Cele|bitchy | Tina Brown: The Windsors have transitioned into a ‘wild Kardashian episode’

Tina Brown: The Windsors have transitioned into a ‘wild Kardashian episode’

On Tuesday, Tina Brown was in London and making media appearances. The royal expert/author appeared on Andrew Marr’s show and she gave Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace a thorough beatdown over all of the shenanigans which have taken place in recent weeks/months. There was one good clip on Twitter, but the YouTube video has even more. This is the second big interview Brown has given in recent weeks – last week, she was on CBS’s morning show, ripping into the “flailing” Kensington Palace and saying that the wheels have truly come off.

She says that the whole missing-Princess of Wales issue is “febrile, and it’s out of control…it’s conspiracy theories galore. Actually, a great sort of final, I think, transition of the royals, from royalty being a kind of respected institution into being simply a kind of wild, you know, Kardashian episode. I definitely think there is sort of a loss of stature that’s accrued to all of this, because it all feels silly and scandalous. And there’s a real feeling that the palace is no longer a kind of institution of great renown.” While this is true, please put some respect on Kris Jenner’s name – she would never oversee an operation this clownish.

On the comms disaster of the past month: “[It’s been] an absolute comms disaster. I do think that it’s more cock up than it is a conspiracy. I think a perfect storm of disasters hit the royals all at once.”

She also shrugs off the issue of Prince Harry’s visa and Donald Trump, basically pointing out that Trump is a moron who just says dumb sh-t all the time. It was so obvious that Marr was trying to bait her into trashing Harry as a deflection from the palace sh-tshow, but they immediately get back to that topic.

Hilariously, Brown says that the Windsors “should be concerned” about the lack of public affection and trust and they need to have a “massive reboot.” Speaking of, Buckingham Palace just put a new job listing online – they need one new communications assistant, with an annual salary of £25,000. Oof – that’s a really low salary. I get that it’s not for the head of communications, but still. You’re not attracting the best-and-brightest talent with that kind of salary. Plus, it’s a sh-t job and you have to coordinate with a wiglet-wearing gopher.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.

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91 Responses to “Tina Brown: The Windsors have transitioned into a ‘wild Kardashian episode’”

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  1. Sarah says:

    I dislike the Kardashians but they are way more competent than this.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Now we’re straight up defending the KarJenners from comparisons to the BRF. 🤣🤣🙄

      • B says:

        Sigh….for the 2nd time this week! Make it stop @Bettyrose! I just find it utterly insanely how Kris Jenner in just HER life time made herself and most of her kids insanely wealthy with some on their way to billionaire status. While the Windsor who have had centuries of a head start looting, drug dealing, and profiting off of slavery always seem to be cash poor yet held up as superior.

        The Kardashians have enough intelligence to either maintain or grow their wealth, tight PR, and appear to be a family loyal to each other. They are superior to the Windsors and Middeltons in every way yet they are the Brit press go to insult.

        The Kardashian play in the big leagues. Its amateur hour with the royals. They are not the same.

      • bettyrose says:

        @B – All true, but the point remains that the KarJen’s present an image of being vapid, shallow, and lacking in sophistication, while the BRF was supposed to be the cultural hallmark of the British people. So the comparisons are 1. hilarious and 2. even more hilarious that we can legitimately say that the KarJen’s are a more respectable family enterprise at this point. This shift in the zeitgeist is worth discussing.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        Also, as far as I know, the KarJens do not make a habit out of marrying their cousins, and we know how that’s worked out for the Windsors. 🤪 🐴

  2. Lucy says:

    This is more entertaining than the Kardashian have ever been. And somehow messier than a family that rose to prominence on the back of a s*x video.

    • Agnes says:

      HAhaha! About 100 hot messes messier.

      • Underhill says:

        Ha. Kardashians can only wish. Windsors have a thousand year history of hot messes.

      • bettyrose says:

        I made this point a few days ago, but the Kardashians have never had the luxury of disappearing those of inconvenience (and maybe aren’t blood thirsty enough to do so). It’s really hard to compete with a 1,000 year history of knocking off family members.

  3. lanne says:

    Who the hell would want that job, having to take direction from a headless chicken. Only Lord or Lady Puffnstuff would take a job like that–something to do for a few years before the trust fund matures. Oh, and Son/Daughter of the Earl Chuzzlewuzzit’s grandmother held Queen Elizabeth’s coronation gown at the right back corner in 1952, which totally qualifies Lord or Lady P for the job! Working time is 9-5: 9 days a month, 5 hours a day with a 2 hour tea break.

    This new staff member is going to totally turn things around, yall.

    • CuriousCole says:

      LOL sadly accurate; you’re on fire this morning!

    • Kit says:

      I remember reading about the salaries of palace staff (the silver polishers and lowly clerks) and how low it is, especially for those who work in London. I think the idea is the prestige of such an institution would offset the food bank visits.

      • Bettyrose says:

        Let’s discuss that salary. Here in the Bay Area which has an equivalent cost of living to London the minimum wage is $15/hour which translates to about $31k/annual.

      • Kit says:

        Hi Bettyrose, it’s over $17/ hr now for minimum wage. But that’s minimum wage.

        Not what actual employer pays workers. In the Bay Area, you have to pay workers higher than minimum these days to get workers.

        Unlike William who gets sweet, sweet tax breaks the rest of the country doesn’t get. Plus FK Willy gets lots of taxpayers’ money and benefits, so he should pay his workers more generously. And not be such a putz about it.

        But sure keep deflecting.

      • ML says:

        We should talk about that salary, because this family is eye-wateringly wealthy. This isn’t a small business with a tight budget looking for someone to help, but a very wealthy, government affiliated large company! They have a crisis right now and they want to pay someone less than a standard starting salary in communications to help them. Wtf?? Right now their “brand” is in free fall and someone is supposed to come in and work for very little pay for the honor of being associated with an archaic, arrogant, tone-deaf tightwad?

      • Mario says:

        Oh, let’s definitely talk about that salary. It better have insanely amazing benefits (doubtful) because the “real” living wage for the greater London area (slightly higher than the national living wage, which is mandated by law) is £13.15, last I checked, putting an annual “real” living wage for the area just slightly above the £25K they are offering.

        This is a professional job that pays no more, if not just under, the real living wage!

        Can you imagine being the BRF, loaded with cash, including taxpayer cash, and a place where crisis comms is an ishshow daily, and paying your entry-level comms professionals just enough to get by? I suppose the prestige of having BP on your CV is meant to be part of the allure, but given the BRF is mostly known for how BAD its comms are, isn’t being associated with their bad work more likely to hurt or be neutral?

        And when you pay someone barely enough to survive in that area (of course, they’ll argue people can live with their husbands or parents, right, while also asking them to work non-traditional hours and take the blame if needed) you WILL get what you paid for.

      • equality says:

        The prestige of being involved in all this PR mess going on right now? I’d pass.

      • bettyrose says:

        @equality – I have to think that the job was always intended for the trustfund set who don’t work for money, but even among that set, the most qualified will pursue challenging work to make their own names, so this salary is practically begging for incompetence.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        These entitles headless lazy azz twits must think that there is an extra value to working close to the monarchy so pay them less. But then again, these people who take on the jobs, must be like, no way im working this hard for that salary. if the top eggs are working 10-4pm with 3 hours lunch, no way im dying on the job. And it makes it pretty cool for other lazy azzes to work for them and just do as they’re told.

      • Princessk says:

        In the past these job positions were filled by members of the upper class who did not need big salaries because they had their own money and they did the job out of loyalty to the Crown. Nowadays the upper classes don’t have as much money and don’t want to take on such jobs and tend to do things that make money.
        So getting ordinary people to do these jobs for low salaries is not going to work. Also the deference to the Royals has gone and so people in these jobs have more work to do unlike before.

    • AMB says:

      Today 25,000 GPB = 31,659.33 USD.

      For that amount? Outsource this to somebody to run ChatGPT for you – that would be a winning comms strategy.

  4. Jais says:

    How many millions does William get from the SG and the duchy of Cornwall? And he’s paying his staff that salary? Are they meant to live in London on that salary? I’m sorry but that’s a slap in the face to the public. He’ll take the money from his subjects but he sure won’t give it back with a fair salary.

    • sparrow says:

      It’s a pittance. No wonder they get what they get.

      • Exactly. You pay mediocre and that what you get mediocre at best but really it’s incompetence is what they get with that low pay grade.

      • Feeshalori says:

        That salary is disgraceful. You get what you pay for and that’s why his staff is the sh*tshow it is.

    • Sunday says:

      That’s the point. They don’t want to pay a living wage to someone qualified for the position, they’re offering a symbolic wage to someone who doesn’t need to do something as plebian as work for a living – that’s part of the reason why they’re in such an echo chamber, because even their servants and staff are pulled from elitist aristo circles.

      • Kit says:

        That’s true for white collar jobs.

        But for blue collar jobs like people who take care of tourists at Kensington, they get treated poorly. Their unions had to go to bat for them as the palace was going to cut their wage by £3,000 in 2016 and over pension cutbacks in 2018.

    • Danbury says:

      It reminds me of UN internships in Switzerland – they are low paid (if at all), and so to get them, you basically have to be rich or else very well connected. Those posts are usually filled by the kids of diplomats, rich brats etc, because the money doesn’t matter. I bet this is the same: the job attracts the kids of the nobility or rich people in general, and therefore not necessarily competent, because the money doesn’t matter to them. The ones that could do the job well need a proper salary.

      • Becks1 says:

        They’re not necessarily competent and they’re not taking that job (KP comms assistant) to work 40-60 hours a week for that salary. no wonder they don’t want to work or have regular meetings etc. The job is a resume builder for them (if that), nothing more.

      • Underhill says:

        Most high prestige internships are like that. They are in expensive places, and pay a token, so that one has to be wealthy already. It’s one of the mechanisms, like legacy admits at Ivy Leagues Universities (you notice the call to abolish those has quietly died down), that allows the ownership classes to put their own children a place of great advantage over others less well heeled. It’s all part of the game.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Isn’t a huge part of the royal family that they GIVE BACK MONETARILY to the commonwealth and especially the UK?

      Hiring servants and various people for all their obscene palaces?

      Hiring skilled craftsman and carpenters and historians to repair the immense amount of historical buildings in their care?

      Lending out their “personal” art and jewelry collections to go on tours to raise money for as well as to give back to charities in the area they tour?

      Hiring the curators and restorers to take care of their stolen “collections”?

      The British museum doesn’t even have the funding to hire people to carefully catalog the immense amount of stuff they have stolen. Why aren’t they raising money for that? For new hires? There are priceless cultural artifacts stolen from almost every nation on earth just rotting in that basement. Do y’all remember the guy who was in charge of the Irish exhibit and collection that was selling off pieces of the collection directly from the basement on EBAY????

      They are supposed to spend a significant amount of their welfare on the hiring of top notch people who can maintain the estates, give tours, come up with ideas for them to continue to give back to the citizens and also to hire actually talented staff – not some random peers child without qualifications and pay them a pittance.

    • Elizabeth says:

      It’s clearly a job for someone subsidized by the Bank of Mummy and Daddy!

  5. sparrow says:

    I never expected it to go so s*** shaped so quickly, so shamefully. These two have been shown up for the children they are. Quite frankly, it shows she had no work, or world, experience before ending up in the BRF; they are like two teenagers, with neither capable of balancing the nonsense of the other. She and her husband have spent years being jealous of his brother and sister in law; that’s been their thing. Meanwhile, Meghan and Harry have got on with their stuff. The contrast is stark. There are no adults left in the room called “British Monarchy”.

    • Liz says:

      Exactly Sparrow. The pair of them are still in the Early Years

    • Eurydice says:

      Maybe she had no work experience before she got married, but Kate’s been an official member of the BRF for 13 years. I don’t like infantilizing W&K because it gives them an excuse for not being competent. W&K are full grown adults, but they’re lazy, jealous, greedy and arrogant adults – and they are fully responsible for all their stupidity.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Eurydice, K&W were not working full time members until Meghan showed up. They did nothing all these years because they just married, then they had babies, then young children. The jealousy made them work, now H&M are gone, they have no reason to get up and work.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Sevenblue – Once Kate entered the BRF her primary job was to have babies. And William’s job was to do whatever Elizabeth wanted him to do, which doesn’t seem like it was all that much. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have been preparing for the future. I think we’re in agreement – my only point is that W&K are fully formed adults. It’s no use people saying they have to grow up. They’re already grown up and they aren’t going to change.

      • Tessa says:

        The queen renovated Kensington for the keens even building an extra kitchen. All ready for full time work
        Then William up and decided he wanted to work for an air ambulance corps where he would skip shifts. The queen gave the unit an extra copter with a seat for Williams security guard

  6. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    £25,000 in Canadian dollars is about $43,000. F@$k those cheapskates! This is why they can’t get good people. I’m a damned social worker and I make almost twice that!!

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s only about $32,000 US. That’s the average salary here in Massachusetts for a person working at McDonald’s.

      • Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

        Good grief! I just did some more digging. Ottawa, Canada is a comparatively inexpensive major city in our country. And to be a single renter in Ottawa you need to make $46800 minimum TO LIVE. Not party down and/or save money for a home down payment or retirement (lolol), but to just make it by. London England is a notoriously expensive city to live in. This is gross. They are literal billionaires and they can’t care enough about people or themselves to pay their staff.

        I’m deeply grateful to a commenter here a long while ago about how palaces just hire toffs who don’t need the money, but don’t know how to do the job. That realization put everything into perspective regarding staff incompetence. The royals made this mess with their insistence on maintaining hierarchy. Again: f@$k ‘em.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      If you’re only working 15 hours a week though, it’s not a bad gig. Because honestly, how much are the Wales’ actually expecting* their comms team to work when they themselves aren’t actually doing anything for them to communicate about?

      *because they don’t live or think in the real world and don’t realize their pr needs serious help and effort.

  7. SouthernCrone says:

    I used to work for a UK-based pharma company. One of the many things that would surprise me is how low the salaries are in comparison to the US. My colleagues routinely earned $40K-50K less than what I did for the exact same job. It’s amazing how that caste system works – I guess that’s why the media carps so hard for the BRF. It keeps that structure in place.

  8. HeatherC says:

    The picture of jazz hands Kate speaking, and Will right next to her looking at her with disdain and a balled up fist….that’s certainly something isn’t it?

    The one where she standing by a door (?) and presumably a Welcome sign…reminds me of a cousin I heavily dislike. She has this trick where she pauses at any door way (even moving from the dining room to the living room) to see if anyone notices her before she does her “big breezy entrance.”

    They’ll get some kid right out of college who majored in the philosophy of rabbits and squirrels to take the job because they need some money and can’t find anything actually applicable to their degree.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Tina makes some interesting comments about Royal life not being fit for humans but didn’t she criticise Harry and especially Meghan for leaving? Her reaction to the question about Harry was also interesting, she basically conceded that Harry is doing well in the US.

    • Nic919 says:

      Tina was a disappointment when her book came out because she had the reputation of being cleared eyed and not a total sycophant but her comments during the tour were very UK centric and as such had to be critical of Harry and Meghan.

      She knows William is a control freak who can’t take criticism and would have picked up on that when she wrote her book. It is only now that she decided to speak on it.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think she’s one of those who sees the royal family fairly clearly (or at least isn’t a total sycophant like some other RRs) but I also think she’s still a monarchist and probably fairly racist (I don’t follow her that closely) so I imagine Meghan’s time in the Firm really did rattle her, and their rejection of the royal life probably also rattled her. IDK though.

    • Princessk says:

      I agree Tina’s book was a real disappointment. I think she went easy on them because she didn’t want to lose her sources from the inside.

  10. Harper says:

    Tina Brown is not buying that Times’ story that the Mother’s Day photo was taken in a forty minute window before choppering off to Anmer. She said that getting a Mother’s Day photo would have been on their calendars in January and never done at the last minute. William truly does think the peasants are idiots.

  11. MaryContrary says:

    “I think a perfect storm of disasters hit the royals all at once.” Eh-that’s making it sound like they didn’t CAUSE this. Other than Charles’ illness and whatever Kate had, the whole thing has been them creating the disasters and flailing about.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Yup. This is entirely of their own making.

      They are all like – omg what is happening? No no this isn’t the consequences of our own actions! We don’t have consequences for our actions! Ever!

  12. Henny Penny says:

    Will and Kate are deeply jealous and entitled people without any substance. They want the sort of coverage and global popularity Harry and Meghan have without dirtying their delicate royal jazz hands.

    If it really turns out that the entire world fretted over the health and safety of Kate while she was simply recovering from plastic surgery, social media is going to eat them both for breakfast and they’ll deserve it.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Please put some respect on Kris Jenner’s name –she would never oversee an operation this clownish.” William is on notice. Kris Jenner is a better manager than he is. Ouch 🤕. Gonna leave a mark.

    • Tuesday says:

      Right? He’s going to “run” a whole ass country (to say nothing of the Commonwealth unless they chuck his ass out) and PIMP MAMA CHRIS is better at managing the public interest than he is. England, you in danger!

  14. equality says:

    I think the “loss of stature” happened ages ago with befriending so many pedophiles, C&C and how they treated Di, Diana’s death, Fergie selling access, Sophie and her scandal, the royal reality shows, Phil and his many “gaffes”, running over people in the streets… People are just becoming more and more immune to the coverups.

    • Vader says:

      Thank you!! It is truly mind boggling how people forget Chucky’s terrible history. His friendships with notorious pedophiles Peter Ball and Gary Glitter…. Didn’t he protect Peter Ball from criminal prosecution? He has even worse judgement than Wank.

      And this is all on top of being a cr@p father and husband.

  15. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    And just like that…

    Kategate: The Rise and Fall of a Global Statesman

    Prince Weird William must be seething with incandescence. And this is really all on him, as far as I can see. I mean, it would really shock me to find out all is not as it seems and he is actually a decent albeit troubled man being played by hidden forces somehow.

    And I’m only reserving that miniscule percentage of a benefit of a doubt because, in reading Spare, I discovered how the public got played so many times by lies and would have had no way of ever finding out had Harry continued to keep quiet.

  16. molly says:

    She’s being generous. To be clear, no disaster “befelled” them. This was all 100% home-spun catastrophe. Own it, kids!

  17. Snuffles says:

    Kris Jenner would have not only had this shit handled by now, she would have turned it into a profitable money making venture and gotten Kate an advertising campaign piggy backing off of the drama.

  18. Seraphina says:

    “While this is true, please put some respect on Kris Jenner’s name – she would never oversee an operation this clownish.”
    Kaiser, you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you.

  19. Nubia says:

    Is that Gross salary? Do they get any added benefits?

    • Feeshalori says:

      That looks like gross entry-level salary. And hopefully that should include health benefits although I wouldn’t hold my breath over that. They need to pay the big bucks to get the competent people in that they require at this point and so desperately need.

      • windyriver says:

        I bet they’re paying competitive salaries for the two private secretaries and the new COO of the Royal Household (with the extremely impressive private sector résumé). And these are the people at the top, who are responsible for the sh*t show we’ve been seeing. So the answer isn’t only about money.

  20. paintybox says:

    Kardashians or something even more dysfunctional? The Kardashians seem to succeed at things and they also express more affection for each other in between all the dramas. Also wondering, is this Kate’s hair without one of the royal toppers? In these photos it looks like 500 pounds of hair went missing?

  21. MoBiMom says:

    Oh Tina, Tina….. you appear to have picked the wrong horse! I’ve not forgotten all of the sleazy innuendo you’ve packed into your execrable books.

    • kirk says:

      👏👏👏👏👏👏 🤴🫅 – she’s banking on us forgetting all the royalist praise she heaped on their holy royal highnesses WanK, and 💩 dumps on M-H.

  22. Tuesday says:

    Did I read that correctly? £25,000? No wonder it’s a clown show over there. I can make more than that working at a gas (petrol for or UK peeps) station! I know they pay shit because working at the palace is a privilege, but by “shit pay,” I assumed they meant $50-65,000 a year, which is crappy pay for the job.

  23. Becks1 says:

    I do like the line about it being more cock-up than conspiracy, because I honestly think that’s what’s going on. this is more about incompetence than a conspiracy. Maybe there is a cover up here, but I think so many of the mistakes we’ve seen since January are just sheer incompetence and they can’t right the ship. I don’t think its completely as straight forward as that because it does seem like something weird is going on that is preventing KP from righting the ship, but I think we can’t underestimate how arrogant and entitled W&K are and how that plays out with things like this.

    And yes, they are total Kardashians. The royal family has long been a reality show, albeit one with tiaras and flyovers and fancy hats.

  24. sevenblue says:

    It is also interesting she didn’t use Trump’s stupid statements to attack H&M. That shows a lot of people fed up with K&W’s games.

  25. Flowerlake says:

    I don’t see Kris making such a dumb mistake to be honest.

  26. Flower says:

    Minimum wage in the UK is @ £21-22k so essentially the Royals are paying a skilled professional just above min wage….?

    Edited to say that this is not a liveable wage in London where a room in a flat share typically now costs £1,200+ per month – so basically 75% of that salary above.

  27. Nic919 says:

    That tin foil tiara cost more than the salary they are offering.

    • s808 says:

      Makes you wonder who really snatched that missing jewelry. And man, no wonder the employees sell stories to the press. How else can they pay their bills?!

  28. Lau says:

    The Kardashians did make Rob disappear quite successfully but Rob Kardashian is not the next Queen Consort of England.

  29. Digital Unicorn says:

    Don’t insult the Kardashians – they would have at least turned this around into their favour and made a nice pot of money in the process. They KNOW how to play the media game unlike the idiots at KP.

  30. Mary Pester says:

    See Carol watched the kardashians and thought SHE was the new Kris 😂😂😂😂
    Billy and bone are IDOL, they knew they would get the money, the titles, the land, the castles, the palaces, just because Billy came first!, once they had fully grasped all they were getting, they sat on their asses and waited for it to be handed to them BUT, along came Harry and his beautiful hard working wife, who got on with Charlie. Then the panic set in. So they gathered their posse of tame paps and bots to drive Harry and Megan out, and guess what. They let the whipped up hatred and terrible headlines aimed at Harry and Megan for the first two years of them leaving paint the wonderful waleses as saints , but, and it’s a big but, people are starting to question everything they read about them, and weigh it against everything every other country is saying about them, and it doesn’t match!! Especially after the waleses flop tour, compared to the welcome Harry and Megan got. Eyes are wide open people, and christ the left behind Royals are no longer viewed favourably by the great unwashed.

    • Square2 says:

      From “Spare”, it seemed KC3 really enjoyed in the company of Meghan. Pity he has a jealous current wife. Ah well, KC3, your loss.

      MamaMidd was copying MamaKris in the beginning. Cannot may not make a s*x tape, but her mother definitely p!mped her out if her nickname by Willnot’s friends was to be true. Kris was using her kids to achieve their success today but she also cares about her children.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Charles is as jealous as Camilla. He may have liked Meghan in the beginning but he wasn’t keen on her marrying Harry nor does he consider her part of the family now.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Let’s face it: That poorly paid comms job will likely be taken by some aristo whose daddy is paying for their Sloane Square flat. And the new comms assistant will be as sheltered and clueless as their principals.

  32. Susie Q says:

    You know you’re a Royal in trouble when you’ve lost Tina Brown! She loves nothing more than to diss Harry and Meghan, so if she’s actually criticizing KP, it’s real.

  33. Lady Digby says:

    Times has an item mocking the salary plus 20% off gift shop , ” who wouldn’t want to be at the centre of a worldwide media firestorm for the princely sum of 12.74 an hour?” So you don’t even get free accommodation, just 20% off a knitted corgi from ye older gifts shoppe?

  34. msmontclair says:

    That salary is trash even by UK standards. If you aren’t lucky enough to be trust funded, that would get you a shared house/flat in the city. And if you lived outside the M25, a huge chunk of it would be taken up on paying for the (crappy) transit in. I live 50 miles south of London, and a yearly train pass into the city just went to +£6000.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:


    • Flower says:

      @ msmontclair it really is – especially when you consider that minimum wage is just shy of £22k.

      This is just so disgusting – who ever takes this role will not be able to ‘live’ in London and secure any sort of decent accommodation let alone have any sort of social life.

  35. Beverley says:

    At least the Kardashians aren’t racist grifters. They made their own money. No Tax handouts.
    The Kardashians aren’t welfare recipients spouting off their “superiority” over those who are paying their way. Nope. That brown-nosing you hear is the sycophantic British press propping up their star Tax Grifters.

  36. Lily Sykes says:

    The salary is tailor-made to attract a trust fund baby. No hoi polloi in the palace, please!

    • Princessk says:

      But William has been saying he wants people who have been educated in the state sector as opposed to private school.

    • Flower says:

      Exactly that £25k ( £20k or £400 a week after tax and deductions) is essentially just lunch and beer money for a trust fund kid who wants some Royal adjacency on their CV.

  37. Grandma Susan says:

    Any time Heuvo and Khate are in a photo together he *cannot hide* his disgust and disdain for her. In public, in front of others, his hatred of her is on display.