Throughout this year, the American media has covered the Windsors’ health crises and conspiracies with a grim fascination. While this recent history is being rewritten as we speak, it was the international media’s interest in and focus on Prince William’s sudden withdrawal from his godfather’s memorial service which really amped up a month of speculation and conspiracies. I watched it unfold in real time – NBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, WaPo and dozens of other American outlets began reporting on William’s memorial absence, the missing princess and the mysterious messaging and fumbles from Kensington Palace. Over the weekend, the New York Times published several columns about the Princess of Wales, following her video reveal last Friday. One column was scolding, one column was basically like “remember when the palace didn’t do anything to protect the Duchess of Sussex,” and then there was Maureen Dowd’s column. Dowd’s focus was on the operations of the British media and how they’re the ones driving these Kate stories. Dowd also got exclusive comments from Sally Bedell Smith, who recently compared Meghan to Wallis Simpson.
I did a story on the British tabloid reporters and photographers in 1993 when I was covering Wimbledon and they were hot on the trail of rumors about a romance between Barbra Streisand and Andre Agassi. They proudly called themselves Rotters, after the tenacious German dogs Rottweilers.
I asked my go-to person on the monarchy, Sally Bedell Smith, who has written many books on the family and who writes the Royals Extra Substack, if the Rotters would keep going until they uncovered the type of cancer the wife of the future king of England has and what led her to the hospital in the first place.
“I think they’ll have to leave her alone,” Smith said. “The palace will make sure they leave her alone. It would be ghoulish if they followed her to treatment. I hope they will show common decency, which maybe they don’t have in great supply. I hope they will stop speculating on all sorts of dire and ludicrous things.”
She said the palace came down hard on the papers when William and Kate were dating and Rotters were following Kate everywhere and again when their son George was younger and the paps hid long-lens cameras in the trunks of cars.
Smith said that her palace sources had been “trying to come to grips to manage this maelstrom of opinions and speculation and vicious theories” and now, upon learning of Kate’s cancer diagnosis, they are “in a state of shock.” Smith noted that more than the tabloid press, the royal counselors are worried about social media, “which is much, much harder to control.” Internet sleuths, who doggedly investigated Kate’s doctored photo until she confessed, are not likely to be satisfied until they dig up all the intimate details.
I wondered if Harry and Meghan — who wished Kate “health and healing” in a statement — would now have to pitch in on royal duties.
“Kate doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her,” Smith said. “She has her parents and a sister, and she’s very close to King Charles.” Smith added that “Meghan has announced she is going down a very different road, starting a new brand with the most bizarre name” (American Riviera Orchard). Smith made headlines in London papers recently when she compared Meghan to Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, saying the two women (American divorcées who upset the royal apple cart) were both “very narcissistic, very controlling, very dominating.”
Smith said that the heroine of this grim period for the royals is Camilla, the former scorned woman. “She’s been unbelievable,” the royal biographer said. “One day she’s on the Isle of Man, the next day Northern Ireland, looking cheerful, taking good wishes to Charles. Someone in the crowd noted that men were difficult patients, and Camilla laughed and said she was doing the best she could.”
“Kate doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her” – good. Done. The Sussexes weren’t going to do that anyway. And it’s hilarious that “will the Sussexes be asked to come back to work” is met with an argument that Kate and William are simply too angry and childish to make peace with the Sussexes. It’s not actually about the good of the institution or the work of public service. It’s about Will and Kate’s four-year-long tantrum. As for the issue of whether the British media will try to investigate anything about Kate’s medical situation… no, they won’t. They’re stenographers to power, remember. Currently, the British media is just “reporting” whatever they’re handed by the palace.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince and Princess of Wales meet injured players who are supported by the Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust, before officially opening the Sir Tasker Watkins Suite, ahead of the Wales vs England Six Nations Match at Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. Picture date: Saturday February 25, 2023. Featuring: Catherine, Princess Of Wales Where: Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom When: 25 Feb 2023 Credit: Matthew Horwood/PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Aberavon Leisure & Fitness Centre in Port Talbot, Wales Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Feb 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- The Princess of Wales during a visit to The Rectory, Birmingham, to meet future leaders and local business owners from Birmingham’s creative industries sector. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Birmingham, United Kingdom When: 20 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales meet members of the public after a visit to The Rectory, Birmingham, to meet future leaders and local business owners from Birmingham’s creative industries sector. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Birmingham, United Kingdom When: 20 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales during a visit to the Aberfan memorial garden, to pay their respects to those who lost their lives during the Aberfan disaster on October 21st 1966. Featuring: Prince William and Catherine Princess of Wales Where: Wales, United Kingdom When: 28 Apr 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales during a visit to the Percy Community Centre in Bath, to meet some of the young people supported by the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust youth development charity. Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 16 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales arrives at the Foundling Museum in London, to meet with care leavers who are being supported by the Museum, and with adoptive parents and foster carers to discuss the lifelong impact that positive, supportive relationships can have for children and young people. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 25 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales with Kinship Carers and children during a visit to the Saint Pancras Community Association in Camden, north west London, to meet kinship carers, to hear about their experiences of raising the child of a relative or friend and the vital role they play in raising the next generation. Kinship care is when a child is looked after by their extended family or close friends if they cannot remain with their birth parents. Featuring: Catherine, Princess Of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 25 May 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Fantastic. Then I don’t want to see a damn article in the British media about how could they, poor Kate, when they show up somewhere looking fantastic and doing good works. You hate them remember? You don’t need anything from them, you wish they would just leave you all alone. When they do that don’t be mad.
This.someone should tell Kate and her family to stop whining and crying about Harry leaving her.
Exactly. And while you’re at it, never mention the Sussexes again & see how far that gets you.
Yeah, Cam the heroine. One day she’s “working” the next she’s taking a week or two off in Spain. So impressive. I think anybody who has a real job would love to have their “working” schedule at the same rate of pay they get.
Um. OK?
Who’s asking?
“Smith noted that more than the tabloid press, the royal counselors are worried about social media, “which is much, much harder to control.” Internet sleuths, who doggedly investigated Kate’s doctored photo until she confessed, are not likely to be satisfied until they dig up all the intimate details.”
They hate when they cannot control what people think!
Internet sleuths can search the internet, but they aren’t hiding cameras in trunks of cars trying to illegally photograph the royals. If any intimate details are on the internet, there’s a very good chance that tabloid reporters put them there in the first place…
So the Sussexes wished her well and all she has to say is her mean girl answer she doesn’t need their well wishes. I see her life changing diagnosis doesn’t change the fact that she is still a mean girl. Way to tempt the fates with this nasty behavior. They still haven’t figured out how bad that makes them look.
With these kinds of stories, Kate is still leaving herself open to be blamed for Sussexit and summarily kicked out once she’s in remission. Dangerous game, girl.
Stories like this make me pause over the cancer diagnosis. Kate got a life changing diagnosis, is undergoing chemo, will be out for months if not the rest of the year, and most of her PR is bashing H&M. I can’t take this seriously.
Listen, being sick doesn’t suddenly make you a better person. Kate is a lazy, miserable, racist, mean girl. I still wish her all the best and a speedy recovery because cancer is awful and her children need her.
It is wild to me that the British press are trying to drag Harry and Meghan into this at all. The fact that some of these talking points must be coming from KP is insane. Like this is your messaging right now? Good lord.
I’m not saying Kate’s kids don’t need her but what’s really strange is that there is more said about H&M in the BM than there is about the needs of her kids. It’s getting to be a throw away line about the children’s needs to then go on to write a dozen paragraphs about how much WanK don’t like or need the Sussexes. This reporting only shows the true intent and concerns of the BM. And it ain’t the Wales children.
So very true. I know people that still are the mean spirited, lying, manipulative a-holes they were before becoming seriously ill. Actually, in some their illness even made their behavior worse. As sorry as I feel for anybody that battles a life-threatening illness, I don’t wish that on anybody, I just can’t muster much compassion in the long run when you get treated like crap.
As for Kate, where is her husband showing openly support for her? Nothing but crickets. Instead, there is all that hate and contempt for the Sussexes. Don’t these numbskulls realize how that makes them look in the international realm?
Kate also doesn’t need the well wishes and consolation from the people in the UK, heads of state, celebrities and ordinary people around the world, but she’s accepting them, anyway.
When your go-to reporter is Sally Bedell-Smith🙄. They’re acting like the Sussexes want to console Kate. That’s a misleading assumption. They wished her health and healing. Anything more is fantasy at this point as there’s no evidence suggesting they want to console her. How silly. And Meghan is controlling and dominating…ummm, misogynistic much? I’d say Dowd could find a less antiquated and misogynistic go-to reporter but I don’t think she wants to. Which is on brand for Dowd.
Sally Bedell Smith and Maureen Dowd are a match made in tabloid heaven. I’m just surprised it took them this long to find each other.
Thank God I stopped reading Dowd years ago, because if I’d seen the latest article, I’d probably stroke out. As for Bedell Smith – she makes me feel like I need an insulin shot, with her smarmy “sweetness ,” but at the same time the bitchiness of her words has me reacting like I do to fingernails on a blackboard. They are both absolutely horrible women. I was done with Bedell Smith when she wrote a book about Diana and “diagnosed “ her as having borderline personality disorder.
One f*cking Prince married a biracial woman and all these white women lost their goddamn minds. It is like never ending “The Little Mermaid” discussion. Grown ass people are acting pettier than high school mean girls.
The way people react to any hint of blackness is truly wild. Like it has people running scared and angry.
It sure makes me unwilling and frankly quite uninterested in visiting the UK. Yes, America has its share of racism, but it isn’t lauded and supported (unlike the UK, where it’s beginning to look like an aspirational badge of honor!) Anti-Blackness seems hugely popular on Salt Island right now, and it doesn’t look like anyone’s willing or able to read that culture for filth.
“Yes, America has its share of racism, but it isn’t lauded and supported (unlike the UK, where it’s beginning to look like an aspirational badge of honor!)”
@Beverly you’ve been under a rock if you think this isn’t the case here in the US.
Pottymouth pup, the difference in the US is that you have people speaking out against it. Who is doing that in the UK?
Social media was not designed to be “controlled.”
Dear William and Kate: They’re just not that into you.
Dear Sally Bedell Smith: Move on. Four years is long enough to grieve.
And tomorrow these very people will be saying the complete opposite. “How dare the Sussexes not come back running to console Kate ?”, while completely ignoring the fact that William has been supporting his wife only through articles making HIM look good and perfect.
geez, even with cancer the media likes to pit these women against each other. can we give it a rest? theres not reason for meghan to console kate nor does she need to. kate is also a grown woman with her own support system. it’s not like they’re even friends.
Dont cry if the UK doesn’r get the Invictus Games.
Sallie Biddie Boodle can take a seat. She famously hates Diana and thinks Ronald Reagan could do no wrong. I tried reading her biography of QE2 and could not finish it. That dreary hagiography could’ve been several hundred pages shorter.
Interesting that Sally said that Kate has her family, her sister and her father-in-law to support her but no mention of her husband, William. I do wonder if William is actually supportive or as one sees in some husbands, he can’t cope and abandons his wife during her time of need. I hate to say it but I’m leaning in this direction, William has pretty much abandoned Kate except when it gets him good publicity. The push back from the palace and the press as to why he wasn’t next to Kate in her video message just makes me think “thou doth protest too much”.
To abandon her in her time of need would mean he would had to have been there before. If the theory that they have been separated for some time is true, I can’t see him all of the sudden glueing himself to her side. He may be supporting her by making sure she has the best medical care but it doesn’t mean that he is now physically or emotionally by her side.
Maureen Dowd’s career should have ended after her insane, incorrect, delusional “Donald the Dove, Hillary the Hawk” bullsh*t op ed. She’s a hack and a fraud and it’s no surprise to see her carrying water for the worst of the worst here, too.
Dowd is a COMPLETE hack …
I don’t understand why she has such power over the NYT. They printed everything she wrote. There’s a reason that I canceled and stop reading NYT & Boston GLOBE after the 2016 election coverage.
For somebody who will be the future King and Queen these two lack anything close to diplomatic skill or emotional maturity. I can only imagine how unhinged they will be when Charles is not there to supervise and correct them. The Monarchy is in very bad hands
A reminder that when the palace wants the British media to bury stories or lay off William and Kate , Kate being the white princess, it will be done , no questions asked . Tell me again how there is absolutely nothing they can or could do to stop the vile hatred disgusting, racist behavior from the British media towards Harry and especially Meghan and their children.
There is a saying that comes to mind when I read these stories, how don’t like ugly
This is what “never complain, never explain” gets you. The media controls the RF’s images and the RF seems fine with that. Like there’s never a correction or statement saying to leave the Sussexes alone so then the public takes these opinion pieces as gospel. I highly doubt any of these people talk to the royals themselves but they put out this drivel and then that’s it. When you read stuff like this you think that the Sussexes are demanding to see Kate. I think the Sussexes are smart enough to know not to insert themselves in this manufactured drama. They reached out to say they were sorry to hear the news and that’s it. This woman and Maureen Dowd can cram it. These pieces are just to further distract from why the RF mishandled this news.
Urgh, I hate this speculative rubbish. Who would honestly expect their BIL & SIL, who live an 8 hour flight away to drop everything. Kate has plenty of relatives of her own who live nearby, as does William.
I don’t know where you got the idea these were minor surgeries. Charles’ surgery was routine, but that doesn’t mean minor. And Kate’s time in the hospital was lengthy, no what is expected from minor surgery. As for coincidences, you might as well throw in Fergie’s multiple diagnoses, Queen Elizabeth’s cancer, her father’s lung cancer, her mother’s 2 bouts, Edward Vlll died of cancer, his father had cancer, too.
Interesting to see this from Maureen Dowd. I grew up in DC area and remember her from her writing in the Washington Star, which was excellent. They sent her to London to cover the royal wedding of Charles and Diana. She had the scoops. She had sources. She is where I read about Diana finding jewelry that she thought was for her but was for another woman. I kept clippings of it all, but my dad dumped them at some point while cleaning out the attic. Looks like the DC public library has scanned versions. It would be very interesting to go back and look at all those articles she wrote. She definitely had a different tone than all the other coverage.
She was good when she was young. Sad to see it all disappear when she started working for the New York Times, especially once she became a columnist. But that’s how she got rich and famous.
She was never all that great — she just was good at self-promotion and her sassy-girl shtick. She lost me years ago when she wrote a column about men being repelled by successful women.
Well, not my husband, Mo. And not my brothers, either. Maybe you’re just choosing the wrong men.
See, this is why I’m not feeling a ton of sympathy for Kate or Charles. I know that sounds terrible, but they’re somewhat lousy people, and their health issues don’t change that. They keep on being awful.
This piece did nothing to explain the mixed messages and poor communications of the Palace and its pliant media. Plus, everybody knows that Harry and Meghan wasn’t going back to help so why mention them? This article was useless.
Kate has her parents and sister. Even with his IG post and memoir, James is forgotten by the UK media.
Yeah yeah, camzilla went to Ireland to collect the food parcels that she said she was going to eat on the way home (hope you weren’t hungry Charlie). It’s all so fking predictable. Easter service will come, camzilla will have her game face on (I hope to christ it’s a mask or, if not, please don’t let her smile 👀, will Billy and bone be there??? Will bone willingly miss a chance to do her dying swan act, the heroin of yester year, and will Billy finally break his jaw by gripping his teeth so hard, OR is bone carefully planning her reappearance to upstage the invictus service. I know which one my money is on. Heather is coming to visit on the weekend, and she is coming to visit me in hospital if they haven’t released me by then. I say “released” instead of discharged because they are watching me like a flock of bloomin hawks, and WON’T let me out of this bed 🔒🔒
Wishing you get well soon & sending you healing energy! @Mary Pester
The current BRF members really have a mind-set of “The King/Queen (and/or the FK &FQ) can do no wrong.”, don’t they?
Mary. I hope you get out to enjoy the Easter holiday in your own home. Feel better Mary many prayers to you.
Thank you Susan, doesn’t look like I will be home before next week though and I’m so not happy about it. Still they are trying their best to keep me here as long as possible (and by here I mean alive lol) still going to kick Royal arse for as long as possible.
And thank you as well Square 2, yep the Royals are so far up their own backsides the rota have to take a proctologist with them to get the latest story!?
Mary Pester, have you been threatening to do the ‘can can’ by your bed again???? No wonder they’re watching you.
I’m sorry if you won’t be home for Easter, but knowing your strength and determination you will be home next week. You’re kind of like the energizer bunny–you keep going!!! Sending you lots of positive energy.
“counselors are worried about social media, “which is much, much harder to control.” Internet sleuths, who doggedly investigated Kate’s doctored photo until she confessed, are not likely to be satisfied until they dig up all the intimate details.”. Yes, Social Media is not easy for the BM to control. SBS, did you give such grace to a fellow American, who is biracial and married to Prince Harry. AKA, Princess Henry. Duchess of Sussex, mother of KC’s grandchildren. Hmmmm.
Them d@mn ‘internet sleuths’ that chased out KP/BM lies. They are such assholes for exposing the truth!!!!
SBS, H&M were not trying to console Kate. They expressed well wishes on her health & healing. Nothing else. Buy a clue.