Increasingly, one of my favorite things is when there’s some huge royal story happening, and then in the background, other royals and royal-adjacents are carrying on like nothing is happening. The international media and social media has turned the Princess of Wales’s disappearance and the Mother’s Day photo fiasco into the biggest story of the week, and something which easily overshadowed the OSCARS, for the love of god. There’s been a sh-t ton of coverage across the board, and it’s a global catastrophe for the Windsors. And in the background, we’re getting the Cheltenham Festival, a horserace which is well-attended by royals and the well-heeled.
Yesterday was “Ladies Day” (or something, I won’t get into it) at Cheltenham, and it was attended by Queen Camilla, Princess Eugenie, Jack Brooksbank, Zara Tindall and Mike Tindall. Celebrities were there, as were horsey aristocrats. Eugenie, Jack, Zara and Mike all acted as if they didn’t have a care in the world, like none of the Kensington Palace fiasco sh-t was still churning away. I guess when it’s an event you really want to attend, it doesn’t matter. It would probably also look worse if no one from the family attended this big horse event which the royals always attend every year. Like, if no one turned up, we would definitely think that both the king and Princess of Wales were dying, right?
Anyway, Zara looked nice in her pantsuit, but most women wore dresses and smart coats, like Eugenie. Eugenie just comes and goes as she pleases – whenever we haven’t seen her in a while, I just assume that she and Jack are in Portugal, where he’s been working for almost two years, I believe. Jack looks like a supporting character in an adaptation of a John le Carre book. So does Mike Tindall, honestly.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank arrive at the 2024 Cheltenham Festival – Day 2 at the Cheltenham Racecourse at Prestbury Park. Pictured: Princess Eugenie – Jack Brooksbank BACKGRID USA 13 MARCH 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank arrive at the 2024 Cheltenham Festival – Day 2 at the Cheltenham Racecourse at Prestbury Park. Pictured: Princess Eugenie – Jack Brooksbank BACKGRID USA 13 MARCH 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall arrive with Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank at the 2024 Cheltenham Festival – Day 2 at the Cheltenham Racecourse. Pictured: Zara Phillips – Mike Tindall BACKGRID USA 13 MARCH 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall arrive with Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank at the 2024 Cheltenham Festival – Day 2 at the Cheltenham Racecourse. Pictured: Zara Phillips – Mike Tindall BACKGRID USA 13 MARCH 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Cheltenham, UNITED KINGDOM – Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall arrive with Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank at the 2024 Cheltenham Festival – Day 2 at the Cheltenham Racecourse. Pictured: Zara Phillips – Mike Tindall BACKGRID USA 13 MARCH 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: James Watkins / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Eug looks fantastic!
The mismatch between Zara’s blouse and her hat is bothering me and I don’t like that high collared blouse with that cut of suit, but frankly the horrendous accessory (the disgusting Mike Tindall) is blinding me to everything else. She should have lost one thing before leaving the house, and it should have been him.
I don’t think Zara herself is any better. I remember how she arrogantly boasted about she about not following covid rules. No wonder they’re close with William.
…boasted about not following covid rules.
Philip caught covid and it really took him down. I’m surprised his granddaughter admitted to flaunting covid rules. I blamed Charles, camilka, Kate or William for giving qe2 and Philip covid but it could’ve been anyone. I would like to know how many civil servants died from covid! Wealthy British people didn’t take covid seriously at all.
I have a soft spot for Eugenie and it just makes me smile to see her and Jack looking genuinely happy and relaxed. Jack always seems to have that elfish twinkle in his eyes when he’s with Eugenie, very adorable! : )
He’s cute! 🙂
He’s the dishiest royal snack (after Harry). Sorry for the objectification if you’re seeing this, Jack/Eugenie.
Agreed. And that they make no bones about still being tight with Meghan and Harry is a huge plus in my book.
They look so genuinely happy, and I love that for them.
What is that red tag hanging off of Jack’s suit button? It looks silly.
As to the KP fiasco: I wouldn’t be too upset about it if I were Camz or the others. Camz because this is the best she’s ever looked in that family. The rest must be chuckling about being spared bad publicity in a slimmed down monarchy where they have no part of the mess.
The tag looks to be the posh horsey-set version of a wristband or lanyard, indicating he’s got a pass to be there. E’s got a similar triangle in white on her purse
It’s probably an entrance ticket that he thought he had tucked away but that popped out. No big deal.
I like the purse combo on Zara but agree with @Pinkosaurus on the hat. Princiess E looks great but she seems to be in a spring outfit (light colors) while Zara looks to be dressed for winter so it seems like a stark contrast when compared to one another. They both look good.
I really dislike Mike. That is all.
I think Zara looks good overall, but wish her hat was in a slightly different shade.
Eugenie looks great, she and Jack always look so happy together.
Could have done without Mike T…..
Yuck, I hate animal racing.
Eugenie and Jack seem very close to the Tindall’s, they went to the F1 together a couple of weeks ago as well.
Mike looks like one of the Peaky Blinders, and I don’t mean it as a compliment.
If none of the royals attended, it would fuel conspiracies at this point. Everyone looking so cheery is encouraging, makes you think no one is on death’s door for now. HOWEVER, with these people, it wouldn’t surprise me if they carried on like this while something dark and sinister is going on. I’m over Eugenie and her hugs and kisses with Piers Morgan, or was it Jeremy Clarkson?
I’m pretty sure that was Beatrice that hugged Piers not Eugenie. If it’s that lunch you mean, Eugenie left it pretty early if I remember correctly. Don’t remember either doing anything with Jeremy Clarkson that’s Camilla’s bestie
Oops I thought it was Eugenie that hugged him, my mistake.
Eugenie, Zara, Mike and Jack were on the private jet with Jeremy Clarkson coming back from the F1 race.
@Smart&Messy, LOL – you took the words out of my mouth with your Peaky Blinders comment and yes, not a compliment at all.
What are the chances that they simply don’t know what’s actually going on? Like, they would know everything that came before this fiasco, but I wonder if William is not filling people in on their WhatsApp group.
That’s possible, but are they asking? How unconcerned are they? Probably a lot, is my guess.
I think if Kate were in really dire shape, PW would have trotted out the facts by now just for the sympathy after all the bad PR recently. Unless, of course, the dire condition is because of him doing something.
It’s hard to believe that Zara is the same age as Kate Middleton. She looks so much younger and healthier. And prettier.
And of course she would look better with anyone but dodgy Mike next to her.
Zaras outfit is a little weird to wear to a horse race and Eugenie looks a little sloppy.
My first thought looking at Zara was Qatar Airways ground staff.
Loathe yob Tindall.
omg, 100%
I’ve never ever understood getting dressed to the nines for a horserace! Every year, Cheltenham, Ascot, the Kentucky Derby—makes no sense to me! It’s grass, it’s dirt, it’s sweaty horses! And apparently, in England at least, massively drunk spectators! No thanks, I’ll pass.
I actually think they all look pretty good here. Zara’s suit has a nice fit and eugenie’s coat and boots look lux.
Zara does NOT look nice in that pantsuit…. The pants are a terrible cut on her. I like Eugenie’s outfit but I thought it looked a little casual for the occasion.
Anywho, the weather looks like it’s still pretty cold in England which makes “the picture” seem even more fake.
Yeah, check out how “leafed out” all the trees in the landscape are. It’s in Southern England right? Where trees would leaf out earlier than in other parts?
(They aren’t leafed out)
I agree on Zara’s pantsuit. The whole thing, along with the hat that doesn’t match, looks awful. I also dislike her and really don’t like her oafish husband, so there’s that.
A cream wrap style trench coat. Eugenie’s outfit is very Meg.
I thought that too JT. The coat and the hat.
Agreed. With her Panama Hat. And Meghan has carried that purse brand, too.
Eug looks great.
Ladies Day at these sorts of events means basically that women are expected to dress up and show off. An excuse to buy a new outfit.
Seems Mike and Zara have been moved quite a bit to the forefront. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pant suit and fascinator combo before.
It looks as though Zara’s head and her body are going to two different events.
Much respect, Kaiser, for the John le Carre reference.
Is Eugenie trolling everyone? She’s got the “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego” outfit, but in Meghan’s colors.
Where’s Kate? 😆
Lol. Have to remember, Carmen Sandiego wasn’t on the right side of the things. Get your point. Bea’s outfit is what I’ve imagined Agent Kate Warne’s look was in my mind, different from as described in a really good book, Girl In Disguise. Based on a real person. First female detective for the Pinkerton Agency.
Anyhoo, E & J look well. Mike still looks like an unfortunate version of Shrek. Zara looks happy someone wants to take her picture.
Zara’s fit looks awful.
Eugenie definitely picked up on style notes from Meghan, and I hate to even point it out but why is there a white tag hanging from her handbag?
Tindal the thug and Zara his wife are performative prats. Of course they were going to be there, IT’S A FREE BE. Eugenie and Jack I have time for, because up until now they have ploughed their own furrow, but time will tell after Charlie’s funeral
Mike Tindall looks like he’s watched too many Peaky Blinders episodes.
I would never expect these two to be too upset if there was something wrong with Kate. Zara is strictly Team William. That doesn’t extend to Kate.
I think Zara has some official position with the Cheltenham Festival.
Zara’s hat, suit and boot combo are off. The hat would look better with a dress, pinstripes and a big flower hat don’t mix. Her boots are also too casual, a pointier toe or a blue leather would be better.