Clive Irving is a royal historian and commentator who often publishes columns in the Daily Beast. Irving is not like Tom Sykes, who often seems very eager to parrot whatever unhinged things Prince William’s “friends” tell him, the angrier the better. Irving is more of an old-guard royalist like Peter Hunt – someone who keeps an eye on the overall health of the institution and someone who takes a longer view. Currently, Clive Irving’s long view of the monarchy is that Prince William and Prince Harry need to reconcile for the good of the institution, especially with King Charles and the Princess of Wales both facing down cancer. Some highlights from this Daily Beast piece:
The challenges of Prince William: No previous Prince of Wales has faced a challenge like the one that Prince William now does. The future of the House of Windsor may well depend on how well he handles it. It’s a double whammy for him: His wife and his father simultaneously stricken with cancers of unknown type and severity; an intimate family emergency and a grave constitutional one, too, since his father is the king.
A possible fraternal reconciliation: If it is true, as ITV News’ royal editor, Chris Ship reported late Friday, that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have reached out privately to Kate Middleton and William—after sending a public message wishing Kate “health and healing” following her cancer diagnosis—then perhaps Kate’s devastating news may yet help forge a fraternal reconciliation that, as well as harmonizing family relations, could positively bolster the monarchy as its most fragile modern moment.
Nothing is certain these days: The communications disarray of the last few weeks, as William determined that they should keep their true family agonies secret until the kids were on school holidays and could be spared a paparazzi storm, is now understandable—but let’s be clear, that was just the overture to what now confronts William as the point man of a crisis that will bring new stresses every day. There are serious issues that cannot be avoided.
William will need to fill in for his father: For example, nobody can yet know the outcome of King Charles’ treatment, especially since he chose (as is his right) not to disclose what type of cancer it is and, therefore, how taxing the treatment is—he certainly looks resilient and healthy in public and we must hope that this is a reliable guide to his actual condition. But his schedule is being cut back as far ahead as the early summer. This means William will have to fill at least some of those gaps while he supports his wife through her chemotherapy.
Tension with the way the media works now: There is now a palpable tension between the very understandable desire of the royal family for the king and Kate to enjoy privacy on the terms they have themselves set and the incessant build-up of pressure and speculation in the palpitating celebrity media universe for the smallest scrap of information or grainy glimpse of an elusive royal.
William needs his brother: William is going to need all the help he can get. This might, therefore, be a good moment to end the often petty and fundamentally pitiful breach between the brothers and their wives. A reconciliation of the Sussexes and the Waleses would be a truly historic healing moment and a refreshing sign, at last, of maturity and, not the least, of a required durability in the House of Windsor.
Charles is not a changemaker, but William & Harry could be? In contrast, William and Harry are the future, not the past. Few people have been as scarred as they are by the obscene intrusions of the hack packs. The brothers chose different paths in dealing with this menace. Harry’s full-frontal attack on hackers has been vindicated in the courts. William’s composure, reflecting his own sense of duty over personal anger, speaks volumes in its own way. Now they could together be the new face of a resolute monarchy, not the splintered force from the old bickering family of the past.
This reminds me so much of Robert Lacey’s similar musings years ago, that William and Harry *must* reconcile for the good of the monarchy. Both Lacey and Irving fail to properly explain why that is and why it’s such an imperative, especially given that the most significant “spares” in royal history are the ones who actually had to step into the top job. Both Irving and Lacey can’t quite bring themselves to say the thing, The Thing Which Apparently Can Never Be Said – that William is reluctant, inadequate and incapable, that he needs Harry and Harry never needed him, and that William looks like a racist a–hole for how he treated his brother and sister-in-law.
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- Britain’s Prince William, Prince Harry, left, and Meghan Markle arrive to attend a Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration on ANZAC Day at Westminster Abbey in London, Wednesday, April 25, 2018.,Image: 515007335, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
- ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are pictured leaving Westminster Abbey after attending the service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving on Anzac Day in London. Pictured: Prince Harry, Prince William BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: Trevor Adams/Matrix/MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED KINGDOM ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are pictured leaving Westminster Abbey after attending the service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving on Anzac Day in London. Pictured: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 BYLINE MUST READ: Trevor Adams/Matrix/MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: ONLY UNITED STATES, BRAZIL, CANADA ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Pictured: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: ONLY UNITED STATES, BRAZIL, CANADA ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Pictured: Prince Harry, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- ** RIGHTS: ONLY UNITED STATES, BRAZIL, CANADA ** London, UNITED KINGDOM – Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey. Pictured: Prince Harry, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle BACKGRID USA 25 APRIL 2018 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- USA Rights Only – London, UK -20180425- Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders “who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations” and . Observed on 25 April each year, Anzac Day was originally devised to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. -PICTURED: Prince William, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry -PHOTO by: Eddie Mulholland/PA Images/ This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded Featuring: Prince William, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 25 Apr 2018 Credit: Eddie Mulholland/PA Images/INSTA **USA Rights Only**
- Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend an Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey on April 25, 2018 in London, England Featuring: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Where: London, United Kingdom When: 25 Apr 2018 Credit: WENN
Sounds as if the benefits would all be for the monarchy and none are listed for H&M.
Just more abuse and gaslighting for them.
The only way i’d them to return is when eggplant prince william realizes he’s completely incompetent and abdicates so his brother, Good Prince Harry, can make it as king. Is that how it works, even if Egg has children? That would be great
Nope. An abdication by PW would make George king, poor kid.
Equality, I agree. No one ever lists the potential benefits for H and M, mainly because there could be none. Give up your financial independence, your beautiful home, the ocean and weather, and freedom from the hateful royal rota, just so you can help a brother who envies and demeans you!
Who could resist that bargain? 🙄
Well of course. He’s coming at this as a monarchist (I’m assuming) so his perspective is going to be “what benefits the monarchy.” Harry and Meghan are just pawns in the discussion.
I mean, it would also benefit W to go to a therapist, figure his shit out, acknowledge to H&M that he has treated them terribly, figure out how to deal with the media without using others as a shield…all of which will presumably need to happen before H is comfortable with any kind of reconciliation. And IF W were to do all that then yeah, it might be nice for H&M also to have more interaction with the Wales, buuuuut….do we actually see W doing any of that?
William is an abusive a-hole. No amount of cancer in the family will change this. Irving completely ignores the fact that Harry suffered not just at the hands of the gutter press, but at the hands of his own family—especially William. Unless he’s completely lost his mind, Harry is not coming back to this.
Exactly this (and what Equality said above). There is no benefit to the Sussexes to return, even part time. And if they did reconcile and returned they would not only be returning to unrelenting abuse by the press and the family (the very brother that needs him back!) but also they’d be expected to do ALL the work. You know that the narrative would be the Sussexes should step up because the Wailses need to be with their young children, completely ignoring the fact that Harry and Meghan have children younger than the Wailses.
It’s a no win situation for Harry and Meghan (and Prince Archie and Princess Lili Diana)!
Harry has removed himself from the institution so him going back to help his petulant man child brother who screws everything he touches with his arrogance and incompetence will not be happening. They can say Peg needs Harry till their blue in the face it it’s not an option.
These people keep going on about William needing Harry, and William probably realizes that but will never bring himself to admit it. This would give Harry too much power, and so William persists in briefing the media on how much he absolutely hates Harry. This is fine for Harry, as 1) he doesn’t want or intend to go back anyway, and 2) as has been noted, there is absolutely no benefit to Harry in uprooting the new life he has created, to return to that asylum to endure more of the abuse of him and his family.
William’s “composure?” The man is a 40-something spoiled toddler.
“His Incandescence”. Official title.
And he thinks all of this makes him look good.
Harry and Meghan were abused by spiteful William and he and Kate made things unpleasant for Meghan. William is not going to change
OMG, they are such shameless liars.
“William’s composure, reflecting his own sense of duty over personal anger, speaks volumes in its own way.”
William signed a secret agreement with Murdoch and took the money to keep silent. He also threw his own brother to the wolves, so his affair story kept hidden.
What these hacks are not asking to themselves, if H&W reconcile, he can’t continue throwing H&M and their kids under the bus, which is a deal break for him. He can’t have the tabloids to come after his adventures, can he?
Harry’s been vindicated in court? Oh Irving. He’s only just starting to get warmed up.
If Harry was, for a brief moment, feeling soft for Charles’ and Kate’s predicament and felt sense of duty for the greater good of the monarchy – if he ever felt that, I certainly hope this latest round of smears from the press will remind him that he owes them absolutely nothing.
And note that Irving uses the word hackers, as if it wasn’t the entire British press working with the palace to attack Harry and Meghan.
Abolish the monarchy. Maybe the racist a hole thing worked when these criminals were looting and lording their real power around in the past but now they’re just figurehead who live on the tax payers dime and hoard their ill gotten wealth. Maybe H will have the good sense to nope out and this bs can be relegated to history.
So it’s back to the panicked ‘Will needs Harry’ coverage? Yea, this all feels like Will was working against the firm towards plan B (divorce? separation?) and now with Kate’s cancer reveal it’s all been shelved and it’s back to plan A with the Kate embiggening machine back in full swing and Will needing Harry. Can’t wait for Will’s unhinged response.
Also, I saw that the children would have also had at least a weeklong holiday in February, so just another hint of something weird with the timeline.
We already saw William’s unhinged feelings expressed yesterday with yet another round of his friends declaring with gusto that William fcuking hates his brother and never wants to see him again, cry cry cry, vomit vomit vomit.
Irving needs to direct his comments to the Incandescent Xenomorph and his buddies who constantly complain and explain to the press. But he can’t because he knows William will never stop leaking and lying about his brother to the press and public.
Re: your comment about the children’s timeline, hasn’t it been reported that they haven’t been in school this whole time? I wonder what’s really going on and when we’ll find out the truth.
Wait, when did they say that the children hadn’t been in school? Weren’t they trying to convince us that Will was doing the school run back in Jan/Feb? tell me more! lol
Honestly one of my first theories was that Kate, Carole, and the children are hiding out somewhere, which is why KP hasn’t been able to trot them out for a photo op. Kate wasn’t the only one photoshopped in that frankenphoto; the outfits were changed on the children too. That’s what has never added up to me: even if they couldn’t photograph Kate for whatever reason, it would’ve been infinitely easier and less obvious to take a photo of the three children (either with someone else, with Kate, or just alone) and then add Kate to it instead of frankensteining that bizarre mosaic. And if it’s all true and they just don’t want to upset or use the children at this time, great, but why didn’t they have a family photo from Christmas to use? From the concert? Something we didn’t see from last year’s Mother’s or Father’s Day? Bizarre choice after bizarre choice, red flag after red flag.
Yesterday someone on CB predicted that, after all the “William and Kate don’t need the Sussexes” stories, there would be a swing back to “Harry needs to help William” or “William and Harry need to reconcile” stories.
No one ever says that William needs to apologize and acknowledge he and Kate’s actions are wrong because admitting that is the right thing to do! Until William gets some therapy and develops empathy the monarchy is doomed!
The big problem with this article is that the rivalry between them ISNT petty and isn’t just over the small school yard jealousies of Harry being a better athlete. Their differences are very real and very serious and there are very few mainstream royal commentators that even acknowledge that or understand it. From what kind of work, how involved they are in the work, WHO gets to do the work, WHO gets to decide what–and these are all the bread and butter things before we even approach the racism, violent anger, need to control, views of Meghan and the kids and the racism.
This. The differences are very real and very serious. The RF planted stories about Meghan and Harry. They didn’t just fail to protect her they fed her to the wolves. Knowingly. But let’s look even past that to another one of the very serious differences that is currently very relevant. Harry is suing the Sun and Murdoch. William has an incredibly cozy relationship with the Sun and Murdoch. He took a secret settlement. I don’t begrudge the settlement so much as the fact that he kept it secret while discouraging Harry to pursue his own Justice. He kept it secret from the public, which hindered any of his future subjects from finding their own similar justice and compensation. It was selfish and self-serving serving to keep it a secret. So considering this huge difference I’m unsure how exactly Irving sees the brothers coming to terms. Maaaybe after all the court cases? But the court cases are a big deal considering his family’s very close relationship with the tabloids. They chose good press over Harry and his family. They continue to do so.
See, I think it’s just the opposite. The racism, the violence, the control, the leaks and lies against the Sussexes, the feeding of Meghan to the media wolves to protect the Wailses, the overdue apologies – that all needs to happen first. Because if they could get all of that under control (which they never will because it’s how the system was built) the Sussexes probably would have been fine with doing some work for Chuckles or the CW or whatever. I mean, the Sussexes offered the half-in proposal at the height of the abuse so I imagine if all of those things were under control they might have been willing to return in some capacity.
However, I think that ship has sailed now, and they’re never coming back. (Thank god!) But IMO that’s because the family could never get all of the abuse under control not because they couldn’t work out what role they’d play.
*I just reread your comment and maybe I misunderstood what you were saying needed to happen in what order.
This reminds me of the US political commentators who decry polarization and say both parties need to work to end it, when the things they are complaining about are being done by only one party.
Saying “reconciliation” is needed without saying what caused the break is not seriously addressing the problem.
Good analogy.
These musings, as Kaiser describes them, mean one thing: that Harry should abandon his family, abandon his life, and go crawling back to the fold. Let’s assume for the sake of argument, that Harry accepts their suggestions: What boggles the mind, moreover, is that they never speak of any defined role for Harry should he return, nor do they broach the issue of the Firm’s invisible contract with British tabloids and the latter’s continued abused of H&M. They completely ignore the history of William’s jealousy, and how it often is the catalyst for that media abuse.
Now?! now?! William is going to accept Harry’s popularity and visibility? Quite contrarily, we’ve recently seen only rage from William, even after H&M are said to have reached out with a statement of sympathy in response to Kate’s cancer announcement.
This guy is assuming that Harry is still interested in reconciling with his abusive brother. Willy Nilly would definitely have to
A) get over his jealousy and hatred of his brother
B) get help to deal with his incandescent rages, immaturity, selfishness and laziness.
C) sincerely apologize to H&M for his actions
And I don’t see any of those things happening anytime soon. Never say never but…
As long as Harry continues with his court cases there will be no reconciliation. Plus for reconciliation to happen the Royal Family has to call off the press and apologize to Meghan for ill-treating her.
And we know that ‘s never gonna happen, as that would require the RF to admit their role in the whole mess.
Peace to Harry and Meghan!
One of the things i like about H&M’s move to California it has exposed how creative and what go getters they are, what happens to their projects if they go back ? Willy starts taking credit once again for Harry’s work
They would be expected to close up shop like Edward and Sophie did, even though Meghan and Harry have been successful unlike the Wessexes. That’s why they are trying so hard to call everything they do, especially what Meghan does, a failure. They need some reason to justify why the Sussexes have to return.
The back and forth over all this is exhausting. They left years ago, Frogmore was taken from them, they are not allowed to have security like other VIPs let alone other members of BRF. Charles and Camilla have made it plain Harry is not coming back. Harry said point blank he doesn’t see himself working for the family ever again. Why can’t they turn the page and just let the Sussexes be?
These papers are being sued, why are they allowed to write about Harry without being made to announce their conflict of interest, especially News Corp outlets?They should be made to say their parent company is in a legal dispute in their H&M articles.
They can’t let them be because they need the Sussexes. That’s why we’re getting all of these articles about reconciliation. They know (on some level) that they blew it – they blew the chance to appear more modern, more accepting, less racist. They blew the chance to have two creative, hardworking, glamorous royals in their fold. They blew the chance to have a more global appeal.
So they’re stuck in this place of knowing all that, but still wanting to (and thinking they can) behave as they always have. They still want to be the old guard, the racist and violent bullies of the past. They still think they can release lies and contradictory information from one day to the next and people will just accept it without questioning. And they still think they can – and deserve to – abuse the spare and his family to protect the heir. They’re delusional.
It is exhausting. I wish Harry would just flip that unhinged island a huge bird and become an American citizen. I also wish he would publish the second half of Spare, and take the gloves off this time. Stupid childish William crying to Tom Sykes on a bi-weekly basis is going to piss them off beyond redemption some day soon if it hasn’t already, and they will be done for good. After Charles dies, probably.
I am not sure if he is saying Harry and Meghan should come back as working royals (he might be with the whole “face of the monarchy” thing) or just saying that the reconciliation would help William’s image.
the former is never going to happen. The latter…..I actually do agree with that. to many, William’s refusal to speak to harry is strong and “putting Harry in his place” or whatever. But to a lot of other people, it looks petty, vengeful and immature. and its ridiculous that we have stories like “jill biden was told not to give harry a lift in Air Force One” (we know that whole story is false anyway because of the timing, but the fact that its a STORY at all is petty.)
The sooner the Windsors stop trying to punish Harry and anyone who has any kind of relationship with him, the better they will look. Queen Elizabeth seemed to get that. I think Charles may finally be starting to understand it. William seems to be refusing to understand it though.
Clive assumes that the reports of H&M reaching out to W&K are true. So, why wouldn’t he also assume the hundreds of reports about how much William hates Harry and how he will never accept Harry are also true?
At the end of the day, the problem is William and Harry can’t fix that. Even if there were a grand reconciliation and Harry and Meghan rejoined the RF, that still wouldn’t make William a more capable king. He’d still be a lazy, lying, jealous rage monster who’s utterly incompetent.
All of these “they must reconcile” proponents wilfully ignore the shift in Harry’s perspective on himself, his brother and any loyalty to the institution. After 4+ years they couldn’t revert back to the life within the institution, let alone raise their children in the UK. Harry has tasted freedom and is happy and thriving, he will not return. William is getting what he wanted and deserves: No competition and the spotlight. William is finding out the hard way “be careful what you wish for” can bite you in the butt.
Gosh. Golly. It is so very hard to be in the sandwich generation. Eldercare, childcare, and then what if a spouse also takes ill? How could a man support all the needs in such a situation? Why, the financial pressure would be simply . . .
oh wait.
Well even so, where’s the *time* to manage all of that responsibility without help . . .
Oh. Wait.
OK, but we have to give him this, that he’s doing a job that is crucial to the function of governance, one where his decisions have so much policy impact, right?
Look, as another human facing sandwich generation pressures, I gotta say: I am entirely unclear on why he cannot handle this.
William can’t handle it because Harry’s not there, don’t ya get it? Harry was the glue that held the Wailses’ marriage together. Harry was the man who was supposed to comfort Kate during her illness. Harry was the workhorse who was supposed to be there so William could prune rose bushes…err I mean, focus on his young family. Harry was the man who was supposed to sacrifice his own health, happiness, and family to support the king-in-waiting in any way he needed for as long as he needed. Harry Harry Harry. He’s the reason William can’t do his job or care for his family. It’s all Harry’s fault!
Great post 😹 but I think you’re forgetting that Willy can’t have “secret” affairs (that everyone seems to know about anyway) unless Harry is there to distract the press. Isn’t that a violation of Willy’s human rights!
Hey, I’m currently caring for my 102 year old mom and working full-time. I don’t have William’s resources!
Charles should ask Harry to just take on any Commonwealth visits needed over the next few years on his behalf. Harry can support the king without having to set foot on Salt Island.
That seems reasonable, but it could be the thin end of the wedge. The press would get their second (third? fourth? eleventy billionth) wind against H&M on the excuse of royal business.
Nah. Harry wouldn’t do this because he’s not going to work with the rota rats. And the rota rats wouldn’t stand for being left out. And therein lies part of the problem, the control of the royals by the rota rats and their media bosses.
That seems fair, especially since already took away their house in England. Yeah, it would be convenient that Harry wouldn’t have to step foot in England. /s.
It was a visit to a Commonwealth country that helped to set this whole thing off. I know William was always working to undermine them even before the wedding but Harry said things truly ramped up after they got home from the Oceana tour. So the only thing William and Kate would tolerate would be Harry and Meghan visiting old folks homes, hospitals and grocery store openings and they are not going to fly across the ocean to do that. Its up to William and Charles and Kate to grow up and stop stomping and complaining and there’s little to no chance of that happening. Charles in his 70s is still tossing ink pens and complaining about overshadowing.
If any deal like that ever happens, then William and Kate should be handling engagements on their home turf if they’re not going to travel overseas, leaving Harry and Meghan to do the international trips since they don’t have to set foot in England. But incandescent William would undoubtedly not permit that and the Sussexes are under no obligation to uproot their lives and their own responsibilities to bail out the monarchy’s mess. This is what William wanted, this is what he got, and now he has to deal with the spotlight on both him and Kate.
Why should Harry support the king who withdrew his security and evicted his family from their home? Why should he lift a finger to help the Firm who is willing to lie for the Wales, but won’t tell the truth for the Sussexes? Why should the Sussexes subject their innocent youngsters to mockery and racism from the BM and much of the British public? Why should he help The Other Brother who despises his wife and hates him?
Somebody make it make sense. Please.
Harry has consistently said he supports the monarchy and his father. This would be a workable way for him to do so. William actually does not have any authority on who travels for the crown. Only the king does.
It is embarrassingly obvious that the royal rota are begging Harry to come back. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame. All they have is the desire of profit off of hate and help the British government cover over the debacle that their country is right now due to government actions.
Shawna, I think the rota rats want the Sussexes to be under the thumb of the brf and then Harry would have to dismiss his lawsuits. That’s what all of this is about. When Harry bets done the bm and all of the ‘reporters’ (and I use that term loosely) will be in dire straits. This is not going to be good for the industry.
VERY good point!
Whatever happened to their secret weapon, Edward or Mike whatshisface?
The “weapons” are out of ammunition apparently.
I’m naturally optimistic, and I feel it’s NEVER too late for reconciliation if everyone involved is earnest.
If one side endlessly and loudly begrudges the other side the very air they breathe, though, reconciliation is probably not yet in the cards.
Every gutter rat over there knows why William needs Harry. William is incompetent, dumb, has zero charisma and is lazy. As mentioned there is no upside in this for Harry or Meghan. They have young children who would be subjected to endless taunting and negative articles by those rats. Harry and Meghan have found peace, are surrounded by friends with their best interest at heart and those friends who many are loaded with money and connections. There is no there there for the Sussexes.
Sorry, Clive, but Charles, William and Kate brought all of this on themselves. Let them take care of their own problems. Harry has an amazing wife, two adorable children and business and charities that require attention. They are both intelligent and capable. They don’t need to rescue anyone. They’re doing beautifully.
William and Kate need to put on their big boy and girl shoes and take care of their own responsibilities. No sympathy for them from here. They drove Harry and Meghan away. Congratulations.
And Charles is the kind of king I always suspected he would be. Enough said.
Harry has always served “at the pleasure of” the Royal Family.
He received very little in return. He lived in substandard housing, he received inadequate compensation that was in no way commensurate with his contributions, and he was thrown to the wolves to deflect from the inadequacies of his father and brother. And ultimately he was expected to tolerate horrific abuse of his wife and child.
Now he works and gets paid for it. Much of which goes to pay for the expensive security he needs as a result of the media circus that the British press and the Royal family have orchestrated. Now in addition to paid work he can engage in philanthropic work that is meaningful to him. His family is happy and he can protect them.
I’m sure that Harry misses his friends, his country, and his (horrible) family. That’s only natural. But the idea that he would give up his freedom and the wellbeing of his little family to go back to essentially being an indentured servant is mind boggling. Harry doesn’t need a mansion in Montecito and the balmy California weather, he needs to protect himself and his family from vile abuse and financial insecurity. That family have shown what they are and Harry would never risk his own family to return.
No wonder Meghan is so hated by the supporters of the ‘Firm”. Harry would never have seen a path to free himself without her.
I think eventually Harry would have escaped, but not until the Wales kids were older.
Well said, Cali!
Lol they can dress this up any way they want, but all it does is emphasise the fact, that without Harry, all of Billy’s faults are visible. William has no spine, he proved that by not taking on the press, but taking FROM the press. He threw Harry and Megan to the wolves and has now realised that the wolves are hungry and if it wasn’t for Kates “illness” THEY would have been the next meal. There is no upside for Harry and meghan coming back to that terrible, toxic institution. The only people who would benefit are Billy and bone
Bone could do even less and Billy could go wandering more often.
Don’t forget Megan’s “Kate is going through some things”, it was William going through some things, and they all had names
Hope you’re feeling OK today, Mary Pester. And I totally agree: William has been exposed by these crises. He’s weak and inadequate.
Harry isn’t coming back to save him. Harry has made it clear that the beautiful family he created with Meghan is his priority.
Mary Pester, they can only use Bone Idle’s ‘illness’ for so long. I wonder what they’ll use next to cover for themselves.
I’m happy you’re feeling well enough to post today and I hope it continues!
Well said by Kaiser, William needs Harry but Harry doesn’t need him. Quite the opposite, Harry is happy and thriving. It makes me understand why William is so resentful, and it almost makes me feel sorry for him until I remember his violence and entitlement.
William could give it all up and see if Burger King will hire him if it’s so hard for the poor prince
Clive Irving is not a professional historian; although he may have an undergraduate degree. He’s worked as a journalist in the UK and USA. Standard author bio indicates he’s founding editor of Conde Nast Traveler, and Amazon list his most popular book as ‘Jumbo: The Making of the Boeing 747.’ Many of Irving’s DB articles are about flight.
Although I’ve seen a few of Clive’s travel articles, I mainly know him from reading his DB columns about the Sussexes. Since he seemed more rational than Tom Sykes, I picked up his book “The Last Queen: Elizabeth II’s Seventy Year Battle to Save the House of Windsor.” Learned a few interesting things, but not lots. He was not a Camilla fan at that time.
Irving’s standard author bio says he lives in Sag Harbor, NY. Since he’s in his 90s, is listed as a Newsday consulting editor, and interviews with him at home show him to be very well settled there, my guess is he’s been living in the US for many years, probably becoming naturalized at some point. Current demographic stats for the Sag Harbor area indicates it’s population is 90%-93% white, and < 3% black.
After initially thinking Irving sounded more sane and less M-H hating than other typical britmedia, he wrote this absolutely unhinged DB piece pitting Willy's Earthspit against Sussexes receiving Ripple of Hope award. Since then I've stopped reading Irving. Here's a link to the Celebitchy post "Prince William's [Earthspit] will 'eclipse the production standards' of the Ripple of Hope: