On Wednesday (April 10), Prince Harry was in San Francisco for the Uplift Summit, part of his job as Chief Impact Officer with BetterUp. The topic for Harry’s panel discussion was “Beyond Burnout: transforming C-level stress into strength,” basically how to be a more effective manager and how to deal with the stress of being a boss and how to deal with other people and their mental health. The session involved other BetterUp people plus Mindy Kaling. Kaling is a boss as well – perhaps even more of a boss than Harry. Mindy also runs her own production company and she produces and show-runs several shows at once, like a mini-Shonda Rhimes. It sounds like Harry and Mindy’s conversation was pretty cool:
Prince Harry joined forces with Mindy Kaling as he hosted a “Beyond Burnout” session during a summit held by the life coaching app BetterUp. The Duke of Sussex, who has served as the company’s Chief Impact Officer (CIO) since 2021, attended the San Francisco, Calif., panel Wednesday alongside “The Office” actress.
Harry, 39, spoke about “the pressures of today’s world and modern corporate life” as he was joined by Dr. Adam Grant, the company’s Chairman of the Center for Purpose, and Kelly Jones, the Chief People Officer at Cisco.
Harry, who has been open about his struggles with mental health, told a previous BetterUp discussion that he had “experienced burnout.” And during Wednesday’s event — titled “Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength” — the Duke discussed the “psychological toll of leading through uncertainty.”
He also shared some personal anecdotes and “forward-thinking policies” that workplaces could implement to help their staffers.
“The trio dove into the psychological toll of leading through uncertainty, sharing personal anecdotes, evidence-based practices, and forward-thinking policies aimed at helping leaders thrive amidst the pressures of today’s world and modern corporate life,” a statement on his website read. The event centered on “courageous leadership,” and provided a helpful guide “for C-suite leaders, business executives, and HR professionals and advocates.”
Kaling also spoke at the panel, discussing how best to lead with “levity and creativity” in all aspects of life, especially motherhood. According to Hello! magazine, Kaling was asked a series of rapid quick-fire questions by Dr. Grant, who asked her if she had been rethinking anything lately. “Gentle parenting, I am rethinking,” she responded. “It’s this thing lots of LA and NY and certain progressive cities do, and sometimes you just have to scream at your kids… so I am rethinking it!”
There’s some talk this week about whether Prince Harry’s visa could be revoked, but I’d just like to note that Harry is making a pretty good case for why he could stay here on a work visa, something received through his C-suite position at BetterUp. Of course, he can also stay because he’s married to an American and he has American children. Anyway, Mindy sounds charming and I would love to know more about the summit, but no one is saying much about it. It sounds like a corporate retreat with extra buzzwords about mental health. Which isn’t a bad thing.
Photos courtesy of BetterUp’s Instagram, Mindy’s IG, sussex.com, Backgrid.
- San Francisco, CA – Prince Harry, ‘chief impact officer’ at coaching platform BetterUp, appears onstage with BetterUp co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux at the ‘BetterUp Uplift’ two-day event at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA. Harry and Alexi spoke for 40 minutes onstage at the event. They discussed children, International Women’s Day and their respective careers. BetterUp is based in San Francisco. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 8 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- San Francisco, CA – Prince Harry, ‘chief impact officer’ at coaching platform BetterUp, appears onstage with BetterUp co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux at the ‘BetterUp Uplift’ two-day event at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA. Harry and Alexi spoke for 40 minutes onstage at the event. They discussed children, International Women’s Day and their respective careers. BetterUp is based in San Francisco. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 8 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- San Francisco, CA – Prince Harry, ‘chief impact officer’ at coaching platform BetterUp, appears onstage with BetterUp co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux at the ‘BetterUp Uplift’ two-day event at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA. Harry and Alexi spoke for 40 minutes onstage at the event. They discussed children, International Women’s Day and their respective careers. BetterUp is based in San Francisco. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 8 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- San Francisco, CA – Prince Harry, ‘chief impact officer’ at coaching platform BetterUp, appears onstage with BetterUp co-founder and CEO Alexi Robichaux at the ‘BetterUp Uplift’ two-day event at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA. Harry and Alexi spoke for 40 minutes onstage at the event. They discussed children, International Women’s Day and their respective careers. BetterUp is based in San Francisco. Pictured: Prince Harry BACKGRID USA 8 MARCH 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
The Heritage Foundation need to stop the stupidtalk of how they plan to kick Harry out of America, they sound like crazyfolks. Oh well, after the Presidential Election in November, it should stop.
It should have stopped after the first refusal.. if this Judge doesn’t finally end the legal abuse and harassment he will open the flood gates for public scrutiny over every high profile immigrants paperwork. I know I would love to see Murdoch and Musks to start..
Cessily, Murdoch and Musks are both on my list, too. Oh, this would open up a HUGE problem going forward if they allow ANYONE’S Visa application out into the wild. I hope people are ready for that.
Yeah it sounds like a conference that is going to appeal to a certain demographic. I could totally see the CEO of my company sending us there. Which is not a bad thing. I hate to try to find rational behavior in the British media but they constantly try to link Harry to Hollywood and basically being a celebrity because stuff like this which is just normal conference attending C-Suite stuff is the work that they don’t want people associated with him. Especially in light of all this visa stuff. If they make it seem like he’s just some shiftless dude going from party to party instead of attending conferences and working on projects like a vast majority of others, they think they have a better chance of changing public sentiment.
Mindy’s Instagram post was adorable and funny. The comments were great. Seth Rogen recommended reading Spare for the frozen todger part and gave it a 10/10😂
It was adorable 🥰..
Saw a screenshot on Xwitter, while doing a scroll-by, of a Fail (?, one of the British trash rags anyway) request that was aimed at Better Up, demanding to know why they hadn’t been informed beforehand in a timely manner about Harry’s activities, why there was no access for them, why there was no live stream.
Behaving like the spurned stans that they are, completely ignoring the fact that H is no longer a working Royal, and that their misogynoir lies and thinly veiled threats scared H&M&A to the point of them leaving the country.
I think Mindy’s Insta post is cute, and I am happy for Harry’s success *and* the way he has become self-confident with Meghan’s help, and has matured and grown into his role as a good public speaker.
Unlike others.
Hahahahaha. DailyFail demanding access to BetterUp? Gee lemme think how that can be rectified. Oh yeah, get Boss Harmsworth to give you access through his DailyFail biz. Or, pay for coaching yourself at an individual level — what’s that you say you’re worried you won’t keep your paycheck printing palace propaganda? Hahahahaha.
I’ve loved Mindy since season 1 of the office, and watched everything she has been in or made. Learned that I have a taste for the “power clash” from her daring use of prints and patterns in her personal style (and on the Mindy project too!). Simultaneously, I also love a “sad beige” type neutral ensemble, so depends on my mood- I think that Meghan has made the words “sad beige” a positive concept for me.
Kind of touched she referred to Harry as “my friend’s husband”- worlds collide!
I actually never really cared for Mindy because of certain impressions I had, but listening to her on Meghan’s podcast made me do a 180. Gave me insight into certain things and put other things into perspective. Very much an “I get it” moment.
Harry’s mentioned experiencing burnout before, I’d love to hear him talk about it more.
Amen, Mindy. Amen. I feel like I gentle parented my 9 year old into a dictator. I fear her, lol.
When you have two teenaged boys in the back seat of your car while you are driving, and they are having “fun” by poking one another and wrestling, something like “gentle parenting” goes out the window!!!
By the look of most of the DM comments these people truly believe Harry and his family are their property not a human being.
Prince Harry is going nowhere. In cases like this Immigration has the power to use their discretion. You hear if you have committed a crime you will be not receive citizenship yadi yada. That is also not true. I know for a fact.
He has investments and runs a company so I am not worried about that. I just do not want the visa released especially if he checked no which any sane person will do if they have not been arrested for a crime. The BM will make a mountain out of a mole hill. RIght now, they are salivating, and rubbing their hands in glee. They are going to be disappointed because that is not how the process works. The case right now is between the judge and the department. We will see. He is a trumpian so I am not surprised as any sane judge would have thrown it out. He is not a public figure.
Harry and Meghan do the work and the work is its own reward. Harry came out of a system where the appearance of work to get positive PR to justify your existence and expense was the goal. This new model allows him to work privately and share publicly afterwards so that a hostile press can’t taint the event and he can still leverage his fame to spread the word about BetterUp and Burn out.
I like it.
I love how Harry always looks relaxed and at ease, no matter who he’s with, and THAT is what makes people relax and respond to his genuine warmth
He really does, but the Windsors aren’t known for their genuine warmth. Where oh where did Harry get that natural ability to connect with others? Things that make one go “hmmm?”
@BETTYROSE, It’s got to be Diana, because it ain’t his left behind family, but I can tell you, the couple of times I met him, he just oozes warmth and a genuine personality
Definitely Di! But wait you’ve met him? Do tell! At least what you can. Is it normal in Britain to have opportunities to meet the BRF who theoretically are regularly doing local events?
Could Mindy look any happier in that top pic? If I posed with Harry like that, I’d never stop smiling, even in my sleep.