive kids can be–even when we were perceptive kids ourselves. If there’s any dysfunction in a household, the kids definitely know. Even the littlest kids know, even if they can’t express it. I’m a foster parent and I’ve seen really small children demonstrate trauma based on things they observed and dont understand or don’t have language to communicate.

    • Jais says:

      Here’s the thing. The separate lives route worked for Phillip and Elizabeth but I just don’t know that it can work today without the public finding out. And especially not with the type of bumbling KP does.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        At the bare minimum, in order for separate lives to work you need to have two people who have some sense of respect for each other, who do not have overwhelming contempt and disgust for each other, who are capable of being in public together and pretending to be normal for that relatively limited amount of time.

        William and Kate do not have ANY of this. If they did then they MIGHT have a decent shot at keeping it hidden…but they don’t.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Is he choppering over to the South of France or somewhere similar? He seems to have some color on his face & head, certainly seems that way at the CW service.

  36. Vanessa says:

    I do think William wants a divorce since last year at his New York trip he was behaving like a single man . Remember all those nauseating stories about William being a hunk him telling everyone his favorite emoji was a eggplant him taking a picture with a group of black woman jokingly say someone pitched his butt . Whatever happened in December William is completely done with Kate and her family . The fact that William allowed Kate to take the fall instead of blaming a staff member which William has done before remember the Caribbean disaster tour . That tells me that divorce is coming soon

  37. Belinda says:

    I wonder if Kate is actually in the middle of William and Carole fighting, and is just completely broken by the two people who have power over her (in different ways) and is terrified, lost and having a nervous breakdown because of this? I don’t like her but possibly with William bullying her and wanting a divorce and Carole spitting mad because all Carole cares about is prestige and money then Kate is like a lost and abandoned child stuck in the middle who’s world has come crashing down. Carole seems terrifying to me, cold, hard and shark like. I have never felt she loves or cares about Kate, she’s obsessed with social standing etc, and is incandescent with rage that it’s all slipping away, and William is so done with Kate, but Carole couldn’t give a sh*t about how Kate is feeling. I actually feel sorry in a way for Kate (and James) as they seem mentally fragile (Pippa seems more resilient), and has emotionally crippled them for life

    • sevenblue says:

      Carole has two rich son in laws and both of them left her humiliated in front of everyone instead of paying for her debts. I think, that shows the crack in the Middleton family. We are told that Pippa’s husband loves her very much and I didn’t see anything contrary to that. So, why didn’t he help Carole? Didn’t Pippa want him to? Will should have paid it just to save face since Carole is the grandmother of his kids, the future future King. There is definitely a power struggle between RF & Carole and it seems like she doesn’t have any power against the royal machine, which is surprising. They are in BRF for a decade, how couldn’t they form any alliance in the media just like Camilla all this time?

      • Liz says:

        Seven blue – because however much they try they’ll be seen as commoners. Desperate to get up the ladder.

        Better to be someone like Meghan who worked and made her own money. And who refused to kowtow to those who by an accident of birth think that they’re better.

        Also Pippa may not have felt like helping out the mother who always favoured the supposed golden one.

        Carole is all about the royal grandchildren.

      • Belinda says:

        Sevenblue, that’s a good point about Carole and the media. And I have also thought it very odd that Pippa,s husband (supposedly loaded in his own right, and with very rich parents) didn’t pay off Party Pieces debts. It’s not like he’s short of a spare million or two, if he is indeed a billionaire as reported. Bully William is another kettle of fish entirely, he gives me spiteful vibes, and I could quite believe he would relish not helping Carole with her debts, in fact be gleeful about not doing it. I really feel that the Middleton family dynamics are playing into this whole sh*tshow a lot more than the public realise.

      • Belinda says:

        Liz, that’s an interesting idea, that Pippa was actually the one who didn’t want her husband to pay off the debts. And I agree that Pippa could quite a degree of resentment against Kate as the Golden Child. But sad for Kate (much as I don’t like her), because Carole doesn’t love her for herself, but rather the Golden Chikd who was going to realise Carole’s social climbing ambitions. Hence Kate being emotionally hammered by both sides (William and Carole) who are at war, and it’s broken Kate.

    • Liz says:

      💯🎯 I think you are spot on Belinda

  38. Anna M says:

    There’s a lesson to be learned here. W & K thought that banishing H&M from the UK would automatically make them shine, be loved and adored by everyone and give them the main spotlight, not realizing that the only reason they shone bright was because of some of H&M’s light, superstar power, youth & charisma. They probably regret their actions now 🤦‍♀️

  39. Helena says:

    I saw some gossip on Twitter earlier claiming a palace employee had said Kate had a perforated bowel. That lines up-three month recovery & very possible to get sepsis afterwards. Multiple causes for this including bulimia/vomiting (which this employee apparently said was the reason).
    Thinking on the picture scandal, they clearly think she’s going to return looking the same or they wouldn’t have put the photo out. It was also a stupid move-so vain to ensure you get a flattering photo and no thought to the fact that you’re refusing to do even the slightest work whilst still taking taxpayer money? I mean, if they expected us to buy Kate beaming in skinny jeans, why tf couldn’t she manage at least some zoom calls?
    The arrogance of it.
    Anyway, perforated bowel does seem to match with the timeline-& complications afterwards. It’s a medical emergency too so explains the 28th December thing. And perhaps she threw up having been at sandringham with Christmas banquets galore knowing that lot’s luxurious lifestyle.
    Suspect she’ll be back pretty soon and they’ll expect this whole shitshow to continue by relying on the British public’s gullibility & belief in blatant media propaganda. I’m hoping other photos are doubted & people start to finally wake up to the fact that this rotten family, particularly WanK are lazy, arrogant & taking them for fools.