Jason Momoa: ‘I generally get six hours of sleep and am good with six’

Jason Momoa, O he of the luscious locks and a love of loincloths, says he runs A-OK on six hours of sleep. So uber fit, 6’4”, looks like he’s in his mid 30s when he’s 44, that Jason Momoa keeps all that going from only six hours of sleep. He must be a vampire, right? Jason has a brand new partnership with Guinness, for which he just co-wrote, co-directed, and starred in a commercial that debuted earlier this month. To tout the video — that has a Director’s Cut for a beer commercial! — Jason recently spoke with GQ about his sleep routine, favorite foods (aside from sardines for breakfast), and the bit of casting he did for this project with Guinness:

So, are you getting up early?
Generally, 5 to 6 a.m. I generally get six hours of sleep and am good with six. I don’t get more than that.

So you’re going to bed every night at midnight?
I would say 11 to midnight, yeah. But I went to bed the other night at nine, and my body woke me up at 3:30 a.m., and I was like “Get f–ked!” And my body’s like, “That’s six hours, bro!”

Okay, what are we doing for lunch?
I love sandwiches, and for lunch, I keep it simple and have a sandwich. I have a chef who travels with me for dinner, but I consistently love the same stuff. I love Hawaiian food, so I’ll have nice chicken and rice, mac salad, poi, and salad. I love a simple salad. I like radishes and tomatoes; then there’s just the greens and olive oil. I’ll do protein; I’ll always have chicken. I ate red meat for a very long time, and I loved it to the point where it hurt me. So, I don’t eat as much red meat as I used to. I love seafood, like uni and stuff like that. I should eat way more vegetables than I do, but we’re working on that. Baby steps!

Okay, before we go, hit me with your favorite memory with Guinness.
I have one that’s just a little too personal, so I’m going with the latest one. I was raised by a single mother — it was just me and her. We ate shitty pizza — she’d send me coupons, so the pizza we ate was like 88-cent pizza. She worked three or four jobs, and she busted her ass, but she would drink a beer, and she taught me how to drink Guinness. When we were looking for this woman to play this role in the commercial, I was like: Oh my God, let’s just get my mom. Most people aren’t gonna know that’s my mother. I told my mom, and my mom’s obviously so giddy — she’s never been in anything before. It’s one of the coolest moments I’ve ever had with my mom, and to share it over something that she taught me. We went to the Guinness factory, wrote this story with my friends, directed it, and starred in it with my mother. That’s about as good as it gets.

[From GQ]

Nepo mom alert! I actually think the commercial he made is pretty cute, and a reminder that his comedy chops are being vastly underutilized (much like Chris Hemsworth). Chiseled hunks can be funny too! And of course it was really sweet of Jason to give his mom a cameo, especially for something that was already meaningful between them. I’m not much of a beer drinker (as in I don’t drink beer at all), but if some brand ever wants to make me their ambassador for root beer floats, you can be sure I’ll loop in Mama Kismet.

Now getting back to six hours of sleep. I’m still suspicious! And by that I mean jealous! Look, I “function” many days on six hours of sleep. It’s hard to get around that with the demands of life, though I always strive for the rule of eight: eight hours for the day job, eight for my own pursuits, and eight for sleep. Emphasis on strive. But to look like Michaelangelo’s long lost Hawaiian David, on only half of Rob Lowe’s or less than half Dakota Johnson’s nightly slumber? To quote the man himself, “Get f–ked!”

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photos credit: Darla Khazei/INSTARimages, Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Jeffrey Mayer/Avalon

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14 Responses to “Jason Momoa: ‘I generally get six hours of sleep and am good with six’”

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  1. Oswin says:

    He’s so yummy. I have nothing constructive to add, because as a chronic insomniac, a consistent 6 hours of sleep every night sounds lovely.

    As does he. Yummy, lovely Jason with the good hair. 😍

  2. Rosie says:

    I tend to feel exhausted if I get more than 6-7 hours of sleep. My dad is the same way, so I must get it from him. 6-7 is that sweet spot for me, but I wish I could sleep more because I like sleeping.

  3. Libra says:

    Chronic insomniac here; 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep would be heaven. I have no idea what that feels like.

  4. Emily says:

    I was a 6 hr girly for a long time but as I get older my body wants 8 hours. I also find I sleep more in the winter than I do in the summer.

  5. RMS says:

    For forever, I aimed for 8 solid hours (like planned for it). But let me tell you, a blood cancer will take the wind out of your sails. Now I am IN BED at 8pm religiously, and sleep 10.5 hours a night. I keep it cold, blackout curtains (or eye shades), and as quiet as I can get it (or a sleep machine). No eating after 5pm, no alcohol EVER – Yup, I am a true barrel of fun, and my friends and family mock me relentlessly, BUT I have stayed in remission ages longer than expected, and I look a solid 10 years younger than my age. Everyone talks about sleep hygiene, but let me tell you, it is NOT easy to maintain, because we are bombarded with people like this fine specimen that swear 6 hours is sufficient.

  6. Onnie says:

    Im a zombie at 6 hrs.. 8-9hrs is when I feel awake when I’m up. I envy anyone who can live on less, you have more time in the day than me.

  7. Lily says:

    Yeah, I’m jealous, too, because I need at least 8 hrs every night, or I get a headache that gets worse for every hour missed. Coffee helps with the headache, but that’s about it. I wish I could function with only 6 hrs!

  8. SAMESAME says:

    I’m a zombie on less than 7hrs of sleep. On the flipside I feel terrible on 9 or more hours of sleep.

    Right now I’m averaging 5.5hrs of sleep every week (kiddos will do that to you) and I am suffering mentally and physically

  9. Trillion says:

    I haven’t slept more than 5 hours in decades. Even with Lunesta, I sleep exactly 5 hours. I quit fighting it. Figure that’s all my body/brain needs. Hope I’m right about that.

  10. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    I find the older I get the less sleep I need. I am usually asleep by midnight and get up no later than 6:30 ( assuming my 3 cats let me go that long) but if I want a nap midday I’ll take one. ( I’m retired)
    My Mama who turns 87 next month sleeps like 4 hours a night and then she’s up and going like a buzz saw all day.

    I told her I find Jason Momoa a full buffet and she said “don’t forget to count dessert too” 😲 She also said he shouldn’t have cut his hair, he looked much sexier with it long! (From a straight arrow old school Southern Baptist no less 😆)

  11. Dandelion2 says:

    Self diagnosed myself with SSS, short sleeper syndrome, due to a gene mutation. 6 hours a night is my natural state.

  12. Minnie says:

    I stopped using an alarm a few years ago (aided by the switch to WFH), and have actually found that I generally sleep a bit less now. More than 6 hours most nights, but now that my circadian rhythm isn’t fighting for its life I actually do well and continue to wake up at about the same time, naturally, regardless of when I fall asleep. Some nights its definitely only 5 or 6 hours, but I feel rested and fine. I know that’s not something a lot of jobs and lives can accommodate, but if you can at all swing it, I highly recommend everyone try it. I spent years with horrid onset insomnia and now it only pops up every couple of months.

  13. La Dolce Vita says:

    I disagree that he looks mid-30s. He looks his age. But he has very clear/good skin.
    His “Get f-cked!” line to his own body made me laugh.