Dwayne Johnson regrets his Biden endorsement & won’t endorse anyone this year

For years now, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has toyed with the idea that he might one day run for office. He’s mentioned it and talked around it in interviews and, during the Trump administration, Johnson started to get more politically active and vocal. In 2020, he endorsed the Biden/Harris ticket and he ended up gaining fans and social media followers. Four years later, The Rock has regrets. You see, he never meant to take sides against a rapist and fascist like Donald Trump – he had no idea that he would lose fans because of his Biden endorsement. So he’s walking it back and saying he won’t endorse anyone this year.

You’d think he’d want to walk back Jungle Cruise or Black Adam. Instead, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is expressing some regret about his 2020 endorsement for Joe Biden for president and says he won’t endorse any candidate this year.

“The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time,” he told Will Cain on Fox News in an interview posted online Friday. “I thought, ‘I’m in this position where I have some influence and I felt it was my job then to exercise my influence [and] share: This is who I’m going to endorse.’ I’m not going to do that. I was then, the most followed man in the world, and am today, and I appreciate that … but what that caused was something that tears me up in my guts — which is division. That got me. I didn’t realize that then, I just felt like there was a lot of unrest and I’d like things to calm down.”

He continued, “The takeaway after that was it caused an incredible amount of division. I realize now going into this election, I will not do that. My goal is to bring this country together. I believe in that. There will be no endorsement. At this level of influence, I will keep my politics to myself. It is between me and the ballot box. But I will tell you this: Like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, I do trust the American people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who I will support 100 percent.”

Asked if he was happy with the state of America right now, Johnson replied, “No.”

“Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etcetera — that really bugs me,” he added. “In the spirit of that, you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real … and that might make people upset and piss people off, and that’s OK.” Johnson was also asked once again if he ever plans to run for president and the actor answered, “No, that’s not my intention. I’m not a politician.”

[From THR]

“What that caused was something that tears me up in my guts — which is division. That got me. I didn’t realize that then, I just felt like there was a lot of unrest and I’d like things to calm down.” Since The Rock endorsed Biden in October 2020, Donald Trump threatened and harassed public officers in an attempt to get them to throw the election. Trump also incited a violent insurrection against the republic, one which could have easily led to the execution/assassination of public office holders. When Trump finally left the White House, he stole reams of highly classified documents and he’s likely been selling off that intelligence to enemies of the state. Trump also left a ticking time bomb in the form of a right-wing-stacked Supreme Court which is now gutting reproductive rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights and more. “Division” is not the enemy here – we are divided as a nation about whether or not Trump should die in prison, and that’s a good argument to have, it’s a good fight for our country.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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80 Responses to “Dwayne Johnson regrets his Biden endorsement & won’t endorse anyone this year”

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  1. equality says:

    So “you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real”? Yet here he is succumbing so that he won’t be unpopular with a certain segment. What a hypocrite and wimp.

    • Megan says:

      The Rock scores an extremely lucrative seat on the board of the company that owns WWE, gets the copyright to his name and suddenly regrets endorsing Biden/Harris. F*ck this guy and his nice guy BS. He’s just another greedy scumbag who will do anything for the right price.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Maybe it’s just a superficial impression I have of him (I actually like him), but he never seemed to lean towards Democrats anyway, for me he’s a Repub.

      However, he’s so in love with his popularity (and money) that he prefers to not choose anyone to endorse rather than choosing a side that would cause him to lose followers.

      • Dee(2) says:

        He spoke at the 2004 Republican National Convention so I clocked him 20 years ago. He just realized it wasn’t lucrative to support Trump so he didn’t. And now it’s isn’t lucrative to have people throwing his 2020 endorsement in his face so he’s backing down. Thing is he may be too caught up in social media because Trump’s underperformance in the primaries would give the impression that a lot of Republicans are over him too. He may actually bleed more fans than gain them doing this.

      • AlpineWitch says:

        Here’s hoping, then! 🙏 😂

        It would serve him right.
        I loathe turncoats.

      • Ellia says:

        Look Biden is not perfect I am sick about Gaza.But he is much better than the alternative and we just have one alternative I watch TYT and I am sick of Cenk and Ana constantly attacking Biden more than Trump .I asked Ana on Twitter if she wants to see her parents lose social security,she blocked me

    • Laura says:

      “I hated that it sowed division”. No, you hated that it damaged your massive ego. He’s always given me the ick.

      • lucy2 says:

        Exactly. He’s clearly all about protecting his popularity and money, and doesn’t want to actually stand for anything that might alienate people.
        He has such an overinflated sense of his own influence and importance too. And he’s not the most followed man on social media (I looked it up).

    • Mimi says:

      He’s also bullhorning to the repugs with the “I hate cancel culture and wokeness” nonsense. You hate that more than women losing their bodily autonomy? You hate that more than poor kids of color not being able to get a college education? THAT is what upsets you about the state of the country. Eff off, Rock.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        Yes, by using those words, he clearly signaled which side he’s on. Eff off, indeed.

      • Hallie says:

        If “cancel culture” bugs him, he’s going to be really BUGGED, because he’s just been cancelled by a lot of people. He picked the wrong side when he chose to go on Fox and run his mouth. It’s all about money. They can never have enough. He’s dead to me.

      • goofpuff says:

        Which is sad since isn’t he the father of little girls?

        He’s just too in love with himself and money.

  2. Beana says:

    Did not have “The Rock demonstrates that he is a weak, pandering sellout” on my 2024 Bingo, but here we are. I guess he figures he needs the MAGA crowd to buy his overpriced lotions.

    • Lau says:

      It’s exactly that and also he’s saying that sh*t on Fox News proving that he is in a fact a massive sellout.

    • ThatIsTheThing says:

      The economy is not doing great and celebrities are vying for an ever-shrinking share of endorsement money that depends on appealing to segments of the public. There’s so many celebs shilling for products in American advertisements that this doesn’t surprise me. I guess Dwayne looked into a Schwarzenegger-style jump into politics, realized it was too much effort and not particularly lucrative, and is now flailing to sustain his income without keeping the widest possible base of fans.

      Anyone shy about speaking out against Trump is someone who would gladly shill for an oligarch.

  3. North of Boston says:


    What is wrong with people?
    In the last year or so, he’s been one of those celebrities who, every time he opens his mouth, makes me like him less and less. This may be the thing that causes me to completely nope out on him.

    Come to think of it:

    #1 – he seemed to have started to rub me wrong during the Black Adam roll out and flop

    #2 – yeah, this isn’t “may be the thing” I’m pretty sure this IS the thing. Trump ism and its threat to the world is that bad. It’s Biden or awful awfulness. Anyone unwilling to be clear about that can go pound sand (yes, Biden isn’t perfect but there is NO other choice that’s not Trump, so Biden it is)

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      And Biden is actually doing an amazing job. Like, no one talks about all of the very good things he’s done for this country and for non elites! To not support him over someone who’s promised billionaires more tax breaks at our expense is just an admission that they don’t pay attention or they don’t care.

      • North of Boston says:


      • Dara says:


      • kirk says:

        WiththeAmerican – Thank you for pointing out Biden’s accomplishments. People forget the moral leadership exemplified by Biden-Harris in pulling this country away from political nastiness and solving real problems either created, ignored or exacerbated under t-rump demagoguery.

        As for The Rock’s political involvement, somebody else mentioned he spoke at 2004 RepubliCon, which I couldn’t find with Google search. However, did find he was “invited” to speak at 2000 RepubliCon. He made anodyne comments encouraging people to vote, but the venue is a tell. He also showed up at 2000 DemoCon, but didn’t speak. At the 2000 RepubliCon he introduced then Speaker Hastert, now known as a child sex abuser.

      • Glossop says:


        And never cared for this narcissist egomaniac. Never bought into his ‘nice guy’ act.

  4. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    What an absolute coward. He has just informed us what his policies would be: whatever keeps me popular! He’s a tool. Always has been. That good-guy schtick is just an act.

  5. Ariel says:

    His movie career has had a few big failures and he’s leaning back into wrestling performances- which is a racist-heavy crowd. Don’t want to upset his racist fans.
    He is thinking of himself, his career, his money. He cares zero for our country and the people in it.
    His right to pretend not to pick a side.

    As the biggest basketball player on the planet once said- republicans buy shoes too.

    Though, these are not Michael Jordan’s republicans…. or they are but now they lack all civilitary and say the racist “quiet part” out loud.

    I loved his jumanji movies but, now I’m now so interested in rewatching them.

    We live in unprecedented times.

    What a coward. And picking fox “news” to say that- thats not neutral. That’s a choice to side with racism, fascism, and bigotry. And he’s not a white man. Lord.

    Maybe I’m overly worked up about this.

    • seaflower says:

      No, my mind immediately went to him not wanting to upset the wrestling fans so he could make more $.

    • North of Boston says:

      I don’t think it’s possible to be “overly worked up about this” given what’s at stake in the US elections this year.

      This moment needs all the worked up we can muster. Especially anything that spurs us to action to do everything we can so Trump and his pandering minions do not regain power.

    • Seraphina says:

      You know, I thought it strange when I recently saw him in a wrestling match. That makes perfect sense. And yet we have Ms. Swift, who stands by what she believes and is not a coward. I USED to like him, but not after this cowardly act.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      He also just told women to pound sand. It’s fine to support Trump who will enshrine national abortion ban.

      So women can suffer agony and torture and even die. Wtf. It’s not possible to be too upset by anyone supporting the demise and pain of half the population.

    • Yup, Me says:

      I’m remembering something that I heard a while back about an actor who really wanted to make a particular film and when it flopped, he had to agree to do so many other films he otherwise would have turned down in exchange. It wasn’t about Dwayne Johnson, but it does make me wonder if this is him being forced to make the rounds and “eat crow” in exchange for Black Adam’s failure?

    • Mel says:

      @ariel- I’ve been seeing the wrestling commercials and he wreaks of desperation. HIs ego took down the entire DCU. He didn’t even bother to try to act in Black Adam and thought his personality would carry the whole thing. I watched it one night when I had insomnia and it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Someone who did lead ego first would regroup, maybe take some acting lessons and then take a strong supporting role in an indie but this guy smells his own armpits and thinks smells roses and cannot think that he failed. So instead of humbling himself and trying he goes back to where his ego is fed, even if its a dumpster fire.

      I know how he trashed Vin Diesel but now I get the feeling that he waltzed onto a close knit set and tried to act like it was his and he was the boss. He sucks.

    • Grace says:

      No, you said it perfectly.

  6. Aud says:

    “Woke culture” bugs him.


    • ML says:

      Yeah, this quote, “Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etcetera — that really bugs me,” he added. “In the spirit of that, you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real … and that might make people upset and piss people off, and that’s OK,” is really disappointing and disturbing! Doesn’t he have daughters? He’s speaking like a Trumpkin here: they’re the ones using cancel culture and woke as negative rhetoric.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Right? JFC

  7. mika says:


  8. Nikki says:

    Doesn’t like woke culture … on Fox “news”? Take your own advice and shut your mouth. Pathetic coward.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Anybody who talks about woke culture is a big red flag.

  10. Jais says:

    Umm, his endorsement didn’t cause division. How silly. The division was already there. He’s worried that his endorsement lost him conservative fans now that’s he’s re-entering the wrestling world after some career stalls. His self-important announcement about how HIS endorsement CAUSED division is hubristic. As is his self-important announcement that he will not announce any endorsements. Massive eyeroll. Okay, thanks for letting us know. We see you.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Jais: You took the words right out of my mouth. Silly dude thinks his endorsement of Biden is what caused the division. That little fracas at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 had nothing to do with it I guess. And all the racist dog whistling that Trump has been doing since 2015 wasn’t dividing anyone. Obviously, his “career” is more important to him than any of this.

    • lucy2 says:

      Perfectly stated.
      He’s a self absorbed, greedy a-hole.

  11. Piper says:


  12. Beth says:

    Why even announce that you won’t endorse anyone again? Just…don’t.
    I can’t respect him after this. Money from as many people as possible, including insurrectionists and election deniers, is apparently more important to him than anything. “I don’t like division!” So his solution is to court the people sowing it.
    How gross and weak.

  13. sunny says:

    So you’re worried more about your pockets and Q scores than people’s rights and injustice? That tracks. This is a stupid opinion from a stupid person who knows that whatever happens his life will be ok and secure. Shutting up is free, my guy.

  14. Polly says:

    “But I will tell you this: Like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, I do trust the American people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who I will support 100 percent.”

    That is one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

    • Ciotog says:

      The American people have never voted for Trump. Yet in 2016 we were saddled with him anyway, thanks to the electoral college, a relic of slavery.

  15. naomipaige says:

    What a wuss! I never liked him from the get-go, and I constantly dislike him even more each time he opens his mouth.

  16. Miranda says:

    The fact that he gave an interview to Fox News in the first place is a tacit endorsement of a dangerous neo-fascist and his party of hateful, violent traitors, no?

  17. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    The Rock couldve taken this statement further by saying the same thing. Obviously, fails are hard for the dude, and he wants to be the best, the most “followed”. Okay….. whatever. He’s scared of dividing people and being cancelled. Yup, he would be a bad politician.

    obviously his endorsement is still biden, it’s the same repeat situation. He talks about the people power- just tell everyone to vote. Cuz It’s still the same options, but only one choice right?

  18. Kittenmom says:

    Shame. I actually used to like this meathead. Now I’m cancelling him.

  19. lisa says:

    I assume he’s voting republican but doesnt want to deal with the fall out, if he even votes

    • Selene says:

      Yes, this is my take too. He wants to vote republican and doesn’t want any backlash.

  20. Barbara says:


  21. Amy says:

    Definitely off the list of “people who’s movies I watch automatically” I try to use my dollars to promote people who share a similar world view and want to keep democracy and freedom. Anyone who goes on Fox News is doing a CYA of the worst kind.

  22. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    You know, I was thinking that the eclipse was going to be the highlight of my day (I’m in the path!), but now coming back to the comments every hour or so, watching both his Hollywood and DC careers implode in stereo, will be a lot more fun. Hell, I may not even notice when it goes totally dark, as all of you are far more amusing!

    I have an aunt who insists I’m physic (I’m not) because since childhood, when I get an off feeling about someone from the outset (and this does not happen often), I’m always proven right. Eventually. Here’s a short list of high profile people who gave me pause upon first exposure: Tom Cruise (think Risky Business days); Diddy; Weinstein; Jonah Hill; Sasha BC, and, yes, this non-endorsing windsock. There are others, but these are a bit more topical, so more on my mind.

  23. TheOriginalMia says:

    When he decided during the Trump years that he couldn’t/wouldn’t say anything about the worst atrocities being committed by that administration. When he could sit on the sidelines with his massive platform and say nothing, I knew he was a coward then. It was all about promoting his movies, his league, his tequila while the country was being destroyed. I knew he was a Republican, but to say and do nothing, to keep silent because of your coins…well FU!! Blocked him on Twitter and watched at he got a huge helping of schaedenfreude. It was delicious watching him fail in his movie career because that ego was so big. So him going on Fox and basically endorsing Trump didn’t phase me one bit. It’s very in character.

  24. Kokiri says:

    You know, when the feud between Rock & Vin came out, I was one of the few who thought Vin had a point. Not just here but Twitter, etc, I came down in Vin’s side & interpretation.

    Seems I was right: the Rock isn’t at all who he claims to be. It’s just a persona, as it is with so many “celebrities”

    Once a person starts down the path of disliking “cancel culture” I’m done with them permanently. Fighting back by refusing to see movies or buy products is one of the few ways the general public can make their thoughts known in a tangible way.
    What he’s saying is he believes in immunity for behaviour. Sounds like trump, to me.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      Yep! Say what you will about Vin. He has put his heart & soul into that franchise. Rock thought he could come in and take over. Just like he thought he could remake DCEU to center his character. His ego is outta control. He needs to humble himself. Instead, he’s going back to the knuckle draggers who made him a star in the first place.

  25. Tuesday says:

    This is so disappointing.

  26. jill says:

    What a douche.

  27. Pittie Mom says:

    Just here to give you a standing fckng ovation for everything you wrote below the quote, Kaiser. You never sugarcoat the perilous position that orange menace and his virulent supporters put us in.

  28. Blithe says:

    How much money does it take to convince yourself that your three not white daughters will thrive in the environment that a second Trump presidency would engender?

    If “woke culture…bugs” him, I hope he’s ready for all that post-“woke” culture will celebrate.

    • lucy2 says:

      He knows he has enough money to shield his own from the horrors. I guess screw everyone else though. Classic right wing thinker.

  29. TN Democrat says:

    His movie career has been floundering and publically feuding with DC over Black Adam/who shall be cast as Superman was damaging. He leaned into the wrestling, whose fans are mostly MAGAts, to make $$$ and maybe still have a career if he has a legitimate reason to fear being canceled. It seems hard to believe that someone who played football in Miami back in the day, mantained that body mass and has been part of the wrestling community so long is scandal free. Vote blue. Cancel culture my @$$. Hopefully, the Streisand effect takes over here.

    • Imara219 says:

      Wrestling is not only MAGA. It’s a sport enjoyed globally by diverse crowds and it dismisses his family’s very real legacy and heritage. His grandmother was inducted in HOF this year for her instrumental influence in the business. That lineage has over 40 years invested in Wrestling and the entire family is involved for 3+ generations. Be upset at the Rock for whatever but don’t diminish the very real contributions his family has made to the sport or stereotype Wrestling fans.

  30. Mary Pester says:

    What a bloody two faced hypocrite. Or does he think that his fans are that stupid that they won’t realise that this is nothing more than a back door trump endorsement!

  31. Doctah Grrl says:

    As a girl dad and man with melanin, what an absolute douche canoe move. Going on fox and giving them perfect sound bites to manipulate is absolutely disgusting.

    If you don’t want to endorse a candidate publicly, fine! But this doesn’t mean you twist in the wind to pad your pockets whilst pandering to mouth breathers watching your WWE malarkey.

    We smell what the rock is cooking – and it STINKS.

  32. Traveller says:

    I haven’t read all his comments. The headline alone set my blood boiling.

    What an irresponsible, ignorant, selfish position to take with so much at stake. So it doesn’t matter how much suffering and loss will occur due to the vile policy stances of the current republican party and it’s affect on the entire global community. So being in bed with Putin and the deterioration of democracy is just A-O.K. by him. The rich being above the law, the loss of personal autonomy for women, the burden of taxes on the backs of the middle class, the loss of social safety nets for everyone, pillaging public lands and resources, threatening to pull out of NATO (I could go on and on)…………………….all that is just fine with him – because that is what he is supporting by omission. This “both sides” argument is the biggest cop-out and factually inaccurate.
    Life is complex and messy and governing is chronically imperfect, even at the best of times, but without leaders with the best of intentions democracy is in real peril. History has shown us this time and time again. It’s imperative to drill down to the core values and intentions of the people you entrust with your vote. Conmen, racists, hate-mongers, wealth hoarders, dictator wannabes are NOT preferable alternatives despite ANY perceived failings of the current administration.

    He and his family are insulated by wealth so, for him, his only concern is keeping his income stream healthy. Damn the ramifications to this country and the world.

  33. Bookie says:

    Well, I’m done with him.

  34. longthymelurker says:

    Heads over to Netflix and Prime to give all his movies a thumbs down. What a twat waffle.

  35. Mosie says:


  36. elle says:

    I regret being aware of the existence of this prick. I don’t think I’ve ever watched any movie of his on purpose, but I will be sure no dollar of mine ever goes towards him.

  37. poppedbubble says:

    To use one of his phrases, what a candy ass he is.

  38. bisynaptic says:

    🙄 Someone please tell this man he’s not White.

  39. Jane Wilson says:

    My understanding is that the The Rock regrets making an endorsement.
    Not “endorsing Biden”.
    The Rock has fans on both sides of the divide, and his regrets are for the MAGA reaction to his choosing to make an endorsement, and making that endorsement for BIDEN.
    So, call him cowardly…or self-interested…
    but the reality is that his most fervent fans are MAGA.
    So liberal as he may be, he’s learned the lesson that supporting the left doesn’t just disappoint the right – it enrages them. And accounts for lower tv ratings and less than stellar movie ticket sales.
    There were so many things he could have said:
    “I’m voting MAGA!”
    (HUGE mistake)
    “I’m voting Third Party!” (too late, but, whatever…)
    “I’m voting the better of two evils!” Ironically also too late, but in the right ears, close enough to Trump to get away with….
    “I’m, not endorsing anyone this year.”
    I wish he had the courage to do better, but this non-endorsement keeps his MAGA fans calm.
    I guess NOT endorsing Trump (or Biden) makes him neutral enough to balance his tv ratings and box office returns.
    But if that’s who he is, at a time like this, I guess I don’t really care about HIM.

  40. JanetDR says:

    So disappointing. There goes my crush.

  41. Imara219 says:

    He stated that he doesn’t want to endorse anyone and that voting is something he wants to keep private, so this go-round is perfectly fine. There is a segment of Democrats who are not happy with Biden and are appalled by Biden’s response to the genocide going on in Gaza.

    • Traveller says:

      This comment is beyond disturbing if what you are trying to imply is that Drumpf (or any current republican) is a superior option for our future. That would only be the case if a handmaid’s tale-like dystopia is what you feel is the best direction for this country.

      • Imara219 says:

        No where did I say I supported Trump. I stated there is a segment of the Democrat voters upset over genocide. Being upset over genocide does not equate to supporting or liking Trump