Here are some photos of Prince William in London on Tuesday, where he did an event in Sheffield. He went to the “Homewards Sheffield Local Coalition meeting,” and this is all about his Homewards initiative, where he’s “solving homelessness” by giving some grants to local homeless charities and maybe creating some low-income housing in Cornwall. While in Sheffield, he spoke to Kate Joseph, chief executive of Sheffield City Council, who mentioned something about childhood experiences. William was quoted: “That’s my wife’s area. She needs to sit here.” This mention of his wife made national headlines in the UK, because Huevo has bungled this situation so badly. At his previous public events, he refused to make any reference to Kate or her health. Speaking of, there seems to be a steady stream of royal experts criticizing William and Kensington Palace for all of their communications f–kups.
As the best selling royal author Christopher Andersen told The Daily Beast: “Every time Kate pops her head above the parapet, it only serves to remind us that we still don’t know what the hell is going on. Throwing gas on the fire every few days is no way to put it out.”
Rumor or not, the idea of a sit-down interview with the BBC must have crossed the minds of Kate’s staff as one way to definitively end the speculation. However, one reputation and crisis manager, who asked not to be named, told The Daily Beast: “I deal in outcomes, so I wouldn’t advise doing an interview with the BBC because interviews with royals on the BBC have not gone well in the past. The truth is that the correct thing to do entirely depends on what is wrong with her. If, for example, it is a hysterectomy, as has been widely rumored, it might make sense to do an interview with a newspaper explaining what was wrong with her.”
“It would also be sensible to release the originals of the Mother’s Day photographs. That would go a long way towards re-establishing trust. Don’t forget that, on the plus side, they do now seem to have both the Sun and the Mail on-side, basically saying, ‘She’s fine, leave her alone.’ That is a huge part of the British press and it’s no small accomplishment. They might decide to stick to Plan A, ignore the social media stuff, have her appear on Easter Sunday and hope it all goes away.”
The idea that Kate would actually deign to do a sit-down interview is a pipe dream. She’s not doing that! Nor should she, honestly. If this whole thing is about “protecting Kate,” then they shouldn’t have to prep her for days/weeks to answer questions and add to all of her stress. Of course, it’s not clear to me that William actually gives a sh-t about protecting Kate – he and his staff were happy to toss her under the bus for the Mother’s Day photo fiasco, so that certainly wasn’t about protecting her.
Robert Jobson also wrote a curious piece in the Mail, all about how William and Kate are handling everything brilliantly – such mystery, such magic! – except he also points out that William was wrong to pull out of King Constantine’s memorial so abruptly and William has been wrong to be so furtive and secretive. Jobson even writes: “William and Kate are the stars of the Royal Family now and will be in the future. After a series of own-goals, there is less cause for confidence elsewhere, however. This has not been the British Monarchy’s finest hour.” Jobson’s Buckingham Palace sources are telling him that this is purely a KP problem, but Jobson points out that the credibility of the entire British monarchy has been damaged by KP’s shenanigans. Anyway, the piece is overwrought but gently critical, and I think that’s significant.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to a housing workshop at The Learning Zone in Sheffield, to unveil a £1million pledge from Homewards Activator, Homebase, secured through The Royal Foundation’s Homewards programme, to prevent homelessness. William is meeting parents, carers and young adults from local families who have experienced homelessness and are taking part in a workshop to co-design Homewards Sheffield’s innovative housing project. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Sheffield, United Kingdom When: 19 Mar 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to a Homewards Sheffield Local Coalition meeting, at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, to join discussions about the impact made by Homewards in Sheffield and next steps that the Coalition should take forward to tackle areas of need in the city Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Sheffield, United Kingdom When: 19 Mar 2024 Credit: Oli Scarff/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to a Homewards Sheffield Local Coalition meeting, at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, to join discussions about the impact made by Homewards in Sheffield and next steps that the Coalition should take forward to tackle areas of need in the city Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Sheffield, United Kingdom When: 19 Mar 2024 Credit: Oli Scarff/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales with nurse Maisy Lee after attending a Homewards Sheffield Local Coalition meeting, at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, to join discussions about the impact made by Homewards in Sheffield and next steps that the Coalition should take forward to tackle areas of need in the city Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Sheffield, United Kingdom When: 19 Mar 2024 Credit: Oli Scarff/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales with Homewards Head Liz Laurence as they make their way to attend a Homewards Sheffield Local Coalition meeting, at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, to join discussions about the impact made by Homewards in Sheffield and next steps that the Coalition should take forward to tackle areas of need in the city Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Sheffield, United Kingdom When: 19 Mar 2024 Credit: Oli Scarff/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
You really have a knack for picking the best photos.
He doesn’t care in the least, he never did. Oh maybe he liked the attention of getting married & the kids provide the best excuse for not working but… let’s not pretend he’s a loving caring dad who teaches his kids about life & love.
Look how he treats his wife: rages & throws things, makes faces behind her back (in public!!)
He’s abusive, & sees no reason to do better.
But he doesn’t know or care to learn what love can be.
The farm shop photographer was a pro-filmmaker. Hmm
After years of interest in music and in making and editing my own films, I graduated in Filmmaking in 2011 at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
In the following year, I went to the UK where I obtained a Director’s Diploma in Raindance Film School. It was in London that I established my career as an editor, having created several television contents broadcast on SKY TV and participated in several film projects.
In 2018, produced and directed “Wendy“, a documentary selected in several international film festivals. Since 2019, I have been working at TVI and CNN Portugal as an editor, having one of my documentaries “Plástico, o Novo Continente” been awarded nationally and internationally, e.g. “Prémio Rey de España“.
I consider myself a multi-task editor with extensive experience in short and long form content, eg. short films, special reports, documentary series, VTs, promos and music videos.
None of the articles mentions his job the Sun mentions cryptically an “engineer” and then this junk.
Nelson shared the video with his family in Portugal over WhatsApp.
He added: “They were like, ‘Oh god, she’s alive! She hasn’t been seen since last year’. I’m not really into gossip and celebrities, I like to go fishing and to my allotment.
“I had no idea that Kate was so much in the news. I just wanted to share the video to say to my family,
“‘Look, I’ve just seen them. A normal couple shopping in the farm shop’. Not like they are usually seen in ballgowns in the public eye.
“My family sent screenshots of the rumours. I couldn’t believe how delusional people can be.
“On Monday my colleague said, ‘Do you realise that video could debunk all the rumours if it was put out there?’
So he didn’t realize until later that the video was newsworthy? Because nobody else at the market was paying the slightest attention or excited about seeing Kate? Everybody else there just fishes or gardens and doesn’t follow news? I don’t know about in the UK but in the US all the uproar has been reported in regular news, not just celeb stuff.
This guy is expecting people to be stupid or he’s a creeper because he claims to film two people and the camera follows their rapid movements for almost a minute and then he says he had no idea the video would be wanted by the press? Why film these people if he didn’t expect to use the video later on.
@Vanya, I read that that is the wrong guy.
No not this one – that was the LEGO guy. This is the real deal, check out that link I qouted and today’s Sun and now Mail story.
OMG, how can they be so stupid? Is this real life? lol
Are there two Nelson Costa sliva? Because the one that lives in Windsor, use his LinkedIn page to deny it was him.
Indeed, they are, the LEGO guy was trending for a while and has been debunked. This second guy is a professional international tele videographer and editor that all the press articles are conveniently leaving from their potted biogs about the dad just out for a stroll. They must think we are stupid !
Now I’m leaning towards the claim of body doubles. I don’t think that it was William and Kate in the video.
I also believe it was body doubles it was a poor imitation of both of them.
Here’s another candidate.
@Underhill — she looks a LOT more like the woman in the video than the other lookalike people have been posting on CB.
The last photo of William and his jazz hands is priceless.
Right? It looks like he is attempting jazz hands but it ends up looking more like when trump is talking with his hands.
Both Kate and William have been told by their coaches to be more expressive, which doesn’t come naturally to them and when they do it, they over do it.
I must say that during the Sheffield engagement William looked tired and strained. The wrinkles on his forehead have doubled and are ingrained. Heaven knows what has been happening behind the scenes but l have no doubt that Kate has had a mammoth nervous breakdown.
I have to say that i am surprised that they are going after William (albeit softly). I thought for sure that he would be the most protected but the papers are all rallying around Kate. Maybe she’s got more power than we thought.
Nah, she’s doesn’t.
Neither does willy, which is what the media are reminding him of.
He’s a lot to lose.
He will still be king of course, but they will make it the most miserable reign if he doesn’t shape up.
Consider it their shots across the bow.
The derangers want him because they claim he will remove Sussex titles.
The media has a lot to lose if the RF goes belly up.
There are thousands of jobs linked to the RF both inside and out, so they have a vested interest in keeping it going. Livelihoods depend on having a royal family.
I think it’s more that her disappearance is international news and so they would look silly villifying her and supporting Egg unreservedly when he’s the one in control.
That’s what I’ve been saying. It may only be KP screwing up, but the fallout affects the entire institution, especially with the king mostly out of action. On the other hand, Kate giving a televised interview doesn’t seem like a good idea. Royals and television interviews. What could possibly go wrong? Proof of life should be easy and quick, but, so far, the magic formula for proof of life has eluded this bunch of dummies.
Charles has the heir he deserves
He never tried to rein in William and overprotected him and is suffering the consequences
Reining him in would mean Chuck had to act like a father and we all know how well he dealt with that responsibility.
I’m learning how difficult it can be to prove that someone is alive. Mind boggling!
I know, right?
@ML – Nah, it didn’t have to be this hard. Murky car shots or a blurry video, possibly without any collusion with KP or Middletons, are obviously not providing any answers, only more confusion. So then releasing a frankenphoto, when the public is now obsessing over ‘where – and how – is she?!’ went down like what it is – a smokescreen or fake news. It would not be difficult for her to show clear or unaltered proof of life, this is more of a non-compliance issue.
I don’t know if these have been body doubles or not lately. I’m leaning towards they are. But If they can get doubles now. Why didn’t they use doubles going in and out of the hospital when Kate was supposed to be there? That’s one of the big reasons people are wondering where she is. And why haven’t there been a few photos of William dropping the kids off at school. I get they made a pact that the pap’s wouldn’t do that. But why not use a royal photographer. Or even lie and use a phone camera. And say it was another parent who took it. It was Williams total arrogance that has caused all of this. He seems to forget. That the Royal family actually works for the people now. Not the other way around. Or does he want to go back to people actually fighting and killing to be crowned?
I think we have our answer as to why Sophie and Edward took their ski trip. They have been doing engagements whereas incandescent and facelift Barbie have been doing nothing and playing games with the media.
That whole family always knew what Kate was doing and that she wasn’t really as ill as they pretended.
Theory: Could the Tories be stirring this all up to get Willy in line. Since he spoke up about Gaza. Reporters have complained, how Will and Kate they scan do whatever they want. It seems he has been left to fend for himself. He does have a lot of Tories adjacent employees who could stir things up from the inside?
That still doesn’t explain all the weird sh*t Will did / is still doing.
A lot of it is from the keens stubbornness and bungling ways.
The heir looking like a bumbling fool does them no favors.
W&K will be the “stars” of the RF in the future? Not likely. At some point their children will be deemed more interesting and younger, more glamorous. How will W&K respond to that?
I hope they don’t have bad attitude and bad habits of their parents.
I have abandoned all hope that these two numpties are capable of raising anything resembling a competent, well adjusted member of society. Let’s face it, Harry is a complete anomaly.
Hopefully nanny Maria will have more of an influence on them than their parents.
Maybe an incipient divorce was called off, this being a confirmation that she’s staying?
I think so. I heard that there was a Middleton vs Windsor summit.
Willy won’t care as long as he still has access to his money and private jets. He will be happy to let someone else get the press scrutiny.
I can see Kkkate being mad jealous of her young daughter taking over the “hot young female royal” role, however.
There is a reason why Kate fans only circulate her highly photoshopped pics, not speech videos, not quotes from her. She can’t talk. Maybe, she is a bad public speaker, has anxiety or simply don’t have the mental capacity to express herself. That’s why they would never put her in front of a camera with a journalist without scripts.
Kate CANNOT do an interview. We learned from the Harry & Meghan docuseries hat the wedding interviews are practiced. Kate’s wedding interview was an embarrassing mumblefest of incomplete thoughts. She couldn’t handle it.
I don’t see why Kate should have to do a sit down interview to discuss anything about her surgery—if that’s what it was—with anyone. The details are private and none of anyone’s business outside of Kate and her doctor. The problem is the secrecy surrounding her current whereabouts and condition— where is she? Is she recuperating well from whatever was wrong with her, or were there complications that have set back her health? What exactly was wrong with her? If she’s recovering, why can’t she wave from a window and give the public some proof of life?
Kensington Palace, abetted by the royals, could not have done a more thorough job of fucking this situation up if they tried. Blaming Kate for sending out fake photographs and issuing a fake apology in her name for something she most like didn’t do and had no way to tell her own side, gave the impression—to me, at least—that William felt perfectly safe in throwing his own wife under the bus, either because she is in terrible physical and mental shape and unable to defend herself, or because he plans to get her out of his life anyway. The fake Kate sightings have done nothing but fuel a bajillion conspiracy theories, each one worse than the last, thanks to which the Palace’s integrity, dignity and moral authority are shot ten ways to hell. What makes it even more disturbing is the radio silence from both palaces and Kate’s own family about what is happening with her.
It will be interesting to see how KP intends to sort this mess out over the next couple of weeks, but don’t expect Kate to pop out on top of the palace roof perfectly made up and dressed in a shining white robe on Easter morning while the tabloids scream “Hosanna, She is Risen” to the adoring multitudes.
I agree with you completely. Instead of addressing their incompetence, they have just shrieked, “Kate should be allowed to keep her medical history private!!!” over and over again. No one is asking for her medical records, but they sure have yelled it loud and often enough that people will believe there is a witch hunt for her entire medical history.
No one is asking for any of that!
Well… the world awaits for the two stars without any emotional intelligence.
I guess I don’t see how this will adversely affect the British monarchy in any material way. There’s no place anywhere in the world that has monarchy, aristocracy and elitism so woven into the culture as does the British system. Basically, the RF have inertia on their side – who’s going to take on the job of undoing the system? To me, it looks like a case of “It’s cheaper to keep her.”
William will be king, no matter what. That he’s an ignorant, inept rage monster only means he won’t be allowed out that much, which is in line with his desires, anyway. He might stay married to Kate or he might not, but that won’t matter, either. The press will “tut, tut” and give a wrist slap here or there, but they’ll keep covering for him at the end of the day. And, in a few years, George will be up to the plate.
So, where does all this hand-wringing about credibility fit in? There’s a lot of noise, but what do they think will actually happen?
@Eurydice sadly I agree that the monarchy will continue even if Will is making a great case for the republican cause. He has shown a spotlight on how little both he and the missus do in terms of royal engagements. They have both been largely MIA and yet world hasn’t crumbled so do we need them? In a crisis when he as heir needed to stand in for dad and king and steady the ship and provide stability and reassurance how did he react? He took to his couch and did nothing but create a vacuum then when he returns to a handful of engagements he weaves about making an ass of himself. Then he causes further consternation by pulling out of a memorial service for personal reasons? He has presided over Fred Carno’s Circus at KP escalating where is Kate? internationally and going viral.
It is now clear far and wide that whatever Willy never had, he still hasn’t got and that he’ll be a lazy and mediocre king. Let’s hope KC makes a full recovery and lives another 10-15 years because I shudder at the omnishambles to come with William the Unsteady on the throne!
What if this whole episode is just Will fighting with Charles? Kate has some procedure, but the Wales use it as cover to do a quiet quitting on Charles to prove some point/exert power? So they extend the recovery time and announce Will is also going to be out as well to support his family. Perhaps Charles is softening towards H&M and W&K are throwing a fit and want to protest. When they showed up looking completely fine at that market, it seemed like all this commotion over them might BE the point. Of course he’s throwing fuel on the fire, he loves how bright its burning. He is throwing his PR team and Rose H under the bus, but now Charles can see how important it is to keep W&K happy and what happens if they go rogue. Nothing but concern for Kate and Will can still claim its all about protecting her. All things considered, the blow back on him hasn’t been too bad. The fake photo is still a head scratcher, but maybe their PR team is so frustrated they gave the go-ahead out of spite. Now the “almost stealing records” stories start as they begin to re-emerge for Easter.
I just don’t see a lot of action from BP. There was only one snarky courtier from BP saying they were surprised at KP courtiers’ bungling.
Reading this over, Westwind, the commotion being the point is intriguing. Just more BP versus KP shenanigans, just at a bigger scale because Charles is King not PoW anymore.
watched The King on Netflix this week, and while I understand it’s a movie – it was really interesting that these titles of royalty were won in a time that men had to prove themselves – and if weakness was spotted many times those princes never made it very far. So that begs the argument- what has Wills, and Chuck for that matter, done to prove themselves worthy of a crown (and a country’s purse strings).
This is crazy. Everyone is making fun of the Wails for their mishandling of Keen’s alleged hospitalization. And they don’t care! That’s how arrogant Peg is. He’s gonna keep on releasing fake photos because he thinks he’s better than everyone else.
Protecting Kate? This whole shitshow reeks of protecting William. I’m no fan of hers, but she is constantly used as a shield for him. I hope waiting all those years was worth it.
Going from Elizabeth II down through Charles to William will be like going from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Look at him being cutsy talking about his wife when he’s probably hiding her in the basement.
I think they do need to have a press conference with both people in attendance. They are public figures whose lives are financed by the government.
OMG there is an article in the WP entitled “Why are the royals so bad at this?”
Best line: By that point the whole Kate Middleton Mystery had become, as Helen Lewis wrote in the Atlantic, “QAnon for wine moms.”
I’m dying. :’-D
Yeah, we know they are the “stars” of the family, because they only like to come out at night,and even then only if there is a celebrity waiting for them.
Look Billy and bone deserve every bit of bad press they get, and more besides.
And IF Kate decides to do a television interview, please, please, please can I be the one interviewing her.
Kate what’s it like to be married to a rage monster, Kate replies, mumble mumble mumble, Kate, have you had an operation? Kate says mumble mumble mumble, Kate, why did you make Megan cry, and do you still have baby brain? Kate goes red stands up going mumble mumble mumble and enters stage left, taking her jazz hands with her 😂
@Mary Pester – if you did that interview, and put it on pay per view, I would throw money at it so fast! Multiple times!! I always love your posts. You say what we’re all feeling, and they are a joy to read!
What Babz said. Good one Mary Pester.
I’d subscribe to your channel, Mary Pester!😁😂😆
This could be solved by using the solution that celebitchies have been recommending all along: Put her in front of a camera to offer a few scripted words of thanks for the good wishes.
The only additional suggestion I’d make: Choose a videographer with an impeccable reputation.
That they haven’t done this is what is fueling speculation. That and the fact that William screws up everything he does.
I heard Will may have pulled out of Constantine’s memorial service to be with Gabriella after her husband’s suicide. At the time I’m not sure the death, much less the cause, had been disclosed.
Her own parents were at the memorial service though. Is she really closer to William than them? That just seems like a convenient explanation that would have been disclosed if it were true. And for the sake of argument, let’s say he was comforting her-he can’t leave her side for a few hours to go to the service where he was going to do a reading?
Her brother and sil were reported to be with her. Crickets about PW being with her and he surely would have had that leaked. Why would she need him if she had her brother?
Oh man, William being “there” for anyone else in his family is laughable! Not to mention, her own parents, Prince and Princess Michael (of the Blackamoor brooch encounter) attended the service themselves.
William being there will have the family running for exit.
Willy is so nuclear toxic right now.
His ham-handed reference to Kate shows how complicated these issues are and inadequate both he & Kate are to be addressing them. Leave it to the professionals!